Wake up to what? The impossibility of self expression!? Why don’t you tell the Cabal to “wake up”? I think I am pretty clear in my questions. Certainly if the “system” is broken one path is to question and discuss how to fix it . Certainly it could take many lifetimes but starting now gets the process going -
Trump is part of the Cabal... ffs. He's Israel's puppet... wake up Gail!!
100% Zionist owned bitch. jew banks bailed him out over decades in his failures.
And then there is Roy Cohn, the Zionist blackmailing homo that was his close confidant.
as a logical consequence of T's proposed cabinet appointees: MIGA (and more wars), not MAGA (and fewer wars).
Wake up to what? The impossibility of self expression!? Why don’t you tell the Cabal to “wake up”? I think I am pretty clear in my questions. Certainly if the “system” is broken one path is to question and discuss how to fix it . Certainly it could take many lifetimes but starting now gets the process going -
Problem - solutions - gradual change!
Trump isn't going to fix it! Government isn't going to fix it.
Seems likely, if you go by what he's SAYING.
And that cabal is bigger than The US/Israel...