I am no turd and I am more than willing to tell you that I am from the UK which is maybe not as bad a situation but equally as terrible future for all the same reasons the USA is in dire trouble... We have also the exact same problems as is the entire world that is tied to the USA financial system from France to German to Japan... It is all going to collapse together including the UK.... But I have one major advantage over you.... I left the UK 14 years ago and have built a new and much safer life in Southeast Asia which is almost debt free and on the rise and is completely sheilded from the destruction of the west... This is the place all you who read this should be flocking to... The golden billion are on the edge of a cliff while the other 7 billion have the brightest future, and if you want to take my advice as a toxic truth so you can insult me, then stay where you are and you can recall my message 5 years from now and possibly as little as 2 years from now when it all unfolds in front of your very eyes... I live in a country where the PEOPLE have the power over the government and is why we will never be in a mess.
please excuse my familiar approach to you but as much as you are correct in what you are saying, please keep in mind that many of us simply can not run off to south east asia. We have our elderly parents to care of, children to raise, who have friends and family here. Some of us still have a job that pays some bills and since I am also an expat for about 27 years by now, I can tell you that even after all those years, I am still a foreigner and will remain one. To ask of people to rip out their roots, I would consider inhuman. The people need to educate themself, that's a duty in my opinion, just that takes time and is hard to do when your every day information is based on hybris, lies and psy-ops against you.
To conclude I would like to citate a song that once was a hymne for the working class: "Uns hilft kein Kaiser, Gott oder Tribun, uns aus dem Elend zu erl├╢sen m├╝ssen wir schon selber tun."
"there is no help from royalty, no God or tyrant to help us. To free ourself from the misery, we can do only by ourself"
I am not telling people to uproot now... I am saying this is where many WILL flee to when it all comes tumbling down in the west and especially from the USA where 300 million guns are in the hands of the public, it will be survival of the worst people and the good will become victims of its own society. The US government will struggle to get control and good luck building back up in the ensuing chaos... I consider myself a pioneer to what I know is coming and I knew it 14 years ago. I also have family and friends in the UK and when the time comes to flee, I can at least offer them somewhere to come where they will get assistance from me and take advantage of the roots I have been laying down for 14 years... People need to wake up to the inevitabilty and start sending out their pioneers... Nothing 'inhumane' about that. I would instead call it logical forward thinking.
Wait, are you saying that being gun owners makes them "the worst people"? Maybe I'm reading something into that. But I will say this, IF NOT for those guns and the Second Amendment, we'd have been Canada by now. And instead of leaving their country, for whatever reason many of us, MOST of us have stayed, and there is NO REASON why, after we've recovered from our inevitable FALL, which will take some time, it's a given, America can come back BETTER than before, since we will have learned a hard lesson. There is no reason to say a whole lot about the future, short term or long term, because it hasn't yet been written. You seem to be very angry about the country you left (this one), which is understandable, but don't take it out on the PEEPS, because the PEEPS behave in ways that are entirely understandable when you look at the sneaky, evil plan that has been deployed over generations to crush us.
I have to respectfully disagree with you and agree with David.
When it all comes crashing down there will be bloodshed all over America because of those guns and don't assume the righteous will win the battle. Every gun owner thinks they are always on the good guys side. Wait until the food is gone from the local grocer and their kids start crying from hunger. Like a dog, once that first blood is drawn, I'm sure it will be a lot easier to pull the trigger next time.
I'm told, in the closing days of WW2, as the Russians surrounded Berlin, most of the inhabitants were obsessed with finding a painless way to commit suicide.
When the shit hits the fan, I'm sure elderly parents will become highly motivated to leave. Just tell them it's a vacation.
YouтАЩre entitled to your opinion. But hereтАЩs mine: If it werenтАЩt for all the guns in the US, weтАЩd have been utterly undone a long time ago. Look whatтАЩs happened to the other four countries in the Five Eyes: Australia, NZ, Canada, and England: TYRANNY, big time, bigger, much bigger than the US. Because our fabulous тАЬleadershipтАЭ is afraid of getting shot. JUST THAT FEAR is worth something.
Your infatuation with guns has caused you to be blinded to the fact that we are NOT talking about gun 'owners' we are talking about 'guns' in general and the criminal elements and desperate people who have just as much access to these weapons as responsible law abiding gun 'owners'..... Stop generalising about gun 'owners' and focus on the actual threat of the conditions in which many millions of people will pick up guns and cause absolute havoc.
Well, IтАЩve thought of that, too. IтАЩm not crazy about the idea of Bad Guys using guns to steal from Good Guys. Would that not happen without guns, tho? And IтАЩm not infatuated with guns, I donтАЩt own one. IтАЩm infatuated with the Constitution. It STILL matters to me, whether our тАЬleadershipтАЭ shares that respect or not. So maybe if youтАЩd simply ASK me specific questions, instead of imagining you know what I think?
It's obvopis to me Word Herder that you have never been in a Civil War.
Yes I have.
A neighbour or friend you pissed off some time ago...make sure you don't meet them in the street. Houses will burn/water will be in high demand as will be food. People will steal if you have anything of your own. Some will help others but with the scarcity of everything it's unlikely good people will last.
I have seen this with my own eyes. Take time to think and this was in a country where guns were not legal!
Hmmmm. So looks like you're still mad at me for not telling you how incredibly brilliant are, some time ago. I tried to make peace with you, but it looks kind of like your war mentality is in YOU.
It appears you're buying the bullshit about a "Civil War" -- are you? Do you just parrot what you hear in the MSM? Or is that your jobs, to sow fear?
You say you've seen it with your own eyes... Where? When? Why? How? Are you American? Do you live in the US?
How do you know what will happen? Is everything always the same in history? And whose version of history do you believe?
In the Great Depression, people didn't go ape shit, killing each other, they didn't even riot and take over the govt. They suffered, and they helped each other, mostly.
I think THIS TIME is different. VERY different, in that we're living through the biggest FRAUD committed against HUMANITY, ever seen in the history of the world as we know it.
So maybe cut the fear-mongering and try thinking of some GOOD IDEAS on how to bring down tyrants. THAT would be much more helpful. And btw, try laying off the gaslighting while you're at it. Sheesh. What the hell do you know about me? Not much.
This is NOT about YOU. I am supposed to remember what I said some time ago to someone called Word Herder?
I have no problem with you at all I just answer comments to the best of my ability.
SO. 1 You don't believe I have been in a Civil War? Why I wonder?
" 2 Not everyone lives or were born in the USA.
" 3 Try talking to many S. Americans who have been in Civil Wars...I suggest they are coming to the US because of this, started by the USA.
" 4. I never lie because I don't see the point. In the end lies don't win.
I have NO idea why CIVIL wars are called "civil wars" because they are not civil.
" 5. You obviously have not read the same books as I have regarding Prohibition. Pick up any book on prohibition and you might understand what I am saying.
" 6. I was born into a Country called Sri Lanka (after Independence). I know what I am talking about. Many countries after the British left were in a vaccuum..........some people (thousands) wanted to remove immigrants even though some of those immigrants were there before Sri Lanka was invaded by the British.
USA is in a similar position. You are going down rapidly and everything you accumulated will mean nothing in the face of very angry mobs which will turn into a bloodbath. Citizens who don't want a 'blood bath' will have to fight even if it's just to survive.
All my life (like your veterans) I have suffered from PTS.
When you see one person dying for NO reason you will join in regardless of what you believe or say.
In many ways I am NOT trying to be vengeful just hoping you take my words in good faith.
As for History: It does repeat itself whether you like it or not.
You really are quite bizarre, all these assumptions you make for ME, in order to be "right" about what you're so convinced is the "truth." YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIE TO BE WRONG. And even if you are right, you're just not convincing. It's not like throwing a rock at a window. Sometimes things are not what you think they are, or will be. How do you possibly know the FUTURE?
This is not where you once were in a war, it's not the same time, nor the same situation. It almost seems like you want to be right so badly that you're WISHING this future. Maybe your hysteria is BECAUSE of your supposedly previous experience.
Anyway, why should I believe you? Because you tell me to?
Tell ya what. I DO remember you, I don't CARE what you think of me, and you were just as hysterical and illogical that day as you are today, making up all sorts of things so you can "win" the argument, or whatever you want to call your ravings on SS.
Spare me, I don't need to be screeched at by anybody, audibly, or in words, it's just boring and a waste of time. Go freak out on someone else.
And, I will add this: I think your prediction of how gun owners will behave is tainted by your ideas about what kind of people gun owners are. I suggest, respectfully, that your views are influenced by propaganda. And you donтАЩt need to advise me on what I say to my parents, but thanks for your concern.
I'm not going to play your game. If you're right, so be it. If you're not, you'll wish you'd taken that valium today.
I'm NOT convinced that we will have a CIVIL WAR at all. If more people like you would stop FREAKING OUT and calm the hell down, maybe we could be RATIONAL about things, generally.
Where did I say that?.... Even an idiot knows that the bad people will pick up the guns and take the resources from the good people... What YOU are saying is that probably all gun owners in the USA are good people.... Your country will become post apocalyptic because of the ease of getting hold of guns and will definitely hinder the ability to restore order... In a country where there are little guns the chaos will be much greatly reduced, so while you praise all your guns remember that it is those guns that will probably destroy you and your own.... It means complete civil war it means if the financial collapse isn't already bad enough, add to it massive violence on a huge scale... The bad will rise up and mobilise large gangs long before the good even know what hit them... There is no limit to how people in the US react to a crisis, look at covid when they were punching each other's face in for the last toilet paper in Walmart. Or some cop kills a black dude and the whole country goes into riot mode.... These things are nothing to compete with total financial collapse. You have been warned... The last thing I want to see is this happening. I love the American people, I think they are being shafted by their politicians and the elites that control them... If anyone abandons the USA it will be the elites, the political class and the CEOs and directors of the big corporations who will board their private jets and yachts and head for 5 star luxury island resorts in the South Pacific to enjoy their stolen wealth while they watch the whole thing go to crap for the regular American.... and that also goes for the Trumps.
This is my fear as well. DonтАЩt know if this country can be saved now, particularly post-Covid and the disastrous Biden administration. Once the collapse does occur, your description of the aftermath is the most probable scenario. We werenтАЩt able to move overseas but we moved to a very rural area of the country, hoping that will give us a little time to prepare for what will happen once the big cities completely fail. Might not help much but it is what we were able to do.
We don't have to assume the worst, and then imagine the worst. As you say, it's just FEAR you are speaking through.
What if, and I do think we will "fall" in certain ways, especially financially, what if we rally and help others and FIX the broken? It may take some time, but freaking out and acting out of FEAR is no way to handle ANY situation. Maybe this will be the catalyst for us to step up and be the kind of people we USED to be. The kind of people we still are, deep down.
Well, okay then, you aren't even American, I guess? And you know all about my country? And how guns are dealt with here, and the future, too? You sound like someone who has a VERY low opinion about Americans, because... you saw somebody on TV fighting over toilet paper? And the "whole country goes into riot mode" and so on and so on, because you watch TV? If you love Americans so much why don't you know that TV is mass propaganda? And YOU are warning US? LOLOLOL Please, calm down. If you were American you'd know that your outrageously stereotyped ideas about MY country and countrymen is like a cartoon image of us. "Some cop kills a black dude..." Nice. No, I'm not going to fall for your silly attempt to fight with me. I LIVE in America. I was born and raised here. Your caricature doesn't faze me. Your comical descriptions are... funny, but also kind of hysterical, in the medical sense.
When people who really don't want to think in depth about something, and/or they disagree with something, they often resort to insults and smears of the person they are engaged in conversation with. I'm used to that.
Not sure that I would tar all Americans with the same brush but this is a country that saw it's most loved, sincere and honourable president assassinated by its secret services and for over 60 years has given it a pass. But the US and their Coup-Makers displaced our best Prime Minister took over my country and reduced it to the status of sycophantic, servile vassal. I can hardly be expected to "hold Americans dear". However, that was almost 50 years ago and Australians have done nothing about that either. So now I live in the UK and I see the US-led corporate take-over of the British government by its ownership of the two-party political system and farcical election process while complaisant Brits roam about like grazing cattle. On the other hand, while Europe has been so totally subjugated to the empire that the US can destroy its access to critical energy infrastructure and no-one dares to look - the leadership utterly in the pocket of the empire. Here however, the story is different. The "revolutionary French" are in a rebellious frenzy; dramatic change is in motion. Likewise, if (my guess) Kamila Harris defeats Donald Trump in the next US election, I suspect a more ballsy, well-armed breed of Americans may emerge from the woodwork. Not "suggesting" that should happen of course (honestly) just speculating that it may happen IMHO.
Allen: Thanks for being more fair-minded and reasonable. Nobody is claiming that Americans are all wonderful, brave, and honest people! That's a silly thing anyway, we're all, every country in the world, a mixed bag. But if you look at how Americans were say, in the 1930's and 40's, it's very different from how we are now, after the onslaught of the EVIL MUFFOS who run the world starting hammering at us post-WWII. Americans were getting a little too smart and a little tooooo productive to be seen as No Threat to the .001% who want to RULE THE PLANET...
And just for the record, David Bell, and anyone else who will point at the American people, who have been stomped over and over and over, our infrastructure destroyed, our wealth sucked upward, our educational system skewed and trashed (and is now full of horrible "woke" insanity and sexual perversion), our industry sent elsewhere, our value system undone, we've been attacked in ways that are not military, but might as well be, except that our military has been reinvented, and is sent to bomb and shoot people for the sake of hegemony (which had its early life starting right after the Civil War, when the Muckities realized American could DO hegemony), while the American people were slowly beaten down in various ways, and now -- we are killed with toxins, drugs, and simple deliberate financial strife. Our psychological health has been decimated too, with subtle hints and outright propaganda. America was the land of the shining possibilities, the "City on the Hill," the hope of the world, and so... We had to be destroyed! By the same gd people (their descendants) that are now trying to kill off EVERYBODY!
There are elements of my country that I detest, and they are very small comparatively, but I feel quite confident that while many people are unwilling to jump up and run toward the danger, there are many others who ARE willing, and they DO it, and most of the ones who are afraid to do it are simply afraid, and not evil.
I can understand people who live in other countries being pretty unimpressed with the American onslaught in military adventures... I think a lot of Americans look very unhappily at that... We have to PAY for that evil, remember, and we know that. But when we stand up and say no, we are met with violence both physical, emotional-- and prolonged social suffering. If you could see how my country, which used to be a shining star, and was infiltrated and deliberately fucked over, SLOWLY, BECAUSE of that, because of the THREAT we were to these people who have most of the world's wealth, and who hide in the shadows like the vicious but cowardly scum they are, while they perpetrate INCREDIBLE EVIL, trying to undo the Good, and using their minions to send our young (very young) men into wars of mal intent, when all those young men, and women, simply wanted to SERVE AND PROTECT THEIR COUNTRY, not to help the fucking elitist asshole psychopaths that are now trying to KILL US ALL. You can say what you want, but I do think I know my people. And I don't see how Americans are so different from other countries, except that we've been victimized, taught lies, treated as worthless, trained to be abused. The Evil has taken our family farms, dosed us (and continues to dose us) with chemicals on the corporate food, sprayed like bugs virtually daily, at least where I live, given "medicine" that kills us or makes us sicker, and all sorts of insidious behavior visited upon our weakest segments, the poor. I'm old enough to have watched MOST of this happen, since the 60's. I was born in 1960. I've seen with my own eyes, and lived my life in it, as we've gone down the shitter.
I will defend my people, because it's NOT OUR FAULT. Our soldiers come home and kill themselves. We, too are victims of this Globalist Cabal that is the CAUSE of the most massive FRAUD of all time, "Covid." We the People are NOT our leadership. We never have been. It's ALWAYS been the Elitist Slime that comes from the Globalist shadowy rulers that hide behind "The City of London," or the Crown Corporation, or the whateverthehell they hide behind... The lousy excuses for Human Beings, who are born into vast wealth, never work a day in their miserable lives, and get their kicks by torture and murder, of CHILDREN, even. I blame THEM.
Man! You sure like words and have a very large herd. But it seems to me, If I may be so bold as to express an opinion, you need to condense your thoughts, distill the essence, get right to the point with pithy statements. Writing out the details about every tree is sure to lose sight of the forest.
But to the issue: Seems to me that capitalism is the core problem; it concentrates wealth and rewards ruthless, psychopathic behaviour. Give it 80 post-war years and what have we got? Vast wealth that transcends the National wealth and interests that preoccupy us lowly mortals and all that wealth is controlled by psychopaths.
At the core of this is the Advertising Industry. For decades it has recruited psychologists and psychiatrists in developing techniques to manage the masses. It expanded into the PR industry (see Edward Bernaise) and took over the news and entertainment industry as the vector of its pernicious contagion. By control of incomprehensible numbers of human consumer minds it massively leveraged both wealth generation and wealth concentration.
From the "Carpet of gold or carpet of bombs" down to "if you don't comply we will withdraw investment and make your economy scream" it can blatantly bully national governments but it has simultaneously adopted the soft option of simply buying governments and directly writing the legislation and "trade agreements" that it wants.
Take ANY country, full of nice people, brainless people, nasty people - you name it - they can all be manipulated, coerced, persuaded that they are powerless etc. etc. and if by chance they DO start to coalesce around a leadership and begin to organise resistance - that leadership (even up to the Kennedy brothers) can be simply "taken out".
Does that describe the forest for you in fewer words or less?
We're not completely f**ked, wordherder, but we DO need to fully appreciate the nature and extent of the problem.
And btw, when I answer a broad topic like the one here, I'm writing for OTHERS, too, and not just the one person who responded (you). Make sense? On a public, open-to-the-world forum. Terribly sorry, but I can't see how a broad picture is always a bad thing.
Well, okaaaaay. Seems to me you just said a fair little forest of your own, and pretty much said, in different words, What I Said.
I never insinuated that we were "completely fucked," did I? ??? I'm for the 1st Amendment, so I said the "bad words" if I want to. ;)
And I think since you can't read my mind, I should make it clear that I DO indeed fully appreciate the nature and extent of the problem. Did you feel I was missing something?
How can you say, it's been given a "pass"? I strongly disagree with that. I think you misunderstand how groups of people function in that way... Political power is something most people feel they don't have-- until they experience it in a large group. One has to LEARN how to own it, so to speak. Fear is a huge disincentive, and the Muckities know that, and don't hold back in USING it, whether it's just propaganda, or whether it's actual physical attacks, or both. Information has been LONG withheld and the propaganda and coverup were CIA, so pretty adept, in my view. But yeah, the truth slowly seeps out. And by the way, Abe Lincoln was pretty beloved, too. But when we live in a culture that has ALWAYS been plagued by lies and coverups about just who is running things and what we're being told (from the get go!!)-- and I'd say MOST Western countries have at least some of the same kind of trouble, but I do think the US is the MOST compromised, and the People the most LIED TO and oppressed in many ways. I don't see evidence in ANY country's history that when oppression comes down, everyone gets up and stops it. It take TIME and a slow build-up of anger and a will to fix it... And even then, it's always, at least at the beginning, a small group of the population who actually stand up and do something... Because? Remember that saying, the nail that sticks up gets hammered. FEAR. It's a great tool.
I sent you another little message, David. Because you should know. If you're going to ride the Blame Horse, then at least understand WHERE the blame lies, instead of blathering about what you don't know shit about. Thank you. See above my later comments.
You're not hearing me, you're putting words into my mouth. What I said was, if we Americans didn't have guns, then bad guys will, and have elsewhere, pick up WHATEVER weapons they can and use them. Look at the Great Depression in the 30's -- also caused by the Filthy Rich! People didn't just go around shooting each other. Your imagination is being FED by our beloved (not) MEDIA, with movies, and fake news and scary stuff to send people into fear trips like YOU are now DEMONSTRATING. Hello?
You insist on telling me what I think and what I'm saying, but you're really not hearing me, and I feel like you're not hearing me on purpose. Why is that? Why do you have SUCH a strong need to spread FEAR and insist that the US will "become apocalyptic"? Are you being PAID to spread this irrational fear? Because there is NO real reason to think that you're RIGHT. After all, you're imagining what could happen; you are not REPORTING on what ever--- EVER--- has happened in any kind of similar conditions. Just as most people are pretty law-abiding and more likely to cower in their homes if something bad is going on, I predict that when the shit hits the fan, Americans will SCRAPE BY, help each other, get to work fixing things, and the anger that will be there will be mostly leveled at the people WHO CAUSED IT-- our ever-fucking central govt.
You make some good points, but your basis of predicting chaos and mass murder is based in FEAR and nothing else. Stop spreading fear, chaos and rampant killing is not a GIVEN.
By definition, what David Bell proposes would only be available to a limited number of immigrants into whatever country he now lives in. Since this is likely to be many orders of magnitude less than the entire fleeing post collapse 'golden billion' how does David Bell propose to 'select' those who would be let into his adopted country, and what are grounds going to be to exclude the rest?
You insult a country that is at least half filled with really fine people... another quarter of which has been poisoned by a corrupt liberal/Marxist... we have been infected with massive corruption, much like the UK... so you fled... fine... but knock off the insults... we conservatives here are trying to right the ship of state, rather than slink away.
the UK will soon become an islamic state... and unless you convert to islam, which would not surprise me as you tend to have a lack of spine, you may be in deep schit soon.
I personally have prepared for the coming economic and societal turmoil... rather than run.
The UK depresses me greatly. It's been swirling the drain for decades and now its demise will accelerate thanks to voting in Labour.
It's become next to impossible to believe that native Brits want their country completely destroyed. Large swaths of it are already indistinguishable from Third World shitholes.
Labour will definitely accelerate the decline by letting in even more unskilled, useless, antagonistic, and ungrateful illegal aliens.
What country is that David ? I have a great escape plan too but am currently in Canada. I don't know what the fall out will be here but I'd like to keep all my options open.
I was hoping to move to the mild climate and ocean front of Canada's west coast. I have homes and deep roots in the Philippines by virtue of marriage.
I think the key to comfortable and secure living is to keep as many options open as possible and keep your money in the safest currency or basket of currencies you can think of. I got stung bad in the Salinas disaster in Mexico, owning property there. Once you move money into these places it can be very hard to get it out again without a huge haircut.
Accumulate dual citizenships where possible and marrying into alternate citizenships, or privileged status, is a good move for the single people. For those who are married and still want children, give birth in the desired destiny country.
I am in Thailand and I see absolutely no threat to where I live. We have an excess of food, we are not a nuclear target, our economy is tied to the eastern financial system and Thailand will be in BRICS this time next year... My advice would be to forget the Philippines, it has been completely captured by the USA and is being turned into a huge military base with the help of the corrupted Marcos Jnr. The US are currently building 4 bases there and are moving in intermediate nuclear missiles to use against China... So Phills will be completely wiped off Google maps the moment war breaks out.... All this preparation by the way was ordered by Trump and if he gets back into the Whitehouse, he will 100% start war with China who have Russia, North Korea and Iran behind them to name but a few... All out war is the only direction the US can now go in because they are so messed up financially they have to completely destroy the current global system to rebuild it with the USA at its head.... It will FAIL... I suggest you go to your place in Canada and rent some land and grow some food and keep some animals and chickens... If you have nearby nearby running water consider damning a stream to make some hydroelectricity, solar panels and a cheap 3KW wind turbine and stay off grid.
Well, the loudmouth turd David Bell rags on the USA... so what country is HE from? Probably Canada, which is more FUBAR than America...
And no, many will survive and potentially thrive... Hungary, Slovakia, Australia, New Zeland, etc... but yes, many will go into depression.
I am no turd and I am more than willing to tell you that I am from the UK which is maybe not as bad a situation but equally as terrible future for all the same reasons the USA is in dire trouble... We have also the exact same problems as is the entire world that is tied to the USA financial system from France to German to Japan... It is all going to collapse together including the UK.... But I have one major advantage over you.... I left the UK 14 years ago and have built a new and much safer life in Southeast Asia which is almost debt free and on the rise and is completely sheilded from the destruction of the west... This is the place all you who read this should be flocking to... The golden billion are on the edge of a cliff while the other 7 billion have the brightest future, and if you want to take my advice as a toxic truth so you can insult me, then stay where you are and you can recall my message 5 years from now and possibly as little as 2 years from now when it all unfolds in front of your very eyes... I live in a country where the PEOPLE have the power over the government and is why we will never be in a mess.
Dear David,
please excuse my familiar approach to you but as much as you are correct in what you are saying, please keep in mind that many of us simply can not run off to south east asia. We have our elderly parents to care of, children to raise, who have friends and family here. Some of us still have a job that pays some bills and since I am also an expat for about 27 years by now, I can tell you that even after all those years, I am still a foreigner and will remain one. To ask of people to rip out their roots, I would consider inhuman. The people need to educate themself, that's a duty in my opinion, just that takes time and is hard to do when your every day information is based on hybris, lies and psy-ops against you.
To conclude I would like to citate a song that once was a hymne for the working class: "Uns hilft kein Kaiser, Gott oder Tribun, uns aus dem Elend zu erl├╢sen m├╝ssen wir schon selber tun."
"there is no help from royalty, no God or tyrant to help us. To free ourself from the misery, we can do only by ourself"
Have a great time and all the best to you.
I am not telling people to uproot now... I am saying this is where many WILL flee to when it all comes tumbling down in the west and especially from the USA where 300 million guns are in the hands of the public, it will be survival of the worst people and the good will become victims of its own society. The US government will struggle to get control and good luck building back up in the ensuing chaos... I consider myself a pioneer to what I know is coming and I knew it 14 years ago. I also have family and friends in the UK and when the time comes to flee, I can at least offer them somewhere to come where they will get assistance from me and take advantage of the roots I have been laying down for 14 years... People need to wake up to the inevitabilty and start sending out their pioneers... Nothing 'inhumane' about that. I would instead call it logical forward thinking.
Wait, are you saying that being gun owners makes them "the worst people"? Maybe I'm reading something into that. But I will say this, IF NOT for those guns and the Second Amendment, we'd have been Canada by now. And instead of leaving their country, for whatever reason many of us, MOST of us have stayed, and there is NO REASON why, after we've recovered from our inevitable FALL, which will take some time, it's a given, America can come back BETTER than before, since we will have learned a hard lesson. There is no reason to say a whole lot about the future, short term or long term, because it hasn't yet been written. You seem to be very angry about the country you left (this one), which is understandable, but don't take it out on the PEEPS, because the PEEPS behave in ways that are entirely understandable when you look at the sneaky, evil plan that has been deployed over generations to crush us.
I have to respectfully disagree with you and agree with David.
When it all comes crashing down there will be bloodshed all over America because of those guns and don't assume the righteous will win the battle. Every gun owner thinks they are always on the good guys side. Wait until the food is gone from the local grocer and their kids start crying from hunger. Like a dog, once that first blood is drawn, I'm sure it will be a lot easier to pull the trigger next time.
I'm told, in the closing days of WW2, as the Russians surrounded Berlin, most of the inhabitants were obsessed with finding a painless way to commit suicide.
When the shit hits the fan, I'm sure elderly parents will become highly motivated to leave. Just tell them it's a vacation.
YouтАЩre entitled to your opinion. But hereтАЩs mine: If it werenтАЩt for all the guns in the US, weтАЩd have been utterly undone a long time ago. Look whatтАЩs happened to the other four countries in the Five Eyes: Australia, NZ, Canada, and England: TYRANNY, big time, bigger, much bigger than the US. Because our fabulous тАЬleadershipтАЭ is afraid of getting shot. JUST THAT FEAR is worth something.
Your infatuation with guns has caused you to be blinded to the fact that we are NOT talking about gun 'owners' we are talking about 'guns' in general and the criminal elements and desperate people who have just as much access to these weapons as responsible law abiding gun 'owners'..... Stop generalising about gun 'owners' and focus on the actual threat of the conditions in which many millions of people will pick up guns and cause absolute havoc.
Well, IтАЩve thought of that, too. IтАЩm not crazy about the idea of Bad Guys using guns to steal from Good Guys. Would that not happen without guns, tho? And IтАЩm not infatuated with guns, I donтАЩt own one. IтАЩm infatuated with the Constitution. It STILL matters to me, whether our тАЬleadershipтАЭ shares that respect or not. So maybe if youтАЩd simply ASK me specific questions, instead of imagining you know what I think?
It's obvopis to me Word Herder that you have never been in a Civil War.
Yes I have.
A neighbour or friend you pissed off some time ago...make sure you don't meet them in the street. Houses will burn/water will be in high demand as will be food. People will steal if you have anything of your own. Some will help others but with the scarcity of everything it's unlikely good people will last.
I have seen this with my own eyes. Take time to think and this was in a country where guns were not legal!
Hmmmm. So looks like you're still mad at me for not telling you how incredibly brilliant are, some time ago. I tried to make peace with you, but it looks kind of like your war mentality is in YOU.
It appears you're buying the bullshit about a "Civil War" -- are you? Do you just parrot what you hear in the MSM? Or is that your jobs, to sow fear?
You say you've seen it with your own eyes... Where? When? Why? How? Are you American? Do you live in the US?
How do you know what will happen? Is everything always the same in history? And whose version of history do you believe?
In the Great Depression, people didn't go ape shit, killing each other, they didn't even riot and take over the govt. They suffered, and they helped each other, mostly.
I think THIS TIME is different. VERY different, in that we're living through the biggest FRAUD committed against HUMANITY, ever seen in the history of the world as we know it.
So maybe cut the fear-mongering and try thinking of some GOOD IDEAS on how to bring down tyrants. THAT would be much more helpful. And btw, try laying off the gaslighting while you're at it. Sheesh. What the hell do you know about me? Not much.
This is NOT about YOU. I am supposed to remember what I said some time ago to someone called Word Herder?
I have no problem with you at all I just answer comments to the best of my ability.
SO. 1 You don't believe I have been in a Civil War? Why I wonder?
" 2 Not everyone lives or were born in the USA.
" 3 Try talking to many S. Americans who have been in Civil Wars...I suggest they are coming to the US because of this, started by the USA.
" 4. I never lie because I don't see the point. In the end lies don't win.
I have NO idea why CIVIL wars are called "civil wars" because they are not civil.
" 5. You obviously have not read the same books as I have regarding Prohibition. Pick up any book on prohibition and you might understand what I am saying.
" 6. I was born into a Country called Sri Lanka (after Independence). I know what I am talking about. Many countries after the British left were in a vaccuum..........some people (thousands) wanted to remove immigrants even though some of those immigrants were there before Sri Lanka was invaded by the British.
USA is in a similar position. You are going down rapidly and everything you accumulated will mean nothing in the face of very angry mobs which will turn into a bloodbath. Citizens who don't want a 'blood bath' will have to fight even if it's just to survive.
All my life (like your veterans) I have suffered from PTS.
When you see one person dying for NO reason you will join in regardless of what you believe or say.
In many ways I am NOT trying to be vengeful just hoping you take my words in good faith.
As for History: It does repeat itself whether you like it or not.
True, it's about YOU, I get it.
You really are quite bizarre, all these assumptions you make for ME, in order to be "right" about what you're so convinced is the "truth." YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIE TO BE WRONG. And even if you are right, you're just not convincing. It's not like throwing a rock at a window. Sometimes things are not what you think they are, or will be. How do you possibly know the FUTURE?
This is not where you once were in a war, it's not the same time, nor the same situation. It almost seems like you want to be right so badly that you're WISHING this future. Maybe your hysteria is BECAUSE of your supposedly previous experience.
Anyway, why should I believe you? Because you tell me to?
Tell ya what. I DO remember you, I don't CARE what you think of me, and you were just as hysterical and illogical that day as you are today, making up all sorts of things so you can "win" the argument, or whatever you want to call your ravings on SS.
Spare me, I don't need to be screeched at by anybody, audibly, or in words, it's just boring and a waste of time. Go freak out on someone else.
And, I will add this: I think your prediction of how gun owners will behave is tainted by your ideas about what kind of people gun owners are. I suggest, respectfully, that your views are influenced by propaganda. And you donтАЩt need to advise me on what I say to my parents, but thanks for your concern.
This is quite possible and maybe I have been 'propagandised.' BUT remember these words.
Killing someone with a knife or a machete is a LOT different from killing people with guns.
Look at the kids murdered in your schools?
There are plenty of mad people out there.............how are you going to protect yourself?
And those "kids murdered in...schools" -- PSY OPS, hello. Yeah.
Are you even American?? I don't think you are.
I'm not going to play your game. If you're right, so be it. If you're not, you'll wish you'd taken that valium today.
I'm NOT convinced that we will have a CIVIL WAR at all. If more people like you would stop FREAKING OUT and calm the hell down, maybe we could be RATIONAL about things, generally.
Where did I say that?.... Even an idiot knows that the bad people will pick up the guns and take the resources from the good people... What YOU are saying is that probably all gun owners in the USA are good people.... Your country will become post apocalyptic because of the ease of getting hold of guns and will definitely hinder the ability to restore order... In a country where there are little guns the chaos will be much greatly reduced, so while you praise all your guns remember that it is those guns that will probably destroy you and your own.... It means complete civil war it means if the financial collapse isn't already bad enough, add to it massive violence on a huge scale... The bad will rise up and mobilise large gangs long before the good even know what hit them... There is no limit to how people in the US react to a crisis, look at covid when they were punching each other's face in for the last toilet paper in Walmart. Or some cop kills a black dude and the whole country goes into riot mode.... These things are nothing to compete with total financial collapse. You have been warned... The last thing I want to see is this happening. I love the American people, I think they are being shafted by their politicians and the elites that control them... If anyone abandons the USA it will be the elites, the political class and the CEOs and directors of the big corporations who will board their private jets and yachts and head for 5 star luxury island resorts in the South Pacific to enjoy their stolen wealth while they watch the whole thing go to crap for the regular American.... and that also goes for the Trumps.
This is my fear as well. DonтАЩt know if this country can be saved now, particularly post-Covid and the disastrous Biden administration. Once the collapse does occur, your description of the aftermath is the most probable scenario. We werenтАЩt able to move overseas but we moved to a very rural area of the country, hoping that will give us a little time to prepare for what will happen once the big cities completely fail. Might not help much but it is what we were able to do.
We don't have to assume the worst, and then imagine the worst. As you say, it's just FEAR you are speaking through.
What if, and I do think we will "fall" in certain ways, especially financially, what if we rally and help others and FIX the broken? It may take some time, but freaking out and acting out of FEAR is no way to handle ANY situation. Maybe this will be the catalyst for us to step up and be the kind of people we USED to be. The kind of people we still are, deep down.
Well, okay then, you aren't even American, I guess? And you know all about my country? And how guns are dealt with here, and the future, too? You sound like someone who has a VERY low opinion about Americans, because... you saw somebody on TV fighting over toilet paper? And the "whole country goes into riot mode" and so on and so on, because you watch TV? If you love Americans so much why don't you know that TV is mass propaganda? And YOU are warning US? LOLOLOL Please, calm down. If you were American you'd know that your outrageously stereotyped ideas about MY country and countrymen is like a cartoon image of us. "Some cop kills a black dude..." Nice. No, I'm not going to fall for your silly attempt to fight with me. I LIVE in America. I was born and raised here. Your caricature doesn't faze me. Your comical descriptions are... funny, but also kind of hysterical, in the medical sense.
When people who really don't want to think in depth about something, and/or they disagree with something, they often resort to insults and smears of the person they are engaged in conversation with. I'm used to that.
Not sure that I would tar all Americans with the same brush but this is a country that saw it's most loved, sincere and honourable president assassinated by its secret services and for over 60 years has given it a pass. But the US and their Coup-Makers displaced our best Prime Minister took over my country and reduced it to the status of sycophantic, servile vassal. I can hardly be expected to "hold Americans dear". However, that was almost 50 years ago and Australians have done nothing about that either. So now I live in the UK and I see the US-led corporate take-over of the British government by its ownership of the two-party political system and farcical election process while complaisant Brits roam about like grazing cattle. On the other hand, while Europe has been so totally subjugated to the empire that the US can destroy its access to critical energy infrastructure and no-one dares to look - the leadership utterly in the pocket of the empire. Here however, the story is different. The "revolutionary French" are in a rebellious frenzy; dramatic change is in motion. Likewise, if (my guess) Kamila Harris defeats Donald Trump in the next US election, I suspect a more ballsy, well-armed breed of Americans may emerge from the woodwork. Not "suggesting" that should happen of course (honestly) just speculating that it may happen IMHO.
Allen: Thanks for being more fair-minded and reasonable. Nobody is claiming that Americans are all wonderful, brave, and honest people! That's a silly thing anyway, we're all, every country in the world, a mixed bag. But if you look at how Americans were say, in the 1930's and 40's, it's very different from how we are now, after the onslaught of the EVIL MUFFOS who run the world starting hammering at us post-WWII. Americans were getting a little too smart and a little tooooo productive to be seen as No Threat to the .001% who want to RULE THE PLANET...
And just for the record, David Bell, and anyone else who will point at the American people, who have been stomped over and over and over, our infrastructure destroyed, our wealth sucked upward, our educational system skewed and trashed (and is now full of horrible "woke" insanity and sexual perversion), our industry sent elsewhere, our value system undone, we've been attacked in ways that are not military, but might as well be, except that our military has been reinvented, and is sent to bomb and shoot people for the sake of hegemony (which had its early life starting right after the Civil War, when the Muckities realized American could DO hegemony), while the American people were slowly beaten down in various ways, and now -- we are killed with toxins, drugs, and simple deliberate financial strife. Our psychological health has been decimated too, with subtle hints and outright propaganda. America was the land of the shining possibilities, the "City on the Hill," the hope of the world, and so... We had to be destroyed! By the same gd people (their descendants) that are now trying to kill off EVERYBODY!
There are elements of my country that I detest, and they are very small comparatively, but I feel quite confident that while many people are unwilling to jump up and run toward the danger, there are many others who ARE willing, and they DO it, and most of the ones who are afraid to do it are simply afraid, and not evil.
I can understand people who live in other countries being pretty unimpressed with the American onslaught in military adventures... I think a lot of Americans look very unhappily at that... We have to PAY for that evil, remember, and we know that. But when we stand up and say no, we are met with violence both physical, emotional-- and prolonged social suffering. If you could see how my country, which used to be a shining star, and was infiltrated and deliberately fucked over, SLOWLY, BECAUSE of that, because of the THREAT we were to these people who have most of the world's wealth, and who hide in the shadows like the vicious but cowardly scum they are, while they perpetrate INCREDIBLE EVIL, trying to undo the Good, and using their minions to send our young (very young) men into wars of mal intent, when all those young men, and women, simply wanted to SERVE AND PROTECT THEIR COUNTRY, not to help the fucking elitist asshole psychopaths that are now trying to KILL US ALL. You can say what you want, but I do think I know my people. And I don't see how Americans are so different from other countries, except that we've been victimized, taught lies, treated as worthless, trained to be abused. The Evil has taken our family farms, dosed us (and continues to dose us) with chemicals on the corporate food, sprayed like bugs virtually daily, at least where I live, given "medicine" that kills us or makes us sicker, and all sorts of insidious behavior visited upon our weakest segments, the poor. I'm old enough to have watched MOST of this happen, since the 60's. I was born in 1960. I've seen with my own eyes, and lived my life in it, as we've gone down the shitter.
I will defend my people, because it's NOT OUR FAULT. Our soldiers come home and kill themselves. We, too are victims of this Globalist Cabal that is the CAUSE of the most massive FRAUD of all time, "Covid." We the People are NOT our leadership. We never have been. It's ALWAYS been the Elitist Slime that comes from the Globalist shadowy rulers that hide behind "The City of London," or the Crown Corporation, or the whateverthehell they hide behind... The lousy excuses for Human Beings, who are born into vast wealth, never work a day in their miserable lives, and get their kicks by torture and murder, of CHILDREN, even. I blame THEM.
Man! You sure like words and have a very large herd. But it seems to me, If I may be so bold as to express an opinion, you need to condense your thoughts, distill the essence, get right to the point with pithy statements. Writing out the details about every tree is sure to lose sight of the forest.
But to the issue: Seems to me that capitalism is the core problem; it concentrates wealth and rewards ruthless, psychopathic behaviour. Give it 80 post-war years and what have we got? Vast wealth that transcends the National wealth and interests that preoccupy us lowly mortals and all that wealth is controlled by psychopaths.
At the core of this is the Advertising Industry. For decades it has recruited psychologists and psychiatrists in developing techniques to manage the masses. It expanded into the PR industry (see Edward Bernaise) and took over the news and entertainment industry as the vector of its pernicious contagion. By control of incomprehensible numbers of human consumer minds it massively leveraged both wealth generation and wealth concentration.
From the "Carpet of gold or carpet of bombs" down to "if you don't comply we will withdraw investment and make your economy scream" it can blatantly bully national governments but it has simultaneously adopted the soft option of simply buying governments and directly writing the legislation and "trade agreements" that it wants.
Take ANY country, full of nice people, brainless people, nasty people - you name it - they can all be manipulated, coerced, persuaded that they are powerless etc. etc. and if by chance they DO start to coalesce around a leadership and begin to organise resistance - that leadership (even up to the Kennedy brothers) can be simply "taken out".
Does that describe the forest for you in fewer words or less?
We're not completely f**ked, wordherder, but we DO need to fully appreciate the nature and extent of the problem.
And btw, when I answer a broad topic like the one here, I'm writing for OTHERS, too, and not just the one person who responded (you). Make sense? On a public, open-to-the-world forum. Terribly sorry, but I can't see how a broad picture is always a bad thing.
Well, okaaaaay. Seems to me you just said a fair little forest of your own, and pretty much said, in different words, What I Said.
I never insinuated that we were "completely fucked," did I? ??? I'm for the 1st Amendment, so I said the "bad words" if I want to. ;)
And I think since you can't read my mind, I should make it clear that I DO indeed fully appreciate the nature and extent of the problem. Did you feel I was missing something?
How can you say, it's been given a "pass"? I strongly disagree with that. I think you misunderstand how groups of people function in that way... Political power is something most people feel they don't have-- until they experience it in a large group. One has to LEARN how to own it, so to speak. Fear is a huge disincentive, and the Muckities know that, and don't hold back in USING it, whether it's just propaganda, or whether it's actual physical attacks, or both. Information has been LONG withheld and the propaganda and coverup were CIA, so pretty adept, in my view. But yeah, the truth slowly seeps out. And by the way, Abe Lincoln was pretty beloved, too. But when we live in a culture that has ALWAYS been plagued by lies and coverups about just who is running things and what we're being told (from the get go!!)-- and I'd say MOST Western countries have at least some of the same kind of trouble, but I do think the US is the MOST compromised, and the People the most LIED TO and oppressed in many ways. I don't see evidence in ANY country's history that when oppression comes down, everyone gets up and stops it. It take TIME and a slow build-up of anger and a will to fix it... And even then, it's always, at least at the beginning, a small group of the population who actually stand up and do something... Because? Remember that saying, the nail that sticks up gets hammered. FEAR. It's a great tool.
Looks like you are going to hell in a handcart then.... Enjoy the ride.
I sent you another little message, David. Because you should know. If you're going to ride the Blame Horse, then at least understand WHERE the blame lies, instead of blathering about what you don't know shit about. Thank you. See above my later comments.
Oh, be nice. Think about your own country.
You're not hearing me, you're putting words into my mouth. What I said was, if we Americans didn't have guns, then bad guys will, and have elsewhere, pick up WHATEVER weapons they can and use them. Look at the Great Depression in the 30's -- also caused by the Filthy Rich! People didn't just go around shooting each other. Your imagination is being FED by our beloved (not) MEDIA, with movies, and fake news and scary stuff to send people into fear trips like YOU are now DEMONSTRATING. Hello?
You insist on telling me what I think and what I'm saying, but you're really not hearing me, and I feel like you're not hearing me on purpose. Why is that? Why do you have SUCH a strong need to spread FEAR and insist that the US will "become apocalyptic"? Are you being PAID to spread this irrational fear? Because there is NO real reason to think that you're RIGHT. After all, you're imagining what could happen; you are not REPORTING on what ever--- EVER--- has happened in any kind of similar conditions. Just as most people are pretty law-abiding and more likely to cower in their homes if something bad is going on, I predict that when the shit hits the fan, Americans will SCRAPE BY, help each other, get to work fixing things, and the anger that will be there will be mostly leveled at the people WHO CAUSED IT-- our ever-fucking central govt.
You make some good points, but your basis of predicting chaos and mass murder is based in FEAR and nothing else. Stop spreading fear, chaos and rampant killing is not a GIVEN.
By definition, what David Bell proposes would only be available to a limited number of immigrants into whatever country he now lives in. Since this is likely to be many orders of magnitude less than the entire fleeing post collapse 'golden billion' how does David Bell propose to 'select' those who would be let into his adopted country, and what are grounds going to be to exclude the rest?
You insult a country that is at least half filled with really fine people... another quarter of which has been poisoned by a corrupt liberal/Marxist... we have been infected with massive corruption, much like the UK... so you fled... fine... but knock off the insults... we conservatives here are trying to right the ship of state, rather than slink away.
the UK will soon become an islamic state... and unless you convert to islam, which would not surprise me as you tend to have a lack of spine, you may be in deep schit soon.
I personally have prepared for the coming economic and societal turmoil... rather than run.
The UK depresses me greatly. It's been swirling the drain for decades and now its demise will accelerate thanks to voting in Labour.
It's become next to impossible to believe that native Brits want their country completely destroyed. Large swaths of it are already indistinguishable from Third World shitholes.
Labour will definitely accelerate the decline by letting in even more unskilled, useless, antagonistic, and ungrateful illegal aliens.
What country is that David ? I have a great escape plan too but am currently in Canada. I don't know what the fall out will be here but I'd like to keep all my options open.
I was hoping to move to the mild climate and ocean front of Canada's west coast. I have homes and deep roots in the Philippines by virtue of marriage.
I think the key to comfortable and secure living is to keep as many options open as possible and keep your money in the safest currency or basket of currencies you can think of. I got stung bad in the Salinas disaster in Mexico, owning property there. Once you move money into these places it can be very hard to get it out again without a huge haircut.
Accumulate dual citizenships where possible and marrying into alternate citizenships, or privileged status, is a good move for the single people. For those who are married and still want children, give birth in the desired destiny country.
I am in Thailand and I see absolutely no threat to where I live. We have an excess of food, we are not a nuclear target, our economy is tied to the eastern financial system and Thailand will be in BRICS this time next year... My advice would be to forget the Philippines, it has been completely captured by the USA and is being turned into a huge military base with the help of the corrupted Marcos Jnr. The US are currently building 4 bases there and are moving in intermediate nuclear missiles to use against China... So Phills will be completely wiped off Google maps the moment war breaks out.... All this preparation by the way was ordered by Trump and if he gets back into the Whitehouse, he will 100% start war with China who have Russia, North Korea and Iran behind them to name but a few... All out war is the only direction the US can now go in because they are so messed up financially they have to completely destroy the current global system to rebuild it with the USA at its head.... It will FAIL... I suggest you go to your place in Canada and rent some land and grow some food and keep some animals and chickens... If you have nearby nearby running water consider damning a stream to make some hydroelectricity, solar panels and a cheap 3KW wind turbine and stay off grid.
Leave soon, asshole!
That's 2 reports you have given me the opportunity to make... I will look for more opportunities.... lol