I had hoped to make the Summer of 2024 a memorable one—building bridges of friendship to Russia, working to develop knowledge and information as an antidote to the poison of Russophobia in America, and trying to prevent a nuclear war between my country and the Russian Federation.
The corruption and deep incompetence of those running this nation and control by Israel of this government is the single greatest threat facing the nation and the world. Both political parties are fully complicit and bought off by the Zionist lobby. There has been a coup in this nation and most people have no idea.
The blood drinkers, the cabal, the psychopaths want war. This is what they want. They try everything they can and they provoke as much as possible for WW3.
General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East. The last country was Iran.
¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More
General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min
And think of all the needless deaths, maiming, displaced civilians, money spent, lies told, crimes committed... We are ruled by some of the most corrupt people and institutions in world history.
Yes, and the destruction of the environment and exacerbation of the climate crisis caused by war and all the preparation for war. I encourage folks to check out the Veterans for Peace Climate Crisis & Militarism Project - https://www.veteransforpeace.org/take-action/climatecrisis
¨No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.¨ ― William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower
I’d say that Casey quote is a bit suspect. Based on hearsay and originally without attribution to the source. It wouldn’t be the last time Casey would be malquoted.
Yes and thank you for that inclusion. I’ve heard the quote before from Ray McGovern who attributed it to the WaPo. That maybe who the WH correspondent worked for that leaked the quote. IDK.
But from what I know of Bill Casey, it just doesn’t sound like something he would say… Kinda like that fake deathbed confession that Robert Woodward claimed to have heard.
I respect your courage and am happy to see you are posting here @Substack.
I remember once I was in a literal "rocket factory" - just outside of Denver, CO - (I think it was Martin Marrietta at the time) where Titan rockets were manufactured amongst other things.
I was there as a hired consultant in the early 1990's and was tasked with a project to prepare their SARA 313 environmental reports - I mention this only because while I was there, I was literally allowed to "walk around the place" un-escorted in order to collect the information needed to prepare the environmental report properly......I'd like to think I did a good job.
When I contemplate back upon that site visit that lasted a week I recall it brings home the point - just how much the world has changed in a few short decades - I'm sure there is NO WAY anybody would be allowed to wander around I was then....
Similarly in a way, going to the airport used to be fun - now it is nothing but a great big hassle at a minimum - that is why a few years ago I decided - I just will not ever fly in an aeroplane again.
I remember the big - big (I mean BIG) unbelievable Titan missiles they made at the place - and the large rooms with much space and high ceilings....and I'm glad I got to walk there when times were more innocent.
Warm Regards to you Sir and please stay well, and know others out here appreciate your efforts,
I'll tell more about that big factory there in the place called "Colorodo" - you know - the "color rojo".
It was impressive - it was amazing - it was mainly some metal compounds I was researching with respect to SARA 313 reporting as well as supporting processes it takes to make the big rockets shooting into the sky and the various chemical ingredients it takes to do this.
Hells-bells.....I had just had graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill MSPH after getting a degree at NC State in Chemical Engineering - after just getting married - first baby on the way.
I remember this - the fella who was our point of contact - Margie said to me - he is "good looking" ain't he - and I couldn't argue with that, but I had a job to do and I did my job fairly - and that is that. I still have the picture frame Margie gave me when I got married.
Oh - if we could go back in time when "common sense" was more prevalent - but now we are living in "clown-world" in a way - and up is down and down is right side opposite.....when I read about what happened to you at the airport recent - I can't deny - that firmed my will - never to fly in an aeroplane again - and think about that fella recently been held under arrest apparently in France - ain't nobody going to fly there again - ever again I reckon. France is dusting itself off the world of ideas fair.
Stay safe - stay close to home - but keep sharing your wisdom please - it is inspiring to those of us who still have faith in the ideals of the founders - the founders who so many soldiers fought to preserve their ideas.
But history likes to teach hard lesson - and I put forth that the DNC is toast - it stems from Jackson - the founder of the party - and the choices he made - especially when he put out a proclamation against the concept of nullification in opposition to his Vice President at the time named Calhoun - and that fella out of SC named Calhoun has a most sharp mind and on that topic and other Jackson was plum wrong - that is why the DNC is toast - that and other reason obviously - and now I better go down and check on my dogs and tend to the garden.
Scott Ritter is the face of integrity and humanity. What has happened to him is a harbinger of things to come for all of us if we don't stand with him and do the utmost to promote peace. When peacemakers are arrested and the warmongers are promoted we are indeed lost.
Truth! This piece should be published in every newspaper in the U.S. As has been said "Truth is the First Casualty of War". There are so many examples of truth being hidden to promote war. The CIA and "The Secret Team" as laid out in the book of the same name.
I am heartily glad I did not grow up in a military family. My father served in World War II in Europe and took part in D-Day and then further action in France. But he never talked about the war. Ever. I am opposed to nationalism and the word "patriotism" to me means only subordination to the whims of a government that does not care one bit for the lives of its citizens. I believe you are an honest man and have awakened to a reality that you've resisted most of your life. But do not attempt to push patriotism as a virtue. As the old saying goes, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel".
I marched against the Vietnam War when I was a teenager in the 1960s and helped young men escape to Canada when I was 19. I supported my black friends in their struggle for equal rights in this country. I despise the capitalist system and its cruelty to the majority of humanity and I despise the monsters that have taken over the government of my country. That will never change as long as I live and I am older than you are.
I am glad you are finally on the side of truth, but please lose your illusions in a country that has not existed for many years. I support you and your efforts towards peace and I join you in supporting Russia and its culture and history. I deplore what the crooked government of this country has done to you and to all of the truth tellers. And I am far from alone.
From what I can deduce from your article Scott, I do not believe that the events in Russia, where your friend has been mis-used by a political rival in Novosibirsk, reflect the Russian Government in Moscow. As you know, as well as I, the Russian systems are still very Byzantine, cumbersome, top heavy with petty officialdom, and still carrying the stinking corruption of the 1990's. Moscow is working hard to clear this, as barely a month goes by without reading of the arrest on charges of fraud, corruption, etc of some official or other. It's a Herculean task, trying to clean out those stables - and the "vertical", the vertical system of government power, whilst it works in many ways for Russia, does carry this problem.
I'd suggest he's just been caught by a yet another corrupt local official - who will, one day, be discovered and hauled off to nice warm bed in a one of Russias prisons.
But I dont believe it reflects any lack of desire to fix the dangerous issues currently between Russia and America, and which, as you know, are ALL of Americas' doing.
Surely the co-ordinated detainment of both yourself and Mr Zyrianov on the same day indicates that both the USA and Russia are being politically manipulated from a hidden totalitarian hierarchy which MUST be obeyed.
Yes, to me these "coincidentally timed" detainments seem like a "conspiracy" that's true until proven otherwise. I grant that much of Russian society is possibly (as) corrupt (as ours) and is still somewhat Byzantine, but this particular one in this particular time and place, out of all the local hotbeds of corruption that may exist in Russia? Has Putin himself gotten involved or commented? He has to know about Scott's work and projects. I ask, I don't know.
An exceptionally good, positive and constructive article. Personally, I hope that the founding fathers' and President Kennedy's vision for the United States of America will once again be honored and become an example for the American people.
My hope is also that the election on November 5th will be a crushing defeat for the Deep State and that it will be the starting point to restore law and order in the United States, restore respect for the Constitution, promote democracy and make the voice of the people heard. Such a positive turning point could also inspire and encourage the populations of the Nordic countries (from where I am writing these lines).
Let me conclude with a wish that the meeting in Kingston, New York will be a great success and a powerful manifestation of the will of the people and for peace and freedom.
Your dedication and your mission to bring peace and to combat the criminality of war mongers posing as patriots (I mean specifically the FBI and the DOJ, for starters) here in the West and, it now seems apparent, also in Russia, has inspired me deeply.
I am most immediately grateful for now knowing what happened to Alexander Zyrianov, why he was arrested and by whom. It seems apparent from your information that he was arrested at the behest of corrupt officials of the Novosibirsk government using a corrupt FSB agency on the fraudulent charge that Zyrianov is a foreign agent. This situation is an exact mirror image of what the American DOJ and FBI are doing to you. That you have not yet been imprisoned may well be an indication that corruption has not gone quite so far yet in your country as it has in Russia. Perhaps not QUITE so far, but things are moving very fast. That you are still free is very unlikely to be a manifestation of lawfulness and probity, or even patriotism, in the FBI.
As a lifelong amateur historian I have learned about the history of the FBI. As it is with the CIA, the rule of law and the peace and prosperity and liberty of America, indeed the very survival of the American Constitutional Republic, depends on patriots overcoming and destroying all of the American secret police. That's what the FBI really is and always was. And it's as rotten with treasonous corruption and criminal ambition as J. Edgar Hoover designed it to be.
That Mr Zyrainov was arrested on the same day that stooges of the corrupt US Department of Justice stole your passport makes me strongly suspect that there is collusion between corrupt and power-hungry government officials of the American DOJ and the Russian FSB with the purpose that both these forces have to enhance their own power regardless of legality and constitutionality and the rule of legitimate law in both Russia and the USA.
As a Canadian, even as a citizen of the world, I am under the constant threat of the potential of nuclear war between the USA and the Russian Federation. So your crusade for peace is a crusade against the extinction of humanity. I personally remember it being reported in the news in the mid 1980s – could it have been a response to nuclear war almost being triggered in late 1983 when NATO staged an exercise that was interpreted by the USSR as preparation for a first strike? – that the Pentagon had concluded that the Nuclear Winter Theory could not be disproven. Therefore, said the Pentagon, in the event of a full scale nuclear war between the USA and the USSR "the extinction of human beings cannot be ruled out as a possibility." That was a phrase that has stuck in my mind ever since.
May God be your help and guide and may He help us all.
I think blaming operatives inside of the government and blaming journalists for betraying their oaths and their public, let’s the elected politicians off the hook. SCOTUS has ruled that money=speech, and consequently dark money is winning elections. We are an oligarchy because too many political elites get rich by staying mum. Any system which has a politicized judiciary will be authoritarian. This doesn’t bother enough people to move the needle. Scott is a casualty of America’s quiet descent into tyranny of the billionaires.
And then, what is the sanction for their transgressions? Tar, feather and run out of town on a rail? The severity punishment for treasonous acts? The list is long… Not easily parced out...
It may sound defeatist, but if enough people in authority don’t stand up, nothing will get done short of a crippling recession and armed revolt. But I do think that if a small minority gives a voice to many, substantial change can be achieved over time. That is a much bigger issue than punishing the weak character that presides presently.
Well Mr. Ritter; This is an object "Truth" for all types and levels of human organizations. One need not search to the highest levels of National Governance to find this. Any "Organization", is no sooner formed, than the striving for personal status and organizational 'Continuance' become the paramount goals (no matter what the original purpose of the organization really was). This is seen everywhere from Clubs, Churches, Labour Unions, and even the local PTA. Very early in any organizations' history, it is plainly established that dissent from the doctrine' is the most Heinous Sin'!
What is the legal punishment that should apply to FBI orJustice Department for subverting our Constitution as they have, or the members of Congress who foul our laws with influence of foreign adversaries?
-- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The corruption and deep incompetence of those running this nation and control by Israel of this government is the single greatest threat facing the nation and the world. Both political parties are fully complicit and bought off by the Zionist lobby. There has been a coup in this nation and most people have no idea.
Yes. General Wesley Clark - America's Foreign Policy "Coup" October 3, 2007 8:14 min
The blood drinkers, the cabal, the psychopaths want war. This is what they want. They try everything they can and they provoke as much as possible for WW3.
General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East. The last country was Iran.
¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." Read More
General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min
And think of all the needless deaths, maiming, displaced civilians, money spent, lies told, crimes committed... We are ruled by some of the most corrupt people and institutions in world history.
Resist, or be forced to submit.
Yes, and the destruction of the environment and exacerbation of the climate crisis caused by war and all the preparation for war. I encourage folks to check out the Veterans for Peace Climate Crisis & Militarism Project - https://www.veteransforpeace.org/take-action/climatecrisis
PNAC plan. I saw it online in '03, before they modified it to try & make it palatable.
They had 1st tried to get Bush Sr to bite. He said no. The rest is history.
Just so others understand ... PNAC = Plan For A New American Century.
The plan to war crimes, ruin and bankruptcy.
Evil bastards!
Do not forget : The CIA and the Media
"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey
Source of CIA Director William J. Casey's Disinformation Program Quote
Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974
Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program
OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD: How The CIA Took Over The Mainstream Media
MOCKINGBIRD: The Subversion Of The Corporate Media By The CIA
¨No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.¨ ― William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower
I’d say that Casey quote is a bit suspect. Based on hearsay and originally without attribution to the source. It wouldn’t be the last time Casey would be malquoted.
I did posted the source.
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey
Source of CIA Director William J. Casey's Disinformation Program Quote
Yes and thank you for that inclusion. I’ve heard the quote before from Ray McGovern who attributed it to the WaPo. That maybe who the WH correspondent worked for that leaked the quote. IDK.
But from what I know of Bill Casey, it just doesn’t sound like something he would say… Kinda like that fake deathbed confession that Robert Woodward claimed to have heard.
I respect your courage and am happy to see you are posting here @Substack.
I remember once I was in a literal "rocket factory" - just outside of Denver, CO - (I think it was Martin Marrietta at the time) where Titan rockets were manufactured amongst other things.
I was there as a hired consultant in the early 1990's and was tasked with a project to prepare their SARA 313 environmental reports - I mention this only because while I was there, I was literally allowed to "walk around the place" un-escorted in order to collect the information needed to prepare the environmental report properly......I'd like to think I did a good job.
When I contemplate back upon that site visit that lasted a week I recall it brings home the point - just how much the world has changed in a few short decades - I'm sure there is NO WAY anybody would be allowed to wander around I was then....
Similarly in a way, going to the airport used to be fun - now it is nothing but a great big hassle at a minimum - that is why a few years ago I decided - I just will not ever fly in an aeroplane again.
I remember the big - big (I mean BIG) unbelievable Titan missiles they made at the place - and the large rooms with much space and high ceilings....and I'm glad I got to walk there when times were more innocent.
Warm Regards to you Sir and please stay well, and know others out here appreciate your efforts,
I'll tell more about that big factory there in the place called "Colorodo" - you know - the "color rojo".
It was impressive - it was amazing - it was mainly some metal compounds I was researching with respect to SARA 313 reporting as well as supporting processes it takes to make the big rockets shooting into the sky and the various chemical ingredients it takes to do this.
Hells-bells.....I had just had graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill MSPH after getting a degree at NC State in Chemical Engineering - after just getting married - first baby on the way.
I remember this - the fella who was our point of contact - Margie said to me - he is "good looking" ain't he - and I couldn't argue with that, but I had a job to do and I did my job fairly - and that is that. I still have the picture frame Margie gave me when I got married.
Oh - if we could go back in time when "common sense" was more prevalent - but now we are living in "clown-world" in a way - and up is down and down is right side opposite.....when I read about what happened to you at the airport recent - I can't deny - that firmed my will - never to fly in an aeroplane again - and think about that fella recently been held under arrest apparently in France - ain't nobody going to fly there again - ever again I reckon. France is dusting itself off the world of ideas fair.
Stay safe - stay close to home - but keep sharing your wisdom please - it is inspiring to those of us who still have faith in the ideals of the founders - the founders who so many soldiers fought to preserve their ideas.
But history likes to teach hard lesson - and I put forth that the DNC is toast - it stems from Jackson - the founder of the party - and the choices he made - especially when he put out a proclamation against the concept of nullification in opposition to his Vice President at the time named Calhoun - and that fella out of SC named Calhoun has a most sharp mind and on that topic and other Jackson was plum wrong - that is why the DNC is toast - that and other reason obviously - and now I better go down and check on my dogs and tend to the garden.
Best to you Sir.
Scott Ritter is the face of integrity and humanity. What has happened to him is a harbinger of things to come for all of us if we don't stand with him and do the utmost to promote peace. When peacemakers are arrested and the warmongers are promoted we are indeed lost.
Several thoughts go through my mind, not possessing links, but simplified thinking.
It must be true that a single man can move mountains if they fear a single righteous reasoning man attempting peace.
To catch the flak you've received, Mr. Ritter, you must be over the target.
And, finally, no good deed goes unpunished [when dealing with corruption from within].
May God bless you, bless us/US, and may the patriots prevail, on both sides of the world.
Truth! This piece should be published in every newspaper in the U.S. As has been said "Truth is the First Casualty of War". There are so many examples of truth being hidden to promote war. The CIA and "The Secret Team" as laid out in the book of the same name.
I am heartily glad I did not grow up in a military family. My father served in World War II in Europe and took part in D-Day and then further action in France. But he never talked about the war. Ever. I am opposed to nationalism and the word "patriotism" to me means only subordination to the whims of a government that does not care one bit for the lives of its citizens. I believe you are an honest man and have awakened to a reality that you've resisted most of your life. But do not attempt to push patriotism as a virtue. As the old saying goes, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel".
I marched against the Vietnam War when I was a teenager in the 1960s and helped young men escape to Canada when I was 19. I supported my black friends in their struggle for equal rights in this country. I despise the capitalist system and its cruelty to the majority of humanity and I despise the monsters that have taken over the government of my country. That will never change as long as I live and I am older than you are.
I am glad you are finally on the side of truth, but please lose your illusions in a country that has not existed for many years. I support you and your efforts towards peace and I join you in supporting Russia and its culture and history. I deplore what the crooked government of this country has done to you and to all of the truth tellers. And I am far from alone.
It's time to clean house.
From what I can deduce from your article Scott, I do not believe that the events in Russia, where your friend has been mis-used by a political rival in Novosibirsk, reflect the Russian Government in Moscow. As you know, as well as I, the Russian systems are still very Byzantine, cumbersome, top heavy with petty officialdom, and still carrying the stinking corruption of the 1990's. Moscow is working hard to clear this, as barely a month goes by without reading of the arrest on charges of fraud, corruption, etc of some official or other. It's a Herculean task, trying to clean out those stables - and the "vertical", the vertical system of government power, whilst it works in many ways for Russia, does carry this problem.
I'd suggest he's just been caught by a yet another corrupt local official - who will, one day, be discovered and hauled off to nice warm bed in a one of Russias prisons.
But I dont believe it reflects any lack of desire to fix the dangerous issues currently between Russia and America, and which, as you know, are ALL of Americas' doing.
I think you are correct.
i sincerely hope you are right! this makes a ton of sense. thanks, Pamela!
Good luck Scott . Praying for you and your family.
I second you on that and I'm going to do something to help Scott.
Start liking it. Repression will only be more open and heavy handed, going forward.
i do believe you are correct, sorry to say.
Surely the co-ordinated detainment of both yourself and Mr Zyrianov on the same day indicates that both the USA and Russia are being politically manipulated from a hidden totalitarian hierarchy which MUST be obeyed.
It stinks of the Black Nobility and their agenda!
Yes, to me these "coincidentally timed" detainments seem like a "conspiracy" that's true until proven otherwise. I grant that much of Russian society is possibly (as) corrupt (as ours) and is still somewhat Byzantine, but this particular one in this particular time and place, out of all the local hotbeds of corruption that may exist in Russia? Has Putin himself gotten involved or commented? He has to know about Scott's work and projects. I ask, I don't know.
An exceptionally good, positive and constructive article. Personally, I hope that the founding fathers' and President Kennedy's vision for the United States of America will once again be honored and become an example for the American people.
My hope is also that the election on November 5th will be a crushing defeat for the Deep State and that it will be the starting point to restore law and order in the United States, restore respect for the Constitution, promote democracy and make the voice of the people heard. Such a positive turning point could also inspire and encourage the populations of the Nordic countries (from where I am writing these lines).
Let me conclude with a wish that the meeting in Kingston, New York will be a great success and a powerful manifestation of the will of the people and for peace and freedom.
Good luck and greetings from Sweden!
Your dedication and your mission to bring peace and to combat the criminality of war mongers posing as patriots (I mean specifically the FBI and the DOJ, for starters) here in the West and, it now seems apparent, also in Russia, has inspired me deeply.
I am most immediately grateful for now knowing what happened to Alexander Zyrianov, why he was arrested and by whom. It seems apparent from your information that he was arrested at the behest of corrupt officials of the Novosibirsk government using a corrupt FSB agency on the fraudulent charge that Zyrianov is a foreign agent. This situation is an exact mirror image of what the American DOJ and FBI are doing to you. That you have not yet been imprisoned may well be an indication that corruption has not gone quite so far yet in your country as it has in Russia. Perhaps not QUITE so far, but things are moving very fast. That you are still free is very unlikely to be a manifestation of lawfulness and probity, or even patriotism, in the FBI.
As a lifelong amateur historian I have learned about the history of the FBI. As it is with the CIA, the rule of law and the peace and prosperity and liberty of America, indeed the very survival of the American Constitutional Republic, depends on patriots overcoming and destroying all of the American secret police. That's what the FBI really is and always was. And it's as rotten with treasonous corruption and criminal ambition as J. Edgar Hoover designed it to be.
That Mr Zyrainov was arrested on the same day that stooges of the corrupt US Department of Justice stole your passport makes me strongly suspect that there is collusion between corrupt and power-hungry government officials of the American DOJ and the Russian FSB with the purpose that both these forces have to enhance their own power regardless of legality and constitutionality and the rule of legitimate law in both Russia and the USA.
As a Canadian, even as a citizen of the world, I am under the constant threat of the potential of nuclear war between the USA and the Russian Federation. So your crusade for peace is a crusade against the extinction of humanity. I personally remember it being reported in the news in the mid 1980s – could it have been a response to nuclear war almost being triggered in late 1983 when NATO staged an exercise that was interpreted by the USSR as preparation for a first strike? – that the Pentagon had concluded that the Nuclear Winter Theory could not be disproven. Therefore, said the Pentagon, in the event of a full scale nuclear war between the USA and the USSR "the extinction of human beings cannot be ruled out as a possibility." That was a phrase that has stuck in my mind ever since.
May God be your help and guide and may He help us all.
I think blaming operatives inside of the government and blaming journalists for betraying their oaths and their public, let’s the elected politicians off the hook. SCOTUS has ruled that money=speech, and consequently dark money is winning elections. We are an oligarchy because too many political elites get rich by staying mum. Any system which has a politicized judiciary will be authoritarian. This doesn’t bother enough people to move the needle. Scott is a casualty of America’s quiet descent into tyranny of the billionaires.
And then, what is the sanction for their transgressions? Tar, feather and run out of town on a rail? The severity punishment for treasonous acts? The list is long… Not easily parced out...
It may sound defeatist, but if enough people in authority don’t stand up, nothing will get done short of a crippling recession and armed revolt. But I do think that if a small minority gives a voice to many, substantial change can be achieved over time. That is a much bigger issue than punishing the weak character that presides presently.
Well Mr. Ritter; This is an object "Truth" for all types and levels of human organizations. One need not search to the highest levels of National Governance to find this. Any "Organization", is no sooner formed, than the striving for personal status and organizational 'Continuance' become the paramount goals (no matter what the original purpose of the organization really was). This is seen everywhere from Clubs, Churches, Labour Unions, and even the local PTA. Very early in any organizations' history, it is plainly established that dissent from the doctrine' is the most Heinous Sin'!
What is the legal punishment that should apply to FBI orJustice Department for subverting our Constitution as they have, or the members of Congress who foul our laws with influence of foreign adversaries?
-- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Our government is our enemy.