It’s not just the Evangelicals. It seems to me the Really Nice Ones are also quite hostile… to any ideas beyond what they think is “Biblical.” AS IF nobody could have EVER messed with what’s in the NT… It’s literally “the WORD OF GOD.” Forget any editing by any humans… But you know, it’s so antithetical to what Jesus was purportedly…
It’s not just the Evangelicals. It seems to me the Really Nice Ones are also quite hostile… to any ideas beyond what they think is “Biblical.” AS IF nobody could have EVER messed with what’s in the NT… It’s literally “the WORD OF GOD.” Forget any editing by any humans… But you know, it’s so antithetical to what Jesus was purportedly about… It’s almost like HE doesn’t matter, but a FEELING about what he DEMANDED OF US is the thing… It’s kinda bizarre.
I sincerely have no truck with what people believe— I can’t see how it MATTERS whether or not we all agree about things that are not pertinent to SURVIVAL. If someone is sincerely interested in MY take on the creation of Life on Earth, then I want to be sure it’s not going to be something to FIGHT about…
I think it’s a fool’s errand for us to divide ourselves in this kind of decision-making. And my wish would be that we would STOP trying to DECIDE everything that is extremely difficult to KNOW, especially when it’s not NECESSARY to do so, and simply look instead for the things WE ALL CAN AGREE UPON and turn our focus to creating a BETTER WAY to live on this beautiful Earth, our home.
Just look at how these “beliefs” about religion and the Nature of Creation have DIVIDED US for what, THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!! It’s time to stop that, in my opinion. It’s what the Evil Ones WANT us to do… to continue to FIGHT amongst each other instead of LIVE AND LET LIVE. We have ONE biggo choice to make, and it’s the choice between PEACE and long-term WAR. I know what I want. I’m not interested in fighting about religious ideas, I’m interested in finding ways to live together IN PEACE. If I’m going to FIGHT for something, it’s to END this EVIL we see currently attempting to destroy us and our entire planet! I’d say that takes precedence. xo ^_^
No, you misunderstand. The EVIL I want to end presents itself as DEATH and TYRANNY. The EVIL I'm talking about is not "woke" or religious... The "Woke" people may or may not be evil; Supremacy and domination have been around a looooong time, and actually, so has this cabal of Evil people, the "Black Nobility," the "Globalist" Too Wealthy, the Nasties who are yet to be fully outed, but for whom the likes of Bill Gates, Charles Schwab, Rockefellers and Rothschilds, various govt's, etc, all are serving as MINIONS... The Nasties BEHIND THE CURTAIN. The so utterly filthy rich that they literally have nothing to do but torture and kill... The ones who OWN Black Rock, State Street, and everybody/everything else they can suck up into their vortex from Hell... THESE people, who may not be fully human even, are the ENEMY of which I speak.
The desperately and viciously religious are TOOLS of these slime.
Anyway. Sigh. It's a downer of a thing, and I am about spreading LIGHT and UNITY and there has to be a little education in there, as well! I've learned SO MUCH over the past nearly five years!!! And there is no end to my education... Cheers, m'dear. Happy Holidays, be joyful, because the Nasties hate that! lol xo xo
It’s not just the Evangelicals. It seems to me the Really Nice Ones are also quite hostile… to any ideas beyond what they think is “Biblical.” AS IF nobody could have EVER messed with what’s in the NT… It’s literally “the WORD OF GOD.” Forget any editing by any humans… But you know, it’s so antithetical to what Jesus was purportedly about… It’s almost like HE doesn’t matter, but a FEELING about what he DEMANDED OF US is the thing… It’s kinda bizarre.
Yes exactly. If ppl read the Bible in chronological order, they would see prophecies have been fulfilled.
Elohim literally mean “gods” reference to ETs who bioengineered humans in their own image and likeness, minus the longevity.
70% of is ra elis don't believe in God the creator but adhere to the claim god gave them the land.
Semite are Arabs of any religion, not white Europeans.
I sincerely have no truck with what people believe— I can’t see how it MATTERS whether or not we all agree about things that are not pertinent to SURVIVAL. If someone is sincerely interested in MY take on the creation of Life on Earth, then I want to be sure it’s not going to be something to FIGHT about…
I think it’s a fool’s errand for us to divide ourselves in this kind of decision-making. And my wish would be that we would STOP trying to DECIDE everything that is extremely difficult to KNOW, especially when it’s not NECESSARY to do so, and simply look instead for the things WE ALL CAN AGREE UPON and turn our focus to creating a BETTER WAY to live on this beautiful Earth, our home.
Just look at how these “beliefs” about religion and the Nature of Creation have DIVIDED US for what, THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!! It’s time to stop that, in my opinion. It’s what the Evil Ones WANT us to do… to continue to FIGHT amongst each other instead of LIVE AND LET LIVE. We have ONE biggo choice to make, and it’s the choice between PEACE and long-term WAR. I know what I want. I’m not interested in fighting about religious ideas, I’m interested in finding ways to live together IN PEACE. If I’m going to FIGHT for something, it’s to END this EVIL we see currently attempting to destroy us and our entire planet! I’d say that takes precedence. xo ^_^
Well said Word Herder. Couldn’t agree more. Tho the evil you want to end presents itself as woke ideology and as religious ideology.
Supremacy & domination know not peace & unity; nor accept the notion of live & let live. 🙏
No, you misunderstand. The EVIL I want to end presents itself as DEATH and TYRANNY. The EVIL I'm talking about is not "woke" or religious... The "Woke" people may or may not be evil; Supremacy and domination have been around a looooong time, and actually, so has this cabal of Evil people, the "Black Nobility," the "Globalist" Too Wealthy, the Nasties who are yet to be fully outed, but for whom the likes of Bill Gates, Charles Schwab, Rockefellers and Rothschilds, various govt's, etc, all are serving as MINIONS... The Nasties BEHIND THE CURTAIN. The so utterly filthy rich that they literally have nothing to do but torture and kill... The ones who OWN Black Rock, State Street, and everybody/everything else they can suck up into their vortex from Hell... THESE people, who may not be fully human even, are the ENEMY of which I speak.
The desperately and viciously religious are TOOLS of these slime.
Death & Tyranny 🤔
Love is bigger than any hell could EVER be... xo xo xo
Yes! Love is all encompassing!
Yes! And I'm sending some to YOU right now, so spread it around! ^_^
Cheers, m'dear! xo xo xo
I subscribed to your page, too! ^_^
I'm Jaan of Arf, lol. My DOGma ran over my KARma...
... whether they know that or not.
Anyway. Sigh. It's a downer of a thing, and I am about spreading LIGHT and UNITY and there has to be a little education in there, as well! I've learned SO MUCH over the past nearly five years!!! And there is no end to my education... Cheers, m'dear. Happy Holidays, be joyful, because the Nasties hate that! lol xo xo
I love finding peeps of my tribe. 🙏🙌👍🎄🎈🎉😀