Powerful writing! Whether or not we all ultimately die in a nuclear holocaust, it is entirely fair to say that America has betrayed every value it has ever claimed. Democracy and human rights may be at the top of the list. It is especially disturbing to witness the role the journalists have played enabling preventable violence, rather than holding power accountable. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/why-we-cant-have-nice-things-like
Yes, Shahid Buttar, it is very disturbing to witness the role the journalists have played. We the people have played our part by not taking a greater role in our governance--but in our behalf, there has been an alien Intervention present here for at least eight decades, actively undermining our Democracy and human rights--not just here, but across the globe. "Humanity is approaching a very dangerous and very important time in its collective development. You are on the verge of emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. You will be encountering other races of beings who are coming to your world seeking to protect their interests and to discover what opportunities may lie ahead. They are not angels or angelic beings. They are not spiritual entities. They are beings who are coming to your world for resources, for alliances and to gain an advantage in an emerging world. They are not evil. They are not holy. In that, they are also much like you. They are simply driven by their needs, their associations, their beliefs and their collective goals." - AlliesofHumanity[dot]org An education in the Greater Community of intelligent life that humanity is emerging into. Read all four books free online. At least be willing to read the first chapter of the first book to determine whether there is resonance with these briefings from humanity's Allies. We do have Allies, but they are not the ones flying covertly in our night skies and abducting our citizens against their will.
No offense intended Dariel, but I think the point Scott is trying to make is that our fate is determined collectively by all us (humanity), not aliens, god, our "elites", etc... It's ~ up to all of us collectively as a species.
Incidentally, my ex-wife is the executive co-producer and lead writer for a TV show called Ancient Aliens. I proofread all of her scripts until 2022. In addition to pointing out her grammatical errors, I would often point to logical inconsistencies in her arguments. Perhaps I was taking things too seriously. I got a lot of push back, and claims that I "don't know Ancient Astronaut theory". My reply was typically that I don't really know much about the Bible, Torah, Quran, Vedas, etc.. but I know enough to determine Ancient Astronaut theory is arguably based less in fact than any of the above. If you knew how the sausage was really made on that show, you probably wouldn't swallow any of the crap they've aired, and be ashamed it was on a network called the "History" channel.
My point is that, while it may be fun or reassuring to believe there is some god-like other, when it comes to preserving organized human life on Earth by preventing a nuclear catastrophe of our own making, we should probably stick to human solutions for human problems. To quote JFK: “Our problems are manmade; therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.”
Thank you Jon, for your comment. I remember hearing of the series, Ancient Aliens, but I never watched them. I didn't even consider an alien Intervention a possibility until I read the intro to a spiritual Revelation called Steps to Knowledge. Though I had never considered aliens to be present in our world--when I read this intro I simply knew that humanity is entering a different period in our history that will take a great deal more intelligence and deeper spiritual connection: “Our world is at the threshold of emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe around us. Therefore, a more universal understanding and perspective on relationships, spirituality and human advancement are needed at this time. Steps to Knowledge is provided for those who show promise of being the primary contributors during the next great period in human history, where humanity begins to encounter other intelligent races from the Greater Community. This is the greatest threshold that we have ever faced. Yet from a Greater Community perspective, it is clear that humanity is not prepared. This has set the stage for a new spiritual understanding and teaching to be given to the world, for the Creator would not leave us alone and unprepared for our emergence into the Greater Community. Thus, a spiritual preparation of a very unique kind has been given which can enable men and women to gain the power, the compassion and the skill needed to serve a world in transition. To prepare these individuals to find their greater calling in life, Steps to Knowledge and its companion books have been provided as a guide and a resource.” - Marshall Vian Summers This may not resonate with you Jon. I am only looking for the very few who know who they are and that they have come to assist humanity at this time.
Excerpt From: Marshall Vian Summers. “Steps To Knowledge.” Apple Books.
The real problem with the majority of contemporary mainstream media journalism Shahid is that they’re- as Kurtz so profoundly put it in Apocalypse Now- “errand boys sent by grocery clerks to collect the bill”! In other words they’re just doing the bidding of their corporate masters. The important aspect of independent journalism like Ritter’s is that there’s a legitimate platform to disseminate real journalism and expose the fractures and fissures so blatantly obvious. I don’t think America has betrayed its values, it destroyed those values from within.
True, I meant ourselves as in a generalization as in humanity . Many people are fooled by the media and have no idea what is truly happening and who is behind this, very sad .
Truly the worst sin to die along with your children and grandchildren in a state of unforgivable ignorance and complacency content in the belief that your existence is exceptional and unique above all others. This deserves nothing less than the destruction and wrath of the Gods!
99% of Western politicians are delusional fuckwits. They lie to the people about everything, implement totalitarian policies, demonise more than 50% of the people and then are too stupid to realize why they now need police protection from their public. Sadiq Khan recently proclaimed that London is reasonable prepared for nuclear war. What a shit-show. They shut the fucking city down when temperatures hit a mere 40 degrees Celsius. The reaction to George Galloway's being elected is an interesting case at the moment as in the era of totalitarian uni-party politics what we previously would recognize as a valid and necessary 'political opposition' is now being recast as 'divisive' and 'subversive'.
It's all building up to government intervention in already under its media control (e.g. the BBC). Twenty years ago I would have suggested that preceding sentence could only be uttered by a conspiracy theorist. Now I say it because i know it to be true.
I believe that 'delusional' is the only appropriate term for what is laughingly referred to in the West as being some kind of political 'elite'. The worst part being that when realist evidence consistently emerges exposing their lies, they just double down on their delusional bullshit. Its unbelievable how corrupt and moronic the political classes actually are.
What exactly can you possibly mean to be saying by all that , my dear? I have a few people who seem concerned to read my thoughts, but surely they, we , don't understand at all what can I possibly mean to say?
Hmmmm. Dunno about that. Genocide and slavery, maybe not such an auspicious beginning? Check out Gerald Horne's "The Counter-Revokutiom of 1776" whose thesis is that at least part of the impetus for our much-vaunted so-called "Revolutionary War" was to break free of England who were making slavery illegal at the time. Would have messed up the colonizers' business plans too much, so they had to go it alone.
I am inclined to believe that high taxes, forced housing of Hassars, the call to surrender arms were far bigger factors.
Besides when slavery ended in the British Empire in 1833, British plantation owners turned to indentured servitude for inexpensive labor.
The clever fellows in the US South who may have used slaves would have been well aware of the indentured servant option; they had been shipped to the colonies since day one.
Not more loss of American life than the fake Covid shots have, or deadly hospital protocols created. This conflict has achieved the greatest losses, and continues daily losses, nationally & internationally.
Excellent portrait of the ugly American leaders whose disregard for all people as is now seen the leadership kill many people all over the world and back the most heinous leadership in Israel as our friend against the great Palestinian people who are made to look as terroirs by a media bought and paid to misrepresent the truth ….than you Scott Ritter , as a former infantryman in Vietnam and I was caught in black September in Jordan as I visited my former home after being kicked out of Jerusalem so Israel can kill and steal more land with the blessing of USA and UK & other western elites I was almost killed with a bullet in me that’s still there during the Vietnam war and I think of the horror I went threw and many other soldiers that died for a lie not known to them , to see who we are now your very right of the nuclear option it seems like the movie with slim Pickens riding the nuclear war head with excitement in Dr Strangelove , I thought that was comical but not anymore
Very strongly worded and motivating. But what should we do that will work? Elections are coming up but who is there? Where are our George Galloways so we can use our write-in vote? Bobby Jr. didn’t work out. Writing to our Congress members doesn’t work. I reply to Senator Cardon’s emails but to no effect. I was glad to see an appellate court vacated some Jan 6th judgements and I hope the majority, if not all, are vacated. What can we do that will have a timely effect other than finding and electing our own George Galloways?
Again thank you very much for your very strong, bull’s eye article.
As a fellow countryman of George Galloway, and following him from way, way back, be aware he is a socialist. He says many sensible things and I believe he is a strong supporter of "the common man" but his economic policy views would be a disaster. The problem with socialism has always been per Thatcher...... "pretty soon you run out of other peoples money."
True, the Scandinavian countries have excellent socialist models, worked beautifully for many years. Although at present they are being run into the ground by the surge in illegials.
Unregulated, undocumented people by their millions, many of them military aged mails are NOT a plus. They are not what this country needs nor wants.
The reasons congress has allowed them in are many IMO, the primary one is our congress is corrupt. And yes if you look at the hiring statistics almost all hiring in the last year plus have been entirely of illegials so clearly corporations hire them.
What has that meant; it has meant that workers wages have been kept low, worker protections have been eroded and rents are through the roof. It also means their wages instead of going into the US economy are in large measure sent overseas to their families.
Again how does any of this benefit the nation's citizens and tax payers, it doesn't. The fact that corporations benefit from masses of unskilled labor only indicates to me that our country has lost the majority of its skilled labor jobs to other nations.
All I am saying is: BIG Corporations need the poorest people (immigrants) so they can make more money. Since the USA is owned by billionaires/corporations neither party will do anything to stop it!
Boy, drinking the Kool aide or what? Your socialism created a middle class that became enamored of the corporations and the good life they seemed to promise. It’s the corporations that have attacked and undermined socialism but they told you it was immigrants. And just like the dumb middle class sheep we have here in America, you believed them. Mostly because unlike true Socialists, you lack two concepts—enough and share the wealth.
My socialism? Where do you assume I live? I saw America do well under capitalism, I saw the greed of corporations matched with a bought and paid for congress strip that world away. We now have corporate socialism in America.
By "immigrants" I assume you are referring to the 30 million plus undocumented illegials in this country? I am not being told they undermined socialism, I doubt anyone is. I do believe we are being told they are a positive feature, a suggestion I reject as do a growing number of people.
Don't make judgements of others and of economic systems you can't support.
Article above explains for me the DIFFERENCE between what Scandinavia has and what SOCIALISIM is. I absolutely do not disagree that those countries have more of a collective social structure and engagement than say the UK or the USA (and others). But they are not socialist countries and certainly not full of George Galloways.....
I choose not to elaborate....it never changes anyones mind. The comment referred specifically to conflation of crony capitalism with real socialism. I understand perfectly Jeano's assertion but it is actually corruption combined with a system now based on debt growth combined with "financialization" that has got us to this point. The time for a clean out was many years ago now and certainly before the Greenspan bail outs of the late 90s, the Y2K fiasco and the failure to address the dot.com bubble. The Greenspan interest rates cuts directly led to the 2008 route and QE. All of those actions and the subsequent growth of world debt will lead to a calamity. They have nothing to do with true Socialism. I believe Galloway is a true principled socialist, if something of an opportunist. I simple believe socialism stifles creativity and is not the true way forward. I don't actually care if you think I was "skewered" or not, but I choose to elaborate (a bit) for your benefit.
I would further add..... to play devil's advocate, that the failure to launch QE or the various FED support of these many corrupt financial episodes would likely have resulted in a financial crash and massive debt liquidation leading to full scale Depression and of course WAR. It's the proverbial "between a rock and a hard place". There is no means of stopping our massive credit/debt expansion, as mentioned many years ago by a famous economist, and it will end by a full scale collapse OR the Western paper currencies will become worthless. The truly rich and powerful will survive just fine....... The people will turn on each other in anger.... then they will turn on anybody or any country believed to be responsible for the collapse......... led by the usual demagogues. There is NO way out, AI wont get us there, green climate policies wont get us there, woke agendas wont get us there. So Francis you now know where I stand. If you have an answer to the impending and inevitable consequences I am sure you will advise me.
I look forward to reading it. I like socialism ok but it seems fragile. Like as soon as the people get more material happiness from that economic form, they instantly turn around and shut the door on other’s being lifted up. Myself, I’m thinking the Library model is the best. How that thing keeps going, with nothing to sell, no visible means of support, run by quiet woman who stand up to the Patriot Act but demand nothing special for themselves, find a way thru our various crises like the pandemic and every Saturday have a little social time for moms and toddlers in the neighborhood to hang out on the computers. It’s a wonderful model and has been adapting to the times since Richafeller gave them their first donation.
It is hilarious that the most war-loving, "conservative" people (Lindsey Graham types) are absolutely blind to the fact that the most astronomical expense item on a modern nation's budget is ALWAYS the creation of its standing army, navy, air force, etc.. Strictly IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish without mandated taxes, via a THOROUGHLY socialist economic & political system, no matter the lying rhetoric to the contrary.
The rants of libertarians and "capitalists", and anyone else, cannot offer any serious argument otherwise.
The days of the monarch funding any military organization out of his private hoard ended very long ago, yet the "elite" somehow manage to ignore this damning truth. Every system of national governance, even the sultan of Brunei, at it's root, is socialist; an inescapably collective enterprise. The crux of socialism's legitimacy, or infamy, is "cui bono"?
Francis, point of fact: military expenses form 16% of the US national budget, but about half of the discretionary spending.
Lindsay Graham is a caricature of himself and thoroughly corrupt. And certainly and sadly, the MIC which Eisenhower warned us about, 70 years ago, has devoured its host.
I guess I must specify "discretionary" spending. Nevertheless, we also must consider items like interest on military spending, funding of foreign militaries & vassal states of fascist, zionist, & nazi leanings; Israel, Ukraine, Japan, Jordan, Poland, etc., military research disguised as "educational" subsidies, grants & loans, etc.. The "international affairs budget" and hidden "black ops" is a huge catch-all slush fund that hides much of the secret criminality.
The main point is that our population is commanded to pay for the vast, publicly funded, socialist, military boondoggle that is the War Machine, and its not the only gigantic aspect of the Federal budget that deserves the "socialist" tag; police, courts, aviation, ground transportation/public highways, "education", etc..
It's no secret at all. The USA style of socialism overwhelmingly benefits "private enterprise" outrightly via preferential tax regulations, effusive propaganda [advertising & "the news"], and direct subsidy. The style of socialism the USA will actively invade and commit mass murder to sabotage is largely for support of a "working class".
That's ridiculous. Stop the capping of the wealthy, then we'd never run out. Billionaires should not be allowed, or else they have to pay 100% taxes over 1 million income. We have socialism: public schools, public libraries, social security (which is the main landline for the 99%). It's odd how the rich want to take whatever the security the 99% have AWAY from them. I don't understand that complete selfishness.
After a year, what do we see? How strong is UK’s economy now, under and after the Conservative and Labor parties? Who’s been funding those powerful, wealthy, bloodthirsty, People and Nation Destroyers? Their own money or other people’s? The latter, clearly. It’s time for Galloways. Quoting Thatcher was specious and she seriously harmed Briton.
Sobering article, Scott. Thank you for the urgent wake-up call. Hopefully sanity will prevail somehow.
With Putin in office, I feel that his level headedness may save us all from ourselves. But what if something happens to him, God forbid? On another note, what's with the comments from a few here that there are no such things as nuclear weapons? I am all for questioning established "truths" that turn out to be lies and propaganda. But this is a new one to me. What were those bombs that exploded over Nagasaki and Hiroshima, vaporizing many tens of thousands? As a nuclear weapons/arms inspector, I'm sure you have some strong feelings about those comments.
Didn't you get the memo? It should have come with the one explaining how words now mean whatever you want them to. Nothing is real anymore, everything is fake, it's all a deep state plot, nuclear weapons, atoms, viruses, etc.
There is a strange sort of irrational sceptic I've noticed emerge in the past few years whose scepticism does not really seem based in evidence or reason, who partakes in casually denying commonly understood and established truths of reality without much if any rational reasoning or logic in doing so, but with certainty and fervour nonetheless.
I assume it has to be psychological for some reason, but I have no idea. My best guess is that a small number of people who have suddenly found that they've been deceived, perhaps not previously having been cynical of government or power, suddenly have taken on an extreme cynicism and doubt toward everything altogether as a response, maybe to take back a little control and feel they won't be tricked again.
when there's so much we're not allowed to do research on and publish about, followed by public debate, then life gets complicated and cynicism follows suit.
The post-factual nihilism we experience today is a sure symptom of end-of-empire societies. The liberal hegemony of the post-cold war period is where the communist world revolution of the Soviet Union was in its final stage in the 1980s. The gap between ideal and reality becomes unbridgeable.
I recall my elementary school nuclear drill in the early 60’s (Cuban Missile Crisis). We had to squeeze in under our little metal desks with our heads down. It was reassuring to know our little metal desk would protect us from nuclear incineration. Now to the present. I’m looking to find that little metal desk to protect me from: a Cyber Pandemic, an EMP attack, Power Grid Failure, Disease X, mRNA aerosol, terrorist attacks, nuclear incineration, famine, geo-engineered severe weather, etc., etc.
Heavens! What were they thinking! Reassess your shopping strategy.
Those flimsy metal desks were and are absolutely useless, you need an American made solid oak desk preferably with the standard issue ink well. Ink I believe is optional.
Sr. Mary Joseph said they were all you needed, had sufficient head too if you got your knees up just under your chin.
Chilling and timely. I remember being in grade 3 or 4, USSR, when one day the lesson was stopped and we were told to line up in a hallway. There, in front of all the pupils of our school, the principal announced that American Pershing 2 with nuclear warheads were put in Europe and as a result we may all die soon. Being a kid, I felt dissapointed because my friend's bday was coming up and I really hoped that, if a war was inevitable, it would happen after the party. Funny and sad, 40 years later I don't care much for parties anymore and peace seems as elusive as never before.
Back in the 60’s, the USA had it figured out. The school teachers, in perfect unison without a trace of questioning it’s effectiveness, made us practice diving under our fire hardened wood and plastic desks in order to survive the imminent nuclear war.
I remember those days well, and fearing that I would never make it to my 21st birthday. Here I am now, an octogenarian, wondering if the same good luck which helped the world make it into the next millennium, may indeed do the same thing again. Doesn't look that way from where I stand, but old folks are always tut-tutting about the future...
I know exactly how you feel Scott...nothing we can do. The solution is in the hands of senile warmongers in the US and EU including sick UK. It's Incredible their stupidity and attitude, they send arms and soldiers to Ukraine, but don't any one dare sending help to Russia. There is no need to say who and when started this war, it's been said over and over not only in Russia but in the US and their puppets in EU, UK and throughout the entire world. There is no secret of the hatred the US feels for Russia. They just can't accept the fact that it was the Soviet Union (Russia) that won the war, took Berlin and killed 7 out of 10 nazi soldiers in the second world war. Russia suffered the most too, over 20 millions were killed. Any way, in this war of Russia against Ukraine, the US, UK, Nato and some other countries are the ugly aggressors they represent the evil, just as Israel, US and NATO united against Palestine.
Russia was attacked in many ways by the US and NATO long before Feb. 2022 and is fighting for it's survival. Russia in this war is right and Ukraine, US, UK, Nato etc are wrong and evil.
minor correction.....all lies in the hands of the war mongering neo-CONS who have multiplied within the governments and its agencies ...those who have actually stated that to end Russia and China was their goal...now have Pentagon under their spell...NEOCONS...like Nuland-Kagan klan.., Abrams...et al.
I wonder if they actually hate Russia, I don't think they do.
I believe they see Russia as just the latest convenient justification allowing them to rob the citizens of the world blind. At the same time destroying the US Bill of Rights, Constitution and every other nation's governments. WINNING!!!
Since the nation's founding we have been told to hate; Spain, then Mexico, then Germany (twice), on to Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, now its Iran, China and Russia. SS, DD.
There is a faction of the US federal gov't that hates Russia for throwing off the Bolsheviks and another faction (with some overlap to the hate faction) that sees the vast land area of Russia (it covers twelve time zones) and its resources as something to take over and exploit.
People don't hate other people on the other side of the globe. The hate for Russia is driven by geopolitics of the UK/US empires. To kill your adversary, you have to dehumanize him first because killing your own species is haram for most animals.
Russophobia in the Anglosphere has its origin in the mid-19th century when the British fought the Russians in the Crimean war. It was artificially generated by the ruling elites to wage war.
Scott—This is the best thing to come out of Navalny’s death I’ve seen. The whole thing surrounding his life and death is about deceit, manipulation, betrayal and hypocrisy, all perpetrated by the US through that sad sack of a man. For you to now have opened our eyes to how these characteristics have driven the US since our founding, and driven us to edge of the Abyss, in the form of a eulogy is simply brilliant. And, I hope, a deterrence. There is a parallel and fundamental decency in the US that could just as easily flower and grow in the next 20 years as not. I’m going to follow your lead and try to make that happen. Thank you for all you do, my warrior for peace.
There is no way that capitalism was EVER even close to being the highest stage of human development. A society that worships private profit over the public good of everyone on the planet is low and mean and stupid. Socialism was our chance, and still is, but we may run out of time. People who think that the Soviet Union under Stalin represented Marxism are ignorant, no matter if they have some title that calls them "Sovietologists". Capitalism is destroying the planet.
I would only add that I think capitalism is a reflection of inner inclinations, as inherent or artificially created as they may be, and can be put to a better use. Just like not everything that is socialist in nature is bound to improve things for the better.
Carolyn, capitalism is clearly not morally superior, but has repeatedly proven itself to out-compete countries that are organized purely around socialism.
East Germany couldn't wait to join with the capitalist side, for obvious reasons.
Seems to me that "enlightened capitalism" similar to the Scandinavian countries, is the best compromise.
Powerful writing! Whether or not we all ultimately die in a nuclear holocaust, it is entirely fair to say that America has betrayed every value it has ever claimed. Democracy and human rights may be at the top of the list. It is especially disturbing to witness the role the journalists have played enabling preventable violence, rather than holding power accountable. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/why-we-cant-have-nice-things-like
@Shahid Buttar Your support of the murderous and violent BLM is also a blatant betrayal to the American value.
Yes, Shahid Buttar, it is very disturbing to witness the role the journalists have played. We the people have played our part by not taking a greater role in our governance--but in our behalf, there has been an alien Intervention present here for at least eight decades, actively undermining our Democracy and human rights--not just here, but across the globe. "Humanity is approaching a very dangerous and very important time in its collective development. You are on the verge of emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. You will be encountering other races of beings who are coming to your world seeking to protect their interests and to discover what opportunities may lie ahead. They are not angels or angelic beings. They are not spiritual entities. They are beings who are coming to your world for resources, for alliances and to gain an advantage in an emerging world. They are not evil. They are not holy. In that, they are also much like you. They are simply driven by their needs, their associations, their beliefs and their collective goals." - AlliesofHumanity[dot]org An education in the Greater Community of intelligent life that humanity is emerging into. Read all four books free online. At least be willing to read the first chapter of the first book to determine whether there is resonance with these briefings from humanity's Allies. We do have Allies, but they are not the ones flying covertly in our night skies and abducting our citizens against their will.
No offense intended Dariel, but I think the point Scott is trying to make is that our fate is determined collectively by all us (humanity), not aliens, god, our "elites", etc... It's ~ up to all of us collectively as a species.
Incidentally, my ex-wife is the executive co-producer and lead writer for a TV show called Ancient Aliens. I proofread all of her scripts until 2022. In addition to pointing out her grammatical errors, I would often point to logical inconsistencies in her arguments. Perhaps I was taking things too seriously. I got a lot of push back, and claims that I "don't know Ancient Astronaut theory". My reply was typically that I don't really know much about the Bible, Torah, Quran, Vedas, etc.. but I know enough to determine Ancient Astronaut theory is arguably based less in fact than any of the above. If you knew how the sausage was really made on that show, you probably wouldn't swallow any of the crap they've aired, and be ashamed it was on a network called the "History" channel.
My point is that, while it may be fun or reassuring to believe there is some god-like other, when it comes to preserving organized human life on Earth by preventing a nuclear catastrophe of our own making, we should probably stick to human solutions for human problems. To quote JFK: “Our problems are manmade; therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.”
Thank you Jon, for your comment. I remember hearing of the series, Ancient Aliens, but I never watched them. I didn't even consider an alien Intervention a possibility until I read the intro to a spiritual Revelation called Steps to Knowledge. Though I had never considered aliens to be present in our world--when I read this intro I simply knew that humanity is entering a different period in our history that will take a great deal more intelligence and deeper spiritual connection: “Our world is at the threshold of emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe around us. Therefore, a more universal understanding and perspective on relationships, spirituality and human advancement are needed at this time. Steps to Knowledge is provided for those who show promise of being the primary contributors during the next great period in human history, where humanity begins to encounter other intelligent races from the Greater Community. This is the greatest threshold that we have ever faced. Yet from a Greater Community perspective, it is clear that humanity is not prepared. This has set the stage for a new spiritual understanding and teaching to be given to the world, for the Creator would not leave us alone and unprepared for our emergence into the Greater Community. Thus, a spiritual preparation of a very unique kind has been given which can enable men and women to gain the power, the compassion and the skill needed to serve a world in transition. To prepare these individuals to find their greater calling in life, Steps to Knowledge and its companion books have been provided as a guide and a resource.” - Marshall Vian Summers This may not resonate with you Jon. I am only looking for the very few who know who they are and that they have come to assist humanity at this time.
Excerpt From: Marshall Vian Summers. “Steps To Knowledge.” Apple Books.
The real problem with the majority of contemporary mainstream media journalism Shahid is that they’re- as Kurtz so profoundly put it in Apocalypse Now- “errand boys sent by grocery clerks to collect the bill”! In other words they’re just doing the bidding of their corporate masters. The important aspect of independent journalism like Ritter’s is that there’s a legitimate platform to disseminate real journalism and expose the fractures and fissures so blatantly obvious. I don’t think America has betrayed its values, it destroyed those values from within.
Excellent article, thank you . It’s quite chilling to read, God protect us from ourselves .
Or rather from the lunatics, moral idiots & sociopaths that rule America today.
amen! but not so much from ourselves.... but the reptiles (banksters) on top of the pyramid!
True, I meant ourselves as in a generalization as in humanity . Many people are fooled by the media and have no idea what is truly happening and who is behind this, very sad .
Truly the worst sin to die along with your children and grandchildren in a state of unforgivable ignorance and complacency content in the belief that your existence is exceptional and unique above all others. This deserves nothing less than the destruction and wrath of the Gods!
Tragic and true, Scott. The Empire is insane.
99% of Western politicians are delusional fuckwits. They lie to the people about everything, implement totalitarian policies, demonise more than 50% of the people and then are too stupid to realize why they now need police protection from their public. Sadiq Khan recently proclaimed that London is reasonable prepared for nuclear war. What a shit-show. They shut the fucking city down when temperatures hit a mere 40 degrees Celsius. The reaction to George Galloway's being elected is an interesting case at the moment as in the era of totalitarian uni-party politics what we previously would recognize as a valid and necessary 'political opposition' is now being recast as 'divisive' and 'subversive'.
It's all building up to government intervention in already under its media control (e.g. the BBC). Twenty years ago I would have suggested that preceding sentence could only be uttered by a conspiracy theorist. Now I say it because i know it to be true.
I believe that 'delusional' is the only appropriate term for what is laughingly referred to in the West as being some kind of political 'elite'. The worst part being that when realist evidence consistently emerges exposing their lies, they just double down on their delusional bullshit. Its unbelievable how corrupt and moronic the political classes actually are.
And largely uneducated.
I tried to oppose the powers in 2007.
I ran. For SF killafornia mayor against Gavin. ScKamala put me in jail.
They took my business away.
Ah, if only my own Russian mother has been less of a Russophobe, less brainwashed by the Arrogant West, less a victim of the scamdemic Harmacide.
They used the scamdemic Harmacide to silence us all, then went to war.
If you cannot write in comprehensible English you should refrain.
Maybe the fact that you can’t read this is your own fault. I’m not having any trouble.
Carolyn shows up on many threads telling people to stop what they are doing, thinking, writing. She’s a credit to Eva Braun. Sieg heil Carolyn.
Yes, she can't understand my words scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape viruganda depopulation agenda.
A fine member of Womanity.....
😁. Very poetic. Maybe pictures would help her. 👨🔬👨⚕️💉🦠👨👩👦👦👨👩👦👦❌❌
My incomprehensibility is an intentional shade upon the meaning of my words, for the sake of algo rhythms you dance to
which many of us recognise. rock on, Hopp.!
Carolyn, do stop assuming this site needs an editor.
Frances—you like to boss people around a lot, don’t you?
This is the last time I will respond. Your comments are negative, and not germane to Scott's article.
Ooo you are so cute, I just want to chuck you under the chin. But be sure and keep your promise now.
He was replying to a Substack “perfect word” tyrant. You sound bossy. 🤗 are you the tyrant’s buddy/ boss?
What exactly can you possibly mean to be saying by all that , my dear? I have a few people who seem concerned to read my thoughts, but surely they, we , don't understand at all what can I possibly mean to say?
You ARE named Carolyn, not Karen, right??
I hate the “ Karen” thing. Make it go away. ( I’m hoping for a communication- culture miracle”)
Mr. Kaplan, At least you tried, which is more than most. And paid a price for your efforts. Admirable.
"The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion." - Thomas Paine
We started good, didn’t we? Damn corporate power!
Hmmmm. Dunno about that. Genocide and slavery, maybe not such an auspicious beginning? Check out Gerald Horne's "The Counter-Revokutiom of 1776" whose thesis is that at least part of the impetus for our much-vaunted so-called "Revolutionary War" was to break free of England who were making slavery illegal at the time. Would have messed up the colonizers' business plans too much, so they had to go it alone.
I am inclined to believe that high taxes, forced housing of Hassars, the call to surrender arms were far bigger factors.
Besides when slavery ended in the British Empire in 1833, British plantation owners turned to indentured servitude for inexpensive labor.
The clever fellows in the US South who may have used slaves would have been well aware of the indentured servant option; they had been shipped to the colonies since day one.
No need to waste any time on Horne’s thesis of revisionist history. Besides being purely speculative…its also garbage.
Frances Lynch and any other student of US history gets it.
Slavery was an abomination, and the war engaged around it, which produced it’s abolition cost more American lives than any conflict in our history.
The US was founded upon a set of ideals, and the last 250 years have been a stumbling, painful, and staggering journey toward their realization.
Freedom and self governance with all its many problems, has produced the most prosperous period in all of recorded history.
That’s a fact.
Haters of freedom hate it so much they need to try and rewrite history because they can’t refute it.
Not more loss of American life than the fake Covid shots have, or deadly hospital protocols created. This conflict has achieved the greatest losses, and continues daily losses, nationally & internationally.
But Paine won’t make it to heaven being a do-gooder. You have to know Jesus. Otherwise, what did dying on the cross mean?
It was a gift, not earned & definitely not deserved. Love GOD & love others. It’s simple.
Reply to Bill.
The world, well the West anyway, appears to have gone collectively insane.
Excellent portrait of the ugly American leaders whose disregard for all people as is now seen the leadership kill many people all over the world and back the most heinous leadership in Israel as our friend against the great Palestinian people who are made to look as terroirs by a media bought and paid to misrepresent the truth ….than you Scott Ritter , as a former infantryman in Vietnam and I was caught in black September in Jordan as I visited my former home after being kicked out of Jerusalem so Israel can kill and steal more land with the blessing of USA and UK & other western elites I was almost killed with a bullet in me that’s still there during the Vietnam war and I think of the horror I went threw and many other soldiers that died for a lie not known to them , to see who we are now your very right of the nuclear option it seems like the movie with slim Pickens riding the nuclear war head with excitement in Dr Strangelove , I thought that was comical but not anymore
Very strongly worded and motivating. But what should we do that will work? Elections are coming up but who is there? Where are our George Galloways so we can use our write-in vote? Bobby Jr. didn’t work out. Writing to our Congress members doesn’t work. I reply to Senator Cardon’s emails but to no effect. I was glad to see an appellate court vacated some Jan 6th judgements and I hope the majority, if not all, are vacated. What can we do that will have a timely effect other than finding and electing our own George Galloways?
Again thank you very much for your very strong, bull’s eye article.
As a fellow countryman of George Galloway, and following him from way, way back, be aware he is a socialist. He says many sensible things and I believe he is a strong supporter of "the common man" but his economic policy views would be a disaster. The problem with socialism has always been per Thatcher...... "pretty soon you run out of other peoples money."
Baloney. We have socialism for the rich yet we have never run out of the poor’s money that supports them.
True, the Scandinavian countries have excellent socialist models, worked beautifully for many years. Although at present they are being run into the ground by the surge in illegials.
I am getting truly tired of this immigration rubbish.
Immigration could have been stopped by both parties in the US donkeys ears ago......why has it not?
Corporations NEED them!
Jenny, legal immigration is fine, for it 100%.
Unregulated, undocumented people by their millions, many of them military aged mails are NOT a plus. They are not what this country needs nor wants.
The reasons congress has allowed them in are many IMO, the primary one is our congress is corrupt. And yes if you look at the hiring statistics almost all hiring in the last year plus have been entirely of illegials so clearly corporations hire them.
What has that meant; it has meant that workers wages have been kept low, worker protections have been eroded and rents are through the roof. It also means their wages instead of going into the US economy are in large measure sent overseas to their families.
Again how does any of this benefit the nation's citizens and tax payers, it doesn't. The fact that corporations benefit from masses of unskilled labor only indicates to me that our country has lost the majority of its skilled labor jobs to other nations.
You are defending your ruin IMO.
All I am saying is: BIG Corporations need the poorest people (immigrants) so they can make more money. Since the USA is owned by billionaires/corporations neither party will do anything to stop it!
Boy, drinking the Kool aide or what? Your socialism created a middle class that became enamored of the corporations and the good life they seemed to promise. It’s the corporations that have attacked and undermined socialism but they told you it was immigrants. And just like the dumb middle class sheep we have here in America, you believed them. Mostly because unlike true Socialists, you lack two concepts—enough and share the wealth.
Stow the kool-Aid talk Ace.
Socialism has worked well for the Scandinavian countries.
My socialism? Where do you assume I live? I saw America do well under capitalism, I saw the greed of corporations matched with a bought and paid for congress strip that world away. We now have corporate socialism in America.
By "immigrants" I assume you are referring to the 30 million plus undocumented illegials in this country? I am not being told they undermined socialism, I doubt anyone is. I do believe we are being told they are a positive feature, a suggestion I reject as do a growing number of people.
Don't make judgements of others and of economic systems you can't support.
O dear. Pull your head out. It’s too dark up there for you to see.
Article above explains for me the DIFFERENCE between what Scandinavia has and what SOCIALISIM is. I absolutely do not disagree that those countries have more of a collective social structure and engagement than say the UK or the USA (and others). But they are not socialist countries and certainly not full of George Galloways.....
I don't think you know what you are talking about?
Trite comment. All the best, cheers thanks a lot.
You have no response to Jeano worth the electrons it takes to display.
You were thoroughly skewered by her comment.
I choose not to elaborate....it never changes anyones mind. The comment referred specifically to conflation of crony capitalism with real socialism. I understand perfectly Jeano's assertion but it is actually corruption combined with a system now based on debt growth combined with "financialization" that has got us to this point. The time for a clean out was many years ago now and certainly before the Greenspan bail outs of the late 90s, the Y2K fiasco and the failure to address the dot.com bubble. The Greenspan interest rates cuts directly led to the 2008 route and QE. All of those actions and the subsequent growth of world debt will lead to a calamity. They have nothing to do with true Socialism. I believe Galloway is a true principled socialist, if something of an opportunist. I simple believe socialism stifles creativity and is not the true way forward. I don't actually care if you think I was "skewered" or not, but I choose to elaborate (a bit) for your benefit.
I would further add..... to play devil's advocate, that the failure to launch QE or the various FED support of these many corrupt financial episodes would likely have resulted in a financial crash and massive debt liquidation leading to full scale Depression and of course WAR. It's the proverbial "between a rock and a hard place". There is no means of stopping our massive credit/debt expansion, as mentioned many years ago by a famous economist, and it will end by a full scale collapse OR the Western paper currencies will become worthless. The truly rich and powerful will survive just fine....... The people will turn on each other in anger.... then they will turn on anybody or any country believed to be responsible for the collapse......... led by the usual demagogues. There is NO way out, AI wont get us there, green climate policies wont get us there, woke agendas wont get us there. So Francis you now know where I stand. If you have an answer to the impending and inevitable consequences I am sure you will advise me.
O Francis, l love you. I gonna steal that that phrase—worth the electrons it takes to display! 💜🥰
The Horrors. A socialist snowplow just went up my road.
He means that snowplows and fire departments and police (more’s the pity) are all forms of socialism. Sheees!
Your condensed response inspired me to expand the concept a bit to Mr. X75.
I look forward to reading it. I like socialism ok but it seems fragile. Like as soon as the people get more material happiness from that economic form, they instantly turn around and shut the door on other’s being lifted up. Myself, I’m thinking the Library model is the best. How that thing keeps going, with nothing to sell, no visible means of support, run by quiet woman who stand up to the Patriot Act but demand nothing special for themselves, find a way thru our various crises like the pandemic and every Saturday have a little social time for moms and toddlers in the neighborhood to hang out on the computers. It’s a wonderful model and has been adapting to the times since Richafeller gave them their first donation.
It is hilarious that the most war-loving, "conservative" people (Lindsey Graham types) are absolutely blind to the fact that the most astronomical expense item on a modern nation's budget is ALWAYS the creation of its standing army, navy, air force, etc.. Strictly IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish without mandated taxes, via a THOROUGHLY socialist economic & political system, no matter the lying rhetoric to the contrary.
The rants of libertarians and "capitalists", and anyone else, cannot offer any serious argument otherwise.
The days of the monarch funding any military organization out of his private hoard ended very long ago, yet the "elite" somehow manage to ignore this damning truth. Every system of national governance, even the sultan of Brunei, at it's root, is socialist; an inescapably collective enterprise. The crux of socialism's legitimacy, or infamy, is "cui bono"?
Francis, point of fact: military expenses form 16% of the US national budget, but about half of the discretionary spending.
Lindsay Graham is a caricature of himself and thoroughly corrupt. And certainly and sadly, the MIC which Eisenhower warned us about, 70 years ago, has devoured its host.
I guess I must specify "discretionary" spending. Nevertheless, we also must consider items like interest on military spending, funding of foreign militaries & vassal states of fascist, zionist, & nazi leanings; Israel, Ukraine, Japan, Jordan, Poland, etc., military research disguised as "educational" subsidies, grants & loans, etc.. The "international affairs budget" and hidden "black ops" is a huge catch-all slush fund that hides much of the secret criminality.
The main point is that our population is commanded to pay for the vast, publicly funded, socialist, military boondoggle that is the War Machine, and its not the only gigantic aspect of the Federal budget that deserves the "socialist" tag; police, courts, aviation, ground transportation/public highways, "education", etc..
It's no secret at all. The USA style of socialism overwhelmingly benefits "private enterprise" outrightly via preferential tax regulations, effusive propaganda [advertising & "the news"], and direct subsidy. The style of socialism the USA will actively invade and commit mass murder to sabotage is largely for support of a "working class".
That's ridiculous. Stop the capping of the wealthy, then we'd never run out. Billionaires should not be allowed, or else they have to pay 100% taxes over 1 million income. We have socialism: public schools, public libraries, social security (which is the main landline for the 99%). It's odd how the rich want to take whatever the security the 99% have AWAY from them. I don't understand that complete selfishness.
After a year, what do we see? How strong is UK’s economy now, under and after the Conservative and Labor parties? Who’s been funding those powerful, wealthy, bloodthirsty, People and Nation Destroyers? Their own money or other people’s? The latter, clearly. It’s time for Galloways. Quoting Thatcher was specious and she seriously harmed Briton.
Sorry Britain. Post went too soon.
Duck and cover.
Sobering article, Scott. Thank you for the urgent wake-up call. Hopefully sanity will prevail somehow.
With Putin in office, I feel that his level headedness may save us all from ourselves. But what if something happens to him, God forbid? On another note, what's with the comments from a few here that there are no such things as nuclear weapons? I am all for questioning established "truths" that turn out to be lies and propaganda. But this is a new one to me. What were those bombs that exploded over Nagasaki and Hiroshima, vaporizing many tens of thousands? As a nuclear weapons/arms inspector, I'm sure you have some strong feelings about those comments.
Didn't you get the memo? It should have come with the one explaining how words now mean whatever you want them to. Nothing is real anymore, everything is fake, it's all a deep state plot, nuclear weapons, atoms, viruses, etc.
There is a strange sort of irrational sceptic I've noticed emerge in the past few years whose scepticism does not really seem based in evidence or reason, who partakes in casually denying commonly understood and established truths of reality without much if any rational reasoning or logic in doing so, but with certainty and fervour nonetheless.
I assume it has to be psychological for some reason, but I have no idea. My best guess is that a small number of people who have suddenly found that they've been deceived, perhaps not previously having been cynical of government or power, suddenly have taken on an extreme cynicism and doubt toward everything altogether as a response, maybe to take back a little control and feel they won't be tricked again.
when there's so much we're not allowed to do research on and publish about, followed by public debate, then life gets complicated and cynicism follows suit.
The post-factual nihilism we experience today is a sure symptom of end-of-empire societies. The liberal hegemony of the post-cold war period is where the communist world revolution of the Soviet Union was in its final stage in the 1980s. The gap between ideal and reality becomes unbridgeable.
I recall my elementary school nuclear drill in the early 60’s (Cuban Missile Crisis). We had to squeeze in under our little metal desks with our heads down. It was reassuring to know our little metal desk would protect us from nuclear incineration. Now to the present. I’m looking to find that little metal desk to protect me from: a Cyber Pandemic, an EMP attack, Power Grid Failure, Disease X, mRNA aerosol, terrorist attacks, nuclear incineration, famine, geo-engineered severe weather, etc., etc.
Heavens! What were they thinking! Reassess your shopping strategy.
Those flimsy metal desks were and are absolutely useless, you need an American made solid oak desk preferably with the standard issue ink well. Ink I believe is optional.
Sr. Mary Joseph said they were all you needed, had sufficient head too if you got your knees up just under your chin.
Chilling and timely. I remember being in grade 3 or 4, USSR, when one day the lesson was stopped and we were told to line up in a hallway. There, in front of all the pupils of our school, the principal announced that American Pershing 2 with nuclear warheads were put in Europe and as a result we may all die soon. Being a kid, I felt dissapointed because my friend's bday was coming up and I really hoped that, if a war was inevitable, it would happen after the party. Funny and sad, 40 years later I don't care much for parties anymore and peace seems as elusive as never before.
Back in the 60’s, the USA had it figured out. The school teachers, in perfect unison without a trace of questioning it’s effectiveness, made us practice diving under our fire hardened wood and plastic desks in order to survive the imminent nuclear war.
I remember those days well, and fearing that I would never make it to my 21st birthday. Here I am now, an octogenarian, wondering if the same good luck which helped the world make it into the next millennium, may indeed do the same thing again. Doesn't look that way from where I stand, but old folks are always tut-tutting about the future...
Tom Lehrer said it best, "We will all go together when we go, every Hottentot and every Eskimo..."
“When the air becomes uranious, we will all go simultaneous…” yup.
some seem very concerned over the term 'Hottentot' - https://dailysceptic.org/2024/02/26/mary-poppins-changed-from-u-to-pg-because-of-discriminatory-language
I know exactly how you feel Scott...nothing we can do. The solution is in the hands of senile warmongers in the US and EU including sick UK. It's Incredible their stupidity and attitude, they send arms and soldiers to Ukraine, but don't any one dare sending help to Russia. There is no need to say who and when started this war, it's been said over and over not only in Russia but in the US and their puppets in EU, UK and throughout the entire world. There is no secret of the hatred the US feels for Russia. They just can't accept the fact that it was the Soviet Union (Russia) that won the war, took Berlin and killed 7 out of 10 nazi soldiers in the second world war. Russia suffered the most too, over 20 millions were killed. Any way, in this war of Russia against Ukraine, the US, UK, Nato and some other countries are the ugly aggressors they represent the evil, just as Israel, US and NATO united against Palestine.
Russia was attacked in many ways by the US and NATO long before Feb. 2022 and is fighting for it's survival. Russia in this war is right and Ukraine, US, UK, Nato etc are wrong and evil.
minor correction.....all lies in the hands of the war mongering neo-CONS who have multiplied within the governments and its agencies ...those who have actually stated that to end Russia and China was their goal...now have Pentagon under their spell...NEOCONS...like Nuland-Kagan klan.., Abrams...et al.
You are right Miriam
I wonder if they actually hate Russia, I don't think they do.
I believe they see Russia as just the latest convenient justification allowing them to rob the citizens of the world blind. At the same time destroying the US Bill of Rights, Constitution and every other nation's governments. WINNING!!!
Since the nation's founding we have been told to hate; Spain, then Mexico, then Germany (twice), on to Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, now its Iran, China and Russia. SS, DD.
There is a faction of the US federal gov't that hates Russia for throwing off the Bolsheviks and another faction (with some overlap to the hate faction) that sees the vast land area of Russia (it covers twelve time zones) and its resources as something to take over and exploit.
Yes, very true, and not limited to the US govt, these same issues have simmered on the back burner of the UK for a very, very long time.
People don't hate other people on the other side of the globe. The hate for Russia is driven by geopolitics of the UK/US empires. To kill your adversary, you have to dehumanize him first because killing your own species is haram for most animals.
Russophobia in the Anglosphere has its origin in the mid-19th century when the British fought the Russians in the Crimean war. It was artificially generated by the ruling elites to wage war.
Yes, it's "all about the Benjamins", or in this case the Rubles and has been for a very long time.
I agree with you, but I don't know what word to use for a country that tries to erase Russia from earth...
and for no reason at all...Russia never did anything wrong to the US, apart from spying and that works both ways
Well on what word; "Evil" comes to mind first off, but then comes "captured."
Then one needs to consider "captured" by whom.
Scott—This is the best thing to come out of Navalny’s death I’ve seen. The whole thing surrounding his life and death is about deceit, manipulation, betrayal and hypocrisy, all perpetrated by the US through that sad sack of a man. For you to now have opened our eyes to how these characteristics have driven the US since our founding, and driven us to edge of the Abyss, in the form of a eulogy is simply brilliant. And, I hope, a deterrence. There is a parallel and fundamental decency in the US that could just as easily flower and grow in the next 20 years as not. I’m going to follow your lead and try to make that happen. Thank you for all you do, my warrior for peace.
There is no way that capitalism was EVER even close to being the highest stage of human development. A society that worships private profit over the public good of everyone on the planet is low and mean and stupid. Socialism was our chance, and still is, but we may run out of time. People who think that the Soviet Union under Stalin represented Marxism are ignorant, no matter if they have some title that calls them "Sovietologists". Capitalism is destroying the planet.
I would only add that I think capitalism is a reflection of inner inclinations, as inherent or artificially created as they may be, and can be put to a better use. Just like not everything that is socialist in nature is bound to improve things for the better.
"People who think that the Soviet Union under Stalin represented Marxism are ignorant"
Lenin extended Marxism into the age of imperialism
And Stalin was a faithful student of Lenin
The result spoke for itself
Carolyn, capitalism is clearly not morally superior, but has repeatedly proven itself to out-compete countries that are organized purely around socialism.
East Germany couldn't wait to join with the capitalist side, for obvious reasons.
Seems to me that "enlightened capitalism" similar to the Scandinavian countries, is the best compromise.
A bridle has to be put on the engine of greed.