Why would Russia employ nuclear weaponry in Ukraine? The worst case scenario for Russia would be a nuclear strike from the West against Russian infrastructure to which their would be an inevitable response.
The situation in Ukraine falls squarely into Russian military doctrine as per the strategy of Alexander Svechen, proven during the gr…
Why would Russia employ nuclear weaponry in Ukraine? The worst case scenario for Russia would be a nuclear strike from the West against Russian infrastructure to which their would be an inevitable response.
The situation in Ukraine falls squarely into Russian military doctrine as per the strategy of Alexander Svechen, proven during the great patriotic war. The Russian military would retreat into the vastness of the Russian homeland extending the logistics of their enemy and destroy them in the depth of Russia/Ukraine. This worked against Napoleon and also against the Werhmacht. Strategic depth is the greatest asset of Russia and the reason they will never give up Ukraine. Then there would be the battle of the oceans where the Russian submarine force is probably today the most modern and capable in the world able to more than cripple western shipping in a general war. No need for a nuclear exchange.
Very well stated, Seeker. Thank You for sharing Your thoughts on all this.
And Thank You particularly for referencing Alexander Svechen. i was very aware of the Russian strategy of "retreating into the wilderness," as used successfully against Napoleon and Hitler. Was i did not know was its architect. [i Just did a Wiki on him; Wow... what a Life. And Death.]
My questions are: What do You believe is Putin's Ultimate Objective in Ukraine? And do You think he has any long-term plans for Europe?
In my opinion the Russians are interested in maintaining strategic depth. Creating a buffer between the Russian homeland and Europe. Russia's future is in the East or else they will again be ensnared by European treachery. Europe has historically demonstrated they are aggressive to and want the subjugation of Russia. Every few decades there is an attempt to invade Russia from western Europe. Well Europeans have disclosed their utter desdain for Russians cheering at videos that show the suffering and death at Russian servicemen. Even Sergie Lavrov mentioned in his interview with Tucker Carlson, Russian surprise at the reaction of Finns who Russians thought they had good relation, as a neutral country. Well no one can predict Geopolitics and shifting alliances but the best guide to the future always is the past as all things have been and will always be, nothing is new under the sun.
Given Russia's Natural Resources, it is no surprise that first Europe [Napoleon and Hitler] wanted ~ and now NATO wants ~ it under its political control.
And i agree with You completely about the Past being a Very reliable and trustworthy Guide to the Future. That is the Beauty and Magic of History, isn't it?
That has become a major issue today, knowledge of history, geography, geopolitics, Logic & reason, science, Maths etc have been replaced by emotion and feelings based ignorance. With all the information and technology available it is a tragedy that much of humanity are still operating at the base level of intelligence.
Human expansion or a human tragedy. Without incentive human behavior cannot change. The issue is incentive can be positive by choice or negative based on the natural order of things. Everything follows a cycle, nothing exist forever, change is the only constant in life.
Then we agree, at least in part, as to Why The American Empire is falling and the Experiment is failing.
My question is: What can The American Peoples do to Change their level of intelligence?
More specifically: What needs to be done by Somebody to enable a Critical Mass of those Peoples to Change their levels of intelligence, and Act on what they learn, and come to know, understand, acknowledge and accept about the Reality of America today?
A paradigm shift, to believe the US is a great nation among other great nations and not an exceptional nation above all other nations. Humanity is on one ship and if this blue marble in the wide expanse of space goes down, we all sink. Hard times produce hard men, who create easy times that creates soft men, who then again create hard times. Though not all things are controlled by man, we control only what we are allowed to control by a greater power.
If change will not come willingly, then it will be imposed by circumstance. Superiority is ingrained into the US psychy and the new citizens have it even more in the new heaven they perceive. I am not in a place to recommend solution I am but an objective observer.
Why would Russia employ nuclear weaponry in Ukraine? The worst case scenario for Russia would be a nuclear strike from the West against Russian infrastructure to which their would be an inevitable response.
The situation in Ukraine falls squarely into Russian military doctrine as per the strategy of Alexander Svechen, proven during the great patriotic war. The Russian military would retreat into the vastness of the Russian homeland extending the logistics of their enemy and destroy them in the depth of Russia/Ukraine. This worked against Napoleon and also against the Werhmacht. Strategic depth is the greatest asset of Russia and the reason they will never give up Ukraine. Then there would be the battle of the oceans where the Russian submarine force is probably today the most modern and capable in the world able to more than cripple western shipping in a general war. No need for a nuclear exchange.
Very well stated, Seeker. Thank You for sharing Your thoughts on all this.
And Thank You particularly for referencing Alexander Svechen. i was very aware of the Russian strategy of "retreating into the wilderness," as used successfully against Napoleon and Hitler. Was i did not know was its architect. [i Just did a Wiki on him; Wow... what a Life. And Death.]
My questions are: What do You believe is Putin's Ultimate Objective in Ukraine? And do You think he has any long-term plans for Europe?
In my opinion the Russians are interested in maintaining strategic depth. Creating a buffer between the Russian homeland and Europe. Russia's future is in the East or else they will again be ensnared by European treachery. Europe has historically demonstrated they are aggressive to and want the subjugation of Russia. Every few decades there is an attempt to invade Russia from western Europe. Well Europeans have disclosed their utter desdain for Russians cheering at videos that show the suffering and death at Russian servicemen. Even Sergie Lavrov mentioned in his interview with Tucker Carlson, Russian surprise at the reaction of Finns who Russians thought they had good relation, as a neutral country. Well no one can predict Geopolitics and shifting alliances but the best guide to the future always is the past as all things have been and will always be, nothing is new under the sun.
One other thing i completely agree with You on, Seeker: That "Russia's future is in The East." And South.
That's what BRICS is all about, isn't it?
i believe that "The Decline" of The American Empire ~ and with it, The Experiment Called America ~ has ended, and that "The Fall" has begun.
That is exactly what Cold War II is all about; and what World War III ~ if it happens ~ will very likely be all about: The End of Western Empires.
Given Russia's Natural Resources, it is no surprise that first Europe [Napoleon and Hitler] wanted ~ and now NATO wants ~ it under its political control.
And i agree with You completely about the Past being a Very reliable and trustworthy Guide to the Future. That is the Beauty and Magic of History, isn't it?
That has become a major issue today, knowledge of history, geography, geopolitics, Logic & reason, science, Maths etc have been replaced by emotion and feelings based ignorance. With all the information and technology available it is a tragedy that much of humanity are still operating at the base level of intelligence.
i agree with You completely again, Seeker. Particularly as regards the Tragedy.
Then the Question becomes: What ~ if Anything ~ can be done to Change that "level of intelligence" before it is too late to change Anything?
Or is it already too late?
Human expansion or a human tragedy. Without incentive human behavior cannot change. The issue is incentive can be positive by choice or negative based on the natural order of things. Everything follows a cycle, nothing exist forever, change is the only constant in life.
Then we agree, at least in part, as to Why The American Empire is falling and the Experiment is failing.
My question is: What can The American Peoples do to Change their level of intelligence?
More specifically: What needs to be done by Somebody to enable a Critical Mass of those Peoples to Change their levels of intelligence, and Act on what they learn, and come to know, understand, acknowledge and accept about the Reality of America today?
Or is it already too late for that?
A paradigm shift, to believe the US is a great nation among other great nations and not an exceptional nation above all other nations. Humanity is on one ship and if this blue marble in the wide expanse of space goes down, we all sink. Hard times produce hard men, who create easy times that creates soft men, who then again create hard times. Though not all things are controlled by man, we control only what we are allowed to control by a greater power.
Do You have any specific ideas as to how to make that Paradigm Shift actually happen?
If change will not come willingly, then it will be imposed by circumstance. Superiority is ingrained into the US psychy and the new citizens have it even more in the new heaven they perceive. I am not in a place to recommend solution I am but an objective observer.