Every time I read your work I am educated and inspired. With skill, clarity and insight you write from the heart and speak to the depths of what is best in all of us. Thank you. A profound gift for "such a time as this".

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Pungent with feeling and understanding, as, concerned that there are not enough wars to generate hoped for profits for executives and investors in “defense” (what an Orwellian joke) industries, the Biden administration seeks to duplicate Obama’s 2014 Ukraine coup in Georgia (the country, not the state).

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This breaks my heart. Such senseless destruction. I'm ashamed to be an American.

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What a tremendous article. I learned so much by reading it - history, culture . . . I like you hope that cooler heads will prevail in Georgia. The fact that their parliament almost enacted the disclosure law is evidence that such Georgians exist. I wish them much success.

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"To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal"

Henry Kissinger

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Masterful .... what a wonderful piece... kudos Mr. Ritter.. you hit the nail on the head with a 100 pound sledge hammer...

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Dear Scott; Genuine love and profound respect goes out to you here from the birthplace of the original quisling - the US vassal state of Norway!

You are a bona fide treasure to humanity . . . .💓🙏 🇳🇴

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Glad you say that; Swede here. Always been proud of being a quarter Norwegian. But today? Have great concerns abt Sweden too.

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At present, Norway is rotten to the core, much like on your side, it's a stone cold fact.

The elected political representatives on both side of the border have long since prostituted their respective countries on the altar of the globalists!

We are on both sides governed by utterly incompetent, self serving and extremely dangerous characters!

[I don't think I'm far from the truth, when stating that the reasons for most - if not ALL of it, is to be found listed among symptoms listed in the 'DSM 5' - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders!]

(On a personal level, and what with the present status quo re. international politics, I think our only hope lays exclusively with the adults in the room, which are to be found respectively in Moscow & Beijing! . . . )

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Excellent comment. I agree. I want to retrieve my country from the toilet of the last 40 years of imperial pretensions and war making. I love my country but I can hardly stand to see what the white boys and girls, with their corporate capitalist militarist Consumerism have done it.

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And, for the record; I positively LOVE K9's (Actually - I love them MORE than 'people'! 😉 )

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People everywhere are shaking off the madness of the neo libcons!!!! It’s wonderful to see.

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Samantha Power is Satan.

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That is a really good article. Thank you Scott

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Shared to FB. How many of these U.S. / NATO- instigated / inspired 'color revolutons' will it take before citizens recognize the pattern and see the common denominators?

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Understand how the Biden Admin is widening WW III by opening a SECOND FRONT in the Arc of Instability with YOUR tax money (screw the banks! No bailout for little depositors!!)

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about money, tax money and digital money comming fast. We should all be involved

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Please share your wisdom, and spare us empty criticism. If you have an issue with facts, be specific. Otherwise, you waste all of our time.

Scott Ritter

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Yes, there has been a drive to Christianize Adjaria. Today, only 39% of the population is Muslim.

The Abkhaz constituted 17% of the population when they evicted Georgians from Abkhazia.

Playing math games does not alter geopolitical realities.

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Funny article. Only fakes, lies, and great ignorance. There is no doubt that you suffer from mental illness. Apart from the fact that you are greedy for Russian money, your brain is clearly very weak.

You wrote delusion about Georgian regions If you think people can not use Google :) because you are not different from Russian imbecile propagandists :)

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It’s almost as if Loti Kobalia never existed, or there wasn’t a Civil War between Georgia and Mingrelia in 1993.

If you want to argue that Georgian-Mingrelian animosity is a thing of the past, make your case. But don’t pretend the past never took place.

There is still deep resentment in Mingrelia over the treatment and death of Gamsakhurdia. Or are you saying he never existed as well?

And what about Chechnya?

Georgia’s history of fighting separatists is not a good one. Why anyone would want to double down on stupid is beyond me. But if that is the path the youth of Georgia want to take, so be it. I will put flowers on your graves.

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Because the youth of Georgia think that they'll get a pat on the head from their American master.

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Scott, I was deeply moved by your historical account of Georgia. You inspire with your detailed knowledge of the history, culture and people of Georgia and wisely caution the youth there today to reflect on history and understand clearly who is friend and who is foe!

You are an admirable and courageous man!

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Thank you soo very much, Scott - truly heartbreaking - about wars in Gruzija (Georgia) - as all wars always are.

Your writing is inspired; your courage in face of brutal "US Justice" persecution is an inspiration.

With immense gratitude, Boris (despite my names I am not of Russian origin ;-)) )

PS: Elon Musk is a miracle that happens once in a century.

He single-handedly unmasked the murderous and deeply corrupt US War party – with Twitter Files (J6 choreographed hoax, Russia-gate immense 5-year hoax, has broken total media censorship of terrorist US attack on NATO member Germany and of Covid conspiracy with Pfizer crime organization, of massive crimes by Nazi-dominated Ukraine government which is a mere puppet of US bipartisan War party, etc.).

Elon Musk immense courage and humanity is fully displayed by his one single three-word tweet:

Free Jacob Chansley https://t.co/8BbeXF2Fye

Intelligent, always completely peaceful, childlike US veteran, Jacob Chansley (with documented 15-year innocent mental issues) has been transformed by bloodthirsty and amoral US War party criminals, primarily Democrat leadership and FBI executives, into a symbol of (unarmed) J6 “insurrection” by grotesque lies and evidence hiding.

Peaceful and playful Jacob was tortured by years-long solitary isolation (Tocqueville defined prolonged solitary confinement as instrument of torture) and sentenced to long prison term – despite being now provably innocent of all charges.

https://substack.com/inbox/post/107896276 -- OUTSTANDING

Bloodshed & Bullshit, Part One -- This has to come to an end. Mar. 11, 2023



An outstanding interview with Tucker Carlson

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