Other than that…he is a whining, posturing, murderous abomination whose idiotic admirers (from the Greek, one who has no duty) still think he accomplished something in office, maybe because he told them so. Some six of his lawyers have now gone to jail, as would he have if the wealth he transfers to their replacements from Republican cof…
Other than that…he is a whining, posturing, murderous abomination whose idiotic admirers (from the Greek, one who has no duty) still think he accomplished something in office, maybe because he told them so. Some six of his lawyers have now gone to jail, as would he have if the wealth he transfers to their replacements from Republican coffers to keep them working on stalling with vexatious challenges to his indictments were not so disruptive to the regular exercise of the law courts.
To be fair, it's not always FAIR to point to what's been done to someone as reasons for not "liking" them... Smear campaigns are pretty convincing for those who are only willing to skim the surface of things, taking the lazy way of making decisions about people they have no means of investigating on their own... In other words, judge them by what they DO, not by the gossip about them, or even by what they're ACCUSED of.
The lawfare against DJT is all pathetic and is collapsing as we speak... what remains will be overturned for SURE... you dumb shit! And compared to Biden's massive criminality, the world knows it is a disgrace.
Abiding Dud, Would that be lawfare like refusing to hear evidence at an impeachment, or frustrating Obama’s right to appoint a Supreme Court Judge during his own term? Or telling your representatives not to pass cross-party agreed legislation on immigration so that the government of the day can’t implement it? Do you have a suitably anal epithet for your own hypocrisy, I wonder? Your embellished list of Trump “accomplishments”represents all the economics Trump has disrupted while benefitting from Obama's economic up cycle. Enjoy your own world of alternative facts, while you’re emotionally unable to look at David Bell’s analysis of the movement from decline to tragic fall of the US empire. None of us want this to be taking place but it is. I suggest you read Chris Hedges’ America, the Farewell Tour.
Meanwhile, I’ll try to stay warm, having to keep the heating off after Biden blew up Europe’s source of cheap Russian gas. He too should be an American hero of yours, playing enormous games of Chicken with the Russians and the Chinese, all the while having been bought by the Israel lobby, meaning that he has done nothing but finance and supply the genocide in Gaza. Except also the destruction of Ukraine fighting to the last Ukrainian.
It matters not which major party you vote for, because as Hedges points out, public policy has been bought and paid for long before you get to vote, by the corporations whose major product is now war. And the American public is the buyer of that product. For all Trump’s critique of the military, he can only turn it inward against the American people as the empire collapses, spending more of your money on it and tripling your national debt. If he gets immunity or gets elected he will make the presidency the seat of criminality in the US. But this doesn’t bother you because you worship your flag and he’s wrapped himself in it. Maybe it‘ll be upside down like his bible. But no matter, to you it’s all “Go Team”.
Other than that…he is a whining, posturing, murderous abomination whose idiotic admirers (from the Greek, one who has no duty) still think he accomplished something in office, maybe because he told them so. Some six of his lawyers have now gone to jail, as would he have if the wealth he transfers to their replacements from Republican coffers to keep them working on stalling with vexatious challenges to his indictments were not so disruptive to the regular exercise of the law courts.
To be fair, it's not always FAIR to point to what's been done to someone as reasons for not "liking" them... Smear campaigns are pretty convincing for those who are only willing to skim the surface of things, taking the lazy way of making decisions about people they have no means of investigating on their own... In other words, judge them by what they DO, not by the gossip about them, or even by what they're ACCUSED of.
man, you are one delusional assclown sheep... foaming at the mouth nuts.
Accomplishments? read them and weep, you craven moron asshole!
The lawfare against DJT is all pathetic and is collapsing as we speak... what remains will be overturned for SURE... you dumb shit! And compared to Biden's massive criminality, the world knows it is a disgrace.
Be gone, you odoriferous stool-sample!
That's 4 reports
Abiding Dud, Would that be lawfare like refusing to hear evidence at an impeachment, or frustrating Obama’s right to appoint a Supreme Court Judge during his own term? Or telling your representatives not to pass cross-party agreed legislation on immigration so that the government of the day can’t implement it? Do you have a suitably anal epithet for your own hypocrisy, I wonder? Your embellished list of Trump “accomplishments”represents all the economics Trump has disrupted while benefitting from Obama's economic up cycle. Enjoy your own world of alternative facts, while you’re emotionally unable to look at David Bell’s analysis of the movement from decline to tragic fall of the US empire. None of us want this to be taking place but it is. I suggest you read Chris Hedges’ America, the Farewell Tour.
Meanwhile, I’ll try to stay warm, having to keep the heating off after Biden blew up Europe’s source of cheap Russian gas. He too should be an American hero of yours, playing enormous games of Chicken with the Russians and the Chinese, all the while having been bought by the Israel lobby, meaning that he has done nothing but finance and supply the genocide in Gaza. Except also the destruction of Ukraine fighting to the last Ukrainian.
It matters not which major party you vote for, because as Hedges points out, public policy has been bought and paid for long before you get to vote, by the corporations whose major product is now war. And the American public is the buyer of that product. For all Trump’s critique of the military, he can only turn it inward against the American people as the empire collapses, spending more of your money on it and tripling your national debt. If he gets immunity or gets elected he will make the presidency the seat of criminality in the US. But this doesn’t bother you because you worship your flag and he’s wrapped himself in it. Maybe it‘ll be upside down like his bible. But no matter, to you it’s all “Go Team”.
Roach/lamb, Your gibberish is unreadable, typical of a Barry Obongo buttlicker.
Smell ya later.