Very moved by this, touched by your daughter's light and lovely voice and lyrics, and the unusual rhythm. I think you should leave all just as it is now. It's perfect.

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Magical! my heart bursts!

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Thank you Scott Ritter for all you do in the name of humanity.

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Beautifully done by all involved !!

The images of the girl at the piano with the Unicorn melted my heart.

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Indeed, made all the more poignant by the child's piano in the music sounding like the unicorn was joining in with the girl at the keyboard (playing with it's nose, in my imagination at least!)

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Lovely. The quality of the soft girl’s voice among the melodic instruments accompanied by the water color images make altogether a poignant experience made even more meaningful by the lyrics. Thank you to all you creators for this gift.

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Very nice. I hope your project with Shaman, the Chetchen Elvis and Roger Waters comes together. I am still fuming over you yanked from your flight to Russia. I feel the same about the raid on your house.

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A brilliant strategy. Complaining is semi-useless.

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Beautiful Song👍🏼

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Enjoyed the song. Very well put togeather

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The benefits of stardust sprinkled over the decayed adult world of hate and ignorance. Hard work and determination will always produce a result of clarity and creative imagination.

This is a labour of love.

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Everything about this was just right, exactly as it should have been, a pearl for us all. Thank you.

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Love the video! My family watched it online while it was played at Saturday's Rally. Beautiful!

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What a beautiful voice your daughter has!! Gorgeous and moving video -- I loved the story about how you put it together.

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Scott, such a joy to experience your family functioning as human beings with a higher purpose through your wonderful story of how this came about...... Thank you for the great human being you are. And I bow to all the members of your family.

With love, respect and honor.

Frans Cnoops, Netherlands

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A lovely song. Beautiful. It reminds me - A LOT - like a Kimya Dawson/The Moldy Peaches kind-of track.

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Very lovely, very pure...

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