The REAL THREAT to the United States NATIONAL SECURITY is the AIPAC Lobby (and its executive branch Mossad within the US) which has control on anything related to Israel, thru decades of bribing and/or blackmailing nearly ALL US top level politicians (mostly in Congress, as shown in the recent immoral Netanyahu address to US Congress), whom you can identify because they still flatly refuse to condemn, as any other decent human being would, the open, cynical, months long GENOCIDE of the Palestinian People including bombing of children, hospitals, shelters...
The LIVES of thousands of US soldiers and millions of US citizens are IN DANGER by the Israel's frequent decisions to force involvement of the US in its crazy wars, abuses and GENOCIDE. They do not care at all about the President of the United States numerous requests to stop them.
Ariel Sharon (Israel's Prime Minister), October 1st 2001:
"I want to tell you something very clear:
Don't worry about American pressure on Israel.
We, the Jewish People, control America, and the Americans KNOW IT".
I make a distinction between people who commit crimes against humanity and Genocide, and people who don't. Ethnic and religion beliefs mean nothing to me. The entire world is against the people that have done this.
I totally agree with your sentiment! It’s beyond horrible, what’s going on “over there.” I’m just hearing a lot of anti-everybody-who’s-Jewish stuff these days. I have friends who are Jewish and good, decent people, so I feel they need defending.
Senator Fullbright is not Ariel Sharon, regardless of how accurate the quote re: Israeli control of the US Senate may be.
Your quote implies that Ariel Sharon openly said that thing. Do you have a source?
The political link is attributed to a radio station reporting on a conversation. No date, no link to original content, name of reporter? ANYTHING beyond this paragraph posted online?
Another link that includes Senator Fulbright (famous for his Scholarships, then head of the Foreign Relations Committee, ousted after that extremely serious comment) and General George S. Brown basically stating the same: Israel control of the US Senate, as seen recently with Netanyahu adress:
AIPAC just spent $24M to primary a single congressman who had the temerity to offer a mild critique of Israel. Menachim Begin said essentially the same thing generations ago. There's a lot of truth that's verboten speech in 1984 Amerika and it's vassals.
(I always enjoyed your lyrics, good to see you on Substack!)
Interesting, which congressman did AIPAC spend $ TWENTY FOUR MILLION to primary? Because that is nearly their ENTIRE political contribution for 2024 across the whole of US politics?!
How did they transfer the funds, through a PAC donation? Or did their treasurer write a check? Or Mossad delivered a van load of cash???
Yes, I'm aware of the special foreign country which is exempted from having to register their agents and their financial incentives to our elected officials & etc..
Still not receiving a verifiable attribution of statement quoted as made by Sharon (OR a similar quote by Begin) openly stating that they (Israel/Jews) are in control of the USA/US Senate. Possibly because they're amoral, not stupid?
Thanks for your time, if you CAN find a solid attribution of that exact quote or even one of similar meaning by a prime minister of Israel? Said/written by whom and spoken or addressed to what audience? Date? Reported by?
"Everyone knows" is not a useful level of verification.
Remember, G Dubbya was totally sarcastic and everyone bought it!
He merely played dumb... It was sarcasm and not irony because the laugh was all on us, Humanity, who the pre-historic elites still think are "peasants" soon to be Holocausted globally. Rapture is a satanic inversion of what they have designed to happen (long story).
Living in Sweden, I have not bothered with Kamala Harris but seeing a few clips with JP has made me think if she's is playing the Hegelian Thesis (Marxian Problem) role of, "the politicians did all they could to stop nuclear WWIII but were incompetent, and hence the world needs Ten NWO Regions ruled by corporate technocrats."
Remember GWB at the Korean DMZ, looking in the binoculars the wrong way? SNL did a comedy about it...
Tucker Carlson confirms: "Kamala is not being real, she's impersonating herself."
Trump and Biden have played this same sarcastic role to whereas Obama's role was to play the "honest failure" - all are totally in.
MUST SEE 7min video "I, Pet Goat II" (i.e. I'm also a little devil) on!
Scroll to page 36, 43-46 for Michael Tellinger link:
"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is -- stand up to them.
It just boggles the mind.
They always get what they want.
The Israelis know what is going on all the time.
I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down.
If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms.
Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on."
Thomas H. Moorer, Admiral in the US Navy and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, from an interview with Mordecai Gur, 1973.
Pat Buchanan, a well-known author, political commentator, influential staff member in the Nixon and Reagan administrations and former presidential candidate, once said that, “Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory.”
Former U.S. Congressman Paul Findley documented the reality of Buchanan’s words in a book called, “They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby”. On page 161 of Findley’s book, he quotes what the former Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer said above.
Amazing story. No American wants to really believe the FBI is corrupt, or heavily biased, but the last few years shows so many examples of how “Russia, Russia, Russia” has so evidently infected their internal cultural thinking. I expect, or am not surprised, when politicians get infected with it, but “our national law enforcement”. This and other recent stories are why I really think “defund the FBI” makes sense. Organizations break, and breaking them down to size is often the only solution. Scott: Thank you for sharing this story. It is important.
I would be happy if the FBI were disbanded and their duties - their REAL duties, like stopping the trafficking of children - were handed over to the U.S. Marshals Service, which I believe to be a far more professional, moral, and efficient agency. As a former police officer, I use to respect the FBI, but lost that respect due to Ruby Ridge, and then the killing of over 70 men, women, and CHILDREN at Waco, holding back fire trucks that might have saved those lives. Their current behavior under Obama, and now Biden/Obama, has actually worsened in my opinion. The men and women of the FBI who sought to do their legitimate jobs, keeping to legal, professional, and moral behavior appear to have been driven out of the agency.
NATO is a big one, but the CCP (not the Chinese people) is, I believe, the biggest threat. They have openly indicated their desire to become the greatest "superpower", and have been working diligently ever since Mao Zedung to achieve that goal. They have been working at that in many ways more than simply militarily, and have been quite successful in advancing toward that goal, although - considering their current economic situation - they may find themselves down and out in the same fashion as the Soviet Union did.
Russia, IMO, has no such goal, it simply doesn't want to be surrounded by NATO missiles and blocked from access to their traditional port for their Black Sea fleet. Quite similarly to our response to missiles in Cuba (trivia: my father flew thermographic (IR) photographic flights over those missile sites, based out of MacDill AFB).
Thank you for your previous service. I’ve never had a bad experience in the USA with any law enforcement. I’ve had several GOOD ones, tho. And I agree with what you’re saying…
As someone going through HELL with the county court here in WA (Wokeville, USA) I’m feeling like a LOT of our system, which maybe had inherent flaws from waaay back, is really falling apart right now, and I have reason to think it’s kind of DELIBERATE. I share your poor opinion of Obama, and I don’t have any experience with US Marshalls, but I’ve had Very Good experiences with Sheriff’s Deputies (except one very young, snotty little shit, lol), and I think MANY of our law enforcement folks are doing a good job, especially under recent circumstances… There’s always going to be bullies in jobs like that… that’s why we have to keep things VISIBLE. Cheers.
Thanks for this interesting article. I am halfway through “The Devil’s Chessboard” by David Talbot. US Cold War fear and loathing of Russia was guided by the Dulles brothers and their Nazi criminal par excellénce Reinholdt Gehlen. To these guys extermination of expendable populations was a strategic option … the financial interests of their power-elite law clients first priority. Regime changes, perpetual vigilance and war and neutralizing the nuclear hesitancy of morally hog-tied government officials and citizens were policy objectives, logical imperatives in pursuit of American world dominance.
Where are we today? It seems as if nothing has changed after seven decades of regime changes, assassinations, democide and wars that have punctuated the historical time line of defense/bioweapon development.
I thought the Dulles brothers were dead. From the after life they are still running the State Dept and intelligence services.
And the notion of "expendable populations" - championed by people such as Bill Gates, the WEF, etc. - has taken hold of a sizable part of those in our government, in the Administrative State, and among the more rabid on the Left.
indeed, eugenicism runs deep: Bill Gates Sr. administers his son's 'philantropic' William H. Gates III Foundation (est.1994) which spends millions of dollars on an array of programs aimed at training international specialists in "reproductive health and family planning". Ted Turner and Warren Buffett (a Gates family friend) are other billionaires who've had a fond spot for population control.
Isn’t it interesting that Johns Hopkins was involved in the pre-Covid exercises that appeared to mimic - and predict - the course of the whole Covid debacle, weeks before the virus was found to have escaped the lab in Wuhan?
Indeed. Gates has been interested (in a layman’s fashion) with “the science” for many years. I once saw a video of him speaking to a group of CIA about developing a virus that would suppress aggression in orthodox (aka “radical”) muslims in order to reduce terrorism. Gates is fond of viruses.
It must be quite something to experience state intimidation and harrassment of this nature, but as has been confirmed in recent years, this is now commonplace in the United States.
It's difficult to understand the sheer cowardice and lack of honour required to covertly spy on fellow innocent citizens who have different political views, based on made up / ridiculous allegations.
To anyone involved in this latest outrage and /or state harrassment and intimidation of your own citizens and who may be reading Scott's piece, reflect for a moment about what you're doing and the immense damage that you're doing to the United States.
Think about the future, your family name and your reputation. THINK - and stop participating in this madness.
Anyway, Scott, what is going on tells you all you need to know about the US Federal government these days. It is a sad tale that has caused so many of us outside America, who used to support the USA, to turn away from your nation.
I admire your bravery but would implore you not to underestimate how evil these people are. As you've said , they are working hand in hand with the despicable Kiev regime and have a track record of destroying the lives of innocent people.
Apart from the safety and health of you and your family (and dogs), what matters right now is your voice and if that is best delivered in the safety of asylum in another country, I think that you should seriously consider it. I know it goes against everything in your nature to get out, but please consider the very real danger you may be in.
In the meantime, Scott, we applaud your heroism, patriotism and courage. You are a true American, a reminder of what used to make Americans and America great, and you provide hope to some of us of what may re-emerge after this dark period has passed.
Scott, as someone who has come to be diligently working for peace via what appears to be a fairly conservative, apolitical upbringing, I would like your opinion of a crude hypothesis.
The DP was for generations a lunch pail party in contrast to the deep pockets in the GOP (Guardians of Privilege). When, in increments, the DP joined the GOP in courting corporate monies the lay of the political land was permanently altered.
The SCOTUS has become politicized, billionaires have become the defacto arbiters of all political decisions in both political parties, and money has displaced principle as the criteria upon which policies are formulated.
I cannot believe that you would be in the crosshairs of the FBI if we lived in a representative democracy instead of an oligarchy. Am I being simplistic?
The executive branch is supposed to enforce the law. When this branch breaks the law or the DOJ declines to enforce it, there is no back up. A new role of local sheriff’s departments that have sworn allegiance to the Consitution, with local magistrates who can order the FBI or other Federal personnel to stand down while a conflict is adjudicated seems like the next step if a lesson is to be learned from the unexpected. corruption we are experiencing or observing. IMO.
That might be helpful, if the local sheriff is one who has integrity and a greater ability to understand the Constitution than the DOJ. But what happens if the sheriff is Joe Arpaio, or the Sheriff of Nottingham?
Scott Ritter's recourse in our system would be through the courts, and to win there, one has to have deep enough pockets to take Supreme Court justices on island-hopping vacations. And have you seen the bellies on Clarence Thomas and his wife? Those folks can eat, so your yacht better be well-stocked.
Ritter's problem is that he actually loves this country, and, as Daniel Ellsberg and others have found, telling the truth and doing the right thing have a price.
Wasn't it Solzhenitsyn who said (I'm paraphrasing poorly) that the only place for an honest man im a corrupted society is in one of their gulags?
You’re right of course. Your neighbor’s dog has more integrity than the current DOJ. Here is my model. Some new State nullification laws will be needed. With local sheriffs and magistrates elected every two years and honest local news muckraker feedback on their performance, and good citizen engagement, maybe there could be a better handle on local authorities than we have on our DOJ. Oh, and local law enforcement will be able to put FBI, CIA and IRS terrorists in the klink if I complain about them.
The other model is this: everybody is paid off with Pharma money all the way down. President. HHS. DOJ. Governor. State AG. County commissioners. Mayor, local press. This system is working seamlessly!
Mel Brooks did a documentary on the Sheriff of Nottingham called “Men in Tights.” RIP Roger Rhys.
You don't know my neighbor's dog. He's a scoundrel, a thief (steaks on the BBQ especially -- he waits 'till they're medium rare), oh, wait, you're right, he does have more integrity than the current or past DOJ. And Men in Tights was great!
There are many such questions about many people having illegal things done to them... these days. Shit is going on. We're gonna come to a head soon enough, and then all hell's gonna break loose, and WE will have to put those Nasties down. Watch your bank stuff, they'll be trying to control us through all this "digital currency" bullshit.
Amazing analysis of the common paranoia of USSR and USA even today after a ho hum end to the cold war that really never really ended depending on which end of the investigative strategies you are on , who you work for, who you think you work for--as part of a strategy to numb you off the Big Boy Networks around the globe.
I really appreciate your honest favorable intent to call down dismissal of free press and freedom of the press just to disclose petulant Ugly American points made by our wannabe Socialist Masters. "Mommy what is a Monster"? "It is what you are called when you embarrass the Evil Empire Honey."🤪
Talking about being an “agent of a foreign principal”, that applies to everyone who works for AIPAC. Maybe the FBI should be put to better use making sure that all of them get registered.
What about all the jews who control the US gov't, who control theUS banking system, who control the US media, who control many businesses etc etc? AIPAC should be sent packing!
I follow you from the UK, with gratitude, respect and admiration for your clarity of vision and your commitment and bravery. Always rooting for you, and also your long suffering family! I am sure you are an integral part of the process of carefully steering the US towards safer waters.
Very impressive Scott, and an indictment of the sad truth of a world that wants war over peace. The powers that be are digging a hole so wide and deep that no civilization can ever disregard their nefarious energy used for the destruction of those who only want peace and harmony for all.
In a world of insanity governed by stupidity, all those with a clean bill of health must be steadfast in their knowledge of what is ethically sound and morally correct.
Keep strong, Scott!
The REAL THREAT to the United States NATIONAL SECURITY is the AIPAC Lobby (and its executive branch Mossad within the US) which has control on anything related to Israel, thru decades of bribing and/or blackmailing nearly ALL US top level politicians (mostly in Congress, as shown in the recent immoral Netanyahu address to US Congress), whom you can identify because they still flatly refuse to condemn, as any other decent human being would, the open, cynical, months long GENOCIDE of the Palestinian People including bombing of children, hospitals, shelters...
The LIVES of thousands of US soldiers and millions of US citizens are IN DANGER by the Israel's frequent decisions to force involvement of the US in its crazy wars, abuses and GENOCIDE. They do not care at all about the President of the United States numerous requests to stop them.
Ariel Sharon (Israel's Prime Minister), October 1st 2001:
"I want to tell you something very clear:
Don't worry about American pressure on Israel.
We, the Jewish People, control America, and the Americans KNOW IT".
Sign and share the petition to Outlaw AIPAC:
I agree, and will add that there's plenty of threats. But yeah.
But I do make a distinction between normal Jews and Zionists.
I make a distinction between people who commit crimes against humanity and Genocide, and people who don't. Ethnic and religion beliefs mean nothing to me. The entire world is against the people that have done this.
I totally agree with your sentiment! It’s beyond horrible, what’s going on “over there.” I’m just hearing a lot of anti-everybody-who’s-Jewish stuff these days. I have friends who are Jewish and good, decent people, so I feel they need defending.
Please provide link to source for the below:
"Ariel Sharon (Israel's Prime Minister), October 1st 2001:
"I want to tell you something very clear:
Don't worry about American pressure on Israel.
We, the Jewish People, control America, and the Americans KNOW IT"."
Senator Fulbright was PUSHED OUT of the Senate after his "comment" on "Face the Nation", 1973:
It also includes:
"Israeli Influence on the U.S.:
"Israel controls the United States Senate." - Sen. William Fulbrlght"
Thank you for your response. However:
Your link is paywalled.
Senator Fullbright is not Ariel Sharon, regardless of how accurate the quote re: Israeli control of the US Senate may be.
Your quote implies that Ariel Sharon openly said that thing. Do you have a source?
The political link is attributed to a radio station reporting on a conversation. No date, no link to original content, name of reporter? ANYTHING beyond this paragraph posted online?
I can open the link without paywall...
It includes:
Israeli Influence on the U.S.:
"Israel controls the United States Senate." - Sen. William Fulbrlght
"I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, Israel controls
America, and the Americans know it." - Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, Oct. 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Ylsrael radio.
"To wage war by way of deception" - Official Motto of Israels Mossad secret service
I can not open the Star-Journal article without buying a subscription.
I do not consider restating the online political forum unverifiable Sharon quote to be verification. But thank you for your time in responding-
Another link that includes Senator Fulbright (famous for his Scholarships, then head of the Foreign Relations Committee, ousted after that extremely serious comment) and General George S. Brown basically stating the same: Israel control of the US Senate, as seen recently with Netanyahu adress:
AIPAC just spent $24M to primary a single congressman who had the temerity to offer a mild critique of Israel. Menachim Begin said essentially the same thing generations ago. There's a lot of truth that's verboten speech in 1984 Amerika and it's vassals.
@Robert Hunter
(I always enjoyed your lyrics, good to see you on Substack!)
Interesting, which congressman did AIPAC spend $ TWENTY FOUR MILLION to primary? Because that is nearly their ENTIRE political contribution for 2024 across the whole of US politics?!
How did they transfer the funds, through a PAC donation? Or did their treasurer write a check? Or Mossad delivered a van load of cash???
Yes, I'm aware of the special foreign country which is exempted from having to register their agents and their financial incentives to our elected officials & etc..
Still not receiving a verifiable attribution of statement quoted as made by Sharon (OR a similar quote by Begin) openly stating that they (Israel/Jews) are in control of the USA/US Senate. Possibly because they're amoral, not stupid?
Thanks for your time, if you CAN find a solid attribution of that exact quote or even one of similar meaning by a prime minister of Israel? Said/written by whom and spoken or addressed to what audience? Date? Reported by?
"Everyone knows" is not a useful level of verification.
Netanyahu: "America can easily be manipulated".
A more complete video :
Netanyahu: "America can easily be moved":
Check this video link:
This satire on Trump and Kamala hints that the real threat to the US is the public who continue to subscribe them:
And if you're still not convinced, see this Trump shooting satire:
Remember, G Dubbya was totally sarcastic and everyone bought it!
He merely played dumb... It was sarcasm and not irony because the laugh was all on us, Humanity, who the pre-historic elites still think are "peasants" soon to be Holocausted globally. Rapture is a satanic inversion of what they have designed to happen (long story).
Living in Sweden, I have not bothered with Kamala Harris but seeing a few clips with JP has made me think if she's is playing the Hegelian Thesis (Marxian Problem) role of, "the politicians did all they could to stop nuclear WWIII but were incompetent, and hence the world needs Ten NWO Regions ruled by corporate technocrats."
Remember GWB at the Korean DMZ, looking in the binoculars the wrong way? SNL did a comedy about it...
Tucker Carlson confirms: "Kamala is not being real, she's impersonating herself."
Trump and Biden have played this same sarcastic role to whereas Obama's role was to play the "honest failure" - all are totally in.
MUST SEE 7min video "I, Pet Goat II" (i.e. I'm also a little devil) on!
Scroll to page 36, 43-46 for Michael Tellinger link:
Solution is Michael Tellinger's One Small Town initiative and Infinity Token!
"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is -- stand up to them.
It just boggles the mind.
They always get what they want.
The Israelis know what is going on all the time.
I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything down.
If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms.
Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on."
Thomas H. Moorer, Admiral in the US Navy and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, from an interview with Mordecai Gur, 1973.
Pat Buchanan, a well-known author, political commentator, influential staff member in the Nixon and Reagan administrations and former presidential candidate, once said that, “Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory.”
Former U.S. Congressman Paul Findley documented the reality of Buchanan’s words in a book called, “They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby”. On page 161 of Findley’s book, he quotes what the former Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer said above.
They are after Tulsi Gabbard also : TULSI GABBARD - The Biden Harris Administration Is Coming After Me 8:44 min
They're after ANYBODY who speaks out, and speaks TRUTH.
That's the Nasties' little errand boys for ya.
Amazing story. No American wants to really believe the FBI is corrupt, or heavily biased, but the last few years shows so many examples of how “Russia, Russia, Russia” has so evidently infected their internal cultural thinking. I expect, or am not surprised, when politicians get infected with it, but “our national law enforcement”. This and other recent stories are why I really think “defund the FBI” makes sense. Organizations break, and breaking them down to size is often the only solution. Scott: Thank you for sharing this story. It is important.
Funding to the FBI must be cut down. We don’t expect our tax dollars to fund raids on American citizens.
We don't need no stinkin' FBI.
I would be happy if the FBI were disbanded and their duties - their REAL duties, like stopping the trafficking of children - were handed over to the U.S. Marshals Service, which I believe to be a far more professional, moral, and efficient agency. As a former police officer, I use to respect the FBI, but lost that respect due to Ruby Ridge, and then the killing of over 70 men, women, and CHILDREN at Waco, holding back fire trucks that might have saved those lives. Their current behavior under Obama, and now Biden/Obama, has actually worsened in my opinion. The men and women of the FBI who sought to do their legitimate jobs, keeping to legal, professional, and moral behavior appear to have been driven out of the agency.
As a European from the Netherlands I would be happy if NATO were disbanded! It should have been in 1991 already.
NATO is the greatest threat to world peace.
NATO is a big one, but the CCP (not the Chinese people) is, I believe, the biggest threat. They have openly indicated their desire to become the greatest "superpower", and have been working diligently ever since Mao Zedung to achieve that goal. They have been working at that in many ways more than simply militarily, and have been quite successful in advancing toward that goal, although - considering their current economic situation - they may find themselves down and out in the same fashion as the Soviet Union did.
Russia, IMO, has no such goal, it simply doesn't want to be surrounded by NATO missiles and blocked from access to their traditional port for their Black Sea fleet. Quite similarly to our response to missiles in Cuba (trivia: my father flew thermographic (IR) photographic flights over those missile sites, based out of MacDill AFB).
Thank you for your previous service. I’ve never had a bad experience in the USA with any law enforcement. I’ve had several GOOD ones, tho. And I agree with what you’re saying…
As someone going through HELL with the county court here in WA (Wokeville, USA) I’m feeling like a LOT of our system, which maybe had inherent flaws from waaay back, is really falling apart right now, and I have reason to think it’s kind of DELIBERATE. I share your poor opinion of Obama, and I don’t have any experience with US Marshalls, but I’ve had Very Good experiences with Sheriff’s Deputies (except one very young, snotty little shit, lol), and I think MANY of our law enforcement folks are doing a good job, especially under recent circumstances… There’s always going to be bullies in jobs like that… that’s why we have to keep things VISIBLE. Cheers.
Thanks for this interesting article. I am halfway through “The Devil’s Chessboard” by David Talbot. US Cold War fear and loathing of Russia was guided by the Dulles brothers and their Nazi criminal par excellénce Reinholdt Gehlen. To these guys extermination of expendable populations was a strategic option … the financial interests of their power-elite law clients first priority. Regime changes, perpetual vigilance and war and neutralizing the nuclear hesitancy of morally hog-tied government officials and citizens were policy objectives, logical imperatives in pursuit of American world dominance.
Where are we today? It seems as if nothing has changed after seven decades of regime changes, assassinations, democide and wars that have punctuated the historical time line of defense/bioweapon development.
I thought the Dulles brothers were dead. From the after life they are still running the State Dept and intelligence services.
And the notion of "expendable populations" - championed by people such as Bill Gates, the WEF, etc. - has taken hold of a sizable part of those in our government, in the Administrative State, and among the more rabid on the Left.
indeed, eugenicism runs deep: Bill Gates Sr. administers his son's 'philantropic' William H. Gates III Foundation (est.1994) which spends millions of dollars on an array of programs aimed at training international specialists in "reproductive health and family planning". Ted Turner and Warren Buffett (a Gates family friend) are other billionaires who've had a fond spot for population control.
According to L. Zabin, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and who served with Gates Sr. on the national board of Planned Parenthood, both Gates Sr. and Jr. have been "deeply involved in this issue for decades...." -
Isn’t it interesting that Johns Hopkins was involved in the pre-Covid exercises that appeared to mimic - and predict - the course of the whole Covid debacle, weeks before the virus was found to have escaped the lab in Wuhan?
Johns Hopkins is very much part of and important tool of (dis)information for TPTB. you know, "science".
Indeed. Gates has been interested (in a layman’s fashion) with “the science” for many years. I once saw a video of him speaking to a group of CIA about developing a virus that would suppress aggression in orthodox (aka “radical”) muslims in order to reduce terrorism. Gates is fond of viruses.
like his computer programmes, always prone to some computer 'virus' ;-))
Great piece, Scott.
It must be quite something to experience state intimidation and harrassment of this nature, but as has been confirmed in recent years, this is now commonplace in the United States.
It's difficult to understand the sheer cowardice and lack of honour required to covertly spy on fellow innocent citizens who have different political views, based on made up / ridiculous allegations.
To anyone involved in this latest outrage and /or state harrassment and intimidation of your own citizens and who may be reading Scott's piece, reflect for a moment about what you're doing and the immense damage that you're doing to the United States.
Think about the future, your family name and your reputation. THINK - and stop participating in this madness.
Anyway, Scott, what is going on tells you all you need to know about the US Federal government these days. It is a sad tale that has caused so many of us outside America, who used to support the USA, to turn away from your nation.
I admire your bravery but would implore you not to underestimate how evil these people are. As you've said , they are working hand in hand with the despicable Kiev regime and have a track record of destroying the lives of innocent people.
Apart from the safety and health of you and your family (and dogs), what matters right now is your voice and if that is best delivered in the safety of asylum in another country, I think that you should seriously consider it. I know it goes against everything in your nature to get out, but please consider the very real danger you may be in.
In the meantime, Scott, we applaud your heroism, patriotism and courage. You are a true American, a reminder of what used to make Americans and America great, and you provide hope to some of us of what may re-emerge after this dark period has passed.
Scott, as someone who has come to be diligently working for peace via what appears to be a fairly conservative, apolitical upbringing, I would like your opinion of a crude hypothesis.
The DP was for generations a lunch pail party in contrast to the deep pockets in the GOP (Guardians of Privilege). When, in increments, the DP joined the GOP in courting corporate monies the lay of the political land was permanently altered.
The SCOTUS has become politicized, billionaires have become the defacto arbiters of all political decisions in both political parties, and money has displaced principle as the criteria upon which policies are formulated.
I cannot believe that you would be in the crosshairs of the FBI if we lived in a representative democracy instead of an oligarchy. Am I being simplistic?
I don't understand how Mr Ritter's passport can be seized when he hasn't been charged with anything.
The executive branch is supposed to enforce the law. When this branch breaks the law or the DOJ declines to enforce it, there is no back up. A new role of local sheriff’s departments that have sworn allegiance to the Consitution, with local magistrates who can order the FBI or other Federal personnel to stand down while a conflict is adjudicated seems like the next step if a lesson is to be learned from the unexpected. corruption we are experiencing or observing. IMO.
That might be helpful, if the local sheriff is one who has integrity and a greater ability to understand the Constitution than the DOJ. But what happens if the sheriff is Joe Arpaio, or the Sheriff of Nottingham?
Scott Ritter's recourse in our system would be through the courts, and to win there, one has to have deep enough pockets to take Supreme Court justices on island-hopping vacations. And have you seen the bellies on Clarence Thomas and his wife? Those folks can eat, so your yacht better be well-stocked.
Ritter's problem is that he actually loves this country, and, as Daniel Ellsberg and others have found, telling the truth and doing the right thing have a price.
Wasn't it Solzhenitsyn who said (I'm paraphrasing poorly) that the only place for an honest man im a corrupted society is in one of their gulags?
You’re right of course. Your neighbor’s dog has more integrity than the current DOJ. Here is my model. Some new State nullification laws will be needed. With local sheriffs and magistrates elected every two years and honest local news muckraker feedback on their performance, and good citizen engagement, maybe there could be a better handle on local authorities than we have on our DOJ. Oh, and local law enforcement will be able to put FBI, CIA and IRS terrorists in the klink if I complain about them.
The other model is this: everybody is paid off with Pharma money all the way down. President. HHS. DOJ. Governor. State AG. County commissioners. Mayor, local press. This system is working seamlessly!
Mel Brooks did a documentary on the Sheriff of Nottingham called “Men in Tights.” RIP Roger Rhys.
You don't know my neighbor's dog. He's a scoundrel, a thief (steaks on the BBQ especially -- he waits 'till they're medium rare), oh, wait, you're right, he does have more integrity than the current or past DOJ. And Men in Tights was great!
Cheers, E F
There are many such questions about many people having illegal things done to them... these days. Shit is going on. We're gonna come to a head soon enough, and then all hell's gonna break loose, and WE will have to put those Nasties down. Watch your bank stuff, they'll be trying to control us through all this "digital currency" bullshit.
Every action by the FBI is illegal because the FBI itself is unconstitutional.
Amazing analysis of the common paranoia of USSR and USA even today after a ho hum end to the cold war that really never really ended depending on which end of the investigative strategies you are on , who you work for, who you think you work for--as part of a strategy to numb you off the Big Boy Networks around the globe.
I really appreciate your honest favorable intent to call down dismissal of free press and freedom of the press just to disclose petulant Ugly American points made by our wannabe Socialist Masters. "Mommy what is a Monster"? "It is what you are called when you embarrass the Evil Empire Honey."🤪
For the FBI reading this— I know you think you’re honorable people. You’re not.
Talking about being an “agent of a foreign principal”, that applies to everyone who works for AIPAC. Maybe the FBI should be put to better use making sure that all of them get registered.
What about all the jews who control the US gov't, who control theUS banking system, who control the US media, who control many businesses etc etc? AIPAC should be sent packing!
I follow you from the UK, with gratitude, respect and admiration for your clarity of vision and your commitment and bravery. Always rooting for you, and also your long suffering family! I am sure you are an integral part of the process of carefully steering the US towards safer waters.
Very impressive Scott, and an indictment of the sad truth of a world that wants war over peace. The powers that be are digging a hole so wide and deep that no civilization can ever disregard their nefarious energy used for the destruction of those who only want peace and harmony for all.
In a world of insanity governed by stupidity, all those with a clean bill of health must be steadfast in their knowledge of what is ethically sound and morally correct.