CIA is 100% evil. Great article.

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What Ritter cannot publish, but knows, is the fact that the CIA and Israel attacked the USA on 911 and created a terrorist unipolar government. These two also killed JFK and killed the Republic of the USA in 1963.

Nazis (CIA) and Zionists (Israel) are two wings of the same genocidal bird. Eugenics, culling, genocide,... and now transhumanism unite these two since their inceptions. They are natural allies, Zionists and Nazis... So why are you scratching your head when the alliance is public knowledge in Ukraine?

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Don't forget that in 1967 Israel made a tea strainer of the USS Liberty, and killed many of its crew.

Three of the main reasons JFK was killed was:

1. He issued PD 1110 that made the not-so-federal Federal Reserve System fiat currency null and void.

2. He pointed at the FARA act when the Zionist League of America (now AIPAC) wanted to register as a domestic lobbying group.

3. In October of 1963 he said: "The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society." and "shatter it (the CIA) into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds."

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And these same are the world’s three main enemies today: Jewish Banking Mafia, CIA/Nazi, and Zionist/Israel. Total destruction will require a world wide effort. BRICS+ is underway.

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The US was hijacked in three steps the way I see it.

1. The Khazar banking mafia got control of the purse when Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve, 1913.

"Give me control of a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws."

- Mayer Amschel Rothschild -

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin . . . Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again . . . Take this great power away from them, and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. . . . But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."

- Sir Josiah Stamp -

Director of the Bank of England, 1927

2. The banking mafia then created the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921, and then purchased 20 of the largest newspapers in the US. With them they shaped the people's opinion, and thereby controlled elections. Every politician at the federal level has been a CFR member since then. They then had full control of the legislative branch.

3. When JFK was shot they gained control of the Executive branch and SCOTUS because POTUS appoints the judges. LBJ ignored the FARA act giving the Khazar banking mafia full access to US politicians via bribery etc. LBJ also threw PD 11110 in the trash giving control of the purse back to the Khazar banking mafia.

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But the CIA never officially acknowledges its covert operations, either abroad or on US soil. And he will always repeat that this is all slander from conspiracy theorists. But even at a time when the CIA did not yet exist, the famous American humorist writer Mark Twain (Samuel Longhorn Clemens) gave a clear definition to this concept. “A conspiracy is nothing more than a secret agreement between a few people to pursue a policy that they dare not admit publicly.” Mark Twain.

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I don't think CIA can attract any top talent. They only have money, sex and drugs to offer, classic temptations for morally corrupt humans.

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They have always been a major recruiter on university campuses, playing on the jingoism of naive students to become "patriotic" spies.

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The United States still has a great deal of soft power.

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i am sorry, but no.

The USA is very much seen as a warmonger.

People are tired of wars

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That's because the business of war, assassination and violence, brings in solid profits to all these intelligence communities, the Pentagon military, congressional lobbyists and military-industrial complex corporations. Even US President Dwight Eisenhower has repeatedly expressed concern about the lack of control over these organizations that stand above the state.

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yes, it brings huge profits through a.o. trafficking not only waepons and drugs, but humans being, children and now in ukraine " organs harvesting" on a huge scale. Harvesting should be replaced by stealing though as i doubt the poor dead b***rds gave their authorisation to be " emptied".

Nothing to be proud of. Shameless warmongering country .

If you are american, i am sorry for you as i have nothing against smerican people in particular

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I don't need your pity, and I'm not an American.

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I dunno, a degree from even a mediocre American university will still open a lot of doors. Hollywood movies and TV may be trite at best, but they generate revenue around the world. People still seek approval of American tastemakers and crow about prizes from American cultural institutions. English is still the global lingua franca.

The list goes on.

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wait untill the US $ goes down the drain my friend.

With the BRICS attracting more countries, it is only a question of time.

And then the moralistic " soft power" of hollywood & co shall also be past time

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We'll see if that happens.

If you look at options prices or CDS spreads (to give two examples), it doesn't appear likely.

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Too bad the CIA, the US government and its supporting media, especially CNN, MSNBC, NBC, WAPO and NYT, and particular reporters and cable news hosts, were not as disgusted with the violence in Ukraine against ethnic Russians and Russian speakers 2014-2022, nor with the coup to overthrow Yanukovych or the ignoring of the Minsk agreement and accord 2014-2015.

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there is a lot of " virtue signaling" about poor ukrainians beeing invaded .

Many promote this war.

Forgetting who has to pay the price.

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The CIA works for Wall Street, not American citizens.

Far too many American citizens don't know that.

This article would surprise them.

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Thank you Scott for having the courage to publish this article knowing, as Schumer said, the CIA has six ways to Sunday to get back at you. The CIA (Communists in America) needs to go along with the FBI (FriendofBiden, Inc.)

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Communists in America? The 60's are gone this is 2023 and communism as a statecraft should not concern you; the MICIMATT as Ray McGovern coins it, should.

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It's the Communist China model that concerns me, a model the banks and large corporations want to adopt.

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"Communist model" that certainly needs more explaining.being the Chinese have adopted major aspects of was once the "American System" of Alexander Hamilton!!!

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I hope you can speak and write in the Chinese language. Can you already?

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As I see it, official CIA (as in agents with a badge who get a paycheck from the CIA) is only a piece of a web of global intel that includes official spooks of other governments, corporate spooks (McKinsey, Stratfor, Peraton, etc..), politicans, media, and yes, even criminal and terrorist organizations. Whenever CIA forms alliances with mafia, drug cartels, Contras, mujahideen, Ukraine neo-nazis, etc... it creates a web with strings being pulled on both ends. CIA, being official US Government, with the largest economic and military power may pull the largest string, but it's out of control. We learned all this way back in Iran/Contra hearings and the trend has continued. The "C" in CIA is a misnomer, it's anything but centralized. Eliminating the CIA results in a global criminal/corporate/military/terrorist association that the USA has no influence on. Also, I'm sorry, but RFK Jr. isn't serious about combatting CIA. He may be able to make positive reforms, but he's already proven all that CIA has to do is call their Israeli pals to make him dance. He can't actually fight the CIA.

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This is true. RFK Jr could only be an improvement over Biden, but he does not articulate an accurate assessment of modern global intel, only an antiquated national perspective. He really SHOULD know better, it makes me question if he's being honest with the public or not.

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Right, to be clear, it is probably the most ethical thing for the USA to eliminate the CIA and accept the consequences for their Frankenstein, but it will result in retaliation. Terrorist attacks on the US, economic warfare, possible military attacks. Every US entity that now has spooks in position of influence would have them working against us. IDK, maybe we should take our medicine?

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Your fears are the fears of the paranoid.

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Well said! CIA, as it stands at present, is highly counterproductive to our own national interests. As an example, it is the regime change operation of CIA in Iran (in cahoots with an equally evil outfit MI6) that replaced a duly elected democratic government in Iran by the hated dictatorial Shaw, which made Iran such a sworn enemy of the US today. Similar regime change operations orchestrated and executed by CIA is responsible for untold suffering in countries like Chile, Syria, Libya, not to mention the immense harm done to US in the process. It is time to dissolve CIA and create a new Intelligence Agency that focuses solely on intelligence collection (which all countries need at one time or another) about potential ill-wishers and conducts no operations to destabilize and replace democratically elected governments around the world, no matter how opposed to US they might be. Any attempts to set up a clandestine operational branch must be met with severe penalties under the law. Only then can we hope for other countries to look upon US as a role model and not one to constantly fear.

The MICC that runs our foreign policy (along with some countries to which we outsource it) believes that US can dominate the world through regime changes in countries we do not like, even though what they believe and do are none of our business as per UN Charter. Gone are the days of Peace Corps etc., when we tried to help other countries prosper and become our friends. An excellent example is PL420 (I believe it is the correct number) enacted under Kennedy administration, which enabled India in its formative days to avoid famine by buying food from US using its own currency, which at the time was nearly worthless, instead of US dollars, which it did not have much of. There are many streets and places named after JFK in India and Indians have always looked upon US with a level of fondness hard to describe. Contrast that with GW. I am not familiar with even a sewer named after him anywhere in the world.

Carrots make friends and sticks make enemies. It is true of both people and nations. If the trillions we wasted on wars around the world since the 1940's had simply been used to assist other nations to develop and prosper, we would have markets and friends all over the world. What a foolish, self-destructive foreign policy we have conducted, aided and abetted by covert agencies such as CIA, and overt ones such as National Endowment for Democracy and US Aid etc. It is time to disband and reorganize them for our own good!

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look also " church commitee" on wikipedia.

And the US and UK , akways brotherly in evil politics, also finance through their bankers and the BIS, the nazi regime and in part WO II.

The USA governments are and have been nobody ' s friend.

Destroying even the industries of so called " allies"

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The CIA (was formed from various parts of the Rockefeller Standard Oil intelligence networks) and is controlled by this financial empire.

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I enjoy reading your informative articles with your perception and hands on experience.

As a teenager, I was far removed from the true behaviour of what Washington was doing to become the hegemony it has since grown into. And, as a teenager, I knew nothing more than what 007 taught me. Then one day in 1975, I watched a movie called "Three Days of the Condor" with Robert Redford and Faye Dunaway. It stimulated a curiosity about the skull and daggers game being played out behind the scenes, far away from the eyes of the general public. I wondered at the time, about how much truth was associated with making this movie. I continued to ignore this part of government's sinister behaviour, subversion and sabotage until I retired in 2007. Since then, I have come to learn about a much deeper and evil undertaking about CIA activity, that appears to answer to no one. When asked, Congress seems to know nothing about CIA activity, yet, the CIA appears to be setting foreign policy for Washington politicians. The CIA obviously has much more power than they let on and when occasion comes up for the Director to answer to questions that the public should have access to - there is never compliance! My question is, "how does a country that professes to be a democracy, hide its total activities from the public when those activities have caused death to tens of millions of lives around the world for nearly 80 years? Is there a country anywhere in the world where its citizens have any respect left for Washington's idea of the USA? Nothing the CIA says is credible. That seems to be credible with our politicians either. So, is the tail wagging the dog?

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IMHO whoever decides to volunteer to spy for Uncle Sam will surely quickly learn that US is great in giving promises and technical / financial assistance, but as soon as (any) useful info comes from that source, they will milk it until the source goes dry or is caught, and then they would on the spot abandon the source, leaving it to its fate, same as they cowardly abandoned net of corroborators in Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya... re: candidates, today people are just thirsty for money without much of ideological depth

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Excellent again!

(Just a hint… towards the end you write:

“What is good for the goose is good for the gander, and anyone who doesn’t believe Russian computer security agencies lack the expertise to do the same are delusional.“

I think there’s a double negative in this sentence…. But I’m not a native English speaker.)

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good catch! although I suspect Scott's readers knew what he meant

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(What is good for the goose is good for the gander, and anyone who doesn’t believe Russian computer security agencies lack the expertise to do the same are delusional) Your poor knowledge of English is misleading you. (do not rave, but make mistakes)

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(What is good for the goose is good for the gander, and anyone who doesn’t believe Russian computer security agencies lack the expertise to do the same are delusional) Your poor knowledge of English is misleading you. ((do not rave, a make mistakes))

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"...anyone who doesn’t believe Russian computer security agencies lack the expertise to do the same are delusional."

should be "...anyone who believes... is delusional"

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(anyone who does not believe that Russian computer security agencies lack the experience to do the same is mistaken)

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The CIA wasn't created by legislation. The CIA didn't have the authority to act within the United States until we let it get away with it. The FBI wasn't an international outreach until it had offices in every country where we had a consulate and/or embassy, and so, CIA stations.

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lawless gangsters

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As opposed to the lawful gangsters that run everything?

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🙃 not necesserally .

Probably working together i would says....😂😂😂

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I would say that you rely on emoticons more than clarity.

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reformulated then: lawless gangsters are not opposed to the lawfull gangsters ( governments and officials)as they probably work together. Is that clear now ?

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Lawless gangsters always oppose lawful gangsters interfering in their plans to emulate them.

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Great! As someone who could be listed as "Anti-American" in ANY chart or scale, having lived through the "gentle coup" in Australia in 1975 and observed the subsequent and consequent degeneration of Australia - politically, culturally (if ever it had a 'culture') and certainly SOCIALLY, I think it's at least 48 years too late to Rid the US of it's CIA malignancy. You have no (real) friends left. It's far too late to undo the damage, too many people (and countries) hate America and the goodwill that America has been squandering for over 70 years is as bankrupt as your treasury. I once said the only thing that could ever make America great again is another major war in Europe. Turns out I was wrong.

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even the european allies start to hate the USA.

As an european, i find it , and many with me, absolutely unforgivable to have destroyed Nordstream, leaving europeans just before winter without any fuel except what some sold to us at an usurius price.

This to finance a proxy war against russia.

Evil, and malevolent US government.

Sorry for american people as some are very nice indeed

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"Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is challenging Joe Biden to be the candidate of the Democratic Party in the 2024 presidential election, is on to something—it is time to abolish this American abomination."

"What his uncle said sixty years ago in October is still true today:

“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning”

He also said something about shattering the CIA into a thousand pieces, and scattering them to the four winds.

A month later he was dead.

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the Bush family = CIA

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This is WONDERFUL Scott! It’s so relieving to know that professionals like you see our “security apparatus” as being as useless and dangerous to democracy as it appears to this lay person. Thank god for you and Bobby and others who tell the truth and shame the devil. I’m voting for him, already contributing and am glad to see a man of your integrity advocating for his ideas!

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“It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms”.

John Stockwell

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