What makes anyone think we Canadians want to give up our autonomy to a country so notorious for over running peaceful countries. I think you will find that born Canadians will fight to the end to preserve our independence.
What makes anyone think we Canadians want to give up our autonomy to a country so notorious for over running peaceful countries. I think you will find that born Canadians will fight to the end to preserve our independence.
There's a lot to be said for hunting rifles. I know that up until several years ago the Western militaries were using "hunting" rifles for their snipers. Back in the day the expression was "One shot one kill." There are two million firearms owners in Canada. Do the math.
You are making a grave mistake when you underestimate the people who believe in this. You sound like you are most likely an American who is ignorant of Canadian history and our heritage. Make no mistake. We will fight.
What makes anyone think we Canadians want to give up our autonomy to a country so notorious for over running peaceful countries. I think you will find that born Canadians will fight to the end to preserve our independence.
We Canadians need to first address the collaborating elites among us
Absolutely! Politicians who threaten the well being of this country are committing treason and should be tried and treated accordingly.
Wakey, wakey
Yeah, I know. At least I can dream.
Fight? With what? Hunting rifles and a second rate woke military full of mRNA injected faggots?
There's a lot to be said for hunting rifles. I know that up until several years ago the Western militaries were using "hunting" rifles for their snipers. Back in the day the expression was "One shot one kill." There are two million firearms owners in Canada. Do the math.
Maths. Short for mathematics. Don't be a US cucked illiterate.
100% correct . Biden completely devastated our military . It's now controlled by men in dresses .
Canadians will bravely defend their autonomy as soon as they find it... Where is it?
You are making a grave mistake when you underestimate the people who believe in this. You sound like you are most likely an American who is ignorant of Canadian history and our heritage. Make no mistake. We will fight.
Maybe "fighting" isn't the appropriate word... Or approach.
You aren't going to deter aggression with kind words. The resistance in Europe had a pretty significant effect on the occupiers.
Oh, did I say that? Strange, I don't see me saying that anywhere.
Try the first less than two minutes.
I just wish my Communist brother-in-law would return to Canada.