“ The Midas Touch” - Best analogy ever for American foreign policy!

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100% correct.

How many nations has the USA ruined in their greed?

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Absolute spot on analogy Scott! Each and every step the US takes is based on blind hegemonic, imperialistic, supremacist greed leaving a long historical trail of not only tears, but naked, wretched death. Death is US. The US train now undeniably a soul-less black, lurching behemoth, a downhill-runaway barrelling brakeless, arrow straight...the eternal death abyss its only future.

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In that sense ,I am glad that Israel has been touched by the Midas touch.

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Yes, a good analogy, Scott and regardless anyone's evaluation of its appropriateness, an excellent summation of the American Empire and it's exceptional pursuit of "democracy". Perhaps tactless things to say to a patriotic American but of course you understand, just as I understand that very few thinking Americans (ignoring the rump mindless and gormless masses all over the Western World who simply accept what CNN and the BBC tell them) subscribe to the project of American hegemony. The fundamental problem is that true democracy is nowhere to be found anywhere in the Western World and that reality is coming unravelled as we speak. As an Australian who witnessed democracy destroyed in his country (with the aid of treasonous Australians like Rupert Murdoch) in 1975 and the complete subjugation to the US Empire, I remain an angry young man and no friend of America.

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Allen, you still have a King Charles, you are a subject. Then you feel qualified to comment. You are of the bunch that turned in their guns.

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Say it loud brother!!

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The great question of our time is how can an American claim to love, and continue to support a country whose Capitalist owners have trashed and defiled anything that was ever admirable and good in their country. And what benefit is there in doing so? Should we cling on to an image of this vicious, sick tyranny of shallow, ugly, inferior "leaders"? How is that not a betrayal of self and ones principles and integrity?

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Find or form a Jural Assembly on your state or territory.

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Brilliant piece. Thank you as always. Speaking truth to insane psychopaths takes courage, especially when they don't listen. You have been doing it for many years. Current DC power brokers are truly insane.

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A great piece on the lack of American public morality in terms of the conduct of the nation's imperial affairs. We will be remembered for our quite intentional evil empire seeking legacy and the many lies that have hidden the actual demonic conduct of the American empire, most importantly from its own people. Michael K.

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It is no coincidence that endless war started with the founding of the central banks.


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The poem of disaster, a poisoned headstone raised on a plinth of congealed blood from around the world and still streaming forth on a battlefield of dishonour where only the echoes of death rattles converge, failing to convince that this system has the answer for nothing of any value.

This is the legacy of the West, and how proud they are.

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ScKamala Harris.



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Rules based order; rules for thee not for me. Excellent, thank you Scott.

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Scott Ritter would have to be one of the best contemporary writers on geopolitical issues.

I don’t read many of them, but I struggle to imagine any consistently better.

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BRICS now has the gold,

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Let's hope they learn from history.

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100 percent agree. I would say that US forgn policy is the most destructive thing produced by any nation or state.

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