
If you showed a modicum of respect I’d let you do what you’re so obviously doing—promoting your substack by attacking me.

But you don’t.

So either stop your rants, or you’ll be removed.

You’re welcome to disagree, and offer up contrarian commentary.

But the self-promoting rants must stop.


Scott Ritter

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Really Scott?

I remember when you and Jeff Norman were righteously indignant about being censored/cancelled.

How the worm has turned.

I was on the capital steps in Madison with Tom Morello, in the freezing winter in Wisconsin.

It weren’t for no record or video.

It was mass resistance.

And, occupy, at the same and different locations.

That constitution that you profess to love seems to promote a free exchange of ideas, no matter how unpopular.

We’ve let nazis march in the U$A, haven’t we.

Is a little pushback really that difficult for you?

I’ve backed your play, even, and especially, when it came to your legal difficulties.

Took you at your word.

That was good enough for me.

It’s a bad look Scott.

Banning/censorship that is.

I’ll leave it at that.

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Scott and I object to viewpoint discrimination, not anything and everything that arguably fits the dictionary definition of censorship. For example, when hecklers get thrown out of nightclubs or theaters, most reasonable people don't consider it censorship. The same goes for obnoxious behavior here. Whether or not you see it or care to admit it, I think the difference is obvious. Paulo isn't merely expressing an opposing opinion. He's being extremely rude.

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And you need the Rosetta Stone to try to figure out what his string of inanities is supposed to represent.

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With all due respect, and I mean that sincerely, reading the word “rude” in the midst of an Israeli performed genocide, and the decimation of Ukraine, doesn’t work for me.

Paulo’s posts don’t in any way impede my ability to hear the stand up comedian, or Tom Morello’s voice and guitar, or Scott.

It’s not a valid comparison, in my opinion.

Who decides what we hear, we read, what “rude” is?

Drive those voices/ideas underground?

I’ve learned to think that that’s a bad idea.

I’m more in tune with Carlin getting arrested, and Lenny Bruce getting murdered.

And, that’s just a couple of comedians.

I would have hoped that we have evolved some, about “rudeness”.

I appreciate your response, Jeff. Very much.

Thanks for allowing me to explain my mindset.

Free Palestine.

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Whoever controls the space decides, obviously. If you want to tolerate extremely obnoxious behavior because genocide is worse, go right ahead.

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Pretty sure he will, Jeff, no need to give him permission. But will you go right ahead with your censorship of “rude”? Yikes.

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The guy hasn't so far been banned, so how bad is the "censorship?" You seem to think there should be no limit whatsoever to heckling and the like. Putting "rude" in quotes as you have is just a way to avoid addressing that point. Yikes.

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I understand that.

I’m just concerned that money/power/notoriety is speech,

corporations are people, and protests are “permitted”, if you can get a permit that is.

I’m not picking on/at anybody.

I hope that you both know that.

I’m just really concerned about a slippery slope that this nation/place is riding down.

I’ll leave it at that.

Thanks you guys, for hearing me out.

That’s all I ask for, that and ☮️.

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You really think the requirement to obtain a permit for a protest is problematic? It seems to me the opposite is true. That is, protesters often get away with all kinds of crap like blocking traffic, without obtaining any permit.

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The Plejaren extraterrestrial Ptaah (He who lives life in wisdom)


For my part, I think it is good, and it is also urgently necessary that an enlightenment should finally take place regarding the false 'peace symbol' that is being abused worldwide by the death rune.

As unbelievable as it may sound to some people on Earth, since the use of the symbol of death its symbolic power has been deposited in the people on Earth and has been working in a malignant way ever since.


The Plejaren extraterrestrial Bermunda (She who is very powerful)


I have to say unfortunately to that, because it would really be very important that the real peace sign is publicly spread over the Earth, because the death symbol sign, which is in use as a false peace symbol on the Earth, really has a very, very negative symbolic effect on human beings.




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Mike Fish if you want peace then why are you displaying the death and destruction symbol?

Turn your 'peace' symbol upside down.



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Dear Scott, I hope you reconsider this. Obnoxious people serve a purpose, they certainly discredit themselves as they rant. It’s when they are slick and smarmy with the same agenda that they are dangerous. But then I thought Paulo was a girl!!! Shows how much I know!!!

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I read Paulo's screed this am. Missed yesterday. Off-the-wall mediocrity flinging shite at the wall. For your readers, it is easy to bypass Paulo. One read of one Paulo comment suffices to end any chance of reading more of his work product.

And to clarify my comment on Willy Loman. Without sales, nothing happens. A functioning civil society requires "sales" not compulsion. You must convince/sell your future spouse of why you are the superior choice. You must persuade/sell in your writings of your personal view. And you clearly have the right product/service and many willing buyers who can't find what satisfies them and relates to their similar view, anywhere else.

Anyone in Sales, and for those who are in Sales but tagged with another job description (after all "Sales" is a pejorative term to most, not the least of which comes from reading or watching Willy Loman) knows the sale of a poor product or service, over-promised and under-delivered, means no sales tomorrow: followed by hunger and desperation. Willy.

How's that "selling" of the Ukraine/Russian war going for the Ruble will be Rubble Joker Lowbrow in the Whitehouse.

Now they are moving from Sales to Compulsion. If you don't give me more money to rubble Russia then, for your own good, we are going to have to hurt your kids.

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I’m not normally one to say this, but I don’t believe that you read/viewed/considered/contemplated all of the content in Paulo’s screed.

How many hours did it take you???

There’s a ton of links in there, ya know.

Glen Ford was two hours and ten minutes, by itself.

I know this talk-walker’s bio.

You might be well advised to do same, before casting aspersions.

Vitriol/“rudeness” verboten?


It gets people talking, obviously.

Unfortunately, only about personality, not principle.

Attack the messenger, fuck the message.

Do we require everything “spoon fed”???

Or, can we get the old grey matter churnin’ a little bit, and git outside the box???

The new first amendment?

Freedom from hurt feelings, and rudeness,

and anti-Zionism???

It’s now the law of the land.

Is the old/original first one-A now???

When they came for the.......

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I don't know about your reading speed and comprehension, but Paulo's short stories are few minutes reading. And Glen Ford? A well known actor of the 40's to 70's mistaken for John. Perhaps a typo.

Links. Waste of time.

Changes nothing.

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Like I suspected.

Looked at 10%, and shot off your/showed off your.

I don’t know if it’s missed the point, or willful.

I get your point.

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I read it all but for the links.

Not very informative not compelling.

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As stated. Well written, a good read. Bravo.

Once the very wealthy and powerful lived well by taking a slice, not too big a slice, of the American Pie. A pie whose components were created and baking done by many others. Often with little more than adequate compensation. While not everyone rose to the top or even got on the pathway to the top, most everyone felt they had a decent chance. But best of all, other's respected their work, their contribution.

But that America is long, long gone. Now, Wealth comes entirely from who you know, your tribe, and how the Government protects your business from annoying Competition. Nearly every, but not all, Billionaires and the power they exercise, comes from Monopoly or near Monopoly, where Government and Banking (kept alive by the Government Creature, the Federal Reserve) checkmate the eager, but not anointed.

The world of Tom Joad would be hard to replicate in today's Bureaucratic Stultification of small enterprise. Yet Big Business thrives from the Government Barriers to new entrants.

And I have to call you out, Scott. Joe Biden is not and never was a Salesman. Joe Biden was always a Low Level Thug, carrying the Water for others for a price.

There was a Sales saying that fits Biden. "Yesterday I couldn't spell SALESMAN. Now I are one."

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Dec 10, 2023
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Nonsense. The U.S. Federal Government created the Federal Reserve. The U.S. Federal Government appoints all the Fed Board Members.

But the Federal Government isn't a shareholder. Same thing like a Nominee Corporation where I have you as the Public Shareholder, but I have your undated, signed resignation in my top desk drawer. In that, you can be certain of one thing, if the Fed goes beyond figuratively Bankrupty, only the Federal Government will be left in the room as the Private Money will long have escaped to safer climates. With their Private Profits tucked in their gunny sack.

The Fed is one of the first Public/Private scams to pluck the earnings out of American citizens stealthily, unknown to the average citizen. Inflation isn't an accident, it is a useful tool.

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“I have spent my life trying to be that guy—the one who comes to mind when it is time for good to fight evil. Whether as a Marine, a weapons inspector, a firefighter, or a citizen activist, the cry of those in fear and/or in need became my clarion call.”

“Fire fighter”? I spent 30 years as a career firefighter (after 8 years as an ARNG ABN RGR LRRP: quit in disgust of the lies that got us into the first Gulf War).

Pat Tillman was another man of integrity who tried “to be that guy.” 21 years ago, Pat Tillman told his mother that Rachel Corrie [crushed by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza] was his hero. "That’s my hero,” Pat said. “She was a stud; she had a lot of guts” ( 2010 "The Feral Firefighter" blog post ""That's My Hero" -- Pat Tillman, Rachel Corrie, and Yoni Netanyahu)

Here's the quote for my pen name: "Patience, Montag. Our civilization is flinging itself to pieces. Stand back from the centrifuge. Remember the firemen are rarely necessary. You firemen provide a circus now and then … but it's a small sideshow indeed, and hardly necessary to keep things in line. So few want to be rebels anymore." -- Ray Bradbury, “Farenheit 451"

P.S. Springsteen's “Youngstown” is another great song off that album. I was born just outside that city: "Well my daddy come on the Ohio works when he come home from World War Two. Now the yard's just scrap and rubble, he said "Them big boys did what Hitler couldn't do." ... We sent our sons to Korea and Vietnam, now we're wondering what they were dying for"

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Nobody even knows about Rachel Corrie any more, the Media made sure of that.

Propaganda Heroes are made in Generals' offices, Real Heroes are made in the muck!

Look at Eva Bartlett;: A heroic Canadian journalist living under Nazi death threats? Youtube stripped all her years of reporting from Gaza and Ukraine. Canadians don't even know her name? "Don't report unpopular facts!"

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I remember Rachel Corrie. I will never forget her. And God bless Eva. What a world we now inhabit.

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The People have Heroes, but mostly, we have Heroic Examples. Look at the 2000 Truckers of the Convoy, specially people like Tamara Lich and Chris Barber (Now in Court) We have Jullian Assange and Ed Snowdon, We have all the Doctors and other Professionals fighting the Governments' Totalitarian Pandemic. We have thouands of private people, each opposing the destruction of Laws and Liberty, each in their own way.

Most of these 'Courageous Heroes' have difficulty even being recognized, never mind being supported, because their caused and injuries are not sanctioned by "Authority". At the same time we see adulation and awards including Nobel Prizes, heaped on lesser, but "Government Sanctioned" individuals??

"Rubber Stamp Heroes"!

We have Heroes. We don't support them? We 'Demand' Saviours. We have not earned them. If Jesus came to Earth, the same thing would play out again; partly from cowardice and apathy, and partly from the rejection of change.

What we really need is self respect and integrity. Then we wouldn't need anyone to tell us how to behave!

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I forgot to mention 'Truth Tellers: like Scott Ritter. He was included under "Integrity".

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I do.

I cite her bravery and heroism almost every week.

The media can’t disappear her.

Only you/we can.

Say her name!!!!

All my family and friends know who she is, and what she stood/stands for.

Don’t need media for that.

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You are a most gifted writer. This, I believe, comes from something powerful and loving working through you to encourage, incite and inspire others. Cool to be a part of this during our time of unfolding revelation.

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Dec 9, 2023
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Depends. So many things are revealed. so few are awakened to notice.

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Dec 9, 2023
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sharing this if you have not seen it already

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Agreed. However, masses will not. I believe a reckoning is coming for Western settler colonialism, perhaps, in the hope it will awaken some. There is no difference in what Israel is doing and what Colonialist did. However, it is all based in the Old Testament as lands stolen and settled by “Chosen people”. Fine, but that ended or was to end with Jesus. Christian Zionists prefer the old wine. Please read Deut. 32:21 I believe we are the “silly nation” of no people. This is stolen land built from a genocide, just like Israel

is attempting post Jesus. Not good.

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I think it’s also starting to dawn on people that our scramble for oil and gas is due not to a need for heat, but to a need for war. We can’t run our military without it. When that happens and the climate workers and anti-war workers get together, there’s going to be a might primal scream that will shatter the settler colonialism in this country. Such a rumble!!!

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Damn Scott, you're one hell of a writer! When I first heard the Springsteen/Morello song I replayed it a few times because it was so powerful. You have the stature to call up Dennis Kucinich and convince him to run on a peace party ballot that includes Jill Stein and Cornel West. All three share the basic political belief with Martin Luther King that we need to increase social services and pay for it with cuts in the military.

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O my god, I love you so much Scott. You are the embodiment of a true American—practically born on the Fourth of July. I have loved my country thru thick and thin but lost my “it gives me chills”patriotism when they killed Kennedy. I’ve been a rebel and a protester and an in your face activist ever since, often in great despair for what we—the US—has wrought in the world. But on Dec 7th, Hamas liberated me and it has done so primarily by having you talk about and analyze what they have done and are doing to our Empire in West Asia. Your talks and arguments and incredibly moving claims of being an American have knocked down the grief and ennui I’ve carried since Bush the Shrub bombed the Towers. (Yes, I’m one of those, tho I respect that you are not) Thank you for your work, your heavy lifting, your beautiful patriotism, for your unflagging commitment to the Great American Dream. I sure as hell wish I could vote for you. In fact, I think I will anyway. Just write you in. You and Rashida Tlaib, the most amazing woman in Congress. I’ll call it the Tom Joad party and put you both in for Pres and vice Pres and you two can figure out who wants to do what. And your Russian wife for Secretary of State!!!!

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Dec 9, 2023
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Right. He’s just not a conspiracy type person and on the events of Dec 7th, neither am I. I think the conspiracy lies in BIbi trying to take credit because he thinks he’s going to “win” the genocide. Plus, he needs to cover his ass and explain the success of that operation. Besides, even if he did false flag it, Hamas has won, even if they “lose”. “Better to die on your feet than live on your belly”. And Israel is forever exposed—even Jews hate it now. But ya know, we can agree to disagree. 🤓

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False Flag.

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Great writing from a passionate man!!👏🏻💕☮️🙋‍♂️

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The Depression was created by the Psychopathic Capitalists who will never be happy unless most people are broke and willing to work for peanuts. Buckminster Fuller was right when he said we now have the means to provide a good standard of living for everyone. But the psychopaths in Epstein's little book cannot be satisfied, and until we get them out of the driver's seat we will remain in hell.


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yet another manipulated disaster, but did 'they' achieve their goal? people are resilient, let's live life and love, laugh and see(k) beauty in little things, granted, oftentimes not easy, yet there's so much of it around to enjoy

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Springsteen was of course inspired by that great troubadour and champion of the downtrodden, Woody Guthrie who closed 'The Ballard of Tom Joad' with these words, spoken by Tom Joad,

Everywhere that you look, in the day or night,

That's where I'm a-gonna be, Ma,

That's where I'm a-gonna be.

Wherever little children are hungry and cry,

Wherever people ain't free.

Wherever men are fightin' for their rights,

That's where I'm a-gonna be, Ma.

That's where I'm a-gonna be."

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And Henry Fonda somehow is able to deliver those lines without sounding like a sanctimonious prick. I’m glad it’s on film.

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woody guthrie's a gem.

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What a creative analogy...Willy Loman and Joe Biden, the fabulists propagating the myth of the American Dream.

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❤️Wage Peace,

⭐️Keep the Faith



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Also, Bruce Springsteen is a sell-out.

He looks like the CEO of some evil corporation.

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I like some of Springsteen's music. But he went from working man to a Spritzer Suck faster than you can say Show me the Money.

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I loved Springsteen when he first emerged

Then one day I looked at him and thought, he's just another greedhead.

In retrospect I am not sure Bob Seger and John Mellencamp were any more authentic.

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Couldn’t agree with you more! The first two albums (Greetings From Asbury Park “” and The Wild, The Innocent, and The E Street Shuffle) were fantastic and never repeated. I saw him 6 times by 1975. He started going after establishments that didn’t pay royalties on the jukebox music which I thought was sort of nick picky but maybe he was doing it for the little guy. When the 80’s arrived he was in full swing being a political activist against EVERYTHING that the current administration is conducting yet he is silent nowadays.

He is the ultimate tool. Too bad he is not more like Little Stevie van Zandt.

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Agree with your second statement. I come from hardcore midwest blue collar working class 50's and 60's and always felt Springsteen music did not ring true from the beginning.

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I don't think he ever was a workingman.

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I come from Jersey near where Springsteen did. I know people who knew him essentially as a day laborer before he found his calling. He is a pos now but he was once what is advertised.

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I thought it was common knowledge he never had any job apart from being a musician. What are you talking about? Can you provide a link?

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Nope. Believe what you want. I know the truth. The world existed before there was a world wide web.

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Translation: He never had a job apart from being a musician.

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Last year my brother-in-law told me he could Prove Ukraine was beating Russia and to confirm it, all he needed to do was Google it.

I said, you win. Ask Google/Google AI how high is up.

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That was then, this is now.

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He is now, has been for years. That doesn't affect the meaning of the song Ritter is talking about.

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It changes the meaning for me.

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I think that's a very foolish way of listening to music, just like dismissing the First Amendment because it was written by slaveowning white men is a very foolish way of looking at freedom of speech.

It's the first cousin of guilt by association, which is the father of a multitude of sins.

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Very well said. Most people believe their emotional reaction to events not their reasonable one. They expect “their” artist to behave according to the confines they’ve set for them, as if suddenly they own the artist just because they liked his work. They did that to Bob Dylan— a far greater artist than Springsteen— but fortunately he ignored them.

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I served for almost 30 years in the military and subsequently in explosives safety and risk management I've always tried to be a Tom Joad and it inevitably draws a lot of fire because people see a display of values and ethics that force them to confront their own failings. You've been steadfast and uncompromising in following your moral compass, been targeted and through a personal hell that would have broken most of us.

I follow everything you do and you sir, are a genuine inspiration to me and many others,

I salute you, Scott Ritter. 🫡

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Salute him for me too!

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Epic! A great article Scott, thank you!!

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I appreciate what you wrote , I’m Australian so lucky for me I was never sold the lie that to be poor is the fault of self nor was I led to believe that Governments can be trusted, we Australians have a healthy respect for the disrespect of those in power until they prove themselves otherwise . It seems to me that American politics no longer reflects a 2 state system but a triumvirate with Israel at the helm and until that ends you can cue Hank Williams “ the lonesome whistle “ to play on repeat …

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Perhaps you just have less insight into the machinations of your government. One of your countrypeople is always writing about how you are so propagandized that you let AUKUS come to your shores as if propaganda is an excuse for making bad choices. You’re a lot like the Canadians were 10 years ago, before Trudeau took over—thinking that ignorance was superiority. O dear.

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Remarkable connection Tom Joad–Willie Loman– Joe Biden. Sadly, the United States no longer produces the likes of Tom Joad except maybe as a wolf of wall street and that's not the same thing at all.

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The US has not always been a nation of Yuppies, that’s only been in the last 35-40 years. The narcissistic greed of this past era has tanked the economy and we will soon be back to relying on the people to right the ship. Don’t believe your own limited experience.

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