Wanna save America, get rid of people with the names Greenblatt, Garland, Blinken and Fink

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And yet, people with the names Maté, Blumenthal, Cohen - that's a different matter.

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Get rid of the fake Jews - the Zionists. Make Zionism as reviled as Communism.

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Communism is a beautiful idea and one day we'll get there. To lump it together with Zionism, an ideology of jewish supremacy and exceptionalism, is rather bazaar.

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Which do you prefer, the beautiful Communism of China, or the beautiful Communism of the former USSR?

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Both are fine. USSR had european values, China's more suitable for asians.

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They had Communist party - but they were Socialist

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Include Finkelstein. They don't think of themselves as Ubermensch

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Do we really think the Zionist thing is the tip of the iceberg?

C'mon, now. Think about who is BEHIND the curtain...

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All but most primitive societies are ran by a small minoritie elites- it depends which elites. All, even so call democracies are oligarchies. The liberal elites that reigned for the last 30 - 40 years are giving the way, with the election of Trump /Elon Musk the new billionaire tech giant elites.

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All WESTERN societies, anyway, which are the ones that have come from the Dutch way back, and then the English, but waaaay back, from the Romans.

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No, what you have to do is what they do in China. Make banking public so it serves the people, not just the ruling classes. Even V I Putin doesn't have that control but the Head of the Russian central bank is a brilliant woman who has managed the financial system amazingly well.

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G'day Robert, Nabiullina a brilliant woman. You would be a rather lonely person in Moscow, the Kremlin or in most Russian political circles. She is a protected species part of VVP old protection agreement from his St Petersburg days.

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...., and all the rest of the dual Israeli/US citizens in public office whether elected, appointed or just simply employed. That goes from the federal level all the way down to the municipal level.

The next step is jaming the revolving door between regulatory agencies and the industries they are supposed to regulate.

Then find a way to extract money from politics once and for all.

Term limitations is next. Nobody should be able to be a professional politician, and then retire and live like a fat cat.

...., and finally bring back the original 13th amendment to the US Constitution.

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."


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Add Pompeo to that list too.

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I think a guy named Hitler tried that.

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Some sure think they are superior, immune to every criticism. They pour billions into the liberal causes, buying influence with the politicians. They shut down every conversation about Gaza genocide in all Ivy League colleges because they are the biggest donors.

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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.

With alternate information sources we can see the re-writing of History as debunked israeli lies and other Fed.Gov lies are ignored and suppressed, so Official News in the future will have all those lies.

This is seen because we have alt sources, what history from before is anything near truth and not Powerful families Narrative, so Civil War, WWI and especially WWII are not what we learned in History class or Hollywood or .. 6 million when population data refutes it, that 300K, and similar proportions of dead Gipses, homosexuals, Catholics, .. from sickness and starvation as Germany ran out of resources, .. 300K is more likely.

God Bless., Steve

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In my daughter's Irish class, yes, I'm from Ireland, her teacher got them to vote in a secret ballot for tweedle dumb or tweedle thump. Thump won and her teacher nearly had a fit. All the normies here want Thump, at least he doesn't pretend a man can get pregnant. That really says it all about the great US of A.

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Also I believe he really does love America & it's people. When you look at what the blob tried to do to him it proves that they feel extremely threatened by him.

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Sadly this is the decrepit state of a once great nation, my belief and trust has been shattered too many times and by now it has all become white noise from those who claim the absent mantle of the federal government. There is no more belief that the government is of the people for the people, They are all in their entirety nothing more than ruthless murderous Carpetbaggers

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Always more yankee bullshit 😂

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I had difficulty deciding whether to vote for the billionaire TV personality or the half-wit.

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I voted for neither. I can't stomach either the R or D Parties. I voted for Dr Jill Stein who is a real doctor and can excize the R/D/AIPAC🇺🇸🇮🇱 cancer and save the life of our nation. I considered writing Scott in.

Regarding greatness, America was never great just lucky and our luck is running out.

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I didn't vote for either of them...I don't vote. When I see all the choices...I shake my head and say...No Thanks!

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The US has great geography, that gave the nation a "potential" for greatness.

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I had the exact same cognitive dissonance

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There has not been government since 1861 in the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. Only color of law aka martial law / Lieber code / FEMA. Except on Oregon.

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Anons talking about people issues. You are not in that jurisdiction. Wave flags, beat drums, blow horns, write word, bluster, whine, snivel without standing. It take people not anons.www.orsja.org we cannot do it alone, we must do it in our own name.

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And Trump "said" we shouldn't be trying to overthrow countries we don't understand. And lost no time sanctioning Venezuela trying to get Maduro out of office. 100K deaths of innocent civilians later, Maduro is still in office, and we have to see his policies as a dismal failure. Also, Scott knows Syrian-born podcaster Richard Medhurst well, having bee a guest on his show. Check out what Richard thinks of Trump parking the USM on Syria's oilfields sometime. Word is also on the street Mike Pompeo will be back for an encore in the event of Trump winning tonight. We know where Pompous A'Hole will push his once and possibly future boss.

Also, who was that guy again who 1st armed Ukraine and then bragged about it? Who ended the INF treaty with Russia after promising better relations with that country? Oh, snap!

And having lived through 13 presidencies now, I cannot recall 1 single time anyone else ever said slanderous things that caused someone to receive harassments even unto death threats. To Hell with Immunity, the G-Men should've showed up at the Oval Office with a pair bracelets and the latest style of jump suits matching the color of his skin.

Look, I get it - Harris is 20 different shades of awful. But until Trump for once walks his big mouth talk, voting for him is just another shot in the dark. "Maybe," he'll live up to it. Remember, we can't throw him out in 4 years so what's the motivation he'd have? The wife and I have already voted for Cornel West, who's on the ballot in my state of Oregon.

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Thank you for those important details.

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You said it up front, Scott. America is screwed. All the rest is just chatter.

We are in irreversible destruct mode because we have chosen to be. Our ruling class, the Capitalist wealthy, have chosen, and led the stupid, the ignorant, and the blind to affirm their choices.

Empires destroy themselves. It's what they're best at. Ours, under a set of the sorriest, stupidest, most arrogant and inhuman "leaders" in history. Our dissolution can't happen too soon.

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Scott ..I always appreciate your perspective. Glad to see you've decided to join many who believe that Donald Trump and other individuals like RFK jr, Tulsi gabbard, Elon Musk will work together to effect positive changes for the people citizens of America. Your experience in nuclear arms reduction would be invaluable if you'd work with his administration in positive way and perhaps as a facilitator working with the Russian people as well. Thank you for service to your country as you are an inspiration to others.

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Scott, get a grip. Trump is light years better than Harris.

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Harris obviously sucks big time, but according to Jeremy R. Hammond, and for those who think Trump will bring peace, this was what he did in his 1st term:

"Trump basically pursued a neocon foreign policy, including increasing military spending, continuing US support for Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza, illegally moving the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, ending the nuclear deal with Iran and reimplementing crippling sanctions despite Iran’s honoring of the agreement, assassinating the Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani in Iraq despite his instrumental role in fighting the Islamic State terrorist organization (which the US had allied itself with and armed in Syria), illegally bombing Syria (by his own admission), betraying his promise to work toward friendly relations with Russia (which might have avoided provoking Russia into war with Ukraine), and working to dismantle the nuclear arms control framework agreements with Russia."


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He won't make the same mistakes he made in his first term.

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The fact that he's still STANDING is a testament to his willingness to try to do better and those such as RFK jr Tulsi gabbard Elon Musk who are now at his side we'll Hope that will manifest for the American people and the country and perhaps the world.

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see also: Charlie Brown Kicks at Football while Lucy holds it

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I am about to go to the voting booth. I still can’t decide between Stein or Trump. No way will I vote for Harris. I’m tempted to vote for Trump to send the Democrats a message, but I also don’t want to make the wrong choice and vote for a Zionist. So I may just vote 3rd party like I have for the past 20 years. I’m in California so it’s obvious who will win here, I just think it’s imperative the Dems are removed from power.

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You can't vote against Zionism, they're all the same on that. You have to either abstain or vote on other criteria. In "safe" states like CA, Kennedy is asking that you vote for him. I think the idea is that he can act as a spoiler - it's strategic. (In swing states, he asks people to vote for Trump.)

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Stein is also a Zionist. We lose no matter who is selected

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Are you sure about that? She’s the only one calling for a cease fire in Gaza, at least that’s what I thought…

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There are a lot of anti-Zionist Jews. Look at Amy Goodman at Democracy Now. Don't know a US site better on Gaza. Also see good ole Bernie. Actually, most of the real Jews I know are against the Gaza Holocaust. They might hate Trump too because of his relationship with Bibi. Perhaps Stein is the same. Not a racist against Muslims, doesn't like Netanyahu, and hating his murder of fathers, mother, and children. Seems like this would be the normal reaction you'd expect from one who has any morality.

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I thought so too. Then I started digging.

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That's news to me. Sources please? I've read her platform on her campaign site and Wikipedia. Jill Stein might be Jewish but I believe she's an Anti-Zionist. She also advocates for Palestinian Statehood.

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That is so very true...Netanyahu wins no matter what...

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Vote outside the duopoly box for change.

💚💚Jill Stein or no one💚💚

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It's just tragic all around.

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Trump says a lot of things. Then he does the opposite. All politicians have a lying problem.

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In many words he said just that.

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Some people just can't stand those four years of peace and prosperity we had from January 20th 2017 to January 19, 2021. Yes, I know we dealt with Covid and the BLM riots. Trump recently said himself what the problem was: He trusted the wrong people. Hopefully he won't make the same mistake again.

Rush Limbaugh said a couple of times that he met socially with Trump between the 2016 election and the inauguration. Trump told Rush that he knew Washington didn't like him or accept him. But he thought they would eventually get used to him and they could get along well enough to make things work. Rush thought it was incredibly naive of Trump. I think it was probably the biggest mistake of Trump's life.

For four years, the Deep State (the Blob, the Swamp, the Washington bureaucracy or whatever you want to call it) did everything they could to sabotage Trump and most of the time he didn't realize it. He's too susceptible to flattery. He surrounded himself with bad people.

Now, he has a team that's actually on his side. RFK, Jr, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, and JD Vance will be a hell of a team with Trump. I think they can get a lot done. Especially if they can do something about Congress.

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Agree those individuals at Trump's side will put the people and the country above name calling and censorship with transparency and truth.

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"Voting is a meaningless exercise. I'm not going to waste my time with it. These parties, these politicians are given to us as a way of making us feel we have freedom of choice. But we don't. Everything is done to you in this country." George Carlin

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The president does not call the shots when it comes to nuclear war. The military will not allow its cash cow to be destroyed and those missiles will not fly. You've fooled no one Scott, you've always been a trumptard.

The biggest issue is genocide, no other. Understanding israel and its zionism and genocide connects all the dots. Only the inhumane can turn their eyes from it. And rest assured it will come to us because the Zionists already run our country. I cast no ballot for president as they are all compromised.

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NC's "Culture of Corruption" from Coast to Raleigh to D.C. Damns Asheville Flood Victims.


After decades of embezzlement, bribery, rapes, lynching's, child sexual and physical abuse in public schools. and political violence and terrorism by N.C. judicial, law enforcement & government officials, Aided by the U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and other Federal Agencies and officials.




Sexual use of children along with lynching and violence toward political “threats” to the corrupt policies and violent as wells as financial crimes, antidemocracy terrorism, preventable deaths, torture and absence of Rule of Law, Justice and responsible, lawful government, policing, criminal justice, education, and emergency management have suffered across N.C. as a result of years of theft, violent criminal abuses, and criminal misconduct by the “Culture of Corruption” according to the FBI.

The FBI, US Department of Justice, Dept. of Education, and NC and local officials in Eastern NC have with the Federal agencies aided and colluded these crimes, despite the undeniable actionable and likely admissible evidence possessed by local, NC and Federal government, judicial, law enforcement and other “trusted” institutions, the media, and much of the public. Despite the increasing numbers of victims who have sought action, justice, criminal & corrupt priorities have been the unchallenged and unchecked priority and established policy for decades and the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER to local officials, the State of NC, NC SBI, AG Stein or Gov. Cooper!


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Find or start your Jural Assemblt ARTICLE I Section 1 social compact that morphs into the de jure provisional government. www.orsja.org

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Uh... You really think the "election" is for real?

I don't. I think the Illuminati APPOINT someone and then puppet-master them.

But maybe it's all just a photo op... ;)

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