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I think a guy named Hitler tried that.

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Some sure think they are superior, immune to every criticism. They pour billions into the liberal causes, buying influence with the politicians. They shut down every conversation about Gaza genocide in all Ivy League colleges because they are the biggest donors.

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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.

With alternate information sources we can see the re-writing of History as debunked israeli lies and other Fed.Gov lies are ignored and suppressed, so Official News in the future will have all those lies.

This is seen because we have alt sources, what history from before is anything near truth and not Powerful families Narrative, so Civil War, WWI and especially WWII are not what we learned in History class or Hollywood or .. 6 million when population data refutes it, that 300K, and similar proportions of dead Gipses, homosexuals, Catholics, .. from sickness and starvation as Germany ran out of resources, .. 300K is more likely.

God Bless., Steve

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