73 and the past two years finding out the truth about our country. Hating that I was lied to, brainwashed and not informed about so very much. The football coach teaching history …. Not the history teacher coaching football. I’ve watched America disintegrate and I believe it is because millions of us sat in school believing what we were told. MAGA believing Trump. WOKE believing Biden is lucid. I have a healthy skepticism now… 71 years too late. I fear for our country and the children. Let’s do a better job of telling them the truth.
You really want the truth?.... Your country is bankrupt, its economy is floating on an ocean of debt making your economy and perceived wealth completely artificial... You have unfunded liabilities of over $160 trillion to find over the next 30 years of which all of it will have to come off the treasury printing press... Your currency is about to be destroyed by a new BRICS currency and one by one your 'so called' allies will turn their backs on you.... Especially when you default on all your financial obligations to the rest of the world, oh and when the USD collapses it is going to spark the immediate collapse of the New York stock exchange and all those huge US corps are going to lose 95% of their value because their value is also artificially inflated...... THAT is the biggest thing they are lying to you about... THAT is the future for your children.
‘Nothing to disagree with there but of little comfort to those Americans like Abiding Dude who see it as a criticism of his culture, which to the extent that the American culture exalts money and that to do so is not a great strategy, it is. ‘Better tell the dude which country you’re from so he can critique it; he looks like a MAGA type whom you might be better not to furnish with a reason to find stuff unfair. By “critique” I take it he excludes the use of any ordnance but you had better check. The last time I did this the person I reproached for venting irrelevancies said: well, at least I don’t live in a poor country like Scotland. But I think the point you’re making insulates you from that one.
I think it's called a "patriotic reflex" . It's funny how people that make a career out of criticizing their own countries will rush to it's defense if an outsider does it. He could do with posting something other than ad hominem name calling and broad subjective opinions. Calling another "snarky" was hilarious and the best line thus far.
Correct, that is why I moved away from the western financial system... The USA, Canada, western Europe and some of Eastern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea. they have all signed the death warrants of their economies... All those USD they are holding and tied into are going to become worthless. But the one who is going to suffer the worst is by far the USA when all those dollars come flooding back to their shore, it becomes worthless as a result... I give it 2 years and BRICS will control 80% of all oil and gas exports and 70% of all commodity exports and will declare no USD will any longer be accepted for trade with a BRICS country... The collapse will be measured in mere days.
I am no turd and I am more than willing to tell you that I am from the UK which is maybe not as bad a situation but equally as terrible future for all the same reasons the USA is in dire trouble... We have also the exact same problems as is the entire world that is tied to the USA financial system from France to German to Japan... It is all going to collapse together including the UK.... But I have one major advantage over you.... I left the UK 14 years ago and have built a new and much safer life in Southeast Asia which is almost debt free and on the rise and is completely sheilded from the destruction of the west... This is the place all you who read this should be flocking to... The golden billion are on the edge of a cliff while the other 7 billion have the brightest future, and if you want to take my advice as a toxic truth so you can insult me, then stay where you are and you can recall my message 5 years from now and possibly as little as 2 years from now when it all unfolds in front of your very eyes... I live in a country where the PEOPLE have the power over the government and is why we will never be in a mess.
please excuse my familiar approach to you but as much as you are correct in what you are saying, please keep in mind that many of us simply can not run off to south east asia. We have our elderly parents to care of, children to raise, who have friends and family here. Some of us still have a job that pays some bills and since I am also an expat for about 27 years by now, I can tell you that even after all those years, I am still a foreigner and will remain one. To ask of people to rip out their roots, I would consider inhuman. The people need to educate themself, that's a duty in my opinion, just that takes time and is hard to do when your every day information is based on hybris, lies and psy-ops against you.
To conclude I would like to citate a song that once was a hymne for the working class: "Uns hilft kein Kaiser, Gott oder Tribun, uns aus dem Elend zu erlösen müssen wir schon selber tun."
"there is no help from royalty, no God or tyrant to help us. To free ourself from the misery, we can do only by ourself"
You insult a country that is at least half filled with really fine people... another quarter of which has been poisoned by a corrupt liberal/Marxist... we have been infected with massive corruption, much like the UK... so you fled... fine... but knock off the insults... we conservatives here are trying to right the ship of state, rather than slink away.
the UK will soon become an islamic state... and unless you convert to islam, which would not surprise me as you tend to have a lack of spine, you may be in deep schit soon.
I personally have prepared for the coming economic and societal turmoil... rather than run.
The UK depresses me greatly. It's been swirling the drain for decades and now its demise will accelerate thanks to voting in Labour.
It's become next to impossible to believe that native Brits want their country completely destroyed. Large swaths of it are already indistinguishable from Third World shitholes.
Labour will definitely accelerate the decline by letting in even more unskilled, useless, antagonistic, and ungrateful illegal aliens.
What country is that David ? I have a great escape plan too but am currently in Canada. I don't know what the fall out will be here but I'd like to keep all my options open.
I was hoping to move to the mild climate and ocean front of Canada's west coast. I have homes and deep roots in the Philippines by virtue of marriage.
I think the key to comfortable and secure living is to keep as many options open as possible and keep your money in the safest currency or basket of currencies you can think of. I got stung bad in the Salinas disaster in Mexico, owning property there. Once you move money into these places it can be very hard to get it out again without a huge haircut.
Accumulate dual citizenships where possible and marrying into alternate citizenships, or privileged status, is a good move for the single people. For those who are married and still want children, give birth in the desired destiny country.
What Trump accomplishments and policies did you disagree with?
BTW: Do you agree that the American Federation of Teachers Union is a nest of corruption and extortion? And that Fatso Weingarten is the absolute scum of the earth?
I believe he is a person of no integrity nor character. Many of the people he hires have faced criminal charges. He attempted a coup of the government including betraying his own VP and the American people. He cheats on his wives, is a racist (black jobs) and is narcissistic sociopath. Other than that…
I wonder what the percentage is for narcissistic sociopaths in the general population of very wealthy individuals, especially those who were born into their wealth?
Other than that…he is a whining, posturing, murderous abomination whose idiotic admirers (from the Greek, one who has no duty) still think he accomplished something in office, maybe because he told them so. Some six of his lawyers have now gone to jail, as would he have if the wealth he transfers to their replacements from Republican coffers to keep them working on stalling with vexatious challenges to his indictments were not so disruptive to the regular exercise of the law courts.
To be fair, it's not always FAIR to point to what's been done to someone as reasons for not "liking" them... Smear campaigns are pretty convincing for those who are only willing to skim the surface of things, taking the lazy way of making decisions about people they have no means of investigating on their own... In other words, judge them by what they DO, not by the gossip about them, or even by what they're ACCUSED of.
The lawfare against DJT is all pathetic and is collapsing as we speak... what remains will be overturned for SURE... you dumb shit! And compared to Biden's massive criminality, the world knows it is a disgrace.
Abiding Dud, Would that be lawfare like refusing to hear evidence at an impeachment, or frustrating Obama’s right to appoint a Supreme Court Judge during his own term? Or telling your representatives not to pass cross-party agreed legislation on immigration so that the government of the day can’t implement it? Do you have a suitably anal epithet for your own hypocrisy, I wonder? Your embellished list of Trump “accomplishments”represents all the economics Trump has disrupted while benefitting from Obama's economic up cycle. Enjoy your own world of alternative facts, while you’re emotionally unable to look at David Bell’s analysis of the movement from decline to tragic fall of the US empire. None of us want this to be taking place but it is. I suggest you read Chris Hedges’ America, the Farewell Tour.
Meanwhile, I’ll try to stay warm, having to keep the heating off after Biden blew up Europe’s source of cheap Russian gas. He too should be an American hero of yours, playing enormous games of Chicken with the Russians and the Chinese, all the while having been bought by the Israel lobby, meaning that he has done nothing but finance and supply the genocide in Gaza. Except also the destruction of Ukraine fighting to the last Ukrainian.
It matters not which major party you vote for, because as Hedges points out, public policy has been bought and paid for long before you get to vote, by the corporations whose major product is now war. And the American public is the buyer of that product. For all Trump’s critique of the military, he can only turn it inward against the American people as the empire collapses, spending more of your money on it and tripling your national debt. If he gets immunity or gets elected he will make the presidency the seat of criminality in the US. But this doesn’t bother you because you worship your flag and he’s wrapped himself in it. Maybe it‘ll be upside down like his bible. But no matter, to you it’s all “Go Team”.
Typical teacher... you are full of crap, like all teacher's Union scum. If you knew jack about history, you would know that there has never been a coup or "insurrection" without guns. And character? Compared to Joke Biden or Boy Barry Obongo? Idiot!
Did you hear recently, moron, that Pigfart Piglosi admitted that SHE was responsible for the Jan 6 kerfuffle? Trump tried to provide plenty of security, and was turned down.
His VP was a Judas turd and still is.
Black jobs rose significantly under DJT, and the cheating on his wife stuff is almost all total bullshit.
Get your nose out of Joy Reid's culo, loser lefty assclown, you might learn some FACTS.
And get ready for a LANDSLIDE for TRUMP, you craven skidmark.
Well he succeeded in ripping off many blue collar workers that got burned for their wages in his several bankruptcies. If that wasn't a red flag, I don't know what is. So much for the successful business man myth. Regan's son called the Trumps a family of grifters. His son-in-law is a virulent zionist who is sure to steer him in the direction of more Gaza genocide. About the only thing promising about another Presidency is what I hope will be slamming the door on Zelensky and accepting Putin's proposal.
Indeed. I remember reading a LONG time ago about how he stiffed several people who did work for him, contractors, etc. THAT stayed in my mind. I think Trump DID do a few things that weren't slimy while in office, but he also did a lot lousy things.
Like all of your posts, total lefty propaganda/bullshit. Biden talking points... lies.
NY is a rough and tumble place to do major projects in, teh unions are all corrupt and like to stiff contractors for shabby work or no work at all... don't you know that, moron? Businessman "myth"? craven douchebag, he turned a $100 million load into over $4 BILLION. Your envy smells worse than your soiled panties.
Reagan's son is a radical lefty faggot, his adopted son is a big fan of MAGA.
Yes, Kushner is a turd, compared to the crack-head turd Hunter Biden or shitbag wife Jill Biden, he doesn't look so bad... he was instrumental in forming the "Abraham Accords", which would have been amazing if Biden had not fugged them all up.
I dislike Israel, but dislike radical islamist more... how about you, dumbshit eunuch?
I'm wondering, how americans could believe that they live in a democracy, when the candidates for the presidency have to be rich people and and are supported by rich people. How would they stand in for the interests of normal, hard working people or even unemployed or homeless people? The have to stand for the interests of Americas oligarchs.
73 is just in time! After all, you are still alive and able to realize that ‘reality’ differs from what we were told it is. An unimaginable number of people didn’t have the opportunity or stamina to arrive at that realization; a believer in reincarnation would say ‘well, next time better’.
Great idea Thomas governments telling the truth to the people t they govern i is an essential part of true democracy.. So if there was. genuine democracy ti would be recognised by it efficient and open informations system. Cuba approaches that standard American is the leader in controlled misinformation Go figure
In fact we do not have a democracy and never really had despite the pretense of one. When a president, Biden to be precise, is quite blunt about ignoring the public protesting his ongoing support for a racist genocide--he doesn't care he said when asked about his response to the mass protests against Israel and US support for this horror. Other nations take to the streets en masse to force change even when the State goon squads begin shooting and killing. In the US we fret over permits that will allow us to demonstrate and accept the caging in of protesters by the State police apparatus. What a fiasco of democracy and freedom that we have.
Fact is, AIPAC and the jews own most of our politicians, both sides.
And look at the jews in congress... some of the vilest scum ever to stink up DC. Raskin, Goldman, Schiff, Schumer, Wasserman-Shitzel, Cohen, Blumenthal, Nadler...
Your comment is simply a statement of your bigotry, nothing more.
If you cannot separate Zionism from Judaism, you're just ignorant. It's akin to saying ALL Christians are rich televangelists. It's one thing to judge a person by his ACTIONS, it's entirely something else to judge them by their skin color, their "race," or their heritage.
Yes, I think jews are manipulative trash and have been forever. Yes, they used the "holocaust" hoax to even get their own country, pushing out those already there.
Yes, the Palestinians are more closely related, genetically, to the Hebrews of the Bible. Yes, they are a plague on America in particular.
No, I’m not a Jew. I’m Irish, English, Scot, French, German, Viking, Cherokee and Choctaw. I have friends that are Jews, and they are good peeps. Are they like Netanyahu? Uh, HELL, no.
"Do the jews have the basic decency to oppose genocide in Gaza?"
Many individual ones do, and they should be honoured. Some of the most effective opponents of the horrors are Jews. I am surprised that you seem not to acknowledge that.
But on the other hand, so far as I know, all mainstream Jewish organisations (i.e. those not specifically consisting of anti-Zionist Jews, or set up to oppose the genocide) appear to be happy to go along with it, often denying that it is even happening. And the prominent Jewish politicians you named have not behaved morally in the slightest, and are entirely typical of such people. So I am not as shocked by your use of the short-hand "Jews" as other people seem to be, though it would be better to mention that there are many exceptions to the rule.
Also I don't go along with the idea presented by your critics that it is just Zionism that is the problem, and that you are ignorantly or immorally confusing it with Judaism. Zionism can only be argued to be the only legitimate reason to criticise Jews as a group if you do what I believe Gilad Atzmon does, and extend the word Zionism to mean all forms of supremacist Jewish hyper-in-group-preference. But that is not the traditional meaning, which is restricted to such in-group-preference when it leads to Jews thinking that their wish to live in Palestine over-rides the right of Palestinians to live there. Anti-Zionist Jews are usually highly moral and also oppose the other forms of unpleasant Jewish anti-Goyism, but they are not logically forced to. It would be theoretically possible for an anti-Zionist Jew to think it right for Jews to rule over Gentiles in the West. You and I would be free to criticise such people, but some of your critics seem to have pre-emptively forsworn the right to do so.
Personally, it is my belief that actual practicing jews are NOT usually highly moral, and any that oppose "jewish supremacy" (LOL) or other forms of unpleasant Jewish anti-Goyism are not legitimate "jews", according to their theology as described in the vile talmud... and traditional jew dogma... much like homosexuals and other LBGTQ freaks serving as "minsters" or "pastors" in "christian" faiths.
I have known and met many fine people who claim to be "jewish"... but are not adherents to the dogma and thus are not, IMO, jews.
BTW: It does not take much research to know that the "holocaust", which enabled the creation of a "jewish state" is a deeply flawed HOAX, and is still being used to justify or excuse much corruption, manipulation, theft and genocide.
The govt. we have was NOT the govt. we wanted when we had our "revolution," which was co-opted by the wealthy and FOUGHT by the poor. For example, there was NEVER supposed to be Veto power by ONE MAN, regardless of his office.
"MONEY" IS OUR PRESIDENT, CURRENTLY.. Biden is not, only in title. The war machine, pharmaceuticals, tech, big oil oligarchs. Neo cons are all running the white house, the Pentagon and maybe the Supreme court .. AND THE ELECTIONS. As a child I felt lucky to be born in the US, but I pray for my children and grandchildren. Deterioration since JFK assination, they are still in charge. Sad, love my country.
As I understand it, there is nothing in the Constitution that gives any power to a political "Party"... and certainly not the power to determine who runs for President.
The members of the Parties don't even have to vote in a democratic way (one vote per person) to determine who will run for that Party.
Primaries were made up by the Democrats and Republicans. It is meant to create a two party system instead of a multiparty system. It is not democratic its a strong arm bullying tactic to keep the two parties as the focal point and not the public. Both parties spend millions of $$ to keep 3rd party candidates out of the race and media.
Thanks, Scott. You reiterate the old saw "Brevity is the soul of wit" with this one.
Not to digress nor throw shade on what enlightenment you have provided here, but your old pal Seymour Hersh has just released a seminal short one himself here, more than insinuating that Mr Biden is an actual captive in his, the People's prime residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It's chilling when my own presumptions are shared by so stellar a journalist as he.
Look at the squabble that is just above your comment... EXACTLY what the Nasties want from us... They have two very very powerful tools that work exceptionally well: FEAR, and DIVIDE and CONQUER. That we continue to allow this insidious manipulation to suck us in-- and it's EASY to be sucked in! -- is one of our worst troubles, in my opinion.
My take on the USA presidential debate which I didn’t watch is very simple. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18. Or to paraphrase H. L. Mencken: the people some day will get a presidential fool or a complete narcissistic moron they deserve to occupy the White House.
Yeah, they’re fucking with him. If he’s for real, they’re fucking with him because he’s challenging their Cartel. If he’s part of the Dog n Pony show, they’re challenging him because it’s all a fake deal anyway. NOBODY gets to be POTUS in this country without the approval of the Globalist Cabal. You probably have no idea what I’m talking about.
So... Pee Wee... the "Globalist Cabal" allowed Trump to become President? Then attacked him unmercifully all through his term, and after he left via a massive election steal... and still to this day? The "Cabal" could have had the mega-corrupt neocon globalist POS Hillapig... odd they didn;t rig that election, eh, Brainiac?
I know full well what I am talking about... I doubt that you know what I am talking about... or what YOU are talking about.
BTW: Are you related to Joe Biden? Kunta-Kamala? Adam Schiff?
I think you’re just frightened of being wrong. Wrong about Trump, and wrong about Jews, and probably a LONG list of other things. Thrashing around insulting everyone who has a different viewpoint… That’s what tyrants do, and tyrants are bullies. And bullies are not what I’d call “popular” kinds of people. They’re usually cowards.
It's not that those with no vision people perish, it's that without morality people and rule of law perishes. It's about lacking understanding that people are sovereign beings, with inherent rights granted by natural law, that they've allowed to be taken away by g0vts, which have no authority to do so, effectively making "people" slaves to the systems put in place to control the hapless, weak, lazy mASSes who can't be bothered with taking responsibility for themselves and their g0vt. It's about sheople allowing what is rightfully theirs to be taken from them, rights which they grant to their perceived masters, because they're too stupid and lazy to claim that their inherent rights aren't to be handed away to someone calling themselves "elite" or an "authority" and parse back to them as they see fit to maintain their psychotic control and power over them.
I have a neighbor who is a lawyer who prides himself in not knowing about current events. Also a friend whose religion shuns political interest. One is highly educated, the other not, yet the outcome of involvement is similar. Understanding how your government works is not a hobby for some; it is a responsibility for all members of our country. No wonder our republic is taking massive hits.
That lawyer sounds just like a lawyer... I've found that most of them are cowards, basically, and a fair number of them are also assholes. Ooops, did I write that out loud? ha ha But yeah, I think MOST people are not, as I said above, any big HERO.
They just want to live their lives and be left in peace-- especially if shouting out or doing something "patriotic" might cause their families, their kids, etc, to be in the line of fire...When people are tricked, sickened, terrorized, the don't react the same way they would if it were say, a baseball game. We're in a very hardcore psy-op. A CULL, actually. Hey, you, me and Liberty Liz up there ^ should form some kind of Women's Unit for the Resistance! I'm down for it!
Worth a read... along with the Chevron decision... maybe some light at the end of the tunnel... the Immunity decision should be a biggie... I am conflicted... if denied, both Boy Barry Obongo and Grifter Joey will likely spend years in prison... and the lawfare attacks on Trump are collapsing... so...
You had me at first. But don't blame the victims... entirely, at least. People don't start out being "weak" and "lazy" who "can't be bothered." They are ground down into that. I don't know anyone who "allows" what is rightfully theirs to be taken from them.
This is a good example of how WE are brainwashed into believing what the Muckities WANT US TO BELIEVE. They call us "talking cows" and laugh at how stupid we are... We're not necessarily STUPID, but we ARE cowed, we are beaten down, after generations of slowly sapping our wealth, our liberties, our ability to be secure and able to AFFORD decent lives. If you look at the typical worker in the 1950's, one person could support a family and have a car, a home of their own, and take vacations. By the end of the 70's, that was no longer the case, and look at us now... All our wealth has been squandered by our "leadership," the those who RUN our "leadership." Those are shadowy figures, and we are just beginning to understand what's been going on since the end of WWII (and from the beginning, really).
No, people allow themselves to be "ground down", as they did in the c0vid psyop, because it's easier to "go along to get along" than to stand for inherent rights or for what's right. Then these "go along to get along-ers" have a million excuses why they did what they did in their subservience to false "authority" and play the poor, poor, pitiful victim of circumstance. No one seems inclined to take responsibility or be accountable for their actions. And the "ground down" thing is just another excuse to justify why sheople can't, or won't, do what adults are called upon to do. People lack integrity and moral character and then pretend they're victims. They "system" is horrifying, corrupt beyond measure, and psychopathic --- which is all the more reason to stand up. At this point, there's nothing to lose and everything to gain; but the sheople want someone to do the heavy lifting for them. Tyrants will only take as much control as their subjects give them. If you're ground down, that's the time to stand up, not grovel.
Well, that's one way to look at it. I understand what you're saying. I have some similar feelings, but you know, I try not to be too harsh on the Peeps, since they really are VICTIMS. I think part of the reason that we haven't yet simply shut these damn globalist psychopaths down already is that MOST people are not heroes, or we probably wouldn't have that word. Some folks just have a biggo extra backpack full of Kickass. You and me... we're likely in THAT group. ;)
Jill Stein, of course. But the PTB will never let an honest decent person who calls a genocide a genocide be president. JFK, Jr. Is next best, though flawed on Israel, at least he wants to shut down our ridiculous US bases that are all over the world, threatening other countries. He's won many cases against wealthy corporations and is willing to talk with other leaders that our current idiots call enemies (when they are not).
Ah... you support a lunatic clown... it figures. Or JFK Jr, who has been dead for years, but still sharper than Stein or Biden. Stein's policies would speed up Biden's destroy America tour. Green New Con/Deal, forgive all student debt, make all public colleges free, grab all guns, 'Equity', which means pandering to the welfare parasites of all flavors... promote LBGTQ deviants... close all military bases (disarm),
I shudder to hear what her immigration policies would be... worse than the Biden clown, I'm sure...
You call Trump a narcissistic moron... a mega-successful businessman, multi-billionaire, a grad of the Wharton school, had a great 4 years as President, especially compared to Bush, Obongo and Biden...
Trump dealt very well with all adversaries... even our adversaries in NATO.
I think YOU are the moron... no offense... just fact. Like most libturds, you live in a fantasy of CNN and MSNBC misinformation... which is why so many of you were shocked to finally realize what a demented husk FJB really is... Bye
CNN and MSNBC? What a crazy thing to say to a person who detests those two MSM sycophants who only push the approved narrative of the government, CIA, MIC and Israel. They are the worst, followed by the NYT, WaPo, etc.
It’s a huge sign of a very weak argument when people resort to childish name-calling. I’m not sure I’d call Trump’s four years “great,” either. He did some okay things, but I don’t trust him, really. I don’t trust ANY POTUS because of the utter malignancy of our central govt. Biden? Puh-lease. I don’t think ANYBODY thinks he’s even running the show. OBAMA is more likely in that role.
If there were still those who doubted the accelerated decline of the US empire, this encapsulated "debate" will definitively clear up their doubts. Two elderly billionaires arguing over which of them plays golf better while their country falls apart.
As is RFK Jr, a clear globalist who loves the [fake] green agenda with his climate zealotry, anti 2A stance, genocidal ethnic cleansing, etc. RFK is a special kind of mentally-deranged hypocrite who pretends he wants to protect kids from certain jabs, while cheering for post birth abortion and murder of children in Gaza. He's a true sociopath, who can't differentiate what he stands for; and his IQ is handicapped since he can't even understand 7th grade science when it comes to "carbon" and CO2... not to mention that his google billionare VP is just as steeped in wokeness and derangement as he is.
Yes. These are RFK Jr's (and all demonrat's) most important ideologies thatvyou should take the time to find out; along with RFK being an advocate for "reparations" for "slavery". And the [fake] green agenda. And being a hard-core z!onist neocon, cuz killing kids in the womb isn't enough to satisfy the country's satanic lust for child sacrifice. We have to condone dropping missiles on infants and children, who just might be terr0rists. This sociopathic lust to kill innocents is out of control, which is the same reason RFK is on board with gun control; because how dare you have the right to protect yourself from criminals who wish you harm. People are far too comfortable justifying genocide... as long as it's not them being "genocided". You think RFK has armed security protection? You bet he does. But for you, the useless CO2 "polluter", your life is much less valuable than his. And BTW... CO2 is necessary for all life, (it's not a "pollutant") as any 7th grader knows. So "carbon zero" means zero humans, too, as humans are carbon life forms.
I too was a member of the Green Party before Covid. I was stunned that the local Green party were staunch advocates for the Vaccine, embraced the injections, distancing, masks and any other thing imposed. I was bewildered by the complete acquiescence. I realized these were not my people politically or philosophically. What happened to being anti war and questioning the government? Bygone days.
The United States, who has the brass neck to tell the rest the world how to behave. And behind all the Roman Empire bullshit, pull back the curtain and find a near-imbecile.
I thought for a political novice... Trump did a great job as President, despite constant obstruction, betrayal by staff, cabinet and RINO scum... lawfare and endless attacks by a corrupt congress... 2 bogus impeachments, election tampering and eventually massive election fraud to prevent a 2nd term.
What about his four years particularly triggers you?
I think you might be far more content with Russian or Iranian citizenship... seriously.
My question is, what about Trump’s four years in the White House enthralls you???
As far as conversion to Islam is concerned, I think that it’s safe to assume that you are definitely anti first amendment, similarly to your zero/hero Trump, and genocide Joe Biden.
It’s said that the fish rots from the head on down.
I was only "enthralled" by Trump's 4 years when compared to the islamic turd Boy Barry Obongo's.
I did enjoy his reasonably secure borders, international relations under control, lower taxes, fighting against the Deep State, low energy costs, VERY low inflation, no wars for profit, low unemployment, booming economy, tax cuts, deregulation, trade policy improvements, sanctions on trade cheats, ended NAFTA, bailed on the goofy Paris Climate Scam... better healthcare, travel bans... much more...
But what did YOU, Mr. Snarky, find so "enthralling" about Obongo's 8 years or Biden's 3.5???
What makes you hate good guy TRUMP? Brainwashed by the lefty media?
Yes, the USA is on deep trouble... only an imbecile would blame Trump.
I think your description of yourself on your infantile, delusional psychotic Substack speaks volumes:
"The Truthful, Holy, Divinely Appointed and Honerable Reverend Merrick's Righteous Indignation Substack. A Warrior Eternaly Exposing the Babalonian Khazarian Fake jew Mafia, and their Fuckin' Evil Luciferian, Talmudic deeds!
What a pathetic imbecile.
Misspelling "Honorable", "Eternally", and "Babylonian" further indicates the intellect of a meltdown drug-addled impotent ass-clown.
Here is an additional ugly story. This morning I got an email from Jill Stein who is running for president in the Green Party. Like Kennedy, she has to get signatures to get on the ballot in each state. She had just announced that her people had collected over 29,000 signatures and turned them in ( Nebraska requires a little over 10,000 signatures, so Jill's amount was almost 3 times the requirement.) Every state has their own requirements and it's getting harder to get the states to pin down the requirements for each state as some states keep upping the ante, so to speak, to prevent Kennedy and Stein from succeeding. Jill's email stated that Nebraska had approved her signatures and she should be on their ballot, but the DNC is now SUING her for the signatures to prevent that !! They probably won't win, but the DNC has decided to sue her in each state as she attempts to collect signatures simply because it will cost her money, and time and energy, that could be used campaigning. This is so evil and disgusting on the part of the extremely wealthy DNC that words fail me. I used to be a Democrat, but I can't believe what a nasty party it has turned into thanks to the DNC. I won't be voting for them again - EVER unless they get rid of the DNC and then I'll think about it. The Democratic party used to be actually democratic and now it has turned solidly fascist. UGH! Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave along with a few others. If our media allows this to happen without saying a word, then we'll know they're fascist too.
One interesting observation was that the inability of Trump to interrupt Biden, when he was answering actually helped Trump. Joe was not able to trail off with his jabberwocky buried beneath Trumps intrusive babble and inflict poor manners allegations against Trump. Rather he had to actually finish each answer without any excuse and in a dead silent studio. His battered train of thought left him wondering how he got there or where it was supposed to go. The only fix I can see and I care not if others strongly dislike him, is to get RFK on the ticket as he is the only one in the Democratic stable who could beat Trump now.
I'm curious as to how, if that is the case, numerous experts have not been aware of that ? Even Cuomo is egging him on to make a call to the Dems to see if he might be their man. Can you provide a link to that rule you speak of ?
Some of the states have a Republican controlled legislature. Perhaps not a sure thing... but even if only one or two states succeed in preventing a replacement?
BTW: Cuomo might be a threat... IMO, more than the scumbags Hillapig, Whitmer or Newsome. Mike Obongo is a tranz-freak... I doubt he would want to be exposed as such.
Both Joe and Jill are power-hungry swine and Joe faces multiple prosecutions if he loses... or withdraws. So they may strongly resist any ouster... I doubt bribery, extortion and influence peddling will be included in any SCOTUS immunity clarification, let alone potential Treason... he is in deep shit in any case. IMO, no amount of election fraud can overcome the Trump landslide if Biden remains.
My neighbor is away on a trip, and I am picking up her mail...
I saw she had received a big "magazine" from the SPLC... which she seemingly contribute to, titled: "The year in hate and extremism 2023 Decoding the plan to undo democracy"
I looked through it and was amazed at what a vile load of horseshit it contained... This is a truly radical anti-conservative lefty organization and should be drummed out of the country. Their main chapters address White supremacy... Male supremacy, debunking "migrant" invasion, Anti-Police, Florida's blueprint for "Ethnocide" through public education, The power of drag story hour, Continued "insurrection fallout... and more... appalling!!
73 and the past two years finding out the truth about our country. Hating that I was lied to, brainwashed and not informed about so very much. The football coach teaching history …. Not the history teacher coaching football. I’ve watched America disintegrate and I believe it is because millions of us sat in school believing what we were told. MAGA believing Trump. WOKE believing Biden is lucid. I have a healthy skepticism now… 71 years too late. I fear for our country and the children. Let’s do a better job of telling them the truth.
You really want the truth?.... Your country is bankrupt, its economy is floating on an ocean of debt making your economy and perceived wealth completely artificial... You have unfunded liabilities of over $160 trillion to find over the next 30 years of which all of it will have to come off the treasury printing press... Your currency is about to be destroyed by a new BRICS currency and one by one your 'so called' allies will turn their backs on you.... Especially when you default on all your financial obligations to the rest of the world, oh and when the USD collapses it is going to spark the immediate collapse of the New York stock exchange and all those huge US corps are going to lose 95% of their value because their value is also artificially inflated...... THAT is the biggest thing they are lying to you about... THAT is the future for your children.
‘Nothing to disagree with there but of little comfort to those Americans like Abiding Dude who see it as a criticism of his culture, which to the extent that the American culture exalts money and that to do so is not a great strategy, it is. ‘Better tell the dude which country you’re from so he can critique it; he looks like a MAGA type whom you might be better not to furnish with a reason to find stuff unfair. By “critique” I take it he excludes the use of any ordnance but you had better check. The last time I did this the person I reproached for venting irrelevancies said: well, at least I don’t live in a poor country like Scotland. But I think the point you’re making insulates you from that one.
I think it's called a "patriotic reflex" . It's funny how people that make a career out of criticizing their own countries will rush to it's defense if an outsider does it. He could do with posting something other than ad hominem name calling and broad subjective opinions. Calling another "snarky" was hilarious and the best line thus far.
Imbecile lefty clowns do bring out the worst in me...
If you needs to vent their spleen... why not onto total assclowns? :-)
What a pompous douchebag wimp.
Yes, I am a "MAGA type"... you, like most libturd scum, despises the term "Make America Great Again"??
I bet you REALLY despise the Constitution too.
What a pathetic excuse for a man you are...
totally full of shit.
Thanks for the opportunity to report your insults... You be gone soon.
Want to bet, douchebag?
And did you mean "you'll" be gone soon? Or are you illiterate as well as an assclown? OR are you a ghetto rat?
Which is YOUR country?
Let us know so we can critique it.
It doesn’t really matter because once the US economy crashes, every western aligned nations will also collapse.
Correct, that is why I moved away from the western financial system... The USA, Canada, western Europe and some of Eastern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea. they have all signed the death warrants of their economies... All those USD they are holding and tied into are going to become worthless. But the one who is going to suffer the worst is by far the USA when all those dollars come flooding back to their shore, it becomes worthless as a result... I give it 2 years and BRICS will control 80% of all oil and gas exports and 70% of all commodity exports and will declare no USD will any longer be accepted for trade with a BRICS country... The collapse will be measured in mere days.
Well, the loudmouth turd David Bell rags on the USA... so what country is HE from? Probably Canada, which is more FUBAR than America...
And no, many will survive and potentially thrive... Hungary, Slovakia, Australia, New Zeland, etc... but yes, many will go into depression.
I am no turd and I am more than willing to tell you that I am from the UK which is maybe not as bad a situation but equally as terrible future for all the same reasons the USA is in dire trouble... We have also the exact same problems as is the entire world that is tied to the USA financial system from France to German to Japan... It is all going to collapse together including the UK.... But I have one major advantage over you.... I left the UK 14 years ago and have built a new and much safer life in Southeast Asia which is almost debt free and on the rise and is completely sheilded from the destruction of the west... This is the place all you who read this should be flocking to... The golden billion are on the edge of a cliff while the other 7 billion have the brightest future, and if you want to take my advice as a toxic truth so you can insult me, then stay where you are and you can recall my message 5 years from now and possibly as little as 2 years from now when it all unfolds in front of your very eyes... I live in a country where the PEOPLE have the power over the government and is why we will never be in a mess.
Dear David,
please excuse my familiar approach to you but as much as you are correct in what you are saying, please keep in mind that many of us simply can not run off to south east asia. We have our elderly parents to care of, children to raise, who have friends and family here. Some of us still have a job that pays some bills and since I am also an expat for about 27 years by now, I can tell you that even after all those years, I am still a foreigner and will remain one. To ask of people to rip out their roots, I would consider inhuman. The people need to educate themself, that's a duty in my opinion, just that takes time and is hard to do when your every day information is based on hybris, lies and psy-ops against you.
To conclude I would like to citate a song that once was a hymne for the working class: "Uns hilft kein Kaiser, Gott oder Tribun, uns aus dem Elend zu erlösen müssen wir schon selber tun."
"there is no help from royalty, no God or tyrant to help us. To free ourself from the misery, we can do only by ourself"
Have a great time and all the best to you.
You insult a country that is at least half filled with really fine people... another quarter of which has been poisoned by a corrupt liberal/Marxist... we have been infected with massive corruption, much like the UK... so you fled... fine... but knock off the insults... we conservatives here are trying to right the ship of state, rather than slink away.
the UK will soon become an islamic state... and unless you convert to islam, which would not surprise me as you tend to have a lack of spine, you may be in deep schit soon.
I personally have prepared for the coming economic and societal turmoil... rather than run.
The UK depresses me greatly. It's been swirling the drain for decades and now its demise will accelerate thanks to voting in Labour.
It's become next to impossible to believe that native Brits want their country completely destroyed. Large swaths of it are already indistinguishable from Third World shitholes.
Labour will definitely accelerate the decline by letting in even more unskilled, useless, antagonistic, and ungrateful illegal aliens.
What country is that David ? I have a great escape plan too but am currently in Canada. I don't know what the fall out will be here but I'd like to keep all my options open.
I was hoping to move to the mild climate and ocean front of Canada's west coast. I have homes and deep roots in the Philippines by virtue of marriage.
I think the key to comfortable and secure living is to keep as many options open as possible and keep your money in the safest currency or basket of currencies you can think of. I got stung bad in the Salinas disaster in Mexico, owning property there. Once you move money into these places it can be very hard to get it out again without a huge haircut.
Accumulate dual citizenships where possible and marrying into alternate citizenships, or privileged status, is a good move for the single people. For those who are married and still want children, give birth in the desired destiny country.
The US education system has seriously injured at least three generations of my family…Not so much education, as indoctrination (and abuse).
Typical teacher's Union radical left asshole. Dumber than dogshit and probably a damned communist.
F-0ff, shitbag!
That's 3 reports.
What Trump accomplishments and policies did you disagree with?
BTW: Do you agree that the American Federation of Teachers Union is a nest of corruption and extortion? And that Fatso Weingarten is the absolute scum of the earth?
I believe he is a person of no integrity nor character. Many of the people he hires have faced criminal charges. He attempted a coup of the government including betraying his own VP and the American people. He cheats on his wives, is a racist (black jobs) and is narcissistic sociopath. Other than that…
I wonder what the percentage is for narcissistic sociopaths in the general population of very wealthy individuals, especially those who were born into their wealth?
Other than that…he is a whining, posturing, murderous abomination whose idiotic admirers (from the Greek, one who has no duty) still think he accomplished something in office, maybe because he told them so. Some six of his lawyers have now gone to jail, as would he have if the wealth he transfers to their replacements from Republican coffers to keep them working on stalling with vexatious challenges to his indictments were not so disruptive to the regular exercise of the law courts.
To be fair, it's not always FAIR to point to what's been done to someone as reasons for not "liking" them... Smear campaigns are pretty convincing for those who are only willing to skim the surface of things, taking the lazy way of making decisions about people they have no means of investigating on their own... In other words, judge them by what they DO, not by the gossip about them, or even by what they're ACCUSED of.
man, you are one delusional assclown sheep... foaming at the mouth nuts.
Accomplishments? read them and weep, you craven moron asshole!
The lawfare against DJT is all pathetic and is collapsing as we speak... what remains will be overturned for SURE... you dumb shit! And compared to Biden's massive criminality, the world knows it is a disgrace.
Be gone, you odoriferous stool-sample!
That's 4 reports
Abiding Dud, Would that be lawfare like refusing to hear evidence at an impeachment, or frustrating Obama’s right to appoint a Supreme Court Judge during his own term? Or telling your representatives not to pass cross-party agreed legislation on immigration so that the government of the day can’t implement it? Do you have a suitably anal epithet for your own hypocrisy, I wonder? Your embellished list of Trump “accomplishments”represents all the economics Trump has disrupted while benefitting from Obama's economic up cycle. Enjoy your own world of alternative facts, while you’re emotionally unable to look at David Bell’s analysis of the movement from decline to tragic fall of the US empire. None of us want this to be taking place but it is. I suggest you read Chris Hedges’ America, the Farewell Tour.
Meanwhile, I’ll try to stay warm, having to keep the heating off after Biden blew up Europe’s source of cheap Russian gas. He too should be an American hero of yours, playing enormous games of Chicken with the Russians and the Chinese, all the while having been bought by the Israel lobby, meaning that he has done nothing but finance and supply the genocide in Gaza. Except also the destruction of Ukraine fighting to the last Ukrainian.
It matters not which major party you vote for, because as Hedges points out, public policy has been bought and paid for long before you get to vote, by the corporations whose major product is now war. And the American public is the buyer of that product. For all Trump’s critique of the military, he can only turn it inward against the American people as the empire collapses, spending more of your money on it and tripling your national debt. If he gets immunity or gets elected he will make the presidency the seat of criminality in the US. But this doesn’t bother you because you worship your flag and he’s wrapped himself in it. Maybe it‘ll be upside down like his bible. But no matter, to you it’s all “Go Team”.
Roach/lamb, Your gibberish is unreadable, typical of a Barry Obongo buttlicker.
Smell ya later.
So much for the "coup", you pathetic imbecile...
Typical teacher... you are full of crap, like all teacher's Union scum. If you knew jack about history, you would know that there has never been a coup or "insurrection" without guns. And character? Compared to Joke Biden or Boy Barry Obongo? Idiot!
Did you hear recently, moron, that Pigfart Piglosi admitted that SHE was responsible for the Jan 6 kerfuffle? Trump tried to provide plenty of security, and was turned down.
His VP was a Judas turd and still is.
Black jobs rose significantly under DJT, and the cheating on his wife stuff is almost all total bullshit.
Get your nose out of Joy Reid's culo, loser lefty assclown, you might learn some FACTS.
And get ready for a LANDSLIDE for TRUMP, you craven skidmark.
That's 5 reports
You need to get a new routine, clown-turd.
>>>>>>He attempted a coup <<<<<<
Well he succeeded in ripping off many blue collar workers that got burned for their wages in his several bankruptcies. If that wasn't a red flag, I don't know what is. So much for the successful business man myth. Regan's son called the Trumps a family of grifters. His son-in-law is a virulent zionist who is sure to steer him in the direction of more Gaza genocide. About the only thing promising about another Presidency is what I hope will be slamming the door on Zelensky and accepting Putin's proposal.
Indeed. I remember reading a LONG time ago about how he stiffed several people who did work for him, contractors, etc. THAT stayed in my mind. I think Trump DID do a few things that weren't slimy while in office, but he also did a lot lousy things.
Like all of your posts, total lefty propaganda/bullshit. Biden talking points... lies.
NY is a rough and tumble place to do major projects in, teh unions are all corrupt and like to stiff contractors for shabby work or no work at all... don't you know that, moron? Businessman "myth"? craven douchebag, he turned a $100 million load into over $4 BILLION. Your envy smells worse than your soiled panties.
Reagan's son is a radical lefty faggot, his adopted son is a big fan of MAGA.
Yes, Kushner is a turd, compared to the crack-head turd Hunter Biden or shitbag wife Jill Biden, he doesn't look so bad... he was instrumental in forming the "Abraham Accords", which would have been amazing if Biden had not fugged them all up.
I dislike Israel, but dislike radical islamist more... how about you, dumbshit eunuch?
I'm wondering, how americans could believe that they live in a democracy, when the candidates for the presidency have to be rich people and and are supported by rich people. How would they stand in for the interests of normal, hard working people or even unemployed or homeless people? The have to stand for the interests of Americas oligarchs.
73 is just in time! After all, you are still alive and able to realize that ‘reality’ differs from what we were told it is. An unimaginable number of people didn’t have the opportunity or stamina to arrive at that realization; a believer in reincarnation would say ‘well, next time better’.
Great idea Thomas governments telling the truth to the people t they govern i is an essential part of true democracy.. So if there was. genuine democracy ti would be recognised by it efficient and open informations system. Cuba approaches that standard American is the leader in controlled misinformation Go figure
In fact we do not have a democracy and never really had despite the pretense of one. When a president, Biden to be precise, is quite blunt about ignoring the public protesting his ongoing support for a racist genocide--he doesn't care he said when asked about his response to the mass protests against Israel and US support for this horror. Other nations take to the streets en masse to force change even when the State goon squads begin shooting and killing. In the US we fret over permits that will allow us to demonstrate and accept the caging in of protesters by the State police apparatus. What a fiasco of democracy and freedom that we have.
Fact is, AIPAC and the jews own most of our politicians, both sides.
And look at the jews in congress... some of the vilest scum ever to stink up DC. Raskin, Goldman, Schiff, Schumer, Wasserman-Shitzel, Cohen, Blumenthal, Nadler...
Your comment is simply a statement of your bigotry, nothing more.
If you cannot separate Zionism from Judaism, you're just ignorant. It's akin to saying ALL Christians are rich televangelists. It's one thing to judge a person by his ACTIONS, it's entirely something else to judge them by their skin color, their "race," or their heritage.
Are YOU a jew?
Yes, I think jews are manipulative trash and have been forever. Yes, they used the "holocaust" hoax to even get their own country, pushing out those already there.
Yes, the Palestinians are more closely related, genetically, to the Hebrews of the Bible. Yes, they are a plague on America in particular.
No, I’m not a Jew. I’m Irish, English, Scot, French, German, Viking, Cherokee and Choctaw. I have friends that are Jews, and they are good peeps. Are they like Netanyahu? Uh, HELL, no.
Watch the videos... unless you are an imbecile, YOU will be a "bigot" too.
Aren't you "bigoted" to Bibi already?
OBVIOUSLY, you can't tell the difference between Jews and ZIONISTS. Get a clue and shut the fuck up.
Are you melting down, PeeWee? Did you spot your rainbow panties? Did your meth-head mommy misspell "Forrest"? And "Hog"?
Do you have more fingers than teeth, skidmark?
Do the jews have the basic decency to oppose genocide in Gaza?
Go drink another beer, loser.
P.S. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Your verbal aggression does not help win people to your position.
Why waste time with such dross? I do not wish to win people to my positions and I do not suffer ignorant assclowns readily.
Sure I can be a bit harsh in my language... why sugar-coat it?
"Do the jews have the basic decency to oppose genocide in Gaza?"
Many individual ones do, and they should be honoured. Some of the most effective opponents of the horrors are Jews. I am surprised that you seem not to acknowledge that.
But on the other hand, so far as I know, all mainstream Jewish organisations (i.e. those not specifically consisting of anti-Zionist Jews, or set up to oppose the genocide) appear to be happy to go along with it, often denying that it is even happening. And the prominent Jewish politicians you named have not behaved morally in the slightest, and are entirely typical of such people. So I am not as shocked by your use of the short-hand "Jews" as other people seem to be, though it would be better to mention that there are many exceptions to the rule.
Also I don't go along with the idea presented by your critics that it is just Zionism that is the problem, and that you are ignorantly or immorally confusing it with Judaism. Zionism can only be argued to be the only legitimate reason to criticise Jews as a group if you do what I believe Gilad Atzmon does, and extend the word Zionism to mean all forms of supremacist Jewish hyper-in-group-preference. But that is not the traditional meaning, which is restricted to such in-group-preference when it leads to Jews thinking that their wish to live in Palestine over-rides the right of Palestinians to live there. Anti-Zionist Jews are usually highly moral and also oppose the other forms of unpleasant Jewish anti-Goyism, but they are not logically forced to. It would be theoretically possible for an anti-Zionist Jew to think it right for Jews to rule over Gentiles in the West. You and I would be free to criticise such people, but some of your critics seem to have pre-emptively forsworn the right to do so.
Windy, but well said. ;-)
Personally, it is my belief that actual practicing jews are NOT usually highly moral, and any that oppose "jewish supremacy" (LOL) or other forms of unpleasant Jewish anti-Goyism are not legitimate "jews", according to their theology as described in the vile talmud... and traditional jew dogma... much like homosexuals and other LBGTQ freaks serving as "minsters" or "pastors" in "christian" faiths.
I have known and met many fine people who claim to be "jewish"... but are not adherents to the dogma and thus are not, IMO, jews.
BTW: It does not take much research to know that the "holocaust", which enabled the creation of a "jewish state" is a deeply flawed HOAX, and is still being used to justify or excuse much corruption, manipulation, theft and genocide.
The govt. we have was NOT the govt. we wanted when we had our "revolution," which was co-opted by the wealthy and FOUGHT by the poor. For example, there was NEVER supposed to be Veto power by ONE MAN, regardless of his office.
"MONEY" IS OUR PRESIDENT, CURRENTLY.. Biden is not, only in title. The war machine, pharmaceuticals, tech, big oil oligarchs. Neo cons are all running the white house, the Pentagon and maybe the Supreme court .. AND THE ELECTIONS. As a child I felt lucky to be born in the US, but I pray for my children and grandchildren. Deterioration since JFK assination, they are still in charge. Sad, love my country.
As I understand it, there is nothing in the Constitution that gives any power to a political "Party"... and certainly not the power to determine who runs for President.
The members of the Parties don't even have to vote in a democratic way (one vote per person) to determine who will run for that Party.
Seems quite odd.
Primaries were made up by the Democrats and Republicans. It is meant to create a two party system instead of a multiparty system. It is not democratic its a strong arm bullying tactic to keep the two parties as the focal point and not the public. Both parties spend millions of $$ to keep 3rd party candidates out of the race and media.
".There are parts of the world where democracy thrives. And then there is the United States..."
add to that Ukraine and Israel!
The CNN "Debate" : the 2 candidates - are they the best that a modern population of 300+ million can do?
Thanks, Scott. You reiterate the old saw "Brevity is the soul of wit" with this one.
Not to digress nor throw shade on what enlightenment you have provided here, but your old pal Seymour Hersh has just released a seminal short one himself here, more than insinuating that Mr Biden is an actual captive in his, the People's prime residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It's chilling when my own presumptions are shared by so stellar a journalist as he.
This is some serious intrigue: https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/who-is-running-the-country
Straight up WrestleMania 2024 in America, we are the parody.
Look at the squabble that is just above your comment... EXACTLY what the Nasties want from us... They have two very very powerful tools that work exceptionally well: FEAR, and DIVIDE and CONQUER. That we continue to allow this insidious manipulation to suck us in-- and it's EASY to be sucked in! -- is one of our worst troubles, in my opinion.
Seems Bobby is getting the Ron Paul treatment. Those that run the show will not even let him debate.
Shame. Shoot up his family in the 60's and still using dirty tricks. Not providing secret service, wow.
Obviously he is the threat to their empire. It is not democracy.
It's like our military, we spend so much money to prop up a façade. Push comes to shove money is made, by those who have too much, safe we are not!
Bobby is a Marxist.
My take on the USA presidential debate which I didn’t watch is very simple. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18. Or to paraphrase H. L. Mencken: the people some day will get a presidential fool or a complete narcissistic moron they deserve to occupy the White House.
Nobody deserves that. Blaming the People for the Fuckery of the Wealthy? Please.
Trump is VERY wealthy and they are fucking with HIM. Right?
Yeah, they’re fucking with him. If he’s for real, they’re fucking with him because he’s challenging their Cartel. If he’s part of the Dog n Pony show, they’re challenging him because it’s all a fake deal anyway. NOBODY gets to be POTUS in this country without the approval of the Globalist Cabal. You probably have no idea what I’m talking about.
So... Pee Wee... the "Globalist Cabal" allowed Trump to become President? Then attacked him unmercifully all through his term, and after he left via a massive election steal... and still to this day? The "Cabal" could have had the mega-corrupt neocon globalist POS Hillapig... odd they didn;t rig that election, eh, Brainiac?
I know full well what I am talking about... I doubt that you know what I am talking about... or what YOU are talking about.
BTW: Are you related to Joe Biden? Kunta-Kamala? Adam Schiff?
I think you’re just frightened of being wrong. Wrong about Trump, and wrong about Jews, and probably a LONG list of other things. Thrashing around insulting everyone who has a different viewpoint… That’s what tyrants do, and tyrants are bullies. And bullies are not what I’d call “popular” kinds of people. They’re usually cowards.
My my!! So insulting!! How hurtful!! Are you a hateful bigot, coward and tyrant?
Aside from being a low-IQ eunuch? ;-)
Actually I have a very high IQ. And I can’t be a eunuch, I’m not a BOY.
I thought you were bored and leaving?
Eunuchs can be of any age, stupid... didn;t they tell you that when removing your balls?
High IQ? You? LOL!! Get lost Pee Wee... I've wasted enough time on your dumb ass... BLOCKED. Bye.
It's not that those with no vision people perish, it's that without morality people and rule of law perishes. It's about lacking understanding that people are sovereign beings, with inherent rights granted by natural law, that they've allowed to be taken away by g0vts, which have no authority to do so, effectively making "people" slaves to the systems put in place to control the hapless, weak, lazy mASSes who can't be bothered with taking responsibility for themselves and their g0vt. It's about sheople allowing what is rightfully theirs to be taken from them, rights which they grant to their perceived masters, because they're too stupid and lazy to claim that their inherent rights aren't to be handed away to someone calling themselves "elite" or an "authority" and parse back to them as they see fit to maintain their psychotic control and power over them.
I have a neighbor who is a lawyer who prides himself in not knowing about current events. Also a friend whose religion shuns political interest. One is highly educated, the other not, yet the outcome of involvement is similar. Understanding how your government works is not a hobby for some; it is a responsibility for all members of our country. No wonder our republic is taking massive hits.
That lawyer sounds just like a lawyer... I've found that most of them are cowards, basically, and a fair number of them are also assholes. Ooops, did I write that out loud? ha ha But yeah, I think MOST people are not, as I said above, any big HERO.
They just want to live their lives and be left in peace-- especially if shouting out or doing something "patriotic" might cause their families, their kids, etc, to be in the line of fire...When people are tricked, sickened, terrorized, the don't react the same way they would if it were say, a baseball game. We're in a very hardcore psy-op. A CULL, actually. Hey, you, me and Liberty Liz up there ^ should form some kind of Women's Unit for the Resistance! I'm down for it!
Worth a read... along with the Chevron decision... maybe some light at the end of the tunnel... the Immunity decision should be a biggie... I am conflicted... if denied, both Boy Barry Obongo and Grifter Joey will likely spend years in prison... and the lawfare attacks on Trump are collapsing... so...
You had me at first. But don't blame the victims... entirely, at least. People don't start out being "weak" and "lazy" who "can't be bothered." They are ground down into that. I don't know anyone who "allows" what is rightfully theirs to be taken from them.
This is a good example of how WE are brainwashed into believing what the Muckities WANT US TO BELIEVE. They call us "talking cows" and laugh at how stupid we are... We're not necessarily STUPID, but we ARE cowed, we are beaten down, after generations of slowly sapping our wealth, our liberties, our ability to be secure and able to AFFORD decent lives. If you look at the typical worker in the 1950's, one person could support a family and have a car, a home of their own, and take vacations. By the end of the 70's, that was no longer the case, and look at us now... All our wealth has been squandered by our "leadership," the those who RUN our "leadership." Those are shadowy figures, and we are just beginning to understand what's been going on since the end of WWII (and from the beginning, really).
No, people allow themselves to be "ground down", as they did in the c0vid psyop, because it's easier to "go along to get along" than to stand for inherent rights or for what's right. Then these "go along to get along-ers" have a million excuses why they did what they did in their subservience to false "authority" and play the poor, poor, pitiful victim of circumstance. No one seems inclined to take responsibility or be accountable for their actions. And the "ground down" thing is just another excuse to justify why sheople can't, or won't, do what adults are called upon to do. People lack integrity and moral character and then pretend they're victims. They "system" is horrifying, corrupt beyond measure, and psychopathic --- which is all the more reason to stand up. At this point, there's nothing to lose and everything to gain; but the sheople want someone to do the heavy lifting for them. Tyrants will only take as much control as their subjects give them. If you're ground down, that's the time to stand up, not grovel.
Well, that's one way to look at it. I understand what you're saying. I have some similar feelings, but you know, I try not to be too harsh on the Peeps, since they really are VICTIMS. I think part of the reason that we haven't yet simply shut these damn globalist psychopaths down already is that MOST people are not heroes, or we probably wouldn't have that word. Some folks just have a biggo extra backpack full of Kickass. You and me... we're likely in THAT group. ;)
I said in a couple sentences what you said in a paragraph.
What's your point,
Try not to be a douchebag.
I do love the replies of people like you.
Well, then, Castrato, stop being an asshole!
You are truly impressive. I have fortunately encountered very few of your kind in my long life. I hope you will find peace at some point in your life.
Who would you prefer to become President?
Jill Stein, of course. But the PTB will never let an honest decent person who calls a genocide a genocide be president. JFK, Jr. Is next best, though flawed on Israel, at least he wants to shut down our ridiculous US bases that are all over the world, threatening other countries. He's won many cases against wealthy corporations and is willing to talk with other leaders that our current idiots call enemies (when they are not).
Ah... you support a lunatic clown... it figures. Or JFK Jr, who has been dead for years, but still sharper than Stein or Biden. Stein's policies would speed up Biden's destroy America tour. Green New Con/Deal, forgive all student debt, make all public colleges free, grab all guns, 'Equity', which means pandering to the welfare parasites of all flavors... promote LBGTQ deviants... close all military bases (disarm),
I shudder to hear what her immigration policies would be... worse than the Biden clown, I'm sure...
You call Trump a narcissistic moron... a mega-successful businessman, multi-billionaire, a grad of the Wharton school, had a great 4 years as President, especially compared to Bush, Obongo and Biden...
Trump dealt very well with all adversaries... even our adversaries in NATO.
I think YOU are the moron... no offense... just fact. Like most libturds, you live in a fantasy of CNN and MSNBC misinformation... which is why so many of you were shocked to finally realize what a demented husk FJB really is... Bye
CNN and MSNBC? What a crazy thing to say to a person who detests those two MSM sycophants who only push the approved narrative of the government, CIA, MIC and Israel. They are the worst, followed by the NYT, WaPo, etc.
Stein is a Marxist. Wake up, fool.
RFK is not a “lunatic clown”. You may not like him, but the man has integrity.
😂 Integrity? By whose definition?
Not hardly... he hides his far-left leanings to avoid becoming unelectable.
His running mate is a radical lefty marxist POS. His own family despises him.
"Voting" is a myth we still, for the most part, believe to be TRUE.
None of the current candidates. We need a change of the electoral system. That is probably not the answer you want to hear.
OK, so pick who you would like to see as President... Let's hear who specifically would prefer...
And... you will not vote in the coming election?
You think that is wise?
There isn't "voting." We are tricked with this charade.
So... no difference between Trump's great 4 years and Biden's total disaster?
You ignorant clown!
It’s a huge sign of a very weak argument when people resort to childish name-calling. I’m not sure I’d call Trump’s four years “great,” either. He did some okay things, but I don’t trust him, really. I don’t trust ANY POTUS because of the utter malignancy of our central govt. Biden? Puh-lease. I don’t think ANYBODY thinks he’s even running the show. OBAMA is more likely in that role.
If there were still those who doubted the accelerated decline of the US empire, this encapsulated "debate" will definitively clear up their doubts. Two elderly billionaires arguing over which of them plays golf better while their country falls apart.
I've voted Peace & Freedom in the late 70s and now vote Green.
Thanks Scott R.
Jill Stein is a lunatic woke far-left turd.
Amazingly, she would be even worse than Biden/Obongo.
As is RFK Jr, a clear globalist who loves the [fake] green agenda with his climate zealotry, anti 2A stance, genocidal ethnic cleansing, etc. RFK is a special kind of mentally-deranged hypocrite who pretends he wants to protect kids from certain jabs, while cheering for post birth abortion and murder of children in Gaza. He's a true sociopath, who can't differentiate what he stands for; and his IQ is handicapped since he can't even understand 7th grade science when it comes to "carbon" and CO2... not to mention that his google billionare VP is just as steeped in wokeness and derangement as he is.
Nicole Shanahan: Globalist stooge
Shanahan's Bia-Echo Foundation:
Shanahan's Strumwasser: Lightning Labs:
ClearAccessIP: Shanahan
Zero Acre: funded by Shanahan:
Shanahan donated $4M to RFK campaign:
Post birth abortion? Really?
Yes, really. Do some research.
Yes. These are RFK Jr's (and all demonrat's) most important ideologies thatvyou should take the time to find out; along with RFK being an advocate for "reparations" for "slavery". And the [fake] green agenda. And being a hard-core z!onist neocon, cuz killing kids in the womb isn't enough to satisfy the country's satanic lust for child sacrifice. We have to condone dropping missiles on infants and children, who just might be terr0rists. This sociopathic lust to kill innocents is out of control, which is the same reason RFK is on board with gun control; because how dare you have the right to protect yourself from criminals who wish you harm. People are far too comfortable justifying genocide... as long as it's not them being "genocided". You think RFK has armed security protection? You bet he does. But for you, the useless CO2 "polluter", your life is much less valuable than his. And BTW... CO2 is necessary for all life, (it's not a "pollutant") as any 7th grader knows. So "carbon zero" means zero humans, too, as humans are carbon life forms.
Ignorance is bliss... (and you and 'Abiding Dude' are prime examples!)
Outstanding comment!
Beware the ahole trolls out there coming after you! :-)
I too was a member of the Green Party before Covid. I was stunned that the local Green party were staunch advocates for the Vaccine, embraced the injections, distancing, masks and any other thing imposed. I was bewildered by the complete acquiescence. I realized these were not my people politically or philosophically. What happened to being anti war and questioning the government? Bygone days.
The United States, who has the brass neck to tell the rest the world how to behave. And behind all the Roman Empire bullshit, pull back the curtain and find a near-imbecile.
I thought for a political novice... Trump did a great job as President, despite constant obstruction, betrayal by staff, cabinet and RINO scum... lawfare and endless attacks by a corrupt congress... 2 bogus impeachments, election tampering and eventually massive election fraud to prevent a 2nd term.
What about his four years particularly triggers you?
I think you might be far more content with Russian or Iranian citizenship... seriously.
Have you converted to islam yet?
My question is, what about Trump’s four years in the White House enthralls you???
As far as conversion to Islam is concerned, I think that it’s safe to assume that you are definitely anti first amendment, similarly to your zero/hero Trump, and genocide Joe Biden.
It’s said that the fish rots from the head on down.
The carp corpse called the U$A is a dead fish.
I was only "enthralled" by Trump's 4 years when compared to the islamic turd Boy Barry Obongo's.
I did enjoy his reasonably secure borders, international relations under control, lower taxes, fighting against the Deep State, low energy costs, VERY low inflation, no wars for profit, low unemployment, booming economy, tax cuts, deregulation, trade policy improvements, sanctions on trade cheats, ended NAFTA, bailed on the goofy Paris Climate Scam... better healthcare, travel bans... much more...
But what did YOU, Mr. Snarky, find so "enthralling" about Obongo's 8 years or Biden's 3.5???
What makes you hate good guy TRUMP? Brainwashed by the lefty media?
Yes, the USA is on deep trouble... only an imbecile would blame Trump.
Are you afflicted with dementia like Pedo Joey?
Riotous laughter calling your opponent "Mr. Snarky" !!
You assume much that is fiction rather than fact, and betray and display a delusional, rather than sound, mind.
It would appear that you have consumed more than your fair share of bread and circuses, and a a consequence you have become a fat…..head.
From the neck up dead.
For media, the medium I prefer is referred to as book.
A clearly unfamiliar object to you, and Donald the crook.
If you don’t mind, I’ll just say goodbye, and not be unkind, and wish you well, good night, and good luck.
Bid you adios or adieu, instead of a hearty and healthy fuck you.
Smell ya later, Biden buttlicking eunuch turd!
Dude. def.=
1. Impacted hair on an elephant’s ass.
2. The foreskin on a camel’s penis.
3. A “dandy”.
1. All of the above.
2. Dolt with
Be my guest , and invest yourself in U$A poly-tricks.
I gave that nonsense up back in the 20th century.
Please, don’t go away “MAD”, just go away, “period”.
Your mood and mumbling do remind me of a menstrual cycle.
Not in a good way.
Listen to the craven jew-boy squeal.
F-0ff, Schlomo! More proof Hitler was a great man!
BLOCKED Smell ya later
Wakey ² bro, He is the Anti-Christ incarnate,😤😠🤔😎 for the jewnited Snakes of Israel, that You work For, right?
I think your description of yourself on your infantile, delusional psychotic Substack speaks volumes:
"The Truthful, Holy, Divinely Appointed and Honerable Reverend Merrick's Righteous Indignation Substack. A Warrior Eternaly Exposing the Babalonian Khazarian Fake jew Mafia, and their Fuckin' Evil Luciferian, Talmudic deeds!
What a pathetic imbecile.
Misspelling "Honorable", "Eternally", and "Babylonian" further indicates the intellect of a meltdown drug-addled impotent ass-clown.
Go back and try to finish the 4th grade, loser.
Here is an additional ugly story. This morning I got an email from Jill Stein who is running for president in the Green Party. Like Kennedy, she has to get signatures to get on the ballot in each state. She had just announced that her people had collected over 29,000 signatures and turned them in ( Nebraska requires a little over 10,000 signatures, so Jill's amount was almost 3 times the requirement.) Every state has their own requirements and it's getting harder to get the states to pin down the requirements for each state as some states keep upping the ante, so to speak, to prevent Kennedy and Stein from succeeding. Jill's email stated that Nebraska had approved her signatures and she should be on their ballot, but the DNC is now SUING her for the signatures to prevent that !! They probably won't win, but the DNC has decided to sue her in each state as she attempts to collect signatures simply because it will cost her money, and time and energy, that could be used campaigning. This is so evil and disgusting on the part of the extremely wealthy DNC that words fail me. I used to be a Democrat, but I can't believe what a nasty party it has turned into thanks to the DNC. I won't be voting for them again - EVER unless they get rid of the DNC and then I'll think about it. The Democratic party used to be actually democratic and now it has turned solidly fascist. UGH! Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave along with a few others. If our media allows this to happen without saying a word, then we'll know they're fascist too.
One interesting observation was that the inability of Trump to interrupt Biden, when he was answering actually helped Trump. Joe was not able to trail off with his jabberwocky buried beneath Trumps intrusive babble and inflict poor manners allegations against Trump. Rather he had to actually finish each answer without any excuse and in a dead silent studio. His battered train of thought left him wondering how he got there or where it was supposed to go. The only fix I can see and I care not if others strongly dislike him, is to get RFK on the ticket as he is the only one in the Democratic stable who could beat Trump now.
Dems despise RFK... as does his own family.
Several states will not allow a replacement to Biden, unless he dies. No one seems to know this.
I'm curious as to how, if that is the case, numerous experts have not been aware of that ? Even Cuomo is egging him on to make a call to the Dems to see if he might be their man. Can you provide a link to that rule you speak of ?
Some of the states have a Republican controlled legislature. Perhaps not a sure thing... but even if only one or two states succeed in preventing a replacement?
BTW: Cuomo might be a threat... IMO, more than the scumbags Hillapig, Whitmer or Newsome. Mike Obongo is a tranz-freak... I doubt he would want to be exposed as such.
Both Joe and Jill are power-hungry swine and Joe faces multiple prosecutions if he loses... or withdraws. So they may strongly resist any ouster... I doubt bribery, extortion and influence peddling will be included in any SCOTUS immunity clarification, let alone potential Treason... he is in deep shit in any case. IMO, no amount of election fraud can overcome the Trump landslide if Biden remains.
My neighbor is away on a trip, and I am picking up her mail...
I saw she had received a big "magazine" from the SPLC... which she seemingly contribute to, titled: "The year in hate and extremism 2023 Decoding the plan to undo democracy"
I looked through it and was amazed at what a vile load of horseshit it contained... This is a truly radical anti-conservative lefty organization and should be drummed out of the country. Their main chapters address White supremacy... Male supremacy, debunking "migrant" invasion, Anti-Police, Florida's blueprint for "Ethnocide" through public education, The power of drag story hour, Continued "insurrection fallout... and more... appalling!!