Even if World War III doesn't happen, who the hell would be foolish or dumb enough to trust & support our country again?

I find myself supporting Russia, China & Iran more than either US, Ukraine or Israel, & I was born & raised in the US!

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Same here.

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I don’t support these leaders, however they have chosen a much more logical way to perform. Let’s just hope Putin can continue to use the patience and logical mindset that has kept us from nuclear exchange thus far! I fear that even Trump won’t be able to walk back the actions of the current administration. “ the end of the world as we know it” couldn’t be a better title to the current events we witness! Upside down clown world, the current state of our Union

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Understand how you feel. I was born and raised in Australia (sycophantic vassal of the US Empire). I now live in the UK with my Polish wife - who knows more about the value of the soul than anyone I know in either country. She grew up under "communism" and was understandably angry when I ran up the Russian flag over our front gate at the start of the war in Ukraine - literally climbed up, tore it down and tore it up - I LOVE her spirit!!!

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People are stupid and have collectively a short term memory. Which is why within two generations of WW II the west is now embracing fascism at home and open nazism abroad.

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Russia, yes. Iran, yes. China, no!

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Ah the power of propaganda takes another victim.

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I have trouble trusting Xi when the words "human rights" are not in his vocabulary. The chumminess between Putin and Xi is economic expediency. No love there.

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Contrast Chinas ancient medicine with Europe. Burning 'witches' is what we thought of our medicine makers.

Do not judge China by US media. Measure them by how many overseas military bases they have. For some perspective, the US has at least 700 some say more like a thousand. Chinas total? 1

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Good point! Several, actually.

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Tend to repeat stuff that explains why things are happening, when they make sense to me. Then ask loaded questions. Why does Bill Gates like giving money, a lot of money, to all the Major Media companies? Just Tax write offs?

When Pfizer paid 2.3 billion dollar fine for fraud did they write that off on their taxes as the cost of business? Isn't fraud another way of saying being dishonest? Thanks some days are better than others.

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It's closer to 900 than 800.

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When the CCP stops kidnapping college students off the street and harvesting their organs (yes, killing them) for the CCP's world-wide organ trade (or organs for their politicians) I'll give the CCP an inch. True, about Traditional Chinese Medicine being a healing wonder. With TCM the Chinese have a real edge .... but the country has not recovered by the terrorizing treatment of citizens over the Covid issue. The CCP looks at freedom as nothing but a threat to their power.

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Am skeptical of any such reports. It's like when the Iraq soldiers threw the newborns on the floor and stole their incubators or Lee Harvey shot JFK. Where you there?

The #1 skill of psychopaths is telling lies. Did you ever see the Collateral Murder video? Its probably the main reason Julian Assange is still in jail.

I think a more useful number is how many civilians are killed in the wars someone keeps insisting on starting. How many did China start?

The anti Chinese propaganda picked up where the anti Russian reduced. Guess where the next war will be? Heard anything good about Palestinians lately? Go back ten years and read what the state department said about Ukraine. Boy they changed their tune!

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Where are you getting this information? Are you trusting what you hear on TV? Or...? Because NOTHING you hear on TV is true. We, in the US and UK, and the Five Eyes generally, are fed so much propaganda, we have to work hard to figure out what the hell's going on. I can tell you this: From what I can see, if it were up to the US alone, we'd all be dead already. Our govt, US, is clearly INSANE.

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Have you ever been to China ? I have. Several times. Consider that what you think you know about the place that you have never been to came from people that have been lying to us all our lives. The Uighur genocide, for an example, was an easy one to debunk. How did they send millions to camps yet NATO fail to produce one satellite image of what would have had to be MASSIVE facilities to hold that many people ?

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The "Covid Issue" is just one thing: A globalist FRAUD perpetrated on the entire world, killing and harming MILLIONS. When everybody finally GETS THAT, we'll be 95% home.

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What the Chinese did in Macau and Hong Kong as well as historically with communism is enough to keep them at length. Not to mention their creeping takeover of the U.S. and invasion of Illegal chinese nationals.

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You ar wrong. Both has said of the other "he is my best friend". They have spoken of their early lives, their tough upbringing, their love of their parents. They have a lot in common. And you are wrong about there being no "human rights" in China. Its America and the West that has none - go ask Julien Assange.

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Many years ago I read one of Nostradamus's quatrains wherein it stated (and I paraphrase):

'The bear and the dragon will battle the eagle, and then the bear and the eagle will join to defeat the dragon.'

For some reason that always stuck in my memory and it's truth felt right.

The prophecies from the past have lost their preciseness and diverged from the given timeline for reasons known to a few, as there was hope for humanity that a catastrophic Armageddon could be delayed.

Unfortunately there is a very black faction that is running the western nations that is intent on devastating destruction in an attempt to prevail as the dominant force on our planet at this time.

Maybe if the people can remove their (that black faction) power before the missiles start flying, there is hope to avert the insane destruction, and Scott is one who is giving his all for such an outcome.

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I doubt the bear is gonna "join" with the eagle, unless the eagle stops trying to peck the bear's eyes out... ;) Looks FAR more likely that the bear and the dragon will BURY the eagle.

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More like put the Eagle in a cage with occasional taunts "Polly want a crack head ?"

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when the eagle cleans out that black faction (and AIPAC is very much part of that, so that bumps Trump) then the eagle and the bear will share the same values and interests.

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"..... Xi when the words "human rights" are not in his vocabulary."

You are correct as he speaks Mandarin, not English (or the bastardised, dumbed down North American version).

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To put it another way.... Xi does not see or hear Chinese people. To him they are bodies without souls and he is their god. He only sees and hears the CCP power grab. But, he is also losing the game. China's economy is collapsing and it doesn't look good for them.

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Bullshit, pure, unadulterated bullshit.

You have no clue, and are repeating crap from your MSM bubble.

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Kathy - Please - where are you getting this information? If Xi's only in it for the power, then how in the world did China resurrect itself so astonishingly in what? 30 years? I studied the History of China for a year in undergrad school from a Mandarin speaking daughter of a missionary born and raised in China. China's history and culture are fascinating and extraordinary in many ways. Its recent evolution from millions in extreme poverty to an advanced culture didn't happen because of the soullessness of the leadership. Quite the contrary.

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China's economy is anything but "collapsing."

Turn off the idiot box, m'dear. It's the US that is collapsing. Don't believe me? Just wait, it won't be long now.

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lady, get ta fun outta here....jack Tiscione

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No reason not to trust Xi.....our war machine is moving into SE Asia to take them on.....over Taiwan (which I support as independent) and when that happens you'll be paying a lot more at Walmart.....since our government sent all manufacturing there so the rich could get richer. China's just doing what we asked them to....?

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Chyna! Chyna! Chyna!

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What, you're a "Red Rockers" fan?

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I dunno what that is.

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1980s USA band called "Red Rockers", song titled "China"? Listen & you might understand:


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Let me guess. You are a Republican, right? Had you been a Democrat you would have said "China, yes. Russia, no." LOL

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..., and that's how they divide the population and make you believe there actually is a two-party political system in the US. The two hands inside the political pupets belong to the same "person" which is AIPAC.

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In other words, both are propagandised by their respective half of the uni-party.

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Even so, I think we can buy some time to save ourselves with a Republican president.

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I have more faith in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy than I have in any politician anywhere in the world.

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I was born and raised in Canada and I 100% agree with you.

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I agree and I too was born and raised in the U.S., served in Vietnam, am Jewish, a recovering Zionist and an Israeli dual citizen

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Welcome to the club.

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Keep waiting for that, ah now I get it moment. It all makes sense. Crack and old Hollywood war movies? Too much fluoride in the water? Top down management, when no one tells the boss the truth? They are convinced they got an ace up their sleeve? Most westerners believe we will win, so we will? How did safe and effective go for us?

As an honorably discharged US vet I find myself rooting for the US getting an ass whooping, just hoping it doesn't ruin my garden. I wonder how many of the Ukrainian's who have died, really didn't have their heart in it, thinking, can't we find another way to fix this?

Finally I like Putin, there I said it. When you read the transcripts and watch his face, he has humor, intelligence sure. But mostly he comes across as someone you don't wanna piss off. Serious professionally honest.

So what do our leaders have their hearts set on, exactly that. Piss him off. God please help us.

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I think WE the People oughta get off our ass, get offLINE and get out in our communities and figure out how to shut the fucking insane DC catastrophe down before they get us all nuked. How bout dat!

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I'm back and forth. ONE day, echoing YOUR sentiments EXACTLY: "We sit around watching some Hollywood bitch's ASS....Our 'reality' exists in cyberspace...We pay NO attention to the world around us...We live--even the 'poorest' of us--IN LUXURY."

That's ONE day. Then, the NEXT day, I'm saying to myself that the REASON we VOTE is so that our representatives will...you know...REPRESENT!!!!! Like, represent what WE want!! Ain't that The System?? Ain't that what I was told, by the nuns at Corpus Christi Grammar School was the very PURPOSE of The Founding Fathers of the United States--to create a REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT, as opposed to the monarchies of prior times?

So WHY is it that we NOT ONLY have to WORK 8 f*cking hours a day; SLEEP 8 hours a day; fight with our wives/husbands; keep an eye on that HORNY-ass "boy" that wants to date my daughter [the no-good motherf***er!!].

Don't we have MORE than enough to do to just LIVE? We HAVE the goddamned SYSTEM!! That's what The Founding Fathers DIED for....right? So, why don't the a**holes called "politicians" DO THEIR JOB??

Yeah, I know: The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, or HOWEVER the f*ck the saying goes. But, DAMN!!!!!!!!!! The advances of "civilization" have FREED us to enjoy life; to EXPLORE. I can train to become a carpenter, then SWITCH and attend university to study electrical engineering, THEN decided to try to become a "Rock star."

So, WHY should I have to spend my ENTIRE ADULT LIFE, considering everything else that I have [or WANT] to do, standing over the people who are SUPPOSED to represent me?

I go through this sh*t EVERY F*CKING DAY!! Back and forth: "I have to fight......NO, I DON'T have to fight..." One day I'm blasting politicians for not doing their job. The NEXT day I'm blasting US for not SURROUNDING the f*cking WHITE HOUSE--10 MILLION of us--so that they can't LEAVE until they finally get some sh*t DONE.

Who is to blame? The politicians COME FROM US!!!! WE create those motherf***ers!!! They are BORN. Or maybe David Icke, Kerry Cassidy, and all THOSE people whom we call "nuts" are RIGHT: Maybe the politicians and big shots are all REPTILES!!!!!!!

To date, I've written 464 articles at Substack ( https://ronchism.substack.com/archive ) FOR WHAT?? Who GIVES a f*ck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm retired. I should NOT be spending my days tryna.......WHAT? PRETEND??? Pretend that I'm "making a difference?" What's changed? NOTHING!!!

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Well, I can tell you this: You are NOT alone. This is NOT because of anything WE did or didn't do. I TOTALLY relate to what you're saying and agree with you. Don't imagine that how we feel or what we do DOESN'T MATTER... Everything matters. I'll tell you who is to blame... You know that tiny little .001% they talk about? THOSE FUCKERS THAT OWN EVERYTHING and run Black Rock and the Crown Corporation? The psychopaths that rule the world, and have done for centuries if not THOUSANDS of years? No? Okay, listen to Frances Leader tell it like it is... and it's a good link, but if you want to check, go to her page, called "Uncensored" and find it there... The "Black Nobility". She was interviewed on Jerm Warfare. If you like that, and I'm trying to memorize the whole damn thing!!! then try a very very good video by another Brit called David A. Hughes, who really lays out what we've been through and what we're going through and ties it together in a way that slaps your face hard, but in a good way, lol, a LEARNING way, a very astute assessment... Okay, couple of hours for you, and you'll be REALLY PISSED OFF, but you'll know WHY and WHO is doing it to you. I want to see us ALL "get this" info and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...


^Frances Leader

David Hughes


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Yeah checked out your link Word Herder couple a days ago. Very comprehensive, puts together all the missing bits.

Ron just being in the world thinking about reality, as apposed to living a fantasy, is beneficial. If everyone had a good thought and kept it alive, the world will change.

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I vacillate between doing two things that come naturally to me: Truth seeking, and making people laugh.

I came to the conclusion some time back, and still I have to remind myself sometimes, that it really doesn’t matter that much what we THINK, except as it applies to what we DO. As someone who was raised Christian and who’s studied various religions to compare and understand better, I’m reminded of something attributed to Jesus— somewhere in the NT, where he says “When you pray, go into your room and close the door.” I interpret that to mean, keep your specific beliefs to yourself, keep them private, in your heart, and don’t expect, or try to coerce, other people to have exactly the same ideas/beliefs… Because LOOK at all the trouble that brings! Much suffering and WAR, when really it doesn’t matter! It’s what we DO that matters. Respect for others, being centered and okay with OURSELVES enough to allow for others to think/believe differently than we do, would go a LONG way toward peace. “Do No Harm,” I think is the best “religion” we could follow.

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Will do!! Maybe I'll load it as a Substack submission. I did watch that eye-opener, Monopoly.

On another note, here's something I truly don't understand: The U.S. military is SWORN to protect the country from enemies, "foreign or domestic." I've wondered [and I'm NOT trying to be funny] WHY the U.S. military hasn't just gone in and cleaned DC out. Seriously.

A friend of mine who was in the U.S. military [helped train the South Korean military in....special stuff.....told me, "No, Ron. That's the LAST thing you want."

I still don't understand it. Anyway, thanks again.

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Well, I'm not sure, either, but here's my answer: Because the US Govt is, to many people, "America." Or a symbol of it... If you think about it, it's kind of like there are TWO sides of this country: All the PEOPLE, and then the Govt's, the military, the courts, and the Ever Fucking IRS. Know what I mean?

Why does the military start taking newbies when they're only 18? Because they're not even really ADULTS yet, fresh outta school, haven't been around much... youngsters are full of vigor and idealism, and they believe what you tell 'em, especially if you scream it in their face and punish them if they don't do as they're told... Ahhh, the sweet smell of Napalm in the morning, and all that idiotic blather...

I don't know anyone who is over 50 now that knew what the hell was going on before they were at least 35, 40. And so it goes...

And you're welcome. I can do it all day, but I'm a generalist, I don't remember all the little factoids or even where I heard things, lol. But I get the Big Picture.

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I'm glad you brought this up. I have FEW people I can share the following with. On April 5th, 1968, ONE DAY after King got assassinated, I INSTANTLY became a "Black revolutionary." I was 18 years old--virtually still A CHILD.

Stokely Charmichael, H. "Rap" Brown, Huey Newton, Eldridge Cleaver, the ministers of the NOI (Nation of Islam), were hollering about "the "White man!!!!!" Suddenly, ALL White people became my enemy. The GOOD NUNS--that hard been my collective second mom [my real mom had LEFT us when I was 5 years old] for EIGHT YEARS, suddenly became "the mother of the enemy of my people," meaning White males.

The media [YEP--EVEN BACK THEN!!] were FEATURING those dudes, all damn DAY. Being 18 [still tryna figure out what LIFE was all about!], angry ANYWAY, just BECAUSE I was 18, NOT because "White folks" had did SHIT to me [Oh, I know the history of slavery, the dehumanization, etc. BUT....]

I grew up in a WORKING-CLASS Black family, and our family home had FIVE BEDROOMS, in Princeton Park, in Chicago. I'd sit on the roof, reading Franz Fanon's, "The Wretched of the Earth," THINKING that I was the most oppressed person on earth.

While sitting on the roof, reading that book, my grandma would stick her head out the back door, and call up, "Ronnie, you want Sugarbaby to bake you a PIE???!!!" I'd go, "Yeah, Sugarbaby!!! Thanks!!!!" You see, I was (ahem) "oppressed." Why? Because Franz Fanon SAID SO, that's why.

So, Sugarbaby would finish the pie, holler up, and my OPPRESSED ASS would climb down, go to the dining room, where Sugarbaby had ALREADY placed my pie, in a saucer, along with a glass of milk--WHITE milk!! Grrrrr!!!

I finally decided to get my girlfriend, who lived in the housing projects, to read The Wretched of the Earth. One day, when we had a date, we got to the restaurant. I handed her the book. She goes, "What's this about?" I go, "It's about the oppressed people of the world."

She goes, "What?! Nigguh, I live in the f*cking PROJECTS!! I already KNOW I'm oppressed! And you want me to READ about that shit?!" I felt like a damned fool, as she handed the book back to me. I can laugh about it now, but it wasn't funny then. At the time, I didn't even KNOW there were some OPPRESSED White people in an area of Chicago called Uptown. Later, the got gentrified OUT of that area, no longer able to PAY to be POOR.

About three years ago, something hit me. I went to Wikipedia to look up how old Stokely and crew were, back then, when I was 18. Every one of those dudes were LESS than 26 years old. Then I realized something: The human brain is not fully developed UNTIL around the age of 26. So, I was being "led" by a bunch of young Black men whose BRAINS weren't fully developed!!

Now, this is NOT to deny slavery, racism, Jim Crow, segregation. But, all of human HISTORY'S been f*cked up. The Founding Fathers, though, GAVE HUMANITY A CHANCE. Believe me, it took me a LONG TIME to de-program myself, and realize the TRICK bag [BLM, Sharpton, Jesse and crew] that all Americans had been put in by the OVER-LORDS that keep us divided.

Well, I gotta go, before my WHITE WIFE gets pissed off, because it's time for us eat dinner. [My apologies, Stokely].

Well, that's enough. I just wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks again!!

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We live--even the 'poorest' of us--IN LUXURY."

Fascinating observation. Yet those who are rich, do so simply by being grateful, to God I guess, just for having the opportunity to try to figure it out.

This format is frustrating. Does anyone read us, do they get it? In some ways those who have an actual fight on their hands are blessed too. Our enemies weaponize everything around us and assure us they got our back. There is a certain desperation settling in with the double downers. Keep the faith man you make people think deeper than they wanna. I know you do!

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Plus Putin never calls me.a racist.

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The people running the US government are insane. We made them that way. We said after 9/11 it was ok to go insane. We taught them they can do anything the want and we would approve. Then, we let them try to kill billions of people with an experimental biological weapon injection. And again we said it was ok. This is all OUR fault. We’ve become sheep. He comes the slaughter. We earned it.

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Wait, WE didn't say it was "OK." Wasn't MY fault, I was busy getting my ass kicked for saying it was a fucking FRAUD. Now, I KNOW you will appreciate this video. It might just blow your mind... check it out, and it's a podcast (just sound) from another Stacker, right here. Frances Leader. This is stuff EVERYONE should know! Cheers.


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I just watch Frances Leader. Brilliant knowledge and well presented by her. Thank you for this info!

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It’s my DUTY to get it out there. You’re welcome!

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I choose rage as well. NATO and the west are monstrosities.

NATO needs to be disbanded and western leaders need to cool their jets.

Peace is in all of our best interests.

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No, not cool their jets, unless they cool them in a small concrete CELL. They ARE certifiable at this point!! I donut WANT their crazyass jets.

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I- Brian O'Sullivan- and My partner of a third of my lifetime- Vivian Pelkaus- and our one and only child- Sylvie O'Sullivan- will be in Kingston, NY on September 28th- Me and Viv know exactly what is going on- and ironically we are both enraged for different reasons- She is Latvian American whose parents had to carried out in prams by their parents and German soldiers in 1944 and set up in displacement camps in West Germany- and she knows what this country where she was born is up to in Ukraine- I am a citizen of Ireland who has lived here for 37 years and 3 months- I know what they are up to in Palestine- and that to my kind of people is crossing a red line. Arthur Balfour created the mess there- just as he had created the turmoil in Ireland- plus when the notorious 'Black and Tan's' where defeated in Ireland- they're next project was in Palestine- where they were sent by the British Government who held the protectorate of the place- and they did the same there- They raped- murdered and pillaged- men- women and children.. They and their brainwashed criminals are still doing it today. What is the outcome of this mess? I don't know- But I do know that more people on this earth need to wake up and realize how close we are getting to the end of humanity as we know it- Thats what what these lunatics in power have dragged the world into... We will be in Kingston on September 28th..

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I think you are quite Truthy! And I have something I think you'll find valuable... May not be anything you've heard of before, but it's a mind-blower, and it's what we all need to understand so we can UNDO it.... Check it out, brother-over-the-water...


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I book-marked the link- and I have followed the channel on Odysee- Thank you for sharing it with me... I look forward to hearing it---- Brian O'

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Maybe save this comment and then come back and let the others and me know what you think!

I find this info to be VERY undiscovered as yet...

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Finally- my point is this- The more knowledgeable we become in our present system- the more isolated we become- I am someone who cannot even get a job in NYC right know because of who I am- I have watched this mess transpire since March 2020 and have become even more isolated from the world- because I have seen the masses around me here in NYC walk along like sheep in the flock and buy in to all the lies- like those lies were somehow heroic- Those same people are walking around nowadays with huge life problems which they themselves had encouraged this mess to happen- So now by my becoming aware that there are many more like me- is giving me encouragement for what lies ahead- But we have to get together via online or in person or in masses- Because as Josef Goebbels said back in the 1930's- 'He who controls tall of the masses controls al of the power'- and our present leaders have been feeding that concept on all of us- for all of our lives. The outcome for them is not looking positive- but the outcome for us can become more positive if we all stand together........ Brian O'

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I could have written that myself. Cheers, Brian. We are on the same page, and I agree with your suggestions of what to do. I like some words that I will tangle a bit, for the Spize to figger out… Words like sabbat taj, nod comp liants, hoardz of marshers of streets… Ya know. OUT there, not on HERE…

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BTW, I subscribed, but wanted you to know I'm sorry for not having any means of monetary support for you... Hoping for a lottery win, and then I'll spread it around! CASH, of course. ;)

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I subscribed to you as well- and in reference to money- The last thing any of us needs to do during these difficult times- is hand our money over to others- no matter who they are and how much they mean to us- or how much they are in our camp of reality- The government and the powers that be takes enough from us all as it is... We will get to a day soon hopefully- when we can all figure it out then- and give money to whom we actually choose to...

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I watched all of it- What did I think? I honestly learned nothing new- I already have all the information that was presented to me- Why is that? I was not very well educated- but I have read document's and books from various worldwide sources all of my life- All the information presented last night can be read at the NYC library up on 42nd street- if you figure out how to get to it- and various other public places nationwide and worldwide- I as a homeless man back in the late 80's would go in to that building just to keep warm- and to relieve boredom I would constantly read books in different dialects- Then the internet came about- and my resources were everywhere around me- I knew what that lady presented to me already- but it was still mind altering to watch that show- Reason being? I have thought for near thirty years now that I am the only one who has actually become aware of this- but no- more and more people are in my train of thought- and understand what kind of a mess we are actually embedded in.. Therefore the more people that wake up to it- will set in motion events that will change it forever- But we all need to make the right move when it is requested- meaning we need to put aside all grievances and march on these bastards and finally give us all our freedom-- I knew it all- but it was heartwarming to watch that show last night--- Thank you again for sending it to me... Brian O'

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Bless your heart, my friend. I got a “vibe” from you and I’m pleased to see it was a good one… I hope things are going okay for you now. And I salute you for finding this out on your own— I had no idea, other than a vague idea about the .001% being a bunch of filthy rich creeps. But just a shadow of the truth! I’ve learned SO MUCH in the past four years, it’s almost like I was someone else before that. I’ve been persecuted for not being a happy little idiot and going along with the fuckery of “Covid” and P-harma and ALLLL the long list of nastiness we have been subjected to for decades, centuries, millennia, perhaps. TIME FOR A CHANGE. I’m ready. I’m down with it, and I’ll do whatever I can.

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On a related issue that could also throw us into nuclear war, I have been reading Terry Greenstein's excellent book "Zionism During The Holocaust: The Weaponization of Memory in the Service of State and Nation". Greenstein was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family and his father was a rabbi. His detailed and documented history of Zionism and Zionist collaboration with Nazi Germany is absolutely stunning and the ties of all that to modern day Israel and the grip it has on the United States government is reason for alarm.

The fact that Greenstein had to self-publish this excellent book because every publisher he approached was terrified to support it and that in the midst of all the media coverage of Gaza and the debate about equating criticism of Zionism with antisemitism that he has not been interviewed speaks volumes to the propaganda we are all victims of. (And just to be clear, opposing Zionism is NOT antisemitic, Zionists were a tiny minority of the Jewish population in 1930s Germany, it is NOT Judaism.)

This is a post I did on the book, which also includes a link to an excellent in-depth interview with Greenstein: "Jewish Scholar's Book Reveals Zionism's Fascist Roots & Close Collaborative Role With Nazi Regime: Learning American Zionist leaders had opposed the entry of Jewish refugees from Europe during World War II began a life-long exploration of Zionism's fascist roots."


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Check THIS out, my friend... It'll blow yer mind.


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Wow, she is great. Thanks. I had never heard about her before, but as she explained toward the end of the interview, that is not surprising. I did a base subscription with her and will follow. A year ago I would have thought she was a bit whacky, but after what I have been reading in Greenstein's book and the ordered chaos and betrayal we see spinning all around us every day, she makes a lot of sense.

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Well shit.

I'm a middleaged dude from Moscow, Earth had nice run, it was fun and all. Sorry i didn't had an opportunity to meet you when you were in Russia.

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Scott doesn’t give up so we shouldn’t either

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Scott forgot to mention that all these western leaders are sucking dirt at the bottom of the polls and the elections are this year. You should be smiling.

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Giving up NOW? Geeez. I live in the target zone, and I ain't dead yet. C'mon, I want to meet you someday. ;)

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Don't give up hope yet. Maybe that last, thin, sliver of hope will pan out. But I guess it is a question of whether the "big guys," aka global predators, will really go thru with it. My crystal ball is fuzzy.

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No, let's not give up hope, ever.

But you know what? I have a VERY interesting piece of education here... From another Substack Writer, and long-time journalist... I've been friends with her, and following her, for over two years now, and she's ON IT. See what you think of this, it's just audio...


If you like this, as in, value it, I've got another one for you that's sorta complimentary. :)

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I am a man close to turning 80 years old. I look in the mirror and I don't see the young man I was. So, I don't do things that are inappropriate for my age. And it suits me well. I would advise America to calm down, look at herself in the mirror and see herself as she really is, not as she was or as she cannot be. It would be good for Americans and for the world.

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Yes, it would, but how on God's green earth would that benefit Israel?

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Good question. Sometimes I forget that the US is a (AIPAC) colony of Israel.

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As I am not an America, nor living in America, I will have to join you in spirit.

However, when you make your speeches, perhaps you could use the chance to remind people of a very very worrying fact. When a journalist asked President Putin why he had sent troops to Syria a few years back, be replied " Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing; when you see a fight is inevitable, strike first". And he did. I would also add, to that comment about "the streets of Leningrad", that unlike the rich kid spoilt private schooled brats who, for the most part, hold power in the NATO, Putin was a street kid. And he fought in the streets. His school teacher said of him " he would fight anyone ,anywhere, if they tried to bully him". Take it from one who also, for a while, played as a street kid - you learn things that are with you all your life. You never forget them. And Putin hasnt forgotten that lesson -- which makes these words and actions out of the West all the more dangerous --- because they are working to make it seem to Putin that " a fight is inevitable". And we know what he will do then.

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He also lost 2 brothers and grand parents to the Nazis that you seldom hear about. First time today, in Vietnam, he spoke publicly about that. I know what you mean about growing up tough in rough hoods. Been there, done that.

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He's damn smart, too, and very COOL under pressure.

Most people would have already bombed DC, just for being such iiiiiiiiiiiiidiots.

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That is a very propagandized version of Putin and what he's up to. How can you be on Scott Ritter's page and not know that Putin has been the sanest, most reasonable person in this whole mess? Go and check out, besides Scott, Judge Napolitano, "Judging Freedom." He has a whole plethora of political and military commentators/experts. Very good show.

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How can you not know that I know more about Putin than you do, if you take that point of view. I dont see it as denigrating Putin - I was a street kid myself until my teens. I'm pointing out a truth about him he would himself be proud of I think, - he grew up where it was tough, and he was more than up to it. It's not propaganda, it's the truth, and it speaks volumes about his strength of character, that he has done all he has not just in spite of those tough early years, but maybe even, a little, because of them. I know about Judging Freedom and listen to nearly all the interviews. Try to read with less of an emotional reaction and more of a logical mind set.

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Because of what you're saying. I'm seeing all these guys who are NOT "mainstream," like Prof. John Mearsheimer, Col. Douglas Macgregor, Scott Ritter!, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Max Blumenthal, Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern... These guys know some stuff. And they don't talk about Putin being all hot to "strike first," they talk about him being VERY VERY CAUTIOUS, because uh--- we're talking about NUCLEAR WAR. Global. Nuclear. War. This is not a street fight.

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Dear God above. You utter twit, it was PUTIN HIMSELF who said that if you see a fight is inevitable, strike first. Just go away and learn something you twit. For starters, here is a video. Now, the guy in this who is talking, is President Putin. Either read the English subtitles or get someone to read them to you. Then please, go away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOXq_Ap4U_Y

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I guess you’re unable to understand what I said, because your response is nonsensical. You call me names, what are you, twelve? and then expect me to follow your directives? Here’s my adult answer: Fuck off.

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You're out of line pal. You misread Pamela's original post and act like a nasty little bitch when she tries to point out that you didn't read for comprehension.

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How's that for "logic"?

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What Pamela quoted re VVP's childhood doesn't take away from his adult actions, she is merely pointing n out part of what moulded the man. He stood up to bullies, and knew how to deal with danger, unlike the opposition.

And the quote " Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing; when you see a fight is inevitable, strike first" is actually his.

She wasn't denigrating him, you misread.

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Actually, YOU misread what I said. She's talking about FIRST STRIKE.

I said, we're also talking about NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

Maybe you're not quite aware of how incredibly INSANE the US Govt is right now? Maybe you're aware of how all this is being manipulated into a world war, preferably with NUKES so that the people trying to KILL US OFF (nope, Not Paranoid, but educated) won't have to work so hard. These are the Globalist Psychopaths that are running humanity into the ground, literally.

Now, if you don't know what I'm talking about, that's pretty much the case with most people, because of CENSORSHIP and GENERAL FUCKERY.

So when someone starts telling me that Putin is a "street fighter" who "strikes first," and I'm listening to people like I listed, who are military, or recognized as political and military ANALYSTS, saying PUTIN is being amazingly chill in NOT bombing the fuck out of the US, it seems ignorant. Do I not have the right to my opinion? I am an "utter twit" ? I didn't SAY she was denigrating him, I said she was denigrating ME.

Maybe go back and re-read that interchange.

I don't really CARE what she thinks, but I didn't start the name-calling. It was SHE who misunderstood me. Got it? That's how I see it, and that's why I said what I said.

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It's hard to read this without feeling physically ill. My burning question: will the moves escalate before or after the November election? This would of course depend on a range of factors, including not having an election. This level of insanity of so-called global leadership has precedents, and history tells us that it never ended well for people living in those times.

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The difference between the US and Russia is evident in the very fact of Vladimir Putin. His emergence as a staunch and respected patriot from the ashes of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin-US-Capitalism's feeding frenzy-Collapse of the soviet union era, should be deeply compared with the US Trajectory from the assassination of JFK all the way to Joe Biden. A path of glittering, prideful patriotism painted on the surface of seedy gangsterism and corruption all the way from the raw criminality of LBJ & Nixon, through the perfidious B-Grade movie star (who collected lists of names among his peers in Hollywood for the McCarthy investigations), the Bush family - deeply invested in NAZI Germany and Saudi wealth, and in desperation to recover appearances, the Smooth Operator Lawyer from Illinois, always preferring to wave the star spangled banner than to face the fact that corrupt and powerful institutions that hold the "spirit of the nation" in contempt and lust only for power, were prepared to murder the very soul of America. In Biden I am reminded of the opening chapter of "The Leopard" in which a rotting, dusty leopard skin is being disposed of, the image of Sicily's Garibaldi Dictatorship in decline. The US government made sweet-sounding treaties with its enemies then allowed private capitalism to abuse them until the victims retaliated, then made new treaties. The Russians and Chinese know this. The only question here is: when faced with absolute defeat will the US Power elites choose the Dr Strangelove Option. It's only a button-press away and not even the wisdom of Putin can stop them from taking that option. Putin clearly realises this and has said "Over to you". I wish you every success in your effort to promote SANITY.

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This is an interesting piece by Rhodes, Obama's Former Deputy National Security Advisor

In an immense departure from US policy to date, he advocates that the US "abandons the mindset of American primacy" and "pivots away from the political considerations, maximalism, and Western-centric view that have caused [the Biden] administration to make some of the same mistakes as its predecessors". From


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For all our sakes, I hope you succeed.

I'm increasingly worried about the sheer number of people who think WWIII would just be another "forever war", of low intensity and minimal inconvenience, rather than something that will almost certainly end human civilization.

Blessed be the peacemaker, for they shall be called sons of God.

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Because the people we're dealing with here: (the elites of the Collective West) are on a Religious Crusade...and let me tell you...It ain't Christianity! It is Radical Atheistic Occult Darwinism: To Survive and Reproduce by killing off 5 billion people, hunkering down in bunkers, and then repopulating the world afterwards. Like an antibiotic-resistant strain of a virus. As Prince Phillip of the Bilderberg Group once said: "If I could reincarnate I would come back as a deadly virus to reduce the population." There was once a nuclear winter scenario in our past: A big supervolcano exploded in Indonesia 70,000 years ago and nearly killed off all of humanity. You and me and everybody else in here, and everybody else in this world right now, are descendants of this ancient tiny few of humanity who survived. Read about it; it's mainstream science. They call this a "bottleneck" in Evolution, where a few hardy survivors of a catastrophe make it through and then reproduce to create a stronger and more fit gene pool.

Well this is what the Elites of the Collective West believe; that their sense of cunning and financial savvy makes them superior to us, more fit, and thus more able to survive. So they are going to artificially create a bottleneck in evolution by killing 90% of us and then coming out on the other side and repopulating the world with them and the few slaves that they keep around! This needs to be exposed and shouted out everywhere: The Reason why the Collective West is starting Armageddon is not because they are stupid and incompetent and blundering their way...it is because they are religiously committed to a crusade of creating a bottleneck with themselves as an antibiotic resistant strain of a virus...an agenda that I'm calling "Crazy Darwin."

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I am interested in the event described in this article - how do I sign up to be more involved? I work with several peace and justice groups primarily on trying to get as much press coverage as possible about the danger of nuclear war. Louise Coleman, louisecoleman10@aol.com

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I'd like to join in on the events but I plan to still be abroad (in Russia) at the end of Sept. Meantime I'm continuing to write on my substack trying to engender understanding and good will between average citizens of our two countries. On the heightening of tensions and consequent increase in the possibility of nuclear war that is being abetted by the western press coverage I recently posted an article that poses a boxing analogy at https://topicdujour.substack.com/p/western-war-coverage-a-sports-analogy Thanks for your continuing efforts, Scott.

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Hey, Scott....

What's not being said enough is the prospects of where agriculture will still be possible in a nuclear winter. Just a few minutes of research will be revealing: New Zealand. Just where some of the richest Western oligarchs, including Peter Thiel, happen to have their expensive bunkers and hideouts. Billionaires have been stockpiling food and survival items for years. The fact is there WILL be a winner in this nuclear war: the Oligarchs of the Collective West, who owns New Zealand. All the survivable places: Chile, Argentina, NZ, Iceland, are affiliated with either Britain or the West more generally. They are planning on starting this nuclear war, packing it in, getting out, hunkering down, and then repopulating the world afterwards with their bloodlines. It is Radical Darwinism: To Survive And Reproduce. I call it "Crazy Darwin." Because, imagine if you will, the Atheistic Darwinian version of the Religious Suicide Bomber. That's what these people are. That's why they are so flippant about starting nuclear war. because they are planning a special survival party and you and me are not invited!

Read about H.G. Wells' Things To Come and also read about the British Empire's view that the world can only sustain 1 billion people. Bill Gates, King Charles, Prince Phillip, and Prince Bernhard all subscribed to this. This is what we're dealing with here: A zealous adherence to an occult Atheistic kind of Paganism. People blamed Christianity and Islam for religious martyrdom and talk all day about how crazy and suicidal Theists are, but they have nothing on these guys.




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