If you were working with Kennedy, why the hell did you let him get away with his ignorant and sophomoric stance on Gaza?

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Probably Mr. Ritter thinks that potential nuclear war is a bigger problem than the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and removing 2 millions from their homes. By the numbers, he might have a point...

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Well, perhaps Mr Ritter should understand that unconditional backing of the zionist cause might well just lead us to that nuclear war he is trying to avoid.

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It is the desire of Israel to regime change and hobble Iran that has the potential to get us there, not the ethnic cleansing and genociding of Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank, and Israel proper. For that, Israel will get the Blood libel affixed to it for the next 1000 years.

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algemeiner?!! 😂🤣🙄 the zio mouthpiece 🤢🤮

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almost everything else is an islamic hamas psy-op propaganda

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Hamas and Hezbollah are hero organisations.

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"report in the British medical journal Lancet estimates the actual death toll could be 186,000 or even higher — that’s roughly 8% of Gaza’s population. The report looks at how war leads to indirect deaths due to shortages of medical care, food, shelter and water"


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I think we will find 200,000 people dead in gaza . I can only pray that is not the case in Tel Aviv when the dust settles . We will see .

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Maybe it was after his statement was made ? ..

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Stopping the GENOCIDE of Palestinians, rooting out the Zionist/AIPAC control over the gov't., getting OUT of the globalist technocrat criminal entities UN/WHO/ AND ESP/ WEF is URGENT! Dismantling these nests of technocrat parasites is imperative!

Work to end all wars and close overseas military bases, and spend what is saved here at home and promoting the general welfare.


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Oh for gawd sakes. The american people elected POTUS?!! 🤣🙄 Donald Trump to the rescue (against our zio occupation)?! 🤣🙄 Scott, PULEEZE. You know who funds him, right?! You looked at his appointments, right? Hear 🙄 You’ve seen his son-in-law plans for Gaza, right? You’re aware of the Netzarim military base— 56 Sq kilometers, a huge swatch of land bisecting Gaza.

Trump to the rescue?!! Have listen here, to someone with concrete (alarming) facts.:


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The Israel aspect is likely a write-off, but maybe other stuff will improve.

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I like what you say and agree to an extent, but the fact is that unless the zionist capture of the American political class and the genocide in Occupied Palestine are recognised and dealt with, any American domestic reforms wrought by Trump will be of little value if in the end those zionists lead America into world war.

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That looks to be impossible, given the deep corruption of US politics, with the Zionist lobby instrumental in the latter. Same goes for the UK and Europe, where they are doubling down despite growing awareness of the history of Zionism and how they constantly try to label anti-Zionism as antisemitism.

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History ii not linear. Black swan events happen. Expect the unexpected.

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Geezuz. The Israeli ‘aspect’ is EVERYTHING!! Educate yourself!! Pay attention, at the least! Turn off the boob tube!

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The clock is closest ever to midnight because of Ukraine (at the moment) and the neocons running that disaster.

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I PF, f you have been listening to Scott Ritter and Cols MacGregor and Wilkerson, Israel is doomed by its own bone-headedness, just as the Nazi regime was . It is on a suicidal path, and hundreds of thousands of its citizens are leaving the country.

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Nazi regime? The particulars of your research?

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Perhaps you misunderstood my point.That point is that by engaging in aggressive territorial expansion (as did the Japanese empire) the net result was a devastation of their countries and surrender. Israel is WAY over extended for a small country with a population that is shrinking every day due to the contemporary EXODUS! Normal production and commerce is truncated due to the demands of personnel and material for the war effort. Doomed (good riddance to that regime) This is what the military experts I just cited are saying.

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It is for people in Palestine and neighboring countries.

Israel will either keep going on its self-destructive path and take USA down with it, or Israel will end apartheid and then there will be no more reason to have two countries on the territory of Palestine. Both are fine with me.

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Movin on to fertile ground. Before i do: there is no easter bunny, santa claus, or tooth fairy. Sorry you had to hear it from me

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Good points PF, but maybe we will see a reasonable conclusion in Ukraine at last. One down and one to go?

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In our dreams😰

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See my new post referencing Ritter, MacGregor and Wilkerson.

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Hey, pf soto, that YouTube is an hour long. Can you please share the facts you consider most alarming so I can decide whether it's worth my time to watch the whole thing? Many thanks in advance!

And did you read Scott's Nov 5 piece? What in that piece do you disagree with?

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Are you for real? You’re busier than i am ?🙄 You are responsible for your own education.

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Scott, did the subject of the Palestinian genocide come up in your conversation with Kennedy? If not, don't you think it should have?

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Israel and its supporters represent the greatest evil in the world today.

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Scott, for the countless interviews and commentaries that you have tirelessly helped to reach millions of Americans, you have my thanks and admiration.

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My guts hurt knowing civilians are dying in gaza and soldiers unnecessarily in the Ukraine. I feel betrayed by the west's claim to be the good guys . My eyes cannot unsee the trail of evil left by Britain America and Israel.

And the fact that Evil rules the western powers right now .

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Some of us learned that lesson in the sixties re: the war against Vietnam.

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exactly. the "west" consists of the group of colonial powers, which have never been "good guys". any statements of good causes were covers for neocolonial agendas such as resource extraction and regime change.

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You see the players on the field . But not the managers , coaches and most importantly the owners .

Scott do a show on the animated pod cast called . "ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS " it explains why your precious country via Israel's Influence are supporting GENOCIDE .

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He does talk about Maj.Gen. Smedley Butler in interviews relating to the Marines.

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“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

Trump won’t change anything, if anyone believes that then they are probably also people who are confused about ‘what gender they are.’

Trump is a liar, a charlatan and a puppet through and through. You can’t teach an old 78 year old dog new tricks…like being transparent and honest.

As before, he’ll listen to his narcissistic ego and his Ziocon-BigPharma sponsors.

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Why is it we feel were not out of the woods yet? The conflict still feels imminent with the choice of cabinet the POTUS has chosen. Wheres RFK and Tulsi Gabbard? Dont tell me hes surrounded himself with warhawks again

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Did you expect anything different?

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A task for operation dawn: find the printers that sent 7 plus million biden votes to be counted without checks in 2020.

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good job ritter, of connecting with kennedy

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As Freedom and Opportunity made inroads into Russia and sprang forth from the Russian heart and soul after the fall of "communism", It seemed to me that, naturally, Russia and Europe are destined to become trading partners and increasingly coupled peoples with great potential for mutual benefit. I even noticed videos on youtube showing Russians who had left Russia to live in Europe seeking a better life returning to Russia for a better life.

Then evil resident in the "west" and the forced war in Ukraine.

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If I were 50 I would definitely apply to emigrate to Russia to escape the yoke of UK Zionist Jews and their 3,000 year history of wanting everything and utter contempt for everyone else

RABBI RABINOVICH - 12/01/1952 "Our goal for three thousand years is at last within our reach .. our race will take its rightful place in the world, every Jew a king, every Gentile a slave" source rense.com


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Thanks much for this. I like what Ford said about the Protocols: “The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on.” 👍🏼👍🏼 Totally agree.

However caveat: i think the writing here is suspect. Eg: “You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930's, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War. …”

That sentence reminds me of “Hi Mom, it's me, Mark Bingham”

I’m going to see what else i can find about this speech. In the meantime, THANKS

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Good people all. Unfortunately the American public doesn't care much about wars unless they directly affect them; that is, if there is a draft or they feel it is having a dire impact on their economic well-being. Of course funding wars and the MIC does just that, but they don't see it. The American Empire will not back away from war due to a peace or anti-imperialist movement, no matter how reasonable or well-argued. Moral issues have a limited impact on the public. Kamala lost because the economy--housing, healthcare, groceries--absolutely sucks, pure and simple. Americans are first and foremost concerned about what affects their families, that is, their economic well-being. Other issues are a very distant second. Thus the madness will only end with economic implosion.

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It does affect regular Americans - many dont have decent medical coverage or affordable housing. Injured veterans are particularly hard hit.

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It was all of the above, PLUS the white hot rage of the young generation, like we were in the sixties, over US genocidal behavior.Harris lost the "new votes" by 11 %. Humphrey lost for the same reason. We stayed home then, knowing Nixon was no better.

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You had me until RFK, Jr., a disgrace to the Kennedy name. Phooey.

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One of the good things that the war in Ukraine has brought about is my 'discovery' of a load of US websites (like yours) that oppose US foreign policy. Here in the UK opposition to British Foreign Policy has been seriously muted. Apart from the 'Morning Star' only the Canary and Declassified UK qualify as really useful sources of material. So DO contact Declassified UK....

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Scott since you do so much public speaking I think you should be aware that your constant 'umms' take away from your message. I’m very sensitive to speech patterns after listening to audio books for 30 years and I pick up on the things that bug me.

I still listen to every video with you I find, but I wonder if you know how many times you say that or 'uhh'?

Maybe listen to your recent video with the judge and see how often you say them.

No offense intended, but today listening to you I was so distracted that I decided not to stay silent.


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I didn't really notice. I guess I have been too busy listening to the content of what he has to say.

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I agree, there's a reporter on electronic intifida who has the same annoying habit

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