Look at the squabble that is just above your comment... EXACTLY what the Nasties want from us... They have two very very powerful tools that work exceptionally well: FEAR, and DIVIDE and CONQUER. That we continue to allow this insidious manipulation to suck us in-- and it's EASY to be sucked in! -- is one of our worst troubles, in my opinion.
Look at the squabble that is just above your comment... EXACTLY what the Nasties want from us... They have two very very powerful tools that work exceptionally well: FEAR, and DIVIDE and CONQUER. That we continue to allow this insidious manipulation to suck us in-- and it's EASY to be sucked in! -- is one of our worst troubles, in my opinion.
Look at the squabble that is just above your comment... EXACTLY what the Nasties want from us... They have two very very powerful tools that work exceptionally well: FEAR, and DIVIDE and CONQUER. That we continue to allow this insidious manipulation to suck us in-- and it's EASY to be sucked in! -- is one of our worst troubles, in my opinion.