“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails of Nazis after WW 2) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it.
Scott the Yanks have killed and Maimed Millions of People through out the World. Mainly Child Bearing Woman and Children. The US MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and their Associates do not have Empathy,they instigate Wars for Financial Benefit will they ever Stop?? GOD knows. (US the supposed Christian Country.)
Erm…. Duh. That’s the point he’s making via his story. It’s analogous with every needless war, in which it doesn’t matter which “Baddie” you hate or support. It’s about the people whom are always the ones who bear the brunt and suffer the most.
We should get our ass outta the Middle East. I think Scott would agree, but ask HIM. I don't see why you have to be rude to that guy Norm. Let's all remember what we're doing, which is trying to stop our own govt (CIA) from doing HARM to other countries to get their resources! (AND harm to us, the Peeps, by injecting us with DEATH...) Peace.
The world does NOT run on should would could and maybe...It is a fantasy by the ignorant as to what dark forces are at play in the world today...It seems the battle between the light and the darkness is in full swing...
Don't gaslight me, buddy, I can spot it a mile away.
Saying positive things isn't "ignorance," as if you might know The Truth.
Do you really imagine that having a positive outlook means that a person is foolish, stupid, or UNAWARE that "dark forces are at play"? The battle bewteen the light and the darkness is indeed in full swing, HENCE MY ATTEMPT TO INSERT A BIT OF LIGHT.
If you want to diss me for that, that's your choice.
MY choice is to continue to try and advance the LIGHT.
And how is it that YOU know what the world "runs on"? It sure as hell doesn't run on negativity, as you seem to think, or obviously it would have imploded a LONG fricken time ago!
There are no NEEDLESS wars...The Military Industrial Complex NEEDS them to make obscene profits - They have no soul....So don't ask 'how they can have no regard'
indeed, if one digs deep enough into each of the mentioned occurrences where empathy is evoked in this piece, one encounters the same power structure. this power structure (through their press minions) will also make use of the empathy-button to further its interests (yad vashem is literally built upon the ruins of a palestinian village).
Yep, I agree... With some of this. But the Zionist posture is genocidal.
I had to come back and restate my take... I see GENOCIDE on the Palestinians, who have lived in that area for a thousand years, and I see ISRAEL, probably with the US backing them behind the scene, as well as with weapons and money-- money that should be used for Americans here in the US, not for war-mongering in the Middle East, which is unfortunately sitting on top of VAST fields of OIL... hmmm. If you know a little bit, things become quite clear. But no, I do NOT support anything about Zionism, and I sure as hell do not agree with GENOCIDE. There has been a Israeli push to take over that area, and maybe the ENTIRE M.E., since the end of WWII... Just another ploy by the Nasties to initiate WAR between peoples, cause havoc and disruption and DEATH, their true goal... The DEATH of most of Earth's creatures, and EARTH ITSELF...
But what some folks don't seem to understand is that until VERY recently, most people in the US might THINK their votes count, they might THINK the US is trying to "do the right thing," but the simple fact is that the US is run by the CIA, the PEOPLE don't really have a voice, we're lied to at every turn, our input is filed in the Round File, and we are subject to profound levels of PROPAGANDA, LIES, and CENSORSHIP, and have been treated like peons from the get go. It's only with SUPREME and PROLONGED effort that we, the American People, have managed to scrape a little truth, a little equity, a little fairness, and soon enough the Evil that has always run this country (MONEY), shoves us back down. Most people in the US have NO IDEA the levels of fuckery that have and do go on. They keep us drowning in STUFF and stupid shit, to distract, manipulate... Americans are the fattest, most drugged up (and I don't mean pot, or heroin, I mean PHARMA), and UNHEALTHY people... We haven't always been so lousy... But WWII changed a lot of things. THAT was the beginning of a STEPPED-UP TAKEOVER by the Nasties, embodied by the CIA. It's complicated, but that's my "take" on it in a nutshell.
"Men" are not the only people suffering. Their hearts are damaged by "Covid" shots, full of incredibly vile toxins.
THIS IS A CULL. Learn about who the "Black Nobility" are, and you will see them behind allllll the EVIL going on, now and for thousands of years. These are the truly FILTHY rich, pathologically murderous families, raking up all the wealth of the planet for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, who want to get rid of us, "there's too many people" and "climate change" and "pandemics" and blah, blah fucking blah. When We the People of Earth can finally see what's REALLY going on, we will stop all this Evil, forever. That is the goal. And because of propaganda and CENSORSHIP (thankful for SS), the process has to be SLOWED DOWN...
FEAR (climate change, pandemics, confusion, lies)
DIVIDE AND CONQUER (turn people against each other and get them to KILL each other)
I assume you're talking to Marcel... (roll eyes here)
I suspect this guy is just a plant. A rabble-rouser who has no real integrity, but he's probably paid a little pittance for being a stink bug.
(If we could stop the censorship and propaganda here in the US, it would likely stop the destruction of Palestine, too... I live in the US, in a very "Woke" state... People are LIED TO here, and it's obvious.)
You occupy Palestine only with the help the extortion a sovereign taxpayer and the perfidy great powers prior and extant. You are a syphilitic, shameless amalgam of genocidal chutzpah.
Tears for Christmas! Love DEMANDS more courage than it takes to hate. Thank you for sharing, Scott. Pushing 80, I have followed you since Iraq and your LOVE and COURAGE is an inspiration to all who are good.
It is said that this is the most transformative time of the year. Your work now is a huge part of the transformation we’re all going through; it’s not easy to see who we’ve been in the past to make those course corrections to where the light of love and truth can shine through. Thanks for your voice Scott.
I just love Scott for pouring out his heart with his God given writing talent. I'm sure it wasn't a mistake or just a freebie God gave him and that he was meant to use it in this way, for this exact reason, I mean. Thank you Scott for helping me get through this past year because I am a person with a lot of empathy and listening to you speak on different shows on utube early on soothed me in a way. I use to think I had too much empathy. But, if it means I'm lessening evil in the world then I'll handle it. I use to try and drink it away and that only hurt others and myself more.
Step back and think about this: What WE feel or think isn't the ultimate judge. WE don't decide what anybody "deserves," except in our own little Human viewpoints. There are far bigger means of making that kind of judgment...
That doesn't mean we cannot use our HUMAN judgment and our HUMAN abilities to STOP THE EVIL... I just leave the Ultimate Judgment to the Creator.
And thank you, kindly, and Merry Christmas right back to you. ^_^ xo xo
I think that's FINE! ^_^ Sorry if I seemed to be disagreeing... I agree.
I was probably actually more talking to MYSELF, as I have a strong tendency to jump on that Judgment Wagon, particularly when I perceive people as doing EVIL...
You made me cry Scott Ritter. What an awkward Christmas this is. My daughter and grandchildren are sick, so we’re postponing, but none of this takes away from the recognition of how lucky I am, WE are, to have happy, living children we can shower our love upon.
Get well soon and rest up! I am very sick as well and staying home, away from family members not to pass my germs on. We do have so very much to be grateful for. 🎄
How dare you bring up the storybook version of WWII and the "holocaust" while Israel is bombing killing and maiming kids daily and will do so again tomorrow.
I might agree with you, not sure exactly what you're saying about WWII. If you're saying that there were no Concentration Camps in which Jewish people-- INNOCENT Jewish people, were genocided, then I disagree. But I DO agree that Israel, though not ALL the citizens are part of it, ARE INDEED doing genocide on the Palestinians, and any other Arabic types they can get at... INSANITY is not limited to any one group, that's for sure... There's a huge wave of EVIL over the Earth right now, and it needs to be thwarted.
But I will add this, and maybe you agree...
Israel is not "The Jews." Israel's people are bombarded with propaganda the same way the US is... You maybe know this, but people just want to lump everybody into one big pile, because we are TRAINED to do this... "The Americans," as if we ALL have the same views... "The Jews," as if THEY all have the same views. This is what the NASTIES want, so that we will turn ON EACH OTHER and do their Evil work for them... And the Nasties are the family members of those who got us killing each other in probably EVERY WAR... DIVIDE AND CONQUER... It works oh, so well.
It is almost a burden to have empathy because, living in American for over 64 years, I realize most Americans don't have it and don't want it. To have it means many times having to experience painful situations oneself and the cost it takes to care. It's also something that cannot be shared with others who don't have it. They look at you like you're crazy and wonder why one would be concerned with life outside of the American bubble. The victims of American Imperialism seem to have it in spades. Those who reap the benefits of American Imperials don't want it and are happy to see psychopaths like Bibi Blinken & Jake the Snake and their ilk do the dirty work for them. If it mattered to them or the crimes they are committed, you'd see a different American that has self-reflection and not navel-gazers waiting for the next Netflix injection.
Natalia,I thank you for expressing so clearly what had been such a major factor in my leaving the States (for France) a couple of years ago. PEACE and health to you.
I do hope you are well. We have been so deeply infiltrated without the realization of this happening. All part of the Agenda ~ divide, isolate, and control. I am not sure we can travel anywhere any longer and not find a lack of empathy. I try to follow other countries standing and fighting for their lost freedoms, or in the process of losing. In my humble opinion, until we are at such a point of losing it all, will we become more empathetic then? IDK.
I have never once trusted the words of a Psychologist. And what is the supposed implant of the Nuemburg Trials to do with this subject??
The lack of empathy Hah? From the German captives it's said
I wonder what this authors opinion of where's the empathy for the deaths of the millions of women and children throughout Europe Specifically Germany?? That whole country was willfully and purposely targeted. With the explicit intent under Orders to Butcher the civilians
Which was said and done from 1941 All from losing the War in Dunkirk.....
Or where's the Psychologist empathy of the 860,000 rapes of German women, little girls and boys. That was committed by the Allies 97% of perpetrators were American Jew's...
Or the empathy for the 2 million surrendered men in the Rhineland Paddock camps who were starved had no shelter no running water no toilets And regularly shot at every night by the American soldiers for two years??? Where are these Psychologists empathy here???
Why didn't they speak out that America changed the Genova Conversation to suit themselves So they could enslave all countries and people's. To torture rape and pillage all they wanted???!!!??
Seems to be that empathy is only allowed one way to one race Our history and it's events have been contorted to one agenda
I think you're kind of onto it, but your numbers might be a bit skewed...
"Or where's the Psychologist empathy of the 860,000 rapes of German women, little girls and boys. That was committed by the Allies 97% of perpetrators were American Jew's..."
Uh, I don't think so. The American troops never had 97% ANYTHING, and certainly not Jews. FFS. I suppose you think everything is done by "Jews." Don't you know that the Jews are the biggest SCAPEGOAT EVER, and forget what ISRAEL is doing right now, that's not even the same concept.
Who is behind all this murder and mayhem, for hundreds, thousands of years? NOT THE JEWS. This ignorance of a carefully kept scapegoat secret is the reason so many innocent JEWS were slaughtered in WWII.
People need to learn the actual FACTS. These GLOBALIST assholes behind all this FAKE VIRUS BS are the same families that have been trying to kill everybody for thousands, yes, THOUSAND of years. Now, go and read. Start with "Uncensored" and look up the "Black Nobility." It's a guarded secret WE NEED TO UNCOVER.
Gary B. Nash, Howard Zinn, and lately, right here on Substack, a terrific journalist called Frances Leader... Her page is "Uncensored." She's awesome and has been for decades. I only learned about the "Black Nobility" from HER, in 2022. SO MUCH we are not told, SO MUCH is tweaked, or is just LIES... I feel like most of my life has been living in a false reality! Not no more!
Just an afterthought.... I think probably the majority of the rapes in Germany were actually done by the RUSSIANS, who had been savaged and treated hellishly by not only their own leadership, but by the Germans. But WAR is hideous, horrible, ALWAYS, and it's one thing to be killed as a soldier, but to be killed as a civilian, it's CRUEL and so VICIOUS that women and children are despicably victimized, when... they are NOT SOLDIERS AT ALL. This is the VICIOUSNESS that can be part of the Human darkness, and I think we can all figure out how to keep that savagery at least MOSTLY contained...
As Elvis Costello sang, What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding?
Anybody who sneers at that concept has some serious issues to delve into... no?
! LOL, sooner or later ("Pop goes the weasel.").. it wasn't the Jews; it wasn't even the Americans... IT WAS THE RUSSIANS ! "probably"... yeah, that's the ticket. Dear God, give us a break?
Take one, I'm not the dispenser of breaks. I said that about the Russians because I've READ IT IN BOOKS, more than one, and I'm a truth seeker.
Why not ask the Germans about it? You don't have to agree with me.
The only reasons I'm saying a lot here, on Scott's page, is because people are talking to me, like you just did, and because of the COPIOUS amount of bullshit people parrot from the US Propaganda Machine. Thanks.
I note the lead photo shows Hermann GOERING. I have US cousins who were - via their grand-father/great grand-father - cousins to that man... I empathise with my cousins - as far removed in character as can be from that man and his capacity for evil...
You have truly found the definition of evil - an inability to have or show empathy. I am writing daily to a journalist in Rafah - caring for a little niece - her mother/his sister killed by Zionist bombs. All I can show is empathy. I can't stop the Zionist terror - try though I do with letters to the Zionist-supporting Zionist-owned politicians here in Australia. So all I can show is that one aged person here in Australia feels for the people of Palestine against their Zionist ethnic-cleansing, torture, destruction and genocide! Thanks, Scott - for this moving story from your time in Iraq - and in memory of little Zaynab and her courageous mother. Of your wife at Vad Yashem (though I have come to think of that place's existence as a kind of whitewashing distraction on behalf of Zionist ugliness - unless it is also defending those non-Zionists who are speaking up against the Zionist genocide - though I have not heard of such a stance). Jim (And I remember a visit over five years ago to Georgia and to many ancient and modern Georgian church sites. Our guide and his wife both cantors... Greetings to your wife.)
I have never heard of such an act in Australia - but I imagine it could be used against the fixated politicians in the US who follow the directions of the Zionists?
Look it up. NSW and Q'land have Fixated Persons Units, comprised of pigs and mental health workers. Fiona Wilson ,Ergon whistle blower, arrested, placed in a mental home and injected with an unknown substance; a Sunshine Coast shop owner arrested and locked up in a mental home for two months because he kept contacting his local treasonous prostitician (who instead of replying called the cops);
NSW producer of Friendly Keordies arrested by FP unit due to their expose of the "greasy scrotum" Barillaro and other treasonous filth.
Your story is very moving and I absolutely concur with you regarding the need for empathy. Regarding Ma’alot, I've got a feeling deep down that the Israeli narrative is suspicious. From my reading of the incident I get an overwhelming gut feeling that the Israeli special forces (overly vaunted in the Media) and the Golani commando unit involved in the "rescue" where in fact perhaps responsible for the majority of children killed on that day after Israel deliberately blocked communications between the "terrorists" and Damascus. Golda Meir, that Milwaukee housewife from Ukraine was a absolute hardliner Zionist. My thoughts based upon my 23 years in the Australian Army (Infantry and SASR) experience.
"We must empathize with those who have lost their loved ones because of the senseless wars fought by men."
You are so right, Scott. If we can't empathize with those who have suffered, then we have lost our sense of morality and humanity. I often wonder if a person with no empathy or no evidence of a conscience can even dare to be called "human". If we can't cry at the death of children, then what use are we to the rest of humanity? We're something less than human.
Another excellent, erudite article Scott, much appreciated. My empathy has been damaged over the years, and this was a timely and useful reminder of how the evils in this world can turn even good hearted people bad, through the repeated exposure to the violence and inhumanity in this world.
Particularly in these violent, increasingly lawless, love-wrecking times, it is all too easy to lose sight of the fact that the hardening of our hearts through media, and direct experience, damages our hearts unless we pay special attention to keeping them tender. For most it is just the act of protecting the self against more pain we know is coming, we hope it isn't, but invariably it does.
It strikes cowards and heroes alike, even those fully aware, and it is no easy feat to maintain empathy, and ironically to maintain it is to suffer, but to maintain it, is to be a hero for others, even though the tenderness of our empathy can, and is often very painful.
Sharing your pain and obvious empathy, is a sign that you haven't lost it, and your article reminds me that I too haven't lost it, though at times it feels I have none left. How someone loses a child and can show mercy and empathy towards those who had a part in that (real or imagined) is a clear sign that even though that woman had lost her daughter, and suffered and was still suffering, and had the entire nation's media telling her to hate you, she found reason and empathy towards you, even as you admit, and I admit, I don't think I could do that in that situation.
What an example of humanity in the face of egregious provocations, and a stark reminder of what we should be doing in the face of all this evil. Even as this article was conceived and written, even as I read it and respond to it, the same things are still happening all over the Earth, and many are being robbed of their dignity, compassion, empathy, and goodwill towards others, along with their lives.
People like that woman who 's daughter Zaynab was so cruelly taken, show a level of empathy that is quite astounding, and is a timely reminder of where the path to hell starts. It starts with trying to selfishly protect our own hearts, saying to ourselves I will not be harmed by this or that, for I am strong! Yet in truth it was that woman (and a great many people like her) who suffer the fullness of empathy, and prove it is they who are strong, not those who (understandably) protect their hearts by walling-off their empathy - which seems like the right thing to do, but is cowardice.
There is pain so great in this world that when all is said and done, it is a reasonable thing that someone should lose their empathy due to trying to protect themselves, but truly amazing when they don't. Perhaps it is simply that when someone has lost so much, all that is left is hatred, or forgiveness and empathy. Hatred will not do any good, empathy, as painful as it can be, does.
Thank you for sharing that painful experience Scott. You show yourself to be a man who is ever-searching your own heart for the benefit of others as well as yourself, and that speaks volumes to your empathic nature - which is remarkable to me when I consider that you are a Marine, a man trained to kill, yet who has maintained his empathy for others. Isn't ironic that a US Marine can have more empathy in his little finger than many non-military trained people, who blindly follow the dogs of war, cheering them on, salivating at the prospect of, and the reality of the violence and destruction to be visited on their 'enemies', all in the name of empathy towards the very people who will pay for that 'empathy' in suffering and death.
You are an honorable man Scott, and I have a lot of love in my heart for you and yours, my life is enriched by your ability to share even your painful experiences, as you help to show me where I am failing, and what I really need to work on.
For most of my life I have been quite the empath, but now I realize more than every that empathy must never be sidelined, squashed, crushed, or absent from our hearts - it is vital to our survival and well being. Without it, we are a dead species walking!
To Zaynab …😢😭
and all of the children.
Scott the Yanks have killed and Maimed Millions of People through out the World. Mainly Child Bearing Woman and Children. The US MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and their Associates do not have Empathy,they instigate Wars for Financial Benefit will they ever Stop?? GOD knows. (US the supposed Christian Country.)
Erm…. Duh. That’s the point he’s making via his story. It’s analogous with every needless war, in which it doesn’t matter which “Baddie” you hate or support. It’s about the people whom are always the ones who bear the brunt and suffer the most.
We should get our ass outta the Middle East. I think Scott would agree, but ask HIM. I don't see why you have to be rude to that guy Norm. Let's all remember what we're doing, which is trying to stop our own govt (CIA) from doing HARM to other countries to get their resources! (AND harm to us, the Peeps, by injecting us with DEATH...) Peace.
The world does NOT run on should would could and maybe...It is a fantasy by the ignorant as to what dark forces are at play in the world today...It seems the battle between the light and the darkness is in full swing...
Don't gaslight me, buddy, I can spot it a mile away.
Saying positive things isn't "ignorance," as if you might know The Truth.
Do you really imagine that having a positive outlook means that a person is foolish, stupid, or UNAWARE that "dark forces are at play"? The battle bewteen the light and the darkness is indeed in full swing, HENCE MY ATTEMPT TO INSERT A BIT OF LIGHT.
If you want to diss me for that, that's your choice.
MY choice is to continue to try and advance the LIGHT.
And how is it that YOU know what the world "runs on"? It sure as hell doesn't run on negativity, as you seem to think, or obviously it would have imploded a LONG fricken time ago!
Wow - That was well said...
Thanks 🙏🏼
Not sure if you meant MY comment, but if so, thanks!
There are no NEEDLESS wars...The Military Industrial Complex NEEDS them to make obscene profits - They have no soul....So don't ask 'how they can have no regard'
was a duh necessary? Do you feel superior now?
Yep. And I think he DOES know this. It is okay to feel how you feel, and I said pretty much the same thing, too.
Scott knows , that’s why he wrote this. He feels exactly like Norm and all of us aware of the truth.
I don't make assumptions about what other people think.
I agree with you, I've listened to him many times on "Judging Freedom," and read his posts. Cheers.
If you don't live it you don't believe it.
Be specific?
indeed, if one digs deep enough into each of the mentioned occurrences where empathy is evoked in this piece, one encounters the same power structure. this power structure (through their press minions) will also make use of the empathy-button to further its interests (yad vashem is literally built upon the ruins of a palestinian village).
Uh, what?
You think the Palestinians are hurting the Israelis?
Are you listening to US Corporate Propaganda, sometimes called "The News"?
Preachin' to the choir, as they say.
But do yourself a favor, and get rid of that "Zion" thing, if you have any sense!
Zionism is hateful. It's NOT the answer. It's a means of carrying HATRED...
You make good sense otherwise, Marcel, so far.... ^_^
Yep, I agree... With some of this. But the Zionist posture is genocidal.
I had to come back and restate my take... I see GENOCIDE on the Palestinians, who have lived in that area for a thousand years, and I see ISRAEL, probably with the US backing them behind the scene, as well as with weapons and money-- money that should be used for Americans here in the US, not for war-mongering in the Middle East, which is unfortunately sitting on top of VAST fields of OIL... hmmm. If you know a little bit, things become quite clear. But no, I do NOT support anything about Zionism, and I sure as hell do not agree with GENOCIDE. There has been a Israeli push to take over that area, and maybe the ENTIRE M.E., since the end of WWII... Just another ploy by the Nasties to initiate WAR between peoples, cause havoc and disruption and DEATH, their true goal... The DEATH of most of Earth's creatures, and EARTH ITSELF...
But what some folks don't seem to understand is that until VERY recently, most people in the US might THINK their votes count, they might THINK the US is trying to "do the right thing," but the simple fact is that the US is run by the CIA, the PEOPLE don't really have a voice, we're lied to at every turn, our input is filed in the Round File, and we are subject to profound levels of PROPAGANDA, LIES, and CENSORSHIP, and have been treated like peons from the get go. It's only with SUPREME and PROLONGED effort that we, the American People, have managed to scrape a little truth, a little equity, a little fairness, and soon enough the Evil that has always run this country (MONEY), shoves us back down. Most people in the US have NO IDEA the levels of fuckery that have and do go on. They keep us drowning in STUFF and stupid shit, to distract, manipulate... Americans are the fattest, most drugged up (and I don't mean pot, or heroin, I mean PHARMA), and UNHEALTHY people... We haven't always been so lousy... But WWII changed a lot of things. THAT was the beginning of a STEPPED-UP TAKEOVER by the Nasties, embodied by the CIA. It's complicated, but that's my "take" on it in a nutshell.
"Men" are not the only people suffering. Their hearts are damaged by "Covid" shots, full of incredibly vile toxins.
THIS IS A CULL. Learn about who the "Black Nobility" are, and you will see them behind allllll the EVIL going on, now and for thousands of years. These are the truly FILTHY rich, pathologically murderous families, raking up all the wealth of the planet for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, who want to get rid of us, "there's too many people" and "climate change" and "pandemics" and blah, blah fucking blah. When We the People of Earth can finally see what's REALLY going on, we will stop all this Evil, forever. That is the goal. And because of propaganda and CENSORSHIP (thankful for SS), the process has to be SLOWED DOWN...
FEAR (climate change, pandemics, confusion, lies)
DIVIDE AND CONQUER (turn people against each other and get them to KILL each other)
What are you, the poster boy for crass, vulgar, national self-pity?
Have some dignity, fvckin' welfare queen.
Viva Palestina!
I assume you're talking to Marcel... (roll eyes here)
I suspect this guy is just a plant. A rabble-rouser who has no real integrity, but he's probably paid a little pittance for being a stink bug.
(If we could stop the censorship and propaganda here in the US, it would likely stop the destruction of Palestine, too... I live in the US, in a very "Woke" state... People are LIED TO here, and it's obvious.)
And THAT is how you destroy your own cred.
Sorry, Homey donut play OR bark that. You’re on your own.
You occupy Palestine only with the help the extortion a sovereign taxpayer and the perfidy great powers prior and extant. You are a syphilitic, shameless amalgam of genocidal chutzpah.
Wow, you need to lay off that Zionist Kool-Aid & Copium.
Tears for Christmas! Love DEMANDS more courage than it takes to hate. Thank you for sharing, Scott. Pushing 80, I have followed you since Iraq and your LOVE and COURAGE is an inspiration to all who are good.
It is said that this is the most transformative time of the year. Your work now is a huge part of the transformation we’re all going through; it’s not easy to see who we’ve been in the past to make those course corrections to where the light of love and truth can shine through. Thanks for your voice Scott.
I just love Scott for pouring out his heart with his God given writing talent. I'm sure it wasn't a mistake or just a freebie God gave him and that he was meant to use it in this way, for this exact reason, I mean. Thank you Scott for helping me get through this past year because I am a person with a lot of empathy and listening to you speak on different shows on utube early on soothed me in a way. I use to think I had too much empathy. But, if it means I'm lessening evil in the world then I'll handle it. I use to try and drink it away and that only hurt others and myself more.
Merry Christmas Scott.
thank you for your service Scott, then and now. You are an honorable man.
I am incredibly overwhelmed. I tried to call the White House today but they not taking calls. Called my senators, but they don't care. I live in NM.
They're paid NOT to care.
They are miserable and deserve to die. Merry Christmas from my heart.
Step back and think about this: What WE feel or think isn't the ultimate judge. WE don't decide what anybody "deserves," except in our own little Human viewpoints. There are far bigger means of making that kind of judgment...
That doesn't mean we cannot use our HUMAN judgment and our HUMAN abilities to STOP THE EVIL... I just leave the Ultimate Judgment to the Creator.
And thank you, kindly, and Merry Christmas right back to you. ^_^ xo xo
I am a little Human with great passion and opinion. I agree with you 100% . I call it letting the universe take care of it. Spark.
I think that's FINE! ^_^ Sorry if I seemed to be disagreeing... I agree.
I was probably actually more talking to MYSELF, as I have a strong tendency to jump on that Judgment Wagon, particularly when I perceive people as doing EVIL...
So... No offense meant! xo
It is Evil ,they know and we know it .Human life and suffering means nothing to many the Plandemic showed us this . Mans Inhumanity to man.
I like you. Stay cool. These are tough days and it's very natural to get emotional.
Not when they're paid by aipac
They have Sold their Souls for their 30 pieces of Silver.
You made me cry Scott Ritter. What an awkward Christmas this is. My daughter and grandchildren are sick, so we’re postponing, but none of this takes away from the recognition of how lucky I am, WE are, to have happy, living children we can shower our love upon.
Get well soon and rest up! I am very sick as well and staying home, away from family members not to pass my germs on. We do have so very much to be grateful for. 🎄
How dare you bring up the storybook version of WWII and the "holocaust" while Israel is bombing killing and maiming kids daily and will do so again tomorrow.
I might agree with you, not sure exactly what you're saying about WWII. If you're saying that there were no Concentration Camps in which Jewish people-- INNOCENT Jewish people, were genocided, then I disagree. But I DO agree that Israel, though not ALL the citizens are part of it, ARE INDEED doing genocide on the Palestinians, and any other Arabic types they can get at... INSANITY is not limited to any one group, that's for sure... There's a huge wave of EVIL over the Earth right now, and it needs to be thwarted.
But I will add this, and maybe you agree...
Israel is not "The Jews." Israel's people are bombarded with propaganda the same way the US is... You maybe know this, but people just want to lump everybody into one big pile, because we are TRAINED to do this... "The Americans," as if we ALL have the same views... "The Jews," as if THEY all have the same views. This is what the NASTIES want, so that we will turn ON EACH OTHER and do their Evil work for them... And the Nasties are the family members of those who got us killing each other in probably EVERY WAR... DIVIDE AND CONQUER... It works oh, so well.
This is spot on.
Thanks, Cat, from the Dog. ;)
It is almost a burden to have empathy because, living in American for over 64 years, I realize most Americans don't have it and don't want it. To have it means many times having to experience painful situations oneself and the cost it takes to care. It's also something that cannot be shared with others who don't have it. They look at you like you're crazy and wonder why one would be concerned with life outside of the American bubble. The victims of American Imperialism seem to have it in spades. Those who reap the benefits of American Imperials don't want it and are happy to see psychopaths like Bibi Blinken & Jake the Snake and their ilk do the dirty work for them. If it mattered to them or the crimes they are committed, you'd see a different American that has self-reflection and not navel-gazers waiting for the next Netflix injection.
Natalia,I thank you for expressing so clearly what had been such a major factor in my leaving the States (for France) a couple of years ago. PEACE and health to you.
I do hope you are well. We have been so deeply infiltrated without the realization of this happening. All part of the Agenda ~ divide, isolate, and control. I am not sure we can travel anywhere any longer and not find a lack of empathy. I try to follow other countries standing and fighting for their lost freedoms, or in the process of losing. In my humble opinion, until we are at such a point of losing it all, will we become more empathetic then? IDK.
Exactly. Stuck in usa.
I have never once trusted the words of a Psychologist. And what is the supposed implant of the Nuemburg Trials to do with this subject??
The lack of empathy Hah? From the German captives it's said
I wonder what this authors opinion of where's the empathy for the deaths of the millions of women and children throughout Europe Specifically Germany?? That whole country was willfully and purposely targeted. With the explicit intent under Orders to Butcher the civilians
Which was said and done from 1941 All from losing the War in Dunkirk.....
Or where's the Psychologist empathy of the 860,000 rapes of German women, little girls and boys. That was committed by the Allies 97% of perpetrators were American Jew's...
Or the empathy for the 2 million surrendered men in the Rhineland Paddock camps who were starved had no shelter no running water no toilets And regularly shot at every night by the American soldiers for two years??? Where are these Psychologists empathy here???
Why didn't they speak out that America changed the Genova Conversation to suit themselves So they could enslave all countries and people's. To torture rape and pillage all they wanted???!!!??
Seems to be that empathy is only allowed one way to one race Our history and it's events have been contorted to one agenda
Any guess??
I think you're kind of onto it, but your numbers might be a bit skewed...
"Or where's the Psychologist empathy of the 860,000 rapes of German women, little girls and boys. That was committed by the Allies 97% of perpetrators were American Jew's..."
Uh, I don't think so. The American troops never had 97% ANYTHING, and certainly not Jews. FFS. I suppose you think everything is done by "Jews." Don't you know that the Jews are the biggest SCAPEGOAT EVER, and forget what ISRAEL is doing right now, that's not even the same concept.
Who is behind all this murder and mayhem, for hundreds, thousands of years? NOT THE JEWS. This ignorance of a carefully kept scapegoat secret is the reason so many innocent JEWS were slaughtered in WWII.
People need to learn the actual FACTS. These GLOBALIST assholes behind all this FAKE VIRUS BS are the same families that have been trying to kill everybody for thousands, yes, THOUSAND of years. Now, go and read. Start with "Uncensored" and look up the "Black Nobility." It's a guarded secret WE NEED TO UNCOVER.
Who are the authors of the books you mention?
Gary B. Nash, Howard Zinn, and lately, right here on Substack, a terrific journalist called Frances Leader... Her page is "Uncensored." She's awesome and has been for decades. I only learned about the "Black Nobility" from HER, in 2022. SO MUCH we are not told, SO MUCH is tweaked, or is just LIES... I feel like most of my life has been living in a false reality! Not no more!
And that's just THREE writers... ^_^
Just an afterthought.... I think probably the majority of the rapes in Germany were actually done by the RUSSIANS, who had been savaged and treated hellishly by not only their own leadership, but by the Germans. But WAR is hideous, horrible, ALWAYS, and it's one thing to be killed as a soldier, but to be killed as a civilian, it's CRUEL and so VICIOUS that women and children are despicably victimized, when... they are NOT SOLDIERS AT ALL. This is the VICIOUSNESS that can be part of the Human darkness, and I think we can all figure out how to keep that savagery at least MOSTLY contained...
As Elvis Costello sang, What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding?
Anybody who sneers at that concept has some serious issues to delve into... no?
! LOL, sooner or later ("Pop goes the weasel.").. it wasn't the Jews; it wasn't even the Americans... IT WAS THE RUSSIANS ! "probably"... yeah, that's the ticket. Dear God, give us a break?
And I didn't say ALL the rapes, did I? Uh, nope.
See how this goes? Someone says something and then it becomes a WASH, without context, without depth... It becomes a BYTE, no nuance, very AMERICAN.
Take one, I'm not the dispenser of breaks. I said that about the Russians because I've READ IT IN BOOKS, more than one, and I'm a truth seeker.
Why not ask the Germans about it? You don't have to agree with me.
The only reasons I'm saying a lot here, on Scott's page, is because people are talking to me, like you just did, and because of the COPIOUS amount of bullshit people parrot from the US Propaganda Machine. Thanks.
I note the lead photo shows Hermann GOERING. I have US cousins who were - via their grand-father/great grand-father - cousins to that man... I empathise with my cousins - as far removed in character as can be from that man and his capacity for evil...
Nuremberg was grotesque spectacle.
no one ever speaks for the people in your comment. Apparently empathy really only works for certain groups.
The last part was hard to read and not get emotional.
You have truly found the definition of evil - an inability to have or show empathy. I am writing daily to a journalist in Rafah - caring for a little niece - her mother/his sister killed by Zionist bombs. All I can show is empathy. I can't stop the Zionist terror - try though I do with letters to the Zionist-supporting Zionist-owned politicians here in Australia. So all I can show is that one aged person here in Australia feels for the people of Palestine against their Zionist ethnic-cleansing, torture, destruction and genocide! Thanks, Scott - for this moving story from your time in Iraq - and in memory of little Zaynab and her courageous mother. Of your wife at Vad Yashem (though I have come to think of that place's existence as a kind of whitewashing distraction on behalf of Zionist ugliness - unless it is also defending those non-Zionists who are speaking up against the Zionist genocide - though I have not heard of such a stance). Jim (And I remember a visit over five years ago to Georgia and to many ancient and modern Georgian church sites. Our guide and his wife both cantors... Greetings to your wife.)
Careful writing to the prostitician scum. Take note of the Fixated Persons Act.
I have never heard of such an act in Australia - but I imagine it could be used against the fixated politicians in the US who follow the directions of the Zionists?
Look it up. NSW and Q'land have Fixated Persons Units, comprised of pigs and mental health workers. Fiona Wilson ,Ergon whistle blower, arrested, placed in a mental home and injected with an unknown substance; a Sunshine Coast shop owner arrested and locked up in a mental home for two months because he kept contacting his local treasonous prostitician (who instead of replying called the cops);
NSW producer of Friendly Keordies arrested by FP unit due to their expose of the "greasy scrotum" Barillaro and other treasonous filth.
And on and on….
Your story is very moving and I absolutely concur with you regarding the need for empathy. Regarding Ma’alot, I've got a feeling deep down that the Israeli narrative is suspicious. From my reading of the incident I get an overwhelming gut feeling that the Israeli special forces (overly vaunted in the Media) and the Golani commando unit involved in the "rescue" where in fact perhaps responsible for the majority of children killed on that day after Israel deliberately blocked communications between the "terrorists" and Damascus. Golda Meir, that Milwaukee housewife from Ukraine was a absolute hardliner Zionist. My thoughts based upon my 23 years in the Australian Army (Infantry and SASR) experience.
"We must empathize with those who have lost their loved ones because of the senseless wars fought by men."
You are so right, Scott. If we can't empathize with those who have suffered, then we have lost our sense of morality and humanity. I often wonder if a person with no empathy or no evidence of a conscience can even dare to be called "human". If we can't cry at the death of children, then what use are we to the rest of humanity? We're something less than human.
Another excellent, erudite article Scott, much appreciated. My empathy has been damaged over the years, and this was a timely and useful reminder of how the evils in this world can turn even good hearted people bad, through the repeated exposure to the violence and inhumanity in this world.
Particularly in these violent, increasingly lawless, love-wrecking times, it is all too easy to lose sight of the fact that the hardening of our hearts through media, and direct experience, damages our hearts unless we pay special attention to keeping them tender. For most it is just the act of protecting the self against more pain we know is coming, we hope it isn't, but invariably it does.
It strikes cowards and heroes alike, even those fully aware, and it is no easy feat to maintain empathy, and ironically to maintain it is to suffer, but to maintain it, is to be a hero for others, even though the tenderness of our empathy can, and is often very painful.
Sharing your pain and obvious empathy, is a sign that you haven't lost it, and your article reminds me that I too haven't lost it, though at times it feels I have none left. How someone loses a child and can show mercy and empathy towards those who had a part in that (real or imagined) is a clear sign that even though that woman had lost her daughter, and suffered and was still suffering, and had the entire nation's media telling her to hate you, she found reason and empathy towards you, even as you admit, and I admit, I don't think I could do that in that situation.
What an example of humanity in the face of egregious provocations, and a stark reminder of what we should be doing in the face of all this evil. Even as this article was conceived and written, even as I read it and respond to it, the same things are still happening all over the Earth, and many are being robbed of their dignity, compassion, empathy, and goodwill towards others, along with their lives.
People like that woman who 's daughter Zaynab was so cruelly taken, show a level of empathy that is quite astounding, and is a timely reminder of where the path to hell starts. It starts with trying to selfishly protect our own hearts, saying to ourselves I will not be harmed by this or that, for I am strong! Yet in truth it was that woman (and a great many people like her) who suffer the fullness of empathy, and prove it is they who are strong, not those who (understandably) protect their hearts by walling-off their empathy - which seems like the right thing to do, but is cowardice.
There is pain so great in this world that when all is said and done, it is a reasonable thing that someone should lose their empathy due to trying to protect themselves, but truly amazing when they don't. Perhaps it is simply that when someone has lost so much, all that is left is hatred, or forgiveness and empathy. Hatred will not do any good, empathy, as painful as it can be, does.
Thank you for sharing that painful experience Scott. You show yourself to be a man who is ever-searching your own heart for the benefit of others as well as yourself, and that speaks volumes to your empathic nature - which is remarkable to me when I consider that you are a Marine, a man trained to kill, yet who has maintained his empathy for others. Isn't ironic that a US Marine can have more empathy in his little finger than many non-military trained people, who blindly follow the dogs of war, cheering them on, salivating at the prospect of, and the reality of the violence and destruction to be visited on their 'enemies', all in the name of empathy towards the very people who will pay for that 'empathy' in suffering and death.
You are an honorable man Scott, and I have a lot of love in my heart for you and yours, my life is enriched by your ability to share even your painful experiences, as you help to show me where I am failing, and what I really need to work on.
For most of my life I have been quite the empath, but now I realize more than every that empathy must never be sidelined, squashed, crushed, or absent from our hearts - it is vital to our survival and well being. Without it, we are a dead species walking!