Netan yahu n z lensky both should be removed ftom their positions if we are to have global peace n prosperity.

They both represent warmongers who hate humanity!

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Scott, so appreciate your work! Thank you!! 🙏

I feel pity for Zelensky. His mind is weak and debilitated. I doubt he had any idea what he was getting into when he was tapped for the job of becoming a puppet president.

I doubt he knew he’ll be responsible for the massacre of over a million ppl, injury displacement & destruction of livelihood of 10s of millions of ppl.

I feel sorry for him for he’s the front face of a large group of warmongers who are in fact responsible for destruction of Ukraine, much of Europe, West Asia, Africa and have caused great damage to Russia.

Zelensky and his handlers will not end well. But the powers behind the scenes won’t end well either. They’ll all have to be removed from positions of power n influence, if we’re to have global peace n prosperity!

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You shouldn't feel any pity for people who decided to sell their soul for money. It is not only stupidity, it is GREED and TOTAL LACK OF INTEGRITY, which put Z elen sky on this train. He couldn't care less for Ukrainian people, and he, without any doubty, IS responsible for death of so many of his own people. And we will NEVER forget, who played the role of Mefisto in this Faust play. This war, as so many others, was caused by the Western Empire. What we must do now, is to analyze where we got duped by the same actor. (Consumerism and capitalist fairytales is the main ideology in the West, we are participating too, letting the Western Empire do these terrible things all around the world - it is time to open our eyes and think how we, the citizens of Western countries, have helped the Empire - a bit of self-criticism would be very helpful in achieving world peace - facing the fact that many of us also lack integrity and are letting be ruled by greed, is the only solution... Let us stop all these wars by restoring our integrity - let's say NO to wars and warmongering.).

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Likely he was tapped for the job bcz he was a psychopath which rendered him an effective butcher in Ukraine.

Hope Russia n new admin in US denazifies Ukraine & the west.

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I agree to a point. However he and his wife adjusted very quickly to the mega bucks thrown at them. That plus he is in a position to access the numbers of Troops killed and maimed. And went along with programs to force more Ukes to the meat grinder

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I love you Scott ...and I am a big, burly, entirely heterosexual kind of guy. People like you are like the 'Kombaty' (Batallion Commanders) of the Russian Armies, since they were first assembled. They lead, and die, with their troops. They are the antithesis of their counterparts in NATO - detritus which sits behind the rear of of the rear lines, molests the women and children and sends brave soldiers, mostly Ukrainians nowadays, to their deaths.

Here is link you may appreciate to one of the greatest Russian hit songs from the Afghan war, which is so much about this war too. Good music never dies. May Russia's coming total victory have just four words written on a single sheet of paper: "UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER. - sign here..."

Ljube "Kombat" with good ENG subs. https://youtu.be/IGYc0R3q_0k

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Thank you for tirelessly trying to bring the truth about what is happening in Ukraine to American people.

Unfortunately, most our media, like Wall Street Journal reductors for example, simply misleading public in their Opinion section. All their narrative is based on "Unprovoked Russian agression against Ukranian democracy" All other opinions are not allowed.

It seems WSJ reductors completely ignore the truth and even do not read what their own journalists report about this war.

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Thanks for making the videos available again. I had seen both parts and had enjoyed them!

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Your writing is incredibly good - clear, concise and always interesting.

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