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So... no difference between Trump's great 4 years and Biden's total disaster?

You ignorant clown!

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It’s a huge sign of a very weak argument when people resort to childish name-calling. I’m not sure I’d call Trump’s four years “great,” either. He did some okay things, but I don’t trust him, really. I don’t trust ANY POTUS because of the utter malignancy of our central govt. Biden? Puh-lease. I don’t think ANYBODY thinks he’s even running the show. OBAMA is more likely in that role.

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I insult morons... "there isn't voting" qualifies.

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Oh, I see. You can’t seem to have a debate without insulting the other person… and that’s clear by your numerous comments in which you do so. Plus, you’re absolutely sure that you’re right; anyone who disagrees is an “idiot,” or a “moron.” You show your colors whenever you open that mouth of yours. I guess I should salute someone who is clearly a bigot and a hater of people he’s never met, hating people simply for what they’re BORN, and have no choice about it. Can’t abide anyone else’s views… Sounds like a TYRANT, doesn’t it? Maybe YOU should run for office.

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I have quoted your description "clearly a bigot and a hater of people he’s never met, hating people simply for what they’re BORN, and have no choice about it" in a discussion with AbidingDude elsewhere on this page. Out of respect, I think you should be told about it in case you wish to comment there.

I think his very abrasive style makes him look worse than he really is.

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I appreciate your good intentions and respect. Back atcha, too.

You could be right about AD, but he behaves childishly, and brings on a lot of negativity where it is not needed. I suppose he is a product of various things, but in the end, we all have a choice as to how we move in the world. I've had my days, certainly, for knee-jerk reactions-- it's SO easy to go there-- but I'm also very aware that of the two Most Valuable Weapons used by the Enemy, Fear and Divide & Conquer, the one we can most easily handle is the second. I've noticed, too, in the past maybe month or so, that SS seems to be rather inundated with a LOT more people who seem intent on bringing DOWN the good vibes we've had here. I am no fool. We're in the War of All Time, and there are high numbers of minions to the Evil. So... better to mock them, or worse, ignore them. ;)

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So... you dislike my insulting... yet call me in the same breath a bigot, hater and tyrant.

I insult lefties, commies. Marxists and morons. Very easy to avoid... no?

BTW: Are you actually weeping? Maybe best to go away.

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LOLOL!!!! Did I? I guess I did. Hmmm. Well, it's not like you're HIDING it, though, is it? Do you say I'm wrong? Do you think you're NOT a bigot? What would YOU say about someone who hates a huge group of people he's never met, for being what they can't help but be? "And they're ALL that way," is a joke for people I know. The Jews didn't CHOOSE to be what they are. That's different than being a "lefty" or a "Marxist."

You have little idea about probably only a very few people who fit those labels, but you hate 'em ALL. You sound like a teenager, maybe. ARE you a teenager?

But you crack me up, whatever age you are, AS IF I'm gonna be weeping!! LOL At least you're hilarious. ^_^ C'mon, keep making an ass of yourself, it's really entertaining. How can I go away when you're entertaining me?? But don't worry, I'll get bored in exactly.... five, four, three, two, one... Now.

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You sure do ramble on... are you trying to flirt with me?

I suppose I am a bigot in some ways... I despise woke liberal progressives, almost all democrats, a large percentage of parasites, and loudmouth eunuch assclowns like you.

Oh... and anyone that hates ME or mine... if you know anything about jews (or muslims) you would know that they despise anyone not of their malignant, corrupt manipulating tribe. Read and learn, Pee Wee:


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You're really quite unpleasant. Am I FLIRTING with you? Uh, no.

Have a nice life.

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