Keep up your brave work, Scott. There are people out here who hear you and believe what you are telling us!

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Scott is the tail end of brave Americans who have spoken out against the crimes of the US empire. for tens years admittedly some of died of old age but many have been silenced one way (the prefered way ) or the other the JFK way.. The CIA assassination squad are without doubt paying attention. Take care

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Well put.

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The People, kept deeply ignorant and long marinated in the chauvinistic jingoism of Exceptionalism, can't stand up, and don't want to stand up. The vast majority, in both "parties", are supportive and even proud of The Empire's deceits and crimes. There is no prospect of reform or even amelioration as our tyrannical Capitalist plutocracy has taken the governor off its War Machine and leads us into a world war it can only lose and lose disastrously. Insanity cannot recognize itself.

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Both Blinken and Rubin are Jewish Zionists. It is like having Nazis in the government.

They fear dissent just like Israelis fear it. Because the whole system is not sustainable. A country's democracy is defined by how its State deals with dissent and opposition. America and Israel (and today also UK, EU, East Europe, Canada, Australia) stifle dissent and persecute, censor, suppress by all means possible, justifying it - as usual - by some "war" or "enemies" lurking somewhere out there. They never got away from McCarthyism, which was led by another Zionist, Roy Cohn. When the defender of Rosenbergs said at the process: "You cannot accuse them of "assisting the enemy", we are not at war with anyone" - Roy Cohn screamed at him: "YES WE ARE AT WAR!" - today, the dissent and the opposition in the US are suppressed as brutally as back then. The "war" is going on whenever THEY say so.

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Thank you, Lena, most people do not know the difference between the two. The origins of Zionism are more in line with the Nazis than most people think. The terrorists who founded the state of Israel were colluding with the Nazis to let them leave Europe while sacrificing hundreds of thousands to be the designated sacrificial lambs. Again, this is not a well-known fact of the population of sheep that do not read anything of historical fact-based information. There is not one Israel and there is not one brand of Judaism. Zionists are conquering empirical creatures that view all others as vermin to include us. They have created a Golem that kills for them only to turn on them eventually.

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Yes, the United States are being called Golem also by Israeli antizionist dissidents, because this is true - a brainless, blind machine following orders until someone writes "Death" on its forehead.

Before the US, they used Britain to promote Zionism and establish Jewish colonies in Palestine. It is amazing how this greed for power and colonial property has been propagandized as something noble, something defendable, something progressive.

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Exactly right! The state was created by terrorist and the Stern gang was violent against the British. Begin was a member of this group. The British were behind this as a strategy to take the world island, a phrase coined by Lord Mackinder and if you look at the land mass, he was speaking of you will see that it entails the entire area of Russia, China and all the countries surrounding them all as well as the countries we have invaded in the last twenty years. Also, they are part of the project for the new American century. It takes an especially ignorant population not to see this as all of it is written where it can be found, but they have to look, Jack.

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Thank you, Lena. I recently read some pages from the cabbala that were verry telling and they refer to the treatment of goy as in everyone who is not Jewish. The foulest vile things you can imagine are permitted to be done to include the rape of babies. It was the most disturbing thing I have ever read. There are many books in this vile writing, and I was never aware of the content only that they existed and were studied by Hassidic scholars, but when I read this page, it was shocking, Jack

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Where did you read it in English? Who published it?

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Hello Lena, I recently read a book, Zionism during the holocaust and it was written by a Jewish writer in the UK, and it destroys the entire false facade of the Zionist project as well as the Talmud. Please understand that I am not an antisemite, but the Zionists actually are! Crazy sounding, yes, but after you read this book with hundreds of supporting pieces of evidence you will understand this bizarre state of reality. It is both shocking, perplexing and disturbing as anything I have ever read. For the real story of the Zionist movement and what the aim has been, the despicable things they did before, during and after WW2 are more attuned to Nazis than Nazis ever were. Please read this book and be disgusted as I was, Jack.

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I will try to find it again Lena. I stumbled across it a few months ago but I do not remember where. I may have saved it in my favorites! If I find it I will send it to you, ok? Jack.

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aka Kenites ... search Shepherds Chapel Kenites on YouTube and, if you don't know, learn.

Also, the WAR of GOOD vs EVEL has been going on since the Garden of Eden when Even had two children in her womb, Cain and Able, Cain fathered by Satan and Able fathered by Adam.

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It's quite easy to determine which nations are still under satan's dominion.

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Sep 16
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Blinken's step-father was Maxwell's attorney.

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Not an American but so proud of you Scott ,for standing up to be counted among those of us that have not lost hope.

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Blinken appears to be a walking talking blight on anything he touches. I often wonder if today’s American obscene support of Israel comes more from Blinken than addled Biden. Blinken goes to China and arrogantly makes demands - hardly diplomatic. He is a small man metaphorically speaking. And an example of the woe coming from the Peter Principle in action.

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More like the family connections principle. Nepotism and insiderism is ruining the country. It’s run not by its brightest and best, of which there are many, but instead by its most connected and corruptible.

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Well said.

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Blinken is a walking talking shadow of a human being to such a point that a CIA with all its mind control tools, like drugs and hypnosis, would not be beyond creating a Manchurian candidate.

A Manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional.

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Mossad asset you mean. The Negev candidate.

Something not quite whole in him


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Okay. Checking it out.

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In that speech Blinken also said the government would be running “critical thinking” programs in schools and sponsoring them abroad.

This is Orwellian levels of distortion. Many people can agree critical thinking is essential. But a government that is imprisoning students and getting them expelled…..for protesting its lies about blatant genocide….is NOT interested in critical thinking.

It’s not about “RT”. It’s about removing the truth from the public space, and conditioning the public to believe lies the government tells. Lies like the State Dept 2024 Human Rights Report


Yes that massive work of fiction, which Israel is depicted as a democracy, in which there it isn’t illegally occupying Palestine, it’s not preparing apartheid, and it’s not committing genocide. Like the ICJ didn’t exist at all and hasn’t proven ALL those facts. Like it’s not all being live-streamed in front of our own eyes!

They are not interested in truth or critical thinking. What they are out to do is mind£&ck the masses and brainwash their kids.


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“We used to be strong and confident enough as a people—as a nation—to not wilt in the face of adversity”

I have a different take. This country has a long history of lying and wanton killing, but there was always a rock-solid consensus that our government could be trusted only because the manufactured narratives (FROM THAT GOVERNMENT) reinforced that consensus, and had no risk of being contradicted by facts.

Looking at how Julien Assange was treated for exposing facts that contradicted narratives, we should see that a consensus that was sustained in an impenetrable bubble is no consensus at all.

Americans are now experiencing multiple versions of America for the first time since radio was discovered, and the consensus is yet to be determined.

If alternative party candidates for the presidency receive votes in record numbers, the keepers of the empire will have more reasons to de-platform and censor and arrest and resort to more overt efforts to avoid copping to the truth that the emperor is naked, that the government hasn’t been legitimate for a long time.

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The United States government became illegitimate the day LBJ committed an act of treason by allowing the Zionist League of America (now AIPAC) to register as a domestic lobbying group in direct contradiction to the FARA. JFK refused to allow this to happen, and just look what has happened in the past 61 years.

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Back in The Good Old Days, publishing news was hard. For one thing, you needed a printing press, which was expensive and required specialized staff to operate it. Not only that, but a printing press cost money for every sheet of paper printed, and you had to spend more money on distribution.

They say that "freedom of the press belongs to those who own one" but there's more! Unless you planned to publish as an expensive and time-consuming hobby, you needed an income stream. You would get some money from subscriptions, but subscriptions are really a means to sell advertising. Dependence on advertising meant that there were some people the publisher had to keep happy, and others he could not afford to annoy.

Anyone who knows anything about local news is acutely aware of this. At best, it's a tightrope walk between giving subscribers the news they want to know, and not infuriating your advertisers. The result was a sort of natural censorship. Publishers had to think long and hard before they published anything that would tork the bigwigs off. The fact that a publisher was tied to a physical location and physical assets also made libel suits much easier.

The internet changed all that. Now, any anonymous toolio with a laptop and WiFi can go into the news publishing business by nightfall, and with worldwide distribution and advertising revenue, to boot. Marginal cost of readership is zero. Needless to say, this development has The People That Matter very concerned, and they are working hard to stuff that genie back into the bottle.

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Who would have thought that one day the US population would become so enslaved by its rulers. No more freedom of speech, instead a horrid persecution and a huge brain washing of the masses. This is a return to totalitarism and fascism. Scott Ritter is a real knight who needs all the support in his battle to end the censorship and to regain all the freedom lost.

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Nice republic you had there!

Ministry of Truth words like "hate speech", "disinformation", "misinformation" are smart sounding theses meant to remove your freedoms!

I suspect the republic died sometime around the war on the Barbary pirates!

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Excellent Mr. Ritter, and the CIA couldn’t stand that thus eliminating JFK as a threat to the MIC. It’s been downhill ever since, and I don’t yet see an end in sight.

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A thousand rounds of deafening applause, Senator Ritter. What a pity the best, like you and JFK, are so often silenced, or killed, by those sinister figures lurking in the so- called free world following Stalins' purported dictum " no man, no problem."

Thank you for your courage, integrity and ongoing inspiration. As an outsider, you represent to me what i have always imagined an American in the best spirit of your country to be, including struggling with the limitations we all as humans inevitably share.

Come to think of it, i've never found the word to describe my sensation at the image of Blinken wherever it appears, but " lurking" seems quite to capture it, because you never get the sense that there is a real human presence behind the haunted folds and drapery of his sallow flesh and other clothing. He's there, but always somehow shiftily lurking, as if about to turn and run like hell. Poor guy, destined to be remembered with the loathing attached to all the sick psychopathic enemies of struggling humanity. He should, along with his other accomplices, be in an institution for the morally impeded, not in office.

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There is a psychological condition known as cognitive dissonance that is used by the tyrants and evil doers to push their agenda. It’s a combination of ignorance and arrogance which forces a person to accept and defend lies due to the fear of admitting that they may have been tricked. Nobody wants to admit that they’ve been played for a fool

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"It is easier to fool a man than it is to convince him he has been fooled."

- Mark Twain -

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Hi Scott, Thanks for posting JFK's reasoned declaration I had not heard this speech before. I wish that his sentiments were common language here in the U.S. It is really important that we each own and practice this right and step up and be heard by our representatives on maintaining, unmolested this fundamental human right.

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Today's so-called leaders in the West (and their speechwriters) aren't even capable of creating a reasoned, complex statement like JFK's speech. All they can produce is boilerplate tropes that support their narrative, composed for the simplest minds among us. I knew it was all over when Bush #2 kept saying 'they hate us for our freedoms.' And if an American president did make a speech like JFK's, the vast majority of Americans would be saying WTF, what did he say? We are a nation of dumbed down sheeple, lost in their social media and the next bright shiny thing, something the politicians know too well.

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Now that you mention it, JFK's language to the public and his vision and rationality are shared by Putin and his people. They are all the kind of leaders we need and want. President Trump does not sound like JFK . . . but Trump is from a new time and space which is asking for a new kind of confrontation and communication. The uni-party is an issue but we have this brief moment in history to pull out of it.

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JFK speech is the power of words in opposing the Unipolar threat of Censorship. In the 1950s, the Neo-cons tried to silence Americanism with McCarthyism. Now, the Neo-libs are trying to smack down Americanism. Boomerang!!

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SHARING, immediately!

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I was impressed by the incredible patriot heart you shared. I wanted to share my personal heart story from events in my life. It is personal but it shares a similar love of country I believe you and others like us share:

Note from John Bartlett.

In todays troubled world--those who cannot make "ROOK" must be Eliminated Along with the mid--and lower classes.

The illegal immigrants will replace-to do the dirty work for the Bishops and Knights (the Ruling Class Empire) bought with the Nation's hard earned Income.

May God Bless America, Land of the Free, home of the Brave.

I tried many times-in my 8 decades to reach the FAVORED Class. I found out people over me sold me out to keep me from making ROOK level because they feared my diligence and Patriotism-and what I might do to their privileges or amassed sycophantic succubus fun. Instead of squashing the "pains in their ass" bug. They allow some such people live on in stasis-just so they could move on easily into more stealth carnal acquisitions and eliminations without a conscience.

So they never repeated that planned assassination attempt on me.

This happened when I turned down flying in the plane of death designed for my kind……you know them, they were the Directors that were Good and fair Samaritan accomplished leaders—and who knew too much. Living in their Memory in Obscurity is not a lot of fun…but there are legions of us still within the fabric of governance with knowledge of re-constitution and restoration with justice and mercy in the fabric of our now once Free Nation. We have also instilled that knowledge, wisdom, and capability in our children and their children’s children. So our ranks are multiplying without much notice by the DS. Now the Kings Row must diminish us again so we will not rise-up to level the floors only THEY can stand on.

I don't take commercial air any more.

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"I don't take commercial air any more."

Neither do I. If the wrong person just happens to be on the passenger list it means that your number is up.

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Flying with the Heavy Weights, makes you proud. It can also make you an unintentional casualty--the more you do it, the more risk you are taking.

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There has been plenty of criticism of John F Kennedy in the last several years, but in my eyes he was a great man, one of the best that the USA has produced.

His words on freedom of the press is never more necessary than today.

Thank you for reminding us of them.

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