Thank you for writing this piece. It sickened me to read the Israeli and western accounts of these events and their attempts to portray him as a coward.
My heart is saddened: a British woman in canada who grew up and was educated in Scotland, who was educated I to ignorance and who knew nothing of Palestine or even colonialism before October 7th.
It was Sinwar’s initiative and action which awoke me, and shone a light on the bias and superior attitude that was I stilled in me. I will be forever grateful to him for that.
Last night I was so sad when I learned his death was confirmed. And I was comforted only by his own words…that he only wanted to die as a martyr, fighting for the freedom of his people, and that even his death would further the cause he lived for.
I share your thoughts, Mary. My ignorance was shattered back in 1980 when I told a Lebanese PhD student in a lab at my University that I thought "the Arabs and Jews have been fighting for 2000 years and will still be fighting in another 2000 years". How WRONG I WAS! How completely I had absorbed the Zionist propaganda. There is an important lesson to be learned and remembered about how these psychopaths manipulate the world with their lies. Once shamed out of my ignorance I set about to learn the truth for myself. There is a LOT to learn. But when we do, we can appreciate the value of heroic leaders like Yahya Sinwar.
CHRISTIANS have been fighting both, Arabs and Jews (other Muslims and pagans), for 2000 years! Year 1099 CE: mass slaughter of thousands of Muslims and Jews, "the streets of Jerusalem were red with running rivers of human blood." The Crusades are still going on. Israelis are being used to maintain and expand the american zionists empire. Heart wrenching . . .
RELIGION is the universal problem EVERYWHERE. It leads people away from Reason offering Faith as the great redeemer. It saves us from having to take responsibility for ourselves (let alone for anything else). From the Bhagavad Gita to the Bible and from Capitalism to Socialism it justifies the mass slaughter of unbelievers and leads us away from our Humanty with the promise of Disneyland. People just don't want to grow up, they want a protected childhood forever, they think that turning off their emotional feelings and retreating into a perpetual 'naughty' childhood provides an escape from having to reason their way to an understanding of mortal life in a vast universe. We haven't got much time left to get over it.
I think there are two kinds of religion. In one you are politicized as being special, the chosen of a "God" who will not tolerate other "Gods" before him. This approach dehumanizes others, makes them less than they are. Then there is the religion where people have souls, are children of God. Thus, "Thou shalt not kill," even "turn the other cheek." It is religious Wisdom to know, "Whatever you do unto the least of your brethren, you do unto Me (Christ Consciousness). This is not found in the Old Testament, but the New.
I respectfully disagree. There’s nothing wrong with any particular religion. It’s certain individuals in the religion.
Zionists are both Christian and Jewish. I believe the Christian’s stated it. It’s about power and control. No religion is about that. But that’s what people do. The same is true of any institution. It gets corrupted by bad people.
I respectfully disagree with you as well, Mary. Perhaps David Graeber's work can help you expand your view on religion? For 90% of human history, the religions were not a part of the power structures of the State, rather they arised organically from within the structures of their tribes and become a part of their overall cosmology. Not all religious creeds have been captured by the State and institutionalized, which eventually leads to their becoming an integral part of the system of power. There are more religions in the world than Judeo-Islamo-Christianity, the latter being invented by men, not created organically.
"The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" by anthropologist and activist David Graeber and archaeologist David Wengrow.
Christians also fought other Christians. Anglican British Christian’s occupied and oppressed the Irish for centuries. It’s why the Irish have been so supportive of end of apartheid in South Africa and Palestine. Because they had to fight for their own freedom and rights and equality.
I think religion is used as an excuse. So was communism, and socialism.
Zionism originated in Europe. Palestine was occupied by th British and pledged to the Zionists by British PM Lord Balfour in 1917. America however picked up the baton when the British empire crumbled and the American empire took over. Zionism thrived in the U.S. and seems to be the Zionist headquarters of the world. Biden is a Christian Zionist.
What is socialism being used as an excuse for? For liberating millions of ppl from poverty? For giving us hope that capitalism and Patriarchy could one day perish from the face of Earth.
I repeat, I never said anything against Christians! It is the institutionalized Abrahamic sects that commit all those crimes against us, humans. Yes, these religious creeds are not an excuse, they all preach hatred and racism and they act on them. Of course, they murder each other as well. In the most terrifying ways too. But no institution has killed as many ppl as the Church, wiped out entire continents.
And nothing is wrong with religion itself; our brains are hard-wired for religion.
Mary, you feel good about lecturing us all on the European history? You and all the rest on here going on and on about the "Zionism" you know nothing about. Zionism was quite an innocent little thing until the British Empire decided to use it to get rid of the Jews and Muslims all at once while expanding its colonial projects.
From what I’ve read it wasn’t “to get rid of the Jews “ at all! It was to create a bulwark in the
Middle East (for the West)! It was cemented
by Roosevelt after the Second World War when Saudi Arabia agreed to the skeme in exchange for perpetual American military protection in exchange for perpetual Saudi oil from their most vast field! From ‘45 to yesterday the US ruled the area with tons of military bases and an ironclad agreement,
Many supposed "Christians" prefer the Old Testament imperialism and the high status of the Jews in the Bible. However, unbeknownst to most, the Pentateuch and most of the historical books were written in Greek in Alexandria, Egypt (not anywhere near Jerusalem) on a commission by the Ptolemaic Dynasty, one of the most corrupt, fratricidal, murderous, and imperialistic dynasties to have existed. The Pentateuch simply reflects the social and moral standards, imperialism, laws, and economic institutions (including slavery) of that terrible dynasty. A group of European Caucasians thought it was so neat that they could kill and murder like this that they took on the costume of being Jewish and called themselves Semites.
A very thoughtful and knowledgeable post, Robert. Tnx. A deep historical perspective is an exceptionally important way to view any war, especially the war in a place considered the "Holy Land" of the three Abrahamic creeds. Unfortunately, the American schools do not teach history.
Max, I did not say Christian *people are the problem. I was referring to the Church, the corrupt institution that spilled more blood around our sorry planet than any other institutionalized patriarchal creed, even more blood than all other Abrahamic denominations combined. It was the Church Fathers who invented antisemitism to kiss the ass of the Roman empire which was fighting the Jewish rebellions at the time when the Rome adopted and corrupted this new religion. Zionism has not infected the Church, it's the other way around. American Evangelicals have a plan for their Meshiah to return and kill all the Jews and Muslims in the "holy land." Which is what I meant by the Crusades still going on. You can ask Scott about it.
“'To the terrorists who have chosen this fight, hear this, what you do to Israel, God will do to you. Despite today’s weeping, joy will come because He [God] who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps,' CUFI, whose founder believes the presence of Jews in Israel is a precursor to Jesus Christ returning to Earth, wrote."
Another quote about the upcoming Armageddon:
"In order for Jesus to return, the Temple must be rebuilt on the current location of Al Aqsa Mosque and a red heifer sacrificed there in order to fulfill some Biblical prophecy. After that, the estimated number of deaths for Jews in the End Times will be around 90%. According to some Evangelicals, 144,000 Jews will die and the rest will see the error of their ways and convert to Christianity.”
I still can't look at the footage of his death without my eyes swelling with tears and I can't help it, as if I just lost my father or a very close and dear friend. What an exceptional human being. In other times he would have been a blessed prophet.
Certainly, YOU wouldn't. But have you been watching what Israelis have been saying and doing? "Butcher" is not the word for it because it leaves out the cruelty, the vindictiveness, the sadism and worst of all, even a butcher has some humanity.
You're only in Palestine because another country put you there, Britain realised it's mistake and despite warnings at the highest level in America Truman adopted you ungrateful louse. The people there are sick to the back teeth of you. The whole world is.
Bajo el sionismo seríamos esclavos los no judíos,la barbarie amparada por un supuesto pueblo elegido será el fin de ese pueblo.Amalek es el propio sionismo.
Sad that Ignorance always delivers the arrogance of certainty. It is not "radical jihadi ideology" that is at the root of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; it is the Land Theft and Ethnic Cleansing (by expulsion or genocide, whichever is the cheapest) i.e. the Zionist Project. Both the Jews and the Arabs are subject to RELIGIONs that can be used to manipulate people. There is an extreme danger in Zionism in that it seeks to cloak it's sinister immorality in Judaism, using the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, which conflates criticism if Israel with anti-Semitism; as in (to quote from it):
• Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a [Jewish Apartheid] State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
• Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
• Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
• Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
• Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
You will meet their dark side when you steal their land, deprive them of freedom and dignity, humiliate them and kill their children etc. etc.
Israel's dark side is blaming the victims of their own crimes, vindictive, cruel and sadistic murder of children (I am thinking particularly of the story of Hind Rajab), and of their dreams of Amalek.
Pretty dark really, darker than self defence, pretty ugly too actually, like the souls of people who are blind to all of its inhumanity.
You are a victim of the cia propaganda, sister. You will recover from it with time, I believe. Maybe a trip or two to Moscow will help? And who do you think "disgraced" Scott? Does repeating the official slogans help your thinking?
I am in tears of sadness for his martyrdom and joy for him dying the way he wanted; with honor. This article is a tribute to a man so rare to encounter in modern times. Any true warrior would respect the way he fought. This is just the beginning of a long road to freedom. The next generation that is watching this and have been through what Gaza has been will continue the right to be free. Free Palestine!
Not now, soon though. I'll remind you to share lots of tissue when the free people of the world celebrate the end of the colonial entity called Israel overwhelmed with tears of joy for the liberation of Palestine. Please be patient.
Israel is dying right now trying to realize the Zionist dream and you are witnessing it right in front of you no matter your protestations to that fact.
I look forward to the day, however long it takes - months, years, it matters not how long, but the Israeli occupiers are hastening their inevitable demise with every bomb dropped on schools, hospitals, tents, aid trucks, Mosques and Churches. The world has awoken to the Palestinian cause and what has been witnessed will never be unseen, nor forgotten. The overwhelming majority of people on earth no longer regard the Zionist regime and its “Democracy” with Apartheid - an oxymoron - as having legitimacy, not while it acts with impunity, ignoring the international community and its laws, stealing land and property from Palestinians in the West Bank, murdering innocent civilians who protest this settler colonialism, and carrying out a genocide. The world has also learned that this didn’t start on Oct 7.
Your depth of knowledge always surprises Scot, you have my eternal respect and admiration. You truly embodying what journalism should be, an attempt to report the truth with integrity and objectivity.
Thank you Scott for being a brave and patriotic man saving his country by being a great servant of truth. You have been a source of authoritative insights and knowledge drawing from your vast experience and knowledge. Sinwar died as he envisioned. Sitting on a throne with a severed arm, even with the bombardments death hesitated to attend to him for a moment. But it had to if the zionist occupation was to give the world a symbolic footage that would make him immortal.
This is what a true hero looks like. In life he fought the battle valiantly. In death he would be martyred and inspire others to defeat the Ashkenazi Satanists...
Stupid illiterate parochial american dead-man-on-a-cross-idol-worshiper. Palestinians, on the other hand, have shown themselves that even under such horrid conditions of the brutal genocidal occupation they did not become racist Jew-haters like you. They loathe you, in fact. You, and your kind, diminish and even negate their suffering and struggle.
I changed my mind about asking Scott to remove your comments. Let your stupidity and hatred be exposed here.
I've said for years that the U.N. has devolved into an arm of the Western empire. The only reason they allow it to exist is to try and coerce the others to bow to their dogma. Tell me where you will find righteousness in that den of evil? There is a reason why it is located in New York.
Don't worry too much as the Zionist Israel project is dying right before our eyes. It takes time for this to happen but happen it will. As a start as Ursula would say the Israeli economy is in "tatters". Most people and countries see what's happening and slowly and quietly the changes are happening. Watch the BDS movement gain strength. The facade of Israeli military invincibility has been destroyed by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.
That’s a protector and honorable man. As are you. What a essay and eulogy. The world is less. Piss on duopoly and oligarchy and those who profit on war mongering. Palestinians have a right to defend their land, life and kick out colonizers. All watch Atrocity Inc to dispel zionist lies on Oct 7.
Seymour Hersh said that he didn't report on the RAPES at the My Lai US massacre of hundreds of civilians because it would have angered the Vietnamese so much many would have turned on the Americans. No doubt this is the same but you won't Read the truth for the same reason.
Well, you must be very young then if you "have never seen" real protests and think that the few college students are a protest. When the US and the UK were about to invade Iraq, *millions of Europeans were out in the streets protesting. It did nothing. So, no one really protests anymore. We need other types of action.
It is not by coincidence that the motto of Mossad is "By Deception Wage War" I am not religious in the typical sense but i was brought up a Christian in a Christian country. In John 8:44 it says about the Jews that " You are of your father the devil,and your will is to do your fathers desires. He was a murderer from the beginning not holding to the truth,for there is no truth in him. For when he lies, he speaks his native language,for he is a liar and the father of lies" In Revelation 9:3 it says about the Jews that "Behold, i will make of them the synagogue of Satan , which say they.are Jews, and are not,but do lie" The Jews are forever the victim always striking out and crying out in pain. They have hijacked Western democracy and need to be held accountable. I pray that the people will wake up to the unspeakable evil that these people have perpetuated on humanity as a whole. They have bought, threatened and blackmailed the Babylonian whore ( the once great America) to do their dirty work. Democracy is all but dead , both sides are controlled opposition...Beware the Ashkenazi.
I prefer to say Europeans. That’s where antisemitism was created. That’s when evil Jews created Zionists and hijacked the real suffering of Jews at the hands of Europeans.
It’s not Judaism that’s the problem. It’s the evil elites in it.
Christianity has the same problem. They British Christian’s occupied and oppressed and slaughtered Christian people of Ireland.
Religion is the excuse.
We need to recognize evil people. And not allow them a place of leadership in our society.
The Zionists of Hungary were warned by an escapee of Auschwitz about it being a death camp. Instead of warning Hungarian Jews, they were allowed to be encouraged to get on trains to be shipped to a death camp if gas chambers. In exchange, the Zionist elites negotiated with the baies the secured safe passage of 1000 Zionist elites to Israel.
This is the sort of people that founded Israel. A group who would sell the souls of millions of their own people to save and enrich themselves. That’s not a Jew. That’s an evil person. They exist in Christianity and any and all religions.
"Ever notice how Ashkenazi sounds like Ask-a-nazi?"
Do you suppose everyone in the world speaks your language? Yes, you do, obviously. What is also obvious is that, like so many Anglo-speakers, you have just learned this name and have no idea where it came from. It is a German city, dummy. Who gave you the right to express your hatred and racism so openly? Who gave you the right to propagate corrupted history, you miseducated woman, you? Jews sold "millions of their own"? Fuck you. Let us see how "freedom of speech" works for you, sister.
I will right directly to Ritter about these racist comments propagating at the tail end of his great article. This must stop.
No, it doesn't. But unfortunately, there are so many Christian Jew-haters who suddenly feel they got a license to express it. We have to weed them out, one at a time.
That is exactly what is wrong with your statement: REMOVE! Free speech is that: FREE and when you don't like a comment doesn't mean it shouldn't be published. Maybe get a job with Farcebook or Gogle where you can play the comment tzar! Depressing really!
This is not a free speech comment, it is a racist hatred. Such very very very typical Christian hatred overlaid by a completely corrupted history and personal attacks and name calling. smrn, you are not thinking, you have a kneejerk reaction. "Beware the Ashkenazi" --- this is a direct threat.
RE: "Beware the Ashkenazi" --- this is a direct threat' (Ashkenazi are some of my family in 3 branches) aka 'European Jew'.
Helen Raquel Cohen, You have made many demands to remove comments, censor, cancel-speech, here. Censoring, Cancelling speech is a violent act in human society, particularly to those aggrieved. The only way to discern a grievance is to hear both sides, as all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors culturally practiced for 10s of 1000s of years with COUNCIL PROCESS = 'Both-sided, Equal-time, witnessed dialogue', appropriate to each scale of issues presented. The Humane way is for all who are called, to be responsible with speech for any act or words spoken in formal dialogue process (Both-Sides-Now below)
Censorship is intellectual-cowardice representing, the privileged refusal to respond, with what you believe is your greater perspective. If you are right, maybe even to embarrass the commenter with your truth or to be enlightened or even thankfully embarrassed (Who wants to carry the living weight of untruth?).
Most often when readers call for censorship, its because they are ignorantly or insidiously, trying to suppress or hide important truths from public view, showing a lack of confidence in one's actions, position or beliefs. As well such calls for censorship are often the acts of Trolls working for bigger fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'money') Oligarch amnesia based power.
Many Censors, pretend themselves to be 'victims', when in fact they are often the greater perpetuators projectors of what they accuse the other of. Eg. Post 7Oct'23 false reports by Israel's funded ZAKA (aligned with Jeffrey Epstein), Hasbara lying to the public about such as 50 Beheaded Babies & Rapes on 7Oct'23, all disproved upon examination but repeated shamelessly by Joe Biden & many other leaders who acted by feeding Israel more horrific arms bombs & munitions . In fact Israel Defence Forces bugger Palestinian prisoners & have killed many 10s of 1000s of children including over 1000 babies, even arguing in the Knesset for their right to do so.
Helen, Scott Ritter does not censor his reader comments, because he's confident of his truths & willing to be corrected or have his readers corrected. You have all the space to make your arguments, truths, feelings etc, yet you call for the censorship of others.
Let's make Social 'Media' (Latin 'medium' = 'middle' = 'both-sides presented to be contrasted & compared by the reader to make their own judgement') into DIALOGUE rather than continue with MSM's MONOLOGUE CENSORSHIP.
The only one's who must be censored are those authors or commenters who refuse to to RESPOND to civil calls for Both-Sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Debate on issues in the public interest as well as those who call for Censorship without responsible dialogue. Removing the Freedom-of-Speech from aggrieved people is a Violent act, leaving violence as one sad but often inevitable remaining only option.
Serial, why do you suppose I have not read and studied Arendt's work? I will answer this question for you. When one assumes that the person they are debating has not read a certain work they display their own lack of education; reading is not a way of life for them. A better, more respectful way to argue is to say: "Remember what Arendt said about . . . "? Or "What do you think about Arendt's such and such idea on this topic?" Try not to expose your lack of education when communicating. If you google my name, you can see how many books I have read.
I never blame people--either as individuals or as a group--only the structures of the state and its ideologies that are responsible for their crimes. I also blame Poverty. And Patriarchy.
Thank you for your nice comment about my mental health, sis. So sorry you and I are in the same Tribe. Differentiating between real antisemitism and racist anti-Jew hatred from the expressed anti-Zionism and educating people about our history, even if one page at a time, is as important as joining our Palestinian sisters in their protests. In the end, these things count.
Thank you Scott for this moving article/eulogy about an honorable and brave man who died fighting for his children and his children’s children to live in a free Palestine. This didn’t start on October 7, 2023 like the West wants all of us to believe. I was moved to tears and hope I live to see a Free Palestine.😢☮️🇵🇸
Thank you for writing this piece. It sickened me to read the Israeli and western accounts of these events and their attempts to portray him as a coward.
My heart is saddened: a British woman in canada who grew up and was educated in Scotland, who was educated I to ignorance and who knew nothing of Palestine or even colonialism before October 7th.
It was Sinwar’s initiative and action which awoke me, and shone a light on the bias and superior attitude that was I stilled in me. I will be forever grateful to him for that.
Last night I was so sad when I learned his death was confirmed. And I was comforted only by his own words…that he only wanted to die as a martyr, fighting for the freedom of his people, and that even his death would further the cause he lived for.
RIP Sinwar 🇵🇸🧎♀️➡️🪁
I share your thoughts, Mary. My ignorance was shattered back in 1980 when I told a Lebanese PhD student in a lab at my University that I thought "the Arabs and Jews have been fighting for 2000 years and will still be fighting in another 2000 years". How WRONG I WAS! How completely I had absorbed the Zionist propaganda. There is an important lesson to be learned and remembered about how these psychopaths manipulate the world with their lies. Once shamed out of my ignorance I set about to learn the truth for myself. There is a LOT to learn. But when we do, we can appreciate the value of heroic leaders like Yahya Sinwar.
CHRISTIANS have been fighting both, Arabs and Jews (other Muslims and pagans), for 2000 years! Year 1099 CE: mass slaughter of thousands of Muslims and Jews, "the streets of Jerusalem were red with running rivers of human blood." The Crusades are still going on. Israelis are being used to maintain and expand the american zionists empire. Heart wrenching . . .
Christians are not the problem. Zionism is the problem. It has infected the church and needs to be exposed and removed.
I would recommend Ilan Pappe's book "Ten Myths About Israel."
RELIGION is the universal problem EVERYWHERE. It leads people away from Reason offering Faith as the great redeemer. It saves us from having to take responsibility for ourselves (let alone for anything else). From the Bhagavad Gita to the Bible and from Capitalism to Socialism it justifies the mass slaughter of unbelievers and leads us away from our Humanty with the promise of Disneyland. People just don't want to grow up, they want a protected childhood forever, they think that turning off their emotional feelings and retreating into a perpetual 'naughty' childhood provides an escape from having to reason their way to an understanding of mortal life in a vast universe. We haven't got much time left to get over it.
I think there are two kinds of religion. In one you are politicized as being special, the chosen of a "God" who will not tolerate other "Gods" before him. This approach dehumanizes others, makes them less than they are. Then there is the religion where people have souls, are children of God. Thus, "Thou shalt not kill," even "turn the other cheek." It is religious Wisdom to know, "Whatever you do unto the least of your brethren, you do unto Me (Christ Consciousness). This is not found in the Old Testament, but the New.
I respectfully disagree. There’s nothing wrong with any particular religion. It’s certain individuals in the religion.
Zionists are both Christian and Jewish. I believe the Christian’s stated it. It’s about power and control. No religion is about that. But that’s what people do. The same is true of any institution. It gets corrupted by bad people.
People are the problem.
I respectfully disagree with you as well, Mary. Perhaps David Graeber's work can help you expand your view on religion? For 90% of human history, the religions were not a part of the power structures of the State, rather they arised organically from within the structures of their tribes and become a part of their overall cosmology. Not all religious creeds have been captured by the State and institutionalized, which eventually leads to their becoming an integral part of the system of power. There are more religions in the world than Judeo-Islamo-Christianity, the latter being invented by men, not created organically.
"The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" by anthropologist and activist David Graeber and archaeologist David Wengrow.
Christians also fought other Christians. Anglican British Christian’s occupied and oppressed the Irish for centuries. It’s why the Irish have been so supportive of end of apartheid in South Africa and Palestine. Because they had to fight for their own freedom and rights and equality.
I think religion is used as an excuse. So was communism, and socialism.
Zionism originated in Europe. Palestine was occupied by th British and pledged to the Zionists by British PM Lord Balfour in 1917. America however picked up the baton when the British empire crumbled and the American empire took over. Zionism thrived in the U.S. and seems to be the Zionist headquarters of the world. Biden is a Christian Zionist.
What is socialism being used as an excuse for? For liberating millions of ppl from poverty? For giving us hope that capitalism and Patriarchy could one day perish from the face of Earth.
I repeat, I never said anything against Christians! It is the institutionalized Abrahamic sects that commit all those crimes against us, humans. Yes, these religious creeds are not an excuse, they all preach hatred and racism and they act on them. Of course, they murder each other as well. In the most terrifying ways too. But no institution has killed as many ppl as the Church, wiped out entire continents.
And nothing is wrong with religion itself; our brains are hard-wired for religion.
Mary, you feel good about lecturing us all on the European history? You and all the rest on here going on and on about the "Zionism" you know nothing about. Zionism was quite an innocent little thing until the British Empire decided to use it to get rid of the Jews and Muslims all at once while expanding its colonial projects.
From what I’ve read it wasn’t “to get rid of the Jews “ at all! It was to create a bulwark in the
Middle East (for the West)! It was cemented
by Roosevelt after the Second World War when Saudi Arabia agreed to the skeme in exchange for perpetual American military protection in exchange for perpetual Saudi oil from their most vast field! From ‘45 to yesterday the US ruled the area with tons of military bases and an ironclad agreement,
Many supposed "Christians" prefer the Old Testament imperialism and the high status of the Jews in the Bible. However, unbeknownst to most, the Pentateuch and most of the historical books were written in Greek in Alexandria, Egypt (not anywhere near Jerusalem) on a commission by the Ptolemaic Dynasty, one of the most corrupt, fratricidal, murderous, and imperialistic dynasties to have existed. The Pentateuch simply reflects the social and moral standards, imperialism, laws, and economic institutions (including slavery) of that terrible dynasty. A group of European Caucasians thought it was so neat that they could kill and murder like this that they took on the costume of being Jewish and called themselves Semites.
A very thoughtful and knowledgeable post, Robert. Tnx. A deep historical perspective is an exceptionally important way to view any war, especially the war in a place considered the "Holy Land" of the three Abrahamic creeds. Unfortunately, the American schools do not teach history.
Absolutely. Thanks for sharing that.
Max, I did not say Christian *people are the problem. I was referring to the Church, the corrupt institution that spilled more blood around our sorry planet than any other institutionalized patriarchal creed, even more blood than all other Abrahamic denominations combined. It was the Church Fathers who invented antisemitism to kiss the ass of the Roman empire which was fighting the Jewish rebellions at the time when the Rome adopted and corrupted this new religion. Zionism has not infected the Church, it's the other way around. American Evangelicals have a plan for their Meshiah to return and kill all the Jews and Muslims in the "holy land." Which is what I meant by the Crusades still going on. You can ask Scott about it.
Below is from the Guardian:
“'To the terrorists who have chosen this fight, hear this, what you do to Israel, God will do to you. Despite today’s weeping, joy will come because He [God] who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps,' CUFI, whose founder believes the presence of Jews in Israel is a precursor to Jesus Christ returning to Earth, wrote."
Another quote about the upcoming Armageddon:
"In order for Jesus to return, the Temple must be rebuilt on the current location of Al Aqsa Mosque and a red heifer sacrificed there in order to fulfill some Biblical prophecy. After that, the estimated number of deaths for Jews in the End Times will be around 90%. According to some Evangelicals, 144,000 Jews will die and the rest will see the error of their ways and convert to Christianity.”
I still can't look at the footage of his death without my eyes swelling with tears and I can't help it, as if I just lost my father or a very close and dear friend. What an exceptional human being. In other times he would have been a blessed prophet.
You mourn for the Butcher of Khan Younis? You wouldn’t last a second under his rule.
Certainly, YOU wouldn't. But have you been watching what Israelis have been saying and doing? "Butcher" is not the word for it because it leaves out the cruelty, the vindictiveness, the sadism and worst of all, even a butcher has some humanity.
Live, fool.
You're only in Palestine because another country put you there, Britain realised it's mistake and despite warnings at the highest level in America Truman adopted you ungrateful louse. The people there are sick to the back teeth of you. The whole world is.
Bajo el sionismo seríamos esclavos los no judíos,la barbarie amparada por un supuesto pueblo elegido será el fin de ese pueblo.Amalek es el propio sionismo.
Not all Spaniards speak Italian. haha
You should've said : Vete a la mierda
Sad that Ignorance always delivers the arrogance of certainty. It is not "radical jihadi ideology" that is at the root of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; it is the Land Theft and Ethnic Cleansing (by expulsion or genocide, whichever is the cheapest) i.e. the Zionist Project. Both the Jews and the Arabs are subject to RELIGIONs that can be used to manipulate people. There is an extreme danger in Zionism in that it seeks to cloak it's sinister immorality in Judaism, using the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, which conflates criticism if Israel with anti-Semitism; as in (to quote from it):
• Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a [Jewish Apartheid] State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
• Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
• Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
• Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
• Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
You will meet their dark side when you steal their land, deprive them of freedom and dignity, humiliate them and kill their children etc. etc.
Israel's dark side is blaming the victims of their own crimes, vindictive, cruel and sadistic murder of children (I am thinking particularly of the story of Hind Rajab), and of their dreams of Amalek.
Pretty dark really, darker than self defence, pretty ugly too actually, like the souls of people who are blind to all of its inhumanity.
You are a victim of the cia propaganda, sister. You will recover from it with time, I believe. Maybe a trip or two to Moscow will help? And who do you think "disgraced" Scott? Does repeating the official slogans help your thinking?
Russia is not USSR. Can't you see how similarly bolshevic and capitalist propaganda configure people's minds? I grew up there too.
I feel the same way. xo
I am in tears of sadness for his martyrdom and joy for him dying the way he wanted; with honor. This article is a tribute to a man so rare to encounter in modern times. Any true warrior would respect the way he fought. This is just the beginning of a long road to freedom. The next generation that is watching this and have been through what Gaza has been will continue the right to be free. Free Palestine!
What makes him a psychopath in your opinion? I'd love to have a dialogue about this.
Not now, soon though. I'll remind you to share lots of tissue when the free people of the world celebrate the end of the colonial entity called Israel overwhelmed with tears of joy for the liberation of Palestine. Please be patient.
what an angry, uninformed woman you are very sad for you - and for the world for people like you ......
because you don't know who the real terrorists are
Israel is dying right now trying to realize the Zionist dream and you are witnessing it right in front of you no matter your protestations to that fact.
Truly moving article, Scott. May you be blessed for standing up for the people of Gaza.
Let us hope Scott will not become another martyr too.
A beautiful tribute. His heroism provides an even starker contrast to the cowardice of the oppressors.
Yes. Cowardice.
Sinwar has risen to become a legend. The Lion of Gaza! Just like Nelson Mandela, El Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Simon Bolivar.
I look forward to the day, however long it takes - months, years, it matters not how long, but the Israeli occupiers are hastening their inevitable demise with every bomb dropped on schools, hospitals, tents, aid trucks, Mosques and Churches. The world has awoken to the Palestinian cause and what has been witnessed will never be unseen, nor forgotten. The overwhelming majority of people on earth no longer regard the Zionist regime and its “Democracy” with Apartheid - an oxymoron - as having legitimacy, not while it acts with impunity, ignoring the international community and its laws, stealing land and property from Palestinians in the West Bank, murdering innocent civilians who protest this settler colonialism, and carrying out a genocide. The world has also learned that this didn’t start on Oct 7.
Your depth of knowledge always surprises Scot, you have my eternal respect and admiration. You truly embodying what journalism should be, an attempt to report the truth with integrity and objectivity.
Thank you Scott for being a brave and patriotic man saving his country by being a great servant of truth. You have been a source of authoritative insights and knowledge drawing from your vast experience and knowledge. Sinwar died as he envisioned. Sitting on a throne with a severed arm, even with the bombardments death hesitated to attend to him for a moment. But it had to if the zionist occupation was to give the world a symbolic footage that would make him immortal.
Love this comment.
Patriot is a non word.
This is what a true hero looks like. In life he fought the battle valiantly. In death he would be martyred and inspire others to defeat the Ashkenazi Satanists...
Stupid illiterate parochial american dead-man-on-a-cross-idol-worshiper. Palestinians, on the other hand, have shown themselves that even under such horrid conditions of the brutal genocidal occupation they did not become racist Jew-haters like you. They loathe you, in fact. You, and your kind, diminish and even negate their suffering and struggle.
I changed my mind about asking Scott to remove your comments. Let your stupidity and hatred be exposed here.
So Sad the world has allowed this to happen 😭
Not only sad. It's disgusting and disheartening.
In a righteous world the UN would be storming Tel Aviv with Netanyahu in Chains
I've said for years that the U.N. has devolved into an arm of the Western empire. The only reason they allow it to exist is to try and coerce the others to bow to their dogma. Tell me where you will find righteousness in that den of evil? There is a reason why it is located in New York.
Don't worry too much as the Zionist Israel project is dying right before our eyes. It takes time for this to happen but happen it will. As a start as Ursula would say the Israeli economy is in "tatters". Most people and countries see what's happening and slowly and quietly the changes are happening. Watch the BDS movement gain strength. The facade of Israeli military invincibility has been destroyed by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.
Are you serious? UN is a tool of the american empire.
That’s a protector and honorable man. As are you. What a essay and eulogy. The world is less. Piss on duopoly and oligarchy and those who profit on war mongering. Palestinians have a right to defend their land, life and kick out colonizers. All watch Atrocity Inc to dispel zionist lies on Oct 7.
Seymour Hersh said that he didn't report on the RAPES at the My Lai US massacre of hundreds of civilians because it would have angered the Vietnamese so much many would have turned on the Americans. No doubt this is the same but you won't Read the truth for the same reason.
This truly was/is an honourable warrior who gave his all for his community.
The IDF in contrast are thugs. There is no honour in Israel's military, when they shoot fish in a barrel. None.
The Palestinians have a few militia's, no navy, no air force. Yet they continue to try and survive and defend themselves.
Free Palestine!
Well said, the Israeli nappy army die like the murderous cowards they are and the populations of the world hate Israel and it's barbarism.
We’re also starting to hate the same evil we see in the seats of power in our own governments who support and are complicit in this genocide.
Yep, I have never seen a protest movement against so many governments around the entire world sustain and grow week after week.
Well, you must be very young then if you "have never seen" real protests and think that the few college students are a protest. When the US and the UK were about to invade Iraq, *millions of Europeans were out in the streets protesting. It did nothing. So, no one really protests anymore. We need other types of action.
Orchestrating this genocide, not "supporting it."
Yes, this is a genocide conducted by the United States of Genocide.
It is not by coincidence that the motto of Mossad is "By Deception Wage War" I am not religious in the typical sense but i was brought up a Christian in a Christian country. In John 8:44 it says about the Jews that " You are of your father the devil,and your will is to do your fathers desires. He was a murderer from the beginning not holding to the truth,for there is no truth in him. For when he lies, he speaks his native language,for he is a liar and the father of lies" In Revelation 9:3 it says about the Jews that "Behold, i will make of them the synagogue of Satan , which say they.are Jews, and are not,but do lie" The Jews are forever the victim always striking out and crying out in pain. They have hijacked Western democracy and need to be held accountable. I pray that the people will wake up to the unspeakable evil that these people have perpetuated on humanity as a whole. They have bought, threatened and blackmailed the Babylonian whore ( the once great America) to do their dirty work. Democracy is all but dead , both sides are controlled opposition...Beware the Ashkenazi.
Ever notice how Ashkenazi sounds like Ask-a-nazi?
I prefer to say Europeans. That’s where antisemitism was created. That’s when evil Jews created Zionists and hijacked the real suffering of Jews at the hands of Europeans.
It’s not Judaism that’s the problem. It’s the evil elites in it.
Christianity has the same problem. They British Christian’s occupied and oppressed and slaughtered Christian people of Ireland.
Religion is the excuse.
We need to recognize evil people. And not allow them a place of leadership in our society.
The Zionists of Hungary were warned by an escapee of Auschwitz about it being a death camp. Instead of warning Hungarian Jews, they were allowed to be encouraged to get on trains to be shipped to a death camp if gas chambers. In exchange, the Zionist elites negotiated with the baies the secured safe passage of 1000 Zionist elites to Israel.
This is the sort of people that founded Israel. A group who would sell the souls of millions of their own people to save and enrich themselves. That’s not a Jew. That’s an evil person. They exist in Christianity and any and all religions.
"Ever notice how Ashkenazi sounds like Ask-a-nazi?"
Do you suppose everyone in the world speaks your language? Yes, you do, obviously. What is also obvious is that, like so many Anglo-speakers, you have just learned this name and have no idea where it came from. It is a German city, dummy. Who gave you the right to express your hatred and racism so openly? Who gave you the right to propagate corrupted history, you miseducated woman, you? Jews sold "millions of their own"? Fuck you. Let us see how "freedom of speech" works for you, sister.
I will right directly to Ritter about these racist comments propagating at the tail end of his great article. This must stop.
What makes you think I don't? I'm truly curious, since you don't know me at all.
You know him personally? What he cares about?
No, it doesn't. But unfortunately, there are so many Christian Jew-haters who suddenly feel they got a license to express it. We have to weed them out, one at a time.
This comment must be reported and removed. A typical Christian monster. Please, Mr. Ritter remove this comment
That is exactly what is wrong with your statement: REMOVE! Free speech is that: FREE and when you don't like a comment doesn't mean it shouldn't be published. Maybe get a job with Farcebook or Gogle where you can play the comment tzar! Depressing really!
This is not a free speech comment, it is a racist hatred. Such very very very typical Christian hatred overlaid by a completely corrupted history and personal attacks and name calling. smrn, you are not thinking, you have a kneejerk reaction. "Beware the Ashkenazi" --- this is a direct threat.
RE: "Beware the Ashkenazi" --- this is a direct threat' (Ashkenazi are some of my family in 3 branches) aka 'European Jew'.
Helen Raquel Cohen, You have made many demands to remove comments, censor, cancel-speech, here. Censoring, Cancelling speech is a violent act in human society, particularly to those aggrieved. The only way to discern a grievance is to hear both sides, as all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors culturally practiced for 10s of 1000s of years with COUNCIL PROCESS = 'Both-sided, Equal-time, witnessed dialogue', appropriate to each scale of issues presented. The Humane way is for all who are called, to be responsible with speech for any act or words spoken in formal dialogue process (Both-Sides-Now below)
Censorship is intellectual-cowardice representing, the privileged refusal to respond, with what you believe is your greater perspective. If you are right, maybe even to embarrass the commenter with your truth or to be enlightened or even thankfully embarrassed (Who wants to carry the living weight of untruth?).
Most often when readers call for censorship, its because they are ignorantly or insidiously, trying to suppress or hide important truths from public view, showing a lack of confidence in one's actions, position or beliefs. As well such calls for censorship are often the acts of Trolls working for bigger fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'money') Oligarch amnesia based power.
Many Censors, pretend themselves to be 'victims', when in fact they are often the greater perpetuators projectors of what they accuse the other of. Eg. Post 7Oct'23 false reports by Israel's funded ZAKA (aligned with Jeffrey Epstein), Hasbara lying to the public about such as 50 Beheaded Babies & Rapes on 7Oct'23, all disproved upon examination but repeated shamelessly by Joe Biden & many other leaders who acted by feeding Israel more horrific arms bombs & munitions . In fact Israel Defence Forces bugger Palestinian prisoners & have killed many 10s of 1000s of children including over 1000 babies, even arguing in the Knesset for their right to do so.
Helen, Scott Ritter does not censor his reader comments, because he's confident of his truths & willing to be corrected or have his readers corrected. You have all the space to make your arguments, truths, feelings etc, yet you call for the censorship of others.
Let's make Social 'Media' (Latin 'medium' = 'middle' = 'both-sides presented to be contrasted & compared by the reader to make their own judgement') into DIALOGUE rather than continue with MSM's MONOLOGUE CENSORSHIP.
The only one's who must be censored are those authors or commenters who refuse to to RESPOND to civil calls for Both-Sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Debate on issues in the public interest as well as those who call for Censorship without responsible dialogue. Removing the Freedom-of-Speech from aggrieved people is a Violent act, leaving violence as one sad but often inevitable remaining only option.
The tradition of all humanity's 'INDIGENOUS’ (Latin 'self-generating') heritage, is COUNCIL-PROCESS or BOTH-SIDES-NOW, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues.
Before you report this comment, you may want to read Hannah Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem".
Serial, why do you suppose I have not read and studied Arendt's work? I will answer this question for you. When one assumes that the person they are debating has not read a certain work they display their own lack of education; reading is not a way of life for them. A better, more respectful way to argue is to say: "Remember what Arendt said about . . . "? Or "What do you think about Arendt's such and such idea on this topic?" Try not to expose your lack of education when communicating. If you google my name, you can see how many books I have read.
I never blame people--either as individuals or as a group--only the structures of the state and its ideologies that are responsible for their crimes. I also blame Poverty. And Patriarchy.
Thank you for your nice comment about my mental health, sis. So sorry you and I are in the same Tribe. Differentiating between real antisemitism and racist anti-Jew hatred from the expressed anti-Zionism and educating people about our history, even if one page at a time, is as important as joining our Palestinian sisters in their protests. In the end, these things count.
Thank you Scott for your service
Love ❤️ to russia 🇷🇺 and gaza
Great article. Fighting to the end.
Thank you Scott for this moving article/eulogy about an honorable and brave man who died fighting for his children and his children’s children to live in a free Palestine. This didn’t start on October 7, 2023 like the West wants all of us to believe. I was moved to tears and hope I live to see a Free Palestine.😢☮️🇵🇸