Thanks Scott - you give some great insight into something we see virtually nothing about from other sources.

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Being though I am from the USA you can add me as one of Russia's fiercest defenders! 🇷🇺 I can't leave without giving you the chance to call up a video or two from the family of a two-and-a-half-year-old boy who lives near Saint Petersburg . . . https://www.youtube.com/@GavriilScherbenko/videos

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Destined for greatness !

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This is a heart-warming story.

(To think that the monsters who run the US Empire would like nothing better than for the Russians and Chechens to still be fighting to the last person.)

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I'm from New Zealand, have visited Russia twice, I am married to a Russian doctor and understand the issues. Thank you, Scott, for your lucid explanations, not only in this post but across the Internet. There are just a handful of wise men that have such a perceptive and accurate view of international events. Take care... you will have many small-minded enemies.

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A miracle indeed .Only with honesty and integrity could 2 men governing their nations come to understand the futility of their war against each other and understand their common reasons to join forces in the common good of both .May God bless them both . At some point in the future I suspect that this will be the case with Ukraine and Russia .

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Not if the US has any say in the matter.

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What an amazing experience for you and your daughter. The warmth and hospitality you were shown was just as beautiful as the experience you had. Sharing your country as well as being blessed to see the human side of Russia is something you will cherish forever. Great things start with small steps and great men are born of courage and we are blessed to be on this journey with you. I hope someday to visit Russia and get to see for myself what I have only been able to see thru your eyes Scott but Inappreciate having at least that journey to start

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During September-October 1989 (weeks before the Berlin Wall came down in November 1989) I had the privilege to spend 4 weeks in the then USSR, (Moscow, Leningrad and Novosibirsk), on an international delegation of medical scientists organised to meet and relate to like-minded Soviet medical personnel. My over-all impressions were that despite the drab visual appearance of Soviet style cities the people we met were very friendly and eager to discuss our personal experience of living in "the West". Nowhere were we challenged or intimidated although we were often accompanied by "officials" (who were also very polite and friendly). Being an Australian citizen I was aware of an element of Russophobia at home and so was initially both quietly cautious and careful in my contacts with Soviet citizens, however this proved to be unjustified. I am now continually dismayed, if not appalled, that our politicians are unwilling to seek some position of detente whereby so many misconceptions (on both sides) can be addressed and attended to. I fully understand why Russian citizens do not want this war to continue and want to live in a state where differences can be freely discussed. Nothing is impossible if there is a genuine will to achieve a lasting co-operative existence. Your account of the "Path to Redemption" proves this point. Thank you.

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Great article, as always, it's indeed a miracle that Chechens and Russians could build a positive relationship between them.

That tells the sensible position of both, knowing that the real enemies live outside their borders.

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The Truth about Bill Browder and the Trump Tower Meeting

- a conspiracy that involves Browder, the State Dept and British Intelligence, to smear Donald Trump, and to bury Browder’s deposition in US vs Prevezon Holdings Ltd., 15 April 2015, which demonstrated that Browder’s Magnitsky story was a fabrication and the Magnitsky Act was a fraud.


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Wow, this is like a scene out of a movie actually even more dramatic. Regarding the war in Chechnya, you have to remember that Muslims are not going to give up their religion, and under communism they were very resentful of the religious repression. However, President Putin has taken a wise U-turn and recognizes Islam as a part of Russia. The term Jihad is a misnomer, it’s like calling the Gulf war a crusade. Jihad is a beautiful struggle for truth. May God show us the Light. A big part of Islamic eschatology is that true Christians and Muslims (non-Zionists) will unite in the end of time against the antichrist. No doubt Zionism is a tool of the antichrist. It is founded on lack of faith. Great work Scott.

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Feb 16, 2024
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Weren't the Muslims the ones who before 1095 started with invasion predominantly christian Byzantine areas burning dwellings, killing, raping and taking christians to work/sex slavery (same as today, nothing changed) and THEN after Seljuk Turks of central Asia attacked Constantinople, Emperor Alexius I in 1095 turned to the West for help, resulting in the declaration of “holy war” by Pope Urban II at Clermont, France, which began the First Crusade - crusaders being sent to free christian lands?

But I am sure you know this much better then me, but pretending you don't you facilitate pushing western hating muslim supporting message

It's OK, you are perfectly entitled to have an opinion, we learned through history and especially today - it's FORBIDDEN to take any info without double and triple checking the sources, the author, the reasons and agendas behind, direct, indirect and hidden.

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Feb 16, 2024
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Well, this nicely closes the case as you yourself claim you don't know enough about the subject.

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Thank you Scott Ritter, for your commitment to world peace and to helping the American people see the true nature of who the Russian people, and their leader, are. Your story of the Chechen Miracle is quite amazing. To be able to avoid extinction at the hands of UN globalist threat, we must find a way for humanity to unite. This story is one that we must take to heart in order to lay down our divisive and destructive tribalism. We must move beyond this and our ideas and beliefs that say "My way is the only way!" Somehow, the two leaders were able to help their people move beyond the bitterness. I can only see this as a miracle--but a miracle that can happen again if we have the will and faith in a higher power. Thank you again.

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I write about the Russian soul a lot and I’ve even been fired for my writings, have the upmost respect for Russians, but still leery of the governments. And have no interest in the religions. I’ve helped Russian refugees, Jewish refugees. Who fought in World War II, and listen to mini mini stories of what it was like to live in Russia. I think we need to just like we do in America. Need to keep our vigilance up and keep our integrity intact.,

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Thank you, Scott, you are a voice of Reason! One of the very, very few out there! Bless you!

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Thank you for explaining this to us, I had no clue about this!

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Russia has won every war its fought since 2000. The US/NATO has lost every its fought since 2000. Let that sink in for a minute.

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Many Russians and Ukrainians think that peace and redemption is impossible between two people but history shows that it is very much achievable and in relatively short time. People find a way to live together if the governments let them. I hope this war ends sooner rather than later and people on both sides find a way to live in peace together.

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