US, NATO militaries, the Blob or Deep State and all US legislators MUST know the TRUTH:
That Russia CAN win THE Nuclear War against all of them... and Survive !
Russia, by law and by MORAL PRINCIPLES, will NEVER attack with nuclear weapons FIRST.
ONLY if dangerously attacked. KEY sentence in the new decree signed by Putin: "Confirmed SERIOUS threat to National Security".
As for response to a US/NATO ATTACK, Russia not only has more modern nuclear weapons:
Russia has the BEST ways to deliver them, something USA/NATO are still just dreaming of having:
UNSTOPPABLE hypersonic missiles, launched from many sources, land, air, submarine based (located on both coasts of the US and Europe)... with several models (Avangard, Iskander, Kinzhal, Tsirkon) including the NEW monster, the also hypersonic RS-28, Yars, Sarmat-2 (Satan) ICBM with up to 10 MIRVs and the newly USED Oreshnik (9M792)...
AND, to top it, and to demonstrate that Russia could evaporate ALL NATO cities, right now, with near total IMPUNITY (no more MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction Concept, already rendered obsolete de facto by Russia with all these advanced military technologies pushed by Putin) is the coverage (I of course ignore the quantities and deployment sites), PROTECTION provided by its highly advanced, sophisticated S400s, S500s (and S550s Air Defense Systems designed to take down satellites) designed to TAKE DOWN any incoming missile/ICBM, which imho guarantees that Russia, though bruised, would SURVIVE a full nuclear war !!!
BUT US cirizens can rest assured Russia WILL NEVER do it !
Russia, according to President Putin and their LAW on the matter, will NEVER strike FIRST !
Why? Mainly because Russia HAS MORAL VALUES based on their strong, popular, active Christian Orthodox Faith.
If the reverse would be happening, you can bet your house that the Evil United States' Neocon Leaders, which have NO moral values whatsoever (obsessed with money and worldwide Projection of Power), would have already obliterated, without any feeling of remorse, all Russian Cities...
Since WW2 the red army's doctrine, upon which the Russian military doctrine is based concentrated on destroying the German military. They succeeded in destroying 80% of the Werhmacht at the end of the War. The western allies for most of the war targeted German cities especially rail junctions as, there were located the highest concentration of civilians. Even after WW2 the bombings of North Korea, North Vietnam etc. targeted civilian infrastructure culminating in the Iraq war where 90% of the casualties were civilian. The Ukraine conflict may go down in history as one of the lowest civilian to combatant ratio killed in modern history. With that there is little chance of Russia using a nuclear device, well except they are first hit by an alliance whose doctrine is based on creating civilian casualties as a strategy for victory.
Indeed: The Ukraine Conflict, is "special": It is not a war, because as you rightly point out, all wars are waged to destroy the enemy.
President Putin, a lawyer, and most russians did not see the ukrainians as their enemy. A millennial common history, relatives, with roughly 10 million (or more) ethnic russians with their roots in Ukraine logically decided to remain there after the totalitarian, communist Soviet Union collapse...
How would they suspect they were going to be militarily attacked (daily bombardments by the Azov battallions) after they refused to accept the 2014 Maidan Coup d'État, perpetrated by the Ukro-NAZIS, fully supported by the US, NATO, the EU and declare their autonomy.
So Putin gave marching orders to his Armed Forces to mininize civilian casualties and civilian basic infrastructure damages, and OWN soldiers casualties, de facto tying one hsnd in the back of his Armed Forces, hoping for some day reconciliation, therefore Putin rightly named it SMO, Special Military Operation, and War has not so far being declared on Ukraine.
How easy could it be for Russia to unleash its formidable Air Force to wage War on Ukraine US "style": Coward high altitude indiscriminate carpet bombing, day and night, destroying everything and killing anyone on the way... ENDING that War within weeks... With near zero own casualties... How US "style" easy, and "fu.k" what the rest of the world say or think.
You are right: It will go, if it does not worsen, down in History for THAT.
Sometimes it seems like American Christians would happily nuke everybody who doesn't agree with them and their take on what we should ALL THINK/DO/SAY... It's almost like they'd rather FIGHT than live peacefully.
But I agree with your views on Putin and the rest... yep.
It’s not just the Evangelicals. It seems to me the Really Nice Ones are also quite hostile… to any ideas beyond what they think is “Biblical.” AS IF nobody could have EVER messed with what’s in the NT… It’s literally “the WORD OF GOD.” Forget any editing by any humans… But you know, it’s so antithetical to what Jesus was purportedly about… It’s almost like HE doesn’t matter, but a FEELING about what he DEMANDED OF US is the thing… It’s kinda bizarre.
I sincerely have no truck with what people believe— I can’t see how it MATTERS whether or not we all agree about things that are not pertinent to SURVIVAL. If someone is sincerely interested in MY take on the creation of Life on Earth, then I want to be sure it’s not going to be something to FIGHT about…
I think it’s a fool’s errand for us to divide ourselves in this kind of decision-making. And my wish would be that we would STOP trying to DECIDE everything that is extremely difficult to KNOW, especially when it’s not NECESSARY to do so, and simply look instead for the things WE ALL CAN AGREE UPON and turn our focus to creating a BETTER WAY to live on this beautiful Earth, our home.
Just look at how these “beliefs” about religion and the Nature of Creation have DIVIDED US for what, THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!! It’s time to stop that, in my opinion. It’s what the Evil Ones WANT us to do… to continue to FIGHT amongst each other instead of LIVE AND LET LIVE. We have ONE biggo choice to make, and it’s the choice between PEACE and long-term WAR. I know what I want. I’m not interested in fighting about religious ideas, I’m interested in finding ways to live together IN PEACE. If I’m going to FIGHT for something, it’s to END this EVIL we see currently attempting to destroy us and our entire planet! I’d say that takes precedence. xo ^_^
i'm curious, Kenneth: Does Akio Nakatani ~ the author of "Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax" ~ explain what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
If he does, can You summarize it in two or three sentences? Thank You. jeff
Other authors have been to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They were likely destroyed by firebombing like so many cities in Germany. If they were destroyed by what we have been taught are nuclear weapons, how is they have both recovered to be thriving cities? Mustard gas and napalm are what Michael Palmer thinks were used.
How many planes on how many missions would it have taken to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki with napalm and mustard gas?
And how would that not have been noticed by somebody on the ground in either of those two cities?
Did the citizens of Dresden know by direct experience that what was happening to them involved lots and Lots of aircraft and even more bombs? Would the people in all the Japanese cities firebombed [Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, and Kawasaki] know that?
If they did, then why wouldn't the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have noticed all those planes and bombs, as well? Why did all they experience was a massive, sudden explosion with no sign of any kind of enemy aircraft anywhere?
The Yanks were worried that the Russians would take Japan (they were sweeping the Island heading to the capital quickly). SOUND FAMILIAR - man on the moon nonsense ?.
Japan were already going to surrender and "give up"; so why the so called "nukes" ?
Are You saying that the destructions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not caused by Atomic Bombs? Then exactly what were they destroyed by?
And i believe that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ~ AFTER the Japanese were ready to surrender ~ was a very direct message to the USSR, which had just taken over control of Eastern Europe, which it just liberated from the Germans.
And also to serve notice to Stalin to not even think about putting Communists in power in Southeast Asia, which had been similarly liberated from Japan, and was in the process of being handed back over to France.
As i just pointed out: How many Germans in all those fire-bombed cities did not see and/or hear ~ and thus know ~ that they were being bombed by masses of enemy aircraft?
I understand where you are going with this, but before the conversation gets deeper... please just look up the "HALF LIVES" of the materials used in the alleged nuclear bombs.
1. About 64 kilograms of >>>>>> highly-enriched uranium <<<<<<< was used in the bomb which had a 16 kiloton yield (i.e. it was equivalent to 16,000 tonnes of TNT). It was released over Hiroshima, Japan's seventh largest city, on 6 August 1945.
2. The fissile material for the Nagasaki bomb was >>>>>>> plutonium-239 <<<<<<<<<<<. The plutonium core was divided into two hemispheres, each less than a critical mass, surrounded by explosive charges. These chemical charges compressed the plutonium into a single, extremely dense supercritical mass.
Please just take 10 mins to look up what and how long the half lives are AND how anyone could survive living there now.
Oh yes - Hiroshima does not have harmful radiation levels today. The residual radiation from the bomb decayed quickly after the explosion, and the city has since maintained radiation levels comparable to natural background radiation elsewhere.
PS Think I am responding to wrong person, if so apologies.
i'm not sure if You're responding to me Bob - Enough, but here's my response to You: i refer to the following as my source; what. may i ask, is Yours?
And again, if Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not hit by atomic bombs, what destroyed them? Or were they never really destroyed?
...”A Facebook video with the text “Hiroshima and Nagasaki were never nuked” points to the fact that the two cities are thriving today and asserts that lingering radiation should have made them uninhabitable for centuries (link).
However, most of the radiation released in the mid-air blasts in 1945 never made it to the ground, according to scientists, and what did was mostly short-lived, decaying not long after the explosions.
The post suggesting that the two Japanese cities were never bombed surfaced in August 2023 around the 78th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and the release of the film “Oppenheimer”, which tells the story of the bombs’ creation (link).
Both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were designed to detonate thousands of feet above the ground, leveling buildings for miles with the force of the explosion itself and the resulting fires. But the intense radiation released by the blasts caused the majority of immediate deaths through radiation burns and radiation poisoning, according to the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), a U.S.-Japanese research organization focused on studying long-term health effects in survivors of the 1945 blasts (
Because of the altitude of the detonations, most of the radiation from the explosions did not even reach the ground in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Jeffrey Hart, RERF’s chief of public relations and publications, said in an email.
“Because the burst heights of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were at 600 meters in the air and 503 meters, respectively, most of the radiation (90%) was pulled up into the atmosphere,” Hart said.
“Rate of decay is inversely proportional to half-life, so something with a long half life, it’s not very radioactive,” Haas said in a phone interview.
Emphasizing the distinction between the radiation released by the blasts themselves, and radioactive materials that would have fallen to the ground and contaminated the area, Haas said that what reached the ground would have included “a mix of fission products and some leftover material from the bomb itself.”
The isotopes that would have caused the most harm include iodine 131, which has a short half life and is very dangerous, he said. “But the most dangerous ones would have decayed with hours.”
“If you look at all the radioactivity at one day, it’s decayed by factor of 100,000; at 10 days by a factor of 1 million; at 10 years, it’s gone down by a factor of 1 billion.”
Today, the city of Hiroshima explains on its website, the city’s level of radiation is “on a par with the extremely low levels of background radiation (natural radioactivity) present anywhere on Earth” and has no effect on humans (link).
Roger. i figured that out about five minutes ago. While my cognitive functioning hasn't decreased to the level of Biden or Trump, it certainly ain't what it used to be.
I have posted about this topic on this channel several times in the past and no one picks it up. My objective was to get a conversation started which it seems has worked this time. Except of course with you. All you have to do is criticize my posting as spam so you have an excuse not to engage.
Nukes do not exist, but you can choose to live in fear. That is you choice. Others are interested in learning the truth of the matter.
"I have posted about this topic on this channel several times in the past and no one picks it up."
Maybe the reason for that is the fact that you post it several times in the same thread.
I am 100% certain the victims of the two bombs that were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki would beg to differ as far as your claim that nukes do not exist.
"...., but you can choose to live in fear. That is you choice."
After I learned the truth about the plandemic I will never again fall for the MSM's gaslighting about anything.
The victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki died of something. Just like the victims of Dresden Germany. Can they tell the difference, or do they believe what they are told. You can read the books or not. If not your opinion may be based on BS.
The real war is Jews vs. Humans, and we're losing. Time is short: if the normie goyim don't wake up soon, we'll be enslaved or incinerated, and the Jews will have won.
This is what is needed to avoid a nuclear war. With leadership from Scott Ritter working with others in the peace community there is a chance we can bring some sanity to the United States foreign policy and actually save humanity, once again as was done by John F Kennedy and Khrushchev in resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis.
I urge those people like myself that couldn't make it living in Toronto in person do what I did to support scott and crew to save all our lives donate buy those amazing t shirts his and hers that came in by courier yesterday. They will look great with my other 25 t shirts wikileaks julian Assange and 2 other organizations I truly support. Zhivko Vanef from banitsa Zissis Pedias
They don't listen to voters or their constituents once in office. If we can get a list of AIPAC members phone numbers so that they can contact Israel and get the OK to have the desires of the American people be transmitted to our representatives perhaps it could make a difference.
Remember the USS Liberty!!! Never forget and Never forgive!
Last time I checked supporters of the criminal and recklessly irresponsible organisation still known, ludicrously, as the "Democratic Party" were busy looking the other way and/or lambasting Trump's picks - the same useful idiots who were gungho about this PROVOKED proxy war back in early 2022.
Thank you Scott, the biggest word in all this game of toy soldiers is, IF as a child in the 60's I use to play with my toy soldiers and I knew then that it was a game, there would always be someone who when they were losing would trash the game, now the players have gotten older. and I thought wisdom came with age, how wrong can you be.
I have never thought that Putin would provoke nor promote Nuclear War! As many times as we have poked the bear, we are fortunate that he is who he is! I have great respect for him, because like others have mentioned here in their comments, if it was the US/NATO/EU, they would and are trying to instigate it without any respect to the people of these countries and don’t give a 💩 about what we want, when we don’t even want most of these people where they are in “power”!
I saw Scott Ritter give his remote commentary to the Schiller Institute along with Chas Freeman & others. I saw this on Garland Nixon's youtube channel. As usual, he waxed eloquent. He makes me proud. I wish Trump would appoint Scott instead of Kellogg as his Ukraine envoy.
I agree with the goal of stopping nukes. You should approach this in the judiciary, our last semi-functioning branch of govt.
Seek out the districts and judges who have made rulings on the covid mandates. These judges understand that this govt. lies, including life and death issues. They look at evidence, a rare commodity in our lives at this time. They have suffered multiple and on-going death threats. They are courageous, another human quality in short supply!
The US has not followed our laws and our Constitution in its wars, to include those which will likely end in nuclear war. We the people should ask the courts to enforce our laws broken by the president and the Congress.
Congress and Trump are bought off except in a very few cases in Congress. These are not people of courage and they have no interest in being informed of reality. While it is always worth trying, I believe the repeated tries you have made should tell you it is time to consider a different strategy. That strategy is our courts system.
The judges who look at evidence are known to us. The judges who will face down death threats are known to us.
The definition of insanity is trying the same failing tactic without ever trying something else.
Why would Russia employ nuclear weaponry in Ukraine? The worst case scenario for Russia would be a nuclear strike from the West against Russian infrastructure to which their would be an inevitable response.
The situation in Ukraine falls squarely into Russian military doctrine as per the strategy of Alexander Svechen, proven during the great patriotic war. The Russian military would retreat into the vastness of the Russian homeland extending the logistics of their enemy and destroy them in the depth of Russia/Ukraine. This worked against Napoleon and also against the Werhmacht. Strategic depth is the greatest asset of Russia and the reason they will never give up Ukraine. Then there would be the battle of the oceans where the Russian submarine force is probably today the most modern and capable in the world able to more than cripple western shipping in a general war. No need for a nuclear exchange.
Very well stated, Seeker. Thank You for sharing Your thoughts on all this.
And Thank You particularly for referencing Alexander Svechen. i was very aware of the Russian strategy of "retreating into the wilderness," as used successfully against Napoleon and Hitler. Was i did not know was its architect. [i Just did a Wiki on him; Wow... what a Life. And Death.]
My questions are: What do You believe is Putin's Ultimate Objective in Ukraine? And do You think he has any long-term plans for Europe?
In my opinion the Russians are interested in maintaining strategic depth. Creating a buffer between the Russian homeland and Europe. Russia's future is in the East or else they will again be ensnared by European treachery. Europe has historically demonstrated they are aggressive to and want the subjugation of Russia. Every few decades there is an attempt to invade Russia from western Europe. Well Europeans have disclosed their utter desdain for Russians cheering at videos that show the suffering and death at Russian servicemen. Even Sergie Lavrov mentioned in his interview with Tucker Carlson, Russian surprise at the reaction of Finns who Russians thought they had good relation, as a neutral country. Well no one can predict Geopolitics and shifting alliances but the best guide to the future always is the past as all things have been and will always be, nothing is new under the sun.
Given Russia's Natural Resources, it is no surprise that first Europe [Napoleon and Hitler] wanted ~ and now NATO wants ~ it under its political control.
And i agree with You completely about the Past being a Very reliable and trustworthy Guide to the Future. That is the Beauty and Magic of History, isn't it?
That has become a major issue today, knowledge of history, geography, geopolitics, Logic & reason, science, Maths etc have been replaced by emotion and feelings based ignorance. With all the information and technology available it is a tragedy that much of humanity are still operating at the base level of intelligence.
Human expansion or a human tragedy. Without incentive human behavior cannot change. The issue is incentive can be positive by choice or negative based on the natural order of things. Everything follows a cycle, nothing exist forever, change is the only constant in life.
US, NATO militaries, the Blob or Deep State and all US legislators MUST know the TRUTH:
That Russia CAN win THE Nuclear War against all of them... and Survive !
Russia, by law and by MORAL PRINCIPLES, will NEVER attack with nuclear weapons FIRST.
ONLY if dangerously attacked. KEY sentence in the new decree signed by Putin: "Confirmed SERIOUS threat to National Security".
As for response to a US/NATO ATTACK, Russia not only has more modern nuclear weapons:
Russia has the BEST ways to deliver them, something USA/NATO are still just dreaming of having:
UNSTOPPABLE hypersonic missiles, launched from many sources, land, air, submarine based (located on both coasts of the US and Europe)... with several models (Avangard, Iskander, Kinzhal, Tsirkon) including the NEW monster, the also hypersonic RS-28, Yars, Sarmat-2 (Satan) ICBM with up to 10 MIRVs and the newly USED Oreshnik (9M792)...
AND, to top it, and to demonstrate that Russia could evaporate ALL NATO cities, right now, with near total IMPUNITY (no more MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction Concept, already rendered obsolete de facto by Russia with all these advanced military technologies pushed by Putin) is the coverage (I of course ignore the quantities and deployment sites), PROTECTION provided by its highly advanced, sophisticated S400s, S500s (and S550s Air Defense Systems designed to take down satellites) designed to TAKE DOWN any incoming missile/ICBM, which imho guarantees that Russia, though bruised, would SURVIVE a full nuclear war !!!
BUT US cirizens can rest assured Russia WILL NEVER do it !
Russia, according to President Putin and their LAW on the matter, will NEVER strike FIRST !
Why? Mainly because Russia HAS MORAL VALUES based on their strong, popular, active Christian Orthodox Faith.
If the reverse would be happening, you can bet your house that the Evil United States' Neocon Leaders, which have NO moral values whatsoever (obsessed with money and worldwide Projection of Power), would have already obliterated, without any feeling of remorse, all Russian Cities...
Since WW2 the red army's doctrine, upon which the Russian military doctrine is based concentrated on destroying the German military. They succeeded in destroying 80% of the Werhmacht at the end of the War. The western allies for most of the war targeted German cities especially rail junctions as, there were located the highest concentration of civilians. Even after WW2 the bombings of North Korea, North Vietnam etc. targeted civilian infrastructure culminating in the Iraq war where 90% of the casualties were civilian. The Ukraine conflict may go down in history as one of the lowest civilian to combatant ratio killed in modern history. With that there is little chance of Russia using a nuclear device, well except they are first hit by an alliance whose doctrine is based on creating civilian casualties as a strategy for victory.
Indeed: The Ukraine Conflict, is "special": It is not a war, because as you rightly point out, all wars are waged to destroy the enemy.
President Putin, a lawyer, and most russians did not see the ukrainians as their enemy. A millennial common history, relatives, with roughly 10 million (or more) ethnic russians with their roots in Ukraine logically decided to remain there after the totalitarian, communist Soviet Union collapse...
How would they suspect they were going to be militarily attacked (daily bombardments by the Azov battallions) after they refused to accept the 2014 Maidan Coup d'État, perpetrated by the Ukro-NAZIS, fully supported by the US, NATO, the EU and declare their autonomy.
So Putin gave marching orders to his Armed Forces to mininize civilian casualties and civilian basic infrastructure damages, and OWN soldiers casualties, de facto tying one hsnd in the back of his Armed Forces, hoping for some day reconciliation, therefore Putin rightly named it SMO, Special Military Operation, and War has not so far being declared on Ukraine.
How easy could it be for Russia to unleash its formidable Air Force to wage War on Ukraine US "style": Coward high altitude indiscriminate carpet bombing, day and night, destroying everything and killing anyone on the way... ENDING that War within weeks... With near zero own casualties... How US "style" easy, and "fu.k" what the rest of the world say or think.
You are right: It will go, if it does not worsen, down in History for THAT.
Very Well said, Fernando. Thank You for sharing those thoughts and that history.
Sometimes it seems like American Christians would happily nuke everybody who doesn't agree with them and their take on what we should ALL THINK/DO/SAY... It's almost like they'd rather FIGHT than live peacefully.
But I agree with your views on Putin and the rest... yep.
American Evangelicals are a specially brainwashed breed. Filled with hate, they secretly & deeply desire destruction of anyone not their own.
It’s not just the Evangelicals. It seems to me the Really Nice Ones are also quite hostile… to any ideas beyond what they think is “Biblical.” AS IF nobody could have EVER messed with what’s in the NT… It’s literally “the WORD OF GOD.” Forget any editing by any humans… But you know, it’s so antithetical to what Jesus was purportedly about… It’s almost like HE doesn’t matter, but a FEELING about what he DEMANDED OF US is the thing… It’s kinda bizarre.
Yes exactly. If ppl read the Bible in chronological order, they would see prophecies have been fulfilled.
Elohim literally mean “gods” reference to ETs who bioengineered humans in their own image and likeness, minus the longevity.
70% of is ra elis don't believe in God the creator but adhere to the claim god gave them the land.
Semite are Arabs of any religion, not white Europeans.
I sincerely have no truck with what people believe— I can’t see how it MATTERS whether or not we all agree about things that are not pertinent to SURVIVAL. If someone is sincerely interested in MY take on the creation of Life on Earth, then I want to be sure it’s not going to be something to FIGHT about…
I think it’s a fool’s errand for us to divide ourselves in this kind of decision-making. And my wish would be that we would STOP trying to DECIDE everything that is extremely difficult to KNOW, especially when it’s not NECESSARY to do so, and simply look instead for the things WE ALL CAN AGREE UPON and turn our focus to creating a BETTER WAY to live on this beautiful Earth, our home.
Just look at how these “beliefs” about religion and the Nature of Creation have DIVIDED US for what, THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!! It’s time to stop that, in my opinion. It’s what the Evil Ones WANT us to do… to continue to FIGHT amongst each other instead of LIVE AND LET LIVE. We have ONE biggo choice to make, and it’s the choice between PEACE and long-term WAR. I know what I want. I’m not interested in fighting about religious ideas, I’m interested in finding ways to live together IN PEACE. If I’m going to FIGHT for something, it’s to END this EVIL we see currently attempting to destroy us and our entire planet! I’d say that takes precedence. xo ^_^
Well said Word Herder. Couldn’t agree more. Tho the evil you want to end presents itself as woke ideology and as religious ideology.
Supremacy & domination know not peace & unity; nor accept the notion of live & let live. 🙏
Looking forward to hearing from wiser and cooler heads on this matter.
Nuclear Weapons do not exist.
Do not fear them.
i'm curious, Kenneth: Does Akio Nakatani ~ the author of "Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax" ~ explain what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
If he does, can You summarize it in two or three sentences? Thank You. jeff
Other authors have been to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They were likely destroyed by firebombing like so many cities in Germany. If they were destroyed by what we have been taught are nuclear weapons, how is they have both recovered to be thriving cities? Mustard gas and napalm are what Michael Palmer thinks were used.
How many planes on how many missions would it have taken to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki with napalm and mustard gas?
And how would that not have been noticed by somebody on the ground in either of those two cities?
Did the citizens of Dresden know by direct experience that what was happening to them involved lots and Lots of aircraft and even more bombs? Would the people in all the Japanese cities firebombed [Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, and Kawasaki] know that?
If they did, then why wouldn't the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have noticed all those planes and bombs, as well? Why did all they experience was a massive, sudden explosion with no sign of any kind of enemy aircraft anywhere?
Does Palmer answer that question?
Rather than ask me, why don't you read books and try to discern the answer for yourself?
In the mean time, have a look at this...
Instead of avoiding my questions, why don't YOU answer them, instead of fobbing me off to some book or two?
You have a valid question.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki - seen the cities now; HOW ?.
I have not read the link yet, so just my view.
The Yanks were worried that the Russians would take Japan (they were sweeping the Island heading to the capital quickly). SOUND FAMILIAR - man on the moon nonsense ?.
Japan were already going to surrender and "give up"; so why the so called "nukes" ?
Ever seen the Nalpalm clouds ? -
OH BUT WAIT... the cancer caused by any survivors....
FEAR and of course the Yanks landed, walked on the moon.
Are You saying that the destructions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not caused by Atomic Bombs? Then exactly what were they destroyed by?
And i believe that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ~ AFTER the Japanese were ready to surrender ~ was a very direct message to the USSR, which had just taken over control of Eastern Europe, which it just liberated from the Germans.
And also to serve notice to Stalin to not even think about putting Communists in power in Southeast Asia, which had been similarly liberated from Japan, and was in the process of being handed back over to France.
Michael Palmer believes the nukes were faked using napalm and mustard gas.
Few people seem to understand how many German cities were totally destroyed using firebombs. It wasn't just Dresden and Berlin.
As i just pointed out: How many Germans in all those fire-bombed cities did not see and/or hear ~ and thus know ~ that they were being bombed by masses of enemy aircraft?
You asked: "Hiroshima and Nagasaki - seen the cities now; HOW ?."
What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki ~ becoming and being first late-20th and now 21st century modern cities ~ has You puzzled?
I understand where you are going with this, but before the conversation gets deeper... please just look up the "HALF LIVES" of the materials used in the alleged nuclear bombs.
1. About 64 kilograms of >>>>>> highly-enriched uranium <<<<<<< was used in the bomb which had a 16 kiloton yield (i.e. it was equivalent to 16,000 tonnes of TNT). It was released over Hiroshima, Japan's seventh largest city, on 6 August 1945.
2. The fissile material for the Nagasaki bomb was >>>>>>> plutonium-239 <<<<<<<<<<<. The plutonium core was divided into two hemispheres, each less than a critical mass, surrounded by explosive charges. These chemical charges compressed the plutonium into a single, extremely dense supercritical mass.
Please just take 10 mins to look up what and how long the half lives are AND how anyone could survive living there now.
Oh yes - Hiroshima does not have harmful radiation levels today. The residual radiation from the bomb decayed quickly after the explosion, and the city has since maintained radiation levels comparable to natural background radiation elsewhere.
PS Think I am responding to wrong person, if so apologies.
i'm not sure if You're responding to me Bob - Enough, but here's my response to You: i refer to the following as my source; what. may i ask, is Yours?
And again, if Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not hit by atomic bombs, what destroyed them? Or were they never really destroyed?
...”A Facebook video with the text “Hiroshima and Nagasaki were never nuked” points to the fact that the two cities are thriving today and asserts that lingering radiation should have made them uninhabitable for centuries (link).
However, most of the radiation released in the mid-air blasts in 1945 never made it to the ground, according to scientists, and what did was mostly short-lived, decaying not long after the explosions.
The post suggesting that the two Japanese cities were never bombed surfaced in August 2023 around the 78th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and the release of the film “Oppenheimer”, which tells the story of the bombs’ creation (link).
Both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were designed to detonate thousands of feet above the ground, leveling buildings for miles with the force of the explosion itself and the resulting fires. But the intense radiation released by the blasts caused the majority of immediate deaths through radiation burns and radiation poisoning, according to the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), a U.S.-Japanese research organization focused on studying long-term health effects in survivors of the 1945 blasts (
Because of the altitude of the detonations, most of the radiation from the explosions did not even reach the ground in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Jeffrey Hart, RERF’s chief of public relations and publications, said in an email.
“Because the burst heights of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were at 600 meters in the air and 503 meters, respectively, most of the radiation (90%) was pulled up into the atmosphere,” Hart said.
“Rate of decay is inversely proportional to half-life, so something with a long half life, it’s not very radioactive,” Haas said in a phone interview.
Emphasizing the distinction between the radiation released by the blasts themselves, and radioactive materials that would have fallen to the ground and contaminated the area, Haas said that what reached the ground would have included “a mix of fission products and some leftover material from the bomb itself.”
The isotopes that would have caused the most harm include iodine 131, which has a short half life and is very dangerous, he said. “But the most dangerous ones would have decayed with hours.”
“If you look at all the radioactivity at one day, it’s decayed by factor of 100,000; at 10 days by a factor of 1 million; at 10 years, it’s gone down by a factor of 1 billion.”
Today, the city of Hiroshima explains on its website, the city’s level of radiation is “on a par with the extremely low levels of background radiation (natural radioactivity) present anywhere on Earth” and has no effect on humans (link).
Full article at ; EMPHASIS added.
Thank God you stated it, as I am always mocked when I state it and have become bored of saying it now.
Cheers for the link and remember the World is a stage and we are just witnessing the latest act in the show; with most having gobs open in awe.
Fear is their greatest weapon. confusion is number 2.
Posting the same link repeatedly in the same thread (four times so far) equates with spam.
Roger. i figured that out about five minutes ago. While my cognitive functioning hasn't decreased to the level of Biden or Trump, it certainly ain't what it used to be.
I have posted about this topic on this channel several times in the past and no one picks it up. My objective was to get a conversation started which it seems has worked this time. Except of course with you. All you have to do is criticize my posting as spam so you have an excuse not to engage.
Nukes do not exist, but you can choose to live in fear. That is you choice. Others are interested in learning the truth of the matter.
"I have posted about this topic on this channel several times in the past and no one picks it up."
Maybe the reason for that is the fact that you post it several times in the same thread.
I am 100% certain the victims of the two bombs that were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki would beg to differ as far as your claim that nukes do not exist.
"...., but you can choose to live in fear. That is you choice."
After I learned the truth about the plandemic I will never again fall for the MSM's gaslighting about anything.
The victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki died of something. Just like the victims of Dresden Germany. Can they tell the difference, or do they believe what they are told. You can read the books or not. If not your opinion may be based on BS.
Instead of repeatedly posting the same link and the same comment you would be better served by explaining what I am looking at here.
What use is reason when Jews want war!?
The real war is Jews vs. Humans, and we're losing. Time is short: if the normie goyim don't wake up soon, we'll be enslaved or incinerated, and the Jews will have won.
This is what is needed to avoid a nuclear war. With leadership from Scott Ritter working with others in the peace community there is a chance we can bring some sanity to the United States foreign policy and actually save humanity, once again as was done by John F Kennedy and Khrushchev in resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis.
great reference, thank you
I urge those people like myself that couldn't make it living in Toronto in person do what I did to support scott and crew to save all our lives donate buy those amazing t shirts his and hers that came in by courier yesterday. They will look great with my other 25 t shirts wikileaks julian Assange and 2 other organizations I truly support. Zhivko Vanef from banitsa Zissis Pedias
Thank you Scott
They don't listen to voters or their constituents once in office. If we can get a list of AIPAC members phone numbers so that they can contact Israel and get the OK to have the desires of the American people be transmitted to our representatives perhaps it could make a difference.
Remember the USS Liberty!!! Never forget and Never forgive!
Congress has the power to cut of aid and weapons to Ukraine, they’re just too chickensh*t to do it.
Last time I checked supporters of the criminal and recklessly irresponsible organisation still known, ludicrously, as the "Democratic Party" were busy looking the other way and/or lambasting Trump's picks - the same useful idiots who were gungho about this PROVOKED proxy war back in early 2022.
Thank you Scott, the biggest word in all this game of toy soldiers is, IF as a child in the 60's I use to play with my toy soldiers and I knew then that it was a game, there would always be someone who when they were losing would trash the game, now the players have gotten older. and I thought wisdom came with age, how wrong can you be.
Thanks, Scott Ritter!!!!! I'll be watching.
Informing the US citizens about nuclear war will be a major task of own' especially when mainstream media tells big bs to the mass's
Nuclear war isn't like a lot of things... It's harder to just blow it off.
Spread the word, maybe people will watch the video.
Nukes do not exist. Do not fear them.
i repeat my question:
Does Akio Nakatani ~ the author of "Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax" ~ explain what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
If he does, can You summarize it in two or three sentences? Thank You. jeff
I have never thought that Putin would provoke nor promote Nuclear War! As many times as we have poked the bear, we are fortunate that he is who he is! I have great respect for him, because like others have mentioned here in their comments, if it was the US/NATO/EU, they would and are trying to instigate it without any respect to the people of these countries and don’t give a 💩 about what we want, when we don’t even want most of these people where they are in “power”!
I saw Scott Ritter give his remote commentary to the Schiller Institute along with Chas Freeman & others. I saw this on Garland Nixon's youtube channel. As usual, he waxed eloquent. He makes me proud. I wish Trump would appoint Scott instead of Kellogg as his Ukraine envoy.
I agree with the goal of stopping nukes. You should approach this in the judiciary, our last semi-functioning branch of govt.
Seek out the districts and judges who have made rulings on the covid mandates. These judges understand that this govt. lies, including life and death issues. They look at evidence, a rare commodity in our lives at this time. They have suffered multiple and on-going death threats. They are courageous, another human quality in short supply!
The US has not followed our laws and our Constitution in its wars, to include those which will likely end in nuclear war. We the people should ask the courts to enforce our laws broken by the president and the Congress.
Congress and Trump are bought off except in a very few cases in Congress. These are not people of courage and they have no interest in being informed of reality. While it is always worth trying, I believe the repeated tries you have made should tell you it is time to consider a different strategy. That strategy is our courts system.
The judges who look at evidence are known to us. The judges who will face down death threats are known to us.
The definition of insanity is trying the same failing tactic without ever trying something else.
For an excellent detailed and comprehensive look at "The True Scale Of Modern Nuclear Weapons," see .
Why would Russia employ nuclear weaponry in Ukraine? The worst case scenario for Russia would be a nuclear strike from the West against Russian infrastructure to which their would be an inevitable response.
The situation in Ukraine falls squarely into Russian military doctrine as per the strategy of Alexander Svechen, proven during the great patriotic war. The Russian military would retreat into the vastness of the Russian homeland extending the logistics of their enemy and destroy them in the depth of Russia/Ukraine. This worked against Napoleon and also against the Werhmacht. Strategic depth is the greatest asset of Russia and the reason they will never give up Ukraine. Then there would be the battle of the oceans where the Russian submarine force is probably today the most modern and capable in the world able to more than cripple western shipping in a general war. No need for a nuclear exchange.
Very well stated, Seeker. Thank You for sharing Your thoughts on all this.
And Thank You particularly for referencing Alexander Svechen. i was very aware of the Russian strategy of "retreating into the wilderness," as used successfully against Napoleon and Hitler. Was i did not know was its architect. [i Just did a Wiki on him; Wow... what a Life. And Death.]
My questions are: What do You believe is Putin's Ultimate Objective in Ukraine? And do You think he has any long-term plans for Europe?
In my opinion the Russians are interested in maintaining strategic depth. Creating a buffer between the Russian homeland and Europe. Russia's future is in the East or else they will again be ensnared by European treachery. Europe has historically demonstrated they are aggressive to and want the subjugation of Russia. Every few decades there is an attempt to invade Russia from western Europe. Well Europeans have disclosed their utter desdain for Russians cheering at videos that show the suffering and death at Russian servicemen. Even Sergie Lavrov mentioned in his interview with Tucker Carlson, Russian surprise at the reaction of Finns who Russians thought they had good relation, as a neutral country. Well no one can predict Geopolitics and shifting alliances but the best guide to the future always is the past as all things have been and will always be, nothing is new under the sun.
One other thing i completely agree with You on, Seeker: That "Russia's future is in The East." And South.
That's what BRICS is all about, isn't it?
i believe that "The Decline" of The American Empire ~ and with it, The Experiment Called America ~ has ended, and that "The Fall" has begun.
That is exactly what Cold War II is all about; and what World War III ~ if it happens ~ will very likely be all about: The End of Western Empires.
Given Russia's Natural Resources, it is no surprise that first Europe [Napoleon and Hitler] wanted ~ and now NATO wants ~ it under its political control.
And i agree with You completely about the Past being a Very reliable and trustworthy Guide to the Future. That is the Beauty and Magic of History, isn't it?
That has become a major issue today, knowledge of history, geography, geopolitics, Logic & reason, science, Maths etc have been replaced by emotion and feelings based ignorance. With all the information and technology available it is a tragedy that much of humanity are still operating at the base level of intelligence.
i agree with You completely again, Seeker. Particularly as regards the Tragedy.
Then the Question becomes: What ~ if Anything ~ can be done to Change that "level of intelligence" before it is too late to change Anything?
Or is it already too late?
Human expansion or a human tragedy. Without incentive human behavior cannot change. The issue is incentive can be positive by choice or negative based on the natural order of things. Everything follows a cycle, nothing exist forever, change is the only constant in life.