The threat of a nuclear war between the US and Russia is real—on this point, there is rare bipartisan agreement in Congress.
The question which emerges is what can Congress do to reduce this threat. Here the potential paths toward a solution become clogged with political obstacles.
There is a House Resolution that has been introduced by Congressman Higgins, R-Louisiana which is, from the perspective of preventing a nuclear war, the proverbial “cure for cancer.”
HR 10218 (“To prohibit the transfer of Army Tactical Missile Systems to Ukraine, and for other purposes”) (see text) is a carefully—indeed masterfully—crafted piece of legislation which condenses the potential trigger for a US-Russian nuclear conflict down to its most basic component—the use of ATACMS missiles by Ukraine to strike Russian territory. As has been explained in detail elsewhere, the Ukrainian ATACMS attacks on Russia are seen as an attack by the US, making the US a direct participant to the conflict.
If the attacks stop, then the US will no longer be seen by Russia as engaging in offensive military operations against Russian territory.
And as such, the trigger for the release of Russian nuclear weapons will not be pulled.
“Cancer” is cured—there will be no nuclear war.

While there are many procedural obstacles in place that will likely prevent this resolution from becoming law, it is essential that every member of Congress be familiar with the bill’s contents, and its relevance regarding the prevention of nuclear war.
It is essential that every American who reads this post, pick up the phone and call their representative in Congress and insist that they sign on to this bill.
A bill that possesses sufficient signatures from both sides of the aisle takes on an air of political relevance, and its contents cannot be ignored, especially by members of the incoming Trump administration.
A bipartisan bill blocking the use of ATACMS by Ukraine against Russia possessing a respectable number of signatures may not move the needle when it comes to action by the Biden administration, but it could very well influence the appropriate decision makers in the Trump national security team when it comes to formulating policy regarding Ukraine.
If Trump allows Ukraine to use AtACMS on Russian territory, then the risk of nuclear war will continue unabated.
But if the Trump team can be moved to articulate policy which conforms to the substance of HR 10218, the nuclear war can be prevented.
All it takes is for enough Americans to take the time to call their Congressional representatives.

US, NATO militaries, the Blob or Deep State and all US legislators MUST know the TRUTH:
That Russia CAN win THE Nuclear War against all of them... and Survive !
Russia, by law and by MORAL PRINCIPLES, will NEVER attack with nuclear weapons FIRST.
ONLY if dangerously attacked. KEY sentence in the new decree signed by Putin: "Confirmed SERIOUS threat to National Security".
As for response to a US/NATO ATTACK, Russia not only has more modern nuclear weapons:
Russia has the BEST ways to deliver them, something USA/NATO are still just dreaming of having:
UNSTOPPABLE hypersonic missiles, launched from many sources, land, air, submarine based (located on both coasts of the US and Europe)... with several models (Avangard, Iskander, Kinzhal, Tsirkon) including the NEW monster, the also hypersonic RS-28, Yars, Sarmat-2 (Satan) ICBM with up to 10 MIRVs and the newly USED Oreshnik (9M792)...
AND, to top it, and to demonstrate that Russia could evaporate ALL NATO cities, right now, with near total IMPUNITY (no more MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction Concept, already rendered obsolete de facto by Russia with all these advanced military technologies pushed by Putin) is the coverage (I of course ignore the quantities and deployment sites), PROTECTION provided by its highly advanced, sophisticated S400s, S500s (and S550s Air Defense Systems designed to take down satellites) designed to TAKE DOWN any incoming missile/ICBM, which imho guarantees that Russia, though bruised, would SURVIVE a full nuclear war !!!
BUT US cirizens can rest assured Russia WILL NEVER do it !
Russia, according to President Putin and their LAW on the matter, will NEVER strike FIRST !
Why? Mainly because Russia HAS MORAL VALUES based on their strong, popular, active Christian Orthodox Faith.
If the reverse would be happening, you can bet your house that the Evil United States' Neocon Leaders, which have NO moral values whatsoever (obsessed with money and worldwide Projection of Power), would have already obliterated, without any feeling of remorse, all Russian Cities...
Looking forward to hearing from wiser and cooler heads on this matter.