Having lived and worked in the US from Atlanta to Traverse City Mi. and returned to Canada after 9/11, I remember my time here fondly. I currently winter in S Florida and when I look around me and compare what I see in China and even Russia, I see zero possibilities for the US with Trump or anyone else doing what China has done in a couple of generations or Post WWII Germany or Russia did in a little over One. The elites are parasitic dreck, extracting wealth from financial and other devious means. Europe, not much better. China "owns" the supply chain for almost everything and I don't see anyone able to compete with them. The freedom to Walk on the street of the largest cities, day and night and have a home "homes are for living in, not for speculation" Xi Jinping. The constant improvement of the lives of the people in China and Russia compared to two generations of decline in the western countries is breathtaking. Hope I'm wrong but a short walk from where I'm typing this puts me in the hood and this would apply to most US cities.
Visited China many times many years ago. I walked around many places on my own as a woman, never felt threatened at any time. Unlike the USA where I also lived for 22yrs.
‘Most’ ‘economic thinking’ is ‘short run’ and ‘redundant’?
‘It’ ignores the ‘supply side’?
‘Growth’ {and ‘civilisation’} depends upon ‘cheap’ F.F. – those so called ‘halcyon days’ are ‘over’. ?
“The crisis now unfolding, however, is entirely different to the 1970s in one crucial respect… The 1970s crisis was largely artificial. When all is said and done, the oil shock was nothing more than the emerging OPEC cartel asserting its newfound leverage following the peak of continental US oil production. There was no shortage of oil any more than the three-day-week had been caused by coal shortages. What they did, perhaps, give us a glimpse of was what might happen in the event that our economies depleted our fossil fuel reserves before we had found a more versatile and energy-dense alternative. . . .
And this is why the crisis we are beginning to experience will make the 1970s look like a golden age of peace and tranquility. . . . The sad reality though, is that our leaders – at least within the western empire – have bought into a vision of the future which cannot work without some new and yet-to-be-discovered high-density energy source (which rules out all of the so-called green technologies whose main purpose is to concentrate relatively weak and diffuse energy sources). . . . Even as we struggle to reimagine the 1970s in an attempt to understand the current situation, the only people on Earth today who can even begin to imagine the economic and social horrors that await western populations are the survivors of the 1980s famine in Ethiopia, the hyperinflation in 1990s Zimbabwe, or, ironically, the Russians who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union.” ?
I am a great admirer of Scott Ritter. Recently, he has spoken about how schizophreniclly Trump's words split from his choices people to carry out supposed "policies." Scott talks like Trump is an engaged man with a plan. But I think he knows, all too well, that Trump is simply blasting out BS continuously and has no actual knowledge or understanding of the things he supposedly "stands for." In his first term, Trump caused serious damage using tariffs that required any money he took from taxpayers paying tariffs, to bail out the famers impacted by the tariffs. Not all of us got bailed out and have been eating much higher prices for our tools and gates and fences since Trump imposed his tariffs.
Trump ended the INF, which certainly helped ignite the war in Ukraine, he assassinated his number one ally against ISIS, Sulemani, along with our allies in our Ally's country. Trump wouldn't know who was who if you spent months briefing the moron daily on the issue. He would always find a way to make it personal.
So, I am disappointed to read about how Trump is man with a mission from a man (Ritter) with a brain and a heart. Trump is a moron who will blow with the prevailing winds, continuing to lie, misunderstand tariffs, the Constitution, and pretty much everything else, and try to make every adversity he faces, a personal matter. Our Nation's well being will take a seat far in the back of Trump's very little mind. It's going to be a chaotic ride again.
Trump is a pure, unadulterated fascist with megalomania. How Scott Ritter can make excuses for this madman is beyond my understanding. As a socialist, I observe the growth of fascism and police state enforcement in my own country with dismay and alarm. Trump and his oligarch boyfriend, Elon Musk, are even giving marching orders to other countries outright to do as they're told -- or else. This has always been the true personality of the United States, but never before has one of our so-called leaders ever stated their evil desires so purely and clearly. Trump voted for this fascist. I have lost all confidence in his judgment as of that act. I believe that when the FBI raided Scott's home and stole his property, one of the things that got stolen was his mind. I am sorry to hear it.
You are projecting. He is America first. If democrats put America first and didn’t use dirty tricks (Russian collusion, Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, phony impeachments with no actual crimes , dirty tricks like entrapping protestors to go into the Capitol, and hundreds of others), and fascistic covid lockdowns of churches while bars could stay open, and enabled and encouraged illegal immigration, the people wouldn’t have kicked the democrats to the curb like the trash they are.
seriously bro.... wtf is this article?? Sounds like Scott is sucking Trump's dick and doesn't realize that they (the govt) are ALL the problem, not just 1 party... ffs.
You can hear him on "Judging Freedom," the sort of political talk show with Judge Andrew Napolitano, pretty much once/week. As for this post, I think we would do well to have him CLARIFY some of what he's saying... It could be that he's PARAPHRASING what Trump is saying he will do... It's not really clear, seems to me.
I would say "Cherchez la femme". Our only hope is Melania, she grew up in Yugoslavia and values tradition (she tought Baron, her son, her mother tongue, Slovene - following the proverb "The more languages you know the more you are worth"). If she manages to explain to her husband some of the proverbs, i.e. ancestral wisdom, we have encoded in our language, such as "We do not want what does not belong to us, we do not want to give up what is ours", then we are saved. If he is a stubborn egocentric guy, then there is no hope for the world. He will screw it up without knowing what went wrong. I have a feeling that he threw the lines of Greenland, Panama, Mexico aquisition in order to get advantage in negotiations with Russia. I have a feeling he is captured in his ego, I doubt he can climb out and really listen to Russians or Chinese. That's why he is so prone to being a puppet without knowing it - see the mistake he made with assassinating Suleimani. The idea was so obviously pitched to him from someone who smartly manipulated him into doing such a stupid thing!
What a bunch of whinny, spoiled rotten, self dividing and conquering, lazy, back stabbing, addicted assholes we are! It's always up to somebody else to save us!
Yup a whole new breed of AA. A pack of propagandized, pompous know-it-alls! Groomed to kill each other in a civil war that will make 1861-65 look like a well organized church picnic.
And suicide ourselves, so the hordes of immigrants from countries our military destroyed, can just walk right in and pay rent in houses the banks repossessed after lending us rapidly devaluing fiat money.
Honestly if we can't figure out who the real assholes are and stop them, we deserve the train wreck barreling down on us. No I never said this is gonna be easy!
"...the mistake he made with assassinating Suleimani. The idea was so obviously pitched to him from someone who smartly manipulated him into doing such a stupid thing!"
Gee... what a mystery! Who in world could. have manipulated him...shhhh, don't say it out loud, Jared may heard you and he will tell Bibi.
I don’t think the U.S. is able to produce a statesmen as president at this late stage of its decline (or ever). Its political system can only produce self interested, egotistical and power hungry individuals that further its agenda of superiority and hegemony (that’s about the summation of its ‘strategic interests’, i.e. superiority and hegemony at all costs). Not Trump nor anyone can remedy this as it’s baked into the American psyche. It will have to self destruct and see what emerges from its ashes..
If you are speaking of Qasem Soleimani senior general officer of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and chief tactical and strategic mastermind of Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hellzbolla and Isis terror networks than perhaps do a little homework on who and why Trump blew him to Kingdom come. He was as bad as they get and he would have come for you just as easily as Isreal. It is quite possible that his death postponed the October 7 attacks on Isreal by a year. That is conjecture and would guess Scott could bring some information forward on that point. Make no mistake we have made a shambles of foreign policy but if Trump can do as suggest by the post your children or grand children may survive, if not? Well the doomsday clock is 6 minutes to 12:00 and it is ticking. I don’t know maybe check in with that Vicar of peace John Bolton am sure he has a war time solution all mapped out. If you’re bored it’s a cheap over night flight to Warsaw and a simple train ride to Kiev. They need some help at the eastern front. They need fresh souls, they are running out. Thanks to Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken, fear not we Americans are in this fight to the last Ukrainian!!
You seem to have a lot of answers to many different kinds of questions with a lot heat and suppositions! My greatest thought as a reply to your statements is that killing results in more killing - endlessly. It is not a solution to anything. So my take on the problem is a deeper analysis based on research , discussion and diplomacy! So that our grandchildren will learn patience peace and Justice for thier grandchildren.
Especially given an apparent and, by hearsay, an apparently well placed cabal eager to”take on Iran” ?! Who are they? And who or what is Trump to them or NATO? And how does that play either Putin??
Wake up to what? The impossibility of self expression!? Why don’t you tell the Cabal to “wake up”? I think I am pretty clear in my questions. Certainly if the “system” is broken one path is to question and discuss how to fix it . Certainly it could take many lifetimes but starting now gets the process going -
Yes. Though unconfirmed as yet, Trump’s key choices with few exceptions, are lightweight and pose little danger to the foreign policy cabal. The foreign policy blob is ready to get off Ukraine anyway and will use Trump as their excuse, while pointing him in the direction of the next great existential enemy, Iran.
My basic rule of human nature : 90% of the time people will continue to do what they have done before. So my prediction for the next four Trump years is : nothing will fundamentally change. There will be a lot of noise and a few reforms made but in general things will pretty much stay the same. That’s what happened in his first term.
i'm going to leave this comment and then unsub from this crap... Are you fucking joking? Trump vs the establishment??? Trump is PART OF THE ESTABLSIHMENT! He calls himself, "the father of the covid jabs"... you know, the same jabs that have harmed/killed millions at this point... he supports vaccines which are a nefarious lie because germ theory is a lie. He supports genocide via Israel and 90% of his cabinet is Jewish. Presidents are SELECTED, not elected. He is in the position he's in because he follows what he's told to do... to think anything other than this at this point is shear stupidity! This is one of the most ignorant articles i've read in a while... stupid is as stupid does... Government is the problem, not the puppet in office... ffs.
Oh so not leaving then? Typical narcissist, throw your toys out of the pram, stamp your feet coz you're not getting your way, when really all you were looking for was a reaction to sate your childish needs.
Please unsub from "this crap" like you falsely claimed you would, or anything you write here is as meaningless as your claim that you would unsub yourself.
Bye Bye - and ps I actually agree that Trump is not to be trusted, but to throw a wobbly at Scott - well why don't you just go and make your own Rumble show, then see how easy it is when twats like you come here claiming you're going to do a hit-and-run, when it is obvious to people with brain cells that work properly, you were just fishing for your narcissist self to get a response, like the narcissist and cognitively dissonant person you are.
And just to prove my claims about you, you will certainly respond - a narcissist cannot resist!
No you are not leaving, and I just proved that you are a narcissist fool that talks bullshit out of your backside. Not leaving on my timeline? You will. I can keep you commenting for eternity you are such an arrogant, cognitively dissonant (look it up seeing as you haven't the foggiest idea what that means).
I love it when twats like you come here claiming they are leaving, then just a single comment from me, not even a bad one, and you can't resist responding, proving yourself with no backbone to resist the rising narcissism in your ego.
If you were really smart, you would realize the trap you've set up for yourself, but you are not, which is why you spout tired old rubbish like "Statist beliefs are the problem in this world" when in fact it is people like you, narcissists who cannot look inwards to your own flaws, which create Statist mentalities of supreme arrogance.
Just so you get it through to your dumb ass, YOU won't leave until I or someone else winds you up so much, you'll prove your own words a lie, just like everyone else who has pulled that "I am leaving" bollocks.
If you had a brain, you'd realise that the way to protest is to say your bit, then never come back. That way, without saying it, you can leave without anyone batting an eyelid.
You however, ARE a full-blown arrogant, self-absorbed narcissist, who is cognitively dissonant, and cannot resist the attention you are getting from me, because you are provably what I say you are. It is the WHOLE reason you wrote that you would "...leave this comment, and then unsub from this crap".
So many do as you do, then blame everyone and everything else, rather than look at what you wrote and admit there was no need to say what you did. Also, you are not the first such poster to write stupid things, then be proven to be false by your own actions and behavior.
You could easily (well maybe not so easy for a narcissist) have said your bit about Statist beliefs being an issue without attacking this community and Scott Ritter (which you came here deliberately for - to cause conflict - it's clear from what you originally wrote that that was and still is your intention).
You never intended at all to unsub from what you rudely call crap, and just because you have zero imagination, doesn't give you the right to attack out of the dark - there is such a thing as being able to make your point without being a prick about it, and who knows, you might have actually encouraged a debate,rather than attract me to teach you about yourself.
SO here we are - You will be itching to respond to this, heck it might make you eager to do so, but you wrote you would leave that comment then unsub ... funny that, you're still here.
You won't leave on your timeline idiot, you'll leave on mine, i.e. when I either force you to be true to your own words, or my words cause you to unsub, because you can't admit that you made a mistake in offering to unsub yourself. What? did you think everyone here would be like 'oh please don't go, your opinion is so enlightened, we can't lose you'?
One thing is for sure now - you won't unsub. Go rattle that around your empty skull.
Statist beliefs are not something I am part of, I took no boosters and encouraged others to do the same, and I do not vote for idiots, thieves, and murderers .
I took umbrage at your attitude to Scott Ritter's substack because it is YOU who are "Fucking Joking", you who demonstrates "sheer stupidity", and you who is ignorant of what Scott Ritter has already explained - he is no supporter of Trump, he HOPES Trump will make a good difference, but he has voiced clear doubts about that too - so your attitude towards him, is just rude, ignorant, narcissist, and your responses to me prove your cognitive dissonance.
Like any narcissist, you cannot admit you were wrong, and cannot help but respond (which is really what you wanted all along). Don't get angry at me for noticing your deficiencies which you are so happy to display for all to see, when you yourself posted an offensive post that you desperately wanted a response to. If you didn't want it quite this way, you would have wrote differently, but you didn't, and found that I am all too happy to oblige.
Oh but now I've created a conundrum for you - go and prove you have the backbone to do as you claimed, or stay and prove your own words false. A trap entirely of your own making.
The minimum wage in Poland in US$ just rose above the US federal minimum wage. Of course, in PPP, it's Many times the US. IF you believe that Trump is going to significantly improve the lives of the working classes in the US, I have some swamplands you might be interested in. There are NO heroes gonna save you. We need to take to the Streets in the millions and put the fear of hell into the parasitic dreck ruling classes. IT ain't gonna happen in America.
F*** NATO it has been an expansionist Warmongering Organisation it has broken Promise after Promise to a myriad of Russian Leaders by expanding into Nations which at one time were a part of the USSR getting closer and closer to the Borders of Russia My opinion is I think NATO Europe and Britain are going to have to take a humiliating decision to Retreat from the Eastern European States that they Basically Invaded and Bribed into becoming a NATO Member Nation in essence we are about to receive a severe BOOT TO THE BOLLOCKS.
Oh, it's already self-dismantling rather nicely. Lots of elections coming up in the next couple of months. Actions like Romania took recently will perhaps become a short-term norm, but will breed revolutions in countries thus affected by their neoliberal leaderships' corruption.
'Once you get your hands on the levers of power, you realize they're not connected to anything' - Tony Benn. Whatever happens, it won't be up to the narcissist Trump who's already got the $100M Adelson IOU hanging over him, plus the $10M from Sisi and goodness knows who else. His script will be handed to him and he will deliver it via the auto-cue. The decision of whether or not to bomb Iran (or wherever/whoever/whatever) will not be made by Trump. But like a good puppet, he will read out the decision. Does he even know where the Panama Canal is? I doubt he could point to it on a map. Poor Lavrov with his wealth of historical knowledge having to deal with Rubio who thinks God gave Israel to the Jewish people and Iran should be eviscerated. It's going to be a fun year.
Not much fun for the Middle East populations or Russia or Ukraine for that matter. Can't think why Scott has so much faith in this maverick. It doesn't make sense
What makes anyone think we Canadians want to give up our autonomy to a country so notorious for over running peaceful countries. I think you will find that born Canadians will fight to the end to preserve our independence.
There's a lot to be said for hunting rifles. I know that up until several years ago the Western militaries were using "hunting" rifles for their snipers. Back in the day the expression was "One shot one kill." There are two million firearms owners in Canada. Do the math.
"Trump pledged “a complete commitment to dismantling the entire globalist, neocon establishment that is perpetually dragging us into endless wars, pretending to fight for freedom and democracy abroad, while they turn us into a third-world country and a third-world dictatorship right here at home.”
He has already shown this commitment by naming only globalists and neocons in his cabinet, among his advisers and even inventing jobs for them, because he is a sly fox and knowns that is the best way for him to keep an eye on them... ha ha ha
It would be a very positive work to finish with NATO which is a parasitic organisation with no peace objectifs. As an European citizen, activist for peace, NATO is abhorrend to me and to many
Europeans. The war in Ukraine is a NATO enterprise. With this war NATO could illegaly revive. There are some exeptions within the political class, as Victor Orban of Hungaria and Robert Fico of Slovakia. But when it comes to the European leadership, there is no interest whatsoever for its people. Especially Ursula von der Leyen is an usurper and a shame. As we know for sure that Russia never was a security threat for "Atlantic Europe,"it is scandalous how our media is pushing for hate towards Russia. I was visiting Russia two years ago and was delighted of the friendship I experienced. Our leaders should visit Russia and leave behind this stupid "cold war ideology" . This never brings us to a better world. It is a "cul de sac ideology". How miserable has European politics become !
The sparks are gonna fly when negotiation a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine. Putin is not gonna give an inch in Ukraine _he paid a heavy toll getting his gains and won't budge loosing an inch of gained territory. Will Trump ceed Purtin's red lines during these negotiations? doubt it , his egos to big. He should just stop funding this war and let Ukraine and Russia settle it thru a 'neutral' arbitrator.
NATO? I think this will be easy. Europe should trade with Russia and the USA and the world... How Europe deals with National defense is their business. Britton: again; their problem not ours.
It's the Middle East (Isreal) and the Arab world (Israeli's surround). It's up to Isreal to stop expanding its borders and make peace with it neighbors. We should bud out. Zionist Jews and its supporters make me want to puke. Stop supporting this sick psychopathic country.
*Always a pleasure hearing your thoughts Mr. Ritter*
"Trump will face pushback from within the halls of Hades"
While Trump is at war with the MIC and Destruction Democrats who want him dead, the Chinese that America made GREAT AGAIN will come in for the final blow to the Empire now running on fumes, $36+ Trillion and counting.
China sees that their time has come and ours has gone. Stupid leaders in Washington sold us out long ago going back to 'Ping Pong Diplomacy ' and President Bubba's betrayal, selling out our LORAL secrets to China.
China won't be alone, Iran and Russia have been waiting patiently for the day that is here.
Maybe so but China is dealing with a very bad economic situation of their own making! So is it really their time? Looks to me that "their time" might belong to Russia who has the best budget sheet so far!
One thing about Sodom and Gomorrah USA The majority will be in a deep coma and it will be sudden destruction, over in 1 hour. The unlucky survivors will say, I fell for the “bad economy sun tzu show”.
You don't seem to be taking into account that Trump is completely, and I mean completely, controlled by Israel. Every single appointment he has made has been made by AIPAC. Every single person is a Zionist, and often a rabid Christian Zionist. Not one person he has appointed is going to support the program you just outlined. Israel wants the US supporting Ukraine and surrounding Russia, merrily producing chemical weapons in Ukrainian biolabs. Trump at Israel's behest, just promoted and supported Mike Johnson, who loves the US third after Israel and Ukraine. What you suggest here has no chance in hell of happening.
Linda Hagge is right! Trump views the world from the standpoint of the Money Empires' business. He loves Netanyahu's Israeli genocide, clearing out poor Palestinians so brother Jared and billionaire Zionist slumlords can replace slums with Golden Trump Towers throughout the West Asia.
ROFLMAO. Name an appointment he has made who is not a rabid Zionist. Do you think Miriam Adelson gave him 130 million dollars out of the goodness of her heart?
Having lived and worked in the US from Atlanta to Traverse City Mi. and returned to Canada after 9/11, I remember my time here fondly. I currently winter in S Florida and when I look around me and compare what I see in China and even Russia, I see zero possibilities for the US with Trump or anyone else doing what China has done in a couple of generations or Post WWII Germany or Russia did in a little over One. The elites are parasitic dreck, extracting wealth from financial and other devious means. Europe, not much better. China "owns" the supply chain for almost everything and I don't see anyone able to compete with them. The freedom to Walk on the street of the largest cities, day and night and have a home "homes are for living in, not for speculation" Xi Jinping. The constant improvement of the lives of the people in China and Russia compared to two generations of decline in the western countries is breathtaking. Hope I'm wrong but a short walk from where I'm typing this puts me in the hood and this would apply to most US cities.
Visited China many times many years ago. I walked around many places on my own as a woman, never felt threatened at any time. Unlike the USA where I also lived for 22yrs.
Only lived in China for five months before Covid, but it was enough to come away very impressed.
No ‘BAU’?
‘Most’ ‘economic thinking’ is ‘short run’ and ‘redundant’?
‘It’ ignores the ‘supply side’?
‘Growth’ {and ‘civilisation’} depends upon ‘cheap’ F.F. – those so called ‘halcyon days’ are ‘over’. ?
“The crisis now unfolding, however, is entirely different to the 1970s in one crucial respect… The 1970s crisis was largely artificial. When all is said and done, the oil shock was nothing more than the emerging OPEC cartel asserting its newfound leverage following the peak of continental US oil production. There was no shortage of oil any more than the three-day-week had been caused by coal shortages. What they did, perhaps, give us a glimpse of was what might happen in the event that our economies depleted our fossil fuel reserves before we had found a more versatile and energy-dense alternative. . . .
And this is why the crisis we are beginning to experience will make the 1970s look like a golden age of peace and tranquility. . . . The sad reality though, is that our leaders – at least within the western empire – have bought into a vision of the future which cannot work without some new and yet-to-be-discovered high-density energy source (which rules out all of the so-called green technologies whose main purpose is to concentrate relatively weak and diffuse energy sources). . . . Even as we struggle to reimagine the 1970s in an attempt to understand the current situation, the only people on Earth today who can even begin to imagine the economic and social horrors that await western populations are the survivors of the 1980s famine in Ethiopia, the hyperinflation in 1990s Zimbabwe, or, ironically, the Russians who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union.” ?
https://consciousnessofsheep.co.uk/2022/07/01/bigger-than-you-can-imagine/ https://www.facebook.com/cosheep
I am a great admirer of Scott Ritter. Recently, he has spoken about how schizophreniclly Trump's words split from his choices people to carry out supposed "policies." Scott talks like Trump is an engaged man with a plan. But I think he knows, all too well, that Trump is simply blasting out BS continuously and has no actual knowledge or understanding of the things he supposedly "stands for." In his first term, Trump caused serious damage using tariffs that required any money he took from taxpayers paying tariffs, to bail out the famers impacted by the tariffs. Not all of us got bailed out and have been eating much higher prices for our tools and gates and fences since Trump imposed his tariffs.
Trump ended the INF, which certainly helped ignite the war in Ukraine, he assassinated his number one ally against ISIS, Sulemani, along with our allies in our Ally's country. Trump wouldn't know who was who if you spent months briefing the moron daily on the issue. He would always find a way to make it personal.
So, I am disappointed to read about how Trump is man with a mission from a man (Ritter) with a brain and a heart. Trump is a moron who will blow with the prevailing winds, continuing to lie, misunderstand tariffs, the Constitution, and pretty much everything else, and try to make every adversity he faces, a personal matter. Our Nation's well being will take a seat far in the back of Trump's very little mind. It's going to be a chaotic ride again.
Does anyone understand yet that the US is broken?
Trump is a pure, unadulterated fascist with megalomania. How Scott Ritter can make excuses for this madman is beyond my understanding. As a socialist, I observe the growth of fascism and police state enforcement in my own country with dismay and alarm. Trump and his oligarch boyfriend, Elon Musk, are even giving marching orders to other countries outright to do as they're told -- or else. This has always been the true personality of the United States, but never before has one of our so-called leaders ever stated their evil desires so purely and clearly. Trump voted for this fascist. I have lost all confidence in his judgment as of that act. I believe that when the FBI raided Scott's home and stole his property, one of the things that got stolen was his mind. I am sorry to hear it.
So you preferred Harris and the democrat war machine to go on to the last Ukranian - and the last European instead of Trump?
Did you men to say "Trump voted for this fascist?"
Me too.
It's going to take time to understand that Scott is protecting his family.
Are you referring to his recent encounters with HS?
You are projecting. He is America first. If democrats put America first and didn’t use dirty tricks (Russian collusion, Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, phony impeachments with no actual crimes , dirty tricks like entrapping protestors to go into the Capitol, and hundreds of others), and fascistic covid lockdowns of churches while bars could stay open, and enabled and encouraged illegal immigration, the people wouldn’t have kicked the democrats to the curb like the trash they are.
seriously bro.... wtf is this article?? Sounds like Scott is sucking Trump's dick and doesn't realize that they (the govt) are ALL the problem, not just 1 party... ffs.
Scott has been 'got at'. I don't listen to him any more.
Agree Ever since Scott Ritter was prevented from going to Russia and the home invasion he's started playing a different tune.
i did not know until this post.
You can hear him on "Judging Freedom," the sort of political talk show with Judge Andrew Napolitano, pretty much once/week. As for this post, I think we would do well to have him CLARIFY some of what he's saying... It could be that he's PARAPHRASING what Trump is saying he will do... It's not really clear, seems to me.
I agree. See my comment above.
I would say "Cherchez la femme". Our only hope is Melania, she grew up in Yugoslavia and values tradition (she tought Baron, her son, her mother tongue, Slovene - following the proverb "The more languages you know the more you are worth"). If she manages to explain to her husband some of the proverbs, i.e. ancestral wisdom, we have encoded in our language, such as "We do not want what does not belong to us, we do not want to give up what is ours", then we are saved. If he is a stubborn egocentric guy, then there is no hope for the world. He will screw it up without knowing what went wrong. I have a feeling that he threw the lines of Greenland, Panama, Mexico aquisition in order to get advantage in negotiations with Russia. I have a feeling he is captured in his ego, I doubt he can climb out and really listen to Russians or Chinese. That's why he is so prone to being a puppet without knowing it - see the mistake he made with assassinating Suleimani. The idea was so obviously pitched to him from someone who smartly manipulated him into doing such a stupid thing!
So that is what “Trump is gonna do”. What are you gonna do?
Agree Gail!
What a bunch of whinny, spoiled rotten, self dividing and conquering, lazy, back stabbing, addicted assholes we are! It's always up to somebody else to save us!
Yup a whole new breed of AA. A pack of propagandized, pompous know-it-alls! Groomed to kill each other in a civil war that will make 1861-65 look like a well organized church picnic.
And suicide ourselves, so the hordes of immigrants from countries our military destroyed, can just walk right in and pay rent in houses the banks repossessed after lending us rapidly devaluing fiat money.
Honestly if we can't figure out who the real assholes are and stop them, we deserve the train wreck barreling down on us. No I never said this is gonna be easy!
"...the mistake he made with assassinating Suleimani. The idea was so obviously pitched to him from someone who smartly manipulated him into doing such a stupid thing!"
Gee... what a mystery! Who in world could. have manipulated him...shhhh, don't say it out loud, Jared may heard you and he will tell Bibi.
I don’t think the U.S. is able to produce a statesmen as president at this late stage of its decline (or ever). Its political system can only produce self interested, egotistical and power hungry individuals that further its agenda of superiority and hegemony (that’s about the summation of its ‘strategic interests’, i.e. superiority and hegemony at all costs). Not Trump nor anyone can remedy this as it’s baked into the American psyche. It will have to self destruct and see what emerges from its ashes..
If you are speaking of Qasem Soleimani senior general officer of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and chief tactical and strategic mastermind of Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hellzbolla and Isis terror networks than perhaps do a little homework on who and why Trump blew him to Kingdom come. He was as bad as they get and he would have come for you just as easily as Isreal. It is quite possible that his death postponed the October 7 attacks on Isreal by a year. That is conjecture and would guess Scott could bring some information forward on that point. Make no mistake we have made a shambles of foreign policy but if Trump can do as suggest by the post your children or grand children may survive, if not? Well the doomsday clock is 6 minutes to 12:00 and it is ticking. I don’t know maybe check in with that Vicar of peace John Bolton am sure he has a war time solution all mapped out. If you’re bored it’s a cheap over night flight to Warsaw and a simple train ride to Kiev. They need some help at the eastern front. They need fresh souls, they are running out. Thanks to Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken, fear not we Americans are in this fight to the last Ukrainian!!
wow... you certainly regurgitate the narrative. Can you PROVE any of these claims??? I bet not.
Yeah, I thought so too.
You seem to have a lot of answers to many different kinds of questions with a lot heat and suppositions! My greatest thought as a reply to your statements is that killing results in more killing - endlessly. It is not a solution to anything. So my take on the problem is a deeper analysis based on research , discussion and diplomacy! So that our grandchildren will learn patience peace and Justice for thier grandchildren.
You sound like a US Propaganda Parrot...
Zionist sub-human animal/troll has entered the chat.
A sub IQ animal though as it's narrative is a transparent fantasy.
Especially given an apparent and, by hearsay, an apparently well placed cabal eager to”take on Iran” ?! Who are they? And who or what is Trump to them or NATO? And how does that play either Putin??
Trump is part of the Cabal... ffs. He's Israel's puppet... wake up Gail!!
100% Zionist owned bitch. jew banks bailed him out over decades in his failures.
And then there is Roy Cohn, the Zionist blackmailing homo that was his close confidant.
as a logical consequence of T's proposed cabinet appointees: MIGA (and more wars), not MAGA (and fewer wars).
Wake up to what? The impossibility of self expression!? Why don’t you tell the Cabal to “wake up”? I think I am pretty clear in my questions. Certainly if the “system” is broken one path is to question and discuss how to fix it . Certainly it could take many lifetimes but starting now gets the process going -
Problem - solutions - gradual change!
Trump isn't going to fix it! Government isn't going to fix it.
Seems likely, if you go by what he's SAYING.
And that cabal is bigger than The US/Israel...
Right? AS IF ANYONE is wanting to "take on Iran." smfh
I think Ritter makes it clear how schizophrenic Trump's policy-making is.
My feeling is this article was not written by Scott Ritter.
Yes. Though unconfirmed as yet, Trump’s key choices with few exceptions, are lightweight and pose little danger to the foreign policy cabal. The foreign policy blob is ready to get off Ukraine anyway and will use Trump as their excuse, while pointing him in the direction of the next great existential enemy, Iran.
My basic rule of human nature : 90% of the time people will continue to do what they have done before. So my prediction for the next four Trump years is : nothing will fundamentally change. There will be a lot of noise and a few reforms made but in general things will pretty much stay the same. That’s what happened in his first term.
Read the full story at https://science1arts2and3politics.substack.com/p/usa-politics-new-years-predictions
i'm going to leave this comment and then unsub from this crap... Are you fucking joking? Trump vs the establishment??? Trump is PART OF THE ESTABLSIHMENT! He calls himself, "the father of the covid jabs"... you know, the same jabs that have harmed/killed millions at this point... he supports vaccines which are a nefarious lie because germ theory is a lie. He supports genocide via Israel and 90% of his cabinet is Jewish. Presidents are SELECTED, not elected. He is in the position he's in because he follows what he's told to do... to think anything other than this at this point is shear stupidity! This is one of the most ignorant articles i've read in a while... stupid is as stupid does... Government is the problem, not the puppet in office... ffs.
Bye Bye.
Statist beliefs are the problem in this world.
Oh so not leaving then? Typical narcissist, throw your toys out of the pram, stamp your feet coz you're not getting your way, when really all you were looking for was a reaction to sate your childish needs.
Please unsub from "this crap" like you falsely claimed you would, or anything you write here is as meaningless as your claim that you would unsub yourself.
Bye Bye - and ps I actually agree that Trump is not to be trusted, but to throw a wobbly at Scott - well why don't you just go and make your own Rumble show, then see how easy it is when twats like you come here claiming you're going to do a hit-and-run, when it is obvious to people with brain cells that work properly, you were just fishing for your narcissist self to get a response, like the narcissist and cognitively dissonant person you are.
And just to prove my claims about you, you will certainly respond - a narcissist cannot resist!
keep supporting the government you statist moron! Go vote, go take your booster... stupid!
oh, i'm leaving just not on your timeline asshole.
No you are not leaving, and I just proved that you are a narcissist fool that talks bullshit out of your backside. Not leaving on my timeline? You will. I can keep you commenting for eternity you are such an arrogant, cognitively dissonant (look it up seeing as you haven't the foggiest idea what that means).
I love it when twats like you come here claiming they are leaving, then just a single comment from me, not even a bad one, and you can't resist responding, proving yourself with no backbone to resist the rising narcissism in your ego.
If you were really smart, you would realize the trap you've set up for yourself, but you are not, which is why you spout tired old rubbish like "Statist beliefs are the problem in this world" when in fact it is people like you, narcissists who cannot look inwards to your own flaws, which create Statist mentalities of supreme arrogance.
Just so you get it through to your dumb ass, YOU won't leave until I or someone else winds you up so much, you'll prove your own words a lie, just like everyone else who has pulled that "I am leaving" bollocks.
If you had a brain, you'd realise that the way to protest is to say your bit, then never come back. That way, without saying it, you can leave without anyone batting an eyelid.
You however, ARE a full-blown arrogant, self-absorbed narcissist, who is cognitively dissonant, and cannot resist the attention you are getting from me, because you are provably what I say you are. It is the WHOLE reason you wrote that you would "...leave this comment, and then unsub from this crap".
So many do as you do, then blame everyone and everything else, rather than look at what you wrote and admit there was no need to say what you did. Also, you are not the first such poster to write stupid things, then be proven to be false by your own actions and behavior.
You could easily (well maybe not so easy for a narcissist) have said your bit about Statist beliefs being an issue without attacking this community and Scott Ritter (which you came here deliberately for - to cause conflict - it's clear from what you originally wrote that that was and still is your intention).
You never intended at all to unsub from what you rudely call crap, and just because you have zero imagination, doesn't give you the right to attack out of the dark - there is such a thing as being able to make your point without being a prick about it, and who knows, you might have actually encouraged a debate,rather than attract me to teach you about yourself.
SO here we are - You will be itching to respond to this, heck it might make you eager to do so, but you wrote you would leave that comment then unsub ... funny that, you're still here.
You won't leave on your timeline idiot, you'll leave on mine, i.e. when I either force you to be true to your own words, or my words cause you to unsub, because you can't admit that you made a mistake in offering to unsub yourself. What? did you think everyone here would be like 'oh please don't go, your opinion is so enlightened, we can't lose you'?
One thing is for sure now - you won't unsub. Go rattle that around your empty skull.
Statist beliefs are not something I am part of, I took no boosters and encouraged others to do the same, and I do not vote for idiots, thieves, and murderers .
I took umbrage at your attitude to Scott Ritter's substack because it is YOU who are "Fucking Joking", you who demonstrates "sheer stupidity", and you who is ignorant of what Scott Ritter has already explained - he is no supporter of Trump, he HOPES Trump will make a good difference, but he has voiced clear doubts about that too - so your attitude towards him, is just rude, ignorant, narcissist, and your responses to me prove your cognitive dissonance.
Like any narcissist, you cannot admit you were wrong, and cannot help but respond (which is really what you wanted all along). Don't get angry at me for noticing your deficiencies which you are so happy to display for all to see, when you yourself posted an offensive post that you desperately wanted a response to. If you didn't want it quite this way, you would have wrote differently, but you didn't, and found that I am all too happy to oblige.
Oh but now I've created a conundrum for you - go and prove you have the backbone to do as you claimed, or stay and prove your own words false. A trap entirely of your own making.
funny how i am living in your head rent free that you need to write an essay to me... lmfao... dumb statist... government is never the answer...
lmfao... ok dumb statist... go get your next booster, it's time!!
I tend to agree
another dumb statist... go get your booster!
The minimum wage in Poland in US$ just rose above the US federal minimum wage. Of course, in PPP, it's Many times the US. IF you believe that Trump is going to significantly improve the lives of the working classes in the US, I have some swamplands you might be interested in. There are NO heroes gonna save you. We need to take to the Streets in the millions and put the fear of hell into the parasitic dreck ruling classes. IT ain't gonna happen in America.
Word. We don't need no stinkin' globalist cabal killing us off.
F*** NATO it has been an expansionist Warmongering Organisation it has broken Promise after Promise to a myriad of Russian Leaders by expanding into Nations which at one time were a part of the USSR getting closer and closer to the Borders of Russia My opinion is I think NATO Europe and Britain are going to have to take a humiliating decision to Retreat from the Eastern European States that they Basically Invaded and Bribed into becoming a NATO Member Nation in essence we are about to receive a severe BOOT TO THE BOLLOCKS.
Dismantle the EU now.
Oh, it's already self-dismantling rather nicely. Lots of elections coming up in the next couple of months. Actions like Romania took recently will perhaps become a short-term norm, but will breed revolutions in countries thus affected by their neoliberal leaderships' corruption.
'Once you get your hands on the levers of power, you realize they're not connected to anything' - Tony Benn. Whatever happens, it won't be up to the narcissist Trump who's already got the $100M Adelson IOU hanging over him, plus the $10M from Sisi and goodness knows who else. His script will be handed to him and he will deliver it via the auto-cue. The decision of whether or not to bomb Iran (or wherever/whoever/whatever) will not be made by Trump. But like a good puppet, he will read out the decision. Does he even know where the Panama Canal is? I doubt he could point to it on a map. Poor Lavrov with his wealth of historical knowledge having to deal with Rubio who thinks God gave Israel to the Jewish people and Iran should be eviscerated. It's going to be a fun year.
Not much fun for the Middle East populations or Russia or Ukraine for that matter. Can't think why Scott has so much faith in this maverick. It doesn't make sense
What makes anyone think we Canadians want to give up our autonomy to a country so notorious for over running peaceful countries. I think you will find that born Canadians will fight to the end to preserve our independence.
We Canadians need to first address the collaborating elites among us
Absolutely! Politicians who threaten the well being of this country are committing treason and should be tried and treated accordingly.
Wakey, wakey
Yeah, I know. At least I can dream.
Fight? With what? Hunting rifles and a second rate woke military full of mRNA injected faggots?
There's a lot to be said for hunting rifles. I know that up until several years ago the Western militaries were using "hunting" rifles for their snipers. Back in the day the expression was "One shot one kill." There are two million firearms owners in Canada. Do the math.
Maths. Short for mathematics. Don't be a US cucked illiterate.
100% correct . Biden completely devastated our military . It's now controlled by men in dresses .
Maybe "fighting" isn't the appropriate word... Or approach.
You aren't going to deter aggression with kind words. The resistance in Europe had a pretty significant effect on the occupiers.
Oh, did I say that? Strange, I don't see me saying that anywhere.
Try the first less than two minutes.
I just wish my Communist brother-in-law would return to Canada.
"Trump pledged “a complete commitment to dismantling the entire globalist, neocon establishment that is perpetually dragging us into endless wars, pretending to fight for freedom and democracy abroad, while they turn us into a third-world country and a third-world dictatorship right here at home.”
He has already shown this commitment by naming only globalists and neocons in his cabinet, among his advisers and even inventing jobs for them, because he is a sly fox and knowns that is the best way for him to keep an eye on them... ha ha ha
It would be a very positive work to finish with NATO which is a parasitic organisation with no peace objectifs. As an European citizen, activist for peace, NATO is abhorrend to me and to many
Europeans. The war in Ukraine is a NATO enterprise. With this war NATO could illegaly revive. There are some exeptions within the political class, as Victor Orban of Hungaria and Robert Fico of Slovakia. But when it comes to the European leadership, there is no interest whatsoever for its people. Especially Ursula von der Leyen is an usurper and a shame. As we know for sure that Russia never was a security threat for "Atlantic Europe,"it is scandalous how our media is pushing for hate towards Russia. I was visiting Russia two years ago and was delighted of the friendship I experienced. Our leaders should visit Russia and leave behind this stupid "cold war ideology" . This never brings us to a better world. It is a "cul de sac ideology". How miserable has European politics become !
NATO's stimulation of an atmosphere of confrontation with Russia is meant to conceal their desire to conquer Russia and part her up among them.
The sparks are gonna fly when negotiation a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine. Putin is not gonna give an inch in Ukraine _he paid a heavy toll getting his gains and won't budge loosing an inch of gained territory. Will Trump ceed Purtin's red lines during these negotiations? doubt it , his egos to big. He should just stop funding this war and let Ukraine and Russia settle it thru a 'neutral' arbitrator.
NATO? I think this will be easy. Europe should trade with Russia and the USA and the world... How Europe deals with National defense is their business. Britton: again; their problem not ours.
It's the Middle East (Isreal) and the Arab world (Israeli's surround). It's up to Isreal to stop expanding its borders and make peace with it neighbors. We should bud out. Zionist Jews and its supporters make me want to puke. Stop supporting this sick psychopathic country.
*Always a pleasure hearing your thoughts Mr. Ritter*
How about Trump versus "The Israeli Establishment"? Israel is a Terrorist State.
That will be a happy world, where unicorns graze on the green fields unmolested by vegetarians predators and pigs fly merrily
"Trump will face pushback from within the halls of Hades"
While Trump is at war with the MIC and Destruction Democrats who want him dead, the Chinese that America made GREAT AGAIN will come in for the final blow to the Empire now running on fumes, $36+ Trillion and counting.
China sees that their time has come and ours has gone. Stupid leaders in Washington sold us out long ago going back to 'Ping Pong Diplomacy ' and President Bubba's betrayal, selling out our LORAL secrets to China.
China won't be alone, Iran and Russia have been waiting patiently for the day that is here.
Put a fork in it. It's over !
Maybe so but China is dealing with a very bad economic situation of their own making! So is it really their time? Looks to me that "their time" might belong to Russia who has the best budget sheet so far!
One thing about Sodom and Gomorrah USA The majority will be in a deep coma and it will be sudden destruction, over in 1 hour. The unlucky survivors will say, I fell for the “bad economy sun tzu show”.
So easily
wow pretty dark!
It's always the case for Empires in decline.
No where to go but down.
Stop reading Mainstream Media. You are screwed USA!
An oligarch in chief promising closing down wars thereby impoverishing the corporate war industry is a contradiction, isn't it?
" Do unto others as you would have done unto you " would seem to solve a lot of the worlds problems....🙏
You don't seem to be taking into account that Trump is completely, and I mean completely, controlled by Israel. Every single appointment he has made has been made by AIPAC. Every single person is a Zionist, and often a rabid Christian Zionist. Not one person he has appointed is going to support the program you just outlined. Israel wants the US supporting Ukraine and surrounding Russia, merrily producing chemical weapons in Ukrainian biolabs. Trump at Israel's behest, just promoted and supported Mike Johnson, who loves the US third after Israel and Ukraine. What you suggest here has no chance in hell of happening.
Linda Hagge is right! Trump views the world from the standpoint of the Money Empires' business. He loves Netanyahu's Israeli genocide, clearing out poor Palestinians so brother Jared and billionaire Zionist slumlords can replace slums with Golden Trump Towers throughout the West Asia.
That's one of the dumbest comments ever . Palestine burned young children and woman alive from Israel . They deserve everything coming to them.
Trump IS NOT controlled by Israel you buffoon .
ROFLMAO. Name an appointment he has made who is not a rabid Zionist. Do you think Miriam Adelson gave him 130 million dollars out of the goodness of her heart?