“…. that the Biden administration was ready to engage in a nuclear conflict with Russia, one that it expected to win…..”

The dimwits in the US public and in Europe…STILL…do not seem to grasp that any “win” would be like 3 people living in a bunker for a year and emerging to a planet with most Americans dead, most Europeans dead, and anyone still alive, dying from radiation induced cancer. If that’s not bad enough, US nuclear doctrine is explicitly that if they are in a nuclear exchange with Russia for example, they will also nuke China and India too…and what’s not written is that the genocidal Israelis will certainly take that opportunity to nuke the Arabs too, just for the sake of it.

WTF kind of psycopath presents killing his own people and the rest of the planet too, as victory?

The man should be removed from office immediately for such a statement. His oath of office is to protect people, not to kill them. His oath of office does not give him the right to commit crimes against humanity either!

The knee-jerk idiot claim will be one of “defending” bla bla bla - but America is the one who spends 10x the rest of the top 10 nations on weapons so nobody is going to attack America first. But if America still thinks it is being attacked….and the “cure” is worse than the disease, well you don’t f-ing use it - morons.

It’s becoming clear that the “Samson option” is not merely an Israeli doctrine, lets put it that way.

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"It’s becoming clear that the “Samson option” is not merely an Israeli doctrine, lets put it that way."

If you take into consideration the fact that Israel, Ukraine, the district of criminals AND the City of London are all run by the same insane tribe it becomes glaringly obvious that the "Samson Option" is the doctrine of all of the above.

Caitlin Johnstone called me an anti semite and banned me from her substack for a hundred years for saying as much two years ago. Now that Israel has started its genocide in Gaza and elsewhere she should ban herself from her own substack.

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The leaders don't care, and are happy to annihilate all of us rather than give up their perches.

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Actually it’s more like they are willing to annihilate us all AND themselves AND annhilate their own perches.

All that is more preferable to them than having peace and minding own business inside own continent and own country.

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Cannot tell you how relieved I was to see those comments by Trump on ATACMs.

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LOL my ass has been spelling it attacum HHAHAHA aww I’m so cute I try

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Hundreds of thousands of dead people. Hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on the War and All in a giant fraud to set Russia up for RAPE.... AGAIN! Think of the referendums in Scotland and Quebec. Quebec got some respect and autonomy in civil law and pensions etc. and the country is still together. That's what the Eastern oblasts were asking for and instead they got tens of thousands of dead people and when they tried to settle, the West sent Boris Johnson in to scuttle it became it wasn't about peace; it was about the western plunder of Russia.

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its people like you who relentlessly work to keep us safe from the madness of the Biden type people we have not just to thank but need more of. THANK YOU SCOTT RITTER.

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Scott, I admire and respect you, for your past Marine Corps and weapons inspection service, and your current civilian service (and, frankly, have a bit of a crush on you!) But, really, sir, there were somebodies who knew that it was possible to avoid this entire nightmare: remember The Place Called Minsk? This more-or-less liberal Democrat (sometimes typically more, often surprisingly less) voted for President Trump for just this reason. Ending the nightmare will be a Christmas gift for the world, and Israel-Palestine should be another.

Remember when negotiating was considered good? Richard Nixon, with his anti-Communist record in Congress, was lauded for opening the door to The People's Republic of China. He, prior and later Presidents negotiated with the USSR (not forgetting the "election meddling" to get Boris Yeltsin into office). What changed?

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... but you need to complete the list of 'qualifications', i.e. Captain under General Schwartzkopf, as a ballistic missile intelligence analyst, during Desert Storm... that went well, He is a convicted child sex offender, that clearly went well, writes for RT, etc., well clearly he has to be allowed to make a living... even as his well know 'peacenik' period.

What is next, a green phase, or hot'n'spicy' phase? We need to know. : )))))

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You on the FBI payroll?

Entrapment is their Number 1 M.O.

Get a grip (so to speak).

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Yr not contributing anything here. Go away.

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If nuclear weapons exist, I doubt they will be used. Conventional weapons are becoming good enough to take out military targets.

Nukes are designed to take out populations. If they exist and are used, God help us.

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Maybe He did, on November 5. Despite what MSM tells us, there is a cool head in the Kremlin. Now, despite his reputation, there will be one in the White House, certainly on this issue.

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Here's Biden claiming the "madman, fascist, danger to democracy and the world" smears against Trump for himself. We already knew he's a congenital liar, and many have already concluded he's the worst POTUS in history. Well done, Armageddon Joe.

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While I have no sympathy for Mr. Senile "I'm a Zionist" Hologram, a man who can't even tie his own shoe laces can't be blamed for what has been done in the name of every US citizen the past four years.

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Nuclear weapons have been used before twice. Do people have such short memories?

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That part of history has come under question. Read Death Object and Hiroshima Revisited. Not everything we have been told about WWII is true.

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the US MO since '45 has been to target civilian populations. not sure if the US military and its supporting politicians are capable of imagining there is no advantage in that.

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The firebombing of German and Japanese civilians was illegal. The Allies were not the "good guys" in WWII. And the Israelis bombing of civilians is illegal as well. Do you support illegal bombing of civilians? Are you part of the problem?

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the ones who condemn such atrocities are not the ones making the decisions. power? corrupts.

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Those making the decisions do their best to hide their atrocities from us. However the road map for the Mid East was written in The Project For A New American Century by Neocons. But if we are honest about it, Neocon is another word for Jew.

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PNAC (and AIPAC. and so, so many other organisations) certainly seem to be dominated by those of the tribe and zionism.

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Scott, thank you so much for your passionate commitment to preventing nuclear and all war. It was good to meet you last weekend and the events were high quality. Thanks for your excellent analysis of Biden, ATACMS and how Trump, Tucker and you prevented escalation. I hope people are positively surprised by Trump, including me, which I welcome. I was aware that military analysts believe that Kamala was more likely to get us into nuclear war. Here is my latest on

Nuclear Nobels -https://coronawise.substack.com/p/nuclear-nobels?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=500779&post_id=152936441&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=221uy&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Wise choice by Nobel committee. Let me know if you want me to collaborate on nuclear teach-ins.

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That’s one spectacular rendition of a good news story. The you and your friends for shining the light! and helping make that critical public statement happen - for all to see and hear. There’s been too much dangerous quacking from that lamb duck. Let’s hope the message is proven sincere in the very near future.

Merry Christmas to you, sir. You do inspiring and essential communications work. Thanks you.

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time magazine is a trash establishment magazine. they also had hitler and zalensky as person of the year. imagine that!

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It used to be that Man of the Year was whoever made the most news, good or bad. Hitler was hailed as "a dire threat to world peace."

This criterion changed in 2001 with Bin Laden.

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Yeah! Apparently they were forced to do a good deed or get out of the game entirely. I hate giving them any kudos which they deserve by accident.

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Scott you're a messenger from heaven and a true patriot. It's unreal how evil the chimps in the White House are, giving billions to a country to commit genocide and billions to another one to start nuclear war. The leaders are truly disengaged from the people. My family is praying for you and for peace on earth. Keep fighting the good fight.

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Write your congressman? 🤣🤣🤣

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Right though you may be, some knowledge, any truth, beats silence.

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Biden needs to be investigated. That entire farce with Biden as a puppet and people like Obama pulling the strings needs to be exposed. All involved need to spend the rest of their lives in prison doing hard labor.

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After these intense times have come to pass and sanity is restored again - God willing - I think it'd be a good time to review the historical context in which the Russia/Ukraine conflict was fostered. Few people realize that Crimea actually held a vote to leave Ukraine a full 20 years prior to the one that was held in 2014. You know, the one people keep saying wasn't legit? My own research in a 2-part blogpost comes to quite different conclusions.

There's also this guy Scott Ritter, who in detailing this year as the 10th anniversary of Crimea rejoining Russia, has independently come to similar conclusions as myself. Guess great minds think alike ;-)



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You can also listen to what Jeffrey Sachs has to say on the subject here:


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Did nazeee peloseee fall in Lithuania?

Did she hit her head and come to her senses and any sanity? Unlikely..

Con gress is use leas

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...., or as someone else said 40 or so years ago about the pros and cons of American politics: There's progress, and then there's Congress.

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Happy to hear we’re making noise and doing our duty to make sure the trump cabinet is seeing and hearing us or at the very least has decent sensible people in his ear

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Fingers crossed that someone with half a functioning brain in Biden's inner circle will find a way to make our cognitively impaired president understand that it's not cool to provoke a nuclear holocaust under any circumstances, much less as a lame duck.

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