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Jill Stein is a lunatic woke far-left turd.

Amazingly, she would be even worse than Biden/Obongo.

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As is RFK Jr, a clear globalist who loves the [fake] green agenda with his climate zealotry, anti 2A stance, genocidal ethnic cleansing, etc. RFK is a special kind of mentally-deranged hypocrite who pretends he wants to protect kids from certain jabs, while cheering for post birth abortion and murder of children in Gaza. He's a true sociopath, who can't differentiate what he stands for; and his IQ is handicapped since he can't even understand 7th grade science when it comes to "carbon" and CO2... not to mention that his google billionare VP is just as steeped in wokeness and derangement as he is.

Nicole Shanahan: Globalist stooge


Shanahan's Bia-Echo Foundation:


Shanahan's Strumwasser: Lightning Labs:



ClearAccessIP: Shanahan


Zero Acre: funded by Shanahan:


Shanahan donated $4M to RFK campaign:


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Post birth abortion? Really?

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Yes, really. Do some research.

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Yes. These are RFK Jr's (and all demonrat's) most important ideologies thatvyou should take the time to find out; along with RFK being an advocate for "reparations" for "slavery". And the [fake] green agenda. And being a hard-core z!onist neocon, cuz killing kids in the womb isn't enough to satisfy the country's satanic lust for child sacrifice. We have to condone dropping missiles on infants and children, who just might be terr0rists. This sociopathic lust to kill innocents is out of control, which is the same reason RFK is on board with gun control; because how dare you have the right to protect yourself from criminals who wish you harm. People are far too comfortable justifying genocide... as long as it's not them being "genocided". You think RFK has armed security protection? You bet he does. But for you, the useless CO2 "polluter", your life is much less valuable than his. And BTW... CO2 is necessary for all life, (it's not a "pollutant") as any 7th grader knows. So "carbon zero" means zero humans, too, as humans are carbon life forms.

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Ignorance is bliss... (and you and 'Abiding Dude' are prime examples!)

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Outstanding comment!

Beware the ahole trolls out there coming after you! :-)

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