The People, kept deeply ignorant and long marinated in the chauvinistic jingoism of Exceptionalism, can't stand up, and don't want to stand up. The vast majority, in both "parties", are supportive and even proud of The Empire's deceits and crimes. There is no prospect of reform or even amelioration as our tyrannical Capitalist plutocracy…
The People, kept deeply ignorant and long marinated in the chauvinistic jingoism of Exceptionalism, can't stand up, and don't want to stand up. The vast majority, in both "parties", are supportive and even proud of The Empire's deceits and crimes. There is no prospect of reform or even amelioration as our tyrannical Capitalist plutocracy has taken the governor off its War Machine and leads us into a world war it can only lose and lose disastrously. Insanity cannot recognize itself.
The People, kept deeply ignorant and long marinated in the chauvinistic jingoism of Exceptionalism, can't stand up, and don't want to stand up. The vast majority, in both "parties", are supportive and even proud of The Empire's deceits and crimes. There is no prospect of reform or even amelioration as our tyrannical Capitalist plutocracy has taken the governor off its War Machine and leads us into a world war it can only lose and lose disastrously. Insanity cannot recognize itself.