Thanks so much for having the courage to go Scott, and for sharing all you experienced there - looking forward to more of it. Through you we also make connections with the people you have brought to life, and the Russian culture and soul.

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This is one of the best things you have written, Scott.

Thank you for helping all of us to open our eyes to reality obscured by our own culture.

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Oh My God Scott this is the best writing on Russia in America since Abraham Lincoln's letter to Alexander requesting help against the British in the American Civil War (document still unknown, but legendary). Just kidding, but really, this is top notch. I met you with Greg Zeigler in Santa Fe many years ago. Then again in Washington DC after the Rage Against the War Machine rally at the bar with Dennis Kucinich, when you two were planning the million person rally against War for June next year. Is that still on your agenda? How can I help. We have kept the conversation going, but I know you were planning to go your own road. Feel free to reach out rll@fund-balance.com

I tried to reach out to the Russians here at the consulate and others through the Dugin network, but with no luck so far. Let's create a Russian-American peace network that has events and an institute and things of that sort. I can't find something like that at the moment and it would fill the essential cultural role of bridging the national cultures outside of the militarized political sphere.

God Bless You Scott. I was in Russia many years ago, descend from her Jewish community and boy do I want for us all to be friends for once.

R. Leland Lehrman



Donating what I can.

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Скотт я знаю тебя больше года и я ни на секунду в тебе не сомневался. Поклон Александру и Илье...они сделали большое дело,может лучшее в своей жизни!

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This is a very inspiring approach to establishing friendly relations between Russia and the US, and were such "exchanges" to become commonplace, it would go a long way toward discrediting and diffusing Russophobia. If it grew into a mass phenomena, no doubt the US State Department would create restrictions and insurmountable obstacles to US citizens wanting to travel to Russia. This highlights the need for a decapitation strike by everyday citizens on Washington DC. The warmongering, Russia-hating ideologues at the top must go! All of them!

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Scott, I listened to your latest YouTube video on Douglas McGregor's channel and it was great! Reading this is even better!

I'm proud to be a supporter of your efforts. I support others with the same goals.

Blessings to you and your newfound friends who you also called family.

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What a magnificent adventure and accomplishment !! My congratulations !

Stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us !!!

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Thank you for a human, wonderful introduction to the Russian Soul.

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Dear Scott, thank you very much for your journey to "grasp the russian soul" and as such to find a way to bring understanding between the two nations. Highly appreciate your quotes from Pushkin, Tutchev and Turgenjev. I would recommend their several poems on political issues in regards to Europes war raging in 19th century towards Russia, not much changed since. Just a note to translation of poem "Anniversery of Borodino" - "Look there: still stands she (Russia) " ("Смотрите ж: всё стои'т она!"). Jet I fully agree with your interpretation of "she/it is worth everything" (всего "сто'ит она").

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Scott Ritter is one of few people that " get it " !

No B.S. from this guy , a straight-shooter , superb analyst that operates the way humans are meant to operate ..... attuned to the wisdom of gutting the lies from truth whilst knowing the difference. Thank you Mr. Ritter !

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Thank you for sharing your profound insights from the deeply personal goodwill tour you and your daughter embarked on. Reading about your experiences in Russia gives me hope for humanity!

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Your description of the Motherland Calls monument brought a tear to my eye, I watched you speak about it while you were in Russia, the part about the pond as tears of mothers was heart breaking. On a lighter note, there is more to that song, with some juicy bits. Full translation at: https://learnsongs.ru/song/igor-rasteryaev-kombainery-79182

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Wonderful words Scott ,from reading your article both of you had quite an experience. Wherever we live deep down we all want the same. Need to get a copy of your book.

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Beautifully written!

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will buy your book in Russia as well....

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I stand with you Scott

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