The secret "shadow" government is the large organizational network which operates alongside the officially elected and appointed government of the United States of America.
Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional branches.
However, unlike the official government, the purpose of the non-executive branches of the Shadow Government is simply to distribute various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and balances, as was supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. Government.
That is because the Shadow Government is a creature of a powerful elite, who need not fear being dominated by an instrument of their own creation.
In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified.
These branches are:
the Executive Branch,
the Intelligence Branch,
the War Department,
the Weapons Industry Branch, and
the Financial Department
1.(CFR) includes George Bush, Bill Clinton, all modern CIA Directors, most modern Joint Chiefs of Staff, most modern Cabinet and top Executive Branch appointed officeholders, etc.
2. The Trilateral Commission: Zbignew Brzezinski, John D. Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan, Anthony Lake, John Glenn, David Packard, David Gergen, Diane Feinstein, Jimmy Carter, Adm. William Crowe, etc.
3. The Bilderberg Group: Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, Bill Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, etc.
4. (NSC), the military and intelligence policy-making and control group for national and international security, which reports directly to the President, its secret 5412 Committee (which directs black [covert] operations), and its PI-40 Subcommittee
5. (JCS)'s Special Operations compartment, the operations directorate which implements the orders of the NSC's 5412 Committee, utilizing the U.S. Special Forces Command.
6. (NPO), which operates the Continuity of Government Project (COG), an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence executive centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities staffed by surrogates for above ground national leaders.
7. FEMA's black projects compartment, which operates federal preventive-detention camps [often located on military bases or Federal Bureau of Land Management lands], secure underground shelters for the elite during cataclysms, etc.
1. (NSA), monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem, radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and electromagnetic fields "of interest" around the world, and orchestrates information-control and cover-up activities related to UFO secrecy and surveillance of extra-terrestrial operations, Fort Meade, MD.
2. National Reconnaissance Office. UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere, coordinates firing (NRO), controls and collects information from global spy satellites, monitors of energy beam weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and selectively at extra-terrestrial craft, Pentagon basement and Dulles Airport area, VA.
3. (CIA), commands, often controls, and sometimes coordinates, the gathering of secret overseas information gathered by spies (HUMINT), electronic surveillance (SIGINT), and other means; carries out covert unconstitutional paramilitary counterinsurgency operations and preemptive political pacification projects in violation of international law, as well as counter-intelligence sting operations against foreign agents; engages in domestic surveillance, and manipulation of the U.S. political process, "in the National interest" in direct violation of its congressional charter; operates proprietary "false front" companies for profit; conducts a major share of international trans-shipment of illegal drugs, using National Security cover and immunity; and cooperates with NSA's UFO cover-up operations, Langley, VA, and worldwide branches.
4. (FBI) The branch which investigates, surveilles and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and cooperates with the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with UFOs and extra-terrestrials.
5. (DOE-INTEL), which conducts internal security checks and external security threat countermeasures, often through its contract civilian instrumentality, the Wackenhut Corporation
6. (INSCOM) whose assignments include psychological and psychotronic warfare (PSYOPS), para-psychological intelligence (PSYINT), and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT), Ft. Meade, MD. - U.S Army Intelligence and Security Command
7. (ONI), which gathers intelligence affecting naval operations, and has a compartmented units, Office of Navy Intelligence.
8. AFOSI), which gathers intelligence affecting aerospace operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in investigating IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination with NRO interdiction operations, Bolling Air Force Base, MD.
9. (DIA), which coordinates the intelligence data gathered from the various Armed Services intelligence branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Special Forces), and provides counter-threat measures, (which include providing security at ultra-classified installations by the deployment of U.S. "Thought Police".
10. NASA: Which gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats, astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and ETs, and coordinates the transfer of alien technology to U.S. and allies' aerospace operations.
11. Which is an NSA/USAF joint intelligence operations unit dealing with possible threats to aerospace operations from foreign powers, terrestrial or otherwise.
12. (DISCO), which conducts intelligence operations within and on behalf of the civilian defense contractor corporations engaged in classified research, development, and production, Defense Industry Security Command
13. (DIS), which conducts investigations into people and situations deemed a possible threat to any operation of the Department of Defense, Defense Investigative Service
14. Which conducts surveillance and interdiction of threats to the security of Air Force electronic transmissions and telemetry, and to the integrity of electronic countermeasure (ECM) warfare equipment, Air Force Electronic Security Command.
15. DEA: Which conducts surveillance and interdiction of drug smuggling operations, unless exempted under "National Security" waivers.
16. Federal Police Agency Intelligence: Which coordinates intelligence relating to threats against federal property and personnel.
17. Defense Electronic Security Command: Which coordinates intelligence surveillance and countermeasures against threats to the integrity of military electronic equipment and electronic battlefield operations, Fort Worth, TX.
18. Naval Investigative Services: (NIS), which conducts investigations against threats to Naval operations.
Which gathers information with promise for scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for, or a threat against, the National Security.
2. Strategic Defense Initiative Office(SDIO) and Ballistic Missile Defense Org.(BMDO)
Which coordinates research, development and deployment of Star Wars electromagnetic pulse, killer laser, particle beam, plasmoid, and other advanced technology aerospace weapons.
3. Department of Energy :
(DOE) which, besides its cover story of researching cleaner-burning coal and gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development of: more specialized nuclear weapons; compact, self-sustaining, fusion powered, particle and wave weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/anti-gravitational, laser, particle beam and plasmoid applied weapons research; high energy invisibility "cloaking" technology, etc.
4. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories-West
Which are involved in nuclear warhead "refinements", development of new transuranic elements for weapons and energy applications, development of anti-matter weapons (the Teller Bomb: 10,000 times the force of a hydrogen bomb), laser/maser technology applications, and, reportedly, successful teleportation experiments, among other projects, at this Russian nicknamed "City of Death", Livermore, CA.
5. Idaho National Engineering Laboratories : (INEL), which houses numerous underground facilities in an immense desert installations complex larger than Rhode Island, has security provided by its own secret Navy Base, is involved in nuclear, high energy electromagnetic, and other research, and includes Argonne National Laboratory, West), Arco, ID
6. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Phillips Air Force Laboratory:
Which are sequestered on Kirtland Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical and experimental nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories into practical, working weapons, Albuquerque, NM.
7. Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA : A 30 levels deep, extreme security facility reportedly engaged in alien technology retro-engineering.
8. Area 51, Groom Lake, (USAF/DOE/CIA) Base) and S-4 (Papoose Lake Base)
Ultra-secure "non-existent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and operationally flown, including the Aurora hypersonic spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealth fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyper-speed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of anti-gravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs).
9. Los Alamos National Laboratories : The premier research lab for nuclear, subatomic particles, high magnetic field, exometallurgical, exobiological and other exotic technologies research, Los Alamos County, NM.
10. U.S. Special Forces Command: Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Fl, along with its Western U.S. Headquarters, Special Forces Command, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA, coordinating:U.S. Army Delta Forces (Green Berets)U.S. Navy SEALs (Black Berets), Coronado, CA.USAF Blue Light (Red Berets) Strike Force
11. (DARPA), which coordinates the application of latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons.
12. The Jason Group: Elite weapons application scientists, developing cutting-edge science weapons for DARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation.
13. Aquarius Group: Technology application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology findings.
14. Defense Science Board: Which serves as the Defense Department's intermediary between weapons needs and the physical sciences.
15. Defense Nuclear Agency: Currently concentrating on fusion powered, high energy particle beam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment.
16. U.S. Space Command : Space War Headquarters for operating "the next war, which will be fought and won in space", Falcon AFB, CO.
17. (NORAD), operating the nuclear survivable space surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, CO.
18. Air Force Office of Space Systems: Which coordinates the development of future technology for operating and fighting in space.
19. NASA's Ames Research Center : SDI weapons research - Classified
20. Project MILSTAR: Development and deployment of WWIII [space war] command, control, communication and intelligence satellites.
Stanford Research Institute, Inc. An Intelligence contractor involved in psychotronic, para-psychological and PSY-WAR research.
AT&T Sandia Labs, Bell Labs, etc. Star Wars weapons research and NSA telephone/satellite communications interception facilitation.
RAND Corporation(Research And Development) CIA-front involved in Intelligence projects, weapons development, and underground bases development.
Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer
CorporationNSA/DOE contractor involved in Star Wars weapons development, fusion applications, and security for Area 51 and nuclear installations, etc.
Wackenhut Corporation(NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security operations for Top Secret Ultra and Black Budget surface and underground military reservations, such as Area S-4 (U.S. UFO base), NV and Sandia National Labs, (Star Wars weapons base), NM, and, reportedly, "dirty jobs" for CIA and Defense Intelligence agencies.
Bechtel Corporation CIA's main contractor for covert projects and experimental underground bases.
United Nuclear Corporation Military nuclear applications.
Walsh Construction seems to undertake CIA projects contracts.
Aerojet (Genstar Corp.)Makes DSP-1 Star Wars battle satellites for the NRO.
Reynolds Electronics Engineering Seems to undertake CIA and DoD projects.
Lear Aircraft Company Black budget technology.
Northrop Corporation Makes U.S. anti-gravity craft, back-engineered from alien technology, near Lancaster, CA..
Hughes Aircraft Classified projects compartment.
Lockheed-Martin Corporation Black Budget aerospace projects.
McDonnell-Douglas Corporation Black Budget aerospace projects.
BDM Corporation CIA contractor, involved in UFO back-engineering and psychotronic projects, etc.
General Electric Corporation Electronic warfare and weapons systems.
PSI-TECH Corporation Involved in military/Intelligence applications of research into psychotronics, parapsychology, remote viewing, and contacting extra-terrestrial consciousness. Science Applications
International Corp.(SAIC) - "black projects" contractor, reportedly including psychic warfare.
Bush Sr was CIA since college to The George Bush Center for Intelligence and most likely involved in killing of President Kennedy who wanted to SMASH THE CIA INTO 1,000 PIECES. Look up and read the Walsh Report on Iran/Contra and the CIA link to Bill Clinton and Mena, AR and Bush Sr was running the operation as President Reagan's Vice President. Then Bush Sr became president and Casper Weinberger and other Iran/Contra figures were charged with crimes and were going to go on trial and if the truth came out, Bush Sr. would be impeached and possibly criminally charged. So it appears AG Bill Barr (the same creep who stabbed President in the back) came up with a plan, William Jefferson Clinton comes out of nowhere and defeats Bush Sr which then let's Bush PARDON Casper Weinberger and KILL the whole Iran/Contra investigation and keep the truth covered-up. But, as a result, the Bush/Clinton Crime Family was born and both Republicans and Democrats controlled POWER in the USA by weaponizing the DOJ, CIA, NSA, and FBI and the DEEP STATE was born with unelected agencies having more and more power. So when President Trump ran to DRAIN THE SWAMP he didn't realize how powerful, the expanded Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden Crime Family would do whatever they needed to do to DESTROY him. And that's where we are today and the question is, When Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and Congress are happy with the status quo, do ultraMAGA Trump supporters have a chance? Today, Paul Ryan has brought FOX into the SWAMP CAMP and we have only a small portion of the MEDIA to get our message. So when people are bombarded with ANTI-TRUMP propaganda, it's easy to see why even a whole lot of Republican Attorneys don't really have a real chance.
Rumors of a link between the US first family the Bushes and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades.
"One significant voyage, which departed from Liverpool on January 20, 1915 and arrived in New York on January 30,was aboard theSSArabic. Its passenger, on Line 1of the manifest, presented to the INS at Ellis Island, was George Scherf, German citizen from Dölitzsch. Dölitzsch is a small village south of Leipzig, Germany, and was not too distant from the hometown of Martin Bormann who later became Hitler’s second-in-command.George Scherf, Sr. befriended Nikola Tesla and subsequently worked in Tesla’s laboratory as an “office assistant”. While working there, he brought along a boy whom Tesla complained about, George Scherf, Jr. or “Curious George”. This curious nickname was earned when this George was reading notes and stealing important materials from Nikola Tesla’s laboratory.
Years after leaving Germany, Nazi George Scherf, Sr. would be relaxing in his couch… with his new identity – Prescott Bush, after successfully embedding themselves to the dynastic American industrialist families of Samuel P. Bush and George Herbert Walker.
Prescott bush reaped millions financing the armament of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi war machine, until the Feds seized and shutdown his New York based bank. When author Russ Baker revealed this, the Federal Banking Authorities deleted documentary evidence of the banks seizure for “aiding and abetting” a hostile foreign power. However, the New York newspapers of the day reported the bank’s seizure for its ties to the Nazis.
Deep State Double agent, Mr. AG Barr: What did Trump expect given Barr's background?
William Barr’s father is Donald Barr, who was the headmaster at Dalton School in Manhattan. Bill Barr's father was connected to OSS/CIA and as principal in a NYC private school, hired Jeffrey Epstein as an unqualified teacher. Later as an attorney, Bill Barr worked for George Bush, Sr. He has lived and worked in a cloud of corruption and subterfuge his whole life.
Barr is good at doing small investigations into important matters. Then write a report and say there is nothing here to see, again and again.
A close examination of Barr’s legal career indicates a high tolerance for presidentially sanctioned law-breaking
“I started off in Washington at the Central Intelligence Agency and went to law school at night while I was working at CIA,” recalled William Barr in a2001 oral history for the University of Virginia.
As President Bush’s most notorious CIA insider from 1973 to 1977, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors.
Barr's History: Deep State Double agent, Mr. AG Barr:
Did AG Barr Create Durham Special Counsel to Prevent President Trump from Releasing Information Related to Crossfire Hurricane? It is trying to run out the clock and block classified information?
“I started off in Washington at the Central Intelligence Agency and went to law school at night while I was working at CIA,” recalled William Barr in a2001 oral history for the University of Virginia.
Barr spent four formative years in the Intelligence Directorate and the Office of Legislative Counsel. He even made the acquaintance of CIA director George H.W. Bush.
In 1991, Bush, now president, appointed Barr to be attorney general.
In his first turn as attorney general in 1991, Barr handled three legal issues of deep concern to the CIA. He helped resolve all three issues favorably for the agency’s leaders and the president. Barr’s decisions were unfavorable to law enforcement, Congress, and the voters.
1. The first deep state fiasco handled by Attorney General Barr was the mother of all scandals, known by the sibilant initials, BCCI.
The Bank of Credit and Commerce International was a global institution, which deputy CIA director Robert Gates described, slightly more accurately, as “the Bank of Crooks and Criminals.” David Ignatius dubbed it “The Bank of Fear
2. Barr played a more direct role in sidelining an investigation into an Italian bank that the CIA used to funnel aid to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. The scandal was known, briefly, as Iraq-gate.
One of those “departing Justice politicians” was Barr. He made sure CIA did not “take the gaspipe,” i.e., commit suicide. Under pressure to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate, Barr slyly appointed a special examiner, a magistrate with much less time and money. A retired judge conducted a cursory investigation and absolved both the CIA and Justice Department of wrongdoing.
Keep up the great work Mr. Ritter..... The uni-party does have a real name.
It is a very long is the short version....... Meet the Puppeteers......the World Economic Forum works for the puppeteers, the WEF and CFR are just operation fronts, they do not give the orders.
British-based secret society called The Round Table. - these groups in turn give the marching orders to
the Shadow Government :
Examples of Military industrial complex - High raking Federal officials, The main actors were people who were never elected. They were appointed bureaucrats. Most of them cannot be fired. They have permanent jobs with high income and benefits. They have vast power, more power it seems than the politicians and certainly more power than you. Indeed they have awesome power over you. And over everything, to the point that they can say whether you can go to church or not or whether your children can play with friends.
Historically they did not care who won the election since they controlled both parties(Rinos) from the top.
America is "ruled by a single political party:
The CFR has only 3000 members yet they control over three-quarters of the nation's wealth. The CFR runs the State Department and the CIA. The CFR has placed 100 CFR members in every Presidential Administration and cabinet since Woodrow Wilson.
The Council Of Foreign Relations has gained a virtual lock-hold on the U.S. government, regardless of which party is in office. No other organization comes close to boasting the kind of clout that the CFR members have held: eight presidents of the U.S.; seven vice presidents; 17 secretaries of state; 20 secretaries of war/defense; 18 secretaries of the Treasury; 15 directors of the CIA. And it has gone throughout the Cabinets, in seriatim — through Democrat and Republican administrations — with hundreds of deputy secretaries, assistant secretaries, etc.
Scott Ritter understands the BEAURACRACY better than anyone I've ever heard, except a guy who was on the Tom Snyder show. Years ago, on the Tom Snyder show, the head of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Union bragged Bureaucrats run the Government. He explained administrations changed every 2 to 4 years BUT Bureaucrats were ALWAYS there, year after year after year. He explained they all flew up like Pigeons every couple of years and usually landed in the same spot they were in or a spot or two down if their spot was filled. But, they're always there, year after year after year. “We Bureaucrats run the government”, he bragged.
You have still not even introduced yourself yet -- not even by your actual name !! Why polluting Scott Ritter’s Extra site with boring and long winded musings?
I have thought Scott Ritter for President before 😁He is a true hero! Just finishes his book #disarmementinthetimeofperestroika..Watch him every day for news on the War in Ukraine and I'm in Walea 😂🙋♀️✌🏻✌🏻
While I generally share the vast majority of your analysis, I think you underestimate your stance on Germany's attitude and the reason for the start of WW2.
I am not talking about the ultimate gruesome Nazi practices, but nuance about the how and why may be necessary.
Take a look at Europa the last battle (not that everything told there is the whole truth, but the current historical narrative probably isn't either)
I am sure Mr. Ritter already know this information, so this is for others, FYI: You can see why a President runs into a wall.....
British politician, Benjamin Disraeli, a man of wide political experience, declared that :
“The world is governed by very different personalities from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
This century U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt has been quoted as saying:
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way.”
General Outline of the Shadow Government : The Military Industrial Complex
The secret "shadow" government is the large organizational network which operates alongside the officially elected and appointed government of the United States of America.
Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional branches.
However, unlike the official government, the purpose of the non-executive branches of the Shadow Government is simply to distribute various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and balances, as was supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. Government.
That is because the Shadow Government is a creature of a powerful elite, who need not fear being dominated by an instrument of their own creation.
In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified.
These branches are:
the Executive Branch,
the Intelligence Branch,
the War Department,
the Weapons Industry Branch, and
the Financial Department
1.(CFR) includes George Bush, Bill Clinton, all modern CIA Directors, most modern Joint Chiefs of Staff, most modern Cabinet and top Executive Branch appointed officeholders, etc.
2. The Trilateral Commission: Zbignew Brzezinski, John D. Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan, Anthony Lake, John Glenn, David Packard, David Gergen, Diane Feinstein, Jimmy Carter, Adm. William Crowe, etc.
3. The Bilderberg Group: Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, Bill Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, etc.
4. (NSC), the military and intelligence policy-making and control group for national and international security, which reports directly to the President, its secret 5412 Committee (which directs black [covert] operations), and its PI-40 Subcommittee
5. (JCS)'s Special Operations compartment, the operations directorate which implements the orders of the NSC's 5412 Committee, utilizing the U.S. Special Forces Command.
6. (NPO), which operates the Continuity of Government Project (COG), an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence executive centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities staffed by surrogates for above ground national leaders.
7. FEMA's black projects compartment, which operates federal preventive-detention camps [often located on military bases or Federal Bureau of Land Management lands], secure underground shelters for the elite during cataclysms, etc.
Intelligence Branches:
1. (NSA), monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem, radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and electromagnetic fields "of interest" around the world, and orchestrates information-control and cover-up activities related to UFO secrecy and surveillance of extra-terrestrial operations, Fort Meade, MD.
2. National Reconnaissance Office. UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere, coordinates firing (NRO), controls and collects information from global spy satellites, monitors of energy beam weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and selectively at extra-terrestrial craft, Pentagon basement and Dulles Airport area, VA.
3. (CIA), commands, often controls, and sometimes coordinates, the gathering of secret overseas information gathered by spies (HUMINT), electronic surveillance (SIGINT), and other means; carries out covert unconstitutional paramilitary counterinsurgency operations and preemptive political pacification projects in violation of international law, as well as counter-intelligence sting operations against foreign agents; engages in domestic surveillance, and manipulation of the U.S. political process, "in the National interest" in direct violation of its congressional charter; operates proprietary "false front" companies for profit; conducts a major share of international trans-shipment of illegal drugs, using National Security cover and immunity; and cooperates with NSA's UFO cover-up operations, Langley, VA, and worldwide branches.
4. (FBI) The branch which investigates, surveilles and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and cooperates with the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with UFOs and extra-terrestrials.
5. (DOE-INTEL), which conducts internal security checks and external security threat countermeasures, often through its contract civilian instrumentality, the Wackenhut Corporation
6. (INSCOM) whose assignments include psychological and psychotronic warfare (PSYOPS), para-psychological intelligence (PSYINT), and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT), Ft. Meade, MD. - U.S Army Intelligence and Security Command
7. (ONI), which gathers intelligence affecting naval operations, and has a compartmented units, Office of Navy Intelligence.
8. AFOSI), which gathers intelligence affecting aerospace operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in investigating IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination with NRO interdiction operations, Bolling Air Force Base, MD.
9. (DIA), which coordinates the intelligence data gathered from the various Armed Services intelligence branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Special Forces), and provides counter-threat measures, (which include providing security at ultra-classified installations by the deployment of U.S. "Thought Police".
10. NASA: Which gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats, astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and ETs, and coordinates the transfer of alien technology to U.S. and allies' aerospace operations.
11. Which is an NSA/USAF joint intelligence operations unit dealing with possible threats to aerospace operations from foreign powers, terrestrial or otherwise.
12. (DISCO), which conducts intelligence operations within and on behalf of the civilian defense contractor corporations engaged in classified research, development, and production, Defense Industry Security Command
13. (DIS), which conducts investigations into people and situations deemed a possible threat to any operation of the Department of Defense, Defense Investigative Service
14. Which conducts surveillance and interdiction of threats to the security of Air Force electronic transmissions and telemetry, and to the integrity of electronic countermeasure (ECM) warfare equipment, Air Force Electronic Security Command.
15. DEA: Which conducts surveillance and interdiction of drug smuggling operations, unless exempted under "National Security" waivers.
16. Federal Police Agency Intelligence: Which coordinates intelligence relating to threats against federal property and personnel.
17. Defense Electronic Security Command: Which coordinates intelligence surveillance and countermeasures against threats to the integrity of military electronic equipment and electronic battlefield operations, Fort Worth, TX.
18. Naval Investigative Services: (NIS), which conducts investigations against threats to Naval operations.
War Department: Military industrial Complex
1. CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology :
Which gathers information with promise for scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for, or a threat against, the National Security.
2. Strategic Defense Initiative Office(SDIO) and Ballistic Missile Defense Org.(BMDO)
Which coordinates research, development and deployment of Star Wars electromagnetic pulse, killer laser, particle beam, plasmoid, and other advanced technology aerospace weapons.
3. Department of Energy :
(DOE) which, besides its cover story of researching cleaner-burning coal and gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development of: more specialized nuclear weapons; compact, self-sustaining, fusion powered, particle and wave weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/anti-gravitational, laser, particle beam and plasmoid applied weapons research; high energy invisibility "cloaking" technology, etc.
4. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories-West
Which are involved in nuclear warhead "refinements", development of new transuranic elements for weapons and energy applications, development of anti-matter weapons (the Teller Bomb: 10,000 times the force of a hydrogen bomb), laser/maser technology applications, and, reportedly, successful teleportation experiments, among other projects, at this Russian nicknamed "City of Death", Livermore, CA.
5. Idaho National Engineering Laboratories : (INEL), which houses numerous underground facilities in an immense desert installations complex larger than Rhode Island, has security provided by its own secret Navy Base, is involved in nuclear, high energy electromagnetic, and other research, and includes Argonne National Laboratory, West), Arco, ID
6. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Phillips Air Force Laboratory:
Which are sequestered on Kirtland Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical and experimental nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories into practical, working weapons, Albuquerque, NM.
7. Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA : A 30 levels deep, extreme security facility reportedly engaged in alien technology retro-engineering.
8. Area 51, Groom Lake, (USAF/DOE/CIA) Base) and S-4 (Papoose Lake Base)
Ultra-secure "non-existent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and operationally flown, including the Aurora hypersonic spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealth fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyper-speed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of anti-gravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs).
9. Los Alamos National Laboratories : The premier research lab for nuclear, subatomic particles, high magnetic field, exometallurgical, exobiological and other exotic technologies research, Los Alamos County, NM.
10. U.S. Special Forces Command: Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Fl, along with its Western U.S. Headquarters, Special Forces Command, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA, coordinating:U.S. Army Delta Forces (Green Berets)U.S. Navy SEALs (Black Berets), Coronado, CA.USAF Blue Light (Red Berets) Strike Force
11. (DARPA), which coordinates the application of latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons.
12. The Jason Group: Elite weapons application scientists, developing cutting-edge science weapons for DARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation.
13. Aquarius Group: Technology application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology findings.
14. Defense Science Board: Which serves as the Defense Department's intermediary between weapons needs and the physical sciences.
15. Defense Nuclear Agency: Currently concentrating on fusion powered, high energy particle beam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment.
16. U.S. Space Command : Space War Headquarters for operating "the next war, which will be fought and won in space", Falcon AFB, CO.
17. (NORAD), operating the nuclear survivable space surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, CO.
18. Air Force Office of Space Systems: Which coordinates the development of future technology for operating and fighting in space.
19. NASA's Ames Research Center : SDI weapons research - Classified
20. Project MILSTAR: Development and deployment of WWIII [space war] command, control, communication and intelligence satellites.
21. Project Tacit Rainbow: Stealth drones/pseudo-UFO's.
22. Project Timberwind : Nuclear powered space vehicles.
23. Project Code EVA: Space walk based technology.
24. Project Cobra Mist: SDI energy -beam (plasmoid?) weapon research.
25. Project Cold Witness: SDI weapons - Classified
Stanford Research Institute, Inc. An Intelligence contractor involved in psychotronic, para-psychological and PSY-WAR research.
AT&T Sandia Labs, Bell Labs, etc. Star Wars weapons research and NSA telephone/satellite communications interception facilitation.
RAND Corporation(Research And Development) CIA-front involved in Intelligence projects, weapons development, and underground bases development.
Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer
CorporationNSA/DOE contractor involved in Star Wars weapons development, fusion applications, and security for Area 51 and nuclear installations, etc.
Wackenhut Corporation(NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security operations for Top Secret Ultra and Black Budget surface and underground military reservations, such as Area S-4 (U.S. UFO base), NV and Sandia National Labs, (Star Wars weapons base), NM, and, reportedly, "dirty jobs" for CIA and Defense Intelligence agencies.
Bechtel Corporation CIA's main contractor for covert projects and experimental underground bases.
United Nuclear Corporation Military nuclear applications.
Walsh Construction seems to undertake CIA projects contracts.
Aerojet (Genstar Corp.)Makes DSP-1 Star Wars battle satellites for the NRO.
Reynolds Electronics Engineering Seems to undertake CIA and DoD projects.
Lear Aircraft Company Black budget technology.
Northrop Corporation Makes U.S. anti-gravity craft, back-engineered from alien technology, near Lancaster, CA..
Hughes Aircraft Classified projects compartment.
Lockheed-Martin Corporation Black Budget aerospace projects.
McDonnell-Douglas Corporation Black Budget aerospace projects.
BDM Corporation CIA contractor, involved in UFO back-engineering and psychotronic projects, etc.
General Electric Corporation Electronic warfare and weapons systems.
PSI-TECH Corporation Involved in military/Intelligence applications of research into psychotronics, parapsychology, remote viewing, and contacting extra-terrestrial consciousness. Science Applications
International Corp.(SAIC) - "black projects" contractor, reportedly including psychic warfare.
Bush Sr was CIA since college to The George Bush Center for Intelligence and most likely involved in killing of President Kennedy who wanted to SMASH THE CIA INTO 1,000 PIECES. Look up and read the Walsh Report on Iran/Contra and the CIA link to Bill Clinton and Mena, AR and Bush Sr was running the operation as President Reagan's Vice President. Then Bush Sr became president and Casper Weinberger and other Iran/Contra figures were charged with crimes and were going to go on trial and if the truth came out, Bush Sr. would be impeached and possibly criminally charged. So it appears AG Bill Barr (the same creep who stabbed President in the back) came up with a plan, William Jefferson Clinton comes out of nowhere and defeats Bush Sr which then let's Bush PARDON Casper Weinberger and KILL the whole Iran/Contra investigation and keep the truth covered-up. But, as a result, the Bush/Clinton Crime Family was born and both Republicans and Democrats controlled POWER in the USA by weaponizing the DOJ, CIA, NSA, and FBI and the DEEP STATE was born with unelected agencies having more and more power. So when President Trump ran to DRAIN THE SWAMP he didn't realize how powerful, the expanded Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden Crime Family would do whatever they needed to do to DESTROY him. And that's where we are today and the question is, When Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and Congress are happy with the status quo, do ultraMAGA Trump supporters have a chance? Today, Paul Ryan has brought FOX into the SWAMP CAMP and we have only a small portion of the MEDIA to get our message. So when people are bombarded with ANTI-TRUMP propaganda, it's easy to see why even a whole lot of Republican Attorneys don't really have a real chance.
Rumors of a link between the US first family the Bushes and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades.
"One significant voyage, which departed from Liverpool on January 20, 1915 and arrived in New York on January 30,was aboard theSSArabic. Its passenger, on Line 1of the manifest, presented to the INS at Ellis Island, was George Scherf, German citizen from Dölitzsch. Dölitzsch is a small village south of Leipzig, Germany, and was not too distant from the hometown of Martin Bormann who later became Hitler’s second-in-command.George Scherf, Sr. befriended Nikola Tesla and subsequently worked in Tesla’s laboratory as an “office assistant”. While working there, he brought along a boy whom Tesla complained about, George Scherf, Jr. or “Curious George”. This curious nickname was earned when this George was reading notes and stealing important materials from Nikola Tesla’s laboratory.
Years after leaving Germany, Nazi George Scherf, Sr. would be relaxing in his couch… with his new identity – Prescott Bush, after successfully embedding themselves to the dynastic American industrialist families of Samuel P. Bush and George Herbert Walker.
What Should We Make of the Charge Linking the Bush Family Fortune to Nazism?
Prescott bush reaped millions financing the armament of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi war machine, until the Feds seized and shutdown his New York based bank. When author Russ Baker revealed this, the Federal Banking Authorities deleted documentary evidence of the banks seizure for “aiding and abetting” a hostile foreign power. However, the New York newspapers of the day reported the bank’s seizure for its ties to the Nazis.
Deep State Double agent, Mr. AG Barr: What did Trump expect given Barr's background?
William Barr’s father is Donald Barr, who was the headmaster at Dalton School in Manhattan. Bill Barr's father was connected to OSS/CIA and as principal in a NYC private school, hired Jeffrey Epstein as an unqualified teacher. Later as an attorney, Bill Barr worked for George Bush, Sr. He has lived and worked in a cloud of corruption and subterfuge his whole life.
Barr is good at doing small investigations into important matters. Then write a report and say there is nothing here to see, again and again.
A close examination of Barr’s legal career indicates a high tolerance for presidentially sanctioned law-breaking
“I started off in Washington at the Central Intelligence Agency and went to law school at night while I was working at CIA,” recalled William Barr in a2001 oral history for the University of Virginia.
As President Bush’s most notorious CIA insider from 1973 to 1977, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors.
Barr's History: Deep State Double agent, Mr. AG Barr:
Did AG Barr Create Durham Special Counsel to Prevent President Trump from Releasing Information Related to Crossfire Hurricane? It is trying to run out the clock and block classified information?
“I started off in Washington at the Central Intelligence Agency and went to law school at night while I was working at CIA,” recalled William Barr in a2001 oral history for the University of Virginia.
Barr spent four formative years in the Intelligence Directorate and the Office of Legislative Counsel. He even made the acquaintance of CIA director George H.W. Bush.
In 1991, Bush, now president, appointed Barr to be attorney general.
In his first turn as attorney general in 1991, Barr handled three legal issues of deep concern to the CIA. He helped resolve all three issues favorably for the agency’s leaders and the president. Barr’s decisions were unfavorable to law enforcement, Congress, and the voters.
1. The first deep state fiasco handled by Attorney General Barr was the mother of all scandals, known by the sibilant initials, BCCI.
The Bank of Credit and Commerce International was a global institution, which deputy CIA director Robert Gates described, slightly more accurately, as “the Bank of Crooks and Criminals.” David Ignatius dubbed it “The Bank of Fear
2. Barr played a more direct role in sidelining an investigation into an Italian bank that the CIA used to funnel aid to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. The scandal was known, briefly, as Iraq-gate.
One of those “departing Justice politicians” was Barr. He made sure CIA did not “take the gaspipe,” i.e., commit suicide. Under pressure to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate, Barr slyly appointed a special examiner, a magistrate with much less time and money. A retired judge conducted a cursory investigation and absolved both the CIA and Justice Department of wrongdoing.
Keep up the great work Mr. Ritter..... The uni-party does have a real name.
It is a very long is the short version....... Meet the Puppeteers......the World Economic Forum works for the puppeteers, the WEF and CFR are just operation fronts, they do not give the orders.
British-based secret society called The Round Table. - these groups in turn give the marching orders to
the Shadow Government :
Examples of Military industrial complex - High raking Federal officials, The main actors were people who were never elected. They were appointed bureaucrats. Most of them cannot be fired. They have permanent jobs with high income and benefits. They have vast power, more power it seems than the politicians and certainly more power than you. Indeed they have awesome power over you. And over everything, to the point that they can say whether you can go to church or not or whether your children can play with friends.
Meet the Puppeteers.....
These include the Bilderberg Group,
the Royal Institute of International Affairs,
the Council on Foreign Relations,
the Trilateral Commission,
and the Club of Rome.
See illustration:
Historically they did not care who won the election since they controlled both parties(Rinos) from the top.
America is "ruled by a single political party:
The CFR has only 3000 members yet they control over three-quarters of the nation's wealth. The CFR runs the State Department and the CIA. The CFR has placed 100 CFR members in every Presidential Administration and cabinet since Woodrow Wilson.
The Council Of Foreign Relations has gained a virtual lock-hold on the U.S. government, regardless of which party is in office. No other organization comes close to boasting the kind of clout that the CFR members have held: eight presidents of the U.S.; seven vice presidents; 17 secretaries of state; 20 secretaries of war/defense; 18 secretaries of the Treasury; 15 directors of the CIA. And it has gone throughout the Cabinets, in seriatim — through Democrat and Republican administrations — with hundreds of deputy secretaries, assistant secretaries, etc.
Scott Ritter understands the BEAURACRACY better than anyone I've ever heard, except a guy who was on the Tom Snyder show. Years ago, on the Tom Snyder show, the head of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Union bragged Bureaucrats run the Government. He explained administrations changed every 2 to 4 years BUT Bureaucrats were ALWAYS there, year after year after year. He explained they all flew up like Pigeons every couple of years and usually landed in the same spot they were in or a spot or two down if their spot was filled. But, they're always there, year after year after year. “We Bureaucrats run the government”, he bragged.
Fraud is self-evident, but not to the victims.
Who is “jamtat”, author of this incredibly boring, long-winded bullshit text?
Why is such garbage allowed? It has nothing in common with clear and concise statements of Scott Ritter.
WHO is that “jamtat” ??
Why was that garbage text published in a Scott Ritter Extra??
Thanks for your incisive and carefully considered remarks, Boris. You've enlightened us all!
You have still not even introduced yourself yet -- not even by your actual name !! Why polluting Scott Ritter’s Extra site with boring and long winded musings?
I have thought Scott Ritter for President before 😁He is a true hero! Just finishes his book #disarmementinthetimeofperestroika..Watch him every day for news on the War in Ukraine and I'm in Walea 😂🙋♀️✌🏻✌🏻
While I generally share the vast majority of your analysis, I think you underestimate your stance on Germany's attitude and the reason for the start of WW2.
I am not talking about the ultimate gruesome Nazi practices, but nuance about the how and why may be necessary.
Take a look at Europa the last battle (not that everything told there is the whole truth, but the current historical narrative probably isn't either)