Interesting article.

One side note - it’s demeaning to refer to Iran’s legitimate government as a “regime”. To do so is playing into the hands of the regime-change merchants in the US. The same people who of course never referred to their puppet dictator the Shah as a “regime”.

Iran has a legitimate government and by all accounts it is as or even more representative of its people than what passes for a government in Washington DC.

Also if Israel is planning all this, it’s in cahoots with Blinken, Sullivan etc. it’s a co-mission. Israel is the shadow wing of “NATO” and even has an office at NATO HQ in Brussels.

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You appear to be doing your part to help bastardize the language. There’s nothing demeaning or pejorative about the term “regime” outside of your limited understanding of the word.

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I disagree. The term has become tainted by being applied almost exclusively to adversaries of the U.S. in the past couple of decades. Examine the selective use of the term and this fact becomes pretty evident.

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If the term has become tainted, I don’t think throwing it away is helpful. Thought and verbal expression shouldn’t be governed by propagandistic distortions. Calling out the propaganda is the point.

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I agree that the term should not be discarded, but must be recognized as being abused by a user who wishes to create a negative impression of the executive of the administration that is the subject of his propaganda.

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Actually Klonda is correct. MSM refer to the 'western' countries and allies as governments, and their enemies as regimes. It has become a pejorative term

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We need "regime" change in Washington D.C.

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So reading words that are used by half-wits who abuse language routinely means we should all conform to the revised versions? That isn’t thinking; it’s adapting.

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You are flogging a dead horse; no one agrees with you.

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It has gained a negative connotation since 1990. It was used to de-legitimize Saddam Hussein's government and justify his eventual removal, along with the "shock and awe" his people were subjected to in 2003.

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Quite the opposite.

I’m well informed on the subject and I know the coup fomenters in DC and Langley have been deliberate in fixing these terms into categories of disparagement and setup for their devious plans.

They spread these mal-norms in the media and people unknowingly spread them until everyone is propagandised without even knowing it.

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Your deduction that the word “regime” denotes illegitimacy is the intended consequence of the words narrow usage by propagandists and narrative spinners. To then state that the word is defined strictly by those who use it negatively is to surrender your intellect to those who seek to keep everyone ignorant.

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Mate, this is language were are speaking about. Its meaning is collectively determined. And that is how language works. Propagandists use this to their advantage, to unwittingly get a mass of people to sing their song. Its NOT "narrow usage" - its now common usage and fully intended.

I have not heard Scott Ritter use the term "regime" when speaking about the US or UK or German government. Neither have you. Go think about it.

It may be above your head what is going on and how the weaponisation of language and words in popular culture actually works.

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I think 'regime' is a wrong word to use, I agree. Why not leader?

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The reverse is true: you are ignoring the reality of our present Lingua Quarti Imperii in favour of dictionary definitions; ignoring the philological context in favour of your own "limited understanding" of words themselves in the apparent pursuit of purity.

In the words of Victor Klemperer in the context of our antecedent language: "What happens if the cultivated language is made up of poisonous elements or has been made the bearer of poisons? Words can be like tiny doses of arsenic: they are swallowed unnoticed, appear to have no effect, and then after a little time the toxic reaction sets in after all.


The Third Reich coined only a very small number of the words in its language, perhaps – indeed probably – none at all. In many cases Nazi language points to foreign influences and appropriates much of the rest from the German language before Hitler. But it changes the value of words and the frequency of their occurrence, it makes common property out of what was previously the preserve of an individual or a tiny group, it commandeers for the party that which was previously common property and in the process steeps words and groups of words and sentence structures in its poison. Making language the servant of its dreadful system, it procures it as its most powerful, most public and most surreptitious means of advertising."

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I feel like something very bad is going to happen: the continuation of business as usual in Canada, US and Europe as if the world is not on fire is what’s making it feel inevitable.

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I just listened to a few minutes of the debate organized by the u.s. greens, libertarians, and others. There couldn't be a better example of the analogy of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. People in most of the world (not just the u.s., Europe, Canada) are in denial about what we face on a planetary basis. Just the pace of destruction of the Amazon rainforest should get the attention of the whole world, but it doesn't. And all the while, psychopaths are obsessed with blowing their enemies to smithereens to protect their own political and economic survival. We are living in an insane asylum.

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Yes Mary! Our governments, our media, and the entities which control them, are determined that 'The People should know nothing until it is too late!

Neither the incumbent politicians or the opposition partys dare or even care enough to say anything? So much for democracy.....

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I feel it too Mary. Canada may, like Israel, have the right to defend itself but, the Trudeau government has underfunded and weakened our military to such a level that we can't even shoot down a friggin' Chinese weather balloon without Uncle Sams help.

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Neither Israel nor Canada have a right to defend themselves against the people they have, and are, occupying.

The UN made that abundantly clear.

Besides, these two crimes posing as countries are forever the aggressors.

It’s the old Jew mentality.

Cry like a victim after you’ve murdered an infant.

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And the old Christian mentality is that if moral superiority which seems to justify everything…how could be they be responsible for anything when they are the righteous and innocent ones, they are the highest moral authority.

I saw Norman Finkelstein speaking recently in which he laid out his reasoning for why Israel has lost the moral right to defend itself. He is brilliant in the way he explains it so clearly that it is obvious.

I’ll try to find the link and post here.

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I guess that a different descriptor that I could have used is superior/supremacist mentality.

But, the one(s) that you/me have used are applicable too.

I may have seen the Finkelstein piece, but I’ll definitely give your link a look.

Thanks Mary.

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Agree. When Russia defend them selves against the intruder and terror organization NATO they are war criminals But when Israel steal and occupied land and built more than 700.000 illegal settlements no one stop them. Then Palestine reacts on Israel’s aggression and illegal occupation they are terrorist and war criminals Fact is that Israel is a warmongering terror state lead by war criminal psychopaths But as long the other terror state USA support finance and protect them they don’t care how many laws they break and how many 1000 people women and kids they kill. Israel is a complete failed state and should never have been established

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I agree with every thing you said. 🧎‍♀️‍➡️🕊️

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Thanks for linking this, Mary, going to listen later. I enjoy hearing Finkelstein's thoughts, he's a very brave and courageous man. Not the best at self-advertising, though, so I might have otherwise missed him there!

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Sounds like gibberish to me. The concept of inalienable rights goes back to the Magna Carta of 1215—the only good thing the British ever gave the American colonials—and they are granted not to states, but to individuals. States don't have rights because they are not persons, but made up of them. As far as I know there is no legal basis to assert that states have any rights whatsoever, in addition to it being inherently illogical nonsense.

"Canada," "Israel," like all other states are non-entities, just organisational systems made by human beings with no special meaning and no rights of any kind because they are not individuals. To defend a state and assert it has rights in response to actions of its leadership is like responding to someone's mismanagement of a factory and a workplace accident that killed someone by speaking about the inalienable rights of whatever inanimate object or system ended up taking their arms off. The factory is ran that way because it has rights!

And as a Canadian, pardon my French but what the bloody hell are you talking about in the first place? First off, we don't have any rights whatsoever in Canada, because the Charter only grants us privileges since everything in it can be taken away if it is deemed to be somehow a threat to democracy or the state. Second, what threat are you even talking about? Apart from the British who control the Hong Kong money laundering scheme and run BC, and the Americans who run the rest of our country, I don't know of any threats to Canada. Chinese weather balloons, seriously? I suppose we ought go genocide the Chinese like the Israelis the Palestinians; collecting data on Canadian weather is a serious crime, that's like a million October 7ths.

By the way, Harper was doing austerity before Trudeau, although you and the rest of this country seem to have a very short memory and only be capable of naming the single prime minister that is the present one as if he invented all of this, despite that going further back the first of his dynasty pioneered almost everything he is now doing ages ago, which was embraced also by every other party here. It's confounding.

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You seem really angry.

My comment wasn’t a history of Canadian prime ministers.

If you wants to do a deep dive on that and the Canadian charter, maybe you could write a piece n your Substack.

Might be a more productive outlet for you.

Like it or not, our world has split it up I to a system of states with identified boundaries and awarded rights and responsibilities under a system of international law. That’s what we are referring to in this thread.

Is this system arbitrary? Yes. But it is what we are supposed to govern ourselves by. It turns out it was created seems to have been done so only so white western imperialists and supremacists could govern and conquer the rest of the world and plunder its resources.

And for the record, I don’t think Harper was any different in terms of his ability to change that status quo. He did not however plunder Canada into a completely unnecessary catastrophic economic situation where the average family struggle to afford the basics of shelter and sustenance.

So I understand why you’re angry. And that’s a good thing. Anger is for harnessing and directing it effectively to create change.

I’m serious about writing your own Substack.

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Please tell me what is wrong with being "really angry."

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Preach “nigger” preach!!!

Us niggers must hear alike, cuz that wuz music to my ears.

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Netanyahu is doing everything possible to provoke an attack on Israel that would “justify” nuking Iran, even if it means sacrificing critical infrastructure and thousands of Israeli lives. The USA could theoretically stop this but AIPACs Congressional beneficiaries would not allow it.

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The irony is nuking Iran will not destroy it, it will destroy Israel.

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Israel is beyond saving. If the USA had any sense they'd sever ties rather than wait for the Hannibal Directive to be used on 1400 US troops or, worse, the Samson Directive on half the globe.

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IMO The Israeli's are already using the Samson Option. They are using depleted uranium (DU) munitions on Gaza, and on Lebanon. With a half life of 4.5 billion years, the contamination is forever.

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I thought their plan was to "re'settle" those areas. Why would they contaminate land they want Jews to live on?

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Maybe the Zionist State has its nukes targeted at the EU to keep them compliant.

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no leaked documents about that yet.

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Would it also be ok, to "Nuke" your country...To "make it stronger."

Perhaps it is also positive to murder Palestinian children...To make them stronger??

You didn't think that one through Richard.

This won't end with Iran!

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Plus - Iran likely has by now both nukes and delivery capability…

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And they don't have to have cooked them up on their own. For Russia, North Korea and even China could have dropped of a few along with trained teams to deliver the missiles should it come down to it.

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No way on Earth that Iran has built a nuclear weapon. Quit believing the lies of the Empire and Zionism.

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Oct 24Edited

There is no way to be sure either way.

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I didn't suggest they had built one, I suggested they could have been given one... or five for all we know.

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They don’t even have a nuclear weapons research program! And they are 5-10 years away from a bomb, 3-8 for a crash course.

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No way, Hell no.

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Parchin is about 40 miles NW of Tehran, approx. the distance from Baltimore, MD to Washington, DC.

Population of Tehran is about 9.6 million; it's the most populous city in WestAsia.

Population of DC-Baltimore 'statistical area' which includes parts of Fairfax, VA, is slightly more than 9.7 million.

This DC-MD-Va piece of the US houses some of the wealthiest; most highly educated people in the nation and the most expensive real estate.

What if Iran bypassed Israel (an attack on TelAviv would risk killing Palestinians, no?) and borrowed Russia's reasoning: We will attack those who sent the weapons . . .

Along with that accidentally-on-purpose leaked doc, perhaps a target-map of sites in DC, or Chevy Chase, or McLean needs to make the rounds to sober up some war mongers.

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I agree. Netanyahu knows Iran is going to retaliate massively and he is taking this into account and is accepting of it. He'll sooner see more Israelis be killed than stop his monstrous war games. 1930s Germany comes to mind and how the people paid for it.

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It’s a precise inversion. Netanyahu is the Hitler if our times.

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Never mind AIPAC and corrupt elected officials. In fact the unelected neocon Zionist shadow government with Blinken, Sullivan, etc are not even working for the US population. They are close partners of the genocidal gang that has control of Israel.

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Biden has lots of dual citizens working for him and the worst one is Amos Hochstein who was born in Israel and served in the IDF. He’s helping Israel destroy Lebanon. No one with dual citizenship should be allowed to work in government and especially dual Israeli citizens.

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Thank you my friend!

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As a USA citizen in a major city in Washington state, I email/phone my WA senators and Biden at least twice a week imploring them to close the spigot of war matter and dollars to Israel and in the case of Cantwell and Murray to hold Town Halls to access and represent the wishes of us citizens. Not once since the Ukraine War and the inception of the genocide slaughter of Palestinians by Israel have I received a response nor has a single Town Hall happened. That both Ukraine and Gaza theatres hold the potential for USA supported use of the “nuclear” marks the existential significance of responsible Senatorial action in reflecting or transmitting the peoples’ voice. Without citizen input we were dished the Democratic presidential nominee Ms Harris to rubber stamp; without a congregation of citizens demanding of their Senators representation, it raises an alarming reality. Is representative democracy dead in the USA ? If it is dead, what must citizens do to affirm their fealty to a representative democracy?

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Asking the criminals to stop their criminality is a waste of time. They don't give a damn what we the people want. I cannot believe that you actually waste your time doing this. How can you be so naive?

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No need to deride her for doing what she can. She's making the effort.

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Futile efforts are a waste of time and energy.

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any suggestions for non-futile efforts?

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Nothing less than revolution. The system is broken.

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seriously compromised, not 'broken'. constitutions are still in place, the military in their barracks, judges still active. informing others about the value of the Constitution could be a first step.

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Blocking a highway is more effective!

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Better reminding Senators of their charge as representatives of us citizenry than an arrogant wet blanket old stuck in the mud whose primary fidelity appears to be the practice of ridiculing the un enlightened to plump up her own jaded and faded ego. As one commentator remarked once, if the impact elides the Senator it’ll eventually make her staff -who reads the email or takes the phone message- sick of working for her.

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What are you doing instead Carolyn?

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A bit cruel, wouldn't you think? Even if you are right about the criminals.

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Democracy is over in the US, the UK, Germany, and probably much of the West. It's history.

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I completely agree. But I'm going over everything now and stage one has been to realise that we never really had it! All that's changed lately is that all the lies and manipulation are out in the open, not carefully hidden like they used to be...

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which is an important first step in holding those responsible to account.

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Add Canada too but, in all honesty, no one is interested in us.

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the democratic process is there, but the process is rigged. exposure is a first step to resolving the fraud and manipulation and holding the "old boys' network" to account.

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If America wants to get off the Red and Blue merry-go-roundI vote Green, JILL STEIN.does not take money from AIPAC and said she'd end the war(s). And if you don't want her then please send her to Canada to sort out our mess. TIA

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Great question. What to do when our reps don't listen to us.For one: vote them all out. But who will replace them but more deaf ears.

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Vote them out? They are gerrymandered in place.

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They have been perfecting gerrymandering over decades. It's now done to a street by street level.

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Maybe the replacement will be another like Oregon’s Merkeley or even an Al Franken or …Jamaal Bowman…there really are decent representatives …still! We’re learning to avoid those collected in AIPAC’s deep pocket of bought Congress people.

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I have an American friend that tells me that, "There are still good Democrats." He and I used to have long political chats 30 years ago, and we always agreed with each other. Now I think that he has just been smoking hopium, and lives in denial. America has little moral impetus, Scott and few others being notable exceptions. Most Americans still seem stuck in American exceptionalism, one flavor or another. I wish I were wrong.

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JILL STEIN is running on small donors but, because she can't afford glossy TV ads, no one hears her.

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No one can afford a political campaign without AIPAC support.

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These are Heinlein s Crazy Years and Chinese Interesting Times. Rapid change is taking place and the Hegemon can't handle it. Things are getting out of the Hegemon's control.

The vast majority of nations are turning on the Hegemon because it's the world's foremost Terrorist State. It leads the world's foremost terrorist organization the Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate. What's dangerous is they're getting desperate sensing disaster coming their way.

Yeah, Scott, Americans and the other Empire denizens better wake the F@CK up!

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Nothing will change so long as the Western financial centres like London and New York are intact. Money has no morals or loyalty. There are too many useless eaters for their tastes.

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Well one should consider that money of theirs is on shaky ground, they well may do something stupid.

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I starting to wish the "C" in BRICS stood for Canada.

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It would have to be "BRICCS". You can't leave the most important economy in the world (China) out.

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Me too Shelly! But, look at the map. Americans already consider Canada to be their Playground. The California National Guard is twice the size of Canada's military, and better armed??? We are not an independent country or am American State: Worse. we are a "Wholly owned subsidiary" of wealthy corporate America!

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All Iranian military and political personnel won't be home. They and their families will be well fortified. The Jews are playing with fire and have little fire protection.

I hope this is the end of shitrael, the genocidal, illegal, settler state full of rabid sub-human animals.

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Good work, Scott. Nazi Israel is the state definition of insane, and capable of going for broke.

The Empire, in contrast, for all its evil, does not have a uniformly vicious and crazy people, only and ignorant, passive, submissive one, and only the "leadership" is arrogantly deranged. If the Nazi Jews strike Iran, war will be uncontainable and Israel will be destroyed, as it richly deserves to be. The magnitude of destruction that will result is unimaginable.

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Hello, Someone. I see you approve of my thinking and I appreciate you.

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I understand the feeling of powerlessness, but I'm choosing to believe that our voices still matter. This is my first time voting, and I'm doing it with the hope for real change. I'll be voting for Jill Stein because I want a leader who prioritizes diplomacy and peace, and who isn’t beholden to powerful lobbies or the military-industrial complex. We might not be able to change everything overnight, but every step towards a more peaceful and just world is worth taking. It’s our responsibility to try, and I’m starting with my vote.

Thank you Scott Ritter for speaking up, we truly appreciate the work you do. I bought your operation dawn coin in support too ✌️

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Finally. Someone other than me who believes in JILL STEIN and what she stands for. Go Green.

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The Green party is part of one of the biggest scams on the planet.

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Scott, before this leak, we were already expecting an Israeli strike on Iran, though the scale of the attack was an unknown. After seeing these documents, do the strike plans align with the scale you would have predicted or do they exceed? lt would also be great to hear your analysis on what role Russia would play in this scenario.

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Great article Scott. The best outcome would be the end of zionism.

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Great article. Suppose the postulated exchange takes place and Israel uses nukes. First of all if the S-4/500's are in place not sure how many would get through. But suppose a couple did. Iran then destroys Israel with conventional weapons. Israel is in ruins. The wavering Arabs are shoved off the fence. The world is aghast at the use of nukes. Israel is effectively erased and disgraced. And what's US intervention going to do? The US can't sustain a war with Iran. Not saying the Israelis aren't crazy enough to do it. Just saying they lose big time in the end. I don't see any way out for Israel--or the US.

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The US would keep supporting Israel. The US will support Israel until the end of time.

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Most Christians believe Israel is part of the end of time and fully support a nuclear war in the Middle East because it will trigger the rapture of the Church.

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Pathological and suicidal.


(We "civilised' are soooooo absolutely f**ked up!)

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Great Article!

We've shared the link on our report.

A Skeptic War Reports


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Masons need a global war to justify their global government:



All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!


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40,000 is way under estimated. 200,000 dead at least and a million injured.

It took only two months or so to get to 20K, then 30K, and nine months later, with intensified attacks we're told to believe only 10K more dead?

Lancet is spot on with their estimation.

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Bomber Harris and LeMay enjoyed huge ground and naval support!

Neither Israel nor US have a fraction of the resources to perform a counter force air campaign against Iran (multiply this deficiency for Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Shi'a Iraq).

60 odd ballistic (delivered) warheads! 2000kg total throw. They will devise a counter value (terrorist) strike package designed to harm civilians and as you allude attempt to raise the minor dissidents up. Lots of headlines, lots of pictures of fire balls, operational value nil.

The dissident list against Iran is culturally disparate, geo-separate, divided and small. It is as effete if not more than Russian dissidents the US neocon press hope will coup Moscow.

Ballistic trajectory can be engaged in terminal..... Wonder what Russia has sent?

Iraq worked because a couple of corps worth of boots on the ground! Clinton's years no fly zone and embargoes degrading Iraqi air defense.

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An inescapable conclusion that if war between Iran and Israel breaks out that escalation to a. Nuclear strike by Israel is more likely than not. Especially if Israel takes out Iranian leaders. Maybe some hope if the attack is thwarted and an Iranian response is limited.

I have to wonder if it is Netanyahu’s intention to provoke a response that he can use as an excuse for a nuclear escalation. Either that or he believes his own bullshit too much.

Was the Israeli strike in April against the radar system successful?

What chances the S-400 / S-500 system can defeat the majority of an attack?

Is the ROCK itself nuclear capable?

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"What chances the S-400 / S-500 system can defeat the majority of an attack?"

I want to know this.

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The U.S. created Israel and is responsible for containing Israhell! If not, Russia will wipe it off the map.

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Exactly the opposite! Geezuz, can you not de-program yourself from everything the zios taught you!🙄 The occupation of the IS and Britain is what allowed the ZioS to pull off theIR first 2 WWs. RESEARCH

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