There is a one in 14 million chance we can save ourselves—if Ironman and Dr. Strange can be believed. It all comes down to who we vote for today.
America is screwed
We have two choices—Donald Trump and Kamala Harris—who aren’t qualified to be dog catcher, let alone President of the United States.
Neither could run for Mayor in a small town and win, because neither is competent enough to articulate in an informed fashion about issues that matter.
It’s come down to praying for a miraculous outcome.
It reminds me of the scene in Avengers: Infinity War, where Dr. Strange evaluates 14 million possibilities to defeat Thanos, and can only come up with one possibility.
Anytime a nation allows itself to be put in a scenario where it has a one-in-14 million shot at survival, there is a problem.
America, we have a problem.
A vote for Jill Stein opens the slim possibility that the Green Party can break through the 5% threshold that would open up federal funding in the next election, creating the much needed possibility of a viable third party candidacy.
But she is not going to be President under any scenario.
That leaves us with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
When I run the numbers on Kamala Harris, the outcome is always dire—the real possibility that America will be in a nuclear conflict sometime during her first year in office.
She has no strategy for ending the conflict in Ukraine beyond continuing the current policy.
She has called Iran the greatest adversary to America today.
She will get America boxed into a corner where the only exit strategy involves the use of nuclear weapons.
Trump is not better.
And yet…
He has articulated about the danger of nuclear war.
Harris has not.
He has talked about ending the Ukraine war.
Harris has not.
He has opined on the possibility of lifting sanctions against Iran.
Harris has not.
Like Dr. Strange, I have run the numbers on a Trump presidency.
It doesn’t look good.
The odds are 14 million to one that Trump keeps us out of a nuclear war.
But as Avengers: Endgame showed us, sometimes, if you fight hard enough, the odds will end in your favor.

Wanna save America, get rid of people with the names Greenblatt, Garland, Blinken and Fink
In my daughter's Irish class, yes, I'm from Ireland, her teacher got them to vote in a secret ballot for tweedle dumb or tweedle thump. Thump won and her teacher nearly had a fit. All the normies here want Thump, at least he doesn't pretend a man can get pregnant. That really says it all about the great US of A.