The cruelty of Zionist Israel is a major contributor to growing tones of anti-semitism, worldwide. Judaism is under attack by the very same demons who falsely claim to represent the teachings of the Torah. The Neturei Karta anti-zionist Rabbis quote the Torah to claim the "State" Israel has no right to exist until after the second coming of the Messiah.
If you have a copy of the Bible you can look up the Book of Revelations chapter 2, verse 9. I'm sure you'll find it on the www too.
In my copy this is in red (meaning Jesus said it.).
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Who would be a "Democrat" today who truly agrees with Scott and supports the Palestinians? 100% of their leaders are similar to what Scott describes - no-principle, evil, greedy people who support devastation and death.
Former Trump Official, Michael Benz, Predicts Regime Change in Israel. Benz, a former Trump State Department official unpacks the energy sector geopolitics in the middle-east -
Nothing wrong with Zionism. It just means you love Israel land in for Israel Hebrews to be in their land just like in America if you say you’re a patriot. There’s nothing wrong with it. You’re promoting false propaganda.
It’s a Israel’s land and has been for over 3500 years. If you dig in the dirt anywhere around there, you find Hebrew artifacts. There’s no such thing as Palestinian people or Palestine. The Palestinians came from Egypt in Jordan.
These commenters need to listen to this to hear the history of Judea Samaria, that they call Gaza the West Bank. If you listen to the truth, you won’t write these posts . I know there are some bad Jews, like Klaus Schwab, and Yuval Noah Harari, and George Soros. I hate the WEF world economic forum and them.
But it is evil for you commenters to try to foment hatred of all Jews and Israel. Jesus was and is a Jewish rabbi and he / the Bible tells that He he looked out over Israel and wept because he saw what would happen in the future in 70 A.D. when the Romans would destroy them and then many times later, and he saw what happened October 7, 2023 and he said, “oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how I long to gather you under my wings as a mother hen gathers her chicks.“. He said to pray for the peace of Israel ... to pray for anyone who doesn’t believe in him for them to believe in him and ask for forgiveness. That means anyone on earth.
but he’s coming back to the place where he left and ascended to heaven. And that is the Mount of Olives and Israel . and the Bible says when he comes back, and his foot touches down on the mount of olives, the mountain will split open. And he will be coming back to annihilate all those who are attacking his Jewish Hebrew lineage and trying to steal their land.
And I also believe that the whole Covid mRNA synthetic nanoparticle device CRSCAS9 quantum dot DNA editing artificial intelligence platform injections were pushed by the evil satanic world economic forum people and it was in an effort to change the DNA from made in the image of God to made in the image of Satan, which is also FAUCI, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, etc. And I believe that God is furious that leaders in Israel forced those shots on their people.
But it still does not mean that you commenters should be fomenting hatred of Israel and all Jews. The people there didn’t want to be forced to take that crap Just like we didn’t. I did not take it.
The genetic record exposes the claim that "It’s a Israel’s land and has been for over 3500 years" is as at best a deeply misleading story:
Eran Elhaik, a geneticist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, in a recently published study in Genome Biology Evolution (Elhaik 2012) is calling for a rewrite of commonly held assumptions about Jewish ancestry. Instead of being primarily the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel, present-day Jewish populations are, finds Elhaik, primarily the children of a Turkish people who lived in what is now Russia, north of Georgia, east of Ukraine. This civilization, the Khazars, converted from tribal religions to Judaism between the 7th and 9th centuries. “This is the first scientific paper to prove the Khazarian Hypothesis and reject the Rhineland Hypothesis,” he says, “and with it about 40 years of research.”
Jewish communities are less homogeneous than is popularly thought, he says, with Jewish communities along the former Khazarian border showing the most heterogeneity.
His second question centered on ancestry: When comparing Jewish communities to their non-Jewish neighbors, Caucasus or Levant (Middle Eastern) populations—which is the closest to Jews? “All Eurasian Jewish communities are closer to Caucasus populations,” he writes, with Central European Jews closer to Italian non-Jews as the exception. Not one of the eight evaluated Jewish populations were closer to Levant populations.
“There is no Jewish genome and certainly no Jewish gene,” says the Israeli-born Elhaik. Instead, all humans are a mix of the same building blocks, built with slightly different architectures. “The confusion about European Jews results from their tragic history of persecutions and deportations, creating multiple links between ancestry and geography. By dismantling our notions of genetically distinct populations and understanding our kinship, we can better appreciate our common history, and more importantly, our shared future.“
And please stop spreading this silly trope: " [...] fomenting hatred of Israel and all Jews" trying to smudge responsibility for the genocide in Gaza, when it is quite obvious that it is psychopathic Zionist who are to blame:
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health conducted event 201 in preparation for rolling out the pandemic and is a propagator of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset Agenda. I would not trust anything out of that institution.
Yawn. 'Shooting the messenger' is a logical fallacy - instead concentrate on the message: in this instance that there is no genetic basis for Jews via Zionist propaganda to claim that Palestinian territory is somehow "historically" their land and everyone else living there must either move out or be executed by genocidal psychopaths, sorry Zionist scum.
Besides, the study was published in a peer review journal "Genome Biology Evolution (Elhaik 2012)" try criticising that publication and the paper itself instead of finger waving at institutions, if you want to be taken seriously.
"A new study looked at why people tend to "shoot the messenger". It's a fact that people don't like those who deliver them bad news. The effect stems from our inherent need to make sense of bad or unpredictable situations."
Marjory, instead of getting upset and attacking me: "arrogance and maliciousness" and offering content free irrelevant dismissals: "total lack of credibility from your sources" why not focus on challenging the claim that there is zero credibility for Zionists to suggest that Jewish people have a genetic based claim to Palestinian land?
Check out the book "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Jewish Israeli historian Shlomo Sand:
There was never a mass exodus of Jews from historic Israel. So what happened to them? They converted to Islam. Modern day Palestinians are descendants of the Jews of historic Israel.
Palestinians have been on the land for thousands of years. No one had the right to take their homes, their land, to kill them & drive them away.
Some Jews did leave, and where they ended up they preached Judaism. People in different parts of the world learned about Judaism from Jewish immigrants. They converted to Judaism, but have no blood ties to the land Israel. Those are the Jews of the Diaspora, many of whom in the 1900s & 200s followed the atheist Zionists & left to Israel to claim the land as theirs.
Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived peacefully together on the land for centuries. It wasn't until the Zionists came to take over the land, killing & forcing Palestinian Christians & Jews out that there was no longer peace.
Torah True Jews are vehemently against the creation of the state of Israel. It is against the Torah. , or Torah Judaism on Twitter
Agreed. And Shlomo Sand also references Ben Gurion's view that the Palestinians were descended from the Judean population. Sand says there is a noticeable amount of Aramaic in their dialect.
As regards the Khazarian origin of most Jews in the world today, there is the above Sand book, and see also "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Jewish writer Arthur Koestler.
God bless Scott Ritter, a real man of peace with the honesty and spirit to review his position and allegiances in the light of new evidences.
Hatred of Zionism is not hatred of Jews. Thousands of Orthodox Jews around the globe and faithful to the Torah condemn Zionism and what modern Israel is doing, say it is NOT Judaism, have fought it since the inception of Zionism in the late 19th century and plead with people not to confuse Zionism with Judaism. Did you know Zionism was founded by a non-religious atheist Jew? And the founder and first prime minister of Israel was also a non-religious atheist Jew and admirer of Lenin? How can this possibly be the work of God?
I also have come lately to this position. I am anti-Hamas and anti-Zionist now. I am now pro-free Palestine and pro-Yitzhak Rabin-style moderate Israel.
I am a huge consumer of geopolitical news and I listen to most of it dispassionately. I don't know why this Israeli-Palestinian conflict is hitting me more personally but I find myself tearing up when I read or hear well-balanced takes on the situation.
I teared-up reading this article.
Thank you, Scott, for being a truth-teller and a principled man and for helping us know the world as it is a little better.
Yitzhak Rabin called for Israel existing alongside a Palestinian "entity less than a state" (not a state) and called for the IDF to "break the bones" of protestors during the First Intifada. Just so you're aware
Yes, and as the article shows, it is also the history of militant political Judaism. History shows it is also the history of militant political Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. And militant political atheism.
Religion and irreligion brings out the best and the worst in human beings. Is Islam more prone to it overall due to the Quran and the Hadith? An argument can be made for that, of course. But when it comes to terror in the name of God (and godlessness), we all live in glass houses.
solve the land and money problem with public banks and land value tax.
As a worthy goal, a multi-polar global hegemony with sovereign citizens of the world residing in autonomous sovereign nations independently living out their lives as is humanly possible in decentralized, localized communities in self-empowered self-reliance seems the best and only way to go from here[157]
I often use the same words "When you live in a glass house don't throw stones " and also a similar saying is what Jesus said to the men that brought a woman said to have committed adultery to get stoned " Let he that has no sin cast the first stone "
To remind that we all need to look in the proverbial mirror .
David, Thank you for your opinion. I appreciate your view, you seem to be an open minded person who likes to seek knowledge before making any conclusions. I’m so relieved to read for the first time “militant political” is not tagged just to Islam for a change. People who have read the history will know they were always “militant political” angle in every religion. You have a very good question “is islam more prone to it or overall due to the Quran and Hadith?” all i can say is most of the Quran is just reiterating what was originally revealed in the Old Testament, New Testament before some portions were tampered. There are no versions/Revision of Quran, it is in its original form. I encourage you to read it with an open mind. God Bless.
I am perfectly sane and I thought his point was well made and over the last 4 or 5 years I have come to hold the same opinion. Your perspective using the "Hahaha" comment tells me all I need to know about your age and understanding of the real world.
People who enslave others via usury are the parasites of this planet.
Islam forbids usury, and Muslims fight to the death resisting it. THAT is the parasites' biggest problem, and has been for centuries. ....., and you know damnd well who the parasites are.
Watch All Wars Are Bankers Wars- Mike Rivero on bitchute, explains why wars are orchestrated and who benefits.
Watch Bill Still's The Money Masters- a follow-the-money approach to history, explains how the international bankers got control over nations by getting the power to issue national currencies out of thin air and loan them to governments at interest. The goal of the banking cartel is to get individuals and nations enslaved with debt.
If this is your take away from my article, then I have zero use for you.
The intellectual deficit necessary for you to write this is mind boggling, which leads me to believe that you’re simply trying to disrupt the conversation. And in that case, pound sand.
No Scott, actually I don't disagree with your piece, I more or less agree. My point is since you see the evil you discussed, I fail to understand why you seem to be unwilling to accept the sad possibility that evil knows no boundaries.
If you are like other people I know, good friends and family, they are not willing to consider such a possibility so they ignore what many consider valid information related to the subject.
I enjoy your work and will continue to follow you, you provide good information and I appreciate it. And since we don't know each other I never thought you had any use for me in the first place, so I don't think I've lost anything. 🍺
I would be interested to know if you have ever seen the 55 minute video from attached link. If not, I, and I suspect some others would be interested in your response if you have seen it. I, like you, have the capacity to be wrong on rare occasions.
Below the video is the transcript with links to cited sources. It's quite compelling.
Closed-minded, vaguely threatening, sounds about right.
You sure do have a good recollection of conversations 30 years old.
You unfortunately let some anti-semitism peek out when you let slip that US politicians are bought and paid for by meddling Jews. AIPAC is not even in the top 50 biggest PACs in the US. Your time would be better spent looking at Haliburton the MIC, but that might be too close to home for a company man like yourself. Easier to blame the Jews.
Thank you Scott. I was married to a Palestinian whose grand parents were murdered by the Irgun; their land stolen, and his 10 and 11 year old parents were forced to flee to Jordan. My husband was born in a refugee camp and had to stand in line all day for one piece of bread for a family of 5. Every time you took Israel's side it broke my heart to hear that from someone I respect. Thank you again.
perhaps not in ways we imagine, or in a different time, but common sense and righteousness always prevail and then we should be on the right side of it.
The world is being driven to chaos and certain forces are in the driving seat encouraging division between right and left, anarchists and statists, religious and atheist, capitalist and socialist. Common sense is not common and righteousness is often peddled by the unrighteous. Your sentiment is worthy mary-lou but as to who and what will prevail, I remain skeptical. All the best.
I am so proud, so happy to know you exist, so inspired by your words, thank you!!!
I have been calling and writing Congress for three days calling for a cease fire, for an end to US providing Israel with funding/weapons. Questioning the role of Israel in the attacks, pointing out the end result is Palestinian Genocide.
I have posted links on many websites to the writings of every capable author who questions the attacks, the reporting of the attacks, the role of Bibi in all of this. I have despaired seeing the number of US politicians calling for unquestioning support of Israel. And then you show up with the truth, searing through the years of lies as a hot knife through butter.
Maybe there is a chance we can stop this insanity. Thank you Scott.
Thank you Scott for presenting such an authentic foundation for your position, based on long years of experience and reflection. You have recorded your trajectory thoroughly and your empathy for the people of Palestine is palpable.
Scott, I stand with you and have been railing against the Zio-Nazis for a long time. I was a Neocon Dupe and went through an existential crisis when I saw the error of my ways. I've worked to redeem myself since. I was propagandized and enthralled by the Masters of the Narrative.
I agree with you about Hamas and Israel's war crimes.
You are correct. Zio-Nazi Oligarchs own media corporations. Then there's Zio-Nazi AIPAC Scott mentioned in his article.
Consider this, in the FJB Administration they have the Secretary of State, Assistant Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Homeland Security, Director of Department of Justice and Senate Majority Leader. What do they all have in common? They're Neocon and Zio-Nazis.
Just about all Repukelican Presidential contenders are Neocon Nazis. Congress has a boatload in it. What's the result? Over the past 40 years they have cemented our nation as the world's foremost terrorist state. Our nation has been since 1945.
"The US is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." MLK. Written a year before his murder and referring to the Vietnam war but just as true today. The American people would be happy with a decent life at home but the ruling classes are addicted to War and it's profits.
The USA is the world's foremost terrorist state because of it's Nazi mindset inculcated by the German Nazis beginning in 1945. When NATO was formed in 1948 many high positions were given to German Nazis. They also inculcated the hatred of the US Ally who lost so many to defeat Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union.
Here are others. Adolf Hausinger, Hitler's Chief of Staff, . of NATO Military Committee. Hans Speidel, Rommel's Chief of Staff, Commander in Chief of NATO Forces in Europe. Others include Johannes Steinhoff, Johan Von Kielmansagg, Ernst Ferber, Karl Schnell, Frans-Joseph Shutze and Ferdinand Von Senger und Etterlin.
I am very interested in people who have changed not just their mind on an issue, but their whole worldview. It takes guts! How did you do it, why/what made you start, what was the hardest part, and how did you get through that? Seems like something you share with Ritter. Thanks in advance.
Thank You Scott. An amazing piece of context for those too superficially enflamed by misinformation and emotion to see, objectively and honestly the real truth behind this sad human tragedy.
I find repulsive, the blind fealty of so many here in America, to the image of Israel as the victim of the Palestinians and the Moslem world. In so many eyes, Israel can do no wrong, such that these people turn a blind eye to the atrocities of Israel. How easily they discount and dismiss the genocide and Crimes against Humanity of Israel against Palestinians with an air of entitled arrogance and hubris.
And dare anyone raise a criticism of Israel, lest they incur the wrath of the ADL's Johnathan Greenblatt and his reflexive automaticity cries of ANTISEMITE leveled at anyone for daring to observe that Israel simply has never learn the basic playground skill of playing well with others.
Ignorance Kills. Israel's efforts to deny and coverup their serial crimes against Humanity creates and reinforces their ignorance. In truth, this is simply the legendary Zionist deception in action. Were the wonderful and decent Israeli People to rise up and throw out their pathological and parasitic leadership, they could end this entire nightmare. As an American, I feel for them as my country faces the same challenge... to throw off our own political leaders who also have no clue about how to play well with others...
With luck, many will take the time to read this piece, Scott. Hopefully, they will learn something and their humanity will be able to punch through their killing ignorance.
The fealty many Americans feel for Israel has deep roots: the same sense of being chosen, of being exceptional, and first and foremost, the same history of being settlers, trying to make a clean slate on the land they took from others:
Where are these wonderful and decent Israelis? The majority support their government and many say that the government is not doing ENOUGH. I'll believe in the decent ones when I see them.
İt is very sad that you ignored the history of Palestine and jumped from 1897 to 1948. Here as follows The Ottoman government took some precautions against this movement threatening its territorial integrity. In 1871, long before the Zionists took action, the Ottomans declared 80 percent of Palestine as state property. Following the succession of Sultan Abdülhamid II, he increased preventive measures against the Jewish settlement in Palestine. In 1883, he restricted the acquisition of Palestinian lands and decided to take the strategic territory himself.
In 1900, Sultan Abdülhamid II restricted Jews' stay in Palestinian territory to 30 days. He further prohibited the acquisition of territories to foreign Jews in the Ottoman Empire, including Palestine. It was declared that the Ottoman Empire was not a settlement area for people who were exiled from Europe.
No room for consent
Budapest native Theodor Herzl, the leader of the Zionist movement, requested an audience with Sultan Abdülhamid II. When this request was declined, he delivered his offer to the sultan through his close friend, Polish Phillip Newlinsky, in May, 1901. They offered to pay the Ottomans' foreign debts and to provide propaganda for the Ottoman Sultan in Europe in exchange for opening Palestinian lands to Jewish settlement and transferring governance to the Jewish people.
The sultan declined this offer with the famous saying: "I won't sell anything, not even an inch of this territory because this country does not belong to me but to all Ottomans. My people won these lands with their blood. We give what we have the way we got it in the first place." Herzl repeated his offer once again the following year, but the answer was the same.
"They offered to pay the Ottomans' foreign debts and to provide propaganda for the Ottoman Sultan in Europe in exchange for opening Palestinian lands to Jewish settlement and transferring governance to the Jewish people."
This was what WWI was all about. The Ottoman Empire was in their way. They had to eliminate it.
Is this the main reason for WWI, or one of many reasons for it? I am voraciously reading books on the two wars of the last century, but still need to educate myself more deeply.
I live in a northwest suburb of Chicago. When I read about how the Palestinian lands were stolen I think of this: How would i react if men came to the door of a home i had owned for generations, and said, it's no big deal - from now on you will have to live in Naperville, a suburb surrounded by concrete walls and barbed wire, a place where at any notice future relatives would be banished from their lands, and their livelihood destroyed, a place where your people will be placed in the most highly dense concentration camps that have ever existed.
I am not a brave woman, but I think I would honorably fight to my death, rather than give up.
I'd love to read a book about the psychology of people, especially in my homeland, America, to understand the brainwashing techniques that continue to be fostered upon so many people, to align themselves with one side of this argument, while never even bothering to read documentation written by the other side of this argument.
They began by breaking the main rule set forth in the Balfour Agreement - that the local residents would not be displaced. They continue to steal homes, business and land from palestinians! They cut down their olive trees. They demolish their homes. There are 60 laws that guide their discrimination. I am so sick of people saying that this nation is a democracy. There is no more densely populated area in the world than the gaza strip.
Israel was never a democratie. Armed to the teeth and the whole of population through tsahal, military time being compulsory for girls and boys, participate of the repression, humiliation of the palestinians. So there is no innocent in my vue. And when you misbehave, you become fearfull and aggressif.
The first settlers most from eastern europe and urss were plain terrorists. And through terrorist acts israell was brought into life. And through violence it will go under.
Jews and ultra zionists have in the usa, but also in europe infiltrated all governments and places of decision. We are coming at an historical turning point i think. And that is scary.
I live in europe on the coast of the north sea.
Israel is still dominating the media, forming public opinion andvplaying " victim". But society is now very much divided .
Neutral Switzerland still requires mandatory military service for all males
Military service
Every Swiss man is required to serve in the military or in the alternative civilian service. In most cases, the military service obligation applies from age 18 to 30.
and i will add, swiss military DO NOT REPRESS civilian population. Israeli DOES. And it is very despictable to shoot at kid/ civilians and to maim them for life on purpose. I treat my dog better than israhell treats palestinians. If i were treating my dog badly, he would bite me.
Of course, you would call me Antisemite. It is the only argument you have. Well it does not work any more.
And please dont compare Switzerland a real democratie respecting all its inhabitants with Israhell, an apartheid stolen land
How does Egypt treat Palestinians? How do Palestinians treat Palestinians? How do Palestinians treat Israelis?
People call you an anti-Semite because it’s the only rational explanation for the way you view the situation. Palestinians (an identity which didn’t even exist as a “nation” until the 70s) are people with agency and choices. They use this agency to choose violence, over and over again.
The more interesting question is why do you care about it so much? There are worse things happening all over the world, every day. When you pull at this thread long enough the answer is always the same: racism.
This doesn’t even make sense though. Zionism isn’t about racism. Zionism exists on its own. It doesn’t matter who is on the other side of it, could be Asians, Blacks, Arabs, whatever. Zionists want a homeland for Jews.
Compare this to the Palestinian Identity which was literally invented as a reaction against Zionism. They are just Arabs, or which are there are 500 million in a 500 mile radius of Israel.
In fact Zionism was invented by the organizations of Hovevei Zion (lit. 'Lovers of Zion'), held as the forerunners of modern Zionist ideals, were responsible for the creation of 20 Jewish towns in Palestine between 1870 and 1897
Can there really be any doubt that the creation of the State of Israel was, at its heart, a colonialist act of dispossession, and has established an “apartheid regime” that systematically discriminates against and subjugates its own citizens? The evidence is overwhelming.
To begin with, at the Paris Peace conference in 1919, the Zionist Commission submitted a map of Palestine marked “grazing land,” empty of all its towns and villages. That was the certification of the myth propagated by the Zionist supporters that “Palestine is a land without people,” and its corollary, “the Jews are a people without a land.”
The colonial powers at the Paris conference — Britain and France — supported the big lie that Palestine was empty, although both had conducted extensive surveys in Palestine, most notably the Survey of Palestine by the Palestine Exploration Fund, and published maps and volumes about 1,200 towns and villages, many of which are 2,000 years old, in whose streets Jesus Christ most likely walked.
Does that reflect a glaring ignorance? No, it did not. It was a Zionist plan to convert Palestine into a land without (its) people. Hence the dispossession of Palestine carried out in 1948, in which 560 towns and villages were depopulated and largely destroyed. This major crime has continued to this day.
Racism and apartheid are intrinsic to the Zionist doctrine. Without the forcible expulsion of Palestinians, Israel could not have existed as it is today. There is not a single acre of land acquired by Israel in 1948 that was gained without recourse to military force.
Prior to the Paris conference, the inaugural Zionist conference in 1897 in Basel developed a plan, the Basel Program, to achieve a Jewish state by declaring that all Jews belonged to a nation of people and that this “nation” had rights to a country and that it would be in Palestine. Very much in accord with the ethos of late-nineteenth century Europe, Zionism was a colonialist, political movement that used a biblical religious frame to encourage more European Jews to emigrate.
By the end of the nineteenth century, neither antisemitism in Europe nor religious sentiment had led to large numbers of Jews emigrating to Palestine. At the time of the Basel Congress, some 95 percent of the population were Arab Palestinians who owned 99 percent of the land.
Zionism was a secular, nationalistic movement; many of its key advocates were atheists. These are the people who came up with the first detailed plan to colonise Palestine by expelling the indigenous Palestinian population and by delegitimating and marginalising them in their own country. The creation of the State of Israel and the expulsion of most of the Palestinian indigenous population in 1948 — the Nakba — represented the acceleration of the “slow motion” dispossession which was a feature of this Jewish Euro-colonial history.
Arthur Balfour, the author of the infamous Balfour Declaration, refused entry of European Jews to England after Russian pogroms at the beginning of the twentieth century. He, along with David Lloyd George, drafted a scheme in 1903, suggested by Theodor Herzl, to create a colony for European Jews in East Africa. This refusal of entry of Jews to England, while supporting their plan to colonise another country, Palestine, implied, in the spirit of the colonial era, that these colonial powers wanted to get rid of their European Jewish citizens and create for themselves an enclave state to split the Arab World and serve their interests.
Little wonder, then, that from the outset Zionism enjoyed little support from key Jewish figures. This form of extreme Jewish nationalism was criticised both by Western liberals and by most of the preeminent Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox rabbis in Russia and Eastern Europe. The Russian communists opposed Zionism and leading Marxist theorists saw it as complicit in the rise of antisemitism.
The racist and discriminatory actions of the Zionist organisations in Palestine prior to the Arab Uprising of 1929 were documented in the Shaw and Hope Simpson Commissions. Zionist propaganda sought to allay the fears of Palestinians by declaring — for example, during the 1931 Zionist Congress — that the desire of the Jewish people was to live with the Arab people and develop a common and prosperous community, while every legal document binding every settler in a Zionist colony was “not compatible with the sentiments publicly expressed.”
After the brutal destruction of the Palestinian society by the British Army during the Arab Revolt (1936–1939), the Zionists, at the Biltmore Conference of 1942, declared their aim of creating a “Jewish Commonwealth” in Palestine and initiated the intelligence project known as the “Village Files” in order to document every Palestinian village in preparation for the mass expulsion which took place in the Nakba of 1948.
Later that same year, on 10 December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted. On the next day, UN resolution 194, calling for the right of Palestinian refugees to return home, was adopted. The aim of this international ruling was ostensibly to reverse the crime of forced dispossession which had been wrought against Palestinians with the unilateral establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
It is important to point out that anti-Zionism from the outset was not antisemitic, but was linked intrinsically to international recognition that Zionism was, at its core, a colonialist project. It provided the political and theoretical basis for the dispossession of Palestinians and the ongoing discrimination against and subjugation of Palestinians who remained in Israel after 1948.
The UN membership swelled from 50 colonial powers in 1945 to 193 today — most of the growth coming from nations freed from the bonds of colonialism. Treaties were formulated to censure discrimination, racism, apartheid and war crimes. It is unsurprising that Israel is regularly censured for its violations of international law.
In April 2017, The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) issued a report describing Israel as “an apartheid regime,” and as applying apartheid policies against Palestinians in Israel, in Occupied Palestine or abroad. The United States government applied pressure on the UN General Secretary, António Guterres, who subsequently withdrew the report. Following this move, the ESCWA Commissioner, Rima Khalaf, resigned her position in protest. (She would go on to convene the first Global Conference on Israeli Apartheid in Istanbul late last year.)
The following year, in July 2018, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu removed any remaining doubt as to whether Israel is an “apartheid regime” by promulgating the “Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People” — a document of distilled apartheid.
I would submit that any concerned and conscientious citizen can reach this conclusion by reading about Israel’s daily violations of international law and human rights conventions in any part of Palestine under military control by Israel, and by looking at the scores of laws that specifically discriminate against Palestinians in Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
How long must Palestinians wait for the justice and freedom which has been denied them since 1948? How long will the rest of the world tolerate the flagrant and ongoing practices of apartheid and systemic racism by the Israeli state?
In Australia, politicians frequently promote the importance of a global rules-based order in the context of criticising human rights abuses and violations of international law in various countries, but Israel has never been included in these condemnations. This omission does not serve the cause of world peace, nor the rights of the Australian citizens.
Salman Abu Sitta is the Founder and President of the Palestine Land Society.
Wow - great article - thank you! If only more people would read this. Towards the end I got the answer to my question about Israel creating Hamas. I had read that before. So Hamas was or is an intelligence asset of the Mossad. When you compare the 1947 map of the region to that of today - the encroachment is incredible. They have created an exodus of Palestine's that have resettled in other countries and brought their resentment. I think Netanyahu is more than capable of sacrificing the lives of his own people to justify war. He did it before resulting in the deaths of Americans and of those which he wanted invaded. He will use any means to achieve his ends and it will not stop at Palestine territory. Which makes me wonder how many nukes and chemical/biological weapons they have in their arsenal.
This is why the jargon is always a projection around us Palestinians making up our own existence and identity. They create the framework and make us justify every minutia of our lives as tho we are by birth, liars, killers and racists. IT's just bizarre living thru this constant gaslighting my whole life in America. When the jews were rescued in WW2, everybody felt compassion and shame bc of what had happened to them yet Palestinians have had to live for decades with people blaming for the oppression imposed on them and their murders and their losses which are unimaginable to the average suburban American. I had a friend who I was close to who sent me a message to let me know that his auntie was trapped in Jerusalem when Hamas invaded and that he assured her that Israel's response would be sure - that the poor old lady just wanted to see Galilee. I asked him what about Palestinians? Do they have rights to see Galilee? He couldn't answer and doesn't speak to me anymore despite my being a close friend to him all these years. We all need to take a hard look at ourselves. I am ashamed of America.
We all have been fed propaganda - media has been controlled for decades - but people are waking up - and maybe we will realize that all of us no matter what our religion is have been victims of a global cabal and their enforcers -playing one group against another. My biggest concern is the military and "intelligence agencies" - they protect either their paymasters or the government and not the people and their indoctrination is so deep - they are taught not to think for themselves - not all but many. No shortage of psychopaths' in the CIA and their contractors. Our journey is painful but we must take it. Stay Free
Scott, imo Isr bombing Syrian commercial airports, an act of war, should be the top headline. And it's reluctance to react widening the war bringing usa in. What's up?
One thought kept coming to me as I read this. Recently I have heard, via separate interviews, Scott say he can't believe 9/11, and now 10/7 were allowed to happen by the victim countries. I fail to understand how the contrived evil Scott writes about can happen yet similar contrived evil events are beyond his ability to accept.
I was, until the last year or so, of equal mind, however I was introduced to well documented information that has caused me to accept what once seemed unacceptable.
People have a difficult time realizing evil is a third party that has its own objectives.
I disagree that evil exists on its own. Actions are evil, that's it. There is no "force" or "party of evil" out there. There are systems we have spun up, people who know how to work them and benefit from them. "We have met the enemy, and he is us." Right now those systems (white supremacist capitalist patriarchy) are pushing our planet towards unlivability.
We have long ago passed the time when a so-called "two-state solution " was viable. Only one country for Muslims, Christians and Jews, renamed Great Jerusalem, based on human rights. No nuclear weapons. A nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. A model for getting there is the Antarctic Treaty. Paradoxically, this is now more real than ever in the current crisis.
This Jew would like to thank you for your principled position. I have no desire to live in a Jewish ghetto on stolen land. Free Palestine.
The cruelty of Zionist Israel is a major contributor to growing tones of anti-semitism, worldwide. Judaism is under attack by the very same demons who falsely claim to represent the teachings of the Torah. The Neturei Karta anti-zionist Rabbis quote the Torah to claim the "State" Israel has no right to exist until after the second coming of the Messiah.
"Judaism is under attack by the very same demons who claim to represent the teachings of the Torah."
Judaism and the Torah is one thing. Zionism and the Talmud is a whole other animal. Strike that. Beast.
You got. Right on.
PLease explain
If you have a copy of the Bible you can look up the Book of Revelations chapter 2, verse 9. I'm sure you'll find it on the www too.
In my copy this is in red (meaning Jesus said it.).
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
That which I witness through my own senses of seeing, hearing, etc. Is what I believe and trust.
Judaism is under attack because zionism says that all Jews are zionists and ignores the evidence that this isn't so.
A March, 2023 Gallup Poll found that more Democrats sympathize with Palestinians than with Israelis -
Who would be a "Democrat" today who truly agrees with Scott and supports the Palestinians? 100% of their leaders are similar to what Scott describes - no-principle, evil, greedy people who support devastation and death.
Uh oh, better have a war quick to fix that.
The party of the Squad is anti American communists
Former Trump Official, Michael Benz, Predicts Regime Change in Israel. Benz, a former Trump State Department official unpacks the energy sector geopolitics in the middle-east -
Nothing wrong with Zionism. It just means you love Israel land in for Israel Hebrews to be in their land just like in America if you say you’re a patriot. There’s nothing wrong with it. You’re promoting false propaganda.
It’s a Israel’s land and has been for over 3500 years. If you dig in the dirt anywhere around there, you find Hebrew artifacts. There’s no such thing as Palestinian people or Palestine. The Palestinians came from Egypt in Jordan.
These commenters need to listen to this to hear the history of Judea Samaria, that they call Gaza the West Bank. If you listen to the truth, you won’t write these posts . I know there are some bad Jews, like Klaus Schwab, and Yuval Noah Harari, and George Soros. I hate the WEF world economic forum and them.
But it is evil for you commenters to try to foment hatred of all Jews and Israel. Jesus was and is a Jewish rabbi and he / the Bible tells that He he looked out over Israel and wept because he saw what would happen in the future in 70 A.D. when the Romans would destroy them and then many times later, and he saw what happened October 7, 2023 and he said, “oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how I long to gather you under my wings as a mother hen gathers her chicks.“. He said to pray for the peace of Israel ... to pray for anyone who doesn’t believe in him for them to believe in him and ask for forgiveness. That means anyone on earth.
but he’s coming back to the place where he left and ascended to heaven. And that is the Mount of Olives and Israel . and the Bible says when he comes back, and his foot touches down on the mount of olives, the mountain will split open. And he will be coming back to annihilate all those who are attacking his Jewish Hebrew lineage and trying to steal their land.
And I also believe that the whole Covid mRNA synthetic nanoparticle device CRSCAS9 quantum dot DNA editing artificial intelligence platform injections were pushed by the evil satanic world economic forum people and it was in an effort to change the DNA from made in the image of God to made in the image of Satan, which is also FAUCI, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, etc. And I believe that God is furious that leaders in Israel forced those shots on their people.
But it still does not mean that you commenters should be fomenting hatred of Israel and all Jews. The people there didn’t want to be forced to take that crap Just like we didn’t. I did not take it.
The genetic record exposes the claim that "It’s a Israel’s land and has been for over 3500 years" is as at best a deeply misleading story:
Eran Elhaik, a geneticist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, in a recently published study in Genome Biology Evolution (Elhaik 2012) is calling for a rewrite of commonly held assumptions about Jewish ancestry. Instead of being primarily the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel, present-day Jewish populations are, finds Elhaik, primarily the children of a Turkish people who lived in what is now Russia, north of Georgia, east of Ukraine. This civilization, the Khazars, converted from tribal religions to Judaism between the 7th and 9th centuries. “This is the first scientific paper to prove the Khazarian Hypothesis and reject the Rhineland Hypothesis,” he says, “and with it about 40 years of research.”
Jewish communities are less homogeneous than is popularly thought, he says, with Jewish communities along the former Khazarian border showing the most heterogeneity.
His second question centered on ancestry: When comparing Jewish communities to their non-Jewish neighbors, Caucasus or Levant (Middle Eastern) populations—which is the closest to Jews? “All Eurasian Jewish communities are closer to Caucasus populations,” he writes, with Central European Jews closer to Italian non-Jews as the exception. Not one of the eight evaluated Jewish populations were closer to Levant populations.
“There is no Jewish genome and certainly no Jewish gene,” says the Israeli-born Elhaik. Instead, all humans are a mix of the same building blocks, built with slightly different architectures. “The confusion about European Jews results from their tragic history of persecutions and deportations, creating multiple links between ancestry and geography. By dismantling our notions of genetically distinct populations and understanding our kinship, we can better appreciate our common history, and more importantly, our shared future.“
And please stop spreading this silly trope: " [...] fomenting hatred of Israel and all Jews" trying to smudge responsibility for the genocide in Gaza, when it is quite obvious that it is psychopathic Zionist who are to blame:
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health conducted event 201 in preparation for rolling out the pandemic and is a propagator of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset Agenda. I would not trust anything out of that institution.
Yawn. 'Shooting the messenger' is a logical fallacy - instead concentrate on the message: in this instance that there is no genetic basis for Jews via Zionist propaganda to claim that Palestinian territory is somehow "historically" their land and everyone else living there must either move out or be executed by genocidal psychopaths, sorry Zionist scum.
Besides, the study was published in a peer review journal "Genome Biology Evolution (Elhaik 2012)" try criticising that publication and the paper itself instead of finger waving at institutions, if you want to be taken seriously.
"A new study looked at why people tend to "shoot the messenger". It's a fact that people don't like those who deliver them bad news. The effect stems from our inherent need to make sense of bad or unpredictable situations."
Such arrogance and maliciousness from you and total lack of credibility from your sources.
Marjory, instead of getting upset and attacking me: "arrogance and maliciousness" and offering content free irrelevant dismissals: "total lack of credibility from your sources" why not focus on challenging the claim that there is zero credibility for Zionists to suggest that Jewish people have a genetic based claim to Palestinian land?
Or be ignored as a person who supports genocide.
You do realize you’re making a damn fool of yourself? Right?
Check out the book "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Jewish Israeli historian Shlomo Sand:
There was never a mass exodus of Jews from historic Israel. So what happened to them? They converted to Islam. Modern day Palestinians are descendants of the Jews of historic Israel.
Palestinians have been on the land for thousands of years. No one had the right to take their homes, their land, to kill them & drive them away.
Some Jews did leave, and where they ended up they preached Judaism. People in different parts of the world learned about Judaism from Jewish immigrants. They converted to Judaism, but have no blood ties to the land Israel. Those are the Jews of the Diaspora, many of whom in the 1900s & 200s followed the atheist Zionists & left to Israel to claim the land as theirs.
Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived peacefully together on the land for centuries. It wasn't until the Zionists came to take over the land, killing & forcing Palestinian Christians & Jews out that there was no longer peace.
Torah True Jews are vehemently against the creation of the state of Israel. It is against the Torah. , or Torah Judaism on Twitter
Agreed. And Shlomo Sand also references Ben Gurion's view that the Palestinians were descended from the Judean population. Sand says there is a noticeable amount of Aramaic in their dialect.
As regards the Khazarian origin of most Jews in the world today, there is the above Sand book, and see also "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Jewish writer Arthur Koestler.
God bless Scott Ritter, a real man of peace with the honesty and spirit to review his position and allegiances in the light of new evidences.
Hatred of Zionism is not hatred of Jews. Thousands of Orthodox Jews around the globe and faithful to the Torah condemn Zionism and what modern Israel is doing, say it is NOT Judaism, have fought it since the inception of Zionism in the late 19th century and plead with people not to confuse Zionism with Judaism. Did you know Zionism was founded by a non-religious atheist Jew? And the founder and first prime minister of Israel was also a non-religious atheist Jew and admirer of Lenin? How can this possibly be the work of God?
Lol! You’re completely insane! - Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
"Israel" isn't synonymous with "all Jews."
This is why Israel is fomenting anti-Semitism.
delusional or clueless?
I also have come lately to this position. I am anti-Hamas and anti-Zionist now. I am now pro-free Palestine and pro-Yitzhak Rabin-style moderate Israel.
I am a huge consumer of geopolitical news and I listen to most of it dispassionately. I don't know why this Israeli-Palestinian conflict is hitting me more personally but I find myself tearing up when I read or hear well-balanced takes on the situation.
I teared-up reading this article.
Thank you, Scott, for being a truth-teller and a principled man and for helping us know the world as it is a little better.
Yitzhak Rabin called for Israel existing alongside a Palestinian "entity less than a state" (not a state) and called for the IDF to "break the bones" of protestors during the First Intifada. Just so you're aware
Thank you for those clarifications, Racheed.
Yes, and as the article shows, it is also the history of militant political Judaism. History shows it is also the history of militant political Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. And militant political atheism.
Religion and irreligion brings out the best and the worst in human beings. Is Islam more prone to it overall due to the Quran and the Hadith? An argument can be made for that, of course. But when it comes to terror in the name of God (and godlessness), we all live in glass houses.
Zionism is Not Judaism -
solve the land and money problem with public banks and land value tax.
As a worthy goal, a multi-polar global hegemony with sovereign citizens of the world residing in autonomous sovereign nations independently living out their lives as is humanly possible in decentralized, localized communities in self-empowered self-reliance seems the best and only way to go from here[157]
I often use the same words "When you live in a glass house don't throw stones " and also a similar saying is what Jesus said to the men that brought a woman said to have committed adultery to get stoned " Let he that has no sin cast the first stone "
To remind that we all need to look in the proverbial mirror .
David, Thank you for your opinion. I appreciate your view, you seem to be an open minded person who likes to seek knowledge before making any conclusions. I’m so relieved to read for the first time “militant political” is not tagged just to Islam for a change. People who have read the history will know they were always “militant political” angle in every religion. You have a very good question “is islam more prone to it or overall due to the Quran and Hadith?” all i can say is most of the Quran is just reiterating what was originally revealed in the Old Testament, New Testament before some portions were tampered. There are no versions/Revision of Quran, it is in its original form. I encourage you to read it with an open mind. God Bless.
No, that is not what I said. One does not have to be seeking global hegemony to be a bully locally. Read some more history.
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
I'd beg to differ. Your bias is clear. So be it. But the rest of the world does not believe God's Chosen are without blame.
I am perfectly sane and I thought his point was well made and over the last 4 or 5 years I have come to hold the same opinion. Your perspective using the "Hahaha" comment tells me all I need to know about your age and understanding of the real world.
People who enslave others via usury are the parasites of this planet.
Islam forbids usury, and Muslims fight to the death resisting it. THAT is the parasites' biggest problem, and has been for centuries. ....., and you know damnd well who the parasites are.
Watch All Wars Are Bankers Wars- Mike Rivero on bitchute, explains why wars are orchestrated and who benefits.
Watch Bill Still's The Money Masters- a follow-the-money approach to history, explains how the international bankers got control over nations by getting the power to issue national currencies out of thin air and loan them to governments at interest. The goal of the banking cartel is to get individuals and nations enslaved with debt.
Thanks, I saw it, and made this post. Check it out:
"Give me control of the issuance of currency in a country, and I care not who makes its laws"
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild -
GreaterIsrahell - yes, I follow, now please read from me at: - Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
phone in PA 717-357-7617
If this is your take away from my article, then I have zero use for you.
The intellectual deficit necessary for you to write this is mind boggling, which leads me to believe that you’re simply trying to disrupt the conversation. And in that case, pound sand.
No Scott, actually I don't disagree with your piece, I more or less agree. My point is since you see the evil you discussed, I fail to understand why you seem to be unwilling to accept the sad possibility that evil knows no boundaries.
If you are like other people I know, good friends and family, they are not willing to consider such a possibility so they ignore what many consider valid information related to the subject.
I enjoy your work and will continue to follow you, you provide good information and I appreciate it. And since we don't know each other I never thought you had any use for me in the first place, so I don't think I've lost anything. 🍺
I would be interested to know if you have ever seen the 55 minute video from attached link. If not, I, and I suspect some others would be interested in your response if you have seen it. I, like you, have the capacity to be wrong on rare occasions.
Below the video is the transcript with links to cited sources. It's quite compelling.
Closed-minded, vaguely threatening, sounds about right.
You sure do have a good recollection of conversations 30 years old.
You unfortunately let some anti-semitism peek out when you let slip that US politicians are bought and paid for by meddling Jews. AIPAC is not even in the top 50 biggest PACs in the US. Your time would be better spent looking at Haliburton the MIC, but that might be too close to home for a company man like yourself. Easier to blame the Jews.
Scott - Please take a read through some of my writing. You can reach me at 717-357-7617 in PA.
- Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
Thank you Scott. I was married to a Palestinian whose grand parents were murdered by the Irgun; their land stolen, and his 10 and 11 year old parents were forced to flee to Jordan. My husband was born in a refugee camp and had to stand in line all day for one piece of bread for a family of 5. Every time you took Israel's side it broke my heart to hear that from someone I respect. Thank you again.
thank you for sharing this story. De-escalation and decolonisation are the only way forward.
Except that they’re not.
The two "Ds" you mention sound wonderful but they are not going to happen.
perhaps not in ways we imagine, or in a different time, but common sense and righteousness always prevail and then we should be on the right side of it.
The world is being driven to chaos and certain forces are in the driving seat encouraging division between right and left, anarchists and statists, religious and atheist, capitalist and socialist. Common sense is not common and righteousness is often peddled by the unrighteous. Your sentiment is worthy mary-lou but as to who and what will prevail, I remain skeptical. All the best.
skeptical is good. we also need to get our inspiration from somewhere and for me it's to trust our drive for good. you too, be well.
I am so proud, so happy to know you exist, so inspired by your words, thank you!!!
I have been calling and writing Congress for three days calling for a cease fire, for an end to US providing Israel with funding/weapons. Questioning the role of Israel in the attacks, pointing out the end result is Palestinian Genocide.
I have posted links on many websites to the writings of every capable author who questions the attacks, the reporting of the attacks, the role of Bibi in all of this. I have despaired seeing the number of US politicians calling for unquestioning support of Israel. And then you show up with the truth, searing through the years of lies as a hot knife through butter.
Maybe there is a chance we can stop this insanity. Thank you Scott.
Thank you for your efforts, Frances. Let's hope it catches on.
Thank you :) - Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
Thank you Scott for presenting such an authentic foundation for your position, based on long years of experience and reflection. You have recorded your trajectory thoroughly and your empathy for the people of Palestine is palpable.
Scott, I stand with you and have been railing against the Zio-Nazis for a long time. I was a Neocon Dupe and went through an existential crisis when I saw the error of my ways. I've worked to redeem myself since. I was propagandized and enthralled by the Masters of the Narrative.
I agree with you about Hamas and Israel's war crimes.
I also stand with Roger Waters.
the trouble is that MSM are for a big part owned by jews or that reports occur through partial jewish journalists.
You are correct. Zio-Nazi Oligarchs own media corporations. Then there's Zio-Nazi AIPAC Scott mentioned in his article.
Consider this, in the FJB Administration they have the Secretary of State, Assistant Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Homeland Security, Director of Department of Justice and Senate Majority Leader. What do they all have in common? They're Neocon and Zio-Nazis.
Just about all Repukelican Presidential contenders are Neocon Nazis. Congress has a boatload in it. What's the result? Over the past 40 years they have cemented our nation as the world's foremost terrorist state. Our nation has been since 1945.
US politicians are for the most financed ( bought) by jewish billionairs. Democrats and republicans alike.
Central US bank in in private jewish hands.
Media - very important to keep the public in ignorance - are for the most held by jews.
But the same pattern also in most european country. And the EU is a creature of US banksters
I forgot to mention the law. Have a look at it, but it would surprise me otherwise
"The US is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." MLK. Written a year before his murder and referring to the Vietnam war but just as true today. The American people would be happy with a decent life at home but the ruling classes are addicted to War and it's profits.
The USA is the world's foremost terrorist state because of it's Nazi mindset inculcated by the German Nazis beginning in 1945. When NATO was formed in 1948 many high positions were given to German Nazis. They also inculcated the hatred of the US Ally who lost so many to defeat Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union.
I am interested in any sources you can point to re: Nazis being given high positions in early NATO. Thank you.
Here are others. Adolf Hausinger, Hitler's Chief of Staff, . of NATO Military Committee. Hans Speidel, Rommel's Chief of Staff, Commander in Chief of NATO Forces in Europe. Others include Johannes Steinhoff, Johan Von Kielmansagg, Ernst Ferber, Karl Schnell, Frans-Joseph Shutze and Ferdinand Von Senger und Etterlin.
They served terms in NATO from it's inception to the 1970's. Many held the position of Supreme Commander of Military Forces in Europe.
Some were hard core Nazis and SS. All served in the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe.
One prominent example is Reinhardt Gehlen. Look it up. Hell, a Nazi put us on the Moon! Look up Project Paperclip.
I am very interested in people who have changed not just their mind on an issue, but their whole worldview. It takes guts! How did you do it, why/what made you start, what was the hardest part, and how did you get through that? Seems like something you share with Ritter. Thanks in advance.
I changed my mind on Vietnam while I was in college and then I changed my whole worldview when I went to San Francisco and became a hippy.
Karen, I wrote a long reply and lost it. I don't feel like writing it again. Sorry.
A year later she (I) writes back: ThazzOK, but bummer, and thanks.
Thanks. And yes, we received your kind donation. Again, thank you very much!
Scott Ritter
Scott - - Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
Thank You Scott. An amazing piece of context for those too superficially enflamed by misinformation and emotion to see, objectively and honestly the real truth behind this sad human tragedy.
I find repulsive, the blind fealty of so many here in America, to the image of Israel as the victim of the Palestinians and the Moslem world. In so many eyes, Israel can do no wrong, such that these people turn a blind eye to the atrocities of Israel. How easily they discount and dismiss the genocide and Crimes against Humanity of Israel against Palestinians with an air of entitled arrogance and hubris.
And dare anyone raise a criticism of Israel, lest they incur the wrath of the ADL's Johnathan Greenblatt and his reflexive automaticity cries of ANTISEMITE leveled at anyone for daring to observe that Israel simply has never learn the basic playground skill of playing well with others.
Ignorance Kills. Israel's efforts to deny and coverup their serial crimes against Humanity creates and reinforces their ignorance. In truth, this is simply the legendary Zionist deception in action. Were the wonderful and decent Israeli People to rise up and throw out their pathological and parasitic leadership, they could end this entire nightmare. As an American, I feel for them as my country faces the same challenge... to throw off our own political leaders who also have no clue about how to play well with others...
With luck, many will take the time to read this piece, Scott. Hopefully, they will learn something and their humanity will be able to punch through their killing ignorance.
Again - Thank You Scott.
The fealty many Americans feel for Israel has deep roots: the same sense of being chosen, of being exceptional, and first and foremost, the same history of being settlers, trying to make a clean slate on the land they took from others:
Where are these wonderful and decent Israelis? The majority support their government and many say that the government is not doing ENOUGH. I'll believe in the decent ones when I see them.
İt is very sad that you ignored the history of Palestine and jumped from 1897 to 1948. Here as follows The Ottoman government took some precautions against this movement threatening its territorial integrity. In 1871, long before the Zionists took action, the Ottomans declared 80 percent of Palestine as state property. Following the succession of Sultan Abdülhamid II, he increased preventive measures against the Jewish settlement in Palestine. In 1883, he restricted the acquisition of Palestinian lands and decided to take the strategic territory himself.
In 1900, Sultan Abdülhamid II restricted Jews' stay in Palestinian territory to 30 days. He further prohibited the acquisition of territories to foreign Jews in the Ottoman Empire, including Palestine. It was declared that the Ottoman Empire was not a settlement area for people who were exiled from Europe.
No room for consent
Budapest native Theodor Herzl, the leader of the Zionist movement, requested an audience with Sultan Abdülhamid II. When this request was declined, he delivered his offer to the sultan through his close friend, Polish Phillip Newlinsky, in May, 1901. They offered to pay the Ottomans' foreign debts and to provide propaganda for the Ottoman Sultan in Europe in exchange for opening Palestinian lands to Jewish settlement and transferring governance to the Jewish people.
The sultan declined this offer with the famous saying: "I won't sell anything, not even an inch of this territory because this country does not belong to me but to all Ottomans. My people won these lands with their blood. We give what we have the way we got it in the first place." Herzl repeated his offer once again the following year, but the answer was the same.
"They offered to pay the Ottomans' foreign debts and to provide propaganda for the Ottoman Sultan in Europe in exchange for opening Palestinian lands to Jewish settlement and transferring governance to the Jewish people."
This was what WWI was all about. The Ottoman Empire was in their way. They had to eliminate it.
Sorry, WW1 was not ALL about that. I think you have been reading the wrong books.
Don’t you know, everything bad that has ever happened is the fault of Jews. That’s why we support the destruction of -- I mean, free Palestine! - Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
Is this the main reason for WWI, or one of many reasons for it? I am voraciously reading books on the two wars of the last century, but still need to educate myself more deeply. - Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
read also 200 years together by soljenitsyne.
Jewish people were offered many things.
And not everything is for sale, especially the land of your ancestors where generations have lived.
I live in a northwest suburb of Chicago. When I read about how the Palestinian lands were stolen I think of this: How would i react if men came to the door of a home i had owned for generations, and said, it's no big deal - from now on you will have to live in Naperville, a suburb surrounded by concrete walls and barbed wire, a place where at any notice future relatives would be banished from their lands, and their livelihood destroyed, a place where your people will be placed in the most highly dense concentration camps that have ever existed.
I am not a brave woman, but I think I would honorably fight to my death, rather than give up.
I'd love to read a book about the psychology of people, especially in my homeland, America, to understand the brainwashing techniques that continue to be fostered upon so many people, to align themselves with one side of this argument, while never even bothering to read documentation written by the other side of this argument.
They began by breaking the main rule set forth in the Balfour Agreement - that the local residents would not be displaced. They continue to steal homes, business and land from palestinians! They cut down their olive trees. They demolish their homes. There are 60 laws that guide their discrimination. I am so sick of people saying that this nation is a democracy. There is no more densely populated area in the world than the gaza strip.
Israel was never a democratie. Armed to the teeth and the whole of population through tsahal, military time being compulsory for girls and boys, participate of the repression, humiliation of the palestinians. So there is no innocent in my vue. And when you misbehave, you become fearfull and aggressif.
The first settlers most from eastern europe and urss were plain terrorists. And through terrorist acts israell was brought into life. And through violence it will go under.
Jews and ultra zionists have in the usa, but also in europe infiltrated all governments and places of decision. We are coming at an historical turning point i think. And that is scary.
I live in europe on the coast of the north sea.
Israel is still dominating the media, forming public opinion andvplaying " victim". But society is now very much divided .
Pray for the palestinans
Neutral Switzerland still requires mandatory military service for all males
Military service
Every Swiss man is required to serve in the military or in the alternative civilian service. In most cases, the military service obligation applies from age 18 to 30.
So what’s wrong with that? ANTISEMITES
and i will add, swiss military DO NOT REPRESS civilian population. Israeli DOES. And it is very despictable to shoot at kid/ civilians and to maim them for life on purpose. I treat my dog better than israhell treats palestinians. If i were treating my dog badly, he would bite me.
Of course, you would call me Antisemite. It is the only argument you have. Well it does not work any more.
And please dont compare Switzerland a real democratie respecting all its inhabitants with Israhell, an apartheid stolen land
How does Egypt treat Palestinians? How do Palestinians treat Palestinians? How do Palestinians treat Israelis?
People call you an anti-Semite because it’s the only rational explanation for the way you view the situation. Palestinians (an identity which didn’t even exist as a “nation” until the 70s) are people with agency and choices. They use this agency to choose violence, over and over again.
The truth hurt, does not it ??
The more interesting question is why do you care about it so much? There are worse things happening all over the world, every day. When you pull at this thread long enough the answer is always the same: racism.
Correct : Zionist racism towards Palestinians and others.
This doesn’t even make sense though. Zionism isn’t about racism. Zionism exists on its own. It doesn’t matter who is on the other side of it, could be Asians, Blacks, Arabs, whatever. Zionists want a homeland for Jews.
Compare this to the Palestinian Identity which was literally invented as a reaction against Zionism. They are just Arabs, or which are there are 500 million in a 500 mile radius of Israel.
In fact Zionism was invented by the organizations of Hovevei Zion (lit. 'Lovers of Zion'), held as the forerunners of modern Zionist ideals, were responsible for the creation of 20 Jewish towns in Palestine between 1870 and 1897
Whereas Palestinian Identity was evolving way before that time.
ReadingRainbow - your black / white thinking is in need of some colouration if you want it to accord with reality.
Zionism is ONLY about racism.
Can there really be any doubt that the creation of the State of Israel was, at its heart, a colonialist act of dispossession, and has established an “apartheid regime” that systematically discriminates against and subjugates its own citizens? The evidence is overwhelming.
To begin with, at the Paris Peace conference in 1919, the Zionist Commission submitted a map of Palestine marked “grazing land,” empty of all its towns and villages. That was the certification of the myth propagated by the Zionist supporters that “Palestine is a land without people,” and its corollary, “the Jews are a people without a land.”
The colonial powers at the Paris conference — Britain and France — supported the big lie that Palestine was empty, although both had conducted extensive surveys in Palestine, most notably the Survey of Palestine by the Palestine Exploration Fund, and published maps and volumes about 1,200 towns and villages, many of which are 2,000 years old, in whose streets Jesus Christ most likely walked.
Does that reflect a glaring ignorance? No, it did not. It was a Zionist plan to convert Palestine into a land without (its) people. Hence the dispossession of Palestine carried out in 1948, in which 560 towns and villages were depopulated and largely destroyed. This major crime has continued to this day.
Racism and apartheid are intrinsic to the Zionist doctrine. Without the forcible expulsion of Palestinians, Israel could not have existed as it is today. There is not a single acre of land acquired by Israel in 1948 that was gained without recourse to military force.
Prior to the Paris conference, the inaugural Zionist conference in 1897 in Basel developed a plan, the Basel Program, to achieve a Jewish state by declaring that all Jews belonged to a nation of people and that this “nation” had rights to a country and that it would be in Palestine. Very much in accord with the ethos of late-nineteenth century Europe, Zionism was a colonialist, political movement that used a biblical religious frame to encourage more European Jews to emigrate.
By the end of the nineteenth century, neither antisemitism in Europe nor religious sentiment had led to large numbers of Jews emigrating to Palestine. At the time of the Basel Congress, some 95 percent of the population were Arab Palestinians who owned 99 percent of the land.
Zionism was a secular, nationalistic movement; many of its key advocates were atheists. These are the people who came up with the first detailed plan to colonise Palestine by expelling the indigenous Palestinian population and by delegitimating and marginalising them in their own country. The creation of the State of Israel and the expulsion of most of the Palestinian indigenous population in 1948 — the Nakba — represented the acceleration of the “slow motion” dispossession which was a feature of this Jewish Euro-colonial history.
Arthur Balfour, the author of the infamous Balfour Declaration, refused entry of European Jews to England after Russian pogroms at the beginning of the twentieth century. He, along with David Lloyd George, drafted a scheme in 1903, suggested by Theodor Herzl, to create a colony for European Jews in East Africa. This refusal of entry of Jews to England, while supporting their plan to colonise another country, Palestine, implied, in the spirit of the colonial era, that these colonial powers wanted to get rid of their European Jewish citizens and create for themselves an enclave state to split the Arab World and serve their interests.
Little wonder, then, that from the outset Zionism enjoyed little support from key Jewish figures. This form of extreme Jewish nationalism was criticised both by Western liberals and by most of the preeminent Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox rabbis in Russia and Eastern Europe. The Russian communists opposed Zionism and leading Marxist theorists saw it as complicit in the rise of antisemitism.
The racist and discriminatory actions of the Zionist organisations in Palestine prior to the Arab Uprising of 1929 were documented in the Shaw and Hope Simpson Commissions. Zionist propaganda sought to allay the fears of Palestinians by declaring — for example, during the 1931 Zionist Congress — that the desire of the Jewish people was to live with the Arab people and develop a common and prosperous community, while every legal document binding every settler in a Zionist colony was “not compatible with the sentiments publicly expressed.”
After the brutal destruction of the Palestinian society by the British Army during the Arab Revolt (1936–1939), the Zionists, at the Biltmore Conference of 1942, declared their aim of creating a “Jewish Commonwealth” in Palestine and initiated the intelligence project known as the “Village Files” in order to document every Palestinian village in preparation for the mass expulsion which took place in the Nakba of 1948.
Later that same year, on 10 December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted. On the next day, UN resolution 194, calling for the right of Palestinian refugees to return home, was adopted. The aim of this international ruling was ostensibly to reverse the crime of forced dispossession which had been wrought against Palestinians with the unilateral establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
It is important to point out that anti-Zionism from the outset was not antisemitic, but was linked intrinsically to international recognition that Zionism was, at its core, a colonialist project. It provided the political and theoretical basis for the dispossession of Palestinians and the ongoing discrimination against and subjugation of Palestinians who remained in Israel after 1948.
The UN membership swelled from 50 colonial powers in 1945 to 193 today — most of the growth coming from nations freed from the bonds of colonialism. Treaties were formulated to censure discrimination, racism, apartheid and war crimes. It is unsurprising that Israel is regularly censured for its violations of international law.
In April 2017, The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) issued a report describing Israel as “an apartheid regime,” and as applying apartheid policies against Palestinians in Israel, in Occupied Palestine or abroad. The United States government applied pressure on the UN General Secretary, António Guterres, who subsequently withdrew the report. Following this move, the ESCWA Commissioner, Rima Khalaf, resigned her position in protest. (She would go on to convene the first Global Conference on Israeli Apartheid in Istanbul late last year.)
The following year, in July 2018, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu removed any remaining doubt as to whether Israel is an “apartheid regime” by promulgating the “Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People” — a document of distilled apartheid.
I would submit that any concerned and conscientious citizen can reach this conclusion by reading about Israel’s daily violations of international law and human rights conventions in any part of Palestine under military control by Israel, and by looking at the scores of laws that specifically discriminate against Palestinians in Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
How long must Palestinians wait for the justice and freedom which has been denied them since 1948? How long will the rest of the world tolerate the flagrant and ongoing practices of apartheid and systemic racism by the Israeli state?
In Australia, politicians frequently promote the importance of a global rules-based order in the context of criticising human rights abuses and violations of international law in various countries, but Israel has never been included in these condemnations. This omission does not serve the cause of world peace, nor the rights of the Australian citizens.
Salman Abu Sitta is the Founder and President of the Palestine Land Society.
spelling depens where you live - Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
Wow - great article - thank you! If only more people would read this. Towards the end I got the answer to my question about Israel creating Hamas. I had read that before. So Hamas was or is an intelligence asset of the Mossad. When you compare the 1947 map of the region to that of today - the encroachment is incredible. They have created an exodus of Palestine's that have resettled in other countries and brought their resentment. I think Netanyahu is more than capable of sacrificing the lives of his own people to justify war. He did it before resulting in the deaths of Americans and of those which he wanted invaded. He will use any means to achieve his ends and it will not stop at Palestine territory. Which makes me wonder how many nukes and chemical/biological weapons they have in their arsenal.
Netanyahu is from a suburb of Philly. Can you even imagine?
This is why the jargon is always a projection around us Palestinians making up our own existence and identity. They create the framework and make us justify every minutia of our lives as tho we are by birth, liars, killers and racists. IT's just bizarre living thru this constant gaslighting my whole life in America. When the jews were rescued in WW2, everybody felt compassion and shame bc of what had happened to them yet Palestinians have had to live for decades with people blaming for the oppression imposed on them and their murders and their losses which are unimaginable to the average suburban American. I had a friend who I was close to who sent me a message to let me know that his auntie was trapped in Jerusalem when Hamas invaded and that he assured her that Israel's response would be sure - that the poor old lady just wanted to see Galilee. I asked him what about Palestinians? Do they have rights to see Galilee? He couldn't answer and doesn't speak to me anymore despite my being a close friend to him all these years. We all need to take a hard look at ourselves. I am ashamed of America.
We all have been fed propaganda - media has been controlled for decades - but people are waking up - and maybe we will realize that all of us no matter what our religion is have been victims of a global cabal and their enforcers -playing one group against another. My biggest concern is the military and "intelligence agencies" - they protect either their paymasters or the government and not the people and their indoctrination is so deep - they are taught not to think for themselves - not all but many. No shortage of psychopaths' in the CIA and their contractors. Our journey is painful but we must take it. Stay Free
Thank you for your courage in writing about this Scott.
indeed, it needs courage as scott is going to get the whole zionist community against him.
i posted this already, but again , there is no coïncidence
Scott, imo Isr bombing Syrian commercial airports, an act of war, should be the top headline. And it's reluctance to react widening the war bringing usa in. What's up?
It's not because the six organizations that are the global main stream media are all indirectly controlled by Israel.
One thought kept coming to me as I read this. Recently I have heard, via separate interviews, Scott say he can't believe 9/11, and now 10/7 were allowed to happen by the victim countries. I fail to understand how the contrived evil Scott writes about can happen yet similar contrived evil events are beyond his ability to accept.
I was, until the last year or so, of equal mind, however I was introduced to well documented information that has caused me to accept what once seemed unacceptable.
People have a difficult time realizing evil is a third party that has its own objectives.
I disagree that evil exists on its own. Actions are evil, that's it. There is no "force" or "party of evil" out there. There are systems we have spun up, people who know how to work them and benefit from them. "We have met the enemy, and he is us." Right now those systems (white supremacist capitalist patriarchy) are pushing our planet towards unlivability.
Am I correct in understanding you blame white superiority for " ... pushing our planet towards unlivability. [sic] ?
We have long ago passed the time when a so-called "two-state solution " was viable. Only one country for Muslims, Christians and Jews, renamed Great Jerusalem, based on human rights. No nuclear weapons. A nuclear-free zone in the Middle East. A model for getting there is the Antarctic Treaty. Paradoxically, this is now more real than ever in the current crisis.
Nelson - Yes! so you should like these: (call me at 717-357-7617 in pennsylvania - Sovereignty, World Order and the Earth Rights Imperative
Thank you-Scott Excellent Article👍🏼