Be blessed in Russia Scott. May the God of Peace lead and guide you. May the demons in the US be restrained and unable to damage you because you are Blessed.

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Thank You Scott Ritter.

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Well said Scott! Daniel is an inspiration to us all. Udachi v puteshestvii!

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Thanks Scott. Have an enjoyable and successful trip to Russia. It is my hope that your important "mission" succeeds and eventually brings about some sanity and a return to nuclear disarmament.

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What a brave and beautiful thought--"Isn't it worth going to prison to stop this war?"

Let's pray for an end to all wars without sending the peacemakers to prison!

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Julian Assange and Ed Snowden are in the same vein as Elsberg. Former is in prison and latter would be in prison if not in Russia.

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Many I think would enjoy this. I have not seen any comment from Daniel Ellsberg about this dramatisation and presentation of his own book about the The Pentagon Papers but I found it enjoyable and informative. That superb actor James Spader, at his beautiful younger self, portrays Daniel I think very sensitivity and truthfully. Watch if you like being informed while you are also being entertained.

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Where/how did you see the movie ?

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Ivermectin - while in the hospital with a broken hip, a number of people including medical doctors very quietly described the use of this drug with other natural treatments put their cancers into remission. Many cancers can be cured, but there is no money in it.

I am getting sick of Douglas and Scott click bait videos with the same old reruns of the same dialog with different backgrounds - oceans, puppets and the same old tanks driving through the mud. Just give me the up dates, more and more You Tube videos lead off with hysterical titles, every thing seems to get corrupted by the economic imperative.

Keep up the good work, we really value your hard earned perspective.

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Daniel Ellsberg is a lifelong CIA asset and employee, and the Pentagon Papers were a carefully-crafted psychological operation. Per Col. Fletcher Prouty, the Pentagon Papers are "unreliable, inaccurate, and marred by serious omissions. They are a contrived history." The LaRouche Organization in the 70's concluded, "The essential thrust of the project was the assembly of selected actual documents (many initially created by the CIA or based on CIA briefings) and supplementary materials whose overall intended effect was to exonerate the CIA from responsibility for a wide variety of unpopular and military related developments which the CIA itself had chiefly authored. In essence, the effect of the 'Pentagon Papers' was ... to whitewash the CIA for its own activities." By shifting culpability for intelligence and policy failures in Vietnam (which were so large they could not be ignored) from the CIA to the military, accountability never happened. Even Daniel Sheehan was suspicious at first - noting the papers are very vague in the period surrounding November 22, 1963. Also with Operation Mockingbird, it's not realistic to expect the CIA couldn't have shut the NYT or WaPo down with their publication. Real whistleblowers and leakers usually go to the alternative press. Ellsberg's heroism looms large, but it's a fictional heroism made for Hollywood.

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You made it!!! You are in Russia. Take care now.

You did great warning people about the war in Ukraine as you did about Iraq.

You lost a lot along the way suffering all kinds of persecution.

May you find peace and happiness among the people who already adopted you as a son, you fat prick. XD

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It is a good text about the guide D Ellsberg !

We all need brave guides in life .

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May 1st is big in Russia, and the bear has had enough poking.

Russia killed TWO ENTIRE UKRAINIAN ARMY DIVISIONS in the last 48hrs. That is somewhere around 30 thousand men.

Where are the US Statesmen? Is everyone a war hungry neocon now?


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It's hard to be Humble when one is just telling the truth and passing on the facts. After all isn't that the way it should be..."Semper Fidelis".

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I really hope you can embark on that plane.

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People today don’t know who Daniel Ellsberg is and they really don’t know who Scott Ritter is! People are so into asking Google to tell them how to think about things

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I found out about both Scott Ritter and Daniel Ellsburg on Russia Today 😊also Ray McGovern through watching my favourite program CrossTalk with Peter Lavelle also through CrossTalk George Zamuely ( I may of spelt that wrong sorry) p

Point being if it were not for Russia Today which was banned in Britain after February 24th last year.

I may of never heard of these excellant speakers inc Scott of course.

None of the mainstream media here in the not so United Kingdom give voice to people like Scott .

The English government are Russiaphobic!


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Good for you! Going outside the blinders! Those three gentlemen are treasures!

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Remember, in the old days before you knew some thing you had to go and do some actual research?! That’s what people should do when they read Scott’s articles! If you don’t know something, don’t Google it, go and actually do some real research great piece as usual.

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god bless keep up the hard and be safe

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