I have recently read somewhere that Americans need !!! to experience real war not crap from Hollywood movies, you know death, destruction, starvation, emasculation of people all these things and then only then they will realise that American deep state destroying their country and perhaps they will rise to occasion 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀☠️☠️☠️🚀🚀

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The people doing this to us - the 9/11 Neocons who now run the democratic party- are the ones who said that.


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all wars are bankers wars. See the talmudic/straussian doctrine of full spectrum-diominance.Thanks to the unspeakable cruelty of the ongoing mass slaughter in Gaza, the Humanity is getting the understanding of the shamelessness, sadism, and dishonorable mentality that rule the aipac-owned US congress.

"All wars are bankers' wars," great Smedley Butler.

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No need to be sorry, my respect ✅

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Sorry, like the author of the Red Badge of Courage, I don't need to be in a war to experience a war.

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You're wrong; but, who cares?

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The MAIN problem...MSM.........feeding the public with nonsensical BS and pushing narratives that have ZERO to do with bringing peace to planet Earth!

All they can spew is Trump is bad, trans is good, whites are bad, girly men are good, Families are bad, killing babies in the womb for experiments in California are good, XX-XY is bad, chopping up boys and girls genitals is somehow good!...........we are the Revelation Generation!

2 Peter 3: 7-14

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Even that, they wouldn’t learn from. They would be all too easily led to blame scapegoats. It woukd be blamed on dissidents, Latinos, Muslims, whatever. Never on the tiny set of people that actually controls things in the US and runs it into the ground.

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I have thought that.

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Thank you for all that you do for humanity Scott. I do NOT say that lightly. You sir are the quintessential soldier.

I have felt this coming for a long time. The immediate aftermath of the election struck me as a typical horror movie. The enemy had been vanquished and we could all breathe a sigh of relief. I took a deep breath myself.

But just like in the scary movies the monster was only wounded. Quite possibly even mortally so. Regardless the beast is not dead. We must finish it off before it plays it’s last card.

How does that happen? Unfortunately sir I am only seeing one possible way. Trump may need to have a coup of his own. And this one might just get bloody. 👍

I just call them like I see them. 😔

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Technology has far outpaced our morality and culture to the point where our leaders are effectively a room full of chimps with grenades.

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Paleo emotions, medieval institutions and God like technology. Harari is right but he could have added, total nut cases in power 😕.

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The American people have no voice at all in what The Empire does. You should know that by now, Scott. The Empire is run by its Capitalist, imperialist owners and their political and military lackeys. That sorry, stupid,evil set of psychopaths will do what their blindness impels the to do. The American people are ignorant, passive, propagandized morons, for the most part, with no knowledge of war and its consequences. They will learn only when it is inflicted on them.

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To me the top 5% have sold their souls for stuff, would be fine, except their appetite is limitless.

Now, not so slowly, the rest of us have realized, hey wait a minute, few of these 5% actually earn the stuff, it's just one big criminal cartel. There are no rules for the insiders, the rest of us are guilty as charged, unless we can steal enough money for a lawyer.

Still not a problem, except they have overextended themselves with leverage. They are buying everyone and everything. It's a self perpetuating beast, as the number of insiders goes up, they have to steal ever larger amounts. It has been so easy for so long, they got lazy, think Hillary's server or 9/11. Hunter.

So here we are, the whole thing is unravelling before our eyes and all they got is double down or they all get torn to shreds by angry mobs or their security detail. Their crimes are massive, the evidence is crystal clear, the weaponized corrupted institutions evident.

It's like the Nordstream pipeline. How did Biden not openly declare the intent of our government to the whole world. It's also a very clear proof that we can no longer compete in a capitalist system. We hire hitmen and enforcers, not engineers with more creative ability.

Unfortunately they now hold us hostage with Nukes. We get our way or everybody dies. Hell the criminals will hang or blow the whole world up! It's pretty obvious. What is our 3rd option?

It's unpalatable to an extreme, but we must consider amnesty for these psychopaths.

Lots of Hollywood style revenge porn in people's minds. It will be, as in the past, patsies that hang, the guilty glad to be rid of them, less people to pay off!

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It perpetually amazes me how dumb the people supposedly running this country are. Most of what Buchanon said was barely, if at all, more coherent than some of Biden's statements, and to the extent they were coherent they were obviously moronic or outright evil. The democrat voters lamenting the "fascism" they think Trump brings to the table while ignoring Biden's controllers' blatantly anti-democratic actions regarding Ukraine and Russia (not to mention their participation in an ongoing genocide that should land them all in the Hague), are equally dumb.

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BOTTOM Line; America should hang its head in shame for terrorising the WHOLE WORLD!!

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The perpetrators have no conscience, no empathy, no remorse. It is destruction that gives them pleasure. As opposed to a sense of shame, they have pride in terrorizing the whole world.

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Scott Ritter is one of those people that keep me sane ,especially since this SMO . For those of us that have been reading his information since 9/11 ,we have seen his thoughts and analysis change ,and change to a more sensible understanding in world politics .There are few that belong in this category .

Jeffery Sachs is another . This article , so well understood and analyzed but understood by so few unfortunately .If you are religious ,this would be a good time pray like you never ever did before ,for peace to manifest in our world . Thank you Scott for your work in hopefully making this come about .

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The only country in human history that has ever used nuclear weapons against a non nuclear state targeting civilian cities in a war already won was the USA. The most likely country currently that poses the greatest risk of sparking a nuclear conflict is the only country that maintains a nuclear first strike doctrine and the same country that has walked away from all nuclear limiting expansion treaty and is imposing its leadership on the world is also the only country that is sparking or involved in almost every conflict globally is the USA. The US is not threatened it is projecting its own threatening posture against humanity.

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A very concise and comprehensive summary of what has brought us to such a precarious situation. The hubris of America born from it's self-deceiving Hollywood image of itself as invincible and always righteous was encapsulated in Buchanon's babble.

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I don't think the US won WW 2 it was Russia and members of the British Commonwealth. you supplied the Equipment we used it and we are still paying for it. Japan was beaten but you just had to see what the Bomb would do to a human Population and let the Russians know what you had.

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The idea that the US or any other participant can "win" a nuclear war is stark raving mad. It appears Admiral Buchanan does not understand the logic of MAD; has never learned or forgotten the lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis, where an accidental start of WWIII almost happened; or not watched "Dr. Strangelove".

The phrase "the living will envy the dead" comes to mind.

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US militaries MUST know that Russia CAN win THE Nuclear War with the United States/NATO... and Survive !

Russia, by law and by MORAL PRINCIPLES, will NEVER attack with nuclear weapons FIRST. ONLY if dangerously (KEY sentence: "Confirmed SERIOUS threat to National Security") attacked.

As for response to an ATTACK, Russia not only has more modern nuclear weapons:

Russia has the BEST ways to deliver them, something USA/NATO are just dreaming of having:

UNSTOPPABLE hypersonic missiles, launched from many sources, land, air, submarine based (located on both coasts of the US and Europe)... with several models (Avangard, Iskander, Kinzhal, Tsirkon) including the NEW monster, the also hypersonic RS-28, Yars, Sarmat-2 (Satan) ICBM with up to 10 MIRVs and the newly USED Oreshnik (9M792)...

AND, to top it, and to demonstrate that Russia could evaporate ALL NATO cities, right now, with near total IMPUNITY (no more MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction Concept, rendered obsolete in fact by Russia with all these advanced military technologies pushed by Putin) is the coverage (I of course ignore the quantities and deployments), PROTECTION provided by its highly advanced, sophisticated S400s, S500s (and S550 designed to take down satellites) designed to TAKE DOWN any incoming missile/ICBM, which imho guarantees Russia would SURVIVE a full nuclear war !!!

BUT Russia WILL NEVER do it !

Russia, according to President Putin, will NEVER strike FIRST !

Why? Because Russia HAS MORAL VALUES based on their strong, popular, active Christian Orthodox faith.

If the reverse would be happening, you can be sure that the Evil United States Neocon Leaders, which have NO moral values whatsoever (obsessed with money), would have already obliterated, without any feeling of remorse, all Russian Cities...

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Absolute insanity. Thanks, Scott, for this important call to action.

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Back in the 1970's when I went to school in east Germany, we've learned that a nuclear war is not to win because the consequences of a radioactive fall out will be devastating to life on earth as we know it.

What we are dealing here with is people of a nation that is handycapped in two ways.

First is the doctrine of american exceptionalism - that is in fact the doctrine of the german Nazis (1933-1945) that there is no one better than them.

Second is the willingly bliss of ignorance, in many cases outright stupidity of the population regarding politics, history and philosophy.

A few sane voices, like Scott Ritter & the crowd we all know here well, fighting a battle uphill against their own people that are either in power or, since generations leeching on the labor of the rest of the world and have therefore an entitlement that is mindblowing.

The only thing I can do is contributing a little money and my wish for peace and that's what I keep doing.

Good luck to the brave men & women that fight that battle uphill against all odds.

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This was especially true for the central European countries, which would be the frontline. These locations were the main beneficiaries of the INF treaty, which would modify the escalation ladder so that the principals (US and USSR) had more skin in the game, and couldn't just sacrifice their proxies and then change their mind. US leadership since the beginning of this century has a different and far dumber view. They're setting up for a proxy war with strategic strikes - whether they're nukes or just power conventional strikes on key infrastructure like power plants, ports, oil refineries etc, is not that big a difference. The point is to leave as much of the rest of the world in ruins as possible, and thereby elevate the relative position of the US.

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My only question is, would Israel be left standing?

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Their standing is already finished .

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My Mom is crying in her grave.

For those who can't make DC, have any similar efforts for SF been suggested? Every rally I've seen here for a long time has been regrettable at best, at worst I'd get arrested....

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who is the artist who created the resonant illustration used at the top of the article? very powerful stuff Scott Ritter.

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Illustration by NEMØ.

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Very informative piece, thanks Scott. A very concerning situation.

But I do wish you would stop pretending some meaningful 'democracy' exists in the US - or anywhere in the West.

The reason we've got to this point is the utter contempt for democracy of the de facto oligarchic rule of rich elites who use mass media control of the public discourse, keeping it firmly within the narrow bounds of a concocted & fraudulent framework of propaganda premises.

This has literally produced a self-reinforcing dynamic of increasingly deranged, insane political leadership & Trump will prove no better - just a different faction born of the same pool of self-serving fakers.

Nothing can change unless we break the public discourse monopoly of insanity across all channels of mass media, including social media.

The only way this can happen & meaningful democracy established, is by giving a comparably sized sector of mass media directly to citizens' control.

This is very easily done by establishing a Common Ownership entity structured Commons media sector funded only via citizen (annual) Commons media vouhers by Gov's power of money creation (ie how it works now - as Trump & others know), which keeps the power of private capital which has totally corrupted Western 'democracy' out of the Commons sector.

Unless we now create systems of genuine democracy, humanity will not survive, whether by nuclear Armageddon or by insane & incompetent neglect of climate & ecological destruction.

Bottom line reality - we are only as 'intelligent' as a species as the broadcast public narratives we accept.

You're a great help Scott, as are others, but until we grasp the underlying psychological/neurological vulnerabilities of our species, living in massive numbers, that are the primary drivers of behaviour - & not the ex-post 'ideologies' we use to rationalise it - our trajectory now is mass extinction one way or another & within a few or less generations.

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Thank you Scott for all this info. I've spent hours looking at RT, Sputnik, and TRT to get updated - and I could have found all the information here.

And additional info: I've been wondering what US soldiers have been doing here in my country, Denmark. Now I know, thanks

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