Dear Scott; Genuine love and profound respect goes out to you here from the birthplace of the original quisling - the US vassal state of Norway! You are a bona fide treasure to humanity . . . .💓🙏 🇳🇴
At present, Norway is rotten to the core, much like on your side, it's a stone cold fact.
The elected political representatives on both side of the border have long since prostituted their respective countries on the altar of the globalists!
We are on both sides governed by utterly incompetent, self serving and extremely dangerous characters!
[I don't think I'm far from the truth, when stating that the reasons for most - if not ALL of it, is to be found listed among symptoms listed in the 'DSM 5' - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders!]
(On a personal level, and what with the present status quo re. international politics, I think our only hope lays exclusively with the adults in the room, which are to be found respectively in Moscow & Beijing! . . . )
Excellent comment. I agree. I want to retrieve my country from the toilet of the last 40 years of imperial pretensions and war making. I love my country but I can hardly stand to see what the white boys and girls, with their corporate capitalist militarist Consumerism have done it.
Dear Scott; Genuine love and profound respect goes out to you here from the birthplace of the original quisling - the US vassal state of Norway!
You are a bona fide treasure to humanity . . . .💓🙏 🇳🇴
Glad you say that; Swede here. Always been proud of being a quarter Norwegian. But today? Have great concerns abt Sweden too.
At present, Norway is rotten to the core, much like on your side, it's a stone cold fact.
The elected political representatives on both side of the border have long since prostituted their respective countries on the altar of the globalists!
We are on both sides governed by utterly incompetent, self serving and extremely dangerous characters!
[I don't think I'm far from the truth, when stating that the reasons for most - if not ALL of it, is to be found listed among symptoms listed in the 'DSM 5' - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders!]
(On a personal level, and what with the present status quo re. international politics, I think our only hope lays exclusively with the adults in the room, which are to be found respectively in Moscow & Beijing! . . . )
Excellent comment. I agree. I want to retrieve my country from the toilet of the last 40 years of imperial pretensions and war making. I love my country but I can hardly stand to see what the white boys and girls, with their corporate capitalist militarist Consumerism have done it.
And, for the record; I positively LOVE K9's (Actually - I love them MORE than 'people'! 😉 )
People everywhere are shaking off the madness of the neo libcons!!!! It’s wonderful to see.