I'm astonished at your naivete, Scott. How can you put any credence in the word storms of a man who has no actual values, no genuine concern for either humanity or the natural world, and whose motives and tactics are as vulgar and vapid as his narcissism.

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This President Mr. Trump seems indeed to be a let's say "colourful figure".

But I don't know him, I know his way of doing when the camera's are on him and I know what he says in those moments.

So I am always a little astonished when we think we can judge a person by that only.

Even if it is all true about this man what you wrote, why care if he wants to do the right thing?

Maybe someone has told him about the Oreshnik, so why waste resources on nuclear when you can get blown away non nuclear?

I would like to see a world without nuclear weapons, they make no sense, they are a contradiction in itself because when you use them, you are certainly dead or you will envy those that are dead.

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I will rejoice and praise him when and if he "does the right thing".

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US politicians have been selling themselves to highest bidders for decades. Thanks to Mr Trump it’s all in the open now. Those who have eyes can see.

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A great start, bulging with common sense, that few world leaders seem to possess .

Thanks Major ! S/F

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Fantastic idea, Scott. So exciting to hear. Thank you for this important contribution. If not now, when? Momentum is on our side for the first time in…ever. I a, grateful to you.

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Nuclear war was mad when it began and has not been getting any saner. Indeed, with advances in delivery systems it has become more insane. Mutually Assured Destruction cannot justify further madness.

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Nice commentary Scott. Good recommendations! However, we have a big ass elephant in the room to deal with first.

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Nobody believes USA govt anymore!! Zio controlled western govs need to clean own house first, before asking other govs to respond to USA house keeping. Mr Trump would do well to stop USA shipping of armaments to its proxies around the globe. Hypocrisy is to say one thing and do the opposite.

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I'm tired of hearing about reduction in nuclear weapons. New Start? How about new thinking? We have no enemies invading our shores (immigration aside). Get out of NATO and bring all our troops home. NATO will collapse soon after. NATO is no longer needed. Let the world know we are no longer adversaries. Perhaps they'll follow suit.

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