Nov 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Norman

Scott, thank you for writing this. I am an attorney and actually am one of those rare attorneys who has represented people pro bono. My prior experience includes representing convicted death row inmates in post-conviction proceedings, and I have seen egregious cases of police and prosecutorial misconduct as well as ineffective assistance of counsel. My first case, which my former law firm took on pro bono, was on behalf of Dalton Prejean, a Louisiana death row inmate whose lawyer was drunk and fell asleep during his criminal trial. Dalton - who was African American, age 17 at the time of his offense, mentally retarded and brain damaged, and tried, convicted and sentenced to death by an all-white jury - was executed in 1990. That was my first experience with the American justice system.

I didn't know a lot about your case, but I knew enough to believe that you were railroaded and unjustly convicted because you had the courage to tell the truth about the lack of WMDs in Iraq and about other lies the government was trying to sell us. Whenever I post any of your work on twitter, I invariably see comments from nitwits who will not respond to your points on the merits, but instead slander you as a "convicted pedophile." They sometimes cite a newspaper article, and I have pointed out that it is clear from the very article they are citing that you are not a pedophile, that the undercover cop was an adult, in an adult chat room, and that you never touched or interacted with a child. Many people support you and know the truth. But this article should put to rest these slanders, for anyone with eyes to see and an understanding of how the powers-that-be will destroy those who seek to challenge them or tell the truth. I am glad that you didn't disappear from society, that you stood strong and are still fighting to clear your name, and that you have had the support of your wife and family. That in itself says a lot. We need your voice so desperately right now! Thank you for your wisdom, experience and insights in this time of non-stop B.S. and propaganda. P.S. I just bought your book and am looking forward to reading it.

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There is no TRUE justice in America anymore. It's broken. It's heartbreaking.

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Thanks for this. I remembered you from the Iraq era, but only became reacquainted with your work and voice since Ukraine. Occasionally, in the comments section at YT, someone would mention this conviction. My first response was to ask for records. But later, I did think, maybe it was so....as in, "You know they would trump up crimes and fake evidence, and convict an innocent who is on the 'wrong side' of the deep state narrative and whose voice is effective." So, I had decided to ignore the random accusation presented in a single sentence, as if that said it all. It didn't. It asserted. I knew that a conviction is not proof of wrongdoing. And so....on with what I find here in you, from you, now.

Nevertheless, it is good to read what I internally knew is the truth.

I trusted my own intuitive sense regarding your integrity. And you just verified my wisdom. Grazie.

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Mr. Ritter, You are a giant- a great, great man- with unshakeable integrity, character and spirit, and commitment to truth. What you have already done in your life and the power of good it has meant for those around you and our world is incalculable. God bless you and god bless your wonderful family and your friends who have stuck by you.

As for the justice system- corrupt prosecutors, judges, prisons, etc.- it is all broken, something too many of us have experienced in some way or other. When I read this, I think of Julian Assange, and others like John Kirakou, Jeffrey Sterling, .....and Abraham Bolden, the Secret Service Agent who uncovered and disclosed the Chicago assassination plot against JFK and, later after Dallas, was set up by the Service on a bogus charge,... and of so, so many others... but the injustice of your case has been unconscionable to the extreme. So much for 'democracy' and the 'rule of law'.

Yet, you have prevailed, and I can only believe that much, much better things will come your way.

Looking forward to your book signing in January in NYC and a great meal at the Samovar!

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Thank you for sharing your story, Scott. The truth will prevail - it always does, sooner or later. I must say that I am in awe of your strength and positive attitude. Having gone through the many horrors of injustice, not only did you stay true to yourself, but you were able to preserve the "thirst for life" so to speak. They could not break you. You have already won.

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You are a great man

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›Someone‹ wants to destroy you, Mr. Ritter. For some twenty years now, this ›someone‹ made your life (and that of your family) hell (along the lines that I learned from the book »The Smear« by Sharyl Attkisson). I admire the clarity and logical sequence of your arguments when writing and talking (follow you since Feb this year), I even somewhat comprehend the ›legal‹ case you describe (I am German). If I were a Christian, I would »pray to God« that you have the power to »keep on running«, as I am not, I assure you my sympathy (and will buy your latest book now). Jorg R, Germany.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again ... there is integrity in every pore of Scott Ritter. He lives it, breathes it, walks it, speaks it, shares it, and loves it. I hope you get to clear your name Scott, it seems you have already done so with those who have come to know you, keep speaking the truth, and it will prevail, as you should too, and richly deserve.

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I think we all know the system! The court is not blind , the law is not blind, they twist the law and evidences as they pleased. And how can you destroy a great man? Yes, with sec with minor accusations. Screw them. If he had something what can concern anyone! This will be only Scott wife! If she believes in him! We all believe. Stay strong and thank you Scott.

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Stay strong! Keep fighting! Head up. 💪

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Before the Iraq war I heard Mr. Ritter speak in person at the Cinema Arts theater on Long Island. The topic of discussion was Iraq whom Mr Ritter, a former  UN  weapons inspector in that country, claimed Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and  presented his case very well. As a result I became very active in the anti-war movement, but unfortunately to little avail. I also learned about the neocon agenda which went back to the late 1990's and their agenda for our many middle eastern wars, with primary signatories like Jeb Bush and Dick Cheney. It is the same agenda pushing this war in Ukraine and the US need for world domination. On line you tube provides a clip of Westley Clark being told that before we even went into Afghanistan we were going to target 7 countries, and Iraq was second on their agenda. We all know how they pushed the lie that the Russians put Trump in office, and of course we know of Hilary's role, but no consequences for the long drawn out lie of Russia-gate. Many jumped on the Russia-gate bandwagon saying Trump was illegitimate, not an elected president , since the Russians put him in office, a man who was also filled to the brim with sexual perversions. Such a lie gave people like Robert De Niro, and many others the thumps up to call for violence against him. No one that I know has suffered any consequences for pushing the lie of Russia-gate. I do know that Joseph Wilson an American diplomat who went to Niger to see if Saddam was trying to purchase yellowcake uranium, and came up with nothing, since it was a lie. For his honesty and his efforts his wife, a CIA agent, was outed by Bush/Cheney. Yes black/site Cheney  who was paraded around the January 6 committee by his adoring daughter attacking Trump's actions,  and announced he was deeply concerned and disappointed that we didn't have better leadership in the republican party to restore the constitution. Good grief. 

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

I am certainly not advocating sex with minors, especially children!!!!!!!! I do believe in Ritter's innocence. What came into my head after reading this article then responding was that we can go to war, wars based on lies, use drones as many presidents have, kill babies, kill children, rip the limbs from their bodies, leave scars, mental and physical, or kill their whole families, yet no punishment at all.

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Couldn’t quite follow a lot of the legal stuff, but it is blatantly obvious “Scott Ritter was screwed” I feel ashamed that I listened and believed Jacob Driezien (I had never heard of Scott’s “sex crime” until Dreizen broadcast it far and wide.) My philosophy has been for some time to NOT believe anything that is ”official” but indeed ask “cui bono” … unfortunately was dazzled by the brash and self centred Dreizen and believed him … he has much to answer for and I will be unsubscribing to his now garbled Dreizen reports. It is very obvious that Scott Ritter had to be silenced with the usual methods ….. sex crimes, financial ruin, a corrupt and tainted American justice system. Thank God Scott had the strength, family support and the moral character to stand firm. I am an Australian grandma who can’t offer much than the lowest monthly subscription (I hope that can change) and order his book soon. Well done Scott … I admired and followed you during the Iraq war and again love and respect your work. May God truly bless you and your family.

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Yeah, i thought Driezen was just a conservative yank, but i watched about 3 of his 'reports' and became convinced he's basically just a crank.

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Please narrate the book yourself! Tell your publisher to contact nls@loc.gov so the blind and print disabled can read it, too!

Almost all books are narrated these days...you can be a 'celebrity narrator'!

Narrators make all the difference!

If you do this, I'll spread the word. Promise!

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Yes I agree and this would be a wonderful addition to Audible!

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Yes, and also Hoopla, Libby and Overdrive---free if you wait for it to be d/l at your public library.

Let's create a momentum! Best seller!

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Scott has a good speaking voice.

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An absolutely fabulous read! Thank you, Scott, for being so open about things that would be devastating and traumatizing to most! Plus, I learned a new word that's unlikely to come up in SAT tests, lol!

Still, I'm left curious... There had to be *something* for the prosecution to latch on to. On the other hand, noting I was accused of being a sexist scumbag (two words I never knew before that day) on my first day in college way back in 1994 for holding the food court door for a girl right behind me (thanks, grandma, for the chivalry lessons:), I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't anything more than adding a automatic like to a random cute chick pic.

Anyway.. thanks for sharing, for persevering, and for being one of the few go-to sources of critical thinking these days. Please hang in there and keep it up!!!

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Scarcity lack inadequate supply

Great word

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Stay put Inspector, please.. we got your back!

“Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up,

but a comedy in long-shot.”, Charles Chaplin||

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Hi Scott. Not everyone bought it. I remember seeing you on CNN several times in weeks leading up to the invasion of Iraq. You were the one authoritative voice expressing a strong and reasoned opposition to the invasion of Iraq at a critical time. I was struck by your ability to analyze details to prove your points as you were always debating someone who was supposed to be more knowledgeable. I remember your answer to one of them, "Because, believe it or not -- weapons inspections actually work."

Then overnight, you were no longer on CNN. Being familiar with the FBI/Jean Seaberg thing and others, when information came out about a leaked sealed court record, it was obvious what was going on and I never had an interest in the details of the charges. I followed a link to this page because a peace active group withdrawing an invitation for you to speak, based on this character assassination attempt, surprised me.

It should be clear by now if the country had listened to you instead of the media we could have saved many American lives, over a million Iraqi and other lives, a few trillion dollars, yet more generations of people who hate Americans and the continuing expense and tragedy of many Americans who are crippled and lead more tenuous lives because of that war.

I would buy your book, "Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union" but I already did.

I remember Gorbachev stopping his motorcade -- unannounced to get out and shake hands with random people in downtown DC and his body guards going crazy. Pretty cool stuff. Too bad we squandered the opportunity to build a more safe and secure world.

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I just listened to Scott's explanation of the Marine's Birthday Celebration....it made me cry. SO TIRED of sending young men into the "Meat Grinder" - not to DEFEND our country, but to enrich those who deserve nothing but disdain. Thank you, Scott.

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Well said

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Cancel Culture --- https://substack.com/inbox/post/83954106

After publicly promoting the event, and changing the venue due to "high demand," peace activists withdraw their invitation to Scott Ritter -- 11/11/2022

(Note – the article includes more – it is about Scott’s incredible persecution by “American Justice”)

Scott Ritter has been my hero for a long time -- because of his demonstrated high integrity, courage and patriotism. Until now I was unaware of the suffering and horror inflicted on him by the “American Justice”.

Thanks to Scott and by now famous video we know that the corrupt criminal monster, Joe Biden, knew with 100% certainty that Iraq had no WMD but Biden brazenly denigrated Scott’s testimony calling him “Scotty boy” and led us into Iraq war.

Let’s hope that he stays well and safe although Scott is on Nazi-Ukraine’s Kill list (with full knowledge of Biden and the US War party). Total censorship and oppression are now mandatory in the US so that bipartisan War party can conduct its proxy war against capitalist and democratic Russia and support the Nazi-dominated puppet government of Ukraine.

Let’s stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us. In regard of US proxy war against Russia, as Scott stated: “Russia is on the right side of history.”

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