Thank you Scott for inviting Jill. I'm shocked that she would decline. She's the only peace candidate running on the ballot in nearly every state. Kennedy is an anti-Palestinian racist fraud who would probably support a nuclear war against Iran. I will email Jill to reconsider.
Kennedy was a hero with his covid/mRNA work. I've listened to hours of him speaking about Palestine/Israel and he's clearly an anti-Palestinian racist.
Follow the Benjamin$ funding RFK campaign and possible fear of zio blackmail since he states he has so many mostly open skelelton secrets plus he knows the Dems and what they are capable if. All his other policy stands are great. Genocide / Apartheid state/ Colonizer Settler project and classic racist slurs against Palestinians are a red line.
If people are going to restrict their vote to only candidates who appear to be able to win, the exercise is a waste. I have big questions about the Greens which has been around long enough to have a much larger platform than it has, but Dennis Kucinich and Cornell West are both running, and both are committed enough to lead a coalition which is the only way a peace platform can gain traction.
Kucinich is running for the House as an independent and his platform is tock solid for US survival against the MIC and Zionists. He's always been a resourceful and forward thinker, one who tests the boundaries of the possible.
Is it possible to get Trump to ditch Israel & go with Iran, instead? Would solve most everything; if we reset our relationship w/Iran. Pre coup 1953 best friends.
I think Scott's point is being missed entirely in this discussion. It is not a matter of who is elected, but that they are compelled to continue the INF Treaty. And the support of these 'alternative' candidates would be useful if they can get over their differences enough to give it. But they are also making political calculations for their own self-interest.
Tell me Scott. Is every country with criminal leadership supposed to disappear from the map? If that were the case the US would be long gone.
Is everyone who does not chant “Death to Israel” a Zionist dog?” Is that your position? It seems so. To claim that Kennedy wants nuclear war and likes the carnage in Gaza is beyond ludicrous. If that’s what think in agreement with some idiot commenters then just say it and let your own confusion and cognitive dissonance be a topic of discussion.
When did you ever rail against anthrax, COVID and numerous other experimental shots for the military? I never saw it. Did you take the shots?
Who is the only candidate who is fully aware of the DOD behind the vaccines, the fake pandemic, the global poisoning and willingness to STOP the missile strikes against Russian targets immediately and unconditionally? If you can’t credit that much, you have no answers.
For some reason it was hard to find this comment as it wouldn’t take me directly to the comment when I clicked the notification.
I’m trying to get in touch with Seymour hersh but am having difficulty. Scott Ritter has connection to him, and someone on Twitter recommended I try to reach out to Scott to be connected to Seymour hersh.
I have quite the story the tell, and I think these folks might be interested in it.
I also would like to speak with @scottritter as well, if possible
Normally, Scott, you are very reality based. Not this time. The reality is this: All the actions that brought us to this brink were deliberately initiated by the US, not Russia, not China. There is not one single candidate that has the characteristics you describe. Not one. Hell's Bells There isn't a single candidate that has ANY of the characteristics you describe. You can't ask me to pledge my vote to someone who doesn't exist.
Good comment. I consider this platform the IDEAL way forward, but none of the current candidates will commit to all of the planks before the election, even Stein, for whatever reason, at least not yet. She might change her mind once this is rolled out and people start asking about it. There are dozens of yardsticks one could use to judge these candidates and this is another one. But this is the only sane way forward and offers journalists and other inquirers an opportunity to ask questions based on sane principles of foreign policy towards Russia.
You express a bias against Kennedy by ignoring him without rational justification. You are losing my my attention. There are more uncommitted voters than Dems or Republicans. The only reason his profile is low is MSM censorship … you are now participating in it. Now don’t go swearing at me. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Kennedy is humane. He is rational. He is sane. Just what we need. He is also brilliant. What do you really know about him? I challenge you to rise to the occasion. Examine your own reasoning, your own understanding.
RFK jr is a compromised poop-stain. He's spent too much time on Epstein Island, and is besties with rabid Zionist Rabbi/Dildo-tycoon Schmuley, who filters his pro-genocide, Arab-hate, Islamophobe platform. Both RFK jr's dad and his uncle would be disgraced by this testosterone injected, silver-spoon puppet of Israel
Only a deranged shitlord would think that a Zionist reprobate like RFK Jr is worthy of anything. That charlatan would go for nuclear war with Iran because he's an Israel-first sycophant.
The audacity to "call out" Ritter on that is as demagogic as it is psychotic.
If a country must disappear from the map because the leadership is criminal, the US would already be gone. You took the shots? Right? 1.5M Americans were exterminated by the shots and the malicious incompetence that was the hospital protocols. The entire pandemic was a fraud. The jerk Netanyahu imposed the shots in the whole country and lied about everything. . RFK doesNOT support Netanyahu, but most of Congress does. RFKJR is the ONLY candidate who would cut off aid to Ukraine to STOP the nuclear provocation. The rest are funding Israel AND Ukraine. RFK called for leaders in the region to come up with a reconciliation plan but nobody has to do what he says. He has interviewed both sides extensively. So what did China do? Did they stop the IDF? Do you know why the vaccines are bad and damaging to society? ALL of them. I bet you don’t have a clue. But you think anti-vax is a legitimate criticism like the MSM idiots. RFK is the only one who has a handle in existential issues. The others are out to lunch. But you don’t know that because you have tunnel vision.
Enough with your romance with RFK jr. I get it, I was a fan too, esp given his stance on the jab mandate. That is until I came to learn, that HE IS COMPROMISED. He was good buddies with Mossad operative Epstein. It would be a national security threat to have a president who is a marionette of Israel's Mossad.
He also expressed a willingness to be Trump’s VP! If that isn’t a blatant and desperate stab at gaining a national platform, I can’t imagine what would be. He’s an ambitious fraud.
My thought is, the biggest problems America has, is the deep state, the betrayal by the pentagon,and the corrupt agencies in the federal government ! Until these things are buried 6 feet down, elections, election results, political parties will continue to be corrupt, greedy, lacking ethics……America is headed to the abyss, a step ahead of most of the world !
RFK Jr is an arch Zionist who supports genocide and occupation, so he is as anathema as Biden, Harris, and Trump. Too bad, because Stein was moral as far as Palestine goes.
I got the impression, from comments Scott made in one or two podcasts, that Scott is upset that RFK sought his advice about Ukraine (perhaps through Dennis Kucinich), but did not seek Scott's advice about Israel/Gaza. The way RFK approaches the issue of Israel/Gaza does seem emotional and irrational whereas his approach to other issues seems much more analytical and rational.
The MIC would delight in nothing more than a coordinated attack, or even a quasi-existential war, by ME neighbors against Israel. That’d be good enough for a 5-10 year period of heavy arms sales as the war would invariably expand to Iran and very likely to Russia as well. Win or lose, Israel, like Ukraine, has a role to play in the economic laundering of billions of dollars for the US corperatocracy as it engages in warfare and rebuilding around the world.
If you’re going to vote at all, then probably yes. Who will be better? He’s not worse on Israel than Trump and Harris; they’re all bought into the rationale that there must be a state for the Jews no matter what. However, he’s less formulaic than the others and may eventually seek better outcomes for the Palestinian people. That’s thin gruel, I know, but every other area of his perspective is admirable. Lastly, he’s not wrong about Hamas and Palestinian leadership, but he gives Zionists leadership a pass for atrocities. No one wins the presidency at present without bowing the knee to AIPAC.
Zionism gave the European Jews the ideological knife to carve out a country. The belligerent activists that founded the country have only doubled down on their belligerence. Israel’s global path is underwritten by the U.S., as a regional bulwark for American imperialism.
The Gaza genocide that is still getting more horrific by the hour has forfeited Israel’s place among nations. If Israel doesn’t survive, the USA will have to adapt to a more docile global profile, which will mean tectonic societal change.
“ If Israel doesn’t survive, the USA will have to adapt to a more docile global profile, which will mean tectonic societal change.” If Israel doesn’t survive (unlikely as long as US is powerful), the US would probably start acting even more belligerently on the international stage, like a drunk who picks up a stick loudly warning passersby not to come near him because he’s likely to do something really crazy.
America is up in shitscreak because of Zionist demagogues known as Neocons. If you smoothbrains can't figure it out that Zionists and Neocons are two cheeks of the same ass then it's pointless arguing with you.
Nor can Stein who is even less likely, but putting aside differences, even such bitter ones, to support Ritter's anti-nuclear Armageddon stance may be the most important, i.e., existentia,l matter. His concept is not for any particular candidate to win, but for the INF Treaty to continue.
Scott, you neglected to mention the one candidate that is MOST LIKELY to conduct a foreign policy that comports with your stated criteria regarding Ukraine: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. While his policy toward Israel doesn't appear to differ from either Harris or Trump, his understanding of the underpinnings of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and his concern about weapons proliferation around the world are closely aligned with yours. It is not in America's best interest to assume that he won't win because he is not a major party candidate. His polling among Independents (by far the largest voting block) is higher than either Harris/Biden or Trump. Provided he is invited to debate Harris and Trump, it is very possible that his polling numbers will rise enough to put the presidency within his grasp.
From here in the UK RFK jr is terrible on Israel/Palestine but outstanding on more or less everything else. He's head and shoulders above the other two.
But RFK Jr is down at ankle level compared to Stein because of his zealous Zionism. So disappointed in Stein turning down peace-based initiative here. Maybe she has some rationale as to why?
Yes, it's a strange decision, though she's got some time to change her mind. Meanwhile most of the populace seem determined not to see what planet-threatening times we live in.
I've read that Stein doesn't want to "tarnish" her own brand by being affiliated with Scott. because of his criminal convictions (unjust convictions, it should be noted). I don't know if that's true or just speculation, but the rumor is out there. If that's Stein's motivation, then she is not the moral giant some folks would like to believe. If the rumor is not true, she should be pressed for an explanation as to what part of the DAWN project she objects to.
They will definitely rise now because of the insane effort that the DNC is taking to get him thrown off of multiple states ballots. If I didn't hate the Dem machine before, I despise it now. Evil people and the sheep keep voting for them cause of their pretty ads. It's disgusting.
Thanks Scott for inviting Jill Stein. I just emailed her and said that I will withhold financial and other support unless she participates in the peace event. Could you please ask Max Blumenthal to talk to her since he's been supportive of Jill in the past?
She’s a wise woman and will most likely align with Scott et al, after researching and fully comprehending the matter. Let’s give her the info she needs
Every four years they put on the dog and pony show and include some hopey changey candidate like Wallace, McGovern, Ron Paul, Denis Kucinich, Obama, Sanders and what's-her-face from Hawaii. Now the next hope and change sock puppet is RFKjr. Why take the bait, Ingrid?
a last straw? a bit of hope in the darkness? I will not vote this time. it is useless. But at least Ron Paul seems to have a view on what is really happening. The others just dance along whatever the tune. And now we have a choice of Zionists and Zionists. .
"And now we have a choice of Zionists and Zionists."
You've had that choice for exactly a hundred years, Ingrid. The CFR was created in 1921, and by the POTUS (s)election three years later the banker had full control over the voters opinions.
The best way to beat the system is for ordinary people who are aware of this problem to get active at the county level. When enough counties in any given state have a majority of non Zionists it is time to go up one level and take the state back. When enough states are taken back from the hijackers, the house of cards will collapse.
In other words it's a long haul. They will probably destroy the US faster than patriots can take the country back.
Have you seen this by the way? Pay very close attention to what she says starting at 49 seconds.
Only been here 20 years and only been interested in politics since the trump period. Before that I lived in Belgium, which is now going to start with vaccine passports, according to Frontnieuws. Only in the last year, I have discovered what a mess we are in ! Might be too late for me to see things change for the better being almost 67
That clip is awful ! what does that woman think, that the whole world should worship the Jews? people like that make it worse for the 'normal' Jews, for those that live among us. If she so wants to go there why is she still here? Everyone with an Israeli passport should be there now, including all those in the govt!
Thanks to an awake guy here in Norway we will never have vaxxine passports here unless the politicians decide to break the law and trash the constitution. We subscribe to each other, and he sent me the letter that he sent to the government in April of 2020 stating what law they would break if they went ahead with their plan. That's several notches better than me, and I became aware that 9/11 was an inside job in the fall of 2006.
She had the clip on her FB wall for two hours before she realized how damning it is. Fortunately someone at had the wherewithall to download it before that. What got me in the clip was: "... but, are we supposed to be like, wait until the end when everybody else is gone, and we turn out the lights?"
Gone, as in dead and gone is my interpretation. ......, and the smug look on her face is sickening.
The problem with MAGA is that it will never happen. There would have been no need for it if Lyndon Bains Johnson hadn't committed an act of treason by signing away the former constitutional republic known as the United States of America to a foreign country. In 1963 he registered the Zionist League of America as a domestic lobbying group, in direct contradiction to the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The only way MAGA CAN happen is if:
a) A sufficient number of Americans wake up and grow a pair.
b) Every last one of the Israel firsters ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES is arrested and stripped of their US citizenship, and subsequently deported after having been declared persona non grata.
Then, and only then can America become great again. Because how on God's green earth is refurbishing US infrastructure, upgrading schools and other public buildings and so on, and so forth, going to benefit Israel?
"Make your vote count in November, and save the world in the process."
Seriously, Mr. Ritter? If voting was meant to change anything, it would be outlawed. Did you ever hear of electronic voting machines with secret coding? They've got them all over the US.
I agree with you, Scott, our vote should be earned by the right policies not personality. That said, it’s a question of which candidate would be more receptive to this peace proposal - we have the benefit of having the choice between two ‘incumbents’ so to speak. One is a person with a record of ending wars and bringing about peace accords never before considered possible, and the other is not even a ’person’, but a ‘behind the scenes cabal machinery’ that is fixated on starting wars to feed its insatiable greed. I think THIS time our choice is clear. The Outsiders or the Old Guard neo-cons?
TRUMP?? Are you talking about Jim Jones ( The leader of the Peoples Temple cult who initiated a mass murder-suicide at the Jonestown compound in Guyana ) - Mr. Warp Speed - Take your vaccines, boosters, it's good, I got mine, Trump?
It is not a vaccine. It is a Bioweapon for mass depopulation and transhumanism.
Trump gave few billions $ to the BigPharma to develop this killer shots. He still even bragged saying that if there are 200 millions vaccinated americans, it is because of him.
He knows that vaccines are bad. Kids are not horses do you remember? Robert F. Kennedy Jr met him at the beginning of his mandate as President but he let him down.
His Tramemark - motto is ¨You're fired! Why didn't he fire Dr. Mengel - Fauci?
Yes he is bright. He his a showman. He says what people want to hear. He has a big mouth. He looks tough but is he really? NO! He plays on both side and for his ego.
Robert Kennedy Jr. Blows Whistle On Pfizer Donating $1 Million To Trump Inaugural
Just wanted to mention the following, as pertains to this topic only: Cornel West (whatever your opinion of him may be) has stated his policy about nuclear weapons and war, "End the Wars: Bring our troops home and invest those trillions of war dollars into American communities. Support veterans, stop all foreign military aid, close the bases, disband NATO, and ban nuclear weapons globally."
The two parties lock on the election process is at the root of this, the D’s and the R’s both are all in with the militarization of foreign policy. We need multiple parties, like many European countries, so we can have a chance at getting a “peace” party with some influence. The DNC freezing RFK, Jr., and others out of the primaries demonstrates how broken the current system is.
TRUMP "I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021
"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021
"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021
"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021
"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020
"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
I invited Jill to be a part of this.
She declined.
Thank you Scott for inviting Jill. I'm shocked that she would decline. She's the only peace candidate running on the ballot in nearly every state. Kennedy is an anti-Palestinian racist fraud who would probably support a nuclear war against Iran. I will email Jill to reconsider.
Kennedy is the only anti-war candidate. Listen to what he says---not what other people say about him. There's a lot of hate propaganda out there.
Anti war? LOL except for the ashkeNAZI's war.
Jill is generally a peace candidate so I assumed that she was also against war in Ukraine/Russia. Please tell me how she is pro war.
My comment was re RFK Jnr, responding to gdrmps stating "Kennedy is the only anti-war candidate. "
Thanks for the clarification.
For many, US going to war for israel is a duty not to be questioned!!
Kennedy was a hero with his covid/mRNA work. I've listened to hours of him speaking about Palestine/Israel and he's clearly an anti-Palestinian racist.
I'm glad people are waking up to his ashkeNAZI arse licking.
Listen to his podcast. He has an entire episode about this. Once again you are wrong.
Follow the Benjamin$ funding RFK campaign and possible fear of zio blackmail since he states he has so many mostly open skelelton secrets plus he knows the Dems and what they are capable if. All his other policy stands are great. Genocide / Apartheid state/ Colonizer Settler project and classic racist slurs against Palestinians are a red line.
Kennedy says that Israel is an US aircraft carrier...
You are 100% wrong about Bobby Kennedy. At least he has a plan for peace. No other candidate does.
Did she give a reason for declining, Scott? She's the one whose policies I like the best. What a shame...
Very disappointed in Ms Stein. It puts her in the non-selectable category along with Trump, the presumptive Harris, and Kennedy.
If people are going to restrict their vote to only candidates who appear to be able to win, the exercise is a waste. I have big questions about the Greens which has been around long enough to have a much larger platform than it has, but Dennis Kucinich and Cornell West are both running, and both are committed enough to lead a coalition which is the only way a peace platform can gain traction.
Kucinich is running for the House as an independent and his platform is tock solid for US survival against the MIC and Zionists. He's always been a resourceful and forward thinker, one who tests the boundaries of the possible.
How about Marianne Williamson :
did she expand on her declination?
Is it possible to get Trump to ditch Israel & go with Iran, instead? Would solve most everything; if we reset our relationship w/Iran. Pre coup 1953 best friends.
Hey Scott, I would like to speak with Seymour hersh if possible
I think Scott's point is being missed entirely in this discussion. It is not a matter of who is elected, but that they are compelled to continue the INF Treaty. And the support of these 'alternative' candidates would be useful if they can get over their differences enough to give it. But they are also making political calculations for their own self-interest.
Tell me Scott. Is every country with criminal leadership supposed to disappear from the map? If that were the case the US would be long gone.
Is everyone who does not chant “Death to Israel” a Zionist dog?” Is that your position? It seems so. To claim that Kennedy wants nuclear war and likes the carnage in Gaza is beyond ludicrous. If that’s what think in agreement with some idiot commenters then just say it and let your own confusion and cognitive dissonance be a topic of discussion.
When did you ever rail against anthrax, COVID and numerous other experimental shots for the military? I never saw it. Did you take the shots?
Who is the only candidate who is fully aware of the DOD behind the vaccines, the fake pandemic, the global poisoning and willingness to STOP the missile strikes against Russian targets immediately and unconditionally? If you can’t credit that much, you have no answers.
Hi Scott.
How does one get in touch with Seymour hersh? I’m interested in speaking with him about a potential article he might be interested in writing about
Call the CIA.
Why in the world would someone call them? The intelligence agencies are the problem
Hersh has a Substack platform I believe.
For some reason it was hard to find this comment as it wouldn’t take me directly to the comment when I clicked the notification.
I’m trying to get in touch with Seymour hersh but am having difficulty. Scott Ritter has connection to him, and someone on Twitter recommended I try to reach out to Scott to be connected to Seymour hersh.
I have quite the story the tell, and I think these folks might be interested in it.
I also would like to speak with @scottritter as well, if possible
Normally, Scott, you are very reality based. Not this time. The reality is this: All the actions that brought us to this brink were deliberately initiated by the US, not Russia, not China. There is not one single candidate that has the characteristics you describe. Not one. Hell's Bells There isn't a single candidate that has ANY of the characteristics you describe. You can't ask me to pledge my vote to someone who doesn't exist.
Good comment. I consider this platform the IDEAL way forward, but none of the current candidates will commit to all of the planks before the election, even Stein, for whatever reason, at least not yet. She might change her mind once this is rolled out and people start asking about it. There are dozens of yardsticks one could use to judge these candidates and this is another one. But this is the only sane way forward and offers journalists and other inquirers an opportunity to ask questions based on sane principles of foreign policy towards Russia.
You express a bias against Kennedy by ignoring him without rational justification. You are losing my my attention. There are more uncommitted voters than Dems or Republicans. The only reason his profile is low is MSM censorship … you are now participating in it. Now don’t go swearing at me. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Kennedy is humane. He is rational. He is sane. Just what we need. He is also brilliant. What do you really know about him? I challenge you to rise to the occasion. Examine your own reasoning, your own understanding.
RFK Jr is inhumane as far as Palestine goes. Do your research.
I did. You are cherry picking to suit what you want to believe.
Cherry picking? genocide and ashkaNAZI supremacy is a big juicy cherry indeed.
RFK jr is a compromised poop-stain. He's spent too much time on Epstein Island, and is besties with rabid Zionist Rabbi/Dildo-tycoon Schmuley, who filters his pro-genocide, Arab-hate, Islamophobe platform. Both RFK jr's dad and his uncle would be disgraced by this testosterone injected, silver-spoon puppet of Israel
Agree fully.
Only a deranged shitlord would think that a Zionist reprobate like RFK Jr is worthy of anything. That charlatan would go for nuclear war with Iran because he's an Israel-first sycophant.
The audacity to "call out" Ritter on that is as demagogic as it is psychotic.
If a country must disappear from the map because the leadership is criminal, the US would already be gone. You took the shots? Right? 1.5M Americans were exterminated by the shots and the malicious incompetence that was the hospital protocols. The entire pandemic was a fraud. The jerk Netanyahu imposed the shots in the whole country and lied about everything. . RFK doesNOT support Netanyahu, but most of Congress does. RFKJR is the ONLY candidate who would cut off aid to Ukraine to STOP the nuclear provocation. The rest are funding Israel AND Ukraine. RFK called for leaders in the region to come up with a reconciliation plan but nobody has to do what he says. He has interviewed both sides extensively. So what did China do? Did they stop the IDF? Do you know why the vaccines are bad and damaging to society? ALL of them. I bet you don’t have a clue. But you think anti-vax is a legitimate criticism like the MSM idiots. RFK is the only one who has a handle in existential issues. The others are out to lunch. But you don’t know that because you have tunnel vision.
Enough with your romance with RFK jr. I get it, I was a fan too, esp given his stance on the jab mandate. That is until I came to learn, that HE IS COMPROMISED. He was good buddies with Mossad operative Epstein. It would be a national security threat to have a president who is a marionette of Israel's Mossad.
He also expressed a willingness to be Trump’s VP! If that isn’t a blatant and desperate stab at gaining a national platform, I can’t imagine what would be. He’s an ambitious fraud.
Son, make your comment concise and focused.
Anyway, a Zionist dog like RFK Jr is not someone you should be having a meltdown over just because Ritter didn't mention him.
Agree with you Edward. Those who are against him just haven't taken the time to listen.
My thought is, the biggest problems America has, is the deep state, the betrayal by the pentagon,and the corrupt agencies in the federal government ! Until these things are buried 6 feet down, elections, election results, political parties will continue to be corrupt, greedy, lacking ethics……America is headed to the abyss, a step ahead of most of the world !
Definitely what RFK JR talks about every day.
I’m confused- I always thought if I was American 🇺🇸 that I would vote for Bobby Kennedy | Robert F Kennedy junior, yet you don’t even mention him?
RFK Jr is an arch Zionist who supports genocide and occupation, so he is as anathema as Biden, Harris, and Trump. Too bad, because Stein was moral as far as Palestine goes.
They all support Zionist Israel, so this point is moot.
Why bother?
1) He kisses AIPAC's ass.
2) He has not once called the clot shots what they really are. A technological biological weapon of mass destruction.
Funny, I got confused about the same thing. Scott Ritter is usually so on target with so many things. How is he missing this one?
I wonder too. Kennedy's feelings toward Israel are not in line with Scott's, but he's no worse on Israel and Zionism than are Trump or Harris/O'Biden.
I got the impression, from comments Scott made in one or two podcasts, that Scott is upset that RFK sought his advice about Ukraine (perhaps through Dennis Kucinich), but did not seek Scott's advice about Israel/Gaza. The way RFK approaches the issue of Israel/Gaza does seem emotional and irrational whereas his approach to other issues seems much more analytical and rational.
The MIC would delight in nothing more than a coordinated attack, or even a quasi-existential war, by ME neighbors against Israel. That’d be good enough for a 5-10 year period of heavy arms sales as the war would invariably expand to Iran and very likely to Russia as well. Win or lose, Israel, like Ukraine, has a role to play in the economic laundering of billions of dollars for the US corperatocracy as it engages in warfare and rebuilding around the world.
What are you trying to to say? Should we ignore all of the Zionist meat ridding of RFK Jr and just vote for him like buffoons?
If you’re going to vote at all, then probably yes. Who will be better? He’s not worse on Israel than Trump and Harris; they’re all bought into the rationale that there must be a state for the Jews no matter what. However, he’s less formulaic than the others and may eventually seek better outcomes for the Palestinian people. That’s thin gruel, I know, but every other area of his perspective is admirable. Lastly, he’s not wrong about Hamas and Palestinian leadership, but he gives Zionists leadership a pass for atrocities. No one wins the presidency at present without bowing the knee to AIPAC.
Zionism gave the European Jews the ideological knife to carve out a country. The belligerent activists that founded the country have only doubled down on their belligerence. Israel’s global path is underwritten by the U.S., as a regional bulwark for American imperialism.
The Gaza genocide that is still getting more horrific by the hour has forfeited Israel’s place among nations. If Israel doesn’t survive, the USA will have to adapt to a more docile global profile, which will mean tectonic societal change.
“ If Israel doesn’t survive, the USA will have to adapt to a more docile global profile, which will mean tectonic societal change.” If Israel doesn’t survive (unlikely as long as US is powerful), the US would probably start acting even more belligerently on the international stage, like a drunk who picks up a stick loudly warning passersby not to come near him because he’s likely to do something really crazy.
America is up in shitscreak because of Zionist demagogues known as Neocons. If you smoothbrains can't figure it out that Zionists and Neocons are two cheeks of the same ass then it's pointless arguing with you.
Sorry, what is he missing again?
The question remains whether RFK Jr has the requisite policy to earn a mention but especially your vote?
Maybe because RFK Jr can't win the election ?
Nor can Stein who is even less likely, but putting aside differences, even such bitter ones, to support Ritter's anti-nuclear Armageddon stance may be the most important, i.e., existentia,l matter. His concept is not for any particular candidate to win, but for the INF Treaty to continue.
Scott, you neglected to mention the one candidate that is MOST LIKELY to conduct a foreign policy that comports with your stated criteria regarding Ukraine: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. While his policy toward Israel doesn't appear to differ from either Harris or Trump, his understanding of the underpinnings of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and his concern about weapons proliferation around the world are closely aligned with yours. It is not in America's best interest to assume that he won't win because he is not a major party candidate. His polling among Independents (by far the largest voting block) is higher than either Harris/Biden or Trump. Provided he is invited to debate Harris and Trump, it is very possible that his polling numbers will rise enough to put the presidency within his grasp.
From here in the UK RFK jr is terrible on Israel/Palestine but outstanding on more or less everything else. He's head and shoulders above the other two.
But RFK Jr is down at ankle level compared to Stein because of his zealous Zionism. So disappointed in Stein turning down peace-based initiative here. Maybe she has some rationale as to why?
Yes, it's a strange decision, though she's got some time to change her mind. Meanwhile most of the populace seem determined not to see what planet-threatening times we live in.
I've read that Stein doesn't want to "tarnish" her own brand by being affiliated with Scott. because of his criminal convictions (unjust convictions, it should be noted). I don't know if that's true or just speculation, but the rumor is out there. If that's Stein's motivation, then she is not the moral giant some folks would like to believe. If the rumor is not true, she should be pressed for an explanation as to what part of the DAWN project she objects to.
They will definitely rise now because of the insane effort that the DNC is taking to get him thrown off of multiple states ballots. If I didn't hate the Dem machine before, I despise it now. Evil people and the sheep keep voting for them cause of their pretty ads. It's disgusting.
Thanks Scott for inviting Jill Stein. I just emailed her and said that I will withhold financial and other support unless she participates in the peace event. Could you please ask Max Blumenthal to talk to her since he's been supportive of Jill in the past?
Dr. Jill Stein is my candidate of choice. I also just messaged her asking the reason(s) for her declination. I want to hear from her directly .
She’s a wise woman and will most likely align with Scott et al, after researching and fully comprehending the matter. Let’s give her the info she needs
If Ron Paul were just a few years younger
Every four years they put on the dog and pony show and include some hopey changey candidate like Wallace, McGovern, Ron Paul, Denis Kucinich, Obama, Sanders and what's-her-face from Hawaii. Now the next hope and change sock puppet is RFKjr. Why take the bait, Ingrid?
a last straw? a bit of hope in the darkness? I will not vote this time. it is useless. But at least Ron Paul seems to have a view on what is really happening. The others just dance along whatever the tune. And now we have a choice of Zionists and Zionists. .
"And now we have a choice of Zionists and Zionists."
You've had that choice for exactly a hundred years, Ingrid. The CFR was created in 1921, and by the POTUS (s)election three years later the banker had full control over the voters opinions.
The best way to beat the system is for ordinary people who are aware of this problem to get active at the county level. When enough counties in any given state have a majority of non Zionists it is time to go up one level and take the state back. When enough states are taken back from the hijackers, the house of cards will collapse.
In other words it's a long haul. They will probably destroy the US faster than patriots can take the country back.
Have you seen this by the way? Pay very close attention to what she says starting at 49 seconds.
Only been here 20 years and only been interested in politics since the trump period. Before that I lived in Belgium, which is now going to start with vaccine passports, according to Frontnieuws. Only in the last year, I have discovered what a mess we are in ! Might be too late for me to see things change for the better being almost 67
That clip is awful ! what does that woman think, that the whole world should worship the Jews? people like that make it worse for the 'normal' Jews, for those that live among us. If she so wants to go there why is she still here? Everyone with an Israeli passport should be there now, including all those in the govt!
Thanks to an awake guy here in Norway we will never have vaxxine passports here unless the politicians decide to break the law and trash the constitution. We subscribe to each other, and he sent me the letter that he sent to the government in April of 2020 stating what law they would break if they went ahead with their plan. That's several notches better than me, and I became aware that 9/11 was an inside job in the fall of 2006.
She had the clip on her FB wall for two hours before she realized how damning it is. Fortunately someone at had the wherewithall to download it before that. What got me in the clip was: "... but, are we supposed to be like, wait until the end when everybody else is gone, and we turn out the lights?"
Gone, as in dead and gone is my interpretation. ......, and the smug look on her face is sickening.
The problem with MAGA is that it will never happen. There would have been no need for it if Lyndon Bains Johnson hadn't committed an act of treason by signing away the former constitutional republic known as the United States of America to a foreign country. In 1963 he registered the Zionist League of America as a domestic lobbying group, in direct contradiction to the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The only way MAGA CAN happen is if:
a) A sufficient number of Americans wake up and grow a pair.
b) Every last one of the Israel firsters ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES is arrested and stripped of their US citizenship, and subsequently deported after having been declared persona non grata.
Then, and only then can America become great again. Because how on God's green earth is refurbishing US infrastructure, upgrading schools and other public buildings and so on, and so forth, going to benefit Israel?
"Make your vote count in November, and save the world in the process."
Seriously, Mr. Ritter? If voting was meant to change anything, it would be outlawed. Did you ever hear of electronic voting machines with secret coding? They've got them all over the US.
Now I'm going to read the rest of your post.
I agree with you, Scott, our vote should be earned by the right policies not personality. That said, it’s a question of which candidate would be more receptive to this peace proposal - we have the benefit of having the choice between two ‘incumbents’ so to speak. One is a person with a record of ending wars and bringing about peace accords never before considered possible, and the other is not even a ’person’, but a ‘behind the scenes cabal machinery’ that is fixated on starting wars to feed its insatiable greed. I think THIS time our choice is clear. The Outsiders or the Old Guard neo-cons?
TRUMP?? Are you talking about Jim Jones ( The leader of the Peoples Temple cult who initiated a mass murder-suicide at the Jonestown compound in Guyana ) - Mr. Warp Speed - Take your vaccines, boosters, it's good, I got mine, Trump?
It is not a vaccine. It is a Bioweapon for mass depopulation and transhumanism.
Trump gave few billions $ to the BigPharma to develop this killer shots. He still even bragged saying that if there are 200 millions vaccinated americans, it is because of him.
He knows that vaccines are bad. Kids are not horses do you remember? Robert F. Kennedy Jr met him at the beginning of his mandate as President but he let him down.
His Tramemark - motto is ¨You're fired! Why didn't he fire Dr. Mengel - Fauci?
Yes he is bright. He his a showman. He says what people want to hear. He has a big mouth. He looks tough but is he really? NO! He plays on both side and for his ego.
Robert Kennedy Jr. Blows Whistle On Pfizer Donating $1 Million To Trump Inaugural
Just wanted to mention the following, as pertains to this topic only: Cornel West (whatever your opinion of him may be) has stated his policy about nuclear weapons and war, "End the Wars: Bring our troops home and invest those trillions of war dollars into American communities. Support veterans, stop all foreign military aid, close the bases, disband NATO, and ban nuclear weapons globally."
Here, here!
I'd vote for JILL STEIN (Green Party) if l could.
The two parties lock on the election process is at the root of this, the D’s and the R’s both are all in with the militarization of foreign policy. We need multiple parties, like many European countries, so we can have a chance at getting a “peace” party with some influence. The DNC freezing RFK, Jr., and others out of the primaries demonstrates how broken the current system is.
"Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines" - Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines
Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump put $10 Billion Dollars into a Program to Depopulate the US
Anthony Robert Holland
Trump kicked those FDA asses to get this WarpSpeed deadly Bioweapon into yours and your families veins.
17 million dead so far from his deadly Bioweapon, is it time you finally came around to your senses ? 2:16 min
Sayin' a Lie 5:25 Trump at mark 3:43 min ¨Take the vaccine, I did it. It's good...¨
TRUMP "I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021
"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021
"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021
"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021
"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020
"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020