I think you’re just frightened of being wrong. Wrong about Trump, and wrong about Jews, and probably a LONG list of other things. Thrashing around insulting everyone who has a different viewpoint… That’s what tyrants do, and tyrants are bullies. And bullies are not what I’d call “popular” kinds of people. They’re usually cowards.
I think you’re just frightened of being wrong. Wrong about Trump, and wrong about Jews, and probably a LONG list of other things. Thrashing around insulting everyone who has a different viewpoint… That’s what tyrants do, and tyrants are bullies. And bullies are not what I’d call “popular” kinds of people. They’re usually cowards.
I think you’re just frightened of being wrong. Wrong about Trump, and wrong about Jews, and probably a LONG list of other things. Thrashing around insulting everyone who has a different viewpoint… That’s what tyrants do, and tyrants are bullies. And bullies are not what I’d call “popular” kinds of people. They’re usually cowards.
My my!! So insulting!! How hurtful!! Are you a hateful bigot, coward and tyrant?
Aside from being a low-IQ eunuch? ;-)
Actually I have a very high IQ. And I can’t be a eunuch, I’m not a BOY.
I thought you were bored and leaving?
Eunuchs can be of any age, stupid... didn;t they tell you that when removing your balls?
High IQ? You? LOL!! Get lost Pee Wee... I've wasted enough time on your dumb ass... BLOCKED. Bye.