My question is, what about Trump’s four years in the White House enthralls you???
As far as conversion to Islam is concerned, I think that it’s safe to assume that you are definitely anti first amendment, similarly to your zero/hero Trump, and genocide Joe Biden.
It’s said that the fish rots from the head on down.
My question is, what about Trump’s four years in the White House enthralls you???
As far as conversion to Islam is concerned, I think that it’s safe to assume that you are definitely anti first amendment, similarly to your zero/hero Trump, and genocide Joe Biden.
It’s said that the fish rots from the head on down.
I was only "enthralled" by Trump's 4 years when compared to the islamic turd Boy Barry Obongo's.
I did enjoy his reasonably secure borders, international relations under control, lower taxes, fighting against the Deep State, low energy costs, VERY low inflation, no wars for profit, low unemployment, booming economy, tax cuts, deregulation, trade policy improvements, sanctions on trade cheats, ended NAFTA, bailed on the goofy Paris Climate Scam... better healthcare, travel bans... much more...
But what did YOU, Mr. Snarky, find so "enthralling" about Obongo's 8 years or Biden's 3.5???
What makes you hate good guy TRUMP? Brainwashed by the lefty media?
Yes, the USA is on deep trouble... only an imbecile would blame Trump.
I think your description of yourself on your infantile, delusional psychotic Substack speaks volumes:
"The Truthful, Holy, Divinely Appointed and Honerable Reverend Merrick's Righteous Indignation Substack. A Warrior Eternaly Exposing the Babalonian Khazarian Fake jew Mafia, and their Fuckin' Evil Luciferian, Talmudic deeds!
What a pathetic imbecile.
Misspelling "Honorable", "Eternally", and "Babylonian" further indicates the intellect of a meltdown drug-addled impotent ass-clown.
My question is, what about Trump’s four years in the White House enthralls you???
As far as conversion to Islam is concerned, I think that it’s safe to assume that you are definitely anti first amendment, similarly to your zero/hero Trump, and genocide Joe Biden.
It’s said that the fish rots from the head on down.
The carp corpse called the U$A is a dead fish.
I was only "enthralled" by Trump's 4 years when compared to the islamic turd Boy Barry Obongo's.
I did enjoy his reasonably secure borders, international relations under control, lower taxes, fighting against the Deep State, low energy costs, VERY low inflation, no wars for profit, low unemployment, booming economy, tax cuts, deregulation, trade policy improvements, sanctions on trade cheats, ended NAFTA, bailed on the goofy Paris Climate Scam... better healthcare, travel bans... much more...
But what did YOU, Mr. Snarky, find so "enthralling" about Obongo's 8 years or Biden's 3.5???
What makes you hate good guy TRUMP? Brainwashed by the lefty media?
Yes, the USA is on deep trouble... only an imbecile would blame Trump.
Are you afflicted with dementia like Pedo Joey?
Riotous laughter calling your opponent "Mr. Snarky" !!
You assume much that is fiction rather than fact, and betray and display a delusional, rather than sound, mind.
It would appear that you have consumed more than your fair share of bread and circuses, and a a consequence you have become a fat…..head.
From the neck up dead.
For media, the medium I prefer is referred to as book.
A clearly unfamiliar object to you, and Donald the crook.
If you don’t mind, I’ll just say goodbye, and not be unkind, and wish you well, good night, and good luck.
Bid you adios or adieu, instead of a hearty and healthy fuck you.
Smell ya later, Biden buttlicking eunuch turd!
Dude. def.=
1. Impacted hair on an elephant’s ass.
2. The foreskin on a camel’s penis.
3. A “dandy”.
1. All of the above.
2. Dolt with
Be my guest , and invest yourself in U$A poly-tricks.
I gave that nonsense up back in the 20th century.
Please, don’t go away “MAD”, just go away, “period”.
Your mood and mumbling do remind me of a menstrual cycle.
Not in a good way.
Listen to the craven jew-boy squeal.
F-0ff, Schlomo! More proof Hitler was a great man!
BLOCKED Smell ya later
Wakey ² bro, He is the Anti-Christ incarnate,😤😠🤔😎 for the jewnited Snakes of Israel, that You work For, right?
I think your description of yourself on your infantile, delusional psychotic Substack speaks volumes:
"The Truthful, Holy, Divinely Appointed and Honerable Reverend Merrick's Righteous Indignation Substack. A Warrior Eternaly Exposing the Babalonian Khazarian Fake jew Mafia, and their Fuckin' Evil Luciferian, Talmudic deeds!
What a pathetic imbecile.
Misspelling "Honorable", "Eternally", and "Babylonian" further indicates the intellect of a meltdown drug-addled impotent ass-clown.
Go back and try to finish the 4th grade, loser.