Thank you for writing this piece. It sickened me to read the Israeli and western accounts of these events and their attempts to portray him as a coward.

My heart is saddened: a British woman in canada who grew up and was educated in Scotland, who was educated I to ignorance and who knew nothing of Palestine or even colonialism before October 7th.

It was Sinwar’s initiative and action which awoke me, and shone a light on the bias and superior attitude that was I stilled in me. I will be forever grateful to him for that.

Last night I was so sad when I learned his death was confirmed. And I was comforted only by his own words…that he only wanted to die as a martyr, fighting for the freedom of his people, and that even his death would further the cause he lived for.

RIP Sinwar 🇵🇸🧎‍♀️‍➡️🪁

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I still can't look at the footage of his death without my eyes swelling with tears and I can't help it, as if I just lost my father or a very close and dear friend. What an exceptional human being. In other times he would have been a blessed prophet.

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I share your thoughts, Mary. My ignorance was shattered back in 1980 when I told a Lebanese PhD student in a lab at my University that I thought "the Arabs and Jews have been fighting for 2000 years and will still be fighting in another 2000 years". How WRONG I WAS! How completely I had absorbed the Zionist propaganda. There is an important lesson to be learned and remembered about how these psychopaths manipulate the world with their lies. Once shamed out of my ignorance I set about to learn the truth for myself. There is a LOT to learn. But when we do, we can appreciate the value of heroic leaders like Yahya Sinwar.

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CHRISTIANS have been fighting both, Arabs and Jews (other Muslims and pagans), for 2000 years! Year 1099 CE: mass slaughter of thousands of Muslims and Jews, "the streets of Jerusalem were red with running rivers of human blood." The Crusades are still going on. Israelis are being used to maintain and expand the american zionists empire. Heart wrenching . . .

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Absolutely. Thanks for sharing that.

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You mourn for the Butcher of Khan Younis? You wouldn’t last a second under his rule.

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I feel the same way. xo

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I am in tears of sadness for his martyrdom and joy for him dying the way he wanted; with honor. This article is a tribute to a man so rare to encounter in modern times. Any true warrior would respect the way he fought. This is just the beginning of a long road to freedom. The next generation that is watching this and have been through what Gaza has been will continue the right to be free. Free Palestine!

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A beautiful tribute. His heroism provides an even starker contrast to the cowardice of the oppressors.

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Truly moving article, Scott. May you be blessed for standing up for the people of Gaza.

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Let us hope Scott will not become another martyr too.

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Your depth of knowledge always surprises Scot, you have my eternal respect and admiration. You truly embodying what journalism should be, an attempt to report the truth with integrity and objectivity.

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I look forward to the day, however long it takes - months, years, it matters not how long, but the Israeli occupiers are hastening their inevitable demise with every bomb dropped on schools, hospitals, tents, aid trucks, Mosques and Churches. The world has awoken to the Palestinian cause and what has been witnessed will never be unseen, nor forgotten. The overwhelming majority of people on earth no longer regard the Zionist regime and its “Democracy” with Apartheid - an oxymoron - as having legitimacy, not while it acts with impunity, ignoring the international community and its laws, stealing land and property from Palestinians in the West Bank, murdering innocent civilians who protest this settler colonialism, and carrying out a genocide. The world has also learned that this didn’t start on Oct 7.

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Sinwar has risen to become a legend. The Lion of Gaza! Just like Nelson Mandela, El Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Simon Bolivar.

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So Sad the world has allowed this to happen 😭

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Thank you Scott for being a brave and patriotic man saving his country by being a great servant of truth. You have been a source of authoritative insights and knowledge drawing from your vast experience and knowledge. Sinwar died as he envisioned. Sitting on a throne with a severed arm, even with the bombardments death hesitated to attend to him for a moment. But it had to if the zionist occupation was to give the world a symbolic footage that would make him immortal.

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Love this comment.

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Patriot is a non word.

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This is what a true hero looks like. In life he fought the battle valiantly. In death he would be martyred and inspire others to defeat the Ashkenazi Satanists...

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Thank you Scott for your service

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That’s a protector and honorable man. As are you. What a essay and eulogy. The world is less. Piss on duopoly and oligarchy and those who profit on war mongering. Palestinians have a right to defend their land, life and kick out colonizers. All watch Atrocity Inc to dispel zionist lies on Oct 7.

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Seymour Hersh said that he didn't report on the RAPES at the My Lai US massacre of hundreds of civilians because it would have angered the Vietnamese so much many would have turned on the Americans. No doubt this is the same but you won't Read the truth for the same reason.

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Love ❤️ to russia 🇷🇺 and gaza

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Thank you for reporting the facts Scott.

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Great article. Fighting to the end.

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Well said, the Israeli nappy army die like the murderous cowards they are and the populations of the world hate Israel and it's barbarism.

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We’re also starting to hate the same evil we see in the seats of power in our own governments who support and are complicit in this genocide.

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Yep, I have never seen a protest movement against so many governments around the entire world sustain and grow week after week.

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Orchestrating this genocide, not "supporting it."

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It is not by coincidence that the motto of Mossad is "By Deception Wage War" I am not religious in the typical sense but i was brought up a Christian in a Christian country. In John 8:44 it says about the Jews that " You are of your father the devil,and your will is to do your fathers desires. He was a murderer from the beginning not holding to the truth,for there is no truth in him. For when he lies, he speaks his native language,for he is a liar and the father of lies" In Revelation 9:3 it says about the Jews that "Behold, i will make of them the synagogue of Satan , which say they.are Jews, and are not,but do lie" The Jews are forever the victim always striking out and crying out in pain. They have hijacked Western democracy and need to be held accountable. I pray that the people will wake up to the unspeakable evil that these people have perpetuated on humanity as a whole. They have bought, threatened and blackmailed the Babylonian whore ( the once great America) to do their dirty work. Democracy is all but dead , both sides are controlled opposition...Beware the Ashkenazi.

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Ever notice how Ashkenazi sounds like Ask-a-nazi?

I prefer to say Europeans. That’s where antisemitism was created. That’s when evil Jews created Zionists and hijacked the real suffering of Jews at the hands of Europeans.

It’s not Judaism that’s the problem. It’s the evil elites in it.

Christianity has the same problem. They British Christian’s occupied and oppressed and slaughtered Christian people of Ireland.

Religion is the excuse.

We need to recognize evil people. And not allow them a place of leadership in our society.

The Zionists of Hungary were warned by an escapee of Auschwitz about it being a death camp. Instead of warning Hungarian Jews, they were allowed to be encouraged to get on trains to be shipped to a death camp if gas chambers. In exchange, the Zionist elites negotiated with the baies the secured safe passage of 1000 Zionist elites to Israel.

This is the sort of people that founded Israel. A group who would sell the souls of millions of their own people to save and enrich themselves. That’s not a Jew. That’s an evil person. They exist in Christianity and any and all religions.

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This comment must be reported and removed. A typical Christian monster. Please, Mr. Ritter remove this comment

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