BL1NK€N is a criminal and even worse now as a wär criminal!

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Hyprocrisy??!! He's part of a death cult and war criminal!! Living up to his Zion nature.

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You are correct if one wants to be absolutely literal... and it is the way I see Blinken except I could add a few more words to describe the perverted freak. 🧐

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He'll get a job in Academia or corporate whoredom . Thank you Scott .

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Or be PAID OFF with a multi-million dollar book arrangement.

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He won't be "unemployed". He'll be retired living on American taxpayer money from his "investments" in Ukraine!!

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Well said Scott! Thank you. I also want to thank you for what you said about the White Helmuts and the fake chemical attack. They are in the news again and we need to hammer this down that they are part of a terrorist organization. My gov't(Canada) took in 8 of them and their families after they were publicly exposed in around 2015/16 I'm pissed about that. Thank God the Liberal party here in Canada will be voted out this year with 92% of Canadians approval for Pierre Pollivieve, Trudeau's opposition party. We the people have had it with him. And that is putting it mildly.

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Israel is just doing what the Empire ask of them. Same deal with Ukraine. Same deal with ISIS. Same deal when my Native American ancestors were "genocided" off our Native Land. Don't be naive. Americans have to feel superior somehow. Otherwise, how could we live our lives of comfort benefitting off other people's resources?

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Hi Natalia

“Genocided” is an understatement for what happened to your Indigenous ancestors. I got my first real education at age 16 when I read Dee Brown’s “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee”. I wept all the way through it. I am currently reading “Our History is the Future” by Native American scholar Nick Estes. Again: tears.

The parallels between the Native Americans and the Palestinians are mind-numbing. I am first-generation American; if it were up to me, I’d return this entire continent to its original inhabitants. Genocide must be in the blood of the Amerikkkan people.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly and am utterly horrified and disgusted. However, much as I hate this present US and Nato conduct, as a Scot, I am compelled to say that the British Empire was equally despicable and is largely responsible for the slaughter in Palestine. I despise ALL empires.

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Hi Annabella

The Scots are awesome. Y’all did your best to fight off the Bastard Brits.

I’ve not been there, but my brother and his late wife travelled the world and Scotland was her very favorite. She ever after referred to it as “Bonnie Scotland”.

My daughter has been there three times!—she apparently can’t get enough of your country!

Here’s hoping that next time around, y’all vote to secede from the Empire!

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It is way past time for accountability. Criminals and traitors must be punished accordingly.

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Scott you are absolutely right about BLINKEN but what can we expect from Trump - he declared today that he will wipe out Gaza if Hamas will not release all hostages.... I fear the Trump administration starts very badly and what about Panama, Canada ETC? Scott we admire you so much in Europe but we also fear Trump will be a distaster for us and Palestine

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What do you think of the nickname "Phony Toney Baloney"?


(Perhaps it isn't strong enough of a rebuke.)

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Hi Tim

How about “Syphilitic Whore for Israhell”?

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Anthony Blinken is clearly the kind of man who would sell his grandmother down-river and afterwards talk furtively about his fond memories of her; the eyes averted, keeping the business-like face and sticking to the script. A disgusting, soulless individual completely at home in the company of a man who could say he looked into the eyes of Vladmir Putin and saw no soul (Biden). Probably true because he himself is the one without. The shocking things that Blinken has said and done with the calm serenity of indifference is beyond belief. He's been a horror movie in his own right. The two of them go together, Biden/Blinken like a vindictive, thuggish mafia boss and his psychopathic right-hand man who does his killing for him with utterly no feeling or remorse. What a pair!

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Why don't you mention that Blinken is one of the "many Jews in top roles of the Biden administration" As Ron Unz @unzreview so succinctly put it ..."Jews most predominant qualities are cowardice & deviousness. The best example of this is the ongoing televised mass murder of unarmed Palestinian women & children endorsed by the majority of Jews"

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The sad truth is that, Americans, and the world in general, are too cowardly to mention the truth about the roles of Jews. Oh, NO, I might be labeled "Anti-Semitic". My suggestion? Stop being afraid of TRUTH!

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So condemning all people of a certain ethno-religious background is racism. You are part of the problem here.

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I grow concerned that our part in this genocide will never be seen on trial in the Hague, just like all of our nation's war crimes against others. What's the Hague good for? What are our alleged checks and balances good for? We are thugs on the world stage and there is no living that down until our leaders are held accountable.

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No surprise here...He's just a rubber stamp guy for Bibi, imo.

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Thank you for calling out the inhumane behavior of Biden/Blinken/Harris et al. Israelis learned well from their tormentors, the Nazis, and now copy the behavior. Being a hypocrite is minor relative to allowing and expediting the deliberate murder of innocents. Pray their actions will come back to haunt them, awake and asleep, as growing a conscience is not possible. It's been eliminated.

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Hi Barbara

Every single individual complicent in this genocide is doomed to spend their afterlife wandering a bombed-out landscape strewn with the corpses they created, who will haunt them for eternity.

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Thank you Scott for reporting the scene in all of its truth. I hope people who don't call Blinken out realize they are supporting his criminality and are accomplices to his crimes.

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blinken gives hypocrisy a really bad name

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