By allowing the US government to compel Julian Assange to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit, America has condemned itself to be a land where telling the truth is a crime.
the entire point of 9/11 was to pass the so called patriot act. From what I understand the so called patriot act was already written during clinton. In fact biden bragged about writing it. But it couldn't be passed into law because Americans wouldn't stand for the assault on freedom and liberty. So they needed a pretext, an event, and magically 9/11 happened. And it passed almost unanimously with no one reading it, after all it was named the "patriot act".
Since the get go, really. Ever read a book by Gary B. Nash called "The Real American Revolution"? That'll larn ya. Sure opened MY eyes. I didn't learn a DAMN THING in school.
It's based on letters and other written historical documents from slaves, women, Native peoples... folks who got swept when the Muckities wrote our "history" of that time and the war we fought against the British. We have been lied to, our history and SO. MANY. THINGS. we've been taught were "the Truth," that it's kind of overwhelming to realize we need to re-examine everything we thought we knew! We've started with Big Pharma, and then politics, and it's just going to be a Whole New Experience of what we think we know. Kinda scary, and kinda REALLY COOL. :)
Then I will just say this: We can disagree, we can even FIGHT, but it's all just Dust In the Wind, doncha know. Sorry for my part of it it. Start over? I say, Peace. xo
We, as a country, were ALL duped. That's how it works. Once we realize that, we can move to make changes. We do need to move to make changes. We're in the beginning stages of that now. And I think an attempt (with some degree of success) to KILL US is a sure way to jumpstart the process.
The Espionage Act is blatantly unconstitutional and should have been struck down by the Supreme Court back in 1913…..and here we are today, censorship, surveillance, and punishment for truth telling.
Even before that we were never "free," except for maybe about 20 years or so after the war with England. But we're STILL under the "Crown." The Crown Corporation, and the British Crown is under the Crown Corporation! It's all about these gd globalist psychopaths running everything with their 90% of the world's wealth! Time for them to GO.
Okay. I disagree, mostly b/c Antifa was infiltrated and destroyed. But— you win. Now can we agree that the mutherfukkers that are committing genocide need to be stopped? Good. What does “liberal” mean? What does “conservative” mean? The answers illustrate my point, that language fuckery (how’s that word for ya, I like it!) is a very common and effective tool of the current regime, whenever, wherever. A kinda really OLD tool, too.
no problem. We agree on the essential. What words actually mean is important. And yes, word fuckery is used by the reptilians all the time. For example constantly repeating that the U.S. is a democracy.
the curious thing to me is that communism and zionism are never mentioned. It is always nazi and fascist. The bolshevik revolution and who and what was behind that, the red terrors one and two, the holodomor, the great leap forward, the gulags, Katyn forest, pol pot and more are never mentioned. the only things that are driven into minds is always, the holocaust and nazi and fascist.
If they're communists they're full-bore neoliberal and neoconservative communists. So I take it the likes of Gates, Bezos, Schwab, Pfizer, Blackrock, Lockheed are communists...NAFTA and the Crash were orchestrated by the Commies too, of course.
Talk about a ziopathic dystopia. AIPAC spent, I believe, $15 million to defeat Rep. Jamaal Bowman in his NY district. Just fucking disgraceful.
George Lattimer, the Zio yes-man who won, has to be the most physically ugly man I have ever laid my unfortunate eyes on. I’d be truly ashamed to have him represent me. Yes, it’s that bad.
not really. more like a communist zionist dystopia. You'll have nothing is a communist idea. Abolishing private property is the first plank in the communist manifesto.
It's also a plank in the GLOBALIST "manifesto." Do you think the Globalists are "communist"? And for that matter, "Communist" once meant sharing amongst the people, like you know, a COMMUNE would do? So... I stand by my original comment that REGIMES tend to twist up the jargon so that people are confused and don't know who/what they're actually supporting. It's just a tactic, like wearing the uniforms of the "enemy" and then doing something despicable to your own people so they will be blamed.
not one single commune has ever worked anywhere. There are always people who won't do their share, like bernie sanders, who was kicked out of a commune for being too lazy. the entire concept of communism is anti human nature. However it appeals to the young and idealistic. I understand that.
I stand by my comment that words mean something. And yes, I believe that the globalists are communists. They like all tyrants use communism because it appeals to the gullible.
I’m not interested in communes, I was simply talking about the root of the word. But communism is about what a govt. does. The people that want to literally RULE the world aren’t interested in being a “government,” no “GOVERNING,” but a totalitarian SLAVE camp for just a few, and nobody owns ANYTHING, and they get their brains chipped, or surgically altered, or altered by drugs… whatever. We’re talking about a tyranny to end all tyrannies. That’s what I’m concerned with. That’s what is coming if the Globalists succeed. I don’t think they will, but there’s gonna be HELL if we don’t stop them pretty soon. They’ve already begun, if you’re paying attention.
off topic, but i see you are a menzie. my grandmother's maiden name was menzie [from weem, scotland, but settled in rochester, NY], my middle name is menzie, and our son's 1st name is menzie. it is rare for us to uncover a 'menzie' w/out the final 's'. apologies for the personal remark, scott. you are, like assange, a truthsayer and like him, one of my longtime, most enduring heroes
Yeah, people usually add an s onto the end; never really researched my genealogy but my grandparents lived in NJ (as did my parents/me) and I had a great-grandfather named Schmidt. That’s all I can remember.
I am so, so, very happy that Julian Assange’s torture is ending and that he will be free . . . but the political price was steep - they are making him plead guilty to Espionage.
The precedent has been set. It is a crime for a Publisher to publish classified documents that reveal the truth about crimes being committed by our government.
Julian Assange is getting out of prison, but none of us are free.
apparently it does not create a legal precedent: Assange’s deal would not jeopardize journalists in the future of being prosecuted for accepting and publishing classified information from a source because of Assange’s agreeing to such a charge -
I hear you. I would say, though, that they've certainly set an example! It'll be interesting to see what he does after he's settle in a bit... Australia is another Five Eyes flunky... All the Five are just bowers and scrapers for the Globalist Fuckery Cabal. But Russia... that might be a good thing... He could hang out with Snowden.
Currently reading The Rackett, 2nd Edition, by Matt Kennard. Boris - have you viewed the film - How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed JFK? Its by Ryan Dawson. Ever read Michael Collins Piper's book Final Judgement?
Mine too. USS Liberty is certainly not a story most Americans learn in school. Never at all explained officially, it goes down as yet another false flag gone sideways. That we should know about.
Oh wait never credibly explained. That it could be mistaken for non US ship is an absurdity. Especially when half way sunk, dead in the water, they put up an even bigger, brand new American flag.
Much like JFK and 9/11 the more they explain it away and dismiss those who know, the harder it gets to forgive or forget.
The big thing that astounds me is how a really apt metaphor has not been distributed. They couldn't sink Liberty but they shot it up bad enough that it was cut up for scrap sort of thing. Literally and figuratively!
If Civics were taught properly in school, everyone would understand this basic constitutional truth.
Instead, as generation after generation is raised without this understanding, the creatures of the dark have advanced to the point of actively ruling society.
I once overheard a teacher and her "gifted and talented" students talking about the supreme court. One young boy asked her, "But what if the supreme court is wrong?" In my opinion, that's a very interesting question. She shut it down by repeatedly insisting that they can't be wrong.
One cannot appeal a Supreme Court decision because the Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority in the United States. The case would need to be tried again in a lower court and referred again to the Supreme Court.
I would have prefaced that by saying the supreme court can be wrong. There are examples. man made law is always subject to being morally and ethically wrong.
So we ENLIGHTEN them, and ourselves, by taking the Nasties out of their global domination they decided they alone should have. Frack their money, we can relieve them of it and put every single human into housing, bring back farming, and stop the geo-engineering AND the surveillance. Booooom.
Everyone knows it is a lie Assange had to tell to get his freedom, and how sweet that must be, to feel the air. And how soured is the face that America turns to the world, that no-one believes.
Thank you for this essay. The vicious American govt. has been trying to punish him for years. All for being an honest publisher. I am almost ashamed to be an American.
Yes, a very sad day indeed for the U.S. and all the seemingly independent countries which ‘kowtowed’ to the not for much longer military world leader. The moral leadership was lost by America a long time ago
Julian's release is a MIRICLE - I was scared he would be put in Guantanimo Bay or even Executed . CHEER UP PEOPLE - GOD IS WINNING and there WILL be PEACE ON EARTH -
EVERY DAY before you go to sleep IMAGINE IN YOUR HEAD the whole world living peacefully .
Am so glad to read this piece by Scott Ritter which I knew was coming. Have, myself, tried to communicate to people, liberals in particular what this case means and find their ignorance and refusal to even consider what it means appalling and frightening. We are in serious trouble even worse than what we have been seeing over the past few decades and now in Gaza with Biden/US actively funding this genocide in the name of the American people and with our money.
And that said, I'm so glad he's free. This was, as Napolitano said, a LESSON to us all that we are NOT FREE. Let's get free, eh? Love your work, keep on keepin' on.
Thank you Scott for this clear indictment of the US system of justice. It long ago crossed the line with the Jim Crow era and massive injustice to Black Americans, but after long struggle that may be better now. Now it turns to the people who can expose its dirty underpants and tortures them until they give. Or they let corporations go after Donziger, bankrupt him and house arrest him. Or they pull you off the plane to a land that gives sanctuary to Snowden. But I think the tide is turning— the citizens whose main focus was on shopping and voting people off the island are passing. Their children are very much awake and can see, especially with this release of Assange, just how febrile and delirious the US has been. And they are acting in the name of decency, showing that great individual courage does pay off. Hallelujah for Assange and for all of you leaders in this awakening.
When did Crime, of any magnitude, stop the U.S. Government? When no penalty is paid, crime flourishes. Hence the banal, evil mediocrities that pull the strings in the rapidly declining DC coop.
Thank you, Scott Ritter, for your opinion about Assange as a victim of the political system in the US. Also, I liked yesterday your view regarding Ukraine terrorist attack in Sevastopol with American rackets, agree with your suggestion to concentrate on front line, not to be distracted by provocations, hope to see you more often on the program "Big Game".
We used to use that cameo tale of "the government extracted a 'confession' from the prisoner before." as the iconic characterisation of Dictatorships and those horrible Communist and Socialist governments. The truth is out.
Our problem in the West today is that the masses are compliant, submissive, sedated... completely under control. Governments don't really care what they think and don't really need to propagandise about how much better we are than other countries. The western masses have largely come to accept that our governments and our political systems are crap. The western masses, by and large, care about little other than entertainment and an easy life. Its an attitude sure to spell decline and eventual disaster.
The only persons to be punished for the War On Iraq were those who told the truth.
Much like Scott was, Feral.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
That has been American reality for a long time, for sure since the "Patriot act."
Only Russell Feingold from Wisconsin voted against the Patriot Act.
the entire point of 9/11 was to pass the so called patriot act. From what I understand the so called patriot act was already written during clinton. In fact biden bragged about writing it. But it couldn't be passed into law because Americans wouldn't stand for the assault on freedom and liberty. So they needed a pretext, an event, and magically 9/11 happened. And it passed almost unanimously with no one reading it, after all it was named the "patriot act".
Mike! Please don’t tell me that you don’t believe that 9-11 was an inside job! 😭
I promise that I won’t tell you that.
Seriously contemplated gittin’ the fuck outa “dodge/town”, when them controlled demolitions when down.
Later when I heard about the “dancin’ Israelis”, it occurred to me that it was a screw job, jew job/jab.
I don’t know the truth, the whole truth, and nuthin butt…… I know horseshit when I see/smell it, sis.
Mike, as a horse person, horseshit ain’t bad a-tall. Plus, it’s great fertilizer! Human shit, now there’s a different story 😉
How could it be an inside job, when it was Muslim terrorists who did it?
David, please stop watching CNN…for your own good.
I hope you dont think this is some kind of two party fight as if republicans had nothing to do with all of it.
it passed almost unanimously with no one reading it, after all, it was named the "patriot act".
Again, your implying this is some kind of democrat thing, they are all in on it.
you don't understand what is implied by "passed almost unanimously"?
Sad inditement
Since the get go, really. Ever read a book by Gary B. Nash called "The Real American Revolution"? That'll larn ya. Sure opened MY eyes. I didn't learn a DAMN THING in school.
"The Unknown American Revolution" ?
The Unknown American Revolution: The Unruly Birth of Democracy and the Struggle to Create America… Gary B. Nash
I think that’s right. Lemme make sure.
What exactly is that book supposed to reveal?
Exactly? Well, read the book!! lol
It's based on letters and other written historical documents from slaves, women, Native peoples... folks who got swept when the Muckities wrote our "history" of that time and the war we fought against the British. We have been lied to, our history and SO. MANY. THINGS. we've been taught were "the Truth," that it's kind of overwhelming to realize we need to re-examine everything we thought we knew! We've started with Big Pharma, and then politics, and it's just going to be a Whole New Experience of what we think we know. Kinda scary, and kinda REALLY COOL. :)
American freedumb? NO. Patriot act just made you realise you were not free.
The PA only unveiled an even more cloaked curtain than we ever suspected was there in the first place.
What does 'truthy' mean?
iow, I'm agreeing with you. :)
What it sounds like! TRUTH-Y.
Not a word!
Then I will just say this: We can disagree, we can even FIGHT, but it's all just Dust In the Wind, doncha know. Sorry for my part of it it. Start over? I say, Peace. xo
Here's Kansas, "Dust In the Wind"
Back then I was a Neocon Dupe but was against DHSand the Patriot Act.
We, as a country, were ALL duped. That's how it works. Once we realize that, we can move to make changes. We do need to move to make changes. We're in the beginning stages of that now. And I think an attempt (with some degree of success) to KILL US is a sure way to jumpstart the process.
The Espionage Act is blatantly unconstitutional and should have been struck down by the Supreme Court back in 1913…..and here we are today, censorship, surveillance, and punishment for truth telling.
1913, infamous for the creation of the Fed.... there are no coincidences.
The Fed, where Private Bankers, heavily weighted to the Privileged few, create money and credit, incur debt guaranteed by the American Public.
From whence Too Big to Fail/Jail was hatched.
Even before that we were never "free," except for maybe about 20 years or so after the war with England. But we're STILL under the "Crown." The Crown Corporation, and the British Crown is under the Crown Corporation! It's all about these gd globalist psychopaths running everything with their 90% of the world's wealth! Time for them to GO.
well said, dark times indeed :-((
We live in a Nazi dystopia.
zionist dystopia.
FASCIST DYSTOPIA. That covers all those fuckers!
not really. the original meaning of fascist was anti communist. This is true today, antifa (anti fascist) are communists.
Okay. I disagree, mostly b/c Antifa was infiltrated and destroyed. But— you win. Now can we agree that the mutherfukkers that are committing genocide need to be stopped? Good. What does “liberal” mean? What does “conservative” mean? The answers illustrate my point, that language fuckery (how’s that word for ya, I like it!) is a very common and effective tool of the current regime, whenever, wherever. A kinda really OLD tool, too.
no problem. We agree on the essential. What words actually mean is important. And yes, word fuckery is used by the reptilians all the time. For example constantly repeating that the U.S. is a democracy.
the curious thing to me is that communism and zionism are never mentioned. It is always nazi and fascist. The bolshevik revolution and who and what was behind that, the red terrors one and two, the holodomor, the great leap forward, the gulags, Katyn forest, pol pot and more are never mentioned. the only things that are driven into minds is always, the holocaust and nazi and fascist.
If they're communists they're full-bore neoliberal and neoconservative communists. So I take it the likes of Gates, Bezos, Schwab, Pfizer, Blackrock, Lockheed are communists...NAFTA and the Crash were orchestrated by the Commies too, of course.
Hi Jenny
Talk about a ziopathic dystopia. AIPAC spent, I believe, $15 million to defeat Rep. Jamaal Bowman in his NY district. Just fucking disgraceful.
George Lattimer, the Zio yes-man who won, has to be the most physically ugly man I have ever laid my unfortunate eyes on. I’d be truly ashamed to have him represent me. Yes, it’s that bad.
Just had a look Gypsy..............rug on his head/bad breath and a carpet salesman!
Jenny, you would NEVER buy carpet from this man! 😂
Ha. OK
Say it as it is my dear ..........thanks for the laugh. I am not sure what he looks like. I will go and look.
not really. more like a communist zionist dystopia. You'll have nothing is a communist idea. Abolishing private property is the first plank in the communist manifesto.
It's also a plank in the GLOBALIST "manifesto." Do you think the Globalists are "communist"? And for that matter, "Communist" once meant sharing amongst the people, like you know, a COMMUNE would do? So... I stand by my original comment that REGIMES tend to twist up the jargon so that people are confused and don't know who/what they're actually supporting. It's just a tactic, like wearing the uniforms of the "enemy" and then doing something despicable to your own people so they will be blamed.
not one single commune has ever worked anywhere. There are always people who won't do their share, like bernie sanders, who was kicked out of a commune for being too lazy. the entire concept of communism is anti human nature. However it appeals to the young and idealistic. I understand that.
I stand by my comment that words mean something. And yes, I believe that the globalists are communists. They like all tyrants use communism because it appeals to the gullible.
I’m not interested in communes, I was simply talking about the root of the word. But communism is about what a govt. does. The people that want to literally RULE the world aren’t interested in being a “government,” no “GOVERNING,” but a totalitarian SLAVE camp for just a few, and nobody owns ANYTHING, and they get their brains chipped, or surgically altered, or altered by drugs… whatever. We’re talking about a tyranny to end all tyrannies. That’s what I’m concerned with. That’s what is coming if the Globalists succeed. I don’t think they will, but there’s gonna be HELL if we don’t stop them pretty soon. They’ve already begun, if you’re paying attention.
of course.
The Globalists are NOT Communist they are facist. Read about communism?
opinions vary. read Solzhenitsyn, gramsci, alinsky, Understand that you’ll own nothing is communist.
off topic, but i see you are a menzie. my grandmother's maiden name was menzie [from weem, scotland, but settled in rochester, NY], my middle name is menzie, and our son's 1st name is menzie. it is rare for us to uncover a 'menzie' w/out the final 's'. apologies for the personal remark, scott. you are, like assange, a truthsayer and like him, one of my longtime, most enduring heroes
Yeah, people usually add an s onto the end; never really researched my genealogy but my grandparents lived in NJ (as did my parents/me) and I had a great-grandfather named Schmidt. That’s all I can remember.
Spot on!
I am so, so, very happy that Julian Assange’s torture is ending and that he will be free . . . but the political price was steep - they are making him plead guilty to Espionage.
The precedent has been set. It is a crime for a Publisher to publish classified documents that reveal the truth about crimes being committed by our government.
Julian Assange is getting out of prison, but none of us are free.
apparently it does not create a legal precedent: Assange’s deal would not jeopardize journalists in the future of being prosecuted for accepting and publishing classified information from a source because of Assange’s agreeing to such a charge -
Doesn't create a legal precedent YET.
Watch for something to be slid through some Friday evening by a voice vote that will make it a legal precedent.
lawfare galore :-((
Well, we need to get rid of this hellish cabal that's trying to kill us all off, regardless.
Julian is NOT free. I hope he has good protection. US likes to WIN!
He's out of JAIL. That's sooooooo much better. Now he's like us... Not free, but not imprisoned in an actual prison.
He needs to move to a country with very strong security & borders, such as Russia or China.
Just because they let him out now doesn't mean they won't take him out later to 1. Shut him down for good & 2. Set an example.
I hear you. I would say, though, that they've certainly set an example! It'll be interesting to see what he does after he's settle in a bit... Australia is another Five Eyes flunky... All the Five are just bowers and scrapers for the Globalist Fuckery Cabal. But Russia... that might be a good thing... He could hang out with Snowden.
My "like" link is broken lately, lol.
Craig Murray agrees. He's out of jail but with a target on his back. 🤬
btw, the "Like" link seems to be broken on SOME days, for SOME people...
sniff, sniff... smed like fuckery to dis dog! Woof!
“Died of his jail-induced issues”? shiver me timbers.
If it doesn’t make you scared, terrorism doesn’t work. Now, we die when we tell the truth. So be it.
💥 BOOM!💥! Perfect!
Thank you. Scott free speech was silenced back on June 8 1967 when Israel killed 34, wounded 208. 25 of our dead were NSA intelligence. LBJ era.
America is an awful example of liberty & justice for all. Sending Julian a big mother bear hug for his courage & endurance.
Democracy ended with Kennedy murder.
Dated June 13 2017
Currently reading The Rackett, 2nd Edition, by Matt Kennard. Boris - have you viewed the film - How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed JFK? Its by Ryan Dawson. Ever read Michael Collins Piper's book Final Judgement?
And the day Russia showed up and saved the drowning sailors abandoned by their own country.
Hmm my memory they showed up to assist the USS Liberty and politely refused but stood by until the USN finally showed up.
Thank you, my knowledge of it is second hand so you may be entirely right.
Mine too. USS Liberty is certainly not a story most Americans learn in school. Never at all explained officially, it goes down as yet another false flag gone sideways. That we should know about.
Oh wait never credibly explained. That it could be mistaken for non US ship is an absurdity. Especially when half way sunk, dead in the water, they put up an even bigger, brand new American flag.
Much like JFK and 9/11 the more they explain it away and dismiss those who know, the harder it gets to forgive or forget.
The big thing that astounds me is how a really apt metaphor has not been distributed. They couldn't sink Liberty but they shot it up bad enough that it was cut up for scrap sort of thing. Literally and figuratively!
If Civics were taught properly in school, everyone would understand this basic constitutional truth.
Instead, as generation after generation is raised without this understanding, the creatures of the dark have advanced to the point of actively ruling society.
I once overheard a teacher and her "gifted and talented" students talking about the supreme court. One young boy asked her, "But what if the supreme court is wrong?" In my opinion, that's a very interesting question. She shut it down by repeatedly insisting that they can't be wrong.
I was disappointed, and not by the student.
That teacher was in a job beyond her capabilities. She simply could not answer the question.
Schools only hire sheep. Step out of line and see how that mob turns on you, bleating!
How would you answer that question Elizabeth?
One cannot appeal a Supreme Court decision because the Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority in the United States. The case would need to be tried again in a lower court and referred again to the Supreme Court.
I would have prefaced that by saying the supreme court can be wrong. There are examples. man made law is always subject to being morally and ethically wrong.
The Dred Scott Decision, an example of where the US Supreme Court was wrong, entirely and morally and ethically wrong.
So we ENLIGHTEN them, and ourselves, by taking the Nasties out of their global domination they decided they alone should have. Frack their money, we can relieve them of it and put every single human into housing, bring back farming, and stop the geo-engineering AND the surveillance. Booooom.
Everyone knows it is a lie Assange had to tell to get his freedom, and how sweet that must be, to feel the air. And how soured is the face that America turns to the world, that no-one believes.
Thank you for this essay. The vicious American govt. has been trying to punish him for years. All for being an honest publisher. I am almost ashamed to be an American.
Susan, I’m completely ashamed to be Amerikkkan . 😕
Yes, a very sad day indeed for the U.S. and all the seemingly independent countries which ‘kowtowed’ to the not for much longer military world leader. The moral leadership was lost by America a long time ago
Julian's release is a MIRICLE - I was scared he would be put in Guantanimo Bay or even Executed . CHEER UP PEOPLE - GOD IS WINNING and there WILL be PEACE ON EARTH -
EVERY DAY before you go to sleep IMAGINE IN YOUR HEAD the whole world living peacefully .
I agree. And we've got a LONG WAY to go. Get ready.
And god will act through brave people.
Thank you.
Am so glad to read this piece by Scott Ritter which I knew was coming. Have, myself, tried to communicate to people, liberals in particular what this case means and find their ignorance and refusal to even consider what it means appalling and frightening. We are in serious trouble even worse than what we have been seeing over the past few decades and now in Gaza with Biden/US actively funding this genocide in the name of the American people and with our money.
And that said, I'm so glad he's free. This was, as Napolitano said, a LESSON to us all that we are NOT FREE. Let's get free, eh? Love your work, keep on keepin' on.
Thank you Scott for this clear indictment of the US system of justice. It long ago crossed the line with the Jim Crow era and massive injustice to Black Americans, but after long struggle that may be better now. Now it turns to the people who can expose its dirty underpants and tortures them until they give. Or they let corporations go after Donziger, bankrupt him and house arrest him. Or they pull you off the plane to a land that gives sanctuary to Snowden. But I think the tide is turning— the citizens whose main focus was on shopping and voting people off the island are passing. Their children are very much awake and can see, especially with this release of Assange, just how febrile and delirious the US has been. And they are acting in the name of decency, showing that great individual courage does pay off. Hallelujah for Assange and for all of you leaders in this awakening.
When did Crime, of any magnitude, stop the U.S. Government? When no penalty is paid, crime flourishes. Hence the banal, evil mediocrities that pull the strings in the rapidly declining DC coop.
Thank you, Scott Ritter, for your opinion about Assange as a victim of the political system in the US. Also, I liked yesterday your view regarding Ukraine terrorist attack in Sevastopol with American rackets, agree with your suggestion to concentrate on front line, not to be distracted by provocations, hope to see you more often on the program "Big Game".
We used to use that cameo tale of "the government extracted a 'confession' from the prisoner before." as the iconic characterisation of Dictatorships and those horrible Communist and Socialist governments. The truth is out.
Our problem in the West today is that the masses are compliant, submissive, sedated... completely under control. Governments don't really care what they think and don't really need to propagandise about how much better we are than other countries. The western masses have largely come to accept that our governments and our political systems are crap. The western masses, by and large, care about little other than entertainment and an easy life. Its an attitude sure to spell decline and eventual disaster.