Keep bringing it, Scott. I'm of the preceding generation to yours and saw and heard much of what Sy has brought to the table so significantly in the 20th and now the 21st century. He DESERVES every accolade and so much more than any of his peers who never dared to step out of line for the accompanying risks to potential career renumeration(s) to come. The man is an island of honest moral rectitude.

That said, nobody I can think of off the top of my head comes closer than yourself in the same vein, that is striking while the iron is hot and the dangers to person in full flower.

Your work, your passion, so sorely needed in this hour, is every bit as strengthening as Thomas Paine's was in his time, albeit the armada of censorship arrayed against you is something Paine was able to circumvent only by having like-minded compatriots willing to shoulder the burden in order to make the notional freedom inherent in the Declaration of Independence manifest.

It is our time, it is the hour. And your voice is an integral part of the outcome we all (the Aware) continue to follow for the inspiration you bring.

Godspeed, Good Sir.

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When Seymour Hersh speaks to media or at talks, he often gets asked about his sources, which have allowed him to learn about and report so many critical stories over five decades. His response always centers around officials who have taken an oath to the constitution and not the president, political leaders, or current powers-that-be. That describes well the positions Scott has taken over the years.

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Hi @Robin Altman. Good to see you. I was summarily booted off FB 3-1/2 years ago, I miss so many friends like you, but am glad to be done with the government's censorial repression as represented on that so-called "free speech" platform.

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The gross Act Of War committed by the USA against an ally is IMHO the biggest story since the outbreak of WW2. It, in itself is bad enough, but there is something else marginally more frightening than this lunatic escapade; it's the cover-up by our news media, which we already knew was appallingly conformist to government and security-service direction, but has shown in it's complete uniformity of non-reaction, that the censorship/propaganda level we are suffering is even worse than imagined. In fact the non-coverage reveals a cowardly obedience _so_ bad that the only sane option for someone interested in the truth (whatever the political shade) must be to completely ignore all main stream news media, or at least assume it is chock full of lies and omissions.

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I totally agree. And you can throw in the lack of thorough reporting on East Palestine as well. I haven’t trusted the mainstream media for quite some time (pretty much since they were in lockstep with the Iraq war lies), and these days I tend to believe the exact opposite of what they’re reporting. I’m probably throwing out a lot of babies with the bath water, but it is what it is...

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i am reading at the moment " the trigger" by David Icke. An eye opening . It is about 9/11 .

I had never read anything from him, but i heard last november that he was barred from speaking in europe for at least 2 years. This is a dutch " judicial" decision. So i did some research and he i considered " a complotist". Well, i like to hear " different" sounds on a subject.

I can understand why governements want to mute him. It is a thick book with a lot info to digest. Everything he writes is well documented: names and positions inside governments, organizations. Name publications and authors etc. So he cannot be attacked by the judiciary on what he publishes, for example diffamation, because everything is veryfiable and true. And so he uncovers that the Ultra Zionists representing a minority of world society has position of power in government, banking and media.

Ultra zionists pushing and manipulating governments for wars and giving so the possibility for israel to expand.

Saying this, you will be villified and called a antisemic.

The jewish faith beeing exploited and used as a shield y the ultra zionists

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David Icke's website hosted a video of the Beirut Blast that was taken from a cell phone in an apartment building well inside the blast radius. Apparently, the people in the video died in the blast. The video showed an incendiary missile air strike from what sounded like an F-class fighter. The incendiary weapon allowed a delay before the explosion of perhaps 10 seconds between when we hear the flyover and the explosion, so when the official video of the blast is shown, the aircraft had already escaped. The official video is from much farther away and while the cell phone video was officially decried as an obvious fake, there is in fact no way that it could have been faked. The implications of this video are that Israel bombed a weapons depot and caused the Beirut Blast. We know that 2 Ukrainian-flagged ships were at port at the time of the explosion, and I surmise that Russian munitions were being moved to Iran. (which could be part of the alliance between Russia, Iran, and Turkey). This is not the same video. It shows the incoming projectile (but doesn't have the damning audio). https://forum.davidicke.com/index.php?/topic/6442-beirut-explosion-missile-seen/

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ultra zionists own the media. Most of them world wide.

Control the media and control opinion etc.

Read "the trigger" by David Icke

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Let me repeat...

"It's the Oligarchy -- Stupid!"

Their names are published in the Fortune 400. We know who they are. We just let them do "their thing". I mean -- for example -- you know that Jeff Bezos owns the WaPo.

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The media are government conformists, but only as long as it is one of their chosen / installed governments and not one that the people somehow voted in past the gatekeepers.

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That the great Seymore Hersh had to self-publish on Substack like the rest of us, is a perfect example of how the "land of the free" has no free press.

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Truth Two ain't gonna happen. Germans are more obedient and have less self-respect than whipped dogs. They'll prevaricate, rationalize, pretend not to hear, anything that keeps them from facing unpleasant facts

As a result, Truth Three ain't looking too good, either.

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Germany has been militarily occupied since 1945. They are completely controlled now

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Ah maybe after this winter of shivering they'll look at one another and say "F... this".

Yeah, their political leadership is 100% owned by the American Oligarchy, but that's just a couple of guys.

I'm kind of hoping that if the Germans kick Schultz in the nuts that Americans will gather the courage to do the same thing with Biden (for a start). Let's be clear though, removing Biden isn't even the "beginning" of what is needed.

Germany isn't the only "occupied" nation. The criminals known as the "American Oligarchy" have "occupied" too much of the planet for far too long.

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European politicians are weak. And kept that way through the Euro, as when you don t have your own money any more, the ones who hold the purse dictate what will happens. Any woman depending on a ( bad) husband knows that.

Ms von der leyen is a US " asset" and work for the ruin of europe.

Helped by ms Lagarde ex FMI.

So europe is ruined thanks to biden and his ultra zionist friends.

It wont benefit the USA though, as a ruined continent cannot buy goods from the USA. So a market lost.

And further more, if there is one money to control Europe, there are still many languages spoken- this is an asset - and it will be more difficult to subjugate all populations.

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I hope you're right about Germans coming to their senses.

But maybe after this winter of shivering they'll look at each other and say "F... Putin", just like they've been told to.

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OMG, I never considered that. You're right to suggest that I'm naive.

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I didn't mean any suggestion that you are naive--and I appreciate your insights into the mindsets popular among Germans.

As I said, I hope your optimism about Germans coming to their senses is right and my pessimistic concerns prove wrong.

(I tend to be pessimistic and cynical about many things. That's not a trait that I'm happy about, and I love being proven wrong.)

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This may not be an immediate blowback, but Germans have a long memory. And this is bound to surface in political affairs in the years ahead.

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Keep in mind that in contemporary Germany, questioning Atlanticism is a faux pas on the level of standing up in the middle of a High Papal Mass to demand that the person who just farted identify him or herself.

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Maybe "contemporary Germany" is no longer "contemporary"?

I mean how many times can you get kicked in the balls before you realize your "friend" isn't your friend?

We have a competition of metaphors going on. Hopefully they don't misdirect us from the goal.

OK, you think the Germans are going to lay down and take it. I think they're going to get really, really pissed. Perhaps, somewhere in the middle is the truth.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Kind of like when Ritter (and everyone else) suggested Russia was going to overrun Ukraine in 3 days. (Do I exaggerate?)

Certainly we could apply your same reasoning to Americans. There are some who have totally given up on the USA being a moral force in the world. There are many, many more who since that stupid song about being "Proud to be an American" question nothing. Which group has the more 'rock hard faith' that they are right. When you realize you've been made a fool (something that everyone resists as long as they can), how easy is it for your nemesis to convince you that you're wrong? How much evidence is required to be shown you're being used?

I've a new hobby. Someone posts something about an item I'm interested in, I will spend an hour or more trying to "follow the money". You'd be surprised to find out how often it leads to some Billionaire.

For instance, an article was shared with me this morning on the rapid increase in the price of eggs. Well written and makes sense. But I followed the money and found that the writer works for a corporation that is owned by a Jewish Billionaire. (It is probably just coincidence that he's a Jew.) [Oh yeah, the Anti-defamation League plays a "supporting role" in this 'investigation'.]

Who here doesn't know Glenn Greenwald and how he quit the Intercept because the Billionaire who thought he owned "him"?

I don't want to be the one who calls Germans stupid.

My "overall point" would be that "everyone lies". You guys have to decide for yourself the story that makes the most sense.

IMHO Ritter has passed through that "Looking Glass". He did it long, long ago (in a galaxy far, far away)

He is now our Obe-Wan.

Who's going to step up to be Luke?

Who's going to step up to be Han?

Too many metaphors? Probably.

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I dunno, what was the response when the Obama administration turned out to be spying on Merkel? A few muted complaints, but that was all.

Hell, look how many times the United States has sold the Kurds out, yet they keep on coming back for more..

And believe me, I don't spare Americans.

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Spying on Merkel. Who cares?

Isn't -- "I'm sitting in my Berlin apartment shivering like crazy" -- just a bit more "real"?

Kind of gives us a clue about what is going to be required to get the attention of the "average American".

Man, you would not believe how STUPID most Americans are. Look at the fact that they have to have two separate anti-war rallies. They can't even unite over "We're all gonna die in a Nuclear Holocaust!" (Or maybe you can believe it, I'm surely at a loss. Far exceeds my imagination.)

No one is going to show up at either one! Not that it matters. I was at San Francisco before W's invasion of Iraq. Ritter keeps talking about the 1982 anti-nuke rally in Central Park. Well, if he pulls off his Russia tour, I'll contribute to the rally.

(Sometimes I feel the complete defeat that he speaks of, but then he manages to pull himself out of the muck and preach hellfire. Don't give up Scott!)

I dunno, which of us is the more convinced that Humanity has overstayed its welcome in this Universe? Doesn't the thought of the "death of Humanity" just cause you to shake with fear and wail aloud? I do. Does it mean anything that the neighbors ignore me?

Aren't we at a "new level" of angst? I sure hope so (I think).

Is this Schadenfreude?

The dictionary definition doesn't come close to defining how I feel about the end of humanity. Charlton Heston at the end of "Planet of the Apes" is maybe 1/100th of the emotion I think we should feel.

HEY! Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to expand on that feeling of helplessness as we're about to totally destroy ourselves.

You could very well be right!

Now doesn't that give you a "warm fuzzy"? We both see the end of humanity. You think they'll do nothing about it -- I am hoping maybe they'll go down screaming. Not much of a "victory" for either of us is it.

The end is --- nothing.

If it helps, I've almost always appreciated your comments and agreed with them almost like we might be brothers.

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I never said not to keep fighting.

But I can see how this will play out.

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I only wish we had "years".

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Sadly, my estimate is we have only a 40% chance of surviving the current nuclear crisis. Then, if we do, USA will provoke another with China, who won't be as patient as Putin.

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I should add, everyone in Germany, especially and including their leadership, knows Truth One is a matter of fact (regardless of anything Hersh said or found), but refuse to admit it.

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Yep, all Hersh did was provide details about how the attack was planned and carried out. Everyone (except maybe most 'Murikans) already knew the US did it.

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Please look for my Sy Hersh quote on how angry the Germans are.

I don't think the Germans could have imagined the betrayal they've just experienced. Not that it is equivalent, but I voted for Obama -- twice. I cannot imagine being more angry than I am, but that's because of a lack of imagination I think.

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Were to God that more Germans shared your anger.

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I think you voted for Obama twice directly & once indirectly. That dill who's supposed to be running the show is a glove puppet for B.O.

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I stopped voting sometime after 2012. Definitely not in the 2016 general.

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Dear Scott Ritter, it gives us European citizens (still) some hope that the biggest power on the planet, which has earned the title of Evil Empire with its actions, although Ronald Reagan originally attributed it to the Soviet Union, that honor has not yet died overseas, and that for sure there are other rare species out there who are like Seymour Hersh and Scott Ritter. and Col. Doug McGregor ! Those who defy retaliation and tell the truth! Where the government shamelessly lies not only to its own citizens without batting an eyelid, but also attacks its European allies in a vile way ! This is the power where all universal values have been defiled and they want to introduce them by force for the inhabitants of the planet !

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My only disappointment is that Hersh didn't indicate that at the time Biden's gang started organizing their act of war Russia was making huge efforts to reach a peace agreement.

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Russia has been seeking an agreement with the American Oligarchy ever since the USSR broke up. There's nothing new for Hersh to report.

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Jeffrey Sachs: Who really blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline? – OUTSTANDING


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America, pitting its economic enemies against itself to save a dollar based on debt. Clever. Evil.

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Scott said - "Joe Biden . . . has committed an impeachable offense unmatched by any other president in the history of the United States."

I wouldn't say "unmatched," I'd say "matched only by George W. Bush lying us into an illegal, unconstitutional, war in Iraq."

But other than that, spot on!

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Boom! Synthetic and demolishing analysis!

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You have so fully captured the significance of this for Americans. Your colleague Garland Nixon laid out the further implications, including possible trials of those members of the German Government that were forewarned and remained silent. The first half hour is slow--I suggest starting in after that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_ntpTTM8zk

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I'll back up your recommendation. There are 3 other Nixon podcasts folks should listen to on this betrayal.

I also appreciate Nixon's comparison of the Titanic sinking with the stupidity of the so-called anti-war movement marches.

BTW there's another one in March.

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Everyone already knew that the US was responsible for the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines.

No outrage then (except against Putin for doing it). No MSM investigation.

All Hersh added was details of the planning and how the bombing was carried out.

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Agreed! We need a million more independent journalists like Sy Hersh. Inch by inch, the indies are chipping away at the rock face of US propaganda. Keep it up, Scott and all! We will get there to a truth-filled world someday. (Read our take on the Nord Stream sabotage story at this week's TheRevolutionContinues.substack.com

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I’m pretty sure that behind the thin veil of spy balloons, Sy’s bombshell piece is exploding across Europe.

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It would be great to hear more about reactions in Germany....

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Good work Scott


Glad you are giving your speech as my voice falters for your fine words

I especially think the part about Russophobia is critical, be sure to speak it slowly, and notate breath and inhale marks , i did, which helped.

Also correct your two typos, be and of not or


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Unfortunately the vast majority of reporting is a scripted account of what reporters are told. I applaud him for telling us the truth. When the bombing of the pipeline happened my first thought was that the US government probably did it. The American people are fed a glossed over version of history portraying the US as a hero.This is not the real truth. Our government has been as ruthless as almost any dictator in history.To become the most powerful government in the world our government has lied about the real truth about their actions. The more people study our real history the more acceptable they will become of our government.

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The truth on pipeline is everywhere and soo obvious -- just not in the US state media

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Thank You Scott. It has been obvious to many that US" primordial interests for fighting all these wars...has always been to stop Germany from teaming up with Russia ( G. Friedman).

Now it is in plain sight.

Unfortunately germans are brainwashed by their public broadcasting that there will be neither an uprising on the streets nor any congressional investigation.

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