Days before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, President Joe Biden publicly declared that “it’s time to put a bullseye on Trump.” While Biden clearly wasn’t openly calling for the assassination of Trump, words have meaning.
I've heard an even funnier thing from Johnson. Johnson said the curvature of the earth has to be considered in aiming the shot, implying that the bullet drops because of the curvature of the earth. Most of us would retort that it is gravity which causes the bullet to deviate from a straight line toward the earth's surface.
Let's look at Newton's laws: mainly the first one. I will paraphrase. a body moves in a straight line with uniform velocity unless acted upon by a force. The curvature of the earth only increases the distance of the body from the earth's surface, and gravity pulls it downward, decreasing it. Maybe that's what Johnson was saying, but gravity, it would be my guess, has a far greater effect by shortening the distance than the curvature does in increasing the distance from the earth's surface.
My calculations indicate that if the bullet were moving at the speed of sound, and it traveled for one second, that gravity's downward pull would result in a drop of about sixteen feet, compared to an increase in elevation caused by the earth's curvature, of about four hundredths of an inch.
Sorry, the correction for the earth's curvature for a projectile traveling one second "horizontally" would be about a tenth of a second, not 4 hundredths.
Given how skilled at analysis and mechanics Brien is - he runs a group inventing new technologies in his free time, drones to monitor and deliver substances to huge farm fields - I would imagine he was doing pretty much the same as you were, Scott, both Marines, and I assume trained at the same grounds. There would have been a time difference though, as he is much younger than you. Whether that would affect his trainers views I cannot know. However, he does mention that Marines rifle shooting grounds have flags starting from the 330 yd mark, and further, in order to determine wind direction, so perhaps, when he wrote it, the distance had not been confirmed ,and he wrote believing it to be greater than 150 yds.
Biden and Trump are red herrings. Corporate domination must be stopped. It is the central most corrupting influence in governance and media/social platforms/newspapers and militarism. It's destructiveness is felt daily somewhere in the world where fire, floods, and deadly hurricanes hyper- intensified and in frequency threaten human existence.USA citizens must do a "Bolivian" to halt and leash the controlling corporate influence.
That's the sentiment that inspired the attack on the World Trade center. So with the attack on David Koresh. So with the Oklahoma City bombing. So with #metoo, George Floyd, and countless other acts of violence.
All stemming from the crazed left who are bound and determined to bring a communist form of government into existence, whether or not we approve, or destroy the whole house of cards in the process.
Just like in the civil war, there comes a time where good and reasonable men must take a stand, and say no more! If that fails then good men are forced to commit evil deeds (killing) to put an end to evil that threatens the existence of humanity. If the course we are on now is not altered soon, then approve or not we will have a civil war in America.
Crazed left that brings a communist form of government? What the hell you are talking about?
There is no political left in the US, non of significance anywhere to be seen.
This ingrained anticommunism, based on brainwashing and low education level, that is what ruins the US and will end in either you people are going to kill each other or bring your inner conflict upon the rest of the world in making war, as the US always did so far.
Really, get your head out of your ass and have a good look around. Nothing but equity and inclusion coming out of the left, while they silence or disparage anyone who disagrees with their narrative. Censorship runs rampant on the left. If this is not a socialist/communist agenda, then by all means tell what it is!!!
Just use the right name. It is GLOBALIST AGENDA (see WEF, NATO, etc.) and their goal is one world government, i. e. elites with their global corporations want to own everything, even people, in short, they want all for themselves. (See how Ukrainian natural resources have being grabed since 2014. Today, ordinary people in Ukraine live in total terror from their government.)
People being equal in poverty (what globalist agenda is about) is exactly the oposit of the socialist values. (For example, Cuban revolution was a revolt against American elites and corporations who were just exploiting Cuban resources and people - only a few Cubans were rich, the rest was suffering tremendously. Revolutionaries under Castro just wanted dignified life for all Cuban people (that's why so many attempts on his life = regime change attempts). And what made life so difficult Cuba, was not socialism, but US SANCTIONS, they were installed by Kennedy in the 60s and they are still not lifted! The same story in North Korea - US sanctions were killing people there!)
And I know what I am talking about. I was born and educated in socialist Yugoslavia. We had much better standard of living and freedom and democracy than we have now in so called "democratic" Slovenia - actually, now is the first time I experience a totalitarian regime (eg. freedom of speech: I am not allowed to say what I see; I am not only shadowbanned in Facebook, but I am facing legal sanctions if I keep telling the truth). Our government obviously couldn't care less about people, they prefer to go to Davos and Brussels and get paid for betraying their own nation.
And I can see exactly the same thing in the USA, the truth is that the people of the US are being betrayed by their government who has become a proxy government ruled by globalists.
As long as you believe the boogeyman stories about "communist threat", "China threat", etc, you will be very easy to manipulate with and your hands will be tied. (If one does not recognize who the real enemy is, there is no way to fight back and win...)
But it is probably because you did your education a while ago or you had people on your way guiding you towards the humanist & non capitalist direction.
Who's being manipulated here? From its beginnings with Marx and Engels Communism has had global aspirations, and they are masters of chameleon misrepresentation of their goads and strategies. And they have always utilized useful idiots to champion their cause. Useful idiots are in abundant supply because of schadenfreude.
Indeed , both allowed political parties who shake hands on the major issues , are mainly in the service of the Pentagon. Those who proclaim the "democrats" as "leftist" are brainwashed clowns. There is no such a thing as "left" in the Washington one party state. A guy like Bernie Sanders (who also is far from "left") is a useful fool for the Dems establishment to fool their electorate that the "Dems" still have these "old time Kennedy values"....Not that they ever will allow "this half communist" to dictate their policy.
Probably also the reason why state Department neo cons have such a low opinion of Western Europe where there actually ARE leftist political parties who dictate national policy.
The half century honeymoon between the U.S. and Western Europe is coming to an end ,and there is nothing these neo cons would like to see more than drag Western Europe into a war with the Russian federation. Let these two bludgeon each other while U.S. homeland will stay clear of destruction as usual.
If you think the Democrats are in any way on the left you're not very smart. As others have pointed out, both parties are in the control of the major corporations, because US politics is very fucked up but politicians are very rich. Which makes either side going on about saving democracy a very sick joke.
Mr Ritter: what you write so articulately seems so ordinary to me! How (I ask rhetorically--I have thought a lot about this and have my own speculations) did we get to where what you say is in the least bit controversial? I'm so tired of having to proclaim that I like or don't like this or that politician before attempting to discuss their policies, results of their policies, or policy proposals (mostly these proposals are no longer talked about--it's all personalities all the time now). I am so grateful for the clear realist analysis by you and other guests of Judge Napolitano, of The Duran, of most of the guests of Garland Nixon and Wilmer Leon on The Critical Hour and others--I'm listening "left" and "right" (IMO true left and right thinkers), and not one remotely encourages this craziness. The craziness comes from "the centrists" trying to hang on to ill-begotten power and influence, a dying hegemony flailing dangerously and murderously. Thank you for your courage, clarity and persistence.
But despite your occasionally unkind words for the CIA, FBI and NATO... I sense a certain blind spot. OPERATION GLADIO was a CIA/NATO co-production. The CIA worked very hard on an Experimental Mind Control Program - that by the time of the political assassination of John Lennon, and the attempt upon President Reagan - had clearly gone OPERATIONAL. There's a number of similarities between the two 'wet work' jobs - including well page-worn copies of "The Catcher in the Rye", and time spent abroad in "WorldVision" camps. WorldVision, and those camps had a relationship with the CIA. And, of course, the Hinckley's were close family friends of the primary potential beneficiary of a successful Ronald Reagan assassination.
These are patterns to consider - as first Fico and Orban, and now Trump have had credible attempts upon their lives - assisted by basic breakdowns in standard security procedures. And as it turns out, the Trump shooter was featured in a PR video by Blackrock, in 2023.
These are points of data, that shouldn't be ignored, I feel.
Here's the take of your fellow Retired Marine, Brian Berletic... His point about the flag is very cogent, I feel. That's something that us non-Marines might miss.
I believe Hinckley’s dad ran World Vision. Mark David Chapman worked for World Vision (two different occasions) prior to killing John Lennon. On the other side of the coin, musician John Hiatt promotes World Vision when he tours.
This shooter must have known that he was throwing away his life. Gladio sounds like it would answer to this point. But let's not jump to conclusions. There will be an investigation...cough cough.
👍Berletic makes that point. It was a one-way mission, by design. He was visible the whole time...
Had the cops and Secret Service been doing their jobs - he would've been stopped before the first shot was fired.
The {cough, cough} investigation is sure to hit a dead end. The shooter's social media was all scrubbed - before his name was made public. Same for the Blackrock PR video in which he was a featured player.
Thanks for this write-up Scott! It makes me want to share a critical lesson I learned recently:
As a Pro-Palestine activist, I had an interesting experience at one of the university encampments. Three gentlemen wearing MAGA gear and wearing and carrying Palestinian flags showed up in support of the students protesting on campus. They were self-proclaimed nationalists who supported both a Palestine AND a United States free of Zionist occupation.
Several of the liberal/leftist activists at the encampment were baffled that such people exist. They expected the MAGA hat to be worn by the enemy. These activists, my comrades, had done an OUTSTANDING job of liberating their minds from the influence of corporate media to understand the reality of the slow genocide of Palestine and the immediate genocide of Gaza.
However, when it came to Trump and his supporters, my fellow activists' ability to be critical of the impressions fed to them by corporate news seemed severely inhibited. They seemed automatically to regard Trump supporters as racists and fascists, exactly what the corporate narrative wants them to believe. They were stumped and perplexed to learn that these "racists" wanted to see the racist genocide of Palestine ended at once.
It was an excellent lesson: we are all vulnerable to the bias of selective skepticism and filtered critical thinking, especially when the media narrative appeals to aspects of our identity (in this case, liberal/leftist political beliefs).
I was very glad for the support of these Pro-Trump and Pro-Palestine gentlemen. I am so thankful for them - they carried the Palestinian flag with pride during this horrific genocide. While I myself am not a Trump supporter (largely because I don't believe America First and Zionism are compatible ideologies, yet Trump espouses both), I reject the caricature that corporate media make of Trump and his supporters. I reject the divisiveness they sow in the American public, turning American against American.
We have forgotten the lessons of 2008. It is not Left vs. Right. It is not me versus my conservative or liberal neighbor. It is us TOGETHER versus the corporate domination of our government and globe.
Thanks for reading!
P.S. Incredibly suspicious that the Secret Service failed to spot and stop the shooter before he got several shots off.
In any war you need to pick a side Scott. Both candidates would not shed a tear if the other dropped dead. Both are full of themelves. Both sociopathic serial killers. I'm voting for a peace candidate this Nov. I've had it up to here with either partys' for ever wars. Jill Stein of the Green party gets my vote this Nov. I'm voting give peace, give sanity a chance
Both of them support the genocide in Gaza. Both accept funds from AIPAC. One wants to sell real estate there when it because a zionist beach resort and the other is heavily invested in weapons manufacturing.
"warp speed vaccine" was a terrible idea with terrible results but what about it makes Trump a serial killer? Trump wasn't the one taking shortcuts on the studies.
” Dr. Herman told me. “When you have a political party that embraces the subordination of women, the subordination of people of color, the subordination of gender non-conforming people, and the subordination of non-Christians, then it’s not a party that embraces democracy. It’s a party that is looking for a fascist leader and is going to find one.”
On what he says, and brags about all day long. On the way, he encourages his partisans to act violently in his vulgar dismissal of anything that is not like himself.
The problems we have as a society didn't arise with Bidens or Trump's elections.
These issues are much older.
I'm not a sociologist just an over the hill older citizen who spent 50 years as an attorney and did 6 years in the Navy as a line officer.
I've at least attained some degree of perspective and an occasionally clear crystal ball.
Our countries problems are deeply rooted and while part of an evolutionary process have been aided immeasurably by the left and its intellects who have a strong nihilistic component.
I attended college in the early 1960s and well recall the turmoil of that era. I'm not here to blame, but do have a point of view, and have a clear recall.
The U.S. does have a sordid history in many respects but also has been a wonderful refuge for millions whether intended by leaders or incidental to the way in which our country was created by our great founders, regardless of their imperfections.
Personally, the place a demarcation from the idyllic to the present was the assassination of John Kennedy. It's difficult to articulate, but the world/country drastically changed with his death. I went to basic in Pensacola in July 1964 and recall our Marine DIs, many who served in WWii and Korea. After the August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident they became more somber and were inclined to relate sea/war stories of their past. It was a true revelation for us green recruits.
During my time in service the military followed the administrations position on the War. Since then I've continually modified my thoughts on reality and myths. My view is supportive of that which is not destructive of our nations existence and future
I've watched and been intellectually involved in the country's polarization. The polarization may have become irreversible as views have become fixated. We have been fixated by myths and been denied access to truth without personal effort to discern truth. Truth is dependent on the credibility of resources we choose to follow
I'm pessimistic about the nations future and cynical, generally, about our leaders and the ethic governing how we act towards each other and the world at large.
Foreign intruders have taken the greed of many and used it to take the nation down.
"In a world ruled by zealots, asking "what if we're wrong," or pointing out an alternative solution will get you kicked out of the 'cool kids' clique' or fired. That's exactly what happened to Germany's Vice-Admiral Kai Achim Shoenbach for merely pointing out that the low-cost solution to the crisis was to take Russia's security concerns into account and treat Russia with respect. That was in January 2021, before the hostilities began. In retrospect, the Vice-Admiral had a point, but his thought crime was rewarded with an instant dismissal and an abrupt end of his military career."
West under clowns and zealots -- Western world has been cultivating a dangerous groupthink that's all but sealed the collapse of their agendas. -- Alex Sasha Krainer -- Jun 05, 2024
It seems, I'm afraid, part of what we might call "The American National character" - a quick simplistic childish "solution". "This person is in my way - Oh heck, kill him". Like a ten month old with a toy that wont do what he wants, you just smash it on the ground.
Oh, by the way, when you contact the good Judge, please tell I said "See what happens when you go on vacation?? Return to station immediately" :-)
Your example on the micro level seems pertinent on the macro-level. With Biden and crew's ginning up a war against China and now sending our missiles directly into Russia. And, in the past, the USA's manipulations in the 2014 coup replacing Ukraine's democratically elected President with one friendly to the West. The USA's neoconservative Brenda Nuland, later appointed by Biden, had the bully's hand in the coup.
Just what I was thinking about Judge Andrew, I have been expecting him to pop up all day. He did say that he was taking kit with him in order to comment if something special happened - maybe tomorrow.
The whole event feels staged to me. In fact, the whole election feels staged. If the Dems are so terrified of Trump becoming President again, why are they running Biden...? The man is clearly losing his grip, and even my mother-in-law, who is suffering from cognitive decline herself, can see it. Nothing about this election is normal... it all feels like theater.
Every election in my lifetime that I can remember, started with Nixon more or less was a scam. Since FDR nothing has changed for the better in the US and that was only because the USA had have a powerful trade Union plus a socialist and communist movement that made FDR shit his pants.
It's impossible to change anything inside that US-system, all the talk about 3rd party candidates, rubbish!
What strikes me the most is that people really still believe in all this crap, even a man as honorable as Scott Ritter.
It's all spelled out for them, long time ago by Edward Louis Bernays standard work "Propaganda" and Walter Lippmans 1922 "Public Opinion" etc. Does no one read anymore these days?
Is it all comics and computer games? If that's so, god have mercy with us, I say as an atheist.
FYI, read on 4chan that the shooter has been mis-identified, and his real name is Matthew Yearick. Previously arrested in 2016 for assaulting Trump supporters at a rally. Associated with Antifa.
What you are saying is reasonable and i would fully agree if we were dealing and an ex president who were playing the game of democracy by the rules… The problem is Trump himself has been denigrating countries, people, races, women, and making open threats constantly. Therefore, he called this upon himself… In the camper, constantly defending the right to their arms unconditionally and creating a climate of violence
It's two very different things: what Trump really did and what the mainstream media and his opponents told us. I'm following this since about 2016, and practically nothing mainstream media wrote was what he actually said or did. The reports were full of omissions, exaggerations, distortions, traps etc. A colleague of mine is a very smart guy but addicted to mainstream media. He lives in a total different universe. One where he cannot logically explain things, because logic is the enemy of lies. So I understand how you can blame Trump even for his own assassination, but please inform yourself what he really said and did in the past. Maybe also think about how you would feel if you were treated like him.
Maybe. But for >500.000 dead Ukrainian soldiers there is no game any more. So reasonable Americans should stop this "Alice in Wonderland" game immediately. It's not a valid excuse to state "hey, that was only my corrupt government, I have nothing to do with it".
Comatose programmed Americans?they like their patriotic they care about palestine?why would they care about ukraine? The mentality in America us its not here why care.
Irish, I hate to say, but it's worse than that actually. Unfortunately, many Americans are very thoroughly dehumanized toward others' lives. They do not care about their own neighbors. Some call for their neighbors to be killed if they don't agree politically. Some go out and drive in a mob around one person, yelling abuse, using vehicles to threaten violence. There can be 20 of them terrorizing a single person with whom they do not agree. They feel perfectly justified in this behavior. I have also seen my neighbors treat their SUV or their designer handbag as if it's more precious than their own children. Too many Americans have become conditioned to make a joke (or worse) out of others' lives and deaths. They do not have a culture of personal accountability. It is very sad. Perhaps with people growing more interested in the truth, we can change things for the better. I don't feel optimistic but possibly we can normalize relations with each other if we recall what it means to be American citizens under a Constitution and Bill of Rights. But as was discussed in this video, we will need to retrain ourselves.
I agree.empathy is lost.the new ideal behavior is do what you want and damn everyone else.i don't see people interested in truth.they eagerly accept the gossip mongering propaganda and spread it. Just look at some sites the trump cult runs rampant and denies all truth and any attempts to enlighten them.society has become petty and narcissistic. The msm feeds this also.
I wholeheartedly disagree sir. What Trump has been doing since day one is bringing to the forefront what many people in this country have been aware of for a very long time. In part this explains his popularity and unwavering support. There is no criticism that can be despairing to Trump for calling out open borders, in which members of MS13 and other undesirable groups or criminal factions have free and Unvetted access to this country. There is no shame in calling out our media for lying to us 24/7 on every topic that comes across their desk, from the cognitive difficulties of our current president to the war in Ukraine, where key elements of the hostilities as well as the motivations for Russia to intercede are strategically omitted in an effort to shift public opinion in a particular direction. There are no lies associated with calling out the corruption that exists in Washington, DC, as we have all been aware of the back room deals and the you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours going on it seems like forever. How about the self ingratiation, our elected leadership enjoys from on insider trading, and lobbyist pocket lining in exchange for political favors, and so much more.
There is no disputable controversy when Trump calls out members of the UN for not paying their fare share. How about NATO originally implemented as a defensive alliance to defend against possible attack or invasion. Which now shifted to a militaristic agenda willing to suppress other nations growing their in prosperity, and creating imagined threats. These are only a small number of issues Trump has called out, not withstanding the greatest claim of all time: “This is not about transferring peaceful transition of power from one administration to another, but its is about transferring power back to the people!” For so long the American people have felt that they do not have a say in the government, this only acerbated by a stolen election in 2020! Trump is more than justified in calling out these long unaddressed issues! In order for America to survive in the 21st century and beyond, a major restructuring of how our government operates and conducts itself on the world stage must radically be redesigned, and brought back in to alignment with our constitutional values. If we fail to accomplish this soon, America will continue to decline, loose its relevance on the world stage, and descend into something we will no longer recognize as America!
calling countries shit holes, bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, making fun of a reporter that is disabled, calling upon his supporters to act VIOLENTLY, making false claims, lying thru his teeth all day long…
Explain what is meant by armed. The vote is often mightier then the sword just like the pen.
This idea of quoting leaders talking about being armed is not a single narrative.
Killing leads to chaos. Educated voters leads to strong leaders.
As Scott says " knowledge is power."
Polls tell us that voters on both sides want a third or forth choice but are unable to have this realised for the next election.
The change will come when the people create the ability for chance in the uniparty system.
Until then it will be more of the same.
Violence occurs when all other options are not useful or those pushing their agenda are not able to offer new narratives to their gas lighting rhetoric.
voting is a scam to pacify the clueless masses and lull them into a sense of their participation. nothing chganges in govt. its corrupt and self serving. just what did the govt do to correct the mess the govt created out of the cvidiocy hoax? they wasted time and money on hunter biden and other nonsense. meanwhile they caused the u.s. to go bankrupt monetarily and militarily for ukraine and isn'treal.
Bard Joseph, To protect ourselves from violence, we need to not commit violence in person or by government, monetary or military proxy anywhere. Yes we all have a RIGHT-TO-BARE-ARMS! All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors lived in peace & prosperity through the CIRCLE-of-LIFE, describes interdisciplinary Checks & Balance practices for distributed decentralized loving intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale empowerment.
Irish, Are you arming 'bears'? Yes 'Bare-arms' as in not to have "to carry", because we are human, have voices, community reputations, family, futures & call for COUNCIL PROCESS as in all our 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors before us. Celtic peoples of Ireland would call 'Council'. Did anyone help you understand your Celtic & worldwide 10s of 1000s of years heritage in the 'System-of-100s'? Great-Law-of-Peace? Great-Good-way-of-Kindness?
Worldwide 'indigenous' nations cultivated what the 'Haudenosaunee' (Iroquois 'People-of-the-extended-rafters' aka 'Welcome') refer to as the 'Kaianere'kowa = 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution'. The Great-good-way is based in individual & collective cultural peace. In Central America the Maya refer to Kindness as 'In Lakesh' (I am another you. You are another me.). In the Amazon, Aymara, Jamamadi, Apurina nations refer to Kindness as Maloka = 'Longhouse', Indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe refer to the 'System of 100s' for their longhouse & other housing economies. In southern Africa, Nguni people refer to 'Ubuntu' meaning 'Human Kindness'. Eastern Europe Serbs & Croatians refer to 'Zadruga' meaning 'economy of friends', India as 'Swadeshi' (below), China's character for 'money' refers to the ancient indigenous 'Bei' or 'Cowrie Shell', Korea as 'Chaebol' & Japan as 'Keiretsu' referring to 'Family Economy'. All these indigenous practices carry the same 3 indigenous-Cultural-Economy practices: 1) Multihome collaboration, 2) Time-based Equivalency Accounting such as on the String-shell, 3) Council-Process.
Peace is established culturally from the person, friends, family, extended-family, Multihome, village, city, region, nation with ~110 nations across Turtle-Island (N. America) organized into ~23 Confederacies, into Continental & Hemispheric Councils.
The mathematics of organization & governance in indigenous society is based in cultural 'fractals' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole'). One can compare this fractal organization with the autonomous organization of the genes, cells, tissue & organs of the human & other animal bodies. Economic Memory with bodily autonomy. Modern neurology has established how each part has both neurons, memory, intelligence & the autonomous mandate to act with their specific knowledge. The brain is considered as one of several body Nexus for the inter-communication of these events & coordinated action by the whole body, often well after the fact. The body is synonymous with the body-politic or society at various levels.
Here's how we are restoring humanity in 'economic' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') 'community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') with real 'money' (Gk 'mnemosis' = 'memory')
Nurturing the Collective Domestic (mostly women) family & 'community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') 'economy' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') within all our intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, Critical-mass, Economies-of-Scale Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Apartment, Townhouses & Village-clusters), where 70% of people live today along with investing in & gaining multistakeholder 'participatory' (L. 'part' = 'share') progressive ownership in all our Industrial & Commercial (mostly men) work-places.
20% of Multihome-dwellers today are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome extended-family contribute 2 trillion$ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring/year, as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions.
Irish Ahha! So are you aware of all humanity's Babel, That international Graphic Character Pictorial Language such as Hieroglyphics, Chinese Characters & Turtle-Island/North-America's Petro-glyph-Hand-Talk, which still enable & enabled 100s of Oral Phonetic Languages across whole continents & Hemispheres to easily communicate with each other in standardized Continent wide Graphic writing & in Sign Language drawn from our common indigenous heritage. The Torah story of the fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch destruction of Tower of Babel was fear-based hierarchy's imposition of ignorant amnesia as to all humanity's common collaborative languages. Its a shame people have forgotten our ancient 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ways of loving kindness.
Yes for 7000 years the same failed Empire lineage of Oligarchs have us chasing each other around with guns. They just make up 'rules' & the rest of us are coerced to follow their madness.
We’ve been hearing “hate Trump” rhetoric for a long time. Pelosi, Biden, Hilary and numerous others spout unsupported gibberish. But their Dem supporters gobble it up and do not hold their leadership accountable.
I’m not a Trump supporter, but I certainly never hated him. I kind of like his bluster, which I always regarded a bit goofy … theater. He has given some quite effective speeches that check off the elements of the historic “American System.” One of those is a secure border.
So what is there to hate about Trump and MAGA? How do they constitute a “threat to democracy?” Umm… they don’t. It’s all fear porn and psy/op provided by the intelligence services who somehow support keeping the DNC in power … for self-serving reasons.
Strong words may muster a few brainless citizens to vote blue. All the celebrities who threaten to leave the country if Trump wins are on board with the psy/op program. Surely they aren’t as dumb as they look. Rob Reiner? George Clooney? Cher? Taylor Swift? It’s a long list. As if THEY have special insight about governance. They are on the take in some form or other. I could be wrong. Maybe they really ARE stupid.
Most ironic is the FACT that 100% of Biden’s electorate took the shots. They have not picked up on the FACT that they were poisoned. The pandemic itself was a fraud … a DOD project that successfully funneled vast wealth from the poor and middle class class to Pharma and hospital industries and their wealthy investors.
The SARS-2 flu was not particularly deadly. I had it. My wife gave it to me. Our symptoms were dead identical and we’ve had much worse a couple decades ago. I was 70 in 2021. No big deal.
We had what turned out to be reasonably accurate IFR estimates from Ioannidis at Stanford early in the outbreak. The numbers did not change much with iterations of the estimate using expanded data sets. It was a nasty flu for some folks with health issues but not a serious challenge even in the thrombotic phase with competent care. There’s the problem. Our hospitals delivered malicious incompetence in DOD-run COVID wards that exterminated roughly 1M Americans. Why? Because people had to die to scare the rest of the public into accepting the shots. That was the windfall for the pharma and hospital industries and their wealthy investors.
The shots are themselves a bioweapon applied to a not very deadly virus. The shots themselves killed about 0.5M Americans, disabled millions more and threaten life span truncations for others. Ironically, the manufacture was so shoddy that fatalities came from 5% of lots while at least 30% were duds. This confusion leads to naive belief that the shots actually worked, when in fact they did not and cannot help anyone for a fundamental reason.
The reason is that the shots attack the human microbiome wherein the immune response substantially resides. The level of damage depends on the vial contents. The compromise of the microbiome has sinister consequences such as hundreds of thousands of spontaneous abortions, record levels of still births and birth defects, myocarditis, blood clots, turbo cancers, neurological issues and repeat infections.
The spike proteins in the blood can team up with immune compromise to produce amyloid fiber clots in the heart capillaries that can kill in a day. It my belief that millennials who were mandated were just so immune compromised, having soaked up the hockey stick escalation of childhood vaccinations after the 1986 VICA law passed. The microbiome does NOT always fix itself. Gamers who spent their days eating chips and Coca Cola took their damaged immune systems into adulthood. When the mandate came 60,000 young professionals traded in their laptops for group life payouts. Ed Dowd called it the Silent Vietnam War. The insurance companies called it a once-in-200-year flood. Millennials presented a factor of 2 excess deaths in Q3’21.
Those of us who recovered from
The SARS flu are immune for life. I never got another infection.
The shots were totally useless, a fraud. The entire pandemic was a fraud. Crimes against humanity were carried out… I call
it the American Holocaust given the mass fatalities from protocols that included ventilation under experimental drugs that caused organ failure, and a bounty of $450,000 per corpse paid to the hospital.
So where do we see the threat to our republic? It was Biden, not Trump who mandated the shots. It was Biden who used hospital fatalities to defeat the first CMS mandate legal challenge. It was under Biden that the most egregious government censorship was practiced, withholding early treatment drugs from the public. It was Biden who extended the lockdowns until 3M businesses were destroyed. It was under Biden the flood of immigrants through the open border has strained our already limited resources and turned our cities into shitholes. Under Biden policies peace in Ukraine this been scuttled time after time, pushing us to the brink of destruction.
So tell us now, Celebrities, in whom does the threat to our democracy reside? Your hypocrisy is indefensible.
This is not about drama. It is about the crimes and Constitutional collapse of the Biden administration. These are facts unless you subscribe to “woke” that denies facts … everything is a matter of opinion. Corpses are facts. They can be counted. The pandemic was a fraud. A fact. The shots are deadly and otherwise useless. A fact. The mandates were a fact. The immigrant flood is a fact. Egregious and indefensible government censorship … a crime against the First Amendment … is a fact. The next administration will be a referendum on the current one. We hope it will be different with some good reasons to think so.
it most certainly is drama and theater. note how the msm hypes all things as bad blue team and the saving grace will be the red team. the simpleton public believes this nonsense. the drama to divide and conquer is working. this staged nonsense against a RINO is more proof. immediately blame was assigned to the blue team. voting is a scam that is used to pacify the comatose public and make the believe they have a ay in their own misfortunes. nothing changes. refer to comparisons of germany pre ww2 for this "woke" idiocy. and why the germans tried to destroy it and wee attacked for it.
The shooter was 150 yards away.
Point of aim, point of impact.
This isn’t long-range shooting.
There is no adjustment that needs to be made.
No adjustments mean wind is not a factor.
Which means the flag is irrelevant.
Moreover, trying to make any usable calculation from a flag hung in that manner is virtually impossible.
I don’t know what Brian was doing during his rifle qualification.
But whatever it was, it had nothing to do with making calculations regarding wind direction and velocity at ranges of 150 yards.
I've heard an even funnier thing from Johnson. Johnson said the curvature of the earth has to be considered in aiming the shot, implying that the bullet drops because of the curvature of the earth. Most of us would retort that it is gravity which causes the bullet to deviate from a straight line toward the earth's surface.
It's a thing for a long range shooting (1000m and forth).
What makes you think that gravity and the earths curvature dont have a connection??
Let's look at Newton's laws: mainly the first one. I will paraphrase. a body moves in a straight line with uniform velocity unless acted upon by a force. The curvature of the earth only increases the distance of the body from the earth's surface, and gravity pulls it downward, decreasing it. Maybe that's what Johnson was saying, but gravity, it would be my guess, has a far greater effect by shortening the distance than the curvature does in increasing the distance from the earth's surface.
My calculations indicate that if the bullet were moving at the speed of sound, and it traveled for one second, that gravity's downward pull would result in a drop of about sixteen feet, compared to an increase in elevation caused by the earth's curvature, of about four hundredths of an inch.
Sorry, the correction for the earth's curvature for a projectile traveling one second "horizontally" would be about a tenth of a second, not 4 hundredths.
Is this a how-to for the next shooter?
ffs, really?
William Shakespeare: ”What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind.”
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956):
“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
Frank Sailor: I agree the US hasn't had a left wing since the 1930s.
Ritter: "...Trump pulled in some 74 million votes in 2020—about 47% of the participating electorate."
Stupid, violent racism can't be justified no matter how many vote for it.
Jackie Robinson, 1972 biography:
“I cannot stand and sing the anthem.
I cannot salute the flag;
I know that I am a black man in a white world…
I know that I never had it made.”
The US has always been a racist nation from the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The US has always been a country for rich racists and stupid, old white men.
Lyndon B. Johnson:
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best coloured man,
he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.
Hell, give him somebody to look down on,
and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
This site, and many Russian supporters, are soooo stupid they actually think Trump will end this war seconds after election.
These people are soooo stupid they believe electing as US President:
a racist,
a convicted fraud,
a convicted rapist,
a dripping sack of excremental lies,
a corrupt Mafia slut,
and the Chief Jan 06 traitor,
will be good for the world.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956):
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents… the inner soul of the people.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last
and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
US politicians, pundits, journalists embrace lying stupidity
because it’s easier than acquiring knowledge
and acting with honourable humility.
Peter Thiel:
“Highways create traffic jams,
welfare creates poverty,
schools make people dumb
and the NHS makes people sick.”
How many times did Trump and his Trumpanzees cheer for, and make jokes about, violence directed at opponents?
Every time the lying creep opens his mouth.
How many times have CONservatives like Thiel uttered pitifully stupid lies like those above?
Every time abusive stupidity suits CONservative political goals.
And yet ignorant CONservatives think he should be lionized for his trivial flesh wounds.
Robert Mitchum was making a movie in Trinidad with John Huston.
Mitchum walked around a lobby corner and found Huston masturbating the hotel's pet monkey.
Mitchum asked, 'Why? Why do you do this, John?’.
'The monkey likes it', said Huston, 'He really likes it!’
CONservative monkeys have never wanted anything but fantasies to motivate rubbing their meat.
CONservatives have always loved violence in defence of farcical social norms.
These bigoted "laws and customs" have never been anything
but a racist stick to beat chosen under classes.
David Graeber:
“The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make
and could just as easily make differently.”
Trump wanted his traitors to carry their weapons to the Capital without any interference.
They carried weapons and ropes to lynch Senators and Representatives.
Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
All those decades of ruinous Pentagon budgets produced a society and military
that can't defend itself, or even define what they want, what they are defending.
US-NAYOYO societies support genocidal Nazi monsters,
and call them defenders of everything noble and correct,
because Nazis always serve business interests that reward bigoted crimes.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), 1936:
"We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace -
business and financial monopoly, speculation,
reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. …
They had begun to consider the Government of the United States
as a mere appendage to their own affairs.
We know now that Government by organized money
is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.”
"Never before in all our history have these forces
been so united against one candidate as they stand today.
They are unanimous in their hate for me - and I welcome their hatred.”
So the attempted assassination of Trump is welcomed with self-pity
by racists who look for any 'reason' for murder, torture and treason.
Karl Popper:
“If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant,
if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society
against the onslaught of the intolerant,
then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
William Shakespeare: ”What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind.”
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956):
“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
Frank Sailor: I agree the US hasn't had a left wing since the 1930s.
Ritter: "...Trump pulled in some 74 million votes in 2020—about 47% of the participating electorate."
Stupid, violent racism can't be justified no matter how many vote for it.
Jackie Robinson, 1972 biography:
“I cannot stand and sing the anthem.
I cannot salute the flag;
I know that I am a black man in a white world…
I know that I never had it made.”
The US has always been a racist nation from the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The US has always been a country for rich racists and stupid, old white men.
Lyndon B. Johnson:
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best coloured man,
he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.
Hell, give him somebody to look down on,
and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
This site, and many Russian supporters, are soooo stupid they actually think Trump will end this war seconds after election.
These people are soooo stupid they believe electing as US President:
a racist,
a convicted fraud,
a convicted rapist,
a dripping sack of excremental lies,
a corrupt Mafia slut,
and the Chief Jan 06 traitor,
will be good for the world.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956):
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents… the inner soul of the people.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last
and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
US politicians, pundits, journalists embrace lying stupidity
because it’s easier than acquiring knowledge
and acting with honourable humility.
Peter Thiel:
“Highways create traffic jams,
welfare creates poverty,
schools make people dumb
and the NHS makes people sick.”
How many times did Trump and his Trumpanzees cheer for, and make jokes about, violence directed at opponents?
Every time the lying creep opens his mouth.
How many times have CONservatives like Thiel uttered pitifully stupid lies like those above?
Every time abusive stupidity suits CONservative political goals.
And yet ignorant CONservatives think he should be lionized for his trivial flesh wounds.
Robert Mitchum was making a movie in Trinidad with John Huston.
Mitchum walked around a lobby corner and found Huston masturbating the hotel's pet monkey.
Mitchum asked, 'Why? Why do you do this, John?’.
'The monkey likes it', said Huston, 'He really likes it!’
CONservative monkeys have never wanted anything but fantasies to motivate rubbing their meat.
CONservatives have always loved violence in defence of farcical social norms.
These bigoted "laws and customs" have never been anything
but a racist stick to beat chosen under classes.
David Graeber:
“The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make
and could just as easily make differently.”
Trump wanted his traitors to carry their weapons to the Capital without any interference.
They carried weapons and ropes to lynch Senators and Representatives.
Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
All those decades of ruinous Pentagon budgets produced a society and military
that can't defend itself, or even define what they want, what they are defending.
US-NAYOYO societies support genocidal Nazi monsters,
and call them defenders of everything noble and correct,
because Nazis always serve business interests that reward bigoted crimes.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), 1936:
"We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace -
business and financial monopoly, speculation,
reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. …
They had begun to consider the Government of the United States
as a mere appendage to their own affairs.
We know now that Government by organized money
is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.”
"Never before in all our history have these forces
been so united against one candidate as they stand today.
They are unanimous in their hate for me - and I welcome their hatred.”
So the attempted assassination of Trump is welcomed with self-pity
by racists who look for any 'reason' for murder, torture and treason.
Karl Popper:
“If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant,
if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society
against the onslaught of the intolerant,
then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
Given how skilled at analysis and mechanics Brien is - he runs a group inventing new technologies in his free time, drones to monitor and deliver substances to huge farm fields - I would imagine he was doing pretty much the same as you were, Scott, both Marines, and I assume trained at the same grounds. There would have been a time difference though, as he is much younger than you. Whether that would affect his trainers views I cannot know. However, he does mention that Marines rifle shooting grounds have flags starting from the 330 yd mark, and further, in order to determine wind direction, so perhaps, when he wrote it, the distance had not been confirmed ,and he wrote believing it to be greater than 150 yds.
Biden and Trump are red herrings. Corporate domination must be stopped. It is the central most corrupting influence in governance and media/social platforms/newspapers and militarism. It's destructiveness is felt daily somewhere in the world where fire, floods, and deadly hurricanes hyper- intensified and in frequency threaten human existence.USA citizens must do a "Bolivian" to halt and leash the controlling corporate influence.
That's the sentiment that inspired the attack on the World Trade center. So with the attack on David Koresh. So with the Oklahoma City bombing. So with #metoo, George Floyd, and countless other acts of violence.
All stemming from the crazed left who are bound and determined to bring a communist form of government into existence, whether or not we approve, or destroy the whole house of cards in the process.
Just like in the civil war, there comes a time where good and reasonable men must take a stand, and say no more! If that fails then good men are forced to commit evil deeds (killing) to put an end to evil that threatens the existence of humanity. If the course we are on now is not altered soon, then approve or not we will have a civil war in America.
Crazed left that brings a communist form of government? What the hell you are talking about?
There is no political left in the US, non of significance anywhere to be seen.
This ingrained anticommunism, based on brainwashing and low education level, that is what ruins the US and will end in either you people are going to kill each other or bring your inner conflict upon the rest of the world in making war, as the US always did so far.
Thanks Frank for saying this for me.
Really, get your head out of your ass and have a good look around. Nothing but equity and inclusion coming out of the left, while they silence or disparage anyone who disagrees with their narrative. Censorship runs rampant on the left. If this is not a socialist/communist agenda, then by all means tell what it is!!!
Just use the right name. It is GLOBALIST AGENDA (see WEF, NATO, etc.) and their goal is one world government, i. e. elites with their global corporations want to own everything, even people, in short, they want all for themselves. (See how Ukrainian natural resources have being grabed since 2014. Today, ordinary people in Ukraine live in total terror from their government.)
People being equal in poverty (what globalist agenda is about) is exactly the oposit of the socialist values. (For example, Cuban revolution was a revolt against American elites and corporations who were just exploiting Cuban resources and people - only a few Cubans were rich, the rest was suffering tremendously. Revolutionaries under Castro just wanted dignified life for all Cuban people (that's why so many attempts on his life = regime change attempts). And what made life so difficult Cuba, was not socialism, but US SANCTIONS, they were installed by Kennedy in the 60s and they are still not lifted! The same story in North Korea - US sanctions were killing people there!)
And I know what I am talking about. I was born and educated in socialist Yugoslavia. We had much better standard of living and freedom and democracy than we have now in so called "democratic" Slovenia - actually, now is the first time I experience a totalitarian regime (eg. freedom of speech: I am not allowed to say what I see; I am not only shadowbanned in Facebook, but I am facing legal sanctions if I keep telling the truth). Our government obviously couldn't care less about people, they prefer to go to Davos and Brussels and get paid for betraying their own nation.
And I can see exactly the same thing in the USA, the truth is that the people of the US are being betrayed by their government who has become a proxy government ruled by globalists.
As long as you believe the boogeyman stories about "communist threat", "China threat", etc, you will be very easy to manipulate with and your hands will be tied. (If one does not recognize who the real enemy is, there is no way to fight back and win...)
You have so nailed it, Tatjana, compliment!
But it is probably because you did your education a while ago or you had people on your way guiding you towards the humanist & non capitalist direction.
Who's being manipulated here? From its beginnings with Marx and Engels Communism has had global aspirations, and they are masters of chameleon misrepresentation of their goads and strategies. And they have always utilized useful idiots to champion their cause. Useful idiots are in abundant supply because of schadenfreude.
You are exactly correct! But please don’t confuse communism and globalism, they are one and the same!
There is NO "left" in the USA
Maybe commies under your bed!
you afraid of "commies" or something? "socialist" too? My My.
refer to germany pre-ww2 and you have your answer.
Indeed , both allowed political parties who shake hands on the major issues , are mainly in the service of the Pentagon. Those who proclaim the "democrats" as "leftist" are brainwashed clowns. There is no such a thing as "left" in the Washington one party state. A guy like Bernie Sanders (who also is far from "left") is a useful fool for the Dems establishment to fool their electorate that the "Dems" still have these "old time Kennedy values"....Not that they ever will allow "this half communist" to dictate their policy.
Probably also the reason why state Department neo cons have such a low opinion of Western Europe where there actually ARE leftist political parties who dictate national policy.
The half century honeymoon between the U.S. and Western Europe is coming to an end ,and there is nothing these neo cons would like to see more than drag Western Europe into a war with the Russian federation. Let these two bludgeon each other while U.S. homeland will stay clear of destruction as usual.
WW2 after all started the "American Dream".....
If you think the Democrats are in any way on the left you're not very smart. As others have pointed out, both parties are in the control of the major corporations, because US politics is very fucked up but politicians are very rich. Which makes either side going on about saving democracy a very sick joke.
do put down your msm propaganda.
jesse porter "That's the sentiment that inspired the attack on the World Trade center." That is a completely absurd statement.
Mr Ritter: what you write so articulately seems so ordinary to me! How (I ask rhetorically--I have thought a lot about this and have my own speculations) did we get to where what you say is in the least bit controversial? I'm so tired of having to proclaim that I like or don't like this or that politician before attempting to discuss their policies, results of their policies, or policy proposals (mostly these proposals are no longer talked about--it's all personalities all the time now). I am so grateful for the clear realist analysis by you and other guests of Judge Napolitano, of The Duran, of most of the guests of Garland Nixon and Wilmer Leon on The Critical Hour and others--I'm listening "left" and "right" (IMO true left and right thinkers), and not one remotely encourages this craziness. The craziness comes from "the centrists" trying to hang on to ill-begotten power and influence, a dying hegemony flailing dangerously and murderously. Thank you for your courage, clarity and persistence.
You're a good man Scott Ritter...
But despite your occasionally unkind words for the CIA, FBI and NATO... I sense a certain blind spot. OPERATION GLADIO was a CIA/NATO co-production. The CIA worked very hard on an Experimental Mind Control Program - that by the time of the political assassination of John Lennon, and the attempt upon President Reagan - had clearly gone OPERATIONAL. There's a number of similarities between the two 'wet work' jobs - including well page-worn copies of "The Catcher in the Rye", and time spent abroad in "WorldVision" camps. WorldVision, and those camps had a relationship with the CIA. And, of course, the Hinckley's were close family friends of the primary potential beneficiary of a successful Ronald Reagan assassination.
These are patterns to consider - as first Fico and Orban, and now Trump have had credible attempts upon their lives - assisted by basic breakdowns in standard security procedures. And as it turns out, the Trump shooter was featured in a PR video by Blackrock, in 2023.
These are points of data, that shouldn't be ignored, I feel.
Here's the take of your fellow Retired Marine, Brian Berletic... His point about the flag is very cogent, I feel. That's something that us non-Marines might miss.
He's on it, actually, on several points.
I believe Hinckley’s dad ran World Vision. Mark David Chapman worked for World Vision (two different occasions) prior to killing John Lennon. On the other side of the coin, musician John Hiatt promotes World Vision when he tours.
I hadn't heard that about Hinckley's dad, or if I did, I forgot it. He was certainly a friend of CIA Director/VP BUSH41.
The 'out of the country', and controlled situations thing - is the opportunity for CIA Manchurian Assassin programming.
They're pretty clearly a dual use charity... I wonder how much Hiatt knows?
This shooter must have known that he was throwing away his life. Gladio sounds like it would answer to this point. But let's not jump to conclusions. There will be an investigation...cough cough.
👍Berletic makes that point. It was a one-way mission, by design. He was visible the whole time...
Had the cops and Secret Service been doing their jobs - he would've been stopped before the first shot was fired.
The {cough, cough} investigation is sure to hit a dead end. The shooter's social media was all scrubbed - before his name was made public. Same for the Blackrock PR video in which he was a featured player.
not all patsies know that. his name is as bad as the M.E. after sandy hook, carver, this one is crooks a favorite label of trump's.
Thanks for this write-up Scott! It makes me want to share a critical lesson I learned recently:
As a Pro-Palestine activist, I had an interesting experience at one of the university encampments. Three gentlemen wearing MAGA gear and wearing and carrying Palestinian flags showed up in support of the students protesting on campus. They were self-proclaimed nationalists who supported both a Palestine AND a United States free of Zionist occupation.
Several of the liberal/leftist activists at the encampment were baffled that such people exist. They expected the MAGA hat to be worn by the enemy. These activists, my comrades, had done an OUTSTANDING job of liberating their minds from the influence of corporate media to understand the reality of the slow genocide of Palestine and the immediate genocide of Gaza.
However, when it came to Trump and his supporters, my fellow activists' ability to be critical of the impressions fed to them by corporate news seemed severely inhibited. They seemed automatically to regard Trump supporters as racists and fascists, exactly what the corporate narrative wants them to believe. They were stumped and perplexed to learn that these "racists" wanted to see the racist genocide of Palestine ended at once.
It was an excellent lesson: we are all vulnerable to the bias of selective skepticism and filtered critical thinking, especially when the media narrative appeals to aspects of our identity (in this case, liberal/leftist political beliefs).
I was very glad for the support of these Pro-Trump and Pro-Palestine gentlemen. I am so thankful for them - they carried the Palestinian flag with pride during this horrific genocide. While I myself am not a Trump supporter (largely because I don't believe America First and Zionism are compatible ideologies, yet Trump espouses both), I reject the caricature that corporate media make of Trump and his supporters. I reject the divisiveness they sow in the American public, turning American against American.
We have forgotten the lessons of 2008. It is not Left vs. Right. It is not me versus my conservative or liberal neighbor. It is us TOGETHER versus the corporate domination of our government and globe.
Thanks for reading!
P.S. Incredibly suspicious that the Secret Service failed to spot and stop the shooter before he got several shots off.
Biden was totally calling for an assassination, just like he called for blowing up the Nordstream pipeline.
follow msm gossip do you?
In any war you need to pick a side Scott. Both candidates would not shed a tear if the other dropped dead. Both are full of themelves. Both sociopathic serial killers. I'm voting for a peace candidate this Nov. I've had it up to here with either partys' for ever wars. Jill Stein of the Green party gets my vote this Nov. I'm voting give peace, give sanity a chance
Trump is a "sociopathic serial killer"? Based on what exactly?
Both of them support the genocide in Gaza. Both accept funds from AIPAC. One wants to sell real estate there when it because a zionist beach resort and the other is heavily invested in weapons manufacturing.
based on "warp speed vaccine" and his acquiesced call to finish gaza.,
"warp speed vaccine" was a terrible idea with terrible results but what about it makes Trump a serial killer? Trump wasn't the one taking shortcuts on the studies.
Seriously?he still promotes it.shortcuts?trump? You mean Benjamin's and promises of adoration to feed his egomania. He is an insecure fool.
” Dr. Herman told me. “When you have a political party that embraces the subordination of women, the subordination of people of color, the subordination of gender non-conforming people, and the subordination of non-Christians, then it’s not a party that embraces democracy. It’s a party that is looking for a fascist leader and is going to find one.”
On what he says, and brags about all day long. On the way, he encourages his partisans to act violently in his vulgar dismissal of anything that is not like himself.
Well written treatise.
The problems we have as a society didn't arise with Bidens or Trump's elections.
These issues are much older.
I'm not a sociologist just an over the hill older citizen who spent 50 years as an attorney and did 6 years in the Navy as a line officer.
I've at least attained some degree of perspective and an occasionally clear crystal ball.
Our countries problems are deeply rooted and while part of an evolutionary process have been aided immeasurably by the left and its intellects who have a strong nihilistic component.
I attended college in the early 1960s and well recall the turmoil of that era. I'm not here to blame, but do have a point of view, and have a clear recall.
The U.S. does have a sordid history in many respects but also has been a wonderful refuge for millions whether intended by leaders or incidental to the way in which our country was created by our great founders, regardless of their imperfections.
Personally, the place a demarcation from the idyllic to the present was the assassination of John Kennedy. It's difficult to articulate, but the world/country drastically changed with his death. I went to basic in Pensacola in July 1964 and recall our Marine DIs, many who served in WWii and Korea. After the August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident they became more somber and were inclined to relate sea/war stories of their past. It was a true revelation for us green recruits.
During my time in service the military followed the administrations position on the War. Since then I've continually modified my thoughts on reality and myths. My view is supportive of that which is not destructive of our nations existence and future
I've watched and been intellectually involved in the country's polarization. The polarization may have become irreversible as views have become fixated. We have been fixated by myths and been denied access to truth without personal effort to discern truth. Truth is dependent on the credibility of resources we choose to follow
I'm pessimistic about the nations future and cynical, generally, about our leaders and the ethic governing how we act towards each other and the world at large.
Foreign intruders have taken the greed of many and used it to take the nation down.
I pray we can recover.
robert: Excellent!
BRAVO Scott !!
PS: Very good:
"In a world ruled by zealots, asking "what if we're wrong," or pointing out an alternative solution will get you kicked out of the 'cool kids' clique' or fired. That's exactly what happened to Germany's Vice-Admiral Kai Achim Shoenbach for merely pointing out that the low-cost solution to the crisis was to take Russia's security concerns into account and treat Russia with respect. That was in January 2021, before the hostilities began. In retrospect, the Vice-Admiral had a point, but his thought crime was rewarded with an instant dismissal and an abrupt end of his military career."
West under clowns and zealots -- Western world has been cultivating a dangerous groupthink that's all but sealed the collapse of their agendas. -- Alex Sasha Krainer -- Jun 05, 2024
It seems, I'm afraid, part of what we might call "The American National character" - a quick simplistic childish "solution". "This person is in my way - Oh heck, kill him". Like a ten month old with a toy that wont do what he wants, you just smash it on the ground.
Oh, by the way, when you contact the good Judge, please tell I said "See what happens when you go on vacation?? Return to station immediately" :-)
Your example on the micro level seems pertinent on the macro-level. With Biden and crew's ginning up a war against China and now sending our missiles directly into Russia. And, in the past, the USA's manipulations in the 2014 coup replacing Ukraine's democratically elected President with one friendly to the West. The USA's neoconservative Brenda Nuland, later appointed by Biden, had the bully's hand in the coup.
Just what I was thinking about Judge Andrew, I have been expecting him to pop up all day. He did say that he was taking kit with him in order to comment if something special happened - maybe tomorrow.
The whole event feels staged to me. In fact, the whole election feels staged. If the Dems are so terrified of Trump becoming President again, why are they running Biden...? The man is clearly losing his grip, and even my mother-in-law, who is suffering from cognitive decline herself, can see it. Nothing about this election is normal... it all feels like theater.
It is theater, you are so right!
Every election in my lifetime that I can remember, started with Nixon more or less was a scam. Since FDR nothing has changed for the better in the US and that was only because the USA had have a powerful trade Union plus a socialist and communist movement that made FDR shit his pants.
It's impossible to change anything inside that US-system, all the talk about 3rd party candidates, rubbish!
What strikes me the most is that people really still believe in all this crap, even a man as honorable as Scott Ritter.
It's all spelled out for them, long time ago by Edward Louis Bernays standard work "Propaganda" and Walter Lippmans 1922 "Public Opinion" etc. Does no one read anymore these days?
Is it all comics and computer games? If that's so, god have mercy with us, I say as an atheist.
Thank you Scott, wise words.
FYI, read on 4chan that the shooter has been mis-identified, and his real name is Matthew Yearick. Previously arrested in 2016 for assaulting Trump supporters at a rally. Associated with Antifa.
I believe that has been denied and removed.
Update: Certainly looks like Yearick. Photo advisory: This article has a photo of him after being shot.
I hadn't seen that, I do know that the kid it supposedly is, is alive. So he is out.
What you are saying is reasonable and i would fully agree if we were dealing and an ex president who were playing the game of democracy by the rules… The problem is Trump himself has been denigrating countries, people, races, women, and making open threats constantly. Therefore, he called this upon himself… In the camper, constantly defending the right to their arms unconditionally and creating a climate of violence
It's two very different things: what Trump really did and what the mainstream media and his opponents told us. I'm following this since about 2016, and practically nothing mainstream media wrote was what he actually said or did. The reports were full of omissions, exaggerations, distortions, traps etc. A colleague of mine is a very smart guy but addicted to mainstream media. He lives in a total different universe. One where he cannot logically explain things, because logic is the enemy of lies. So I understand how you can blame Trump even for his own assassination, but please inform yourself what he really said and did in the past. Maybe also think about how you would feel if you were treated like him.
its all theater and drama. ask why he had the iranian general murdered or the 1000's of covidiocy shot victims.
Maybe. But for >500.000 dead Ukrainian soldiers there is no game any more. So reasonable Americans should stop this "Alice in Wonderland" game immediately. It's not a valid excuse to state "hey, that was only my corrupt government, I have nothing to do with it".
Comatose programmed Americans?they like their patriotic they care about palestine?why would they care about ukraine? The mentality in America us its not here why care.
Irish, I hate to say, but it's worse than that actually. Unfortunately, many Americans are very thoroughly dehumanized toward others' lives. They do not care about their own neighbors. Some call for their neighbors to be killed if they don't agree politically. Some go out and drive in a mob around one person, yelling abuse, using vehicles to threaten violence. There can be 20 of them terrorizing a single person with whom they do not agree. They feel perfectly justified in this behavior. I have also seen my neighbors treat their SUV or their designer handbag as if it's more precious than their own children. Too many Americans have become conditioned to make a joke (or worse) out of others' lives and deaths. They do not have a culture of personal accountability. It is very sad. Perhaps with people growing more interested in the truth, we can change things for the better. I don't feel optimistic but possibly we can normalize relations with each other if we recall what it means to be American citizens under a Constitution and Bill of Rights. But as was discussed in this video, we will need to retrain ourselves.
I agree.empathy is lost.the new ideal behavior is do what you want and damn everyone else.i don't see people interested in truth.they eagerly accept the gossip mongering propaganda and spread it. Just look at some sites the trump cult runs rampant and denies all truth and any attempts to enlighten them.society has become petty and narcissistic. The msm feeds this also.
I wholeheartedly disagree sir. What Trump has been doing since day one is bringing to the forefront what many people in this country have been aware of for a very long time. In part this explains his popularity and unwavering support. There is no criticism that can be despairing to Trump for calling out open borders, in which members of MS13 and other undesirable groups or criminal factions have free and Unvetted access to this country. There is no shame in calling out our media for lying to us 24/7 on every topic that comes across their desk, from the cognitive difficulties of our current president to the war in Ukraine, where key elements of the hostilities as well as the motivations for Russia to intercede are strategically omitted in an effort to shift public opinion in a particular direction. There are no lies associated with calling out the corruption that exists in Washington, DC, as we have all been aware of the back room deals and the you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours going on it seems like forever. How about the self ingratiation, our elected leadership enjoys from on insider trading, and lobbyist pocket lining in exchange for political favors, and so much more.
There is no disputable controversy when Trump calls out members of the UN for not paying their fare share. How about NATO originally implemented as a defensive alliance to defend against possible attack or invasion. Which now shifted to a militaristic agenda willing to suppress other nations growing their in prosperity, and creating imagined threats. These are only a small number of issues Trump has called out, not withstanding the greatest claim of all time: “This is not about transferring peaceful transition of power from one administration to another, but its is about transferring power back to the people!” For so long the American people have felt that they do not have a say in the government, this only acerbated by a stolen election in 2020! Trump is more than justified in calling out these long unaddressed issues! In order for America to survive in the 21st century and beyond, a major restructuring of how our government operates and conducts itself on the world stage must radically be redesigned, and brought back in to alignment with our constitutional values. If we fail to accomplish this soon, America will continue to decline, loose its relevance on the world stage, and descend into something we will no longer recognize as America!
trump panders to the masses. its called passive aggression aka telling fools what they want to hear.
Can you please tell us something negative about Biden, just for balance?
Such as?life.long parasite on govt welfare aka pay.
Not his past caressing skills on camera?
calling countries shit holes, bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, making fun of a reporter that is disabled, calling upon his supporters to act VIOLENTLY, making false claims, lying thru his teeth all day long…
“The only true fortress of freedom is an armed people.”
Thomas Moore
Irish Poet
Explain what is meant by armed. The vote is often mightier then the sword just like the pen.
This idea of quoting leaders talking about being armed is not a single narrative.
Killing leads to chaos. Educated voters leads to strong leaders.
As Scott says " knowledge is power."
Polls tell us that voters on both sides want a third or forth choice but are unable to have this realised for the next election.
The change will come when the people create the ability for chance in the uniparty system.
Until then it will be more of the same.
Violence occurs when all other options are not useful or those pushing their agenda are not able to offer new narratives to their gas lighting rhetoric.
voting is a scam to pacify the clueless masses and lull them into a sense of their participation. nothing chganges in govt. its corrupt and self serving. just what did the govt do to correct the mess the govt created out of the cvidiocy hoax? they wasted time and money on hunter biden and other nonsense. meanwhile they caused the u.s. to go bankrupt monetarily and militarily for ukraine and isn'treal.
Voters are Informed?
Sounds like you agree.
We all need the ability to protect ourselves from violence.
Bard Joseph, To protect ourselves from violence, we need to not commit violence in person or by government, monetary or military proxy anywhere. Yes we all have a RIGHT-TO-BARE-ARMS! All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors lived in peace & prosperity through the CIRCLE-of-LIFE, describes interdisciplinary Checks & Balance practices for distributed decentralized loving intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale empowerment.
its BEAR as in carry.
I noticed that too.
Bare might be good at the beach.
Irish, Are you arming 'bears'? Yes 'Bare-arms' as in not to have "to carry", because we are human, have voices, community reputations, family, futures & call for COUNCIL PROCESS as in all our 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors before us. Celtic peoples of Ireland would call 'Council'. Did anyone help you understand your Celtic & worldwide 10s of 1000s of years heritage in the 'System-of-100s'? Great-Law-of-Peace? Great-Good-way-of-Kindness?
Worldwide 'indigenous' nations cultivated what the 'Haudenosaunee' (Iroquois 'People-of-the-extended-rafters' aka 'Welcome') refer to as the 'Kaianere'kowa = 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution'. The Great-good-way is based in individual & collective cultural peace. In Central America the Maya refer to Kindness as 'In Lakesh' (I am another you. You are another me.). In the Amazon, Aymara, Jamamadi, Apurina nations refer to Kindness as Maloka = 'Longhouse', Indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe refer to the 'System of 100s' for their longhouse & other housing economies. In southern Africa, Nguni people refer to 'Ubuntu' meaning 'Human Kindness'. Eastern Europe Serbs & Croatians refer to 'Zadruga' meaning 'economy of friends', India as 'Swadeshi' (below), China's character for 'money' refers to the ancient indigenous 'Bei' or 'Cowrie Shell', Korea as 'Chaebol' & Japan as 'Keiretsu' referring to 'Family Economy'. All these indigenous practices carry the same 3 indigenous-Cultural-Economy practices: 1) Multihome collaboration, 2) Time-based Equivalency Accounting such as on the String-shell, 3) Council-Process.
Peace is established culturally from the person, friends, family, extended-family, Multihome, village, city, region, nation with ~110 nations across Turtle-Island (N. America) organized into ~23 Confederacies, into Continental & Hemispheric Councils.
The mathematics of organization & governance in indigenous society is based in cultural 'fractals' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole'). One can compare this fractal organization with the autonomous organization of the genes, cells, tissue & organs of the human & other animal bodies. Economic Memory with bodily autonomy. Modern neurology has established how each part has both neurons, memory, intelligence & the autonomous mandate to act with their specific knowledge. The brain is considered as one of several body Nexus for the inter-communication of these events & coordinated action by the whole body, often well after the fact. The body is synonymous with the body-politic or society at various levels.
Here's how we are restoring humanity in 'economic' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') 'community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') with real 'money' (Gk 'mnemosis' = 'memory')
Nurturing the Collective Domestic (mostly women) family & 'community' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') 'economy' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') within all our intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, Critical-mass, Economies-of-Scale Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Apartment, Townhouses & Village-clusters), where 70% of people live today along with investing in & gaining multistakeholder 'participatory' (L. 'part' = 'share') progressive ownership in all our Industrial & Commercial (mostly men) work-places.
20% of Multihome-dwellers today are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome extended-family contribute 2 trillion$ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring/year, as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions.
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? web-based Community-Circular-Economy software supports individuals, family, extended-family & community recognition of each person & entity's contribution, experience, expertise & decision-making-acumen:
A) CATALOGUE complementary individual & business talents, goods, services, resources & dreams intake form.
B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Historical Eg. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in Tiohtiake, greater Montreal archipelago
C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment.
D) BOTH-SIDES-NOW, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues to create understanding, articulate contracts & Conflict Resolution.
Whst are you babbling about?
Irish Ahha! So are you aware of all humanity's Babel, That international Graphic Character Pictorial Language such as Hieroglyphics, Chinese Characters & Turtle-Island/North-America's Petro-glyph-Hand-Talk, which still enable & enabled 100s of Oral Phonetic Languages across whole continents & Hemispheres to easily communicate with each other in standardized Continent wide Graphic writing & in Sign Language drawn from our common indigenous heritage. The Torah story of the fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch destruction of Tower of Babel was fear-based hierarchy's imposition of ignorant amnesia as to all humanity's common collaborative languages. Its a shame people have forgotten our ancient 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ways of loving kindness.
Did I miss the word "empire"?
Yes for 7000 years the same failed Empire lineage of Oligarchs have us chasing each other around with guns. They just make up 'rules' & the rest of us are coerced to follow their madness.
Well spoken Scott!
Someone should ask Biden what exactly is the existential danger. Seems he's just throughing out narratives.
We’ve been hearing “hate Trump” rhetoric for a long time. Pelosi, Biden, Hilary and numerous others spout unsupported gibberish. But their Dem supporters gobble it up and do not hold their leadership accountable.
I’m not a Trump supporter, but I certainly never hated him. I kind of like his bluster, which I always regarded a bit goofy … theater. He has given some quite effective speeches that check off the elements of the historic “American System.” One of those is a secure border.
So what is there to hate about Trump and MAGA? How do they constitute a “threat to democracy?” Umm… they don’t. It’s all fear porn and psy/op provided by the intelligence services who somehow support keeping the DNC in power … for self-serving reasons.
Strong words may muster a few brainless citizens to vote blue. All the celebrities who threaten to leave the country if Trump wins are on board with the psy/op program. Surely they aren’t as dumb as they look. Rob Reiner? George Clooney? Cher? Taylor Swift? It’s a long list. As if THEY have special insight about governance. They are on the take in some form or other. I could be wrong. Maybe they really ARE stupid.
Most ironic is the FACT that 100% of Biden’s electorate took the shots. They have not picked up on the FACT that they were poisoned. The pandemic itself was a fraud … a DOD project that successfully funneled vast wealth from the poor and middle class class to Pharma and hospital industries and their wealthy investors.
The SARS-2 flu was not particularly deadly. I had it. My wife gave it to me. Our symptoms were dead identical and we’ve had much worse a couple decades ago. I was 70 in 2021. No big deal.
We had what turned out to be reasonably accurate IFR estimates from Ioannidis at Stanford early in the outbreak. The numbers did not change much with iterations of the estimate using expanded data sets. It was a nasty flu for some folks with health issues but not a serious challenge even in the thrombotic phase with competent care. There’s the problem. Our hospitals delivered malicious incompetence in DOD-run COVID wards that exterminated roughly 1M Americans. Why? Because people had to die to scare the rest of the public into accepting the shots. That was the windfall for the pharma and hospital industries and their wealthy investors.
The shots are themselves a bioweapon applied to a not very deadly virus. The shots themselves killed about 0.5M Americans, disabled millions more and threaten life span truncations for others. Ironically, the manufacture was so shoddy that fatalities came from 5% of lots while at least 30% were duds. This confusion leads to naive belief that the shots actually worked, when in fact they did not and cannot help anyone for a fundamental reason.
The reason is that the shots attack the human microbiome wherein the immune response substantially resides. The level of damage depends on the vial contents. The compromise of the microbiome has sinister consequences such as hundreds of thousands of spontaneous abortions, record levels of still births and birth defects, myocarditis, blood clots, turbo cancers, neurological issues and repeat infections.
The spike proteins in the blood can team up with immune compromise to produce amyloid fiber clots in the heart capillaries that can kill in a day. It my belief that millennials who were mandated were just so immune compromised, having soaked up the hockey stick escalation of childhood vaccinations after the 1986 VICA law passed. The microbiome does NOT always fix itself. Gamers who spent their days eating chips and Coca Cola took their damaged immune systems into adulthood. When the mandate came 60,000 young professionals traded in their laptops for group life payouts. Ed Dowd called it the Silent Vietnam War. The insurance companies called it a once-in-200-year flood. Millennials presented a factor of 2 excess deaths in Q3’21.
Those of us who recovered from
The SARS flu are immune for life. I never got another infection.
The shots were totally useless, a fraud. The entire pandemic was a fraud. Crimes against humanity were carried out… I call
it the American Holocaust given the mass fatalities from protocols that included ventilation under experimental drugs that caused organ failure, and a bounty of $450,000 per corpse paid to the hospital.
So where do we see the threat to our republic? It was Biden, not Trump who mandated the shots. It was Biden who used hospital fatalities to defeat the first CMS mandate legal challenge. It was under Biden that the most egregious government censorship was practiced, withholding early treatment drugs from the public. It was Biden who extended the lockdowns until 3M businesses were destroyed. It was under Biden the flood of immigrants through the open border has strained our already limited resources and turned our cities into shitholes. Under Biden policies peace in Ukraine this been scuttled time after time, pushing us to the brink of destruction.
So tell us now, Celebrities, in whom does the threat to our democracy reside? Your hypocrisy is indefensible.
all drama and theater. the aim is to pronounce the blue team as horrid and only the red team can save you. aka dictatorship.
This is not about drama. It is about the crimes and Constitutional collapse of the Biden administration. These are facts unless you subscribe to “woke” that denies facts … everything is a matter of opinion. Corpses are facts. They can be counted. The pandemic was a fraud. A fact. The shots are deadly and otherwise useless. A fact. The mandates were a fact. The immigrant flood is a fact. Egregious and indefensible government censorship … a crime against the First Amendment … is a fact. The next administration will be a referendum on the current one. We hope it will be different with some good reasons to think so.
it most certainly is drama and theater. note how the msm hypes all things as bad blue team and the saving grace will be the red team. the simpleton public believes this nonsense. the drama to divide and conquer is working. this staged nonsense against a RINO is more proof. immediately blame was assigned to the blue team. voting is a scam that is used to pacify the comatose public and make the believe they have a ay in their own misfortunes. nothing changes. refer to comparisons of germany pre ww2 for this "woke" idiocy. and why the germans tried to destroy it and wee attacked for it.