The World needs more Scott Ritters!! :)

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Could not agree more.

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Without US involvement in NATO do England and France possess sufficient nuclear weapons to be a credible deterrence to Russia? Can, in fact, Europe and Russia work it out for the betterment of all?

Is it actually time for the US to withdraw from NATO to markedly increase security for Americans?

Is it actually time for the US to refocus on the betterment of North and South America?

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US should take care of the US and leave other nations alone .i.e South America. Trade is one thing but messing around politically in other nation's affairs is another .-Cheers.

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What then when "gangs" effectively take over governments? to the detriment of America and Americans ie. fentanyl, or compel populations to migrate/flee to the US when with the right anti-gang help these would be able to live at their home in their country where many actually want to live.

Yes mutually beneficial trade and true opportunity for good from interactions between peoples of different countries..

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It is more like time for Europe to decide its subservience to the USA needs to come to an end.

The Plutocracy that controls the USA have shown themselves to be evil incarnate. No one wants to hear this, but the "tail that wags the dog" isn't Israel. It is criminal support of Israel that is only a hobby of the Plutocracy. It is AIPAC and ADL, and the hundreds of other "pro-Israel" organizations that aren't really "pro-Israel", but use Israel as an excuse; a cover; a front; to confuse Americans into believing that the "Plutocracy knows Best".

I've ensured that I'm going to be able to vote in November. I'm voting for Jill Stein -- a Jew.

There are hundreds of Jews who oppose the Zionists, but it is a mistake to think they are only Zionists. Few of them care all that much about Israel as long as they can maintain their position of privilege.

The question is complicated, but don't let yourself be distracted by false claims of anti-Semitism. Remember Jeffery Epstein for who he was and who he worked for.

Remember Monica wasn't just infatuated with Clinton, but was a "mole".

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Where have you seen "betterment " coming from US /nato ? Both are terrorist org...s.

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The taking down of the Berlin wall, the freeing of East Germany and soviet controlled countries in eastern Europe is the last of the "betterment" I have seen.

what I wrote is "Without US involvement in NATO" "Can, in fact, Europe and Russia work it out for the betterment of all?" I believe they can.

Before this Ukraine debacle Russia in particular and perhaps Europe were getting better. Russians living in Europe were moving back to Russia. Russia and Europe are natural trading partners. Russia has the land and resources to easily accommodate a dramatic rise in population over time utilizing the now possible New Era Community models for development which allow The People to establish for themselves both Freedom and Opportunity.

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This is so wonderful am so happy for both of you and I cannot wait to purchase the book!

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Congratulations, Scott and Ania! And thank you for your efforts! If we wish to solve the problem and reach world peace, we first must understand the problem. Thank you for providing us knowledge! Together we will manage to solve this enormous problem!

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I feel even more blessed to have interviewed you during that hectic time! I had to stop writing about half a year ago, due to taking on paid work, and an ongoing family crisis. But I'm thankful to this day that you let me interview you! Unfortunately, just now I tried to share the link to your article and FB immediately removed it claiming it goes against their community standards on "spam." I will find a way to share it. But I despise this censorship!

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Scott, yes your solution is terrific. It makes the book current and thus so much more of a useful tool for everyone to better understand this conflict,

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There are lots of us cheering you on, you Truth Seeker, you! xo

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Yes in our time : things are unfolding at a rapid pace: to abide in the moment and be open enough to see what is emerging on the horizon of the coming day .

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Nice one Scott. Oh, Ania too! If it wasn’t for podcasts and the new indie media the government/tech company censorship would have us all blind. As the saying goes - “In the world of blind men the one-eyed man is king!” Keep it up Scott, we need your eye in this world of wilful ignorance.

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Ania K is a great collaborator and coauthor.

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I watched your first interview with Ania K. Who would have thought that your collaboration would one day result in publishing a book.

I remember Ania’s style was quite unorthodox, touching on many less technical aspects of the conflict which was refreshing.

This will be my 4th book by Scott Ritter. Happy for you both!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Scott... what is the status of the US Government seizing your passport and refusing to allow your Russia trip?

BTW: Are you in communication with Col Macgregor and with TRUMP??

BTW2: Did your previous interviewer die of the Covid death-jabs?

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Thank you, Mr Ritter.

I’ve just ordered two hard copies of your new collaborative book.

Moreover, thank you for your tireless effort to bring the Truth to light, when all the powerbrokers strive to keep it buried…


-james a. austin

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Congratulations, Scott. Also -- I don’t want to create “bad blood” between two Sub-stack bloggers but somebody calling himself "Edward Slavsquat" (apparently Riley Waggaman – wrote for RT) has published, once again, an “analysis” of your actions which look to me as not well-intentional and certainly a bit self-aggrandizing:

“Scott Ritter wants you to "start asking questions" about Alexander Zyryanov's arrest. He made this request one hour after we started asking questions about Zyryanov's arrest. Coincidence or fate?!“– June 16, 2024 -- https://substack.com/inbox/post/145673104

Since I avid follower and reader of your book, blogs, tweets, videos I made three comments to this more recent “Slavsquat’s” article:

1. Boris Petrov - 5 hrs ago

You clearly have something against noble and courageous Scott Ritter who has already earned on many, many occasions admiration of people everywhere.

He was viciously prosecuted by FBI for pursuing minor girl based on “sudden recollection” of retired policeman and sentenced to a dangerous prison sentence (he described in detail the whole fabricated “crime”); he was the first to disclose in detail the Nazi massacre in Bucha and accused president of US to protect and whitewash this horrible crime and deflecting it on Russian army (for that he was promptly and repeatedly silenced on Tweeter and elsewhere).

Scott Ritter is a major proponent for peace between Russia and US, he fights against well-coordinated and choreographed Russophobia by the bipartisan USA War party.

He refuses to join organized hysteria against Hamas breakthrough from Gaza concentration camp.

Scott Ritter is a person of unimpeachable integrity; his conviction that Russians have already defeated Ukrainian army several times over -- despite total US support is obvious.

“Slavsquat” show your cards finally. Who finances you and for what purposes?

2. Boris Petrov - 4 hrs ago

PS: Scott directly contradicted Biden, from the very start, about lies about Iraq’s WMD since he had 100% proof that they are a fabrication. The brutal persecution and dangerous prosecution was initiated because of his courage and unimpeachable integrity.

“Slavsquat’s” focus and obsession with Scott’s stature and respect indicate likely origin and background of these relentless efforts….. It is amazing just how many people, who are totally ignorant of Scott Ritter’s immense contribution to humanity, have been attracted to Slavsquat’s admittedly eloquent, entertaining and in truly impeccable American English “analyses”….

But - clearly there is an unstated agenda behind attacks and sreading of “suspicions” on Scott. Time for full disclosure….

3. Boris Petrov -- 4 hrs ago

PS-2: A good start would be to see what, if anything, “Slavsquat” ever wrote on the horrible Bucha hoax and crime — on topic that more than merits attention and analysis.

In return I promise to provide links to immediate Scott’s reaction and detailed refutation of brazen lies by Ukraine’s Nazi-government and its US/UK collaborators.

Remember the endless visits to Bucha by Western politicians (always accompanies by Ukrainian special Nazi units) where horrible massacre and systemic executions were made.

Truly despicable — let’s see “Slavsquat’s” analyses and position on this early Ukraine horror…


PS-4: There are very few people fighting publicly for peace.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is definitely one of them -- Scott Ritter is DEFINITELY another one.

"Edward Slavsquat" (apparently Riley Waggaman) is not one of them -- just a bystander trying to milk his audience with cuteness of puppies.


OUTSTANDING !!! -- Risky Business (w/ Jeffery Sachs) – Jun 13, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzma8TvAl4s


Former US Diplomat ADMITS Western Plan to SABOTAGE China – Jun 17, 2024


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Congrats! Get the word out! And take good care, Scott. xo xo

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I am so sorry, Scott. I couldn't bring up your book. I realize the State Dept. confiscated your passport and papers and is presently suppressing your existence. I am ready to mutiny as well (as Dr John says). I am grateful to you and will find a way to get your book. Thank you for your heroism and courage. Be alert and cautious and I surround and protect you with the love and the grace of God.

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